solved C.C is a 36-year-old female patient known in the office

C.C is a 36-year-old female patient known in the office who came to consult you because she has been feeling left breast tenderness, low grade fever and malaise for about four days. She delivered her baby 3 months ago and is breastfeeding. You found the left breast warm and painful when examined. Fissures on nipples presented.List your diagnosis and support. If infection is suspected which bacteria are usually involve in this process.Discuss a management plan for C.C (pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic treatment).List patient’s education and recommendations.An effective health assessment incorporates not only physiological parameters; please suggest other parameters that should be considered and included on health assessments to reach maximal health potential on individuals.Name the different family developmental stages and give examples of each one.Describe family structure and function and the relationship with health care. Submission Instructions:Your instructor will assign you your case number and you will post on the case number you have been assigned.You will reply to the other two case studies (One of each).Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Grading Rubric
Your assignment will be graded according to the grading rubric.Discussion RubricCriteriaRatingsPointsIdentification of Main Issues, Problems, and Concepts5 pointsDistinguishedIdentify and demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of the issues, problems, and concepts.4 pointsExcellentIdentifies and demonstrates an accomplished understanding of most of the issues, problems, and concepts.2 pointsFairIdentifies and demonstrates an acceptable understanding of most of the issues, problems, and concepts.1 pointPoorIdentifies and demonstrates an unacceptable understanding of most issues, problems, and concepts.5 pointsUse of Citations, Writing Mechanics and APA Formatting Guidelines3 pointsDistinguishedEffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Exceptional use of citations and extended referencing. High level of APA precision and free of grammar and spelling errors.2 pointsExcellentEffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Moderate use of citations and extended referencing. Moderate level of APA precision and free of grammar and spelling errors.1 pointFairIneffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Moderate use of citations and extended referencing. APA style and writing mechanics need more precision and attention to detail.0 pointPoorIneffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Unacceptable use of citations and extended referencing. APA style and writing mechanics need serious attention.3 pointsResponse to Posts of Peers2 pointsDistinguishedThe student constructively responded to two other posts and either extended, expanded, or provided a rebuttal to each.1 pointFairThe student constructively responded to one other post and either extended, expanded, or provided a rebuttal.0 pointPoorThe student provided no response to a peer’s post. 2 points

solved Module 06 ContentProposal-Based PresentationNow that you’ve finished your written proposal,

Module 06 ContentProposal-Based PresentationNow that you’ve finished your written proposal, you are ready to create a PowerPoint presentation based on it. This should not be a reproduction of your proposal; rather it is to share information about your proposal with your instructor.
PowerPoint Presentation GuidelinesTo create your Final Course Project PowerPoint Presentation, you should not copy and paste large sections of text from your written proposal. A PowerPoint presentation is different from a written report. Your slides should include only the main points from your proposal, and these main points should be condensed into short phrases and explanations. Your PowerPoint presentation should include the following elements: The presentation should include 9-10 slides, including the Title Slide. It is important to ensure your instructor can follow your presentation and understand what you are communicating. You will not be recording your voice; you will be giving your instructor your script directly on the slides themselves and in the dialog box.The presentation should include:Title SlidePurpose Statement SlidesAudience SlidesProblem SlidesOriginal and Creative Solution SlidesVisuals that enhance your presentationTitle SlideYour title slide should include the following:An appropriate title for your proposal presentationThe name of this course (in place of the name of the company preparing the proposal)The author’s nameThe date of the presentationPurpose Statement (1-2 slides)Include the purpose statement from your project. Add a reflective statement if you think you have fulfilled the purpose of the project.Audience (1 slide)Your slides should explain who the audience of your proposal includes and what their needs are.Tell how you will overcome skepticism.What objections do you anticipate?Problem Section (2-3 slides)Just as you did in the written proposal, you must prove that a serious problem exists. You may want to answer these questions about your problem:How long has the problem existed?Is it worse now? Why?What are some relevant statistics?What are other people doing to solve similar problems?Original and Creative Solution Section (2-3 slides)Your slides should briefly outline the change you propose and want approved. Your solution should be directly related to the problem you just documented and be appropriate to the audience you’ve described.Again, please remember that PowerPoint slides should use short phrases and explanations, not complete paragraphs from your written proposal. You should consider using visuals in this section if you cite numerical data to support your plan.In the overall format of your PowerPoint slides, please use the following guideline:Use an appropriate design template. Assume that your presentation will be given in a “bright” room (with the lights on).The following resources may help you as you create your PowerPoint and cite your sources:Creating a PowerPointCiting Sources in a PowerPointA Word on Visuals…Make sure your visuals explain, support, or enhance your presentation. Do not use visuals simply as decoration.Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below

solved “A satisfied customer is the best business strategy of all.”

