solved I’m working on a management case study and need a

I’m working on a management case study and need a sample draft to help me study.

Instructions It is important to understand what information systems are and why they are essential for running and managing a business. It is also important to understand the different systems that support different groups or levels of management. In addition, digital technology and the Internet play a key role in executing major business processes in the enterprise. Also, it is important to understand the ethical, social, and political issues raised by information systems. The case studies below provide you with an opportunity to critically analyze events that are taking place in real-life businesses. This helps to develop your critical thinking and research skills as you research each of these scenarios. For this assignment, review the four case studies (see attachment). Then, in an essay, evaluate the studies and respond to each of the questions below, using both critical thinking and theory as well as supporting documentation. In Chapter 1, read the case study “UPS Competes Globally with Information Technology.” Then, answer the questions below. How does UPS use information systems technology to achieve its strategic goals of being more efficient and customer oriented?What would happen if the automated package tracking system was not available?Discuss how globalization has “flattened” the world. In Chapter 2, read the case study “Data Changes How NFL Teams Play the Game and How Fans See It.” The, address the prompts below. Analyze how information systems are transforming business.What types of systems does the NFL and its teams use?What is the role that these systems play in improving both operations and decision-making? In Chapter 3, read the case study “Smart Products—Coming Your Way.” Then, address the prompts below. Explain the importance of collaboration and information sharing for businesses.Explain what a “smart” product is, and use an example.How do smart products increase rivalry among firms? In Chapter 4, read the case study “Are Cars Becoming Big Brother on Wheels?” Then, address the prompts below. Describe how new technology trends may cause ethical dilemmas.Discuss at least one ethical, social, and political issue raised by embedded cyber connections in cars.Discuss how big data analytics are being applied to all of the data generated by motor vehicles. In formatting the case analysis, do not use the question-and-answer format; instead, use an essay format with subheadings. The APA-formatted case study must be at least four pages in length (not counting the title and reference pages). Use a minimum of three peer-reviewed, academic sources that are no more than 5 years old (one may be your textbook). All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; all paraphrased material must have accompanying in-text citations. Textbook Reference: Laudon, K. C., & Laudon, J. P. (2020). Management information systems: Managing the digital firm (16th ed.). Pearson.…

solved Challenges in the Business EnvironmentOverviewChanging, or even stating, a company’s

Challenges in the Business EnvironmentOverviewChanging, or even stating, a company’s values can be a long and arduous process, but it often pales in comparison to the effort it takes to make sure they are honored, implemented and projected. In this assignment, you evaluate how well your chosen company from the first assignment has done in “walking the talk” and responding to a social issue.PreparationFord Motor company’s mission and values statements as well as other sources that provide insight into the company’s values with regard to social responsibility. Pick two of their primary values and research how the company manifests those values. Simple examples might be the commitment to workplace diversity or ecological sustainability. InstructionsCreate a 3–5-minute (approximately 6–8 slides) PowerPoint presentation that evaluates how well the company embodies its issue-related values. Your presentation should contain detailed speaker’s notes that flesh out and support main points, ideas, or conclusions and have supporting citations.Summarize your chosen company’s Supplier Responsibility information.In your own words, explain how each aspect of your Supplier Code of Conduct is committed to ethical business practices and social responsibility.Discuss your company’s stance on each of the following areas:Empowering Workers.Labor and Human Rights.Health and Safety.The Environment.Accountability.Identify the key ways that your company’s Code of Conduct has changed since last year.Examine the manner in which your company’s Supplier Code of Conduct helps the organization operate as a socially responsible organization.In this week’s discussion, you consider assembling a team to write a supplier code of conduct. Recommend the stakeholders roles (4–5) needed on the team and how each supports the project.Integrate at least three supporting resources from the Strayer University Library or other reputable sources.This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is: Create a presentation about the key areas, changes, and progress in a company’s supplier responsibilities and code of conduct.Additional Information & Resources:RequiredBUS 475 Assignment 2 Template.pptx (only color, text size and placement template changes permitted)The textbook must be a supporting source (it is listed on the template)Speaker notes are written – Do not record audio or submit audio filesOptionalImages – if used, a maximum of 3-5 low-resolution images to ensure Blackboard can process your submission may be addedStrongly RecommendedUse of the Citation Generators for In-text and source list citationsReview of Powerpoint dos and donts.jpgSupport ResourcesDon’t know how to use PowerPoint, Click here for instructions.Don’t know how to add Written Speaker Notes to PowerPoint. Click here for instructions.

