solved This competency will allow you to demonstrate your ability to

This competency will allow you to demonstrate your ability to evaluate the evolution of language within online and digital forums due to advances and changes in technology.
Student Success Criteria
View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.
You have recently started working for a local department store in the Operations Department. You have always had a passion for communication and technology, and at your new store, you quickly realize that their methods of communication and their technological resources are outdated. You have worked retail for many years and over time have realized that there are many gaps and differences in the way that people communicate and the forms of technology that they are comfortable with. This applies to both your customers and your colleagues.
Because you feel that this is an area of expertise for you, you approach your supervisor and begin a discussion about communication changes and gaps in communication in conjunction with the technological changes that have happened over the last several decades. You and your supervisor discuss the best ways for your store to understand various communication methods and the gaps that exist in communication among your consumers and colleagues.
You volunteer to put together a written summary of broad spectrum changes in technology and the resulting changes in communication methods and gaps in communication. Your supervisor loves this idea. He does ask, however, that the information be presented in the form of a pamphlet or written statement that can be both presented to staff and handed out by Human Resources as a training tool for employee relations.
You are encouraged to provide as many examples of changes to communication methods that you can come up with. Also consider many different gaps in communication such as generational differences, differences in socioeconomic status, the region the people live in, interest in technology, setting in which you are communicating in (personal versus professional), etc. After considering these issues, your supervisor would like you to present some ideas as to how your store can bridge communication gaps between colleagues and with your customers.
For this written summary, you are to reflect upon and address the following information:

Consider various methods of communication, types of technology that can assist in communication, and other factors involving technology that may impact or change communication.
Consider several factors that impact access to communication in society. Some possible are socioeconomic status, access to technological resources, generational differences, differences in intellect, etc.
How have online environments and technological growth impacted how society communicates on both personal and professional levels? Be sure to provide specific examples of both.
How do changes in methods of communication create communication gaps in our society?
What are some ways that society can bridge communication gaps that happen as a result of technological growth?

solved The practice of health care providers at all levels brings

The practice of health care providers at all levels brings you into contact with people from a variety of faiths. This calls for knowledge and understanding of a diversity of faith expressions; for the purpose of this course, the focus will be on the Christian worldview.Based on “Case Study: End of Life Decisions,” the Christian worldview, and the worldview questions presented in the required topic study materials you will complete an ethical analysis of George’s situation and his decision from the perspective of the Christian worldview.Provide a 1,500-2,000-word ethical analysis while answering the following questions:undefinedHow would George interpret his suffering in light of the Christian narrative, with an emphasis on the fallenness of the world?How would George interpret his suffering in light of the Christian narrative, with an emphasis on the hope of resurrection?As George contemplates life with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), how would the Christian worldview inform his view about the value of his life as a person?What sorts of values and considerations would the Christian worldview focus on in deliberating about whether or not George should opt for euthanasia?Given the above, what options would be morally justified in the Christian worldview for George and why?Based on your worldview, what decision would you make if you were in George’s situation?Remember to support your responses with the topic study materials.Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is required.________________________________________________________________________________________________ Topic: Reflection Paper The IOM published report, “Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health,” makes recommendations for lifelong learning and achieving higher levels of education.In 1,000-1,250 words, examine the importance of nursing education and discuss your overall educational goals.Include the following:Discuss your options in the job market based on your educational level.Review the IOM Future of Nursing Recommendations for achieving higher levels of education. Describe what professional certification and advanced degrees (MSN, DNP, etc.) you want to pursue and explain your reasons for wanting to attain the education. Discuss your timeline for accomplishing these goals.Discuss how increasing your level of education would affect how your competitiveness in the current job market and your role in the future of nursing.Discuss the relationship of continuing nursing education to competency, attitudes, knowledge, and the ANA Scope and Standards for Practice and Code of Ethics.Discuss whether continuing nursing education should be mandatory. Provide support for your response.You are required to cite to a minimum of three sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and relevant to nursing practice. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

