solved   Gout   American   College of

  American   College of Rheumatology Guidelines for Management of Gout (2020) Arthritis   Care and Research Volume 72 No 6 June 2020 pp. 744-760 DOI 10.1002/acr.24180
the powerpoint presentation should be done about the gout and using the article above only, the focus of the powerpoint is to create a Clinical practice guideline, you need to use the example of one of clinical rotation patient: RS is a 54years old male, hispanic, came to the clinic complaining of severe pain in the joints, swelling and pain in the big toe for the last week. patients has a history of gout and this is a flare up of the disease for him. please follow apa format and hit every point required , thanks 
Clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) are written to provide recommendations that are intended to assist providers in making decisions for specific circumstances or disease conditions.  CPGs are based on systematic reviews of the best available evidenced based medicine research.   Interpreting and learning to apply guidelines into practice is necessary to develop and enhance diagnostic reasoning skills.   
Activity Learning Outcomes 
Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to: 
Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to: 

Read and interpret a primary care related CPG for use in practice. (CO 3) 
Identify the CPG recommendations and strength of evidence. (CO 3) 
Compare and contrast the diagnosis and treatment of a patient seen in the clinical setting to the recommendations given in the CPG. (CO 3) 

Total Points Possible:  100 

Students will RANDOMLY be assigned a CPG on a disease topic by their instructor in  Week 1. 
In Week 7, students will provide a brief, narrated PowerPoint presentation using Kaltura while following the directions and rubric listed below. 
Students will share a copy of their given CPG by attaching it to the discussion board where their presentation (or link) is posted. This will allow the instructor and peer to review along with your presentation. 
The narrated PowerPoint presentation, copy of the CPG, and transcript are due before Wednesday 11:59pm MT of Week 7. 
If any of the required items are missing or are submitted after the deadline, late penalties will be applied according to the Late Assignment Policy as discussed in the Syllabus. 

Preparing the presentation: 
The presentation should be developed using the following guidelines: 

All presentations must be in PowerPoint format and narrated using Kaltura.  
Slides should be professional in appearance and easy to read. 
The presentation should be no more than 15min.  
The presentation should be shared with the class for viewing by posting a link in the Week 7 discussion board BEFORE Wednesday 11:59pm MT. 
Attach the CPG article to the Week 7 discussion board by using the paperclip icon. 
Submit a written transcript of your presentation (see definition above) to the Week 7 assignment box, before Wednesday 11:59 p.m. MT. 
Correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling should be observed in all slides. 
A reference slide should be included as the final slide and APA format should be observed.   

solved This project focuses on applied research (also known as workplace

This project focuses on applied research (also known as workplace or practical research). This is not an academic research project. Applied research draws from practical sources that can be understood and applied in workplace situations. For example, if you were trying to assess a workplace issue (working remotely, use of technology, communication, etc.), you would need to find sources that analyzed those topics in relation to workplaces and/or businesses not academia. In this way, applied research is used to connect your ideas to what’s happening in the world. Many of your future careers will ask you to perform applied research and to solve workplace issues. This project exposes you to ways to conduct online research for practical problems. 
part 1
First, read the following pieces:

Then, compose a short reading response that discusses the readings. Be sure to reference at least one idea from each article.  

Some questions to consider:
What did you learn about applied research? 
How does applied research differ from academic research? 

What do you find interesting about applied research?

How does applied research differ from research you’ve done in college so far? 
In what ways will you alter your approach to research from how you’ve done it in the past? 
part 2
Discussion Post

As you begin to look for research that you can use to solve the problem in your research summary for Project 3, it’s important you understand the difference between primary and secondary research. First read this article: (Links to an external site.). 

Compose a discussion post that includes each of the following:
Links or screenshots of three examples of primary research. 
Look for parts of the article or report where the author/researcher explains their methods, data collection, etc. 