solved Clif Bar & Company understands that employees cannot be satisfied

Clif Bar & Company understands that employees cannot be satisfied (only dissatisfied) on maintenance (extrinsic) factors such as salary and fringe benefits. Rather, motivators (extrinsic) factors such as meaningful work, job enrichment, and growth potential through job responsibility, autonomy, and development keep employees highly satisfied. It is more than just a job, rather, employees feel a deeper sense of meaning can be derived from the opportunity to have a positive influence on both the company and the community while building a sustainable work-life balance. Founder and CEO Gary Erickson’s vision is “If I want to keep employees passionate and engaged, I’ve got to let them go, to make sure they have time to live their lives, have adventures in the world, and come back refreshed.”
1. Does Vroom’s expectancy theory support Clif Bar & Company’s policies? Why or why not?
2. Are Clif Bar & Company’s methods sustainable, long-term motivators for its employees? Be sure to use theory from the chapter to support your answer.
3. Drawing from your experiences and preferences, would perks and fringe benefits similar to those that Clif Bar offer be an effective motivator for you? Would the company’s development and job enrichment opportunities be a motivator for you? Why or why not?
4. In what ways does human resource management support Clif Bar’s employee engagement techniques?

According to our textbook, Victor Vroom’s expectancy theory proposes that “employees are motivated when they believe they can accomplish a task and the rewards for doing so are worth the effort. The variables of Vroom’s formula are expectancy, instrumentality, and valence. Vroom’s expectancy theory supports Clif Bar and Company’s policies because both rely on rewards to motivate employees to accomplish a task. According to Vroom, the rewards must be worth the effort and in Clif Bar & Company’s case, their motivators are meaningful like job enrichment and growth potential.
2. Yes, Clif Bar & Company’s methods are sustainable because they are long-term motivators that ultimately satisfy its employees. Clif Bar’s motivators are all derived from the ability of employees to have a positive influence on the company, their community, and their work-life balance. Vroom’s expectancy theory holds that “rewards have value to employees” and performance and rewards being tied together. If Clif Bar & Company continues using long-term motivators, they will be able to positively sustain their employees’ satisfaction.
3. Based on my work experiences and preferences, I think Clif Bar’s perks and benefits would be effective motivators for me. Factors like job enrichment definitely motivate me because it’s important to me that I continue to be challenged by my job and interested in the work that I do.
4. Human resource management supports Clif Bar’s employee engagement techniques because those motivators and maintenance factors are ultimately helping to retain employees. These motivators support HR because they fall under compensation, development, and retention.

solved Interprofessional communication with stakeholders will be critical to your success

Interprofessional communication with stakeholders will be critical to your success at the practicum site, and identifying these stakeholders can help you understand additional areas for research in support of your project. For this assessment, you will communicate with your practicum site, as well as research stakeholders in the intervention, and synthesize the evidence, relating stakeholders to the problem or practice gap.
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:

Competency 1: Address assessment purpose in a well-organized text, incorporating appropriate evidence and tone in grammatically sound sentences.

Integrate evidence appropriately into writing.

Competency 3: Create a literature review that supports a possible intervention or process change.

Synthesize evidence in support of the assessment purpose.

Competency 5: Communicate with organizational and community stakeholders in a responsive and responsible manner that supports a team approach to the promotion, delivery, and maintenance of health and the prevention and treatment of disease.

Explain how you will tailor your message to stakeholder groups.

Communicate with your practicum site about the stakeholder groups involved in or affected by the intervention you have identified. Conduct additional research as needed to find evidence about the identities and interests of these stakeholder groups.
Note: The assessments in this course must be completed in the order presented; subsequent assessments should be built on both your earlier work and your instructor’s feedback on earlier assessments. If you choose to submit assessments prematurely, without considering and integrating your instructor’s feedback, your assessment may be returned ungraded, resulting in your loss of an assessment attempt.
Summarize your intended intervention, and identify the stakeholder groups in the intervention. Base the assessment on discussions with the preceptor and the practicum site, as well as references to resources found through research.
In Part 1 of your Project Charter, you will describe the focus of your project. The focus of the project is the implementation of the evidence-based intervention, including how it will be carried out, who will be involved, and when and where it will happen. Refer to the DNP Program Handbook for guidance on appropriate parameters for each element of the project.
Your assessment should address the following:

Explain how you will tailor your message to stakeholder groups.

Communication about the problem and the intervention will require effective interprofessional communication. Explain how you will address different stakeholder groups.

Synthesize the information in support of the assessment purpose.

Synthesis means that you should connect identified stakeholders to the problem or practice gap in well-organized paragraphs.

