solved I’m working on a business law discussion question and need

I’m working on a business law discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

The Case of the Customer Who Died to Soon Facts: On November 26, a Country Life Insurance agent went to the house of Oscar and Anna Anderson. He persuaded the Andersons to buy a life insurance policy and accepted a check for $1,600. On his way out the door, he gave the Andersons a “conditional receipt for medical policy,” dated that day. The form stated that the Andersons would have a valid life insurance policy with Country Life, effective November 26, but only when all conditions were met. The most important of these conditions was that the Country Life home office accept the Andersons as medical risks after the company scheduled a medical examination. The Andersons were pleased with the new policy and glad that it was effective that same day. Oscar died in a car accident four weeks later. Country Life declined the Andersons as medical risks and refused to issue a policy. Anna Anderson sued. Country Life pointed out that medical approval was a condition to being covered. In other words, the company argued that the policy would be effective as of November 26, but only if it later decided to make the policy effective. It had not made that decision as of the date of Oscar’s death.At TrialPlaintiff argued that the policy was a scam. The so called “conditional receipt for medical policy” is designed to trick customers and then steal their money. The company leads people to believe they are covered as of the day they write the check. But they aren’t covered until much later, when the insurer gets around to deciding the applicant’s medical status. The company gets the customer’s money right away and gives nothing in exchange. If the company, after taking its time, decides the applicant is not medically fit, it returns the money, having used it for weeks or even months to earn interest. If, on the other hand, the insurance company decides the applicant is a good bet, it then issues the policy effective for weeks or months in the past, when coverage is of no use. No one can die retroactively. The company is being paid for a period during which it had no risk.Defendant, Country Life, argued that it would be impracticable for Country Life to issue life insurance policies without doing a medical check. That is the road to bankruptcy and would mean that no one could obtain this valuable coverage. They further argued that they do a medical inquiry as quickly as possible as it is in their interest to get the policy decided one way or the other. The policy clearly stated that coverage was effective only when approved by the home office, after all inquiries were made. The Andersons knew that as well as the agent. If they were covered immediately, why would the company do a medical check? Questions:Does the clause making the policy effective only after a medical examination violate public policy? ExplainWhat other basis for a lawsuit might Anna have against the insurance company? ExplainBased on your answers to Nos. 1 and 2 who will win this case and why?

solved Please answer in your own words and in complete sentences

Please answer in your own words and in complete sentences (i.e. not bullet points) using the course materials (lecture PowerPoints, assigned readings) as references. Do not use resources outside of the course material. Any assignment that is directly copied or plagiarized or has components that are not written in your own words will be given an automatic zero. If you have taken this course in the past, you may not use a previous assignment. You may not use an assignment from a different class. You must create a new assignment for this quarter.Your answer should not exceed 500 words. Points will be deducted for exceeding the word limit. Please do not include the prompt in your answer, points will be deducted if you do so. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________IMMUNIZATIONSYou are a principal at a school in New York where there is a measles outbreak. As a result, you are changing the vaccine exemption policy for the school so that exemptions are more difficult to attain and have approved. Please write anewsletter to the parents of the school explaining the reason for this change. Please include at least three reasons (1 point each) why you think ALL children should be vaccinated. Also please address three potential parental concerns (2 points each) about the safety of vaccines and an explanation (2 points each) as to why the vaccine(s) are safe based on each specific concern. Those are the course readings..1. Integration of Primary Care and Public health.… Accessed Feb 20,20212. Watch the from the IOM on “Primary care and public health” at Accessed Feb 20,2021
Commonwealth Fund. Primary Care: Our First Line of Defense. June 12, 2013. Available at… Accessed Feb 20,20211.Institute of Medicine. Report Brief: Unequal Treatment: What healthcare providers need to know about racial and ethnic disparities in healthcare. March 2002 Available at:… Accessed Feb 20, 20212. Health inequality actually is a “Black and White Issue” Research Says.… . Accessed March 24, 20211. Offit PA, Bell LM. Vaccines: What you should know. Third Edition. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2003. Part one only pages 3-27.2. Offit, PA. Deadly Choices: How the anti-vaccine movement threatens us all. New York, NY: Basic Books, 2011. Introduction pages xi – xviii onlyThe Rising Rate of STDs: A Public Health Crisis? Available at… Accessed Feb 20,2021
People are still having sex. So why do STD rates keep dropping?… Accessed Mar 24.20211. Shim R, Rust G. Primary Care, Behavioral Health, and Public Health: Partners in Reducing Mental Health Stigma. American Journal of Public Health 2013;103(5):774-776. Available at… Accessed Feb 20, 2021