solved Reflection on Budget PlanningFinances are a significant factor behind the

Reflection on Budget PlanningFinances are a significant factor behind the approval and success of a project. Project Managers must develop a solid budget plan to achieve the expected results. Providing a thorough cost estimate allows the project managers to manage the project costs efficiently. Tracking the project costs always helps to understand the project’s progress. Effective ways of cost estimating include determination of resource costs, analyzing vendor bids, cost of quality, and reserve budget analysis. (Watt, 2019). As mentioned above, the culmination of the costs helps in understanding the project costs and drafting a budget plan appropriately.The selection of projects also incorporates the financial aspects for the decision-making. Accurate estimates based on the scope and complexity of the project prove the project manager’s understanding of the project requirements and expectations. (Watt, 2019). The estimates tend to change with time as the estimated costs during the earlier stages of the project are adjustable. Different cost estimation techniques include Analogous Estimates, Parametric Estimates, Bottom-Up Estimates, and Activity Based Estimates.Most project managers with less experience adopt the analogous estimation method. This method enables the project managers to perform cost estimations using the information of previous projects with similar financial goals. Darnall-Preston Complexity Index assesses the projects according to the complexity, key components, internal and external attributes. It helps in developing a unique project profile that serves as a benchmark. (Watt, 2019). Managers often match the use of the DPCI projects as a reference. The parametric estimation method considers measurable parameters as a base to estimate the costs. Projects with similar parameters help the project managers to calculate the project costs without any hesitation. Bottom-Up estimation starts with the lowest placed activity in the project schedule and proceeds to the upper-level activities. Whereas Activity Based Estimation identifies the activities and groups them with specific code allocated. The cost of the individual tasks from various resources helps in estimating the accurate costs associated with it.Discussion Based Answer The budgeting process enables the project managers to allocate the resources appropriately and regularly track the project activities. It provides a platform for the project managers to display their skills while engaging with the stakeholders and assisting them in understanding the costs associated with the project. Other activities of a project, like prioritization of tasks, changes in the scope, and resource management, are based on the project’s total budget. The major drawback of budgeting is it delays the project planning process. It usually results in a conflict of interest as the stakeholders tend to disagree over the project costs and the deliverables. The project manager’s responsibility is to resolve these conflicts and engage with the stakeholders to explain the project-related expenses.ReferencesWatt, A. (2019). Project Management. BCcampus Open Education.

solved Participation in this discussion is worth 10 points. See attached

Participation in this discussion is worth 10 points. See attached Rubric for grading details.It’s been a rough year. The pandemic, the election, the personal challenges posed by changes to our lifestyles, work situations, and relationships have caused havoc on many fronts. Not the least of these is the lack of civil discourse in all avenues of society. From our national and world leaders to Zoom Bombers, Facebook rants, and Twitter takedowns, we seem to have lost the ability to listen, respond, and interact with one another in ways that promote growth and positivity, rather than anger and hostility.Chapters 7 & 8 in your book explore the nature and value of quality communication with our families, peers, colleagues, and even the public. These chapters bring together the ideas explored in our discussion of language, listening, nonverbal communication, culture, and self-concept and apply them to creating and maintaining positive, fulfilling relationships with others. However, many of the ideas expressed in these chapters and this course are antithetical to the behaviors occurring all around us during this time of unique stress and upheaval.In this discussion space, I would like you to reflect on some of the negative communication behaviors you have observed over the past several months and the impact those have had or are having on relationships and, ultimately, our society. Explore the following questions in your response:What kinds of evaluative language and other negative language behaviors have you witnessed, either in personal situations or public ones? What was/is the impact of this behavior? Try to give examples or be as specific as possible.What poor listening behaviors have you observed? What was/is the impact? Again, be specific.What kinds of negative, or defensive, nonverbal behaviors have you seen, particularly from those in positions of power or influence (governmental leaders, etc.)? Be specific in describing how the behavior(s) might lead to negative responses among observers or conversation partners.How have people been handling conflict and disagreements? Has there been a lot of accusatory or defense-arousing behavior or have people generally been open to listening and discussing disagreements in ways that lead to positive resolutions?Finally, how can we, as individuals and as a community, work toward more civil and rewarding communication (and thus, relationships)? Use some of the concepts from our course and, in particular, chapters 7-8 to support your exploration of this idea. Remember, this is supposed to be a discussion. Your initial response should be a thoughtful reflection on all the topics above. YOu will also need to respond to at least TWO of your classmates with thoughtful, substantive feedback. But feel free to come back and respond and participate and engage as much as you want. You are not limited to talking about the topics listed above, those are just the ones I want to make sure you cover. You can discuss COVID, Conflict, and Civility in as many ways as you would like. I encourage you to come back often.You must start a thread before you can read and reply to other threads

