solved Human Resource Policy Project (HRPP) Annotated Bibliography Assignment InstructionsOverviewTh

Human Resource Policy Project (HRPP) Annotated Bibliography Assignment InstructionsOverviewThis project summarizes the research that will be used in the HRPP paper later in the course.The HRPP project allows you to select four HR policies that are relevant to a small business and to create a case for their inclusion in a handbook to employees.InstructionsThe annotated bibliography for your 4 selected human resource topics must consist of at least 10 reputable, practitioner sources (ex. SHRM) or scholarly journals.Government websites (FLSA, EEO, etc.) can also count towards your sources (note some government websites will not be a match – such as the dress code for the Wisconsin’s FDA investigators.The .gov isn’t automatically an applicable source.Be in current APA format, and contain persistent links so others may have instant access. Include a proper title page.It is recommended that you review the HRPP paper instructions within the class (which explains the HRPP in more detail and has policy suggestions) and the writing center’s annotated bibliography example (linked below).It is highly recommended that you use Liberty University’s Jerry Falwell Library online resources. A librarian is available to assist you in all matters pertaining to conducting your research, including what constitutes a scholarly article (reputable, professional and/or scholarly journals, and/or informational venues that deal with the content of the course).The Jerry Falwell Library librarian has asked that the following be shared:Articles in Business Source Premier have a “Permalink” you can use to post in your assignment. The permalink, in most cases, will allow anyone to access your article. Articles in Business Source Complete have a “Permalink” you can use in your assignment. The Permalink should allow anyone to access your article. To get the Permalink, look the article up in Business Source Complete and click the article title. Then click the “Permalink” link that appears in the right column.The annotations are designed to help your classmates better understand and more easily learn about your topic. The annotation is not a normal required component of APA; rather, it is a specific additional requirement for this assignment. Note the following regarding your annotated bibliography:An annotated bibliography is a list of the journals and resources you used.Each citation is followed by a brief paragraph (at least 150 words) that is descriptive and evaluative—the annotation.The purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited.For more information on annotations, see this example from the writing center: .
Please read example of annotated bibliography which is attached below in order to know how to have paper in proper apa format 7th edition.

solved A specific claim that promotes your position (side) on how

A specific claim that promotes your position (side) on how your topic/issue is a problem in North Carolina – Remember, argument is based around the idea that people disagree and/or take various sides on an issue. You need to take a firm stand on how your topic is a problem in our state. Do not simply state a fact, like, “There are many homeless people in North Carolina.”

A specific claim that promotes your position (side) on how your topic/issue is a problem in North Carolina – Remember, argument is based around the idea that people disagree and/or take various sides on an issue. You need to take a firm stand on how your topic is a problem in our state. Do not simply state a fact, like, “There are many homeless people in North Carolina.” This is not an argument. It is a fact that has been proven with research. However, you could argue, “The increasing homeless population in NC is largely due to mental health issues that are not properly addressed because of state laws.”
Logical reasoning and evidence that prove your claim – You need to craft an organized and logical argument that proves your claim. You must present sound reasoning that is supported with scholarly, relevant and recent evidence. It is also important how your present this information, meaning the research you use should not take the place of your own writing. Remember, research is there to support YOUR reasoning, not take the place of it.
You understand opposing claims/points of view and can refute them – You need to show that you understand the varying points of view on your topic, and that you can analyze, paraphrase or summarize them. Also, you are able to refute these opposing claims using logic, reasoning and evidence (not simply stating that others are “wrong” in their opinion).
The use of a table, graph or infographic that adds emphasis to your argument – Select a relevant and recent table, graph or infographic from a source to incorporate into your argument. It should be tied to your reasoning and used as evidence to support your claim. Properly cite it using MLA citation. *Only use one and it can not be larger than the size of a normal paragraph. Carefully consider the sequence, structure and design of your argument when placing the infographic into your essay.
You understand your college-level audience and write to them in an objective, high style using clear, concise language – Even though this argument is based off your own opinion, you still need to write in a formal manner. Don’t use wording that “hedges” your argument, like, “I believe” and “I think.” Write in a confident tone. You are the authority of this argument. Do not rely on sources too much or have sources take over your essay. Your research should support your voice, not replace your voice as the authority in this argument. You want to continue to show that you have progressed in your writing through this semester. It should be clear, concise and virtually free of basic errors in grammar and mechanics. 