Short descriptions for each example that states how you knew it was primary research.
Links or screenshots of three examples of secondary research. 
Secondary research means that the author did not conduct the research themselves, so likely they will reference where they are pulling their data or information from.
Short descriptions for each example that states how you knew it was secondary research.
part 3

You need to choose three different types of research from the list below:
Newspapers (local, university, national)
Reports or websites from government agencies, universities, and/or NGOs
Scholarly research (reports or websites on a topic rather than academic articles)
Facts and statistics compiled by government agencies and/or NGOs or USF
Interviews with experts and/or impacted individuals
Surveys (social media makes doing surveys easy)
Once you select three pieces of research that can help you solve your problem, you need to summarize one piece. 
Your summaries should contain: 
What is the purpose of the article or source?

Identify three pieces of evidence (quotes, statistics, percentages, etc.) that explain, relate to, or support your problem

Provide an overview of how you can use the research to explain or solve the problem

Explain how you know the research is trustworthy or reputable

solved READ AUSTERLITZ BY W.G SEBALD Study your assigned reading selection

READ AUSTERLITZ BY W.G SEBALD Study your assigned reading selection carefully. Be prepared to answer any questions (including the relevant study questions on Courses) or to evaluate comments by others in the class. Before class begins, please post a blog (Blogs tab on Courses) entry of 250 words or so commenting on your assigned selection (in a general and/or specific way). As relevant, consider the following for our discussion of your assigned selection:1. Summarize the important action of the selection; identify the setting and main characters.2. Explain the title of your selection, or if your selection includes an untitled chapter (or chapter), what title(s) would you provide?3. What does the selection reveal, of special importance, about a particular character (or characters)? 4. What are the important themes, issues, and / or concerns in the selection? What aspect or aspects of the Holocaust does the selection explore or illuminate?5. Does the selection emphasize a particular point (psychological, social, philosophical, moral, religious, etc.)? 6. What two or three passages in the selection are especially important or interesting?Why?7. Identify and explain notable instances of literary technique—including imagery, metaphor, symbolism, irony, humor, etc. 8. Identify and explain relevant parallels to or striking differences from other works or other sections of the same work (in action, idea, theme, imagery, and/or symbolism).”Expert Project” writing assignment suggestions:Write a 3-5 paper on your assigned selection, due within one week of your in-class report. You may develop one central topic or thesis; or you may write 2-3 shorter responses (perhaps 1-2 pages each), each on a different question or topic. Here are some possibilities:1. If your selection includes an untitled chapter, what title would you provide for the chapter?Explain why this title is appropriate.2. What does the selection reveal, of special importance, about a particular character?What do we learn about the character that we did not know before?What does the selection reveal the character’s personality, values, illusions, motives, etc.?Should we admire or condemn the character?3. What would you identify as the most important issue, theme, moral question, or philosophical point in the selection?How is it presented or developed?Is there resolution, a definitive conclusion? 4. Does the selection provide a particular perspective on the Holocaust?How does it represent and/or critique that horrific event? 5. What two or three passages in the selection are especially important or interesting?In a poem, what particular lines are especially striking or important?Why?6.Provide an analysis of a passage in the selection that you find particularly important and interesting.Why is it important?What techniques or qualities make the passage effective or striking (such language, imagery and metaphor, dramatic intensity, irony, etc.).7.Identify and explain relevant parallels to, or striking differences from, another section or scene in the same work (in action, idea, theme, imagery, and/or symbolism).8.Respond to a point or question raised in class discussion (either by Novak or a fellow student).

solved Ethnographic Essay #2: Anthropological Narrative on Outsider vs. Insider StatusGoal:

Ethnographic Essay #2: Anthropological Narrative on Outsider vs. Insider StatusGoal: Draw on personal experience to write a compelling narrative that effectively communicates your argument. Audience: Whoever needs to read your story. For example, you may envision a more formal analysis geared towards an audience of anthropologists, or something more informal that could be published as a blog. Your goal is effective communication: choose the most appropriate authorial voice. Description: Outsider and insider are relational terms, and our status can shift depending on context. Fieldwork is often an experience of outsider status for the anthropologist. In this exercise, you are tasked with going someplace where you are an outsider to try (respectfully and safely, adhering to all Covid-19 guidelines) to participate in some activity. Some possibilities might include attending an ethnic festival, going to a meeting of an ethnic or racial student group, attending a religious ceremony of a different religion, or having a drink at a gay club or a biker bar. Refer to Brown pp 37-59, “Navigating Field-Based Assignments” as a guide to preparing for and taking notes during and after your experience. Important note: Many of us experience outsider status on a daily basis. The goal of this essay is to gain some analytical distance on the experience of being positioned as an outsider (in other words, defamiliarization of our own position in a group, rather than defamiliarization of an object like Coke). It is, therefore, helpful to explore a new and different situation. There are always new settings in which we can find ourselves positioned as an outsider. However, if you really wish to draw on a previous experience, or if pandemic conditions preclude safely entering spaces with new people, you may a) focus on a specific past event and b) reflect on how your perspective at the time was different from the anthropological perspective that you now bring to your analysis of the experience. If you have a topic in mind and are unsure that it meets the essay requirements, please consult with your TA before writing the draft.Draft: After you complete your fieldwork, draft a 5 page reflexive paper (see Brown pp. 59-61) using an essay format (see Brown pp 62-63). Although the genre of this essay calls for the use of ‘I’ and a personal recounting of experience, you should still have a thesis and use the anthropological perspective to offer analysis and interpretation of your experience. Be sure to provide your reader with context: you may need to explain in what way you were an outsider, what defined being an “insider”, and, if relevant, how you felt the boundary between insiders/outsiders was established. You may organize your paper as a story with a chronological narrative arc (beginning, middle, end) or you may organize events thematically with sections dedicated to analyzing important elements. In either case, consider how you would answer the question: what is the point of my story? Keesing’s essay “Not a Real Fish” may serve as a useful model. It is not required to use scholarly sources for this paper; if you choose to do so, make sure they are properly cited.

solved “The criminl justice system, like any system designed by human

“The criminl justice system, like any system designed by human beings, clearly has its flaws.”~Ben WhishawCriminal justice issues are influenced by public opinion, special interest groups, political whims of elected officials, and the resources dedicated to solving them. The policy process is extensive and in order for policymakers to get a better picture of what the problem is, research needs to be considered in order to determine if the current policy can address the problem or another one needs to be developed. For those responsible for creating policy, it’s important to understand how laws work and how politics, media, and public opinion influence the policymaking process. One must also understand how crime works and how those in office can address the crime problem. This article (Links to an external site.) discusses the policy process in detail, including formulation, evaluation, implementation, public policy analysis, and what influences criminal justice policies.For your final assignment, you will be drafting a proposal for criminal justice reform related to the issue of wrongful convictions (Links to an external site.)” You will need to prepare a voice-over Powerpoint presentation that you will be hypothetically presenting to the City Council. In this proposal, you will discuss how the criminal justice system should address wrongful convictions. You can focus on a particular component of the system (i.e., the police, courts, or corrections) but you also need to include how the other components will be affected.During the first week of the module, you will prepare a draft of your voice-over Powerpoint presentation that you will submit on Friday for feedback and approval. During the second week of the module, you will refine and revise (if necessary) your voice-over Powerpoint or video proposal for final submission on the last day of the course.Those who work within the criminal justice system are expected to write professionally. The book, Professional Writing for the Criminal Justice System, addresses the importance of writing for different roles and purposes. For this assignment, please read Part III (Chapters 10 & 11). As you prepare your proposal, consider the following:Explain the problem of wrongful conviction. Provide a brief history of the problem as well as the status of the problem today.Present some of the research (i.e., criminological theory) used to explain wrongful convictions.Discuss previous policies that have been created to address wrongful convictions.Discuss the ethical dilemmas associated with wrongful convictions.Present your proposal and be sure to discuss how all segments of the system (i.e., police, courts, and corrections) will be affected.Consider current events (e.g., mistakes by labs leading to overturn of convictions, limited budgets) and include examples, if you feel it strengthens your proposal. Discuss how these events impact your proposal. Requirements:Present your proposal in a voice-over PowerPoint presentationInclude APA style citations and references in the voice-over PowerPoint presentation.References can be included in the “Notes” field. ·The PowerPoint should be approximately 5-7 minutes in length.