solved In the United States, the goal of a criminal trial

In the United States, the goal of a criminal trial is to resolve accusations made against a person who is accused of committing a crime. In common law systems, most criminal defendants undergo a trial that is held before a jury and that is prosecuted by the prosecuting attorney/lawyer.In criminal trials, there are four possible outcomes that comprise two correct outcomes and two incorrect outcomes. The two correct decisions are:The defendant did not commit a crime, and the jury determines the correct verdict of not guilty.The defendant did commit a crime, and the jury determines the correct verdict of guilty.The two incorrect decisions are:The defendant is not guilty of a crime, but the jury determines an incorrect verdict of guilty. Statisticians refer to this error as a Type I error. Sometimes it is referred to as a false positive.The defendant is guilty of a crime, but the jury determines an incorrect verdict of not guilty. Statisticians refer to this error as a Type II error. Sometimes it is referred to as a false negative.Consider the following table: Table I: In a courtroom case, if a defendant is found not guilty, it does not necessarily mean innocence; rather, it means that there is not enough evidence to support the verdict that the defendant is guilty. Table II: With the courtroom case above, the jury is trying to determine if the evidence presented corresponds to the guilt or innocence of the defendant. With inferential statistics, a researcher is trying to determine from the evidence whether or not a meaningful correlation exists between a dependent variable and an independent variable. To put it plainly, does a change in the independent variable correspond to a change in the dependent variable. If a relationship/difference is rejected, it does not mean that there is no relationship/difference; rather, it means that there is not enough evidence to support the decision that there is a relationship/difference. Inferential statistics involves testing one or more hypotheses that stem from the research question(s) that attempt to establish whether a relationship/difference exists among the variable in the data. These hypotheses can test either for relationships or differences. For this Discussion you will analyze types of data analyses that can be conducted using the General Linear Model. To Prepare:Review and complete the General Linear Model Worksheet, identifying the most appropriate analysis for each worksheet item (i.e., correlation analysis, independent samples t test, or descriptive statistics).Select two scenarios from the worksheet that can best be analyzed using correlation analysis.Select two scenarios from the worksheet that can best be analyzed using independent samples t test.Identify a phenomenon in your field of study or discipline and consider how it could be studied using two types of analyses.Post two examples of research scenarios that are best studied using correlation analysis and two examples of research scenarios that are best studied using independent samples t test. Explain how these two types of analyses could be applied to study a phenomenon in your field or discipline.

solved Select one of the following movies to watch. .Crash (2005)

Select one of the following movies to watch. 
.Crash (2005) directed by Paul Haggis 
.North Country (2005) directed by Niki Caro 
.Philadelphia (1993) directed by Jonathan Demme 
.Avatar (2009) directed by James Cameron
Answer the applicable questions below. (Questions 1-4 and 9 are required for everyone. Questions 5-8 are film-specific). 

