solved Photographers PaperObjective: To learn about one of the photographers we

Photographers PaperObjective: To learn about one of the photographers we may experience in the lectures or textbook or others that we did not cover this semester.Procedure: Submit a three (3) to five (5) page report. For this paper, be sure to include: Who they were; What they are known for; Where they did it; When they did it; Why they did it; and How they did it. (Who, What, Where, When, Why and How). Choose an historical or current photographer from the Photographers Paper List for this assignment. (If you choose another photographer not on the list it must be cleared with the professor first. If we cover the photographer in the class, choose someone else.)Describe their significant contributions to the art and/ or science of photography.Describe any significant life events that lead up to their start as a photographer and the overall length of their career. If how their life ended is significant, include that.Include links to a significant photograph by the photographer and if possible a portrait of the photographer.Keep the report no longer than 3-5 pages, single-spaced with appropriate annotation of sources.Be sure to apply the critique concepts from the DIET lectures when discussing the photographer’s work. Meaning, describe the photograph, interpret the photograph, evaluate the photograph (weather its a good or bad photo), and theorize it (weather the photograph is art or not).Remember annotations of sources at the end of the paper do not count towards your page count, nor does placing photos into the report. Your paper needs to be 3-5 typed pages, the annotations and photographs might make it 5-8 pages when done. Also points will be deducted if when describing a vertically orientated photograph you refer to it as “portrait” or a horizontal as “landscape”. A “portrait” is a type of photograph with people in it. A “landscape” is a photograph with a scenic view of a landscape. Either one of these could be vertical or horizontal.Remember no copy and pasting from the Internet. If you quote, even paraphrase something include attribution (footnotes). Try going to an actual Library and look for books on the photographer you choose. Remember the internet can be wrong. Wikipedia will fail you.What to turn in:3 to 5 page report (not including citations and footnotes) in Canvas in the Vericite upload location. This assignment will be inserted into Vericite as a copy and paste from your word processing program. This will also allow you to spell and grammar check you assignment before you submit it and you won’t have to worry about paper format types (.doc, .pdf etc).Please do not use Wikipedia and please do not plagiarize. Please pick ONE photographer from this list:George HurrelCharles JonesConsuela KanagaGertrude KasebierAndre KerteszJosef KoudelkaRussel LeeHerman LeonardLumiere BrothersSteven MeiselRay K. MetzkerLady MostynJames NatchweyBeaumont and Nancy NewhallArnold NewmanHelmut NewtonSonya NoskowiakPaul OuterbridgeMartin Parr

solved Purpose of the assignment: to act as a culminating experience

Purpose of the assignment: to act as a culminating experience for the labor law portion of the class through the application of multiple labor law principles to fact patterns, both included in the movie and hypothetical.
Analysis of Selected Scenes from Norma Rae1.Distribution of union flyers 
1. distinguish between distribution on and off company property.  (Focus on the property issue and discuss solicitation in general in question 4.)
2.For the distribution of union flyers, explain if it would have made a difference if the cotton mill had been located in a remote location with the workers living on site.
3.Promotion of “troublemaker” to supervisor – what difference would it make if Norma Rae was a supervisor?
4.Bulletin board – does the company have to allow union flyers?
5.Solicitation during nonworking hours – distinguish between employee and non-employee union workers and when can they solicit for the union (Only discuss the solicitation question here – discuss the property issue in question 1.)  Give specific examples of when Norma and Reuben could and could not solicit during the workday and during after-hours/weekends.
6.Questioning an employee without union representation – explain the significance of being questioned without representation and if it matters if the employee is a member of a union.  Note the different approaches the NLRB has taken on this subject.
7.Termination for union activity – explain why it is an employer unfair labor practice.  What test could be applied if the mill also had a valid reason for firing Norma?
8.Work stoppage – if the stoppage had lasted, would it have been legal?  (Identify the type of strike that it would have been, as well as which category of strike it would fall under.)
9.Voting for/against union representation – what procedures were illustrated in the movie?  Include discussion of what would be required to hold an election.
10.Analyze the appropriateness of each of the following hypothetical situations:
a. In the month leading up to the election, the managers of the cotton mill approached each worker individually, asking if he/she was more loyal to the mill or to the union.
b. The day before the election, the managers held a meeting during which they pointed out how the mill would have the freedom to give raises and provide more sick days if they didn’t have to bargain with the union.
c. On the day of the election, the mill had a mandatory meeting to explain why the mill might have to close if the union was voted in.
Apply all applicable information in the labor law reading and class material to explain the scenes and answer the questions listed above.  Remember to make the basis for your answers a legal one, and not a factual one.  Ex. Explain which section of the NLRA may have been violated or which test or rule the NLRB might apply.  Then apply the facts to that rule.  Don’t just summarize the facts, explaining what Reuben or Norma Rae did.

