solved Reflection Question for this Week: You have two options. [1]

Reflection Question for this Week: You have two options. [1] For those who submitted a reflection for week 3, i want you to reassess your answer based on what you read and learned this week. Has your position changed in any way? Have you gained new insights into the issues of gender and technology? Why/Why not? Explain OR [2] Do you have a utopian or dystopian view concerning technology? Explain why and support your position with at least two examples.You may speak using the first person.While this is not a super formal piece of academic writing, please follow the usual guidelines of good grammar, spelling, punctuation. Try to structure your reflection so it doesn’t feel like a rant. Execution is key here! Oh and yes, you may swear if you feel the need to. To cite readings simply name the author and the page number from the text. Direct quoting is not necessary, summary is always nice, but if you do make sure you clearly show where it comes from. You may include in your reflection an example in your life, or the media, or film, etc. – a real concrete example to illustrate your reflection. Make sure to include websites or information to cite this example. If you go over the word limit that is fine. If you are under it, that’s not fine. Submit your typed reflection, with your name on it, to the DropBox tab here in Owl by Sunday 11 July 11:59pm. If you do a tech-based reflection, you can try to use the DropBox but if it doesn’t allow you to upload there please email it to me by Sunday 11 July 11:59pm. Note: If you need more time to complete this just inform me – i have no issue with late submissions so long as i am aware and you get the required number into me by end of term. To upload to DropBox, simply click on the tab, and near your name is a drop down menu called “actions” – click it and then you’ll see ‘upload files’. Select that. You don’t necessarily get an email receipt, so if you want to make sure it is there you can email me to say you uploaded it and to confirm it. As per the syllabus, it is optional to do the reflection this week. You have to do 4 in total over term, and which weeks you do a reflection is up to you.If you choose to submit written reflections, the word count is 750 – 1000 words. The syllabus also provides some tech-based options if you wish to pursue a reflection that is expressed in a medium other than written. Related links (Highly recommend):Decoding Sexism in AI | Isabella Morona | TEDxPhillipsAcademyAndover: Bias in AI and Machine Learning Systems: AI Sees a Man, It Thinks ‘Official.’ A Woman? ‘Smile’: artificial intelligence can acquire biases against race and gender: software defines people as male or female. That’s a problem: The First AI Sex Robot:

solved After you have completed the exerci
After you have completed the exercise, post a summary of what you learned (from all lesson readings and this activity) in the discussion board. Are you getting a good understanding of the difference between positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement? (both are reinforcement so there is an increase in a behavior / response in both).
List some key things you have learned so far that have made sense to you. What is still confusing or do you need more clarification about? Do you see these principles in your daily lives?
Reflect on your thoughts regarding this quote and how it applies to this lesson: “Catch people in the act of doing something right” Kenneth Blanchard
-Be sure to post a summary of the game and reflect on the above quote in your discussion post this week.
After completing the above post, please also respond to the following two students regarding the same topic:
Student one:
I really did not understand the game much and I was a little lost, but I did get a better understanding of positive and negative reinforcement. After the game, my thoughts on positive and negative reinforcement are still the same. The game did not make things much clearer to tell the truth, it confused me. Something I learned is that some situations I think may be positive and the outcome is good it is really a negative reinforcement. Yes, I see these principles in my daily life with my 1 years old son. As he is getting older and learning that mommy rewards him he tends to listen more. The quote “Catch people in the act of doing something right” tells me that we should try to see the good in people and catch them doing something good instead of always picking out the bad.  

