solved ASSIGNMENT: Ecomap PURPOSE: The purpose of this assignment is to

PURPOSE: The purpose of this assignment is to provide students with the opportunity to
recognize the importance of resources and supports in families’ lives. By completing their own
ecomap the student is using an ecosystem perspective to better understand the nature of a
family’s relationships to their environment. The ecomap is a visual tool designed to organize and
clarify information about the transactional relationships between the individual/family and their
environment at a specific point in time DESCRIPTION: An ecomap is a diagram which highlights an individual or family’s
relationship to their environment. Completing the ecomap can help the student to identify
strengths, needs, and boundary issues. Completion of this assignment includes a written analysis
of the transactional relationships between the individual/family and their environment. Special
attention should be given to the following: 1) Social supports (family, friends, religious
organizations, support groups, neighbors, etc.), 2) Community resources (housing assistance,
daycare, financial assistance, health and dental care, mental health and substance abuse services,
legal assistance, transportation, employment opportunities, nutrition, etc.), 3) Stressors (legal
difficulties, family dynamics, financial problems, health issues, housing instability, daycare
access, transportation, domestic issues, employment obstacles, substance use, pregnancy,
parenting, discrimination. REQUIREMENTS: One: Decide who resides in your home and the different entities
with which you interact in your environment. Two: Create your ecomap. There are also many templates that can
be found on the internet that provide assistance in developing the
ecomap. You may also hand draw your ecomap if you choose.
You may want to watch which shows
you how to draw an ecomap. Read and study the Ecological Model
Systems section in Chapter 1 in your textbook and carefully study
Fig. 1-1 in your textbook. Then complete an eco-map for yourself.
Three:Write a reflection paper (1 to 2 pages) analyzing your
ecomap and discussing patterns you see. Identify how the 1) Social
supports (family, friends, religious organizations, support groups,
neighbors, etc.), 2) Community resources (housing assistance,
daycare, financial assistance, health and dental care, mental health
and substance abuse services, legal assistance, transportation,
employment opportunities, nutrition, etc.), and 3) Stressors (legal
difficulties, family dynamics, financial problems, health issues,
housing instability, daycare access, transportation, domestic issues,
employment obstacles, substance use, pregnancy, parenting, discrimination) are impacting your family. What could be added to
your map as a resource? What could be done to lessen the stress
placed on your family by outside resources? Where do you see
strengths? Where do you see challenges or areas needing additional
support? What value do you see in using ecomaps with families

solved OverviewIn this exercise you will learn about the life table,

OverviewIn this exercise you will learn about the life table, which is used to estimate life expectancy. You will use mortality data from the US National Center for Health Statistics National Vital Statistics System-CDC. Through this exercise, you will become familiar with online demographic data sources as well as the mortality patterns of the US population. You will learn how life expectancy is constructed by paying close attention to a life table, and in so doing, you will better understand the logic behind this fundamental measure of mortality. PrepareRead the short segments on measuring mortality in Population: Introduction to Demography 下载(page 12-13). Watch this short video explaining life expectancy (链接到外部网站。).Work with me on a life tablWe are going to start by walking through a life table together, specifically the one for the entire US population in 2018. Open this report (链接到外部网站。). Read the first two paragraphs of the Introduction to learn about cohort vs. period life tables. Today, we will be examining period life tables, and this is nearly always what is used to construct life expectancy. Read the first sentence of “Data and Methods” to learn where the data for the life table come from. Then read the entire section titled “Explanation of the columns of the life table.” Examine Table 1. Now you get it, right? Just kidding. Let’s walk through Table 1 together. To do this, take and submit this quiz. Notice that you can correct any incorrect answers. You are getting credit (2 points) for completing and submitting the quiz, so make sure you do that. More importantly, I want you to actually learn how a life table works, so take your time reading and absorbing the content.Pick a table and answer questions.Now answer some questions about a life table on your own. Pick one of the other life tables in the same report from 2018: females, males, Hispanic population, Hispanic females, Hispanic males, white population, white females, white males, Black population, Black females, or Black males. In a word processing document that you will upload, tell us which life table you picked. Then answer the following questions in full sentences, using appropriate units of measurement when possible:1. What was life expectancy at birth for the population you picked? Is this a projection of how long infants born in 2018 in this population will actually live? Why or why not? (3 pts)2. Which age group has the smallest probability of death in the population you picked? (1 point) 3. What was life expectancy at age 25 in the population you picked? What is the expected life span for 25 year-olds in the population you picked? (For the second question, add life expectancy at age 25 to 25). Is this longer or shorter than life expectancy at birth, and why? (2 points)4. Compare life expectancy at birth in the population you picked to another population in the report. What is the difference in their life expectancies at birth? (2 points)