solved Prior to posting your primary response to this discussion, watch

Prior to posting your primary response to this discussion, watch The First Amendment video and read the First Amendment article, Free Speech and Democracy in the Video Age article, and review all the one-page Supreme Court decisions listed in the Required Resources section.What is symbolic speech, and is it protected by the First Amendment?For example: Capital City has an ordinance that makes it a felony to burn or otherwise desecrate the city’s Great Seal. Another ordinance makes it a felony to use profane, obscene, or rude language in a city park or to wear any clothing with such language. Homer and his adult son, Bart, are angry at the government of Capital City for closing down their favorite donut shop for health code violations. In protest, they go to the park, where Homer burns the city flag containing the Great Seal. Bart is wearing a shirt that reads, “Support donuts, Death to the Capital City Health Department!!” Both are arrested.Is their conduct protected by the First Amendment? Fully explain your answer. Be sure to support your answer with scholarly sources and appellate court opinions. Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your claims with examples from the required materials and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references.Prior to posting your primary response to this discussion watch The First Amendment and the 002 History of US law and what is the law?videos and review all the one-page Supreme Court decisions listed in the Required Resources section.Respond to the following case scenario:Reverend William B. Slick is the spiritual leader of the Church of the Jurassic Spirit (CJS). CJS doctrine claims that every invention since the dinosaurs has been inspired by the devil and that members must return to the spirit of the Jurassic period in order to be purified. The primary ritual is to publicly bathe in the essence of the dinosaurs (oil). Capital City follows the same format for its permits used by the City of Atlanta, Georgia (i.e., City of Atlanta’s Assembly Permit Application). The CJS applies for a permit for 500 of their members to assemble to bathe in oil in Capital City Park. CJS plans to march to the Capital City River to dump the oil, thereby “returning it to the Earth.” The mayor of Capital City despises the CJSers, because he feels that their ritual is a waste of petroleum, which is a diminishing resource. He also feels that the dumping of the oil will pollute the river. The police chief of Capital City hates the idea of 500 CJSers bathing in oil in the park and fears their march to the river will cause counter demonstrations and possible violence. The permit is denied. The CJSers appear to perform their ritual anyway and are all arrested.Research First Amendment cases involving free exercise of religion and freedom of assembly.If your last name begins with A through M, address the following in your primary response this week:Whether Capital City has violated the CJSers’ free exercise of religion.Whether Capital City has violated the CJSers’ right to freely assemble.

solved Accurately diagnosing depressive disorders can be challenging given their periodic

