solved Your research proposal is only 1800-2000 words in length but

Your research proposal is only 1800-2000 words in length but you should not assume that means you can do all of the work for it in a few days. What is my research question?Why is this question worth answering? Why is it an important question?Why is my question politically significant? Who should care about the answer to my research question? Why should they care?How is my question located in the existing academic literature on my topic? How does my question relate to the positions of the key protagonists in academic debates about my topic? (You should be able to locate your research in relation to debates about theory and methods as well as evidence/interpretation of evidence.)How will I conduct my research to answer my research question? What approach and/or research methods will I use? What theoretical or analytical frameworks or perspectives will I use? (You should be able to explain why you have chosen your approach/methods/theories.)(If you are using a case study/case studies …) Why have I chosen this case study/these case studies? Does my choice of case study make sense given my theoretical or analytical framework?If you can provide good answers to these questions, you will know what question you are going to answer, why it is worth trying to answer it, and how you are going to answer it. StructureExplanation of your research question. What are you researching? Why is it worth researching it? This section should provide a brief explanation of the principal research question that you will address. It should indicate the context of your question and explain why your research question is significant both in substantive terms and in relation to existing academic research. You might also indicate, if appropriate, the sub-questions that follow from your principal question. (Approximate word length: 500)Review of the relevant academic literature. Who has already conducted research relevant to your topic? What are the main areas of agreement/disagreement among them? This section should briefly identify the literature that is relevant to your research proposal and indicates how it relates to your research topic. You should not simply give a list of books or articles. Instead, you should show that you know the key protagonists relevant to your area of study, and where they stand in relation to one another. You should be able to identify the major positions in the literature and the main debates that are relevant to your research question. (Approximate word length: 1100)Explanation of approach and/or research method. How are you going to answer your research question? This section should briefly explain the approach and/or research method that you will be using to investigate your research question. This may be a well-recognized theoretical approach or research method; e.g. quantitative methods, comparative approach, case study. Or it may be something less grandiose: simply an account of what you will do to investigate your particular research question. If you are unsure about the sort of information this section requires, you should seek guidance from the module leader. (Approximate word length: 400)

solved Personal statement. Write and upload a statement that explains your

Personal statement. Write and upload a statement that explains your professional and personal goals.
Do not use more than two (2) double-spaced printed pages.

The personal statement should include the following for Early Childhood Education & School Psychology:
A)  Your career goals
B)  Your reasons for applying to this program  
C)  A brief description  of your past experiences–paid and volunteer–that are relevant to the
program to which you are applying, including:
1) Length of time employed in work relevant to program applied.
2) Actual work performed.
3) Significant or unique experiences.
D)  A description of your background or experience relating to cultural or ethnic minority populations.

I need an original personal statement to apply for school psychology program
****Please Read Entire Websites and incorporate their mission  statement and goal into personal statement so that it shows I am a good  fit***…
Please read entire link!!!! Read the Mission Statement, the Philosophy, the Goals and Objectives and use it in the personal statement to make me a qualified candidate for the program
Information about me for personal statement:
Began community  college in 2017 without a clue of what I want to do in life, I was doing  terrible in college and was even on academic probation at on point, GPA was 1.8. I took a psychology class and felt interested in the major.  Changed my major from Biochemistry to Psychology. I quit my first job  as a server at an Indian restaurant in 2019 and began working at an after school program called LA’s Best. While learning about psychology  and the minds of students I was able to incorporate what I had learned  in college with my job and saw its flaws. While getting my associates  degree in community college i started paving a way into my future. I  decided I would like to become a school psychologist. I transferred from  community college with a low GPA and began taking classes at CSUN.  While at CSUN I decided it was time to clean up my act and strive to do  better. my GPA now is a 3.8 and i have been on the deans list since i  have attended CSUN. I hope to be a helpful member of society to help  schools, parents, teachers, staff, and the overall community to become a  better place. 
Please send a pdf of the final personal statement to me
Information about LA’s Best that can be added to the personal statement:
LA’s BEST Afterschool Enrichment Program plays a vital role in  the lives of more than 25,000 unique and talented elementary school  students who come from neighborhoods with the fewest resources and the  greatest needs.
Every school day, each LA’s BEST student receives a nutritious meal,  help with their homework and the opportunity to participate in a wide  array of enrichment activities.
LA’s BEST engages children creatively, emotionally, intellectually  and physically, empowering them to explore and discover the  opportunities in their lives. We inspire and prepare children to create  lives full of choices.
Ive worked with students with ADHD and Autism