solved Read the Multifactorial Medication Mishap case study (Used with permission:

Read the Multifactorial Medication Mishap case study (Used with permission: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Patient Safety Network).
Complete the Root Cause Analysis Worksheet to analyze the case.
Multifactorial Medication Mishap Case Study:
The Case A previously healthy 50-year-old man was hospitalized while recovering from an uncomplicated spine surgery. Although he remained in moderate pain, clinicians planned to transition him from intravenous to oral opioids prior to discharge. The patient experienced nausea with pills but told the bedside nurse he had taken liquid opioids in the past without difficulty. The nurse informed the physician that the patient was having significant pain and liquid opioids had been effective in the past. When the physician searched for liquid oxycodone in the computerized prescriber order entry (CPOE) system, multiple options appeared on the list — two formulations for tablets and two for liquid (the standard 5 mg per 5 mL concentration and a more concentrated 20 mg per mL formulation).
At this hospital, the CPOE system listed each choice twice, one entry with the generic name and one entry with a brand name. In all, the physician saw eight different choices for oxycodone products. The physician chose the concentrated oxycodone liquid product and ordered a 5-mg dose. All medication orders at the hospital had to be verified by a pharmacist. The pharmacist reviewing this order recognized that the higher concentration was atypical for inpatients but assumed it was chosen to limit the volume of fluid given to the patient. The pharmacist verified the order and, to minimize the risk of error, added a comment to both the electronic medication administration record (eMAR) and the patient-specific label that the volume to be given was 0.25 mL (5 mg). For added safety, the pharmacist personally retrieved, labeled, and delivered the drug and a calibrated syringe to the bedside nurse to clarify that this was a high concentration formulation for which the volume to administer was 0.25 mL (a smaller volume than would typically be delivered).
Shortly thereafter, the nurse went to the bedside to administer the drug to the patient for his ongoing pain. She gave the patient 2.5 mL (50 mg) of liquid oxycodone, a volume that she was more used to giving, and then left for her break. A covering nurse checked on the patient and found him unconscious — a code blue was called. The patient was given naloxone (an agent that reverses the effect of opioids), and he responded well. He was transferred to the intensive care unit for ongoing monitoring and a continuous infusion of naloxone to block the effect of the oxycodone. By the following morning, the patient had returned to his baseline with no apparent adverse effects.
Write a 525 word-summary in which you:

Explain why a root cause analysis was appropriate for this situation.
Analyze the impact of using tools like RCA, FMEA, and PDSA on the quality and safety of patient care.

solved For your initial post, choose one of the prompts below.