Accurately diagnosing depressive disorders can be challenging given their periodic and, at times, cyclic nature. Some of these disorders occur in response to stressors and, depending on the cultural history of the client, may affect their decision to seek treatment. Bipolar disorders can also be difficult to properly diagnose. While clients with a bipolar or related disorder will likely have to contend with the disorder indefinitely, many find that the use of medication and evidence-based treatments have favorable outcomes.To Prepare:Review this week’s Learning Resources. Consider the insights they provide about assessing and diagnosing mood disorders.Download the Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation Template, which you will use to complete this Assignment. Also review the Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation Exemplar to see an example of a completed evaluation document. By Day 1 of this week, select a specific video case study to use for this Assignment from the Video Case Selections choices in the Learning Resources. View your assigned video case and review the additional data for the case in the “Case History Reports” document, keeping the requirements of the evaluation template in mind.Consider what history would be necessary to collect from this patient.Consider what interview questions you would need to ask this patient.Identify at least three possible differential diagnoses for the patient. Complete and submit your Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation, including your differential diagnosis and critical-thinking process to formulate a primary diagnosis. Incorporate the following into your responses in the template:Subjective: What details did the patient provide regarding their chief complaint and symptomology to derive your differential diagnosis? What is the duration and severity of their symptoms? How are their symptoms impacting their functioning in life? Objective: What observations did you make during the psychiatric assessment?  Assessment: Discuss the patient’s mental status examination results. What were your differential diagnoses? Provide a minimum of three possible diagnoses with supporting evidence, listed in order from highest priority to lowest priority. Compare the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for each differential diagnosis and explain what DSM-5 criteria rules out the differential diagnosis to find an accurate diagnosis. Explain the critical-thinking process that led you to the primary diagnosis you selected. Include pertinent positives and pertinent negatives for the specific patient case.Reflection notes: What would you do differently with this client if you could conduct the session over? Also include in your reflection a discussion related to legal/ethical considerations (demonstrate critical thinking beyond confidentiality and consent for treatment!), health promotion and disease prevention taking into consideration patient factors (such as age, ethnic group, etc.), PMH, and other risk factors (e.g., socioeconomic, cultural background, PLEASE WATCH THIS VIDOE CLIP.…

solved PURPOSE Explore academic arguments and evidence related to topics that

Explore academic arguments and evidence related to topics that are highly debated today! Become
a more informed person by learning how to locate and evaluate sources in a library database. Make
your own academic claims based on expert arguments and evidence. Consider counterarguments
against your own position and write smart, convincing refutations or accommodations. Don’t these
skills sound like they will come in handy for future college classes, future work in a variety of fields,
or future debates with family members whose beliefs oppose your own? PROMPT
Select a research topic and corresponding question(s) from the Research Essay Topics list.
Write an argumentative essay that offers original claims and researched evidence to
respond to the selected question(s). REQUIREMENTS
1. The final research paper must be 5-7 pages long (or 1600-2100 words), double spaced, 1” margins,
12 point Times New Roman or 11 point Arial. Essays that do not meet minimum length
requirements will not receive a passing grade.
2. Final research essay must follow the required formats from course lessons, materials, and
models, and . . .
3. Include an introduction that offers important contextual information about the topic
for an unfamiliar reader, as well as a 3D Thesis Statement, according to class
4. Incorporate SEAS Body Paragraphs with sub-claims, introduction to and incorporation
of evidence, author-focused analysis, and a discussion of the significance of the evidence
with regard to the larger argument.
5. Cite/draw evidence from a minimum of four sources from the Opposing Viewpoints in
Context database. Two sources should come from the Viewpoints sections of Opposing
Viewpoints (either featured viewpoints or all), and should form a point/counterpoint in
response to your question (think pro/con). Two additional sources can come from any
section, including Viewpoints, Academic Journals, News, or Magazines. The general
research starter article at the top of your research page does not count as one of your
sources. If you don’t see what you think you need for your essay, contact me.
Note: any sources outside Opposing Viewpoints need prior approval before
being incorporated into the assignment.
6. Introduce a counterargument, and then either refute or accommodate that
counterargument according to the formats offered in the corresponding
7. Wrap up your essay with a conclusion that restates your main argument and sub-claims and addresses the larger significance of your position. You can connect to current
events, offer a call to action, or end with a personal connection to the topic.
8. Use in-text citations and include works cited page according to MLA standards. The works
cited page does not count toward essay page length. Tip: All sources in the Opposing Viewpoints
in Context have a completed, formatted, correct MLA citation available, already completed for
you. TOPIC CHOICE: the topic I chose for this essay is Media violence, Does violent media (like films or video games) cause violence in children, adolescents, or