solved Your cases may have more than one issue that you

Your cases may have more than one issue that you need to IRAC. Please prepare a separate IRAC per issue. This text teaches through cases, so by preparing IRAC briefs, you are essentially outlining the material and engaging in active learning. 
Please choose two of the questions following each case to answer in paragraph format. Answer the questions fully and thoroughly. 
Submit in one document. Each case IRAC is worth 2 points, each problem is worth 1 point. 
1. Case IRAC 1 brief followed by answers to two chapter problems
2. Case IRAC 2 brief followed by answers to two chapter problems
Turnitin will automatically check your work for originality. You may copy the rule of law verbatim. All other work (issue statement, analysis, conclusion) must be your own.) Homework with an originality score over 50% will not receive credit. 
You have all learned to IRAC from various professors using various styles. All styles are acceptable to me so long as you articulate a clear understanding of what the case is about and why it’s important.
The last page of the syllabus provides IRAC instructions.
A great issue statement follows this formula:
Issue = (party names) + (name of the rule of law from the “Rule” section”) + (a key fact or short factual statement)
Here is an example: Osborne v. Power (Links to an external site.)
Facts and Procedural History: Osborne created a Christmas light display that included over 1,600,000 lights and structures depicting Mickey Mouse driving a train, reindeer, sleighs, and a carousel. Thousands of people came to visit the attraction. Neighbors, plaintiffs, complained about left over trash, traffic hazards, visitors parking on their front lawns, excessive noise and light, and inhibited access to their properties.
Issue: Can the homeowners recover from Osborne for the nuisance and trespass to their properties caused by the Christmas light display?
Rules: Trespass is the 1) intentional 2) interference with a property owner’s 3) reasonable enjoyment of their land.
Nuisance is the 1) unreasonable 2) interference with 3) a landowner’s use and enjoyment of their property.
The homeowners, plaintiffs, claim Osborne owes damages for the disturbances caused as a result of his light display. Visitors to the neighborhood entered upon the property owned by the plaintiffs where they discarded trash. These visitors willfully interfered with the homeowners’ enjoyment and ease of use of their property. Osborne’s display included over 1.5 million lights. It is reasonable that over 1.5 million lights would create a disturbance to neighboring property owners. The landowners were not able to enjoy their property as it was disturbed by the uninvited visitors.
Osborne claims he does not owe damages to the homeowners. He constructed the light display on his property. He argues he is allowed to do as he pleases with the structures on his property. He claims he is not responsible for the visitors’ actions.
Conclusion: The court rules in favor of the plaintiffs. The light display created a nuisance in the neighborhood in addition to providing ease for the trespass of visitors on the properties.

solved OverviewBusinesses are always striving to improve their business processes so

OverviewBusinesses are always striving to improve their business processes so that they might develop a competitive advantage over the other enterprises in the industry. One highly competitive marketplace is that of the commercial airline industry.Commercial airlines, small and large, domestic and global, have all embraced implementing the modern information systems technologies that are driving the on-demand economy. Case Study AssignmentDownload and utilize the APA Style Template (DOCX) download and review the Case Study Requirements section.Select an airline such as American, Delta, Southwest, Emirate, etc., and compose a scholarly case study paper that provides details on one of the information systems that has been implemented by the company in the area of human resources, sales and marketing, customer service, reservations, maintenance, or operations. Be sure to select an information system that has resulted in the airline gaining a competitive advantage over its competitors. Touch on how the utilization of the information system has assisted the airline’s management or employees in making better decisions, improving the business processes, operating more efficiently, or attracting or retaining customers.Your document submission is due by the posted due date. Your instructor will use the 1.4 Case Study Rubric for evaluating and grading your submission.Save your assignment using a naming convention that includes your first and last name and the activity number (or description). Do not add punctuation or special characters.TurnitinYour paper will automatically be evaluated through Turnitin when you submit your assignment in this activity. Turnitin is a service that checks your work for improper citation or potential plagiarism by comparing it against a database of web pages, student papers, and articles from academic books and publications. Ensure that your work is entirely your own and that you have not plagiarized any material!Note: Throughout this course, “PLG1” or “PLG2” in the activity name indicates a Turnitin assignment.Follow the guidelines in the Case Study Requirements section.Purpose of Case Study AssignmentsCase Study assignments require you to analyze real-world information systems topics and provide examples that illustrate how prominent businesses and organizations implement the theoretical concepts you are studying. Case Study assignments provide a broader, integrated, critical thinking process that helps you to expand on and clarify your understanding of the information systems topics.ResearchBe sure to conduct in-depth research on the topics and provide factual details obtained from primary sources that support the case that you are making. It is strongly recommended that you conduct research utilizing the ERAU Hunt Library. (Links to an external site.) The Hunt Library contains a great amount of information on aviation and other topics. A benefit of utilizing the Hunt Library is the availability of the APA style citation/reference tool that is provided when conducting research utilizing the EAGLEsearch (Links to an external site.) feature. This tool can automatically provide the proper APA style formats for citations and references.