Student two:
Unfortunately, I didn’t really understand this game at all. I get with all these areas they seem that they can all have similar effects. You can have consequences, negative reinforcement, positive reinforcement etc I just don’t understand where the points and credits came in. I pretty much just wrote out how I feel about each one. 
Which was the most pleasant learning situation for you? Consequences, I think it is helpful to see the consequences to help you make the right choices. I believe my son has learned that way by watching myself and my family and all of our mistakes. 
Which was the least pleasant learning situation for you? Positive reinforcement, was pretty unpleasant because looking back, I didn’t get much of that in my life, from family, spouse, friends. I try to make sure my own child has plenty of this, and knows how to do this as will for his life. 
On which task do you feel you made your best effort? Negative reinforcement, because this is the most confusing for me. 
“Catch people in the act of doing something right” Kenneth Blanchard  I enjoy this quote. I like seeing people doing the right thing, whether its a kind gesture or just making the right choice, I prefer to be surrounded by more positive things. I am not sure that is what he meant behind it totally but that will be my take on it. 

solved Step 1: Select your work of art – Gustav Klimt

Step 1: Select your work of art – Gustav Klimt The Kiss 
Pick a work of art that interests you — it can be from any period, region, or formal style that interests you. Please note:  you may create the work of art yourself if you like.
Step 2: Write an analysis paper about the work of art
Create a formal analysis for the work of art that you selected.   

An image of the work of art (make sure you cite the image correctly)
The name of the artist, title, medium, date it was created, and where it is locate
Basic information:  What can we notice at first glance about a work of art? Is it two-dimensional or three-dimensional? What is the medium? How big is the work? 
A description of the elements of art (select 2 – 3 that are most prominent):

Line:  Describe how line is present in the work of art. Be sure to include specific examples. 
Shape:  Describe how shape is used in the work of art. Be sure to include specific examples.   
Mass and Volume:  Describe how mass and volume function within the work of art. Be sure to include specific examples. 
Space:  Describe how space is organized within the work of art. Be sure to include specific examples. 
Texture:  Describe how texture is being used within the work of art. Be sure to include specific examples. 
Color: Describe how color is being used within the work of art.  Be sure to include specific examples. 

An analysis of the principles of design (select 1 – 2 that are most prominent):

Unity and Variety:  What elements in the work were used to create unity and provide variety? How have the elements been used to do so?
Scale/Proportion:  What is the scale of the work? Is it larger or smaller than what it represents (if it does depict someone or something)? Are the elements within the work in proportion to one another?
Balance: Is the work symmetrically or asymmetrically balanced?
Emphasis/Movement:  What is used within the artwork to create emphasis? Where are the areas of emphasis? Has movement been conveyed in the work, for example, through line or placement of figures?
Rhythm/Repetition:  Are there any elements within the work that create rhythm? Are any shapes or colors repeated?

A discussion of the materials or methods:

What material(s) did the artist use?
What methods(s) did the artist use?

An interpretation and evaluation of the work of art 

How do the elements of art, principles of design, and materials/methods impact what you believe the artist is communicating in this work of art?  Be sure to provide specific examples from the work in order to support your points.  
What do you believe the meaning of the work is? Be sure to provide specific examples from the work in order to support your points.   

Step 3: Create your PowerPoint presentation
 Slide 1:  An image of your work, the name of the artist, title, medium, date it was created, and where it is located

Slide 2:  A brief summary of your description of the elements of art, principles of design, and materials/methods
Slides 3:  A brief summary of your interpretation and evaluation

solved Discussion: Diagnostic Labels as Powerful CommunicationsA diagnosis is powerful in