solved Scenario Chaparral Regional Hospital is a small, urban hospital of

Chaparral Regional Hospital is a small, urban hospital of approximately 60 beds, and offers the following:

Emergency room services
Intensive care
Surgical care
Diagnostic services
Some rehabilitation therapies
Inpatient pharmacy services
Geriatric services
Consumer physician referral services

Recently, the CEO has been hearing complaints from both patients and staff, varying from long wait times to rude physicians. You have been hired to design and implement a Quality Improvement Plan to help uncover quality problems and to satisfactorily resolve them.
The CEO has received some resistance from the Board on undertaking a QI program. She has asked you to develop a set of talking points on the pros and cons of common measurement techniques used in healthcare that she can use the next time she runs into a Board member.
Talking points are used to quickly explain something by condensing it into a compelling, but easily digestible, list. If the goal is to increase support for a QI program, the talking points must provide the ideas she needs to convey in order to achieve the goal.
Your talking points should be submitted in a Word document. Your talking points should include the pros and cons of implementing a QI program.
Upon completion of your talking points, please prepare a PowerPoint presentation (or other shareable Webware/software you prefer) with narration where you will explain each talking point to the CEO so they clearly understand and can answer questions from the Board.
APA formatting for the talking points, and proper grammar, punctuation, and form are required.

Length of PowerPoint is secondary to the quality of the presentation as a whole.
Highlight specific pros and cons of QI programs.
Use the Notes area on each slide as needed to expand on the key points.
You may use a free screen capture site such as Screencast-O-Matic to record a video of your presentation. Screencast-O-Matic is a site and program that can perform screen desk and audio capture up to 15 minutes for free, and can be utilized on a Windows or Mac computer. (Note: You can use a similar program if you prefer. Screencast-O-Matic is just one suggestion). Make sure that both your voice and the PowerPoint slides are captured on the video.

Your audio presentation should include an introduction, a concise discussion of each slide, and a conclusion. Make sure to use audience-specific language and tone in your PowerPoint. Remember, you would be presenting this to the CEO of your facility. The presentation will be assessed on your overall knowledge of the content, clarity of your voice, pronunciation of words, organization of your presentation, proper recording of your presentation, overall aesthetics and professionalism, and general clarity of your presentation.
Your presentation should be 10 minutes or less. Make sure to address the following:

Include a link to the location of your live video on the last slide of your PowerPoint presentation.
Make sure to use audience specific language and tone in your PowerPoint. Remember, you would be presenting this to the management team at your location.