solved I need a tutor to help me write the requirements

I need a tutor to help me write the requirements below about this topic : Database models 
MBA Final Research Paper Guidelines/Breakdown • Title page – 1%
A professional title page should be in line with Student APA v. 7.0 title Page specifications that includes:
o Title of paper
? Identify the main topics/concepts and relationship between concepts ? Theoretical issues under investigations
? Identify the case studied
o Name of each author
o Affiliation of each author
o Course name and number
o Instructor name
o Assignment due date
o page number
o Student APA v. 7.0 title Page

Table of Content – 1%
Abstract (150 – 200 words) – 4%Professional qualitative research abstract:

o Summarizes the significance of the study using the following requirement: ? Objectives
? Research findings
o Identify three to five keywords
o This should be written at the last stage of the paper compilation and should
provide the reader a gist of the paper.
? Limited to no more than 200 words including keywords ? Specific, clear, coherent, readable and concise

Keywords – 1%
o Describe the most important aspects of your paper o Limited to three to five
Introduction (500 – 700 words) – 10% Description of research problem/question

o Frame the problem or question and its context
o Identify key issues and framework in the relevant literature to clarify barriers or
practical needs.
o The introduction may include case examples, personal narratives, vignettes or
other illustrative material Study Objective/Aims/Research

?  State the purpose/goals/aims of the study
?  Contribution of the researcher in the field of study should be provided inthe introduction

? Should provide the structure of rest of paper

Literature Review/Bibliography (300 – 500 words) – 5%Description of the way literature has paved the way for this particular research and in what order of significance. This section would be a justification of the foundational background of the research.
Method (500 – 1000 words) – 33% Research Design Overview – 13%

o Summarize the research design, including data collection strategies, data analytic strategies and if required, approaches to inquiry.
o Provide the rationale for design selected.
o Method section can be written in narrative or chronological format.
Data (sources) Collection (10%)
o State the form in which data (or sources) were collected o Describe the data collection process
Analysis- 10%
o Describe the methods and procedures used and their purpose/goal o Explain in detail the process of analysis with the rationale
o Describe the process of arriving at an analytical scheme
o Indicate software if used
Findings/Results (1,000 – 1,500 words)— 12%
o Present research findings compatible with the study design
o Present synthesizing illustrations in organizing and conveying findings.
Discussions (500 – 750 words) – 8%
o Describe the central contribution and their significance
o Identify similarities and differences from prior theories and research findings o Identify study’s strength and limitations
o Describe the limit of the scope of transferability
o Revisit any ethical dilemmas or challenges
o Consider the implication for future research, policy or Practice

