solved Analyze policy issues regarding climate changeUnderstand how climate change is

Analyze policy issues regarding climate changeUnderstand how climate change is a global public good in a technical senseAssess institutional arrangements for climate change mitigation and adaptation Explain the technical differences between a carbon tax and a cap-and-trade system here is some helpful information of how to write a policy brief IRDC (n.d.), “How to write a policy brief”, PPT presentation, International Development Research Centre, Government of Canada. (2020), Rebuilding the Global Economy, a series of policy memoranda from Peterson Institute for International Economics., Chad (2020), “Trade-related policy priorities for the next administration”, Policy Memorandum, Peterson Institute for International Economics, October. Chorzempa, Martin (2020), “Protecting innovation and national security”, Policy Memorandum, Peterson Institute for International Economics, October. Djankov, Simeon (2020), “Reigniting integration in Europe”, Policy Memorandum, Peterson Institute for International Economics, October. Dynan, Karen (2020), “Strengthening the US economy to foster rebuilding and recovery”, Policy Memorandum, Peterson Institute for International Economics, October. Furman, Jason (2020), “Priorities for economic policy”, Policy Memorandum, Peterson Institute for International Economics, October. Greenberg, Evan (2020), “US and global competitiveness”, Policy Memorandum, Peterson Institute for International Economics, October. Hendrix, Cullen (2020), “State Department priorities for rebuilding the global economy”, Policy Memorandum, Peterson Institute for International Economics, October. Hufbauer, Gary (2020), “Trade policy priorities for 2021”, Policy Memorandum, Peterson Institute for International Economics, October. Irwin, Douglas (2020), “Rethinking industrial policy”, Policy Memorandum, Peterson Institute for International Economics, October. Lardy, Nicholas (2020), “Priorities for 2021 economic talks with China”, Policy Memorandum, Peterson Institute for International Economics, October.Obstfeld, Maurice (2020), “Economic policy priorities for the next US Administration”, Policy Memorandum, Peterson Institute for International Economics, October. Schott, Jeffrey (2020), “State Department priorities for rebuilding the global economy”, Policy Memorandum, Peterson Institute for International Economics, October. UNC (n.d.), “Policy briefs”, Writing Center, University of North Carolina., Eóin and Lisa Quinn (2017), “An essential guide to writing policy briefs”, International Centre for Policy Advocacy, Germany. try to relate to the inforgraphic uploaded

solved If you remember, you have done 3-tasks last week that

If you remember, you have done 3-tasks last week that are; tasks 9, 11, and 30, see the attached file named “Final project tasks”.
Additional to these 3-tasks that you have done last week. Now I have one more task and I want you to do it. This task is:
Task 17 – Negotiation in Projects: To develop general rules for the negotiation process.
So, from the attached file that titled (Negotiation) you can find 2-articles talking about Negotiation in Projects. I believe these 2 articles may give you a clear picture about what to write and how to write this task. 
When you write the paper, I want you to focus on the 1st article; part “Options for negotiation style are (Fisher & Ury, 1992) as it is Very Important in this task.
“Options for negotiation style are (Fisher & Ury, 1992)

Hard (controlling) :Hard bargaining is adversarial—you assume that your opponent is your enemy and the only way you can win is if he or she loses. So you bargain in a very aggressive, competitive way.
Soft (giving in) : Soft bargaining is just the opposite. Your relationship with your opponent is so important that you concede much more easily than you should. You get taken advantage of in your effort to please, and while agreement is reached easily, it is seldom a wise one.
Principled (much more effective): P2O2
People: Separate the people from the problem
Positions: Focus on interests not positions
Options: Generate options for mutual gain before choosing
Objective Criteria: Decide based on objective criteria
BATNA (Best Alternative to Negotiated Agreement): Know theirs. Know & improve yours.
Good negotiations consist of a relentless search for the Third Alternative:
We humans are presently conditioned to expect our relationships to be win/lose. 
–  View most situations from an “either/or” point of view: either I win or I lose

–  It has to be one or the other.
There is a third alternative. 
–  May be harder to find, but there almost always exists a third way of doing things where no one loses

–  Or at worst are assured that the loss has been minimized and fairly shared
Minimizes and distributes the loss so it has the least negative effect

This is the win-win way—this is synergy.
Sources of power in negotiation are:
Developing good working relationships among people negotiating
Understanding interests
Inventing an elegant option

Using external standards and benchmarks
Developing a good BATNA

Understanding their BATNA

Making a carefully crafted commitment: an offer, something you will do, something you will not do.