solved Reply to classmates 1. The primary weakness that the Mongols

Reply to classmates 1. The primary weakness that the Mongols have is their economic and administrative abilities. Even thought they have created the largest empire they were not doing okay in regards with economic and administrative abilities because of the following, “The adviser reacted calmly but argued that taxing the cities and villages would bring greater wealth. The Great Khan agreed, but he imposed an oppressive tax-farming system instead of the fixed-rate method traditional to China” (p. 332). Do to the false response and agreement that they had it made China to suffer because of the tax-farming system. The difficulties that the Mongols had were, “The agricultural base, damage by war, overtaxation, and the passage of armies, could not satisfy the financial needs of the Mongol aristocracy. Following earlier precedent, the imperial government made up the shortfall with paper money” (p. 334). This shows that they were not doing well with handling with economic and administrative abilities that they even have to make fake money in order to show that they were doing okay with handling with their economy. With all of this problems things started to change and that change was that, “families moved from their traditional homes in the countryside to engage in urban commerce. Specialized shops selling clothing, grape wine, furniture, and religiously butchered meats became common” (p. 334). Which shows that people had to go back to their old way of selling things because the Mongols were not successful with economic and administrative abilities. 2. I believe that the primary weakness of the Mongols was their economic and administrative abilities rather than their violence. Therefore, I also agree with the statement that “the weaknesses of the Mongols lay more in their economic administration than in their violence or rapacity.” There was a lot of international trade going on from the Mongols to other places like China and other middle eastern and europe territories. However, the transfer of these goods also led to the transfer of diseases like the bubonic plague (Bulliet et al., pg 325, 2019). This plague “incapacitated” the Mongol army during and assault in Kaffa. This plague also resulted in the destruction of “dams, irrigation channels, farmland, and crops” (Pg 326). This destruction impacted the economy of the Mongols as it decreased their food production and trade. Tax farming was something used with goods and crops and extracted wealth from subjects. It essentially lowered administrative costs, however, it also caused landowners to go into debt. Due to the lack of crops and other goods being grown and produced, a lot of these farmers struggled and could not supply the army (Pg. 327). With the crippling diseases and lack of food, the army surely struggled and endured a lot of weakness. Although they were tough and brutal fighters, I believe that it was their economic and administrative abilities that was their primary weakness.

solved Before beginning work on this week’s discussion post, complete these

Before beginning work on this week’s discussion post, complete these preparatory activities:

See “12 Critical Slides,” pages 349–352 of your text, for a sample PowerPoint presentation to investors.
View Shark Tank pitches for ideas on how to create a brief but compelling presentation of a business.

This Week’s Discussion Post
For this week’s discussion, create a brief presentation addressing the following:

Your business plan is now complete. Imagine you are in front of a group of investors, presenting your business idea and encouraging them to invest in your chosen company.

Title Page with the company name and your name.
Outline of What You Do.
Target Market.
Market Size.

How big is the market or industry on which you’re focusing?
What are the growth opportunities?


