solved Chose a publicly traded company and answer a series of

Chose a publicly traded company and answer a series of questions on that company each week. The questions given will be related to the topics covered in classes of that week. Question Set 1:1) What is your company’s principal business activity?2) Who is the CFO? What is his/her accounting background? Give as much detail as you see necessary.3) Is your company managing any ethical issues presently? If so, how do their actions affect their financial performance going forward?Question Set 2:1) Take the income statement of your company and transfer this to excel.2) What is the largest expense/cost item on your income statement? Using your annual report (notes to the financial statements) explain what is causing this expense. Can you think of some strategies to reduce this?Question Set 3:1) Identify the costs/expenses as either variable of fixed. For the variable cost per unit, you will have to find or estimate the total products sold during the fiscal year.2) Write the cost function for your company. RubricTerm Assignment Part 1Term Assignment Part 1CriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar & FormattingIs the entire document in the same font? Is the font size consistent? Are there any mis-spelled words?2 ptsExcellentAll requirements were completed with no noticeable issues.2 to >1.5 ptsWell DoneLess than 5 errors1.5 to >1.0 ptsSatisfactoryBetween 6-10 errors.1 to >0.5 ptsInadequateMore than 10 errors0.5 to >0 ptsUnacceptableNo submission or mostly incomplete work with many errors.2 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDepth of ContentIs it clear that research was done to find answers to the questions? When the methods discuessed in class used to analyze data?6 ptsExcellentAll questions were answered using the methods discussed in class.6 to >4.5 ptsWell DoneMost questions were answered using methods discussed in class, some errors noted.4.5 to >3.5 ptsSatisfactorySome questions were omitted or completed incorrectly.3.5 to >1.5 ptsInadequateThe majority of questions were omitted or completed incorrectly. A complete redo of these questions necessary.1.5 to >0 ptsUnacceptableNo submission or only a small portion of questions were complete with errors made or very little research evident.6 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization of SubmissionAre the word document and excel file both submitted with the questions being asked clearly answered? Is there a reference list provided? Is the income statement in the excel file exactly the same as the companies 10-k statement?2 ptsExcellentPresentation of the material is adequate.2 to >1.5 ptsWell DoneThere are some minor corrections to make but overall the quality of the document is sufficient.1.5 to >1.0 ptsSatisfactoryThere are major corrections to make with the document, possbily no references or questions in the wrong order, etc.1 to >0.5 ptsInadequateMajor work is needed with this submission, most likely a complete redo of the document is necessary.0.5 to >0 ptsUnacceptableNo submission or majority of the work is not complete.2 ptsTotal Points: 10

solved Chose a publicly traded company and answer a series of

Chose a publicly traded company and answer a series of questions on that company each week. The questions given will be related to the topics covered in classes of that week. Question Set 1:1) What is your company’s principal business activity?2) Who is the CFO? What is his/her accounting background? Give as much detail as you see necessary.3) Is your company managing any ethical issues presently? If so, how do their actions affect their financial performance going forward?Question Set 2:1) Take the income statement of your company and transfer this to excel.2) What is the largest expense/cost item on your income statement? Using your annual report (notes to the financial statements) explain what is causing this expense. Can you think of some strategies to reduce this?Question Set 3:1) Identify the costs/expenses as either variable of fixed. For the variable cost per unit, you will have to find or estimate the total products sold during the fiscal year.2) Write the cost function for your company. RubricTerm Assignment Part 1Term Assignment Part 1CriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar & FormattingIs the entire document in the same font? Is the font size consistent? Are there any mis-spelled words?2 ptsExcellentAll requirements were completed with no noticeable issues.2 to >1.5 ptsWell DoneLess than 5 errors1.5 to >1.0 ptsSatisfactoryBetween 6-10 errors.1 to >0.5 ptsInadequateMore than 10 errors0.5 to >0 ptsUnacceptableNo submission or mostly incomplete work with many errors.2 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDepth of ContentIs it clear that research was done to find answers to the questions? When the methods discuessed in class used to analyze data?6 ptsExcellentAll questions were answered using the methods discussed in class.6 to >4.5 ptsWell DoneMost questions were answered using methods discussed in class, some errors noted.4.5 to >3.5 ptsSatisfactorySome questions were omitted or completed incorrectly.3.5 to >1.5 ptsInadequateThe majority of questions were omitted or completed incorrectly. A complete redo of these questions necessary.1.5 to >0 ptsUnacceptableNo submission or only a small portion of questions were complete with errors made or very little research evident.6 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization of SubmissionAre the word document and excel file both submitted with the questions being asked clearly answered? Is there a reference list provided? Is the income statement in the excel file exactly the same as the companies 10-k statement?2 ptsExcellentPresentation of the material is adequate.2 to >1.5 ptsWell DoneThere are some minor corrections to make but overall the quality of the document is sufficient.1.5 to >1.0 ptsSatisfactoryThere are major corrections to make with the document, possbily no references or questions in the wrong order, etc.1 to >0.5 ptsInadequateMajor work is needed with this submission, most likely a complete redo of the document is necessary.0.5 to >0 ptsUnacceptableNo submission or majority of the work is not complete.2 ptsTotal Points: 10