solved Workplaces that are diverse and inclusive tend to be more

Workplaces that are diverse and inclusive tend to be more successful than those that aren’t. Unfortunately, not everybody sees it that way, and being diverse and inclusive in the workplace is often more challenging in practice than it is in theory.Diversity has many dimensions, including the following.Race and ethnicityGenderSexual orientationReligionAbilityAgeThese dimensions of diversity are discussed further in Chapter 4 of our textbook. For this assignment, you will respond to one of the following workplace scenarios.Scenario 1: Challenging Hiring DecisionYou are on the hiring committee for a key role in your organization. After a thorough and lengthy process, the committee has narrowed the field to two final candidates: Candidate A and Candidate B. The interview process has concluded, and now it is time to make a decision. Will you hire Candidate A or Candidate B?Both Candidate A and Candidate B meet all of the requirements for hiring in terms of education and experience. That said, Candidate A went to a more prestigious university than Candidate B, and Candidate A also has slightly more job experience than Candidate B. In the interview process, both candidates answered the questions very well, demonstrating high levels of knowledge. Candidate A was a bit smoother and more confident, but Candidate B occasionally hesitated before responding but also seemed more genuinely enthusiastic. Candidate A is a traditional applicant, and Candidate B is from a historically underrepresented minority.Later today you will be meeting with the hiring committee to make the final decision. Your task is to write a short message to share with the rest of the hiring committee in which you recommend hiring either Candidate A or Candidate B. Be sure to explain which factors were most important to you.Scenario 2: Diversity in AdvertisingYou work for a company that produces a variety of popular and tasty breakfast cereals, and you spend a good deal on television and web-based advertising. In your ads, you strive for diversity of all kinds; however, one recent advertisement generated controversy. In it, a happy family with two mothers, a young son, and a toddler daughter are shown eating breakfast and engaging in lighthearted antics. Bits of cereal are tossed about, milk is spilled, and so on.In response, members of an organization representing what they refer to as “traditional family values” have written numerous messages of protest and have posted them on social media. They feel that this portrayal of a nontraditional family is “morally wrong” and they are threatening to boycott your company.Your task is to write a response to this organization and to post it on your website as well as your official social media platform sites. Your goal is not to engage in a war of words with this organization, but simply to make it clear that your company values diversity, and that you will continue to portray that diversity in your advertising materials.Whether you choose Scenario 1 or Scenario 2, the length requirement for this message should be about the same—no more than one page.

solved Instructions: Please read the case scenario attached and respond to

Instructions: Please read the case scenario attached and respond to the two discussions below. No citations are needed. Each response should be at least 1 paragraphed in length.1. “In this situation my concern is that the land for which development is needed may pose a health risk to those tenants once the building of the housing units is done. All though there is a need for low-income housing and there is only one location left, the urgency to build is the focus rather than the long-term health effects that could be of real concern later for those tenants who may be vulnerable. Most individuals who are considered low-income already are dealing with health issues in some capacity with lack of proper access to medical care. One question that I’m raising is has this land been tested as safe for building given its history of previous nuclear waste? This situation raises ethical issues for me because the safety and well-being of the tenants is being overlooked to save energy in the long run for electricity.Although the city has assured everyone that there is not an issue what substantial proof is provided to support that claim? As the student because of my concern for those tenants I would ask my supervisor to inquire about the safety of the land and to what extent has it been approved overall safe for long term housing. I understand that my personal feelings should not interfere but as a social work student I think it is important to advocate for those who may be affected by this decision. Overall, I would ask to be removed from this project.”2. “As a student, I would ask my supervisor if we could propose an agreement with the city. I would suggest that we only agree to the housing location if the city will sign an agreement prohibiting specific garbage dumping at the site. This way, the community will have legal recourse if the city violates the deal.This conclusion supports the central aim of attaining housing. My idea addresses the question of whether quantity or quality of housing is more important. The answer is both are important, so my solution addresses both priorities. My main idea is that the collaboration can compromise on location under reasonable safety conditions. To refuse to put the housing project at the site would mean taking for granted the opportunity to get housing for people that need it. However, I don’t believe that it would be reasonable to support the location without safety precautions.This idea is clearly expressed through a written agreement that both the city and collaborative could sign. For example, there would be wording that explicitly prohibits dumping for certain chemicals and materials. This decision implies that low-income families would have access to housing in an unideal situation. My point of view is that people deserve better than to live next to a garbage site, but given the limited space availability, compromises must be made. Ultimately, if the city and collaboration are unwilling to sign an agreement, I would refuse to support the site for families. I can accept an unideal location but not an unsafe one.”