Integrate evidence appropriately into writing.

solved I’m working on a nursing discussion question and need a

I’m working on a nursing discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Please provide a reply to the following including a scholarly article reference. Descriptive analysis is used to describe data that has been collected and used to quickly understand the characteristics of a sample in a study (Chamberlain College of Nursing, 2020). Mean, median, and mode are some measures used for descriptive analysis. Inferential analysis is used to “determine the strength and the applicability of findings to the general population” (Chamberlain College of Nursing, 2020). This type of statistical testing is important in nursing to produce reliable results. Qualitative analysis of data “findings are valuable in helping to understand and determine the patient or informant’s perceptions, feelings, and experiences” (Chamberlain College of Nursing, 2020). Something that I learned that was interesting is that many people that are reading through research only look at the abstract or conclusion section of the report and this can cause the reader to base their practice on information that is irrelevant or inappropriate. It is important to also review the methods and results to be able to critique the research for yourself. This data analysis is necessary for discovering credible findings for nursing because “If you read only the conclusion, you risk basing your practice on evidence that is irrelevant, inappropriate, or worse, inaccurate and/or does not apply” (Chamberlain College of Nursing, 2020). “Clinical significance is the practical importance of the treatment effect, whether it has a real, palpable, noticeable effect on daily life” (Rios, 2017). “If a difference is statistically significant, it simply means it was unlikely to have occurred by chance. It doesn’t necessarily tell us about the importance of this difference or how meaningful it is for patients”(Rios, 2017). When considering application of findings to nursing practice, statistical significance is more important to me because clinical significance is far more subjective. “Studies can reach statistical significance but provide evidence that is not clinically meaningful, or results could not be statistically significant but very clinically relevant, therefore to fully appreciate the debate about studies that fall in this gray area, one must understand how to interpret several features of statistical design and the interpretation of results” (Dahlberg et al., 2020).References:Chamberlain College of Nursing (2020). NR439 Evidence-Based Practice. Week 6 lesson: Findings: Analysis and Results. Downers Grove, IL: Online PublicationDahlberg, S. E., Korn, E. L., Le-Rademacher, J., & Mandrekar, S. J. (2020, September 1). Clinical Versus Statistical Significance in Studies of Thoracic Malignancies. Journal of Thoracic Oncology, 15(9), 1406-1408.…Rios, C. (2017, March 23). Statistical significance vs. clinical significance. Students 4 Best Evidence.…

solved Essay 1 Analysis of an Argument: Rhetorical TriangleDefinition of the

Essay 1 Analysis of an Argument: Rhetorical TriangleDefinition of the AssignmentThis assignment requires students to apply summary and analysis skills which also will be required later in the two course research papers – i.e. this assignment will “bridge” into the later assignments.This assignment requires students to write a paper which analyzes an argumentative article/ essay selected from the Language Awareness text:summarize the article/ essayapply the Rhetorical Triangle model to the article/ essayLength/ Development/ FormatFormat the paper according to APA standards, including title page and References page. (Note: because this is a brief paper, you will not need an abstract.)Your paper should be a well-developed essay, 3 full pages (4 pages maximum), excluding the title page and References page, which lists the article/ essay from Language Awareness. (If your paper is 3 pages, you will have a total of 5 pages when you add the title page and References page.)Double-space, using 12pt times new roman (or similar) font.For additiional assignment infomration, click the following link: Essay 1 Analysis of an Argument Assignment Instructions and Details Research Question ProposalDefinition of the AssignmentThis assignment requires students to form a research question based on the controversial issue topic approved last week. The student should submit the research question for approval by writing a proposal paragraph.Students will:Begin research on the approved topic towards forming a research question (see the assignment and WA).Send the research question in a proposal to the instructor by typing a developed paragraph into the Assignment Materials dialogue box for this assignment.Include the narrow, focused issue that you will research.Include the research question that will focus your researchInclude a brief rationale of why you think the question allows an open dialogue/ points of view on the issueRequest issue question approval from the instructor.Proofread/ edit your paragraph.Note: Some of what you include here may be repetitive of your topic proposal last week, or you may find that your topic and focus have changed somewhat as a result of your additional research.Week 2 JournalYou may already have developed a writing process that works for you, or you may want to develop a process while you write your assignments for this course.Write a journal entry in which you:Reflect on how you usually go about a writing assignment, and list the steps.Reflect on when and how you might adapt your process for various assignments or writing projects(For example, some students might never use an outline to plan, but others may rely on the outline step, and still others might find the outline helpful sometimes, or may want to add an outline step for this course.)Note: Journal entries have no required length, but be sure you have addressed the prompt, that you are specific, and that your entry says something worthwhile. Journal entries are informal writing, but as with all class writing, editing counts. Be sure to proofread your entry.