solved __________________________________________________________________________________________ Ba

Background (not to be used in your paper): Upton Sinclair’s novel, The Jungle, told of horrible conditions in the meatpacking industry as seen through the struggles of his main character Jurgis Rudkis, a Lithuanian immigrant, and his family. Sinclair hoped his book would highlight the plight of the worker, illustrate what was wrong with American capitalism, and promote social reform. Historians recognize his accounts as exaggerated, but it was an instant best-seller and prompted President Teddy Roosevelt to launch an investigation into his claims. The investigative committee discovered atrocious conditions in some plants but found others to be hygienic. The resultant Neill-Reynolds Report spurred the passage of the Meat Inspection Act (1906), which focused on protecting the public from tainted food but not from workplace abuses.
Read the assigned excerpts from the following document: Content Warning: This document contains graphic descriptions illustrating the abuses of the meatpacking industry in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

From Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle, read Chapter 9 and the first 3 paragraphs of Chapter 14 (the last sentence of paragraph 3 ends with: “ . . . they would charge two cents more a pound.”):…

Use the details from these excerpts to answer ALL of the following questions:

According to Sinclair, in what ways did immigrants directly experience political corruption?
According to Sinclair, what conditions did the workers experience in the plants?
According to Sinclair, what was the state of the meat in these plants?
In your answer to each question, you must include at least two (2) specific examples from the document in support of your argument.

***DO NOT USE OUTSIDE SOURCES to answer these questions!***
Formatting & Posting Instructions:

Your Analytical Assignment should be at least 300 words in length (no more than 600 words).
Please use complete sentences and organize your responses into paragraphs.
For this assignment, you do not need an introduction or conclusion; however, your assignment should begin with an overall, detailed thesis statement that sums up all of the main arguments (your answers to the questions posed) that you will make.

Put this thesis statement at the beginning of your assignment, separate from your other paragraphs.

For citation purposes, put the author’s name and the chapter number in parentheses (Sinclair, Ch. 9 or Sinclair, Ch. 14). You must give credit to the author EACH time you quote and/or paraphrase.
Each statement (argument) that you make must be directly supported with evidence from the source. Example: Columbus’s motives for conquest were: your argument. According to Columbus, these “new” lands offered Spain: “the source support” (Columbus). DO NOT use any other sources—only use the assigned document to answer these questions.

solved Journal #1 In this first journal activity, you may write

Journal #1
In this first journal activity, you may write about any topic(s) of your choice, but it is best to use the textbook to study.

For this activity, topics should address content covered in Chapters 1 – 8 in the textbook.

It is expected that, at a minimum, you are reading the assigned textbook chapters.
You are encouraged to read collateral historical writings on topics covered in the textbook.