solved Assignment Details The project involves studying the IT infrastructure of

Assignment Details The project involves studying the IT infrastructure of a relevant information system (IS)/ information technology (IT) used by selecting any organization of your choice locally or internationally The idea is to investigate the selected organization using the main components of IT (Hardware, software, services, data management and networking). Infrastructure Investigation, which is in a selected industry, should be carried out by using articles, websites, books and journal papers and /or interviews. In the report, you are expected to discuss: Project Report Structure: Part 1 Cover PageThis must contain topic title, student names and Students ID, section number and course name. (you can find the cover page in the blackboard)Table of Contents Make sure the table of contents contains and corresponds to the headings in the text, figures, and tables. Executive Summary What does the assignment about, briefly explain the distinct featuresOrganizational Profile Brief background of the business including organization details, purpose, and organizational structure. Strategies Discuss different types of strategies for competitive advantages and then select and discuss the most appropriate strategies to improve the performance of the organization.Technology Involved How is the organization set up in terms of its IT infrastructure? Discuss the hardware, software, telecommunication, information security, networks, and other elements. Hint: You can discuss any points that you learned in this course and its related to your selected organization Hint: You can discuss any points that you learned in this course and its related to your selected organization Part 3: Presentation Submission: Instructors will manage the date and time for presentation during week 13&14 Make a power-point presentation of your Project work mentioning all the above contents and present in a group. There must be minimum 10 slides in the presentation with a good background design, readable font size and style with appropriate color. Presentation must have the following format: First slide: Group members name and Student id & Title of the Project Company ProfileStrategiesTechnology InvolvedAnalysis of Existing SystemPossible solutions and suggestions ConclusionReferences Guidelines for the assignment: Use font Times New Roman, 12 font sizesUse 1.5 line spacing with adjust to all paragraphs (alignment).Use the footer function to insert page number.Ensure that you follow the APA style in your project and references.The minimum number of required references is 5.Your project report length Part 1 & Part 2 should be between 2500 to 3000 words in total. You must check the spelling and grammar mistakes before submitting the assignment.Up to 20% of the total grade will be deducted for providing a poor structure of assignment. Structure includes these elements paper style, free of spelling and grammar mistakes, referencing and word count. Assignment must be in Word format only NO PDFYour file should be saved as Word doc[Example]: [Your Name] [CRN] MIS201 – Project Assignment Part 1.doc

solved The goal of this assignment is to examine your own

The goal of this assignment is to examine your own health habits and apply strategies to lead to behavior change.Your first task is to identify a specific behavior you wish to change. This could involve eliminating a behavior that troubles you (e.g., drinking too much soda) or adding a behavior to enrich your health (e.g., exercising three times per week; stretching; developing a yoga practice). It is generally best to focus on changing only one behavior, as opposed to a set of different behaviors. Your behavior change can be anything as long as it is safe, achievable, and something that research suggests is likely to improve health (physical and/or mental health!).Once you have decided on a behavior, create a formal proposal. The proposal should clearly state:The specific behavior you want to change.Context & Potential Challenges. In your proposal, devote a paragraph or two to the context of the behavior you wish to change. In what environment does the behavior occur? Under what conditions are you most likely to engage in the behavior? What situational, social, or emotional factors tend to increase the behavior? (You may wish to monitor yourself for a week or two to be able to sufficiently answer these questions and to have a baseline for comparison.) What will likely get in the way of changing the behavior? If you have tried to change this behavior before, what got in the way then? Goals. The goal of the behavior change for the long-term (i.e., next year or two or ten) and short-term (i.e., this semester). It is often best to have a more modest goal for the short-term (e.g., limit soda to one per day) and a more ambitious goal to work toward over time (e.g., eliminating soda completely from daily diet). Next, break down the short-term goal into small steps you hope to accomplish during the semester. For example, during your first week of behavior change, you may opt to limit yourself to three sodas per day. In the next week(s), you may limit yourself to two sodas per day, striving to drink just one soda per day as the semester draws to a close.Strategies. Devote another paragraph to the strategies you think you will employ to aid your behavior change. What techniques will you use to increase your success? For example, what will you opt to drink instead of soda? Will you ask your roommate to encourage you or perhaps join you in your behavior change? Will you consciously resist purchasing two-liters of soda and instead buy a set number of cans each week? You may continue to add new strategies as you learn about them. Reading various resources can be helpful for selecting effective strategies.Sources. Locate and cite at least one peer-reviewed source that demonstrates that your behavior change is beneficial to your health. Application of Franciscan values (Links to an external site.). , we must be intentional about the applicability of the Franciscan values. Therefore, consider how the values may apply to your project. Devote a paragraph to listing the Franciscan values and then select at least one and explain how it may apply to your project. (You might need to get creative–that’s encouraged!)

solved I need help with a Writing question. All explanations and

I need help with a Writing question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