solved Plz answer below questions, and also plz reply to four

Plz answer below questions, and also plz reply to four different students posts. This is just weekly discussion, so the reply to the students doesn’t have to be long. 2-3 sentences are fine!Consider the following questions: How does perception affect the way we react to potentially uncomfortable situations?What role does punctuation play in maintaining or destroying relationships?Student#11. Perception may affect the way we react to uncomfortable situations because it is possible that it is our perception that is making the situation uncomfortable. Let’s say for example if we are perceiving that someone is trying to flirt with us or come onto us, we may feel uncomfortable when really they may just be trying to be nice. It’s important to keep an open mind and try not to let our perceptions get the best of us. 2. Punctuation is can both maintain and destroy a relationship. It’s all about how you communicate the things that bother you. Are you going to talk about it with your partner, or blame your partner? Are you going to solve the problem, or fight while keeping the problem unresolved? Student#2 The way each of us reacts to an uncomfortable situation can depend on how each of us perceives it. I always say to be open to everyone, because we all grew up or were affected in different ways that include no hatred. Voicing on something that you don’t understand or accidental may shift the perception others would have of yourself.Punctuation can play a role in maintaining a relationship or destroying a relationship. It can be maintained by seeing the shift in results in a way of good understanding or reasoning. Although, it may lead to blame or defense of the person standing in the argument. I feel most arguments It is understandable that no one wants to be wrong in an argument, but this is just damage.Student#31. Perception affects the way we react in uncomftorable situations because it makes situations harder to understand. For example if you think your significant other is focused on friends rather than you then the way you act around their friends will be based on the perception.2. Punctuation can play both roles based on the people. When people argue they blame it on the person they are fighting with and just makes it way harder to communicate because everyone is in a bad mood. Student#41.- Our perception can make things more difficult and turn it into uncomfortable situations, for example if we get into an argument with a friend maybe we both have different perceptions of the problem, maybe I believe that what I am thinking is correct but the my friend is thinking that she is right and I am wrong, this can be a big problem and make the argument bigger.2.-Punctuation is how we see an on-going argument and how we perceive who stared the argument. I believe that punctuation can maintain or break a relationship if your partner and you have good communication and know how to solve your problems accepting who started first and who is wrong, but for this you need to think neutrally without seek personal gain, but also punctuation can destroy a relationship if during the argument we blame our partner for starting the argument and do not accept if we are wrong.

solved Purpose: This assignment will enable you to discover a poet’s

Purpose: This assignment will enable you to discover a poet’s use of poetic devices. You will conduct a close reading of a poem and discuss the poet’s use of these devices in his or her structuring of the form and composing of the content. Applying a close reading and composing a literary analysis will prepare you for the many texts that you will read, summarize, and discuss in the workplace.Task:Choose one of the Poetry Selections from this Unit – you can certainly choose the same poem you started to analyze in your Discussion, but you don’t have to. Your analysis might, however, benefit from the feedback you received in the Discussion, as well as the posts and responses of your classmates.You will closely read your chosen poem, considering its structural elements, patterns of figurative language, and other literary elements. Read and reread the poem; by paying attention to the varied features of a poem, you will build an interpretation of the poem’s meaning. See the Interpretation vs. Analysis, How to Approach the Analysis of a Poem, The Four Modes of Approaching a Poem, and the Explication pages, as well as the Sample Poetry Analysis using Frost’s “The Road Not Taken” for assistance. Take notes and use your notes to create an outline of textual evidence that points to the same or a similar conclusion.Use this outline to develop your working thesis. You can then use the guidelines on the the Starting Your Poetry Analysis Essay page to write your introductory paragraph.Read/review this Purdue OWL link on Close Reading of Poetry and this overview of how to write about poetry to help you develop your remaining paragraphs.Draft your concluding paragraph, in which you will restate your thesis in a slightly different way (for example, possibly relating it to other elements of the poem, the author’s work, or other poems).Leave time to submit your draft to Free Tutoring at for review. Your tutor can help with thesis and content development, organization, grammar, and mechanics. Utilize this free service to write the best draft possible on this major assignment. Don’t forget that you can submit your draft to multiple timesduring the revision process.Submit your final paper in Turnitin, OR in the assignment dropbox, according to your instructor’s preference. Should you use Turnitin, make sure to take a screenshot of the confirmation screen once you upload your paper.Criteria on Which You Will be Graded:The specificity and development of your thesisYour supporting claims, logic, and organizationThe quality of your writing, to include paragraph development and organization: topic sentences, conclusions, transitions, etc. See Starting Your Poetry Analysis EssayYour engagement with the text (how you explain your examples, your choice of supporting quotations)Format: You are required to use MLA style for all writing assignments. Proper MLA citation and a correctly formatted Works Cited page (12-point font, Times New Roman, double spacing, Last name and page number on each page, etc.). Please refer to the Purdue Online Writing Lab for MLA formatting and style guide.Academic Honesty (all sources must be cited)Length Requirement: 750-1000 words