For your initial post, choose one of the prompts below. Note that each initial post must also quote and discuss a specific passage (this means to literally copy and paste, word for word, using quotation marks) from the primary source (firsthand account from history) linked or attached to your prompt. Be sure to indicate the sources you are using (textbook, primary source, lecture), at the point of use, in some fashion. There are no points awarded for use of outside sources. There will be point deductions for the use of such lower-tier sources as encyclopedias, blogs, or dictionaries. The follow up query from your instructor, and your own peer posts, may be about any aspect of the readings or lecture materials.1. Using the primary source document The Young Turks: Proclamation for the Ottoman Empire, 1908 , discuss the attempts of the Ottoman Empire to unify and modernize their empire. According to Quataret the Young Turk Constitution represented a parliamentarian approach to the troubles besetting the Empire which ultimately failed (Quataret, 65). In your post, please quote and discuss at least one specific passage from the Young Turks’ proclamation regarding their proposed constitution (the primary source for this prompt). Then using and the Quataret reading for this week or the lecture, consider the earlier attempts at equality and at creating a more centralized government. Consider also the several factors working against reform and unity. Clearly state your sources at the point of use.2. Using the primary source document Fei Ch’i-hao: The Boxer Rebellion, 1900 (just section IV The Gathering of the Storm) explain China’s changing relationship with the outside world 1850s-1911 (discussed in the Haw readings for this week). In your post, please quote and discuss at least one specific passage from the account of Fei Ch’i-hao. Then using the Haw reading assigned for this week, or the lecture, consider the reasons for the Boxer Rebellion and the anger of the Chinese citizens against the foreigners displayed in the primary source. Consider also who wrote this source: a Chinese Christian convert, and his efforts to save the foreign missionaries. What does this tell us about the relationship between China and the West? Clearly state your sources at the point of use.3. Using the primary source document Mohandas K. Gandhi: Indian Home Rule (1909), discuss changes in India during this period. In your post please quote and discuss at least one specific passage from this primary source, Gandhi’s interview on home rule. As you craft your response, consider the long history of British-Indian relations. What is Gandhi’s attitude toward the British and how can this attitude be explained with reference to what we learned in the BBC web article assigned for this week, the lecture, or the Rothermund readings? Please incorporate the BBC article, lecture, or the Rothermund reading in your initial post as well. Clearly state your sources at the point of use.

solved Subject – Adv Managerial Accounting3 Things are required- A) Create

Subject – Adv Managerial Accounting3 Things are required- A) Create a Problem Statement for the Research Topic you choose from the below list (need it within an hour MAX)B) Article Abstracts Assignment- 8 Abstracts needed (more details are below, an example is also given)C) Informal presentation (PowerPoint slides are not required) now word document will work).Choose one of the following Managerial Accounting Topics1) The Role of Managerial Accountants with the Implementation and Tracking of Capital Budgets2) The Role of Managerial Accountants with Transfer Pricing Decisions3) How Managerial Accountants Assist with and Monitor Departmental Budget Gaming Techniques4) The Role of Managerial Accountants in Strategic Planning and Budgeting5) The Role of Managerial Accountants in the Allocation of Overhead Cost Methods6) The Role of Managerial Accountants and the Use of Activity-Based Costing and Activity-Based Management7) The Role of Managerial Accountants and the Implementation and Monitoring of Total Quality Management8) The Role of Managerial Accountants and the Implementation and Monitoring of Just-In-Time Production9) The Role of Managerial Accountants and the Implementation and Monitoring of Six Sigma10) The Role of Managerial Accountants and the Implementation and Monitoring of Lean Production and Lean Accounting11) The Role of Managerial Accountants and the Implementation and Monitoring of the Balanced Scorecard MetricsA) Create a Problem Statement for the Research Topic. Research is about “identifying” a problem and then conducting research to find solutions to the problem. For instance, for the topic of “The role of managerial accountants and the use of activity-based costing and activity-based management”, the problem statement might be: “The cost exceeds the benefits (effectiveness and future cost savings) realized from the implementation and monitoring of ABC and ABM.”Creating a problem statement should not be complicated or extensive. Try to keep the problem statement simple and straightforward. The problem statement above could also be used for other systems such as JIT, TQM, Six Sigma, Lean Production, BSC, strategic planning and budgeting, etc.B) Article Abstracts Assignment- 8 Abstracts needed (more details are below, an example is also given)Based on your chosen research topic, find eight (8) current (published in the past five (5) years), peer-reviewed journal articles. Students must utilize Harvard Business Review articles.Students may not use websites, blogs, Wikipedia, news stories, magazines, etc. for their sources.An example for the abstract is attached. Need 8 of them. C) Informal presentation (Powerpoint slides are not required) now word document will work)1) State their research topic2) Briefly provide the following information on each (total 8 articles) abstract: a. State the title of the article b. Briefly state what the article was about and the findings c. Describe how the article relates to their chosen research topic