What was your initial and final reaction to the film? What did you like best about the film? What did you like least about the film? Explain why and fully expound upon your answer. (REQUIRED FOR ALL FILMS). 
Chapter 2 talks about Perception. Review the chapter before answering this question. How do ones identity and the role one plays in society influence the way we see others around us? Pick a scene from the film you watched and apply two different concepts from Chapter 2 to your answer. (REQUIRED FOR ALL FILMS)
Chapter 3 talks about Gender & Culture.  Review the chapter before answering this question. Select a different scene to identify examples of stereotypes. Based on what you watched, how do stereotypes influence our interactions with others? Apply two different concepts from Chapter 3 to your answer. (REQUIRED FOR ALL FILMS). 
Chapter 5 talks about Nonverbal Communication. Review the chapter before answering this question. Select a different scene to apply examples of the four different types of gestures discussed in your chapter. How did the use of each gesture influence the scene (this may include specifics such as conversation or actions taking place)?  (REQUIRED FOR ALL FILMS). 
All of the men at the mine were not aggressive, yet many did not stick up for the women who were being harassed. What is the danger of remaining silent in the face of injustice? Does responsibility only fall on those who actually harassed their female co-workers? Are those who “stood and did nothing” responsible as well? (North Country film ONLY)
Miller overcomes his homophobia as well as his fear of contracting AIDS from Beckett. Miller sees Beckett as a regular man and even befriends him. Is ignorance an excuse for Millers’ intolerance or were his values askew? Can someones’ moral values truly change?  (Philadelphia film ONLY)
Pick a scene (different from your chapter references) and discuss how history or past experiences helped promote the use of stereotypes. Be detailed and use specifics. While we cannot change the past, what responsibility do we have when it comes to nullifying the use of stereotypes in our everyday interactions? (Crash film ONLY). 
At the core of the film, Avatar, is how two different groups attempt to interact, despite the differences that are present. At what point do you feel Sully began to truly understand how special the Na’vi tribe is? Do you feel it was too late, considering what Colonel Miles Quaritch asked him to do? Use two different scenes where you discuss Sully’s awakening. (Avatar film ONLY)
Imagine one scene where you have the power to push the pause button and change an event? What would you have done if you were that character with the same context, circumstances, and background? Explain your answer. (REQUIRED FOR ALL FILMS).

solved ·       I provided
·       I provided the assignment instructions in the PDF, and I provided an example of the assignment.
·       A brief summary and contextualization of the film (less than 200 words). Consider who made the film, and when.
·       Analyze the film – narrow down to specific scenes, moments, framing, etc. What does the film say about HIV? What is its focus? Who is the intended audience? What do you think the film’s intended goals are?
·       How does the film make you feel? Are you uncomfortable? Why or why not? What does the film provoke for you? What is the effect of viewing the film?
·       You may also use outside materials, but they must be cited properly. You may use any citation format you like.
·       This guide is formatted to help you watch, and more importantly think, critically.
1.     Read while you watch: Use the closed-caption feature, in order to better understand the dialogue. [Note: Oftentimes, the subtitles are abbreviated or modified and do not match the actual spoken words.]
2.     Credits and context: Consider a film’s main title and its opening credits (sometimes its closing credits): Why was the specific title chosen (were there any other alternatives considered?), and how do the credits establish a tone or mood? What are the first sounds and images in the film? Can you find any motifs in the credits? Do the end credits have any unusual features (e.g., out-takes, gags, additional footage, etc.).
3.     Classifying the genre and type: Decide on the film’s principal type, its genre and sub-genre categories (such as action, adventure, musical, experimental, surrealist, sci-fi, comedy, etc.). If it’s a hybrid (a combination of two or more genres), what are they? How does the film fit (or not fit) into its conventional, recognizable classifications?
4.     Maintain “Objectivity”: There is no such thing as objectivity, but aiming to maintain objectivity to what is being presented, without pre-judging the film based on what you’ve heard about it (from critics or friends), your preconceptions about the actors in it, the reputation of the director, etc.
5.     Evaluate production: Does the film have “high-production” values (with a glossy and expensive look)? Low-production values (it’s a low-budget, amateurish, B-film)
6.     Summarize: View the film as a whole, realizing that it is composed of the sum of all of its parts. Some individual parts may be ‘great’ but the film must hold together, and be cohesive and meaningful in its entirety. If you were to write a short ‘one-liner’ summary to describe the film (often called a synopsis or film treatment), what would it be?
7.     Feel, then think: Importantly, films are not always made for us to understand them in their entirety. In fact, many layers are delivered to us in order to infuse feeling, sensation, pain, joy, discomfort, or delirium. Allow yourself to lean into that, feel through the film, and once you have done this, think about the moves that caused you to emote these feelings (both pleasure and pain.