solved For this assignment, you will select a creation myth from

For this assignment, you will select a creation myth from a culture other than one we have studied in class. Select a culture from the textbook, or go to the following website and select a culture: (Links to an external site.)Select a culture we have not studied this semester. Read from the textbook or listen to the creation story. In the paper you will:Research the basic elements of creation myths. You can use the textbook or reread the page I posted on creation myths.Explain the culture’s creation mythDiscuss whether the culture’s myth contains the three components we discussed: Motif of Separation; Three Genics: Cosmogenics, Theogenics, Anthropogenics; and the Motif of Succession.The paper will be at least five paragraphs: an introduction, at least three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The following instructions explain the expectations for each paragraph:Introduction:Explain what a creation myth is. Discuss the three components of creation myths. State which myth/culture you will discuss.Body Paragraph 1:You can refer to the textbook or reread the Creation Myth page. Here are the components: Motif of Separation; Three Genics: Cosmogenics, Theogenics, Anthropogenics; and the Motif of Succession. Select ONE of the components and in at least one paragraph, explain its meaning. Give an example of how the component is evident in a culture we have read in class. Make sure to paraphrase or write the information in your own words. Do not copy and paste the information. Doing so is plagiarism and can result in failure of the assignment. For help in paraphrasing go to: (Links to an external site.)Body Paragraph 2:Read or listen to the creation story of the culture you selected. In at least one paragraph introduce the culture and briefly explain the creation myth. For example, if you were discussing an Egyptian creation myth, explain how Atum or Ptah emerged from the primordial waters and created the first gods. Then the separation occurred and so forth. For this paragraph, simply tell the story. (Remember, you must read a myth from a culture we have not studied yet in class.)Body Paragraph 3:Consider all three components of creation myths (from above) in relation to the myth that you read. Is there a motif of separation? Is there a creation of gods? If the creation myth of the culture you select does not contain the components, explain the story of creation in that culture. For example, if there is no motif of separation, how did the world come into being? If the gods weren’t created, who or what exists in their place? If there is no motif of succession, how did the creation move forward? Write as many paragraphs as you feel necessary to explain the components.Conclusion: Reflect on what you have learned. What do the similarities and differences in the creation myths suggest to you? What can you conclude about creation myths in general? The paper must be in MLA format.

solved I’m working on a case studies question and need a

I’m working on a case studies question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

1)Would the subsidiaries still be competitive and adaptive in local markets if forced to coordinate with other subsidiaries around the world? Why?
2) Would Business Managers be able to change the habits of subsidiary managers toward more global behaviors? Why?
SAMPLE ANSWER ON CHEGG: Answer 1) Successful organizations adopt a strategy toward their structure by embellishment it to copy outer conditions in a given industry (Daft, 2010). So as to stay serious, it is significant for Rhodes Industries (RI) to create a particular objective so as to make certain a proficient activity is occurring. Since every global area went about as a free business, without the general utilitarian help of corporate, the auxiliary was not working with the cooperation of the parent area, assignments, for example, revealing were not being applied as productively as could be expected under the circumstances. Each given area is working out of a limited objective of miniature leveled plans of action.
So as to develop RI into the degree of activity it ought to be it is significant for every area to be less worried about Machiavellian achievement, yet additionally to be worried for the accomplishment of the enterprise overall. RI needs to address the absence of innovative work. Instead of work like a various establishments, Rhodes Industries needs to zero in on incorporated dynamic so as to develop the whole organization into a triumph as opposed to work on a miniature level. Assembling should be midway prepared so as to zero in on bringing all cycle enhancements into a conglomerated degree of activity. The general issues should be tended to by adopting a worldwide strategy towards their different areas. The free structure of each self-ruling area makes RI connect every area’s prosperity not with by and large organization development, but rather by the individual area’s prosperity.
Answer 2) Habits are difficult to break. Notwithstanding, with the goal for RI to become fruitful and productive the current degree of self-governance makes it hard to consolidate budgetary reports with overall areas. This business culture needs to change alongside operational cycles with the purpose of in general corporate development instead of essentially development center around every area. The degree of correspondence in RI keeps laborers from working together among areas, and lessens a chance to for measure upgrades. This was clear for the situation as the assembling division came up short on an activity to develop their line of items. To a limited extent, this could be because of the absence of heading from top corporate administration, and the nonappearance of an innovative work group. Rhodes Industries objective ought to be to make a smoothed out degree of joining between areas so as to improve correspondence, yet additionally fabricating measures. The best advantage of zeroing in on advanced combination is to have the open door for the executives to make a culture of capable and effective.