Who are your key competitors?

Your Management Team.

Who runs the business?
What are their roles and key skills?

Business Model.

How will your business make money?


What key financial information does your audience need to decide whether to invest in you and your business?

Funding You Are Seeking.
Why Will Investors Want to Invest in This Business and in You?

Select one of these formats:

PowerPoint with notes; no more than 10–12 slides.
Audio over PowerPoint.
Video presentation over PowerPoint
Storytelling (video recording)—no Power Point needed for this option.

Reminder: You have been working with the information for this presentation all quarter in the discussion and assignments. This is not new information. Now is your chance to succinctly show investors what your chosen business is all about and why they should want to invest in you and your company.
Post at least one substantive comment to another student’s post.

If you select one of the PowerPoint formats, include bullets, relevant images, and the like; do not include paragraphs or full sentences on the slides.
Your presentation needs to impress the investors; make it creative and interesting, while including all the relevant information.
You may find this resource on Kaltura Help [PDF] useful to you if you decide to do a video recording.

Note:  Post a brief description of your business (no more than 3 sentences). Specify your company name, what business you are in, and the specific product or service you plan to sell.
Hello Everyone,
Cinn-atic Sweet is a Texas-based bakery known for its decadent vegan cinnamon rolls and sweets. We sell homemade brownies, a variety of raw cookie dough, baked cookies, cinnamon rolls, and bite-sized treats. Every day, our gourmet sweets are cooked, packaged, and delivered fresh using only the finest ingredients, just like you do at home. Looking at the triple bottom line expands the traditional idea of profit as your sole bottom line to include the social and environmental impacts of your company. This can help in a multitude of ways, from becoming more sustainable to improving employee retention. 

solved Research Project Essay and Discussion: Hi-Value Shoe Store The ScenarioMary

Research Project Essay and Discussion: Hi-Value Shoe Store The ScenarioMary is the sole owner of Hi-Value Shoe Store, a small business located in a suburban working-class community. She inherited the business from her Aunt Marty three years ago. Up until then, business had been slow because of the declining economy. Lately, however, business has picked up, and revenues have doubled because of an increase in employees at the neighboring manufacturing plant. The plant recently received a valuable contract from the federal government to produce bulletproof vests.As a result of the increase in business, Mary hired two new full-time employees but was short on the funds necessary for expansion of the business. Mary was able to obtain a loan from Community Bank, but the bank required a security interest and that Mary be personally liable on the note. The language of the security agreement contained the following clause: “The note is secured by the inventory of Hi-Value Shoe Store, currently owned and any later acquired inventory, until said note is fully paid and satisfied.” The bank immediately perfected the security interest by filing a financing statement.Mary decided to purchase inventory from ABC Wholesale Suppliers (ABC) on credit a few weeks after obtaining the loan from the bank. She took possession of the inventory on April 16. ABC required that she sign a promissory note and security agreement, with the inventory being listed as collateral.For at least one year, Mary was able to make payments on both obligations from the proceeds of the business. Unfortunately, the manufacturing plant lost its government contract and eliminated 50% of its workforce over a six-month period. As a result, Mary’s business lost customers and began to operate at a loss. It became unable to pay its obligations to both the bank and ABC and ended up defaulting on both loans.Both secured parties sought to repossess the inventory from Mary’s store, sell the inventory, and then hold Mary personally liable for any deficiency. Mary, aware that she might be held personally responsible for the debt, considered declaring bankruptcy. InstructionsAfter reading the scenario, write an essay responding to the questions below.To answer the questions, please conduct research beyond the textbook from this course – for example, utilize Web sources, resources at your public library, and your professional networks.Your essay should be a two-page document that you will upload to this discussion board.Post your essay in the discussion board no later than the due date (listed in the top-right corner of this discussion page. QuestionsDiscuss and determine which secured party has a priority under UCC Article.Assume that the shoe store has sold some of the inventory to Lindsay, a college student. Would the secured parties be able to repossess the shoes from Lindsay?What affect would Mary’s filing of Chapter 7 bankruptcy have on the UCC Article 9 foreclosure process?