solved Historical Essay: a historical essay, sometimes called a thesis essay,

Historical Essay: a historical essay, sometimes called a thesis essay, is a body of writing grounded in research about a particular topic. It will familiarize the reader with that topic’s context by clearly defining it, summarizing its components, and synthesizing its many facets. As the author, you will form an argument or claim surrounding the topic, developing a thesis statement and supporting that statement with evidence, arguments, research, and references. A historical essay must make it clear to the reader why the argument or claim is both legitimate and relevant, and ought to insight a new way of thinking about that topic. 
Using your annotated bibliography, research, and abstract paragraph as a starting point, construct a historical essay about your design area of focus. This essay should clearly define your focus, familiarizing your reader with its history, components, origins, users, time periods, locations, identities, and outcomes, and should situate the reader within the framework through which you are studying it. Your aim is to educate your audience on your focus’ history while positioning it within the framework of your design proposal. The historical essay is an opportunity to preface your site analysis and ground your design proposal in research by both informing your audience and presenting your unique and critical perspective surrounding the topic. The historical essay should not include the specifics about your design proposal or the site, but should serve as a body of research supporting it.
STEPS TO WRITING A HISTORICAL ESSAY (Links to an external site.)
Whether you start small or big, it is imperative to ask the right questions about your area of focus. Asking the right questions allows for insightful discovery that also inspires and informs a legitimate, researched, and historically-grounded design proposal.

Your historical essay should be between 1250 and 1750 words (5-7 pages double spaced).
Assign a title to your historical essay.
Include your abstract paragraph at the start of your historical essay.
Include your annotated bibliography at the end of your historical essay.
Include a bibliography after your annotated bibliography — the bibliography only lists the sources cited in your historical essay and does not include the 150 word source summary.
The historical essay should be grammatically correct and free of spelling errors. All citations must be in Chicago Style Format. Reference the Purdue Writing Lab (Links to an external site.) for any formatting questions.

Abstract statement
The lighting plays a very essential role inside of the theater design, and artificial lighting is the  most commonly used in traditional theater design. Natural lighting at my exterior theater makes  it so different from traditional ones. Therefore, to take advantage of natural lighting is super  important to my space. Studying the new lighting system is what I really want to pursue. The  rooftop in the city will involve so much social contacts and communication, the study of public  space is necessary to think about. 