Discussion: Diagnostic Labels as Powerful CommunicationsA diagnosis is powerful in the effect it can have on a person’s life and treatment protocol. When working with a client, a social worker must make important decisions—not only about the diagnostic label itself but about whom to tell and when. In this Discussion, you evaluate the use and communication of a diagnosis in a case study.To prepare: Focus on the complex but precise definition of a mental disorder in the DSM-5 and the concept of dimensionality both there and in the Paris (2015) and Lasalvia (2015) readings. Also note that the definition of a mental disorder includes a set of caveats and recommendations to help find the boundary between normal distress and a mental disorder.Then consider the following case:Ms. Evans, age 27, was awaiting honorable discharge from her service in Iraq with the U.S. Navy when her colleagues noticed that she looked increasingly fearful and was talking about hearing voices telling her that the world was going to be destroyed in 2020. With Ms. Evans’s permission, the evaluating [social worker] interviewed one of her closest colleagues, who indicated that Ms. Evans has not been taking good care of herself for several months. Ms. Evans said she was depressed.The [social worker] also learned that Ms. Evans’s performance of her military job duties had declined during this time and that her commanding officer had recommended to Ms. Evans that she be evaluated by a psychiatrist approximately 2 weeks earlier, for possible depression.On interview, Ms. Evans endorsed believing the world was going to end soon and indicated that several times she has heard an audible voice that repeats this information. She has a maternal uncle with schizophrenia, and her mother has a diagnosis of bipolar I disorder. Ms. Evans’s toxicology screen is positive for tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The evaluating [social worker] informs Ms. Evans that she is making a tentative diagnosis of schizophrenia.Source: Roberts, L. W., & Trockel, M. (2015). Case example: Importance of refining a diagnostic hypothesis. In L. W. Roberts & A. K. Louie (Eds.), Study guide to DSM-5 (pp. 6–7). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing.Study Guide to DSM-5(r), by Roberts, M.; Louie, A.; Weiss, L. Copyright 2015 by American Psychiatric Association. Reprinted by permission of American Psychiatric Association via the Copyright Clearance Center.By Day 3Post a 300- to 500-word response in which you discuss how a social worker should approach the diagnosis. In your analysis, consider the following questions:Identify the symptoms or “red flags” in the case study that may be evaluated for a possible mental health disorder.Should the social worker have shared this suspected diagnosis based on the limited assessment with Ms. Evans at this time?Explain the potential impact of this diagnosis immediately and over time if the “tentative” diagnosis is a misdiagnosis.When may it be appropriate to use a provisional diagnosis? When would you diagnosis as other specified and unspecified disorders?

solved    Instructions: Nursing practice must be supported by

Nursing practice must be supported by current evidence.   Based upon the scholarly evidence the student has gathered thus far in this   course, a presentation will be created for your assigned topic for a   hypothetical audience of nurse leaders. The RoL presentation must be   in the form of a PowerPoint presentation. (This presentation may not   be submitted as a paper written in paragraph form.) The RoL presentation will   include a take-away message for an audience of nurse leaders, crafted through   synthesis of the overall body of information the student has reviewed. The   central idea of this RoL presentation should illustrate how a leader can use   the information gained from the evidence the student has reviewed to deal   with a management-related issue in the clinical setting.
The student will begin by presenting measurable   participant objectives for the anticipated “audience member.” The student   will then introduce the topic, and give a brief overview of its importance   for leadership within the healthcare setting.
Introduce and review a minimum of five scholarly   publications in the presentation. These may or may not be precisely the same   five articles used for the Scholarly Publications assignment. Select the best   evidence supporting the topic. In the student’s own words, a brief summation   of the findings considered significant from these publications will be   discussed with consideration for relevance to the assigned topic. The student   may choose to list the publications on one slide, then address each source   individually, or address components of the topic and pull in an appropriate   source for related evidence.
The student will compose a collective synthesis/summary of   what is supported by the literature reviewed to conclude the presentation. This   should not be confused with an additional summary of the articles. The   student will develop their final remarks by viewing the multiple sources as   one collection of information on the topic. Concisely indicate the current   status or impact of this issue on nursing leadership or management.   Summarizing the overall, take-away message at the conclusion of the   presentation is worth one quarter of the total grade. Therefore, one   slide will not be sufficient to present your synthesis. After this   synthesis, conclude the presentation with slide(s) containing references.   Refer to the grading rubric that follows for more details on this section, as   well as the entire assignment.
You must utilize the “Note page” located below the   slide in PowerPoint where elaboration is required to guide the reader. This   represents the equivalent of your “narration” of the contents of the slide,   and should be used generously.
NOTE: PowerPoint slide contents are succinct.   It is not appropriate to copy and paste the equivalent of a full page of text   to a PowerPoint slide. Slide contents should be concise, but readable. Brief   bullet points work the best.