This activity will consist of 10 separate journal entries; you will have a total of 20 entries by the end of the course.
Each separate entry should:

Be titled as Entry 1, Entry 2, Entry 3, etc.
Contain a minimum of 120 words.
Consist of a summary, paraphrase, and synthesis of material you are reading/studying in this course.
Be written in your own words – do not quote the work of others verbatim.
Discuss the subject matter that you are studying – do not simply agree/disagree.

Your study involves, first and foremost, learning the nation’s past; doing so requires a review of previously published studies, so you are encouraged to conduct research using outside resources, but be sure to draft your journal entries in your own words.

Direct quotations should not be used; citations are not necessary.
Do not copy/paste information from any source.
No citations
Grading Criteria for Journals
You will make two separate journal submissions during this course. Each submission will be worth 50 points.

Each submission will consist of 10 separate journal entries.
Save the file containing your first set of 10 entries in .rtf (rich text format) or as a .doc (word doc), and name the file Journal #1.
For clarity and ease, please title your entries as Entry 1, Entry 2, Entry 3, etc.
Each separate journal entry should be a minimum of 120 words in length.
Each entry should pertain to United States History prior to 1877.
Each entry should be written in your own words.
Submission of only half the required length/number of journals will earn half of the available points.
To gain a better understanding of journal entry expectations, please review the sample entry below:Entry 1What was the Declaration of Independence all about? It was written by Thomas Jefferson but was probably not signed on July 4th, 1776. It was written after hostilities had broken out. Lexington, Concord, Bunker Hill had taken place a year earlier. Why so late? The reason might be that the colonies were not yet united in their response to Britain. Many did not want to leave the empire only a few years earlier they had boasted about. Also, taking on the powerful British empire with trained troops seemed almost impossible. Several of the condemnations in the declaration were not true, and they were addressed to King George III rather than Parliament, which had the real power. It is quite possible that the colonial leadership did not want to attack a representative institution even though it was hardly representative of the people of Britain. Still, the declaration won widespread approval and helped to unite the colonists.Note: You will notice that this entry is greater than 120 words in length.

solved I am to choose an area of interest in exercise

I am to choose an area of interest in exercise physiology to research and learn more about in the area of exercise physiology. This topic can not have been (or will be) covered in class. After choosing a topic and having it approved by my professor, i will need to prepare a PowerPoint presentation that will effectively teach your classmates about your chosen subject. The presentation will be posted to facilitate a critical discussion with my peers about the topic. In addition, you will participate in critiquing/discussing the presentation of your classmates. Projects complete on non-approved topics and/or groups more than 4 will receive a zero (0) for the assignment.The presentation:Your presentation needs to follow a logical progression (i.e., introduction, body, and conclusion). Additionally, it is to be organized and written with clarity – the viewer should be able to progress through the presentation in a ‘self-guided manner without becoming overwhelmed or confused. That is not to say that you should create a collection of simple bullet points (do not do that). Your presentation should be stimulating, as well as informative. It is important to keep in mind that this is a junior/senior-level class, and your work should reflect that fact. A good rule of thumb is that “if you cannot distinguish a difference between your work and lower-level work, then most likely, you are still doing lower-level work.” The sources/references: You must use multiple, reputable sources. If you choose a topic from a textbook, you must supplement your presentation with additional information from other sources. In other words, your presentation should not merely be a summary of the content found in one book. You must provide additional, unique information. You must utilize information from at least 5 reputable sources, and no more than half of your presentation can come from any one source. When discussing a source, you must put the citation in the lower right corner of the PowerPoint slide.Special Notes: The Internet: Be very careful about your use of the Internet as a source of material. Largely, information on ‘popular’ websites (e.g., Dr. Oz, Livestrong, WebMD, etc.) has not been professionally scrutinized by a peer or blind review. Therefore, they are not generally considered appropriate or viable resources for academic research. However, some websites provide suitable research material. This is what PubMed does, and I highly recommend using PubMed Central to locate relevant journal articles to support your research. PubMed Central is an archive of free, full-text research journal articles. Additionally, SAU’s Magale Library provides on-line access to multiple research databases.Submitting work that has been utilized in other classes is not acceptable. Proof-read your presentation – double-check your spelling and grammar. I have posted a former student’s presentation that you can use as a model. This presentation has 35 slides, 28 of which contain to do an exercise physiology research project over a topic approved by my professor.