solved When first looking at the argument in general I want

When first looking at the argument in general I want to make clear two things. Omniscience is ‘all knowing’ for example the narrator of a story who is speaking as if he or she already knows what has happened or is going to happen and that ‘divine’ relates to a ‘God’ or the ‘perfect being.’ Secondly, it is important to know what ‘free will’ is. ‘Free Will’ is the ability to make one’s own choice or act at one’s own discretion. While referencing the questions about Divine Omniscience and the challenges associated with free will it is important to understand what we are discussing (Borland, p 1). Basically free will circumscribes to the idea that I will make my own decision about my own life and there is no preplanned life for me or whoever the person in question is. However when looking at Divine Omniscience belief and the ability to ‘prove’ that the existence of a ‘God’ is irrefutable….it hinges on the belief that every action is preordained. Is preplanned. For example, if I make it choice, it is God’s choice, not mine. Because of this, and the belief that ‘God’ is omniscience and knows what has been, is, and will be [basically think of Charles Dickens in ‘A Christmas Carol’]…this all knowing being tells you what is, will be, and is presently going on…but the difference between Dickens and God is that in Dickens’ story the Scrooge is able to make different choices based on what he sees. However when looking at the argument presented before, it’s more along the lines of…you can see but would still make the same choice….Borland, Tully. “Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.” Omniscience and Divine Foreknowledge. date accessed June 2, 2021……………Hello Class,This week I decided to answer the second question. With reference to Anselm’s Ontological Argument for the existence of God, evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of his argument. This was a very interesting read because it played into how we thought of God. The Ontological Argument is that “God, being defined as most great or perfect, must exist, since a God who exists is greater that a God who does not.” The main strength found in that argument is that it brings to light how the concept of God isn’t unreasonable. This shows everyone that there is an idea of God in your mind and because of this thought, it correlates to the idea that God exists. However, there are a few weaknesses within this argument. Guanilo argued that this line of thinking could then be used to prove that mythical things can exist as well. Since we can think of a great unicorn, then there must be one that exists when you apply it to Anselm’s argument. Another weakness pointed out was by Kant and the use of the word “existence.” He argued that the word had “nothing to the concept of an essence.” This was supported by an example of dollar bills. The argument was between a real dollar bill and an imaginary one. Both have the same characteristics but lacks essence. -this is the second response

solved Web Search Assignment As discussed in the lecture and notes,

Web Search Assignment
As discussed in the lecture and notes, the web is actually really well designed, but one needs to understand that design to best find information. Google’s search results page is rich with easy-to-use tools that provide flexibility and control over your search results. But it is also possible to use those same tools in the text of your search. Therefore, once you learn about these tools, you will find what you are looking for even faster and the quality of the information should be better. To complete the following assignment, you will need to complete a search using “Google (Links to an external site.)” ( and then repeat the search using “Duck Duck Go (Links to an external site.)” (
First research an incident from 2004 where four teenagers stole rare books from Transylvania university library.
You can start with the search phrase “Transylvania University library theft”
Starting with this search term, explain what you find and why this was a strong or weak term to begin with.
Next start to use the tools you learned from the lecture, develop a better search term, and research what you are now most interested in learning about this event. Then write a short description of this specific aspects of the event you are interested in and have learned about. What term did you choose to develop your new search?
Before you start this search, think about
1. What am I looking for? (What do I want? What am I trying to find? What am I trying to find out?)
2. How would I talk about this? (What keywords could I use in my query?)
3. How would someone else talk about this?
4. How can I describe this better? (Which of these keywords are common or general words? Which would be more specific? Are there better words I could use?)
5. What kind of results am I looking for? (Do I want a definition, a database, a list, a map, an image, a video, a newspaper report or something else?)

Next, use the date range filter in google outline what dates have the most mentions of the aspects of the event you choose to search and which dates that have the most mentions have the most relevant information early in the results. Support your answer.
Next choose a website that is from a geographically local source to the event. Use search features you have learned to only examine information from only that site. Explain what site you choose, why you choose that site, how you searched from only that site and if you learned more or less from searching just one website.
Next go to and complete your first search from above within duckduckgo by using the !bang google option (Links to an external site.). Meaning you end the search with “!g” Doing this is an attempt to bypass the filter bubble. Did anything change in your search findings? What did you find more useful or less useful? Easier or harder?
Then complete the date range search and the search using a geographically local source with duckduckgo. Compare the two search engines and identify what you liked or didn’t like about them.