What to do for this discussion board assignment
Start by thinking about our USF campus community (both the physical campus and the virtual/online campus), where we all strive to create an environment that is respectful of difference and diversity and inclusive of all people in our common learning mission. Consider the various identities that come into play at different times in different ways at a large university like USF with three different campuses  – race, class, sex, gender, religion, nationality, ability, etc – and consider all the activities on campus, from F2F classes, online classes, laboratories, student events and organizations, textbooks, campus events, what majors/minors are offered and how they are suppported/promoted or not, sporting events, the buildings and green spaces and walkways, restrooms and lighting and building interiors, living in residential halls, commuting, and more.
I’m sure that this long list and our course materials so far are helping you identify several areas of campus life in which folx of different identities might be marginalized — that is, feel excluded or be excluded. Choose one area of marginalization or exclusion related to USF life. It may be one that affects you personally or it may be one that affects others. Remember, marginalization and exclusion and oppression are not about convenience. “There’s not enough parking on campus” or “The library is so crowded at nights” are really matters of inconvenience for most of us rather than issues of marginalization (although there may be some folx for whom these could be issues of marginalization). 
In a short discussion post, answer the following question prompts. (A good length to aim for is about 200 words or maybe two sentences per prompt, but remember that quality is more important than word count. It’s a good idea to answer each one specifically and clearly.)

Briefly describe the situation (i.e., what exactly is the problem?). Be specific and share as many details as you can.
Who has privilege in this situation? Who’s marginalized or oppressed? What are the effects of those positions? Think outside of just yourself and people like you.
What’s your positionality in this situation? Positionality doesn’t mean your opinion. It means how you are “positioned” with regard to the issue — Powerless? Able to affect some change? Able to really make a huge difference? Which of your identities (gender, sex, race, class, age, etc) is or is not relevant in terms of privilege or oppression?
How is this problem currently being addressed, if at all? Yes, you might have to do a little research to find out if anything at all is being done. Use your own experiences on campus and what you’ve observed as well.
What realistic approaches or strategies would you suggest to our university community to address the problem? Be realistic. For example, the idea to “remodel all campus buildings” is not realistic because even the slightest changes might cost hundreds of thousands of dollars and where will that money come from.

solved I’m working on a business question and need an explanation

I’m working on a business question and need an explanation to help me learn.

At the conclusion of unit 1, you will submit a short close-reading essay that offers an original syntactical analysis of a passage from Northanger Abbey. You should choose a passage, about a page in length, that we haven’t covered as a class. I encourage you to annotate it for syntactical elements before you start writing your essay. You do not need to attach your passage to the essay. If you properly cite your quotations in your analysis, it should be extremely clear what part of the book you’re writing about.
Do not include an introduction or conclusion paragraph: the focus here is your analysis and the argument you draw from it. The essay should have the following components:
•An original title (not “Unit Essay” or the name of the text you’re analyzing) that reflects the focus of your paper;
•A thesis statement (simply stating it as “Thesis: [thesis here]” at the start of the paper is fine) about your passage that is specific, arguable, narrow in scope, and addresses the stakes of your argument;
â—¦It is okay to just write “Thesis: [your thesis statement here]” at the start of the paper!
â—¦You are not expected to have finished reading the book by this point. We’ll be finishing it during unit 2. Your thesis should therefore be focused on the passage you have selected and should make a connection between the syntactical elements of that passage and your interpretation of it.
•Multiple body paragraphs that each include:
â—¦A clear topic sentence about the text that is a claim, connects back to the thesis, and reflects the main point of the paragraph;
â—¦Multiple quotations and pieces of textual evidence that support the claim that you make in your topic sentence and that are integrated into your own sentences;
â—¦Multiple sentences that explain specifically what these pieces of evidence mean and that link them back to your topic sentence;
â—¦A final sentence that serves as a transition statement to your next argumentative point in your next paragraph (which should be clearly indicated in the next paragraph’s topic sentence).
â—¦Use as many paragraphs as you need to prove your point. Each paragraph should have its own clear main idea, and each paragraph should only have one main idea in it. Don’t restrict yourself to the five-paragraph-essay formula that you may have learned in high school!
â—¦Your paragraphs should address at least two syntactical elements that are at play in the passage you’ve selected. (More is fine, but make sure you fully develop each analysis.)
Your audience for this paper is someone who has read Northanger Abbey and knows it fairly well. Limit your plot-related commentary to cases where such information is absolutely necessary for clarity. Your tone should be formal (no contractions, swearing, or colloquialisms) and should be objective and argumentative; avoid reader-response style language. If you have questions about this distinction, ask! 1st sources:
Northanger Abbey – Second Edition