solved Assignment due by 10:59AM on Wednesday 04/21/21 via Gradescope. Please

Assignment due by 10:59AM on Wednesday 04/21/21 via Gradescope. Please submit answers within this document and do not submit reformatted assignments with just the answers. Make sure to select corresponding pages for answers in Gradescope when submitting assignment.Question 1 Please indicate whether the statements below are True or False. Enter your answer in the table provided.


a. Multiple outcomes can be studied in a case-control study

b. Hospital-based controls with diseases related to the exposure of interest are a poor comparison group

c. You should not match on variables whose association you are interested in studying

d. The OR can always approximate an RR

e. Case-Control studies can be used to measure prevalence

f. Case-control studies tend to be less expensive and quicker to conduct than prospective cohort studies

Question 2 The following is a classic 2×2 table:CaseControlExposedABUnexposedCD
What does a/c signify? (Hint: it’s an odds of…)

What does b/d signify?

What is the formula, using this table, for calculating an odds ratio?

Based on this table, and the formula from c, what would an odds ratio of 0.8 mean? 1.0? 3.2? Be sure to state the comparison group.
Question 3A case-control study of 1500 participants looked at the association between Tamoxifen and uterine cancer. The study included 675 cases and 825 age and sex matched controls. There were 125 cases and 52 controls taking Tamoxifen. Uterine CancerTamoxifenYes (cases)No (controls)YesNo
Fill in the 2×2 table above. Calculate the odds ratio of the above study. Show work and round final answer to 2 decimal places.

Interpret the measure of association. Be sure to state the comparison groups and measure of association.

In this example, if cases with uterine cancer were more likely to accurately report tamoxifen use, what is this type of bias called?

What are the two primary benefits for matching in a case-control study?
Question 4An investigator conducts a study to determine whether there is an association between caffeine intake and Parkinson’s disease. He assembles 221 incident cases of PD and samples 337 controls from the general population. After interviewing all subjects, he finds that 78 of the cases had high daily intake of caffeine (exposed) prior to diagnosis and 226 of the controls had low daily intake of caffeine (unexposed) prior to the date of the matched case’s diagnosis.
Assemble the 2×2 table for this study using the information given.

Calculate the odds of being exposed among the cases. (round to 2 decimal places)

Calculate the odds ratio for exposure among those with the disease compared to the odds of exposure for those without the disease. Show work and round to 2 decimal places.

Interpret the odds ratio calculated.

In a sentence or two, describe why sampling incident cases is better than sampling prevalent cases for a case-control study. Answer in your own words.

solved…COM 311 – Guest Speaker Reaction Paper S…COM 311 – Guest Speaker Reaction Paper Speaker Reaction Papers – For these two (2) papers, you will need to sign up to write about a guest speaker this semester. For these papers, you should choose an idea, issue or question raised by the speaker that you believe is important to the speaker or central to the class’s topic in some way, and write a reaction paper on it, reflecting on your thoughts and reactions to what the speaker presented. You must discuss relevant course concepts appropriately in your reaction paper as they pertain to what the speaker said, and/or your reactions to the speaker. You must also cite at least one of the required readings from the course. You have a lot to choose from, and can feel free to incorporate any of the research articles or information from the textbook. Be sure to provide an APA style in-text citation whenever appropriate and provide a separate References list. An example of what you could write about is: What do I think of the speaker’s experiences as a patient or provider? You may also want to tie the speaker’s presentation to your personal experience, such as: How does my personal experience either confirm or deny what the speaker presented? This assignment is intended to foster critical thinking and reflection with regard to the speaker’s presentation as well as course readings and topics. These papers should be about 2-3 double-spaced pages in length (not including title page and references). Note: rather than summarizing what the speaker had to say, try to focus on your own personal reaction to what they had to say, what resonated with you, what stood out as interesting/shocking/etc. These papers are due on the due date listed in the course schedule. Each reaction paper is worth 40 points. Additional information: ï‚· Reflection on the stories, observations, and opinions of the guest speaker ï‚· Mention whether you agree or disagree with certain issues expressed during their presentation ï‚· You may also incorporate your own stories and opinions in your paper ï‚· Be sure to clearly address any questions, comments, or observations presented during the speaker’s presentation in your reaction paper Grade considerations: ï‚· Did you react to the story more than you summarized what was going on? ï‚· Did you organize and format the paper appropriately (length, Grammar, spelling, punctuation)? Each reaction paper must be submitted on Canvas a maximum of 1 week following your speaker’s presentation. You are responsible for keeping track of the speaker you signed up for and when your paper is due. Reaction papers will be graded using the following rubric (20 points possible): 40 Superior work that exceeds all expectations 36 Excellent work that meets all expectations 32 Good work that meets all expectations 29 Average work that meets most, but not all expectations 26 and below Work does not meet expectationsundefinedundefined