solved This time, we want to assess the companies’ ability to

This time, we want to assess the companies’ ability to satisfy their performance obligations with respect to product sales by examining their sales returns.Retail Stores Data Link to the data or the companiesCreate a “combination chart” comparing sales and sales returns for each of both companies in each year from 2012 to 2021.Please answer the following questions.Which company exhibited a more favorable sales returns percentage in 2021, Retail A or Retail B? What percentage of that company’s customer purchases were returned?During the period 2015~2021, which company did show a higher growth in sales?During the period 2015~2021, did Retail A’s sales return percentage become (a) more favorable or (b) less favorable?During the period 2015~2021, did Retail B’s sales return percentage become (a) more favorable or (b) less favorable?Which company exhibited a more favorable sales returns percentage in 2012, Retail A or Retail B? What percent of that company’s customer purchases were returned?When you drag company to “Color” on the “Marks” card (at Tableau direction 5), what does happen?Explain what happens when you change to “Discrete data type” (at Tableau direction 2)To answer these questions, you may want to draw charts using Tableau as follows:The following is a part of the whole process. There is a missing part that you have to find out.Drag “Sales revenue” and “Less sales returns” under “Measures” to the Rows shelf. Change each to discrete.Create a calculated field by clicking the “Analysis” tab in the toolbar at the top of the screen and clicking “Create Calculated Field.” When a calculation window pops up, name the calculation “Net of returns.” In the Calculation Editor window, drag “Sales revenue” from the Rows shelf to the window, type a plus sign, then drag “Less sales returns” beside it. And then click OK. Drag the newly created “Net of returns” to the Rows shelf. Change to Discrete data type.Repeat the process one more time by creating a calculated field “Sales return %” that consists of typing a – sign and then dragging “Less sales returns” divided by “Sales revenue” from the Rows shelf to the calculation window. Click OK. Change to Discrete data type.Drag the “Sales returns %” to be right next to “Company” on the Rows shelf. Format to percentage.Drag company to “Color” on the “Marks” card.Click the arrow on “Sales return %” in the Rows shelf and select “sort.” Make the sort “descending,” or select descending from the Toolbar at the top.Change the title of the sheet to be “Right of Return-Variable Consideration” by right-clicking and selecting “Edit title.”Once complete, save the file as “TA02_Your initial.twbx.”Create a Word file and type your answer listed above. Name this file as “TA02_Your initial.” It should be formatted as MS word (.doc, .docx) or a text file. Any Apple file format is not acceptable. And submit it.

solved Vision and Organizational Success Introduction: Redman (2019) states that the

Vision and Organizational Success
Redman (2019) states that the world is changing quickly, change is hard, and many change efforts fail. A leader must have a good plan in place to navigate through these changes to stay successful. Now you will apply that knowledge to a company scenario, building an implementation plan into the process so it is actionable. Select one business from the current winners of the Malcolm Baldrige Award Recipients. Assume that you are the new CEO of this business who has goals of expanding your business. You can select one or more from the following list, or develop your own goals:

Expand nationally or internationally
Change your business offering(s) or target customers
Merger or acquisition
Another goal of your choice

Section 1- Overview and Goal Description

Select the company that you will use for this paper. Provide an explanation and rationale for your choice. As there are many categories in the Baldrige site, you may want to explore an industry you know well or look to expand your knowledge by selecting an industry you are unfamiliar with for increased learning and knowledge building.
Describe the vision, mission, and values as individual components in the current state of the company. Explain the systems relationship of these elements and how they are related to helping the company achieve success.
Provide any additional background information to provide additional context.
As the new CEO, identify the growth goal(s) that you would like to achieve including a rationale for this choice(s).