solved World Music Research Paper:You are required to write a 5-page

World Music Research Paper:You are required to write a 5-page (double-spaced, standard tabs) research paper about a musical culture NOT covered in this course. Areas covered in this course include Indonesia, Japan, Middle East, Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America, so you can choose any part of the world OTHER than these. Some areas to consider are: Native America, Polynesia, Australia, China, Korea, India, Ireland, Portugal, Greece, Caribbean, Arctic Circle…. wherever, as long as it’s not covered in our course.For this assignment, please use Nettl’s 3-part model, addressed in “Unit 1: Introduction” and Chapter 1 in our textbook. Focus on the Sounds, Behaviors and Ideas or Conceptions that govern the sounds and behaviors of the musical genre/activity you choose. It’s best if you stick to a specific genre or ensemble from whatever region you choose for this research paper. For example, if you wanted to write about music from Spain, don’t try to summarize all Spanish music (too broad, too big) but pick a specific genre or activity to focus on, such as Flamenco. Want to research Hawaiian music? Stick to hula or string bands. The point is, focus on one genre or activity from a region and give in-depth details, not just a broad, surface cultural overview.Sound:What sounds are you hearing? Talk about the instruments (and voices) of the musical genre/activity. What are they made of and what do they sound like? Are there any rules or restrictions surrounding these instruments, like who can play or when one can play? Can you comment on the texture and form of the music? Texture refers to layers of activity. How many musicians are present and how do they relate to one another? Form refers to how the music is organized and presented,. How long does a performance last and how are the melodies and rhythms arranged. Lastly, what does the music sound like to you, the outsider?Behaviors:What activities are associated with this musical genre/activity? What are people doing while this musical activity is happening? Is there a specific purpose or function surrounding this music, or is it just for enjoyment/entertainment? Does this musical activity have any behavioral restrictions regarding religion, age or gender? Is everyone participating communally or are the musicians/singers/dancers presenting music to an audience…. why? Lastly, can you draw any connections to musical behaviors in your life or culture?Ideas/Conceptions:What ideas or conceptions govern the sounds and behaviors of your chosen musical genre/activity? Why are people creating this music and why are people participating? Address ideas surrounding history, culture and musical evolution. Most musical genres throughout the world express indigenous and foreign, or outsider aspects. What traits are uniquely regional, or indigenous, and what traits are coming from an outside influence and why? Again, almost all music has a combination of both! How have politics, religion or human migration affected this musical genre/activity? Lastly, can you relate what you learned to your own life experiences?

solved Prepare a PowerPoint briefing of the student’s Unit 3 and

Prepare a PowerPoint briefing of the student’s Unit 3 and Unit 4 papers. The briefing slides shall include the following: A title slide Your will have an agency description slide (s) to include statutory missions, jurisdiction, and roles and responsibilities Supporting background information slide A program discussion slide to include mission, goals, objectives, and metrics (from the student’s Unit 3 Individual Project) … what does your agency need to do to reprioritize or realign to be more inline with DHS…priorities or missions. What are your justifications for reprioritization What are your recommendations to the working group on any reprioritizations for your agency.his is a continuation of the scenario presented in Units 3 and 4. The budget director has assigned you as the action officer to a DHS interagency working group to represent the agency or directorate. The purpose of the working group is to re-align DHS program priorities for the mid-year Congressional Budget Review. The budget director has received top-level approval of the AO’s previously submitted proposals. Each agency or directorate representative has an equal vote within the working group and voting authority assigned by the AO’s budget director. The working group members must assess each agency or directorate’s proposed mid-year realignments and determine a proposed Department (DHS) mid-year budget priorities realignment for presentation to the House and Senate Homeland Security Budget subcommittee. The AOs should represent the best interests of their parent agency or directorate to the working group. The working group shall be guided in their deliberations and actions by the DHS QHSR, BUR, StratPlan, and 2015 Budget in Brief (BOB).Individual PortionPrepare a PowerPoint briefing of the student’s Unit 3 and Unit 4 papers.The briefing shall include the following:A title slideAn agency description slide to include statutory missions, jurisdiction, and roles and responsibilitiesSupporting background information slideA program discussion slide to include mission, goals, objectives, and metrics (from the student’s Unit 3 Individual Project)Justification for reprioritizationRecommendations to the working groupThis PowerPoint presentation should be at least ten slides in length and include speaker notes and additional backup information slides as deemed necessary by the student. The student should submit the completed PowerPoint to the course instructor and to his or her small group area. This task is worth 100 points.Group PortionBased upon the outcomes of the working group’s deliberations, the working group should prepare a proposed DHS program reprioritization decision paper.Working in the assigned small group area, by using the small group discussion board or the small group Live Chat function, review each submission, discuss and analyze and arrive at a consensus on the priority of each program within the scope of the overall DHS program prioritization.Develop a final report to the Director of the DHS Management Directorate with these recommendations.