solved Answer all parts (A through E); each part 2 points;

Answer all parts (A through E); each part 2 points; 10 points in total.Do not think about it as an elaborate essay. Rather the point of this exercise is to identify answers in the homework assignments you did so far and then to expand on them by explaining them and providing necessary examples. Essentially, your job is to connect the dots given in multiple choice questions and to explain the connections.You have indefinite amount of time and indefinite amount of attempts to do this “essay”. It is due on Saturday. I suggest you type your answers using your favorite word processor and then copy them in the blackboard form.Main readings: * Sencerz, Philosophical Methods * Truncellito, “Epistemology” reading:* Stephen Hetherington, “Gettier Problems” very clear explanation of Gettier Problem (including multiple examples) and a review of possible solutions to it)* Matthias Steup, “The Analysis of Knowledge”* Peter Klein, “Skepticism” A: (2 points) Explain the idea of analytic definition. How are they different from stipulations (stipulative definition)? Under what conditions the definition is correct. Explain using some convincing examples. (You can use examples discussed in our reading and on handouts.) Part B: (2 points) Philosophers distinguish three different kinds of knowledge; namely, knowledge by acquaintance; knowledge as a skill (procedural knowledge); and propositional knowledge. Very briefly explain these three kinds of knowledge. Illustrate your explanations with convincing examples. Part C: (2 points) Traditionally; propositional knowledge is defined as the conjunction of three conditions. Namely, someone knows that something is the case if and only if one has a belief that it is the case, this belief is justified; and it is true. This is, so called, the “JTB” definition of propositional knowledge (i.e., knowledge as a justified true belief). For example: Stef knows that he had a banana for breakfast =def.i) Stef beliefs that…ii) Stef has a justification that…iii) This belief is true (i.e., Stef had a banana for breakfast).Briefly explain each component of this definition (i.e., what it meant to believe, what it means that belief is justifies, and what it means that it is true). Illustrate your explanations with convincing examples. PART D: (2 points) What is Gettier’s challenge to the traditional (JTB) analysis of knowledge. Explain what Gettier-like examples show. Use an example if it helps your explanation. PART E: (2 points) One possible answer to Gettier-like examples is that, in order to have knowledge, an agent must not reason through any false belief. Is this answer plausible or not? Explain using a convincing example.A better explanation answer to Gettier challenge is to add to the definition the clause that there is no defeater to the agent’s justification and belief. Explain using a convincing example.

solved Chapter 15: Southern Empires, Southern Seas, 1200-1500 Discussion Question: Choose

Chapter 15: Southern Empires, Southern Seas, 1200-1500
Discussion Question:
Choose ONE from below.  Identify which question you are addressing at the BEGINNING of your post.
How did environmental differences affect social, political, and economic institutions in the Delhi Sultanate, Mali and Mesoamerica?
View the short video: John Green’s Int’l Commerce, Snorkeling Camels, and The Indian Ocean Trade: Crash Course World History #18, available at Based on the video and course materials, consider the following: What had the greater impact driving Indian Ocean trade — the desirability of the goods OR the technological advances OR ???   Include examples to support your argument.
Be sure to REPLY to the posts of two other students. 
Use Book: Richard W. Bulliet, et. al., The Earth and Its Peoples, vol. 1: to 1550, 7th  (Cengage Advantage Books, 2019), ISBN-13: 9781337401487. 