solved Section 1 Please be sure to number each answer to

Section 1 Please be sure to number each answer to correspond with each question and section.1.
Find at least three quotes anywhere from Chapters 1-4 that describe Hester’s
demeanor during her public shaming. Be sure to provide the Chapter Title and
paragraph number where you got your quotes from.Explain what each quote reveals
about Hester’s internal characteristics thusfar.2.
Do the same thing for the characters of Revered Dimmesdale and Roger Chillingsworth.
Again, be sure to provide the Chapter title and paragraph3.
Find at least three quotes that describe the actual “Letter A” that Hester is forced
to wear. Again, be sure to provide the Chapter title and paragraphnumber
where you got your quotes from.Section
2 Please be sure to number each answer to correspond with each question and section.Online
Reading Quiz: The Scarlet Letter: Chapters 5-9. Please be sure to number
each answer to correspond with each question and section.4. Find quotes that describe Hester’s daughter
Pearl. Be sure to include the chapter title and paragraph number where you
found these quotes. What does Hawthorne’s description of Pearl reveal about her
internal characterization? 5. Describe how
Arthur Dimmesdale’s physical well being has changed in the three years since
Hester has given birth to Pearl. Include chapter title and paragraph number
where you located his description. What do you think his physical description
reveals about his internal mental state? 6. By Chapter 9,
“The Leech,” there are two prevailing views (one positive and one
negative) of Roger Chillingworth by the townspeople, and the nature of his
relationship with Rev. Dimmesdale. Find quotes in that chapter that reveal both
views of Chillingworth. Which view do you think is more accurate and what
evidence is there so far in the novel to suggest this? Again be sure to provide
chapter title and paragraph number of your quoted material from the text. Section 3 Please be sure to number each answer to correspond with each question and section.7. Revered Dimmesdale’s mental and physical health has been
drastically declining in the years after Pearl’s birth. He feels like a
hypocrite. Even though he never directly states that he’s Pearl’s father, much
of his mental anguish makes that evident. Find at least five quotes from
chapters 10-13 that showcase how Dimmesdale’s decline is related to his
connection to Hester and Pearl. 8. In these chapters, the view of Hester by the townspeople has
made a drastic shift from the beginning of the novel. How has the view of her
changed? Find at least five quotes from Chapters 10-13 that illustrate how she
and her “scarlet letter” have changed in meaning. 9. Roger Chillingworth has also been slowly changing. He is now
using psychological manipulation to torture Dimmesdale in his quest to get
revenge. Find at least five quotes that show his use of psychological
manipulation. Even though Dimmesdale and Hester are the ones who sinned, Roger
is the one characterized as cruel. What do you think Hawthorne is trying to
illustrate through Roger and his obsession with revenge?

solved In the introduction of this unit, you were introduced to

In the introduction of this unit, you were introduced to various epistemology theories that are used in various disciplines. In this assignment, you are asked to revisit the theories and to research and describe them. Complete the following for this assignment:In a Word document, write about the importance of the scientific method and the use of theory in research. First, write a short paragraph discussing the importance of the scientific method in the development of knowledge.Then, in the same Word document, list ten different theories and out of the ten, select three specific theories that you will research in more detail. The Examples of Theories in Different Disciplines document attached in the Resources will help you get started. This table is also available in this unit’s introduction.From the list of academic peer review journals below, locate one empirical research article in the Capella library that uses one of the theories from your list. To ensure that you find an empirical research article, use the PSL8106 Library Research Guide and fill out the Empirical Research Article Screener, both located in the Resources. If you locate an empirical article from a journal that is not on this list, please contact your instructor for approval before using it. American Behavioral Scientist.American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.American Journal of Public Health.American Journal of Sociology.American Review of Public Administration.Annals of Family Medicine.Child Development.Criminal Justice.Criminology.Criminology and Public Policy.Decision Sciences.Ethnicity and Health.Gerontologist.Information Systems Journal.International Journal of Nursing Studies.Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management.Journal of Interpersonal Violence.Journal of Marriage and the Family.Journal of Management.Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Journal of Research on Adolescence.Justice Quarterly.Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly.Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.Psychology, Public Policy, and Law.Qualitative Health Research.Quality of Life Research.Social Work.Social Work Research.Violence and Victims.VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations.For each of the three theories, briefly (in about three sentences) describe who developed the theory and accurately summarize the major assumptions. Be sure to use literature to support your claims.Your assignment must conform to APA guidelines.Submit the following for your assignment:The Word document containing the short paragraph on the scientific method and also the theory descriptions.Post the persistent link for your article along with your analysis for discussion. See the Resources for information on finding this link.The completed Empirical Research Article Screener.Read the Theory Selection Scoring Guide prior to submitting to ensure you have met all of the criteria for the assignment.Note: Your instructor may also use the Writing Feedback Tool to provide feedback on your writing. In the tool, click the linked resources for helpful writing information.