solved I’m working on a public health discussion question and need

I’m working on a public health discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

COLLAPSE SUBDISCUSSIONJared RutledgeJared RutledgeThursdayOct 7 at 4:16pmManage Discussion EntryCrystal,How do you see the structure operating with community members? Are we talking adds, posters, etc?Dr. JRosa HernandezThursdayOct 7 at 11:07pmManage Discussion EntryGuided Response: Review several of your classmates’ initial discussion posts and respond to at least three of them. Please note that responding to three classmates is meeting only the minimum requirement for the number of responses. You are encouraged to respond to several of your classmates to gain a well-rounded understanding of the topic being discussed.Critically assess your classmates’ posts.Were all components of a communication plan addressed? If not, which components are missing?Taking into consideration all the elements of the program evaluation, especially the stakeholders, do you agree with the justifications provided for each component of the communication plan? Why or why not?If you had the opportunity to make revisions to the communication plan, what revisions would you make and why?If you would not make any revisions, recommend three resources outside of the ones listed in this course where program evaluators can find information regarding developing communication plans for their evaluation results.Provide justifications for recommending these resources.Please note that you are being asked to provide a critical assessment of the information in your classmates’ posts, not to be critical of your classmates. As such, you are encouraged to review the Netiquette Rules and use them when responding to your classmates.Kenneth HoekstraTuesdayOct 5 at 10:23pmManage Discussion EntryWho are we communicating to?What are we communicatingCommunication FormatCommunication ChannelsFrequencyStakeholdersShare cancer data trends (positive or negative) Share the success stories of the Cancer program; Percentage increases in screening numbers, participant numbers, reduction in cancer occurances Promotion of cancer program successes though mass media, electronic communication and executive summariesAnnuallyProgram Evaluation Teamwhat is working well (good trend cancer trend data captured), what needs adjusting in the program (lack of causal reasons for cancer trends; no statistical analyses); real-time feedback during implementation (multiple years of cancer trend data) Monthly meetings; Executive summary documentsElectronic; email and/or quarterly virtual meetingsMonthlyFinancial decision makers the goal to continue or increase program funding supporttargeted summaries where financial investment improved the delivery of cancer prevention tactics, and these increased survival or decreased incidence of cancerstargeted program briefsat 3 monthinterval before funding expires (allows time for renewal investment/discussion)Governmental/Policy investorsadvocacy of permanent policy changes to support prevention of cancer, support during treatment, enhance survival executive summary; written briefingspublic appearances for political supportat program start