solved German opera composer Richard Wagner may have been a musical

German opera composer Richard Wagner may have been a musical genius, but he was also racist and anti-Semitic (Links to an external site.). In fact, he published a treatise called “Jewishness in Music” that attacked Jews in general and the music of Jewish composers Felix Mendelssohn and Giacomo Meyerbeer in particular. In it, he argued that Jewish composers were incapable of producing profound musical expression and that their attempts to do so were damaging to the progress of art. Furthermore, he claimed that Jewish artists lacked the capacity to recognize or represent authentic German culture. Although Wagner first published the article under a pseudonym (presumably to make his attacks against other composers seem less personal), in 1869 he republished it under his own name, and with a long addendum reflecting the artistic and political developments of the intervening decades. Wagner’s views provoked considerable resistance among his contemporaries, but they were later embraced by the Nazi Party. Indeed, Adolf Hitler would become Wagner’s most infamous admirer (Links to an external site.).There are also concerns about the content of Wagner’s music dramas. While The Ring is not overtly anti-Semitic, it expresses an ideology of nationhood that tacitly excludes all but the ethnically pure “German” of Wagner’s imagination. Stripped of their mythology, The Ring operas tell the story of a human race that rises to a position of world dominance. For Wagner, this was the German race, and the German race did not include Jews. For these reasons, Wagner’s music is unofficially banned in the nation of Israel and some music lovers around the world hold his work in disdain and choose not to program or consume it. The debate over whether we can separate an artistic work from its creator, however, is far from settled. For this discussion post, please share your thoughts in an essay that responds to one or more of the following questions:Can we enjoy music, films, or paintings that we know to have been created by reprehensible individuals? Does it matter that Wagner died many years ago, and can neither profit nor suffer as a result of our consumption decisions? Does the support of Wagner’s music suggest support of his ideas?As consumers, what is our responsibility when choosing forms of entertainment?Considering Wagner’s undeniable influence on later composers including John Williams, should we exclude Wagner from textbooks and music courses?It may be helpful to consider this in light of more contemporary controversies. For example: R. Kelly has been accused of possession of child pornography, sexual abuse of minors, and other alleged crimes (Links to an external site.).Sexual abuse allegations (Links to an external site.) have repeatedly been brought against Michael Jackson.Harvey Weinstein’s company has produced dozens (Links to an external site.) of very popular films and television shows, but he is a convicted sex offender.

solved I need an explanation for this Sociology question to help

I need an explanation for this Sociology question to help me study.