solved You are required to write a 5-page (double-spaced, standard tabs)

You are required to write a 5-page (double-spaced, standard tabs) research paper about a musical culture NOT covered in this course.  Areas covered in this course include India, Indonesia, Japan, Middle East, Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, so you can choose any part of the world OTHER than these.  Some areas to consider are:  Native America, Polynesia, Australia, China, Korea, Ireland, Portugal, Greece, Arctic Circle…. wherever, as long as it’s not covered in our course.
For this assignment, please use Nettl’s 3-part model, addressed in “Unit 1: Introduction” and Chapter 1 in our textbook.  Focus on the Sounds, Behaviors and Ideas or Conceptions that govern the sounds and behaviors of the musical genre/activity you choose.  It’s best if you stick to a specific genre or ensemble from whatever region you choose for this research paper. For example, if you wanted to write about music from Spain, don’t try to summarize all Spanish music (too broad, too big) but pick a specific genre or activity to focus on, such as Flamenco. Want to research Hawaiian music? Stick to hula or string bands. The point is, focus on one genre or activity from a region and give in-depth details, not just a broad, surface cultural overview.
What sounds are you hearing? Talk about the instruments (and voices) of the musical genre/activity. What are they made of and what do they sound like? Are there any rules or restrictions surrounding these instruments, like who  can play or when one can play? Can you comment on the texture and form of the music? Texture refers to layers of activity. How many musicians are present and how do they relate to one another? Form refers to how the music is organized and presented,. How long does a performance last and how are the melodies and rhythms arranged. Lastly, what does the music sound like to you, the outsider?
What activities are associated with this musical genre/activity? What are people doing while this musical activity is happening? Is there a specific purpose or function surrounding this music, or is it just for enjoyment/entertainment? Does this musical activity have any behavioral restrictions regarding religion, age or gender? Is everyone participating communally or are the musicians/singers/dancers presenting music to an audience…. why? Lastly, can you draw any connections to musical behaviors in your life or culture?
What ideas or conceptions govern the sounds and behaviors of your chosen musical genre/activity? Why are people creating this music and why are people participating?  Address ideas surrounding history, culture and musical evolution. Most musical genres throughout the world express indigenous and foreign, or outsider aspects. What traits are uniquely regional, or indigenous, and what traits are coming from an outside influence and why? Again, almost all music has a combination of both! How have politics, religion or human migration affected this musical genre/activity? Lastly, can you relate what you learned to your own life experiences?

solved Purpose StatementThe discovery and feedback phase of the consulting engagement