First reply: The desirability of the goods AND the technological advances both took great impact driving the Indian Ocean Trade. Although in the Crash Course video he talked a lot more about the desirability of the goods, he also mentioned a little bit about the technological advances like compasses to help the traders navigate, which I think is very crucial. Although they depended on monsoon winds to travel the Indian Ocean, they also relied, “On the stars to guide them, skilled pilots steered large vessels by the quicker route straight across the water,” (p. 379). John Green mentions how crucial the magnetic compasses that came from China to know where you are going and the astrolabe that was popularized by the Muslim sailors which help navigate by the stars are. Despite the significance of trading goods like books, coffee, weapons (from Middle East), gold, animal skin, timber, ivory (from Africa), silk, porcelain (from China), spices, grains (from Southeast Asia), and many more other goods from other lands, without the advanced technology and how you will arrive at your destination you cannot trade the goods successfully.
Second reply: The Indian Ocean trade was heavily reliant on the desirability of goods. Due to the prosperity of empires, cities, and kingdoms throughout Asia, Europe, and Africa, the “demand for luxuries-precious metals and jewels, rare spices, fine textiles, and other manufactures- rose” (pg. 378). While larger, and more advanced ships, such as dhows, expanded their capacity and were able to transport more goods, it might have been because the demand was high, and it was easier to transport a large amount of goods if there was a larger ship. In the video, John Green states that the “terms of trade were set by the merchants and by the demands of the market” (Crash Course). The Indian Ocean trade system may have developed more technological advancements in order to fulfill the demands of the cities and empires. Different regions had a different goods they could offer, and were native to that area, so the demand led the way and pushed for Indian Ocean trade.

solved Prepare a 10-15 slide PowerPoint presentation, with speaker notes, that

Prepare a 10-15 slide PowerPoint presentation, with speaker notes, that examines the significance of an organization’s culture and values. For the presentation of your PowerPoint, use Loom to create a voice-over or a video. Refer to the Topic Materials for additional guidance on recording your presentation with Loom. Include an additional slide for the Loom link at the beginning, and an additional slide for References at the end. Outline the purpose of an organization’s mission, vision, and values.Explain why an organization’s mission, vision, and values are significant to nurse engagement and patient outcomes.Explain what factors lead to conflict in a professional practice. Describe how organizational values and culture can influence the way conflict is addressed.Discuss effective strategies for resolving workplace conflict and encouraging interprofessional collaboration.Discuss how organizational needs and the culture of health care influence organizational outcomes. Describe how these relate to health promotion and disease prevention from a community health perspective. While APA style format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center._________________________________________________________________________________________________ Topic: Case Study on Death and Dying The practice of health care providers at all levels brings you into contact with people from a variety of faiths. This calls for knowledge and understanding of a diversity of faith expressions; for the purpose of this course, the focus will be on the Christian worldview.Based on “Case Study: End of Life Decisions,” the Christian worldview, and the worldview questions presented in the required topic study materials you will complete an ethical analysis of George’s situation and his decision from the perspective of the Christian worldview.Provide a 1,500-2,000-word ethical analysis while answering the following questions:How would George interpret his suffering in light of the Christian narrative, with an emphasis on the fallenness of the world?How would George interpret his suffering in light of the Christian narrative, with an emphasis on the hope of resurrection?As George contemplates life with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), how would the Christian worldview inform his view about the value of his life as a person?What sorts of values and considerations would the Christian worldview focus on in deliberating about whether or not George should opt for euthanasia?Given the above, what options would be morally justified in the Christian worldview for George and why?Based on your worldview, what decision would you make if you were in George’s situation?Remember to support your responses with the topic study materials.Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is required.