solved For this assignment, your will write an essay analyzing an

For this assignment, your will write an essay analyzing an empirical study. Be sure to provide the APA citation and a link to the article in the reference list within your document. As you complete your essay, reflect on what issues are important to the field vs. the general public, and how you and other health psychologists can communicate research clearly. Once you have chosen a study, use Google Scholar or another Library database like Web of Knowledge to determine the study’s “cited by” count. Your assignment should include the following review of the study in about one page:>State the problem or the topic discussed in the articleSummarize the authors’ purpose, hypothesis, methods, and major conclusionsNext, analyze the study, thinking about your responses to the following questions as a guide:Is the title of the article appropriate? Is it clear? Suggest an alternative title.Does the literature review justify the study? (Hint: to answer this, examine whether the information covered in the literature review directly maps on to the study being reported. The literature review should summarize all relevant scientific knowledge on the topic. Then, it should clearly outline something that we still do not know, and state how the study tries to address this gap. Consider whether there are irrelevant references, or whether some aspect of the study is not foreshadowed in the literature review).Do the authors seem to misrepresent or misinterpret others’ work? (Scan their sources to see if what the authors report aligns).Does the hypothesis or research question seem sensible? Do you believe that the study is important, based on the case the authors presented in the literature review? Is the purpose or hypothesis clear?Are the methods/protocol described clearly enough that you think you could replicate them (if you had the right laboratory, equipment or other resources)?Are the methods used reasonable ways to answer the research question(s)? No study is perfect, so describe one other way the authors might have tested their hypothesis or investigated their research question. Be creative!Does the analysis/discussion section over- or under-emphasize any aspect of the results?Do you trust the analysis and discussion? Why or why not? Point to specific evidence in the article that helps build your trust in the results (or not).Is any of the content duplicated? (For example, tables and figures should be summarized/interpreted in the text, not just repeated. Similarly, the discussion should connect the findings to the larger literature, not just re-state the results).Is the discussion section relevant to the topic? Do the authors make conclusions that are supported by their findings, or do they overreach? >What are the major implications of this study for consumers and researchers?What are the major limitations of this study? How could they be addressed?Across the article, are any statements or claims vague or ambiguous? How could they be clarified?

solved Part 1: Respond to the following in a minimum of

Part 1: Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: What measures should the criminal justice system, social service agencies, and the healthcare community take to reduce intimate partner violence (IPV) victimization? How can these measures make a difference?Part2: REPLY TO BOTH RESPONSES 1. Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a serious problem that has lasting and harmful effects on individuals, families, and communities. The goal for IPV prevention is to stop it from happening in the first place.Prevention efforts should ultimately reduce the occurrence of IPV by promoting healthy, respectful, nonviolent relationships. Healthy relationships can be promoted by addressing change at all levels of the social ecology that influence IPV: individual, relationship, community, and society. IPV is a serious preventable public health problem that affects millions of Americans and occurs across the lifespan.2-4 It can start as soon as people start dating or having intimate relationships, often in adolescence. IPV that happens when individuals first begin dating, usually in their teen years, is often referred to as TDV. From here forward in this technical package, we will use the term IPV broadly to refer to this type of violence as it occurs across the lifespan. However, when outcomes are specific to TDV, we will note that.. Family violence is another commonly used term in prevention efforts. While the term domestic violence encompasses the same behaviors and dynamics as IPV, the term family violence is broader and refers to a range of violence that can occur in families, including IPV, child abuse, and elder abuse by caregivers and others. This package is focused on IPV across the lifespan, including partner violence among older adult populations. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has developed a separate technical package for the prevention of child abuse and neglect.2. IPV is a real issue in the United States and around the world. I feel that in order to enact any real change we have to formulate programs or ways to make the general population more aware of IPV’s and the many forms/signs of them in a household. While there is some awareness out there I feel very few take the time to have the hard conversations about IPV and follow through by lookin gout for themselves and the people they interact with in life.As for how the criminal justice system can make a difference, the courts could change their guidelines for when to authorize restraining orders or other courses of action to make it easier to get the legal help to escape those situations. Police officers cannot do to much when it comes to IPV’s as it is ultimately up to the victims to press charges and make that big step to break the cycle of abuse. While that might seem like an easy thing to some the individuals in these situations often find letting go, accepting they are being mistreated, and seeking out the legal actions they should take much harder done than said.

solved Instructions This week, submit the following: A thesis statement stating

This week, submit the following:

A thesis statement stating your opinion/conclusion on the issue, the supporting points you will offer and at least one relevant opposing view you will address.
An annotated bibliography with evaluation of at least five (5) sources you intend to use in your final paper to support your claim.