Section 2- Vision Integration into Current State

Describe the current vision of the company. You may reuse the content from Section 1.

In your readings, you saw how a personal vision statement can be a foundation for creating a business venture and/or incorporation into the current vision of a company that you will be leading. For this section, you will present a plan for how you would integrate your vision into what currently exists for the company that you have selected for analysis. Support your thoughts with at least two sources from the unit readings, as well as two other sources you discover in your research. For this section, you may use sources that are not considered scholarly as your additional sources.

Include in this section:

Your personal vision and the process that you used to create your personal vision.
A draft of your revised vision, incorporating your vision into the current company vision.
The process you will use to involve all stakeholders in the new vision creation based on your draft. You may use both descriptive and graphic representation tools (i.e., flow chart) to present this process. If using a drawing tool, please include a link to your illustration, or attach a file to your post. (If you are unsure how to attach a link or file to your post, contact the help desk.)

The measurement process you will use to determine the effectiveness of your new vision on organizational success.

solved ScenarioYou are the director of an accredited early childhood program.

ScenarioYou are the director of an accredited early childhood program. You understand the importance of communication with your program families and value the perspective of the parents and guardians, supporting the Developmentally Appropriate Practice guideline of establishing reciprocal relationships with families. You also value effective teamwork in your early childhood setting, in order to implement the Developmentally Appropriate Practice guideline of teaching to enhance development and learning.Your program’s Parent Advisory Board (PAB) agrees with you and appreciates your comprehensive awareness and expertise regarding effective communication strategies. Therefore, the PAB has assigned to you the task of constructing a comprehensive communications policy and procedures handbook for the early childhood program community.InstructionsThis assignment is intended to demonstrate your comprehensive awareness and emerging ability to implement positive, high-quality, effective communication strategies toward professional connections across the early childhood setting. You will construct a comprehensive communications policy and procedures handbook for the early childhood program, which will include an addendum of examples of a newsletter, daily child record, and email.Develop a comprehensive handbook, that could be used in the early childhood program. Include the following sections in your handbook, ensuring each is clearly labeled as its own section:Effective Communication Strategies: Definitions of the program’s three main identified effective communication strategiesFamily and Staff Feedback: Three policies and procedures guiding efforts to gather both family and program staff needs and feedback, including the use of surveysResponsive and Effective Communication: Identification of three potential barriers to program communication, with three policies and procedures guiding efforts toward relevant, responsive strategies for effective communicationElectronic Communication: Three policies and procedures regarding electronic communication and social media use across the programCultural Appropriateness: Three policies and procedures that foster cultural appropriateness across the early childhood programTeam Partnership: Three policies and procedures that demonstrate the program’s focus on building staff team partnership toward professionalism and implementation of developmentally appropriate practiceAddendum: Include a sample one-page newsletter, daily child record, and staff-to-parent email.Include appropriate APA references and in-text citations to provide research support for your handbook elements. Be sure the format and organization of your handbook is professionally presented by including the following elements:The title “Communication Policies and Procedures Handbook”Your name on the APA title pageProper spelling, grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure to present a professional handbookReference page with APA formatted references