solved Using one of the images in this module, write a

Using one of the images in this module, write a summary essay using the following format.Part I – General InformationWho or what is represented?What person or group made it? Often this is not known. If there is a name, refer to this person as the artist or architect, not “author.” Refer to this person by their last name.When was it made? Is it a copy of something older? Was it made before or after other similar works?Where was it made? For whom? Is it typical of the art of a geographical area?Where is the work of art now? Where was it originally located? Does the viewer look up at it, or down at it? If it is not in its original location, does the viewer see it as the artist intended? Can it be seen on all sides, or just on one?What materials is it made of? How was it executed? How big or small is it?Part II – Brief DescriptionIn a few sentences describe the work. What does it look like?Does it represent something? If so, tell what is shown. Tell what the subject is and what aspects are emphasized.Is it a non-objective work? If so, tell what elements are dominant.This section is not an analysis section yet, though some terms used in Part III might be helpful here. This section is primarily a few sentences to give the reader a general idea of what the work looks like.Part III – FormThis is the major portion of your paper. It should be the largest section of the paper.Art ElementsLine (…straight, curved, angular, flowing, horizontal, vertical, diagonal, contour, thick, thin, implied etc.)Shape (…what shapes are created and how)Light and Value (…source, flat, strong, contrasting, values, emphasis, shadows)Color (…primary, secondary, mixed, complimentary, warm, cool, values)Texture (…real, implied, simulated)Space (…depth, overlapping, kinds of perspective)Principles of DesignUnityVarietyBalance (symmetry, asymmetry)EmphasisScale and Proportion (weight, how objects or figures relate to each other and the setting)Mass/Volume (three-dimensional art)RhythmFunction/Setting/Site (architecture)Interior/Exterior Relationship (architecture)Part IV – Opinions and ConclusionsThis is the portion of the paper where the writer goes beyond description. A conclusion should be presented as well as an informed opinion about the work. Any statements made about the artwork should be grounded by the analysis in Part III above.Discuss how and why the key elements and principles of art used by the artist create meaning.Support the discussion of content with facts about the work.Additional InformationAlways italicize or underline titles of works of art.Use the present tense in describing artwork.Remember that any information you use from another source, whether it is your textbook or the Internet, must be documented with a citation. Failure to do so is considered plagiarism, and violates the behavioral standards of GaVS. MLA format is the acceptable form. Double-space the text of your paper, and use a legible font (e.g. Times New Roman). Whatever font you choose, MLA recommends that the regular and italics type styles contrast enough that they are recognizable one from another. The font size should be 12 pt.

solved Throughout the course, strategies, techniques, and philosophies have been presented

Throughout the course, strategies, techniques, and philosophies have been presented to make managers and supervisors more effective in performing their responsibilities in directing personnel.
Complete the Effective Practices for Managers and Supervisors worksheet. (Attached)
Use any of the textbook readings from Weeks 1-5. At least three examples should be from the Wk 5 chapters. ( The next links are the reading from every week). 
Week 1: Values

Huberts, L., Kaptein, M., & Lasthuizen, K. (2007). A study of the impact of three leadership styles on integrity violations committed by police officers. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management, 30(4), 587-607.
Johnson, R. (2009). Are managers leaders or are leaders managers? Supply House Times, 52(4), 66-67.
Lawler III, E. E. (2007). Creating a virtuous spiral organization. Global Business & Organizational Excellence, 26(2), 47-52.
Radman, D., A.P.R. (2007). Nature or nurture: What makes a great agency leader? Public Relations Tactics, 14(8), 12.
Schafer, J. A. (2010). Effective leaders and leadership in policing: Traits, assessment, development, and expansion. Policing, 33(4), 644-663.