These are sources that provide evidence to support that your claim should be accepted by the reader.
Scholarly sources are preferred and should be used where available; due to the nature of some of the topics, authoritative articles in very high quality substantive journals may also be acceptable.

Use the Source Evaluation Worksheet to determine the following:

If your source is current

If it is not current, explain why you think it is acceptable.

If your source is credible, reliable, and authoritative
How well your source supports your thesis

If the annotation does not make this obvious, explain to your instructor how you will use it.

If your support is popular

If it is, explain to your instructor why you think it is acceptable.

Prepare a citation, annotation, and evaluation for each source.
Annotation Example
Waite, L. J., Goldschneider, F. K., & Witsberger, C. (1986). Nonfamily living and the erosion of traditional family orientations among young adults. American Sociological Review, 51, 541-554.
The authors, researchers at the Rand Corporation and Brown University, use data from the National Longitudinal Surveys of Young Women and Young Men to test their hypothesis that nonfamily living by young adults alters their attitudes, values, plans, and expectations, moving them away from their belief in traditional sex roles. They find their hypothesis strongly supported in young females, while the effects were fewer in studies of young males. Increasing the time away from parents before marrying increased individualism, self-sufficiency, and changes in attitudes about families. In contrast, an earlier study by Williams cited below shows no significant gender differences in sex role attitudes as a result of nonfamily living. 
Source Evaluation Example
2a. While this source is not current, it has formed the basis for numerous follow-up studies and it frequently cited in the literature; it has both historical value and also serves as a base-point for tracking changing attitudes.
2b. This is a scholarly source; the source is credible, reliable and authoritative.  The authors were experts in their fields, published their study in a peer-reviewed journal, and the study has held up under rigorous scrutiny by other experts in the field.
2c. This source strongly supports my thesis that the current pattern of young adults remaining with family because they cannot afford independent living due to student loan obligations is having a negative effect on young adults developing self-sufficiency and individualism.
2d. This source is popular; it is used to show how public opinion was influenced by advertising

solved Marine Policy Project Part 2 Blue Ice Antarctica (from B.

Marine Policy Project Part 2
Blue Ice Antarctica (from B. Longworth (WHOI) with permission)
Marine Policy Project Part 2: Research Document (40 points)
Maximum 2-3 pages, single spaced, 1″ margins
Research and produce a concisely written research paper on the chosen issue. The research paper should include primary scientific sources that are properly cited using scientific citing formats (APA), for both the text and bibliography.
Pay attention to the citation of references in the text:
It is expected the references citations in the text will include (author, year) or if there is no specific author (organization, year.) No embedded links!

This paper does not have to be written as an argument but could be. The research paper should have all the supporting information and documentation for the “appeal” you will be writing in Part 4.
A few comments regarding primary scientific sources/references:
Primary sources of scientific information are books, papers, and articles that have been through the rigorous process of review by experts in the field. A “peer reviewed” scientific article has been vetted by experts to make sure the data collection and analysis follow the principles of the scientific method.
Examples of journals with articles that have been through this process are as follows: Nature, Science, Scientific American, and National Geographic (also conference transactions and books); websites include NOAA, NASA, EPA, USGS as well as universities, and state, national or international research organizations. The New York Times and LA Times are often used as primary sources because it is well established that the articles have been through a rigorous editing and fact-checking process. National Inquirer and Wikipedia are not primary scientific source.
Wikipedia: Although it is a great place to look for links to primary sources, Wikipedia should never be cited as a primary source because although some of the information is vetted via peer-review, some have not, and it is hard to tell the difference between the two. Scroll down to the bottom of the Wikipedia article to look for preliminary reference that might be useful.
In an article that cites another article, to use the idea or statement cited, find and read the original article to assure the original author’s comments are not present out of context.
Blogs are particularly dangerous. Although blog authors often start off supporting their comments concerning vetted information, sometimes blogs can take bazaar twists.
For example, I recently had a blog link from a very well-educated friend which started off referring to Jared Diamond’s book “Collapse” and then veered off on a tyrant that I am pretty sure would have never been the intent of Diamond. However, the manner in which this blog entry was written suggests that the author was presenting Diamond’s ideas. Veryscary!