“A satisfied customer is the best business strategy of all.” – Michael LeBoeuf, American Business Author
“It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive, but those who can best manage change.” ? Leon C. Megginson
IKEA’s Global Strategy
Walk into an IKEA store anywhere in the world, and you would recognize it instantly. Global strategy standardization is rampant! The warehouse-type stores all sell the same broad range of affordable home furnishings, kitchens, accessories, and food. Most of the products are instantly recognizable as IKEA merchandise, with their clean yet tasteful lines and functional design. 
A global network of more than 1,050 suppliers based in more than 50 countries manufactures most of the 12,000 or so products that IKEA sells. IKEA itself focuses on the design of products and works closely with suppliers to bring down manufacturing costs. 
Look a little closer, however, you will see subtle differences between the IKEA offerings in North America, Europe, and Asia. In America, sizes are different to reflect the American demand for bigger beds, furnishings, and kitchenware. 
Netflix Global Expansion
Netflix’s success is directly related to its global expansion. By 2017, it was operating in over 190 countries, and as of April 2020, Netflix had over 182 million paid subscriptions worldwide, including 69 million in the United States. This is a remarkable achievement for a company that was only in the U.S. before 2010, and in only 50 countries by 2015.
Netflix did not try to enter all markets at once, rather with a three-phase expansion process. The company has partnered with key local companies to forge win-win relationships. In some cases, it has joined with cell phone and cable operators to make its content available as part of their existing video-on-demand offerings. For example, when Vodafone launched a TV service for its customers in Ireland, it included a dedicated Netflix button on its remote controls. More recently, Netflix announced deals with Telefonica in Spain and Latin America and with KDDI in Japan.
And while Netflix believes that “great storytelling transcends borders,” in the words of Ted Sarandos, Netflix’s chief content officer, the company has responded to customer preferences for local content: Currently it’s producing original content in 17 different markets. Importantly, Netflix sees such content production as not just local-for-local, but also local-for-global. In other words, it aims to have content attract an audience not only locally, where it is produced, but also more widely. As such, Netflix potentially reaps the benefits of investing in local content all around the world. 
Your task:
Investigate one company and identify its business strategy and entry strategy. How does this company expand internationally to serve its diverse customers? Be specific. 

solved Objective:This course deals with the correlations between our histotechnological procedures

Objective:This course deals with the correlations between our histotechnological procedures and the many disease states that can exist within the human body. It is important for the histologist to be able to understand how these diseases affect tissues within ourbodies and how we help support the pathologist in the diagnosis of these diseases with specific procedures. There is a ‘trust’ that must exist between the pathologist and histologist in the pathology lab. This trust is two-fold; a trust that the histologist can follow procedures correctly and that they can recognize correct staining characteristic and patterns for any specialized tests (special stains and immunohistochemistry). You MUST learn cellular detail in order to troubleshoot anything that you recognize as incorrect. For you project you will research one of the assigned disease states. 1.Your assigned disease (Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor )2.You will research your assigned disease state and compile a research paper.3.The paper must include an introduction, body, and summary as a document and not divided by subtitles. The paper must be typed double-spaced.4.Your name and Course Number will be in the upper left corner of your paper with the title 2 lines below and centered. The paper will be 3-4 pages in length.5.Included in your paper will be a picture of an H&E stained slide demonstrating “normal” tissue. An additional picture will be submitted of an immunohistochemical stain demonstrating the “abnormal” disease state. These two pictures will be of the same tissue type. (i.e., lung tissue …one H&E and one IHC)a.Example: if you are assigned the disease state “adenocarcinoma” you must find an H&E stained slide of normal tissue and then an immunohistochemistry stained slide of the same tissue type demonstrating the diseased state. (for example, lung tissue)b.HINT: your research into the diseased state will tell you which tissue type of tissue is likely to exhibit the specific disease statec.Once you have found your tissue type that most likely demonstrates your assigned disease state and you choose your pictures, I want you to tell me what is being stained (demonstrated) in each picture.i.Example… H&E stain shows that in normal lung tissue you will see ______.ii.In this disease state, my immunohistochemistry shows that the antibody stains______.6.NOTE: In order to answer these questions you will have to study the cellular detail and know the staining characteristics of the immunohistochemistry stain. This can befound during your research of antibodies utilized for the demonstration of the disease state.7.Second note: Multiple antibodies can be utilized for one disease state (melanoma can be demonstrated by the use of S100, HMB-45, Melan A and others). ONLY research ONE antibody to demonstrate the diseas8.The websites for your pictures must be included at the end of your paper. One internet website must be included in the body of the paper.9.The last page must be the reference page and must include a minimum of two other references besides the internet-required reference. All references must follow the APA or MLA format of citation.