Week 2: Motivation and Empowerment

Johnson, R. (2011). Officer      attitudes and management influences on police work productivity. American      Journal of Criminal Justice, 36(4),      293-306.
Shukla, N. K. (2012). How      motivation factor affect the organizational effectiveness. International      Journal of Management Research and Reviews, 2(3), 430-435.
Udechukwu, I. I. (2009,      Summer). Correctional officer turnover: Of Maslow’s Needs Hierarchy and      Herzberg’s Motivation Theory. Public Personnel Management, 38(2),      69-82.

Week 3: Organizational Effectiveness

Furst, S. A., & Cable, D.      M. (2008). Employee resistance to organizational change: Managerial      influence tactics and leader-member exchange. Journal of      Applied Psychology, 93(2), 453-462.
Taylor, C.M., Cornelius,C.J.,      & Colvin, K. (2014). Visionary leadership and its relationship to      organizational effectiveness. Leadership & Organization      Development Journal, 35(6), 566-583.
Fuimano, J. (2013). Becoming      an Outstanding Leader and Manager (01:02:28) [Video file], Proquest.

Week 5: Personnel Supervision and Evaluation

McDermott, S. R. (2010).      Effective supervision in a progressive department. Corrections      Today, 72(3), 16.
Schafer, J. A. (2009).      Developing effective leadership in policing: Perils, pitfalls, and paths      forward. Policing, 32(2),      238-260.
Willis, D. (2011). Principles      of effective law enforcement leadership. FBI Law      Enforcement Bulletin, 80(3), 16-18.
Gove, T. G. (2005). Praise and      recognition. FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, 74(10), 14-19.
Lilley, D., & Hinduja, S.      (2006). Organizational values and police officer evaluation: A content      comparison between traditional and community policing agencies. Police      Quarterly, 9(4), 486–513.

solved Create 2 responses to 2 original discussion board posts at

Create 2 responses to 2 original discussion board posts at least 300 words + 3 references no older than 5 years. the original post will be provided. basically creating a response for each post.
Here is the original topic of the discussion: 
Topic: Environmental Hazards
After reviewing the instructions for the Unit 3 Assignment and choosing either a Superfund site or sanitary landfill in your community, discuss the potential health risks local residents may experience in relation to the site. What is being done to prevent human exposure to these environmental hazards?

response 1 

Hello everyone,
I decided to discuss a Superfund site in my community. A superfund that I researched in my community was the Westside Lead Site in Atlanta, Georgia. This site was evaluated which determine that there were extremely large amount of lead levels collected from the soil. This could result to lead contamination. There were also smelting waste which was located on two streets in the community of Atlanta, Georgia.
This has also caused health risk to local residents. Those health risk can lead to various acute and chronic diseases. It can also cause irritation to the eyes and throat. There are several solutions that are taken place to prevent this human exposure. One solution was to have the site cleaned up . This involves adding the site to the Superfund program’s National Priorities List which is called the (NPL). This program allows people to collect the funds to have the site cleaned up, which has recently resulted to cleanup activities.
EPA (2021 October 10). Westside Lead Atlanta, GA Cleanup Activities. Retrieved from

response 2
Unit 3: Superfund site- Southside Sanitary Landfill
Mary Smith posted Oct 9, 2021 4:57 PM

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My superfund site I chose is Southside Sanitary Landfill located in central Indiana.
The reason I picked this site was that it is in my home state and very close to where I grew up. I live close enough to this site that I was intrigued by what I found. The site has 312 acres and is still active. Some of the solid waste that was buried here that contaminated soil and groundwater includes coal tar, asbestos, iron oxide and clarifier sludges, and paint waste. This consisted of an estimated 4 million cubic yards of waste. The site was started in 1971 and in 1984 they had tested the groundwater to find contamination. This site was then added to the list in 1989 by the EPA. Cleanup was conducted of landfill liquid collection and treatment. They also have groundwater monitoring that still goes on today. This site was taken off the list in 1997. It now has a golf course and greenhouse gases that are being reused to run Rolls Royce Allison Aircraft plant nearby in 1998. It seems that they have things in place to keep contamination down and repurpose greenhouse gases to fuel electricity.
Looking forward to questions and comments.