solved InstructionsThe goal of this assignment is to encourage you to

InstructionsThe goal of this assignment is to encourage you to engage in meaningful interaction with a member of a culture different from your own. You should treat this interview as an opportunity to learn about how members of your subject’s culture express themselves, engage with others, function in their community and family, etc. Focus your questions on aspects of the culture that reflect these ideas (rather than things like food and holidays, etc.). This assignment will also help you gain insight into the process of planning and conducting an interview. You should plan at least 15 minutes for the question portion of the interview.Before the InterviewPrepare yourself by doing some general reading on the interviewee’s culture. You should try to get a basic understanding of customs, etc. so you have a better sense of what questions to ask. Plan your questions to encourage conversation in the areas of personal expression, communication with others, etc. Open ended questions are always better than closed.During the Set-upGive the interviewee an overview/reminder of the purpose of the assignment, tell them about some sample questions, and remind them of the length of the interview. You should also ask if they have any questions before you start.During the InterviewTry to ask open ended questions that get your partner talking about what makes their culture unique. Focus on questions that dig deep into the culture, rather than surface questions. You might ask questions that encourage discussion about the following areas –The roles of the family members – what is expected of the mother, father, children, grandparents, etc.The type of communication that is valued in the culture (direct, indirect, etc.)The type of communication that is taboo or unacceptable in the culture (verbal, nonverbal; circumstances where things are appropriate or inappropriate)How people express themselves when they are upset or in conflict, i.e. is it okay to confront someone in public or only in private, are they open and direct in their concerns or would they rather hint at their displeasure, etc.Education – how it differs from your cultureSocial rituals/rites of passageWhat personality traits are most admired or respected (talkative vs. quiet, etc.)How people in their culture view AmericansCommon nonverbal symbols/behaviors and how they compare to yoursValues that are similar to and different from yoursHow people in their culture define a “good” personAny other questions you think are relevant for the person or cultureDuring the Wrap UpLet them know you are on the last question. Be sure to ask them if they have anything to add (the most interesting information often comes at this time).Submit to MeA two- to three-page paper identifying the questions you asked, what you learned about the culture, what you found most interesting, how your cultural practices and those of your interviewee differed or were similar, etc.See due date on syllabus/assignment.

solved Academic Journal Protocol for English 124: Rhetorical Analysis : The

Academic Journal Protocol for English 124: Rhetorical Analysis : The Question of God, Chapter 4 For each essay or piece that you read, you need to type ONE to TWO pages of analysis or more. Use Times New Roman, font size 12” in order to meet these specifications. Use doc, docx, or pdf to upload your files. Follow MLA protocol and include your name, my name, English 124, and the date you have uploaded your journal work to Canvas. The date will look like this: 27 June 2021. Be sure that all MLA address material is placed on the left hand side of your document. Include your last name and the page number on the right hand side of your document. Go to (Links to an external site.) to see sample student papers and MLA addresses from the MLA. Also, you should cite the title of the essay, and the author’s first and last name as the title of this journal entry. For instance, you might center this on top of your analysis: Michael Pollan, “Eat Food: Food Defined.” Whoever the authors are that you choose or are assigned to analyze each week, please be very clear on naming them and citing the title of their essays. All students will analyze the assigned essays using rhetorical analysis and rhetorical strategies in order to enrich your writing practices and to see what professional writers do in their own writing in order to win you over to their positions.In your four paragraphs or more of analysis, use this template to help you analyze each of our remaining essays/ books:Who is the intended audience for this essay or piece? What evidence is provided in the essay or piece to suggest that your inference is true? Analyze and find the presupposition/ assumption of the author or authors of this piece. Write it out and discuss its meaning/ significance.Recognize and analyze any logical fallacies and/ or problems in logic in this piece. What claims does each author make? How do they defend them or not defend them? Construct what the explicit thesis or implicit thesis is which drives this essay or piece forward. Why is it significant? How does the author build his or her argument? Is the evidence convincing? If it is not, why is that so? What is the counterargument? Show examples from the text of what this might be.Without citing ethos, pathos, or logos, what other rhetorical strategies are used to move this essay forward? Use the rhetorical analysis document as located in Canvas to assist you in your analysis. Find two or three rhetorical strategies that the author or authors use in this essay or piece to move the argument forward. Write what these strategies are and comment on their contributions to this essay/ piece. (Use the Rhetorical Analysis Document to help you identify various Rhetorical Strategies writers use to promote their arguments). Write your personal response to this essay or piece. Is the essay successful? Does it move you? Would you recommend this piece to a friend? What are your thoughts on this piece?