solved Part 1: Click Here for Article #1 about Marketing OF

Part 1: Click Here for Article #1 about Marketing OF Sport vs Marketing THROUGH Sport. Part 2: Follow Up Reading Completion Email: Compose an email that contains the following:a) Subject Line: Week #5 Readingb) In the body of the email, answer the following questions1. In your own words in 1-2 sentences, what is the difference?2. How does Tag Heur marketing THROUGH sport?3. How does Arsenal FC an example of marketing of sport? 4. Reflecting back to last week’s article, what would be the MARKETING GOAL of the Arsenal FC advertisement? 2. TOPIC OF THE WEEK RELATED ASSIGNMENT (10 points)Marketing Industry Professional Interview/Conversation Presentation Semester Assignment. One of the most effective ways to connect with people these days is through LinkedIn. This week I want you to get some practice using the search filters in LinkedIn. Part 1: Click Here for an article+video on how to use LinkedIn Search Filters. Log into your LinkedIn Profile and practice. You can also ‘google’ more how to articles and videos to learn more. Part 2: Navigate to the St. John’s Athletic Directory. Find 2 people from the Athletic Directory that are also on LinkedIn. Take screenshots of their LinkedIn Profiles.Part 3: Next do a LinkedIn Filter Search to find 2 people on LinkedIn that are also St. John’s Alumni and also work in the “Marketing” industry. Take Screenshots of their LinkedIn Profiles.Part 4: Compose an email to me containing the following:a) Subject Line: Week #5 Related Assignmentb) In the body of the email, answer the following questions:1. Type the names+titles+links of the 2 people you found in Part 2(St Johns Staff) and the 2 people you found in Part 3(Filtered Search). 2. Attach screenshots of the 2 people you found in Part 2(St Johns Staff) and the 2 people you found in Part 3(Filtered Search). 3. MULTIMEDIA ASSIGNMENT OF WEEKIntro: The video this week keeps the focus on Sport Marketing Strategies.Part 1: Click Here to access a video about the NHL’s most recently added team, the Vegas Golden Knights. Part 2: Follow Up Multimedia Completion Email: Compose an email that contains the following:a) Subject Line: Week #5 Multimediab) In the body of the email, answer the following questions:1.Who is the CMO of the Golden Knights?2. What does CMO stand for?3. At approximately the 0:12 mark, what was unique about their initial launch?4. At approximately the 0:28 mark, what is a unique marketing strategy they do with newborns?5. At approximately the 0:40 mark, what is unique about the age of the fan base?6. At approximately the 0:49 mark, how are they using artificial intelligence?7. At approximately the 1:28 mark, what does the CMO say is the KEY?8. At approximately the 1:39 mark, where is the interviewer speaking from, what event?9 What is Xchange 2019? (Even though it was a couple years ago, the reason that I ask is because these are the type of events where you can network and learn about all sorts of topics specific to any industry, so I want you be aware of these types of conferences. You also have to attend a ‘workshop’ and ‘event’ this semester, so these are the type events we want to look for that are happening this Fall).