Purpose StatementThe discovery and feedback phase of the consulting engagement is the key to a successful process. Determining what the client needs and what they hope to accomplish is a critical competency that all HRD practitioners require to be successful. Knowing how to elicit key information from a client, develops over time and as long as you’re following a strong framework, the likelihood for doing it successfully dramatically increases. The purpose of this assignment is to take a scenario, apply the framework, and describe how you would conduct a discovery and feedback meeting.InstructionsThe objective of this assignment is to read the Mini Case Study: Capital Airlines and describe how you would bring the client through the discovery and feedback phase of the consulting engagement.Mini Case Study: Capital AirlinesCapital Airlines (CA) is a US-based airline with 30,000 employees headquartered in Seattle, WA. CA is primarily focused on the domestic market and has three reservation centers in New York City, Cleveland, and San Diego.CA recently announced they will be opening new offices in Asia and Western Europe and will be offering non-stop flights to Tokyo, Madrid, and Barcelona as part of its published 10-year growth strategy into the international market. A new reservation center is also slated to open in Madrid with some US-based employees moving to Spain to start training new staff. CA is not currently part of a major airline alliance or partnership and the CEO hopes that expanding to international destinations will spur other airlines to consider a partnership with the airline company.With the expectation that these international flights will commence in 15-months, the CEO realizes the organization does not have the internal capacity to manage all aspects of this growth plan. CAs’ leadership team has identified additional focus areas that are critical to success:Train new European employees on CAs’ existing reservation system and all employees about the new, streamlined business processes that will be implemented in all officesEngage key stakeholders through communication and change management activities about upcoming changesCAs’ CEO and Board of Directors are seeking assistance from you in creating and implementing a training and development plan. Ultimately, the plan must include a timeline and recommendations on how to address the change management activities and establishing a training plan, so all employees are ready on day one.You’ve been asked to lead the first meeting with CAs’ VP of Human Resources to determine what information is required to complete the plan (discovery meeting) and then follow up with a second meeting to provide your recommendations (feedback meeting). Using your textbook and Module 3 Resource Book to support your responses, how would you:Structure the discovery meeting to determine the client’s need, existing issues, etc. for carrying out a plan to meet their needs.Provide feedback to the client after the discovery meeting that includes recommendations for handling the need/problem.

solved Alternative Minimum Tax SCENARIO You are an entry-level CPA at

Alternative Minimum Tax
You are an entry-level CPA at Ernst & Old LLP. You were recently assigned to work on an engagement with three guys who desire to pool their resources and form an entity that will develop and manufacture state-of-the-art wearable biosensors suitable for comfortable, continuous, and noninvasive cardiovascular monitoring. The three organizers believe that this entity has the ability to go public and be the next great thing!
They each bring something different to the table, and although each of them trusts and respects the contributions of the others, they all want to know how this will affect each of them individually. Jan immediately jumps to a C corporation because that’s all he knows, Franklin knows the benefits of flow-through entities for start-ups, and Terry doesn’t really care as long as the endeavor makes money and he doesn’t have to get involved. They will each own one third of whatever entity you recommend. It’s your chance to make a good impression as an entry-level CPA. It’s time for you to decide.
Jan Berkovitch: Clinical Transformation Innovator
Areas of Expertise:

Cardiovascular physiology and related devices
Software/systems development lifecycle
Population health-directed wellness programs

Franklin Armando: Independent Consultant, Strategic Business Guidance
Areas of Expertise:
Terry Cosinger: MD
Areas of Expertise:
Given the scenario provided and having received an introduction to the players, it is your time to decide what Jan, Franklin, and Terry should do. Their initial questions include the following.

What entity should they choose to form for their new endeavor?
Jan doesn’t have much money, but he does have a few existing patents on similar medical devices that he is willing to contribute to the new entity in exchange for stock. Jan worked on these patents for years and has $350,000 invested for patents that have a street value of $750,000. Will Jan’s contribution of the patents be a taxable event? Please explain why or why not.
Franklin does not have any money or assets to contribute, but he does have a lot of connections and has successfully groomed start-up companies into thriving entities of which several have gone public. Franklin will contribute his expertise and forego a salary in exchange for stock. Franklin’s salary for similar projects was $375,000 per year. That’s how long he thinks it will need until he can attract venture capitalizes to invest and he can start taking a paycheck. Franklin expects no taxable income for his contribution because he is not receiving an actual paycheck.
Terry will contribute cash of $750,000. Terry hates taxes, so he wants to hear that this contribution not only is tax free but that it also results in a deduction. Is he correct? Why, or why not?

Write a 750–1,000 word (12 point, double-spaced, 1″ margins, Times New Roman) memo to Jan, Franklin, and Terry addressing the four aforementioned issues.
Provide support for your recommendation and decision by citing a section of the Internal Revenue Code IRC.