In the discussion below, explain YOUR definition of a family.Video Transcript: Definition of FamilyActually, sociologists don’t agree very much about how to define family, but probably the vast majority of sociologists don’t always bother to ask that question directly – they tend to sidestep it. I think anthropologists are a bit more careful here because anthropologists almost always are focusing on comparing one culture to another, and too often sociologists – not all sociologists but many sociologists – work within their own countries and tend to take for granted the definition of family that they presume is most widespread there. There are sociologists who challenge the definitions, and there certainly are some interesting conversations about what counts as a family. What’s really interesting is that the public does tend to agree more on what counts as a family than sociologists probably do or that most politicians do. Most people today when they are polled will tell you that a family are people who love and take care of each other, which is actually a worldly revolutionary definition of family, because historically family has always been defined much more by issues of social obligation and reproduction and economic interdependency and religious constraints and things like that. So, our families have changed dramatically and I’m not sure that sociologists have always been able to keep up as well as maybe even people who are living their lives are able to.AND REPLY TO RAMANDEEP: (3-4 sentences)Family, a gathering of people joined by the ties of marriage, blood, or reception, comprising a solitary family and communicating with one another in their individual social positions, generally those of companions, guardians, youngsters, and kin. The family gathering ought to be recognized from a family, which might incorporate guests and roomers sharing a typical home. It ought to likewise be separated from a fellow, on the grounds that a fellow might be partitioned into a few families. As often as possible the family isn’t separated from the marriage pair, however the quintessence of the family bunch is the parent-kid relationship, which might be missing from numerous marriage pairs.At its best, the family performs different significant capacities for its individuals. Maybe generally significant of all, it accommodates enthusiastic and mental security, especially through the glow, love, and friendship that living respectively produces among mates and thus among them and their youngsters. The family likewise gives an important social and political capacity by organizing reproduction and by giving rules to the guideline of sexual direct. The family furthermore gives such other socially helpful capacities as the raising and socialization of youngsters, alongside such compassionate exercises as focusing on its individuals when they are debilitated or handicapped.

solved Under the Modules tab, read Examples of Phrases Used in

Under the Modules tab, read Examples of Phrases Used in the Medical Record and case studies.  Review the Medical Record Examples and case studies posted and provide thoughts and comments on how the information in the phrases and elements of the medical record work together to provide a complete picture of the patient being discussed.  You may want to review Chapter 2 in your book to help you in this discussion.
Student #1:
Medical Record Example #1
This medical record is very specific in the information provided for the patients past, current and future plan is included. If the medical record is not precise, it can be detrimental for a complete evaluation of the patient. The health provider included SOAP guidelines in the medical history. Using the subjective part by describing how the patient has personally described his problem with chest pains for approximately 25 seconds and then a dull pain following it for three minutes. By collecting objective data like the patients lab findings, physical exam and image studies, the doctor finds that the patient has an enlarged heart, increased pulmonary vascular congestion, hypertension, and shortness of breath. By collecting this data, the doctor makes a logical analysis. These assessment’s are made into a list of identifications of a problem. The doctor then formulated a plan of action for the patient. The doctor wants to admit the patient into cardiology unit and perform an array of tests and more chest x-rays along with medicine they recommend for the patient. When the SOAP guidelines are included, like they were for this patient it protects health care providers and also sets the patient up for the best care possible. Using correct terms and phrases are important as well. Clearly communicating so every physician can understand what is going on.
Student 2:
The format of the case follows the SOAP methodology when describing their patient. It begins with the subject, describing the patient, their problem, and their history, then the objective like data from their physical, laboratory, and imaging. Afterward, the health care provider assesses the problem and the data to find the problem and finally the plan when the healthcare provider plans out what they can do to treat the patient.
While looking over the medical terminology case studies, I noticed how each medical terminology is used to diagnose a patient. In the beginning, some of the medical terminologies have an abbreviation next to it in which, only the abbreviation will be used to describe the problem that the patient has later. This shows their understanding of how each term would be used later in the case. Using the terminology and abbreviation throughout each sentence helps illustrate the problem the patient is going through, which will help medical providers diagnose the patient and plan out what they can do for the treatment as well as make it an easier task to read and write without having to write out the entireÂ