solved ASSIGNMENT 1-Prior to the 1950-’60s modern Civil Rights/Black Power era,

ASSIGNMENT 1-Prior to the 1950-’60s modern Civil Rights/Black Power era, which one or more of the leadership movement tactics (accommodation, radical-protest and/or nationalism) was most effective in the fight against racist oppression (lynching, denied opportunity, etc.)?-What were some specific examples of how accommodation, radical-protest and/or nationalism tactics were used in the modern Civil Rights movement?-In the Black Power movement, what were some specific examples of how accommodation, radical-protest and/or nationalism tactics were used effectively (i.e., Montgomery Bus Boycott, Emmett Till’s funeral, SNCC, SCLC, March on Washington, Black Panthers Ten Points Manifesto, Malcolm X’s OAU, AfriCOBRA, etc.)?-What was the most important achievement/s of the modern Civil Rights movement; and what was the most important achievement/s of the Black Power movement; and by what tactic was such success achieved? -Having explored tactics and achievements of the modern Civil Rights and Black Power movements, do you wonder how the modern Civil Rights and Black Power movements would have have been different were it not for the Great Migration movement; how so?ASSIGNMENT 2In essay format (TITLE, INTRODUCTION, BODY, CONCLUSION, REFERENCES), (a paragraph for each question) answer the following questions in the “write a comment” window:(Wilkerson’s book as main source):-Have you acquired the book yet, or have you read the Wilkerson related resources; if so, what is your impression so far of this highly acclaimed book?-Do you know on which 2 of Wilkerson’s 3 migrant profiles/characters you will focus your analysis paper?-What interesting and useful information have you learned so far from the unit resources; have you identified any clear push or pull factors so far? -Do you expect any challenges relative to this project; if so, what? MATERIAL: Isabel Wilkerson’s book as main sourceSix million African Americans escaped or ran away from their homes in the South to seek refuge in the North, and Isabel Wilkerson’s book,The Warmth of Other Suns: The Epic Story of America’s Great Migration (2018 ,tells the stories of hundreds of them, with emphasis on the related stories of 3 individuals: Ida Mae Gladney, George Starling and Robert Pershing Foster in particular. Analyze the socio-economic problems (racial terrorism, limited opportunities, etc.) faced by these 3 individuals and their families, and how they orchestrated and achieved an escape out of the south. How do any one of these 3 migration stories connect to or compare with the general trends of the Great Migration’s “push” and “pull” factors that drove many other African Americans out of the South and pulled/attracted them to North. What lessons do these three, and other, stories teach us about, or help explain, any of the current challenges (judicial or economic) facing African Americans today. Do any of these three stories ring familiar to you in any way? To help draw these micro-to-macro connections consider the following course themes: resisting enslavement (i.e., escape), leadership tactics, and African American socio-economic status and demographics.

solved Provide an explanation for each vote.Provide a citation for each

Provide an explanation for each vote.Provide a citation for each vote. For example, If you find that criminal assault is an issue, you will cite it as “Criminal assault is an attempt to commit a battery or the deliberate placing of another in fear of receiving an immediate battery”, 6.2The citations need to be from our text only, not Google or another internet source.Provide a definition of the law you are citing.Citations should be immediately following what your reference to the text with the chapter and the section number.Reply to another group member’s vote.Give reasons why you agree or disagree, but you do not need to use citations on your reply to another post.The Boat Repair incident Mark’s boat is usually docked at Ray’s Marine. They had a contract that every year the boat is to be inspected and painted. Last year, when Mark pulled the boat from the water for its annual painting, he discovered that the entire stern (back of the boat) was covered in barnacles because Ray had not painted that section of the boat. Mark asked Ray what happened and Ray said he did not need to paint the boat every year because it should last two years. He said there was nothing he could do. Mark was so upset that he took to boat to Waterman’s Wake to strip the barnacles and paint the boat. He told everyone at Waterman’s (and at the waterfront pubs) that Ray did not complete the work, did a terrible job, and was responsible for Mark having to pay additional fees at Waterman’s to have the barnacles removed before the boat could be painted. Ray has heard the statements from several other boat owners when they explained why they did not bring their boats to Ray’s to be painted this year.After Ray heard ten of his former customers make the same statement, he went to Mark’s house, armed with his baseball bat. He told Mark to “take back his statements” or he would knock his head off of his shoulders. Mark said “no way, all the statements are true”. Ray became so angry that he swung the bat at Mark and barely missed his head, but hit his hand. Mark closed the door and called the police. Ray was arrested at his shop.Ray was tried and convicted of assault with a deadly weapon in the criminal trial. He served 6 months in jail.Ray is now suing Mark in Federal District Court for slander and disparagement. He says that Mark should not be allowed to get away with slandering him and hurting his business. Mark has asked that the case be removed to the State Superior Court. He has filed a cross complaint for negligence against Ray and seeks compensation for the damage to his boat, cost of repairs and for assault. Mark was successful in having the case removed to the state courts. You have been chosen as a juror in this civil case. You have heard the evidence and now you need to vote. How do you vote on the following charges. Please explain to get your full points. Please respond to another juror to get the maximum points.Answer the following questions:1. How do you vote on Ray’s slander complaint? Why? Explain.2. How do you vote on Mark’s negligence complaint? Why? Explain.3. How do you vote on Mark’s assault complaint? Why? Explain.