The stages in a Negotiation Lifecycle are depicted in this chart (Exhibit 1). It is not always a given that negotiations should happen, especially if the status quo is fine or other alternatives exist. But if needs exist for opposing parties to reach a mutual solution, engage dutifully in each step in the lifecycle.
So please read the articles (especially the 1st article) as it has valuable info about the task.

solved 1-Writing Your Personal Philosophy Statement You will be required to

1-Writing Your Personal Philosophy Statement You will be required to submit a Personal Philosophy Statement in your Professional Portfolio. The Personal Philosophy Statement is a “statement of your strong commitments and convictions about the care and education of young children.” Be sure you have read pages 494 – 500 (9th edition) or pages 537 – 543 (10th edition).I would like for you to approach this discussion board post by stating your deeply held beliefs of what constitutes quality early childhood education and how you will personally commit to these beliefs. As noted in your text, James Hymes stated, “I am persuaded that good teachers, first of all, must hold strong commitments and convictions from which their practices flow.” (Feeney et al., 2013, p. 494) I want you to use this discussion board to state what your strong commitments and convictions are. For example, if I were writing my Personal Philosophy, one of my philosophy statements would be as follows:I believe that young children have a right to a childhood that is filled with opportunities for play, therefore, I commit to being a teacher that provides the space, time, and materials for children to become deeply engaged in play in my classroom. Furthermore, I am committed to providing rich play experiences in the outdoor environment as well as indoors. I will continue to learn how best to support children’s play so that I can provide the optimum experience for the children that I care for and educate.POST: For this post, and subsequently for your Personal Philosophy Statement, I want you to write down at least five (5) philosophy statements (the one provided above is 1 Statement…you need 5 of these), similar in structure to the example I provided. In addition to a deeply held belief on the importance of providing for a play based curriculum, you might have deeply held beliefs about the importance of authentic assessment, on ensuring safe and healthy classroom environments, on providing developmentally appropriate curriculum, on guidance, on respectful relationships, on working with families, on professionalism (this is just a list to get you started). Here is the format:I believe…,Therefore, I commit to…This assignment supports course learning outcome 1 and student learning objective 9.2-Philosophy PaperPrompt:Write a one page statement of your philosophy to put in your portfolio. (This week’s discussion will be a great help on this too)This assignment supports course learning outcome 1 and student learning objective 9.InstructionsAttachments cannot be more than 1 MB and must be in Word, RTF, or PDF format. Please provide thoughtful responses to the journal question. You are expected to produce college-level work. Submit this assignment in an essay type format with an intro/body/conclusion and you will need to provide one citation or reference in the response. A one to two sentence paragraph for an intro/body/conclusion isn’t sufficient.

solved Part1 Read Chapter. 11 Managing Project Teams pick a topic

Part1 Read Chapter. 11 Managing Project Teams pick a topic and write a brief summary about it.Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:Why should a project manager emphasize group rewards over individual rewards?Part1 should be 500+words and in APA format and cite all references.Part2:Assume that you have the following decision-making options: (1) make the decision on your own with available information, (2) consult others before making a decision, and (3) call a meeting and reach a consensus, seeking to arrive at a final decision everyone can agree on. Which approach would you use to make each of the following decisions and why?You are the project leader for Casino Night on campus, a charitable event organized by your group to raise money for the homeless. The event was a big success, garnering a net profit of $3,500. Before the event your team researched nearby organizations that support the homeless and to whom the money could be given. You narrowed the choices to the “Chunk of Coal House” and “St. Mary’s Soup Kitchen.” Eventually, your group decided that the funds be given to Chunk of Coal. You are about to write a check to its director when you read in the local newspaper that the Chunk of Coal House has terminated operations. What should you do with the money?You are a golf course designer hired by Trysting Tree Golf Club to renovate their golf course. You have worked closely with the board of directors of the club to develop a new layout that is both challenging and aesthetically pleasing. Everyone is excited about the changes. The project is nearly 75 percent complete when you encounter problems on the 13th hole. The 13th hole at Trysting Tree is a 125-yard par-three in which golfers have to hit their tee shots over a lake to a modulated green. During the construction of the new tee box, workers discovered that an underground spring runs beneath the box to the lake. You inspected the site and agreed with the construction supervisor that this could create serious problems, especially during the rainy winter months. After surveying the area, you believe the only viable option would be to extend the hole to 170 yards and create elevated tees on the adjacent hillside.You are the leader of a new product development project. Your team has worked hard on developing a third-generation product that incorporates new technology and meets customer demands. The project is roughly 50 percent complete. You have just received a report from the marketing department detailing a similar product that is about to be released by a competitor. The product appears to utilize radical new design principles that expand the functionality of the product. This poses a serious threat to the success of your project. Top management is considering canceling your project and starting over again. They want you to make a recommendation.Part2 should be 1.5 to 2 pages and APA format and cite all references.