solved I have chosen the Travelling salesperson problem as my typical

I have chosen the Travelling salesperson problem as my typical problem.2500 words, 10 references, harvard referencing style (At least one of the selected articles should be published after 2010)REQUIREMENTSStep 1: Identify and Solve a Typical ProblemThere are a number of typical models in the Operations Research field which can be applied to a wide range ofsupply chain problems. Select one of the following typical models: Travelling Salesperson Problem (TSP) Multiple Traveling Salesman Problem (mTSP) Knapsack Problem Vehicle Routing Problems (VRP) Job Shop Scheduling Parallel Machine Scheduling Christmas lunch problem Newsvendor problem Pickup and delivery Travelling thief problem Eight queens problem Minimum Spanning Tree Hamiltonian path problem1.1. Background: Provide a detailed explanation of the selected problem.1.2. Model Provide typical mathematical model of the selected problem and clearly explain different aspects of themodel (e.g. decision variable, objective function, constraints, etc.)1.3. Solving an Example Develop a mathematical model for a workable and reasonable size of the problem.– For many typical problems, when size of the problem increases, it becomes NP-Hard. In other words,your computer will not be able to solve it mathematically. Therefore, ‘workable and reasonable size’here means that size of the selected problem should not be too small or too large. Solve the problem in Excel and transfer your solution to Word. It is required that details and steps ofgetting the solution are provided in the Word document. Interpret the findings and discuss.Step 2: LR on Application of Selected Typical Model in Design and Analysis of Supply Chain Identify at least 5 peer reviewed articles in which your selected typical problem has been employed toaddress knowledge gaps in supply chain field.– At least one of the selected articles should be published after 2010. Write a comprehensive literature review on the application of “your selected” typical model in design andanalysis of supply chain and address the following (but not limited to) points:– What type of problems in supply chain can be addressed by the selected typical problem?– Compare similarities and differences of selected articles.– Discuss the suitability of using the selected typical model in design/analysis of various supply chains.– What are the limitations of your selected typical problem?– Undertaking any additional critical and/or content analysis on the application of selected typicalproblem in design and analysis of supply chain is highly recommended.1Step 3: Summary of Findings A summary of findings regarding the strengths and weaknesses of the selected typical problem in designand analysis of supply chain should be summarised in this section.Note: From each article something unique should be explained in the report. Word limit: 2500 ± 500 wordsyou are required to use the Harvard referencing system. The naming convention for both Word and Excel files is: ‘Student Number_Student Name’. Both Wordand Excel files should be uploaded to the Canvas.

solved Module2 Case Study___________________________________________________________________________

Module2 Case Study_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Name(s):The fitness boom that arose during the second half of the twentieth century created an explosive growth in the health fitness industry. The latest estimate available from the International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association (IHRSA, 2013) indicates that approximately 58.0 million people are members of 29,960 health fitness facilities in the United States, yielding a revenue of $21.8 billion.One of the leaders in the industry is Anytime Fitness. As of 2015, Anytime Fitness had over 3,000 franchised locations in 20 countries, and 2 million clients. Anytime Fitness is based in Woodbury, Minnesota. According to Forbes, Anytime Fitness was the fastest growing health club franchise in 2014. In 2015, Entrepreneur Magazine ranked Anytime Fitness first on its global franchise list.The gym facilities are open 24 hours a day, 365 days out of the year. Their traditional in-house fitness program includes providing equipment for cardiovascular, aerobics, and weight training.Anytime Fitness launched their website, Anytime Health in 2010. The company developed an app for the website in 2011. The app is available to members and serves as a platform to download workouts, track food, and interact with other users.To capitalize on the opportunity represented by the fitness boom, Anytime Fitness has expanded and upgraded its core fitness center operations and offers a number of new business initiatives to add new members and meet its members’ growing needs. Anytime Fitness has introduced personal training services for all clubs, launched a line of nutritional supplements, opened in-club retail stores in approximately one third of their fitness centers, licensed a line of portable fitness equipment under the Anytime Fitness brand name, and started online nutritional and weight loss counseling.Discussion Questions (20 points):1. How does Anytime Fitness interact with various elements in its environment? (5 pts)2. You are a CEO for the Anytime Fitness, a struggling fitness club franchise recently. After the annual meeting with Board of Directors, your company decided to improve customer services to find new customers and increase sales.Outline the “planning process” of the Anytime Fitness based on the following steps (5 pts)Goal:Objectives:Tactics:Roles:Evaluation:3. For the Anytime Fitness, identify 1) a situation that would involve routine decision making and 2) a situation that would involve complex decision making (5 pts)Routine decision making (2 pts):Complex decision making (3 pts):4. Check out the websites of Anytime Fitness ( and another organization that provides fitness services in your community (e.g., Planet Fitness, Phoenix Fitness, Endurance Fitness). Anytime Fitness to another organization regarding 1) policies, 2) website operations(5 points)Policies (3 points):