solved Introduction “Everyone is entitled to their own opinions – but

“Everyone is entitled to their own opinions – but not their own facts.” (Daniel Patrick Moynihan, cited in Vanity Fair, 2010, para. 2)
We form opinions – and make our judgments – based on facts we observe and values we hold. Our judgments are also influenced by the opinions of others. In the section “An Expert on Hate in America” in Chapter 6, one of the authors, Dr. Peter Facione, renders an opinion on a non-profit civil rights organization: Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). Dr. Facione is a leading advocate and one of the most influential voices in the field of critical thinking.
His endorsement of the civil rights organization is unqualified. It is also transparent: Dr. Facione reveals that he is a financial supporter of the organization and has arranged speaking engagements for its founder. This is Dr. Facione’s invitation to you, the reader:
Knowing where you can learn more about the SPLC for yourself, and knowing about Dr. Facione’s endorsement and support of the Center’s work, evaluate this claim made by Dr. Facione: “The SPLC is an expert on hate in America” (p. 124).
The endorsement of the SPLC is contained in the most current edition of the text, whose copyright date is 2016. Since that time Morris Dees, co-founder and former chief trial counsel, has been fired (Hassan, Zraick & Blinder, 2019). Previously, there has been controversy about groups and individuals that are listed by the SPLC as “hate groups” (Graham, 2016; Price, 2018). The organization, which has nearly a half-billion dollars in assets, has also been criticized for how it spends these funds (Robinson, 2019).
Self-Assessment Question
Before you submit your initial post, make sure to read the assigned chapter. Then, ask yourself the following: Did the article in Chapter 6 of the text seem credible and reliable? Why? Be very specific:
Was it because it is in a textbook?
Because it was written by a learned and respected person?
Because of content in the article?
Because of your previous knowledge of the SPLC?
Initial Post Instructions
For the initial post, address the following:

Conduct additional research on the SPLC. Did your opinion alter in any way? Why?
Only after you have done some responsible research should you begin to respond to the discussion prompt. The discussion is not about the SPLC; it is not about Dr. Facione. It is about what you have learned about forming opinions.
Your post must answer this question:
How do you define the term “expert”?

Your post must also discuss at least two (2) of the following questions:
How important are facts in the process of forming an opinion? Explain what you believe to be the purpose or function of facts in making a judgment.
How did you respond to the self-assessment question? Since doing further research, have you re-thought the way in which you assess credibility and reliability? What is the importance of factoring the recency of a reference or opinion (i.e., how old is it?) into an assessment of credibility and reliability?
How would you evaluate Dr. Facione’s claim “The SPLC is an expert on hate in America” (p. 124). Does the SPLC fit your definition of “expert”?  