solved Learning Outcome: 1. Demonstrate a solid understanding of the potential

Learning Outcome: 1. Demonstrate a solid understanding of the potential of entrepreneur in today’s competitive business world. (Lo 1.2) 2. Demonstrate ability to think independently and systematically on developing a viable business model (Lo 1.3 & 3.7). 3. Understand the place of small business in history and explore the strengths and weaknesses of small business. (Lo 1.1). Start-up Business Plan Imagine you started a new business as an entrepreneur in Saudi Arabia. Please, think and share information on the following items: 1. Owners, capital structure and company profile a. Your Business Name, Address, E‐Mail b. Form of ownership: What is the legal structure? Sole proprietor, Partnership, Corporation….. C. Investment capital 2. Company Business Description (300 – 400 words) A. Scope and type of business What business will you be in? What will you do? What market segment will you choose? Business idea: what is your big idea? Is it a product or a service? What makes your idea different? Mission Statement Company’s short-term and long-term goals and objectives. Target market and demographics: Who will your customers be? Where do they live? What is your target market passionate about? B. Business Philosophy What is important to you in your business? Describe your Industry: Is it a growth industry? What long term or short-term changes do you foresee in the industry? How will your company take advantage of it? Describe your most important company strengths and core competencies: What factors will make the company succeed? What do you think your major competitive strengths will be? What background experience, skills, and strengths do you personally bring to this new venture? Risk Assessment: Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your business using SWOT. Scale of the business and its growth anticipation: what is the growth rate per year for five years? What do your 5-year financials look like? What is your path to profitability? Who is your competition and how do you beat them? Start-up costs: what costs do you expect to make the business run for the next five years? 3. Products and Services (300 – 400 words) a. Describe in detail your products or services (Technical specifications). b. Size of business: how many employees? How many offices and retail facilities? c. What factors will give you competitive advantages or disadvantages? Examples, include level of quality or unique or proprietary features.Instructions – PLEASE READ THEM CAREFULLY The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder.Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).

solved Choose from one of the following: Financial Statement Fraud (Crazy

Choose from one of the following: Financial Statement Fraud (Crazy Eddie’s) videoIntroduction to Fraud Examination, V3 – Financial Statement FraudSmartest Guys in the Room – Enron documentaryThis week, we will have the opportunity to explore some of the more egregious financial statement frauds from the past two decades. Many of these occurred prior to the enactment of Sarbanes Oxley (Enron, Worldcom, Waste Management, Adelphia, Tyco, Healthsouth, Qwest Communications, Cendant, and others). Other cases of financial statement fraud have surfaced after SOX was enacted, including Lehman Bros. and Fannie Mae.For this week’s discussion, choose one of the pre-SOX financial statement fraud cases and write a brief summary (2 – 3 paragraphs) that outlines:What happened?Who was involved?How did they do it?How were they caught?What were the results (for both the victims and the perpetrators)?In addition to this summary, write a brief evaluation of how you think SOX might have impacted and/or changed your case study. Would it have still been likely to occur? Would it have been reduced in severity or duration? How might it have changed things for the victims? the perpetrators? For this part, I recommend that you refer to Appendix A at the end of Chapter 11 in the textbook and the discussion that ensues there, including the consideration of the Fraud Triangle presented in Table 11A.1. Would SOX have made a difference in your chosen case? If so, how? If not, why not?There are, of course, widely varied opinions of the effectiveness of SOX. Kayla Gillan, a former deputy chief of staff to the Chairman of the SEC, believes that SOX has been a beneficial and successful new law. She believes that, while no legislation can entirely eliminate financial statement fraud, SOX has been effective in rapidly increasing investor confidence. Despite acknowledging that SOX has increased the cost of participating in capital markets, she stated that many believe that the benefits far outweigh the increased costs. She believes that internal controls are more effective, auditor standards are more stringent, auditors are more competent and engaged, and the SEC has become more effective. She believes that the purpose of SOX legislation was to enhance investor protection and that it has largely accomplished this.On the other hand, there are those that believe that SOX has largely been a failure. Billionaire investor Mark Cuban, when considering the SEC and the experiences of startup companies, feels that SOX has made it much more difficult for companies to go public because of the increased costs associated with SOX. There are many more opinions on both sides of this argument. When it comes to preventing and reducing financial statement fraud, what do you think? Has SOX been a help or a hindrance? In summary, for this discussion (per the guidelines above):Write a 2-3 paragraph summary of a pre-SOX case study of financial statement fraud (40 pts.)Write a brief evaluation of how you think SOX might have impacted and/or changed your case study (20 pts.)Discuss whether SOX has been successful in reducing financial statement fraud. (20 pts.)