solved Please construct a cogent, coherent essay by incorporating the following

Please construct a cogent, coherent essay by incorporating the following questions below. Develop a thesis (a central point or main argument). Citation and references from class materials (lectures, reading links, film clips, etc.) are required. Please type & double-space (Times, 12-font preferrably) in a doc., docx. or PDF. The assignment is 5 to 6 pages. You may go over 6 pages. Please include a bibliography or works cited page. Most sociological papers utilize APA citations. You may use APA, MLA, or Chicago-style. Try to be consistent. Your essay will be evaluated on the basis of the followinga) COMPOSITION: grammar, syntax, spelling, organization 
b) CONTENT: information & data 
c) CREATIVITY: originality of approach and ideas 
d) CRITICAL ANALYSIS: sociological imagination 
(how’s and why’s), ability to distinguish social patterns and stereotypes, application of concepts and paradigms.e) ***CITATION: sources; references of each textbook, each film clip, online CANVAS posts, CANVAS lectures/discussion, classmates’ posts, bibliography/works cited -page. In order to provide a critical analysis, in addition to sourcing your required readings, film clips, lectures, & class discussion posts. (Outside sources other than your textbook, class lectures, Canvas posts should only be cited in addition to your textbooks, not in lieu ofyour textbooks). Please construct a coherent, cogent, critical analysis by exercising your sociological imagination. Select one topic from the following:1) race relations & racial inequality/equality; 2) gender identity and equality/inequality; 3) LGBTQA+ identity and equality/inequality; 4) class/socioeconomic stratification &5) urban and rural lifeIdentify how these conditions are social problems? What are the differences between personal problems and social problems? Explain how the topic you chose falls within what sociologists treat as “social problems?As a sociologist studying the topic you’ve chosen to examine, what research design would you choose? Sociology does not address issues, questions and problems of “morality.” We leave that up to religious leaders and perhaps philosophers. Whether somethings is “wrong” or “right” is a larger question (an important one albeit). Why or why not? Do you believe sociologists have a responsibility to “take sides” on an issue? How do we tease out these “everyday situations” or “human conditions” from our own personal opinions to a more sociological understanding? If sociologists are not supposed to “judge,” how can sociologists help make society a better place? What role & responsibility does the sociologist have?If need be, please incorporate the various paradigms we’ve discussed in class (structural functionalism, social conflict, symbolic interaction, essentialism, social construction, assimilation, internal colonialism, Merton’s Four Types of Prejudice/Discrimination, etc.) I will provide you with the references to class material once a topic is chosen

solved I need a response to the below post. Please include

I need a response to the below post. Please include at least 4 references.The Affordable Care Act was implemented by Barack Obama during his presidency and has brought health insurance to 20 million more Americans, as well as improved coverage by requiring plans to have certain fundamental healthcare services (Borden & Nallamothu, 2017). Since its inception in 2010, this piece of legislation has caused much debate amongst legislators and many repeal efforts have been made.The article Cost-Benefit Analysis: A Tool for Good Governance in Financial Regulation discusses cost-benefit analysis, and states, “Cost-benefit analysis requires an agency to attempt to quantify its reasoning process-revealing which aspects of a problem the agency has taken into account. It allows the public and elected officials to understand and challenge the agency’s calculations or even its choices about which factors count in the decision making process” (Rose & Walker, 2013). The cost-benefit analysis for a legislator is not the same as the cost-benefits of society. A legislator’s primary goal is to be reelected, therefore their interests are often other than the benefit to society. The decisions by legislative officials are often swayed by their political party’s agenda rather than what is best for society. For a legislator, the cost-benefit would include weighing the gained political party support as a result of their decisions versus the lost political support. In regard to the ACA, legislators may ignore the cost-benefit to society, which would support maintaining the ACA, and choose the support a repeal because it better fits the political party agenda that will support their reelection. An analysis of voter’s views may also affect decisions by legislative leaders in recommending national policies. Medicare and Medicaid are government programs designed to help improve welfare and health, as well as protect the citizens. As the citizens and voter’s views are taken into account, legislators can make decisions to satisfy their needs and align with those views, which affects national policy. The voter’s views are the majority and have more power and influence. The textbook Health Policy and Politics: A Nurse’s Guide states, Politics is at heart a people process and, like other people-centered endeavors, the relationship among and betwn people determine outcomes” (Milstead & Short, 2019). ReferencesBorden, W.B., & Nallamothu, B. K. (2017). Repealing the Affordable Care Act: America’s Moral Test. Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes, 10(2), e003598. Retrieved from…Milstead, J. A., & Short, N. M. (2019). Health policy and politics: A nurse’s guide (6th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.Rose, P., & Walker, C. (2013). Cost-benefit analysis: A tool for good governance in financial regulation. The Regulatory Review. Retrieved from…