solved 1. Find one or two direct quotes from your article

1. Find one or two direct quotes from your article sources that you would like to or have used in Essay #2.  Then, incorporate this direct quote(s) into a body paragraph. You may copy/paste if your paragraph incorporates this source well. Please cite your source as a works cited entry + remember to use in-text citations and proper attributions. (5 pts)
2. Respond to the student post  above your own. Using your peer’s original quote, write a new paragraph  that uses a different form of source incorporation (for example, you could paraphrase or summarize–but not quote–from my post). (2.5 pts)
An example initial  post using a direct quote: 
Original Text Citation: 
“Using Digital Resources to Augment Course Materials.”  Into Practice., Harvard Office of the Vice Provost for Advances in Learning., 2020,
Original Quote Used:
“Blended learning materials allow students to learn foundational concepts at their own pace—they can speed up or slow down the video, try practice questions multiple times, or go back to review concepts they may have missed (Using Digital Resources para. 4).”
Incorporated direct quote into a paragraph:  
As online learning threatens to overtake traditional course formats, university lecturers are now pressured with the task of transforming digital material and resources into meaningful online interactions–even in a face-to-face class. This shift may seem unnecessary for the traditional learning, however, lecturers have found more students benefit when digital resources and material in a learning management system are used in tandem with traditional in-class activities and lecture. When interviewed for Harvard’s weekly instructor e-resource communication,  Into Practice, Theodore Svoronos, a lecturer at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, stated that “blended learning materials allow students to learn foundational concepts at their own pace” (para. 4), which means that lecturers can be more inclusive by accommodating students who struggle to take notes in lecture or fully comprehend an in-class activity without compromising the time constraints and relationship-fostering that is also crucial in face-to-face classrooms. 
An example response post: 
Incorporated paraphrase: 
Not all students who take a face-to-face course learn in the same way. Often, instructors choose to exclusively lecture, which can be beneficial for a small number of students, but ignores greater student needs and valuable resources that are traditionally used in an online course. However, most students find that they are more likely to engage (despite their level of competency) when the material is presented differently–when they are asked to engage with material in an online learning system or complete low-stakes practice assignments online (Using Digital Resources para. 4). By juxtaposing digital materials with lecture, the instructor is able to shift learning responsibility back to the student.

solved Imagine that some of your colleagues mention using cognitive behavior

Imagine that some of your colleagues mention using cognitive behavior therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, and reality therapy. Your colleagues continue to say that based on their experiences, they really like these therapies and that they appear to work. Your instincts also tell you that perhaps they might be helpful for your client in your case study. However, from Week 1, you recall that experiences and instincts as sources of knowledge are quite limited because they are biased. Instead, it is important to utilize existing research and data to support your choices of interventions. Theory helps inform the evidence-based practice process that should guide social workers’ practice.In this Discussion, you examine the research related to a therapy based on cognitive or cognitive behavior theory to determine its effectiveness.To prepare:Recall the client from the case study you have been using in this course. You will apply your research for this Discussion to that client.Select one therapy from the following: cognitive behavior therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, or reality therapy.Conduct a search in the Walden Library for one peer-reviewed research study about the effectiveness of the therapy you selected.Note: You must select a study that has not already been used by a colleague in the Discussion. Each student is required to identify a unique research study.Remember when looking for studies to take into account your client’s age and developmental stage and presenting problem.Post:Provide the reference for the study you found using APA guidelines ( REFERENCE- Tichelaar, H. K., Dekovic, M., & Endendijk, J. J.
(2020). Exploring effectiveness of psychotherapy options for sexually abused
children and adolescents: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials.
Children and Youth Services Review, 119.…)Briefly paraphrase, in 2 to 3 sentences, the methodological context (i.e., research method, how data was collected, and the instruments used) of the study and the findings.Evaluate the findings in terms of its applicability or appropriateness for the client in your case study.Determine whether you would use or not use the therapy you selected for the client in your selected case study (consider how culturally relevant it is, how aligned it is with social work ethics, etc.) and explain why.Required readings:Turner, F. J. (Ed.). (2017). Social work treatment: Interlocking theoretical approaches (6th ed.). New York, NY: Oxford University Press Chapter 4: Cognitive Behavior Theory and Social Work Treatment (pp. 54–79) Tichelaar, H. K., Dekovic, M., & Endendijk, J. J. (2020). Exploring effectiveness of psychotherapy options for sexually abused children and adolescents: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Children and Youth Services Review, 119.…)