solved Assignment Sheet: Analytical Essay 2: PoetryBy the end of the

Assignment Sheet: Analytical Essay 2: PoetryBy the end of the poetry unity you have considered many elements of poetry and have familiarized yourself with terms associated with discussing poems. The purpose of this essay is to give you the opportunity to complete an in-depth analyze a single poem using the basic terminology and concepts for understanding poetry that you have learned about.Directions:Choose a poem from any of the following sections in the book and write an essay that analyzes that particular poem in detail makes an argument for how the elements of the poem suggest a specific meaning/theme/message:Chapter 12: Any poem from “Exploring Gender: An Album” (783-793)Chapter 13: Any poem from “Homelands: An Album” (821-828)Chapter 14: Any poem from “Family: An Album” (845-853)Chapter 15: “London” by William Blake; “Pied Beauty” by Gerard Manley Hopkins; “Blandeur” by Kay Ryan; “white paper #24” by Marth Collins; “Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda” by A.E. StallingsChapter 16: “Poems for Further Study” (878-862)Chapter 17: “Poems for Further Study” (890-898)Chapter 18: “Poems for Further Study” (914-916); “Words and Music: An Album” (919-928)You want to analyze the poem in ways that demonstrate your understanding of the elements of poetry (speaker, situation and setting, theme and tone, language, visual imagery and figures of speech, symbol, and sounds). You do not have to include every element of poetry in your essay, but your essay should include enough terminology to demonstrate your ability to discuss the poem in concrete ways.This essay is argumentative, which means that your thesis should be arguable and should be driven by analysis. Assume that your audience has read the poem but has not thought as deeply about it as you have. Your thesis statement could be something like: “In (title of poem), (poet’s name) uses a central metaphor to create the message that _________________ (here you would be specific about theme/idea/message you think the metaphor suggests)” (That is just one example.) Be sure to be specific about the specific theme/message/meaning you are arguing for. Use the sample poetry analysis as an example of a detailed outline for a paper like this and the Sample Essay on p757-759 of our textbook as an example of a what an essay like this might look like.Choose specific examples from the poem that are relevant to your argument, and remember to make sure that your quotes are introduced, analyzed/explained, and properly cited.Like the first analytical essay, you should not consult outside sources. Your task here is to provide your own in-depth analysis.Guidelines:This essay should be 3-4 Times New Roman Size 12 Font double-spaced pages and include a Works Cited page. (Follow the MLA format for citing a work in an anthology.)This essay should have a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.This essay should follow MLA format for in-text citations.Make sure the essay has a title that captures the essence of the essayPhilip Larkin This Be the Verse or Sharon Olds Sex Without LoveAlso if you can use quotes to support the argument that would be great

solved  Environmental Scan Conduct an environmental scan and write an

 Environmental Scan

Conduct an environmental scan and write an assessment in which you focus on both the internal and external factors that could affect your success within your chosen industry.Introduction
An environmental scan allows you to identify the trends (technical, social, political, economic, and so on), issues, and other factors that are most likely to affect a given industry, thereby helping you determine a strategy for dealing with potential changes.After an organization has completed a SWOT analysis, it will carefully monitor both the internal and external environments to detect signs of opportunities and threats that could affect current and future plans. This environmental scanning can help an organization identify trends that are most likely to affect the industry, thereby allowing the development of a strategy for change. The right information, at the right time, can determine the future of an organization.Note: Developing a strategic plan requires specific steps that need to be executed in a sequence. The assessments in this course are presented in order and should be completed in sequence.Conduct an environmental scan in which you focus on both the internal and external factors that could affect your success within your chosen industry. Include in your scan responses to the following. Be sure to use the information from your SWOT analysis to explain how you will address both the internal and external issues.

Internal Factors: What specific things do you need to do in order to achieve the position you would like to have? In other words, what do you need to do to climb the corporate ladder in your industry?
External Factors: Examine the state of the current market or industry. What issues currently exist? How might these issues influence the future state of the industry? How will these issues affect your long-term and short-term goals?
To successfully complete this assessment, you may need to do some research on conducting an environmental scan. Format this assessment as a research paper following current APA guidelines for both style and citing sources, making sure that you also use correct grammar and mechanics. There is no required minimum or maximum page length; however, you should strive to be as detailed as possible in addressing each bullet point, while also being as clear and concise as possible.Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies:
Competency 3: Communicate effectively.

Write coherently to support a central idea in appropriate format with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics.

Competency 4: Plan strategically.

Describe strategies to use SWOT analysis to improve competitive advantage.

Competency 5: Employ high-performance business management techniques.

Analyze strengths to determine competitive advantages.
Analyze opportunities that may be leveraged for competitive advantage.
Analyze threats to competitive advantage.

Competency 6: Solve problems within professional standards.

Analyze weaknesses to determine areas for improvement.Environmental Scan Scoring Guide