solved I first read Isaac Asimov’s “The Last Question” as a

I first read Isaac Asimov’s “The Last Question” as a lonely, depressed teenager in the mid 1970s when I was still living with my father in Seattle. I can’t remember how I ran across it. Probably I was just intrigued by the title. I’ve always had a fascination for those kinds of profound and provocative declarations that serve as titles for articles and books and short stories that just reach out and grab your attention, demanding to be read: “Modern Man is Obsolete,” “The Survival of Freedom,” “Reverence for Life,” “Man’s Search for Meaning.” But Isaac Asimov’s “The Last Question” simply blew me away like nothing else and remains one of my favorite short stories to this day.Arthur C. Clarke’s story “The Star” is equally profound, and like “The Last Question,” punches you in the gut with a shock ending that is too hard to ignore. Both stories work well together and complement each other nicely, as both share similar themes and insights on human psychology. To be sure, figuring out the main idea and underlying message of “The Last Question” and “The Star,” whether implicit or explicit, is definitely a challenge. More importantly, what I want you to consider as you write your response is how the two stories and their messages represent the height of critical and creative thinking, not on the part of the authors, but on the part of the characters in the two stories. Figuring out who the protagonists and antagonists are might be a challenge in itself, but remember, antagonism often manifests itself in many different forms. Also, make sure you clearly understand the term “entropy” as it’s being used in “The Last Question.” There are some seriously hellish, entropic events taking place in both stories, and understanding the concept is crucial to understanding — and appreciating — the larger message that both authors are presenting to us.The goal of this assignment is not to summarize anything, but to articulate the main idea of each story and to show how the protagonists are clear illustrations of what it means to be a critical thinker. In order to address that idea, which is at the heart of this assignment, you may have to first define critical thinking and what a critical thinker might be like. Ask yourself: What are the criteria of critical inquiry? What does it take to engage in productive, open-ended critical inquiry? And, of course, what are the objectives of critical thinking and of critical thinkers? Let your definition of critical thinking guide you in your analysis of the two stories. Furthermore, a response about critical thinking should demonstrate some degree of critical thinking on your part – so put some thought into it! QUALITY OVER QUANTITY! Be as clear and precise and focused as you can be. Philosophize all you want, but make sure your words and sentences and ideas are all coherent. Easier said than done. And never hesitate to do what both authors want us to do, and that is to ask questions……

solved Individual Case Briefs 10% (100 points – 4 total; first

Individual Case Briefs 10% (100 points – 4 total; first @ 10 points; next 3 @ 30 points each All class members are expected to prepare a typed single-spaced (12 point Times New Roman font with 1 inch margins)1-2-page summary (TWO PAGES ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM-may be bullet pointed) for any FOUR of the six cases that we discuss in class addressing the following questions:1) General Environment analysis: What are the most important 1-2 general environment factors to be considered for the INDUSTRY and what is their effect (positive-negative-neutral)? What is your evidence for the importance of these factors?2) FIVE FORCES analysis: What are the most important 1-2 of the five industry forces affecting the INDUSTRY and what is their effect (high-moderate-low)? What are the 1-2 factors that evidence the importance of these forces? Is the industry attractive for new entrants AND for incumbents? Why?3) STRATEGIC GROUP: List TWO major strategic group competitors and briefly predict the significant future action(s) of EACH competitor. What is your evidence for their importance?4) VALUE CHAIN analysis: What are the most important 1-2 of the eight value chain areas for the company? What is your evidence for their importance? Are they superior, inferior or neutral vs. EACH of the two major competitors and why (be specific but concise)? 5) FINANCIAL/NON-FINANCIAL analysis: Discuss the most significant financial factor(s) (be specific, calculating and presenting in a three-year line chart the most important 1-2 ratios in the profitability, leverage and/or activity areas compared to your two strategic group competitors (or the industry) and non-financial factor(s) (leadership, culture, ethics/social responsibility) for the company? What is your evidence for their importance?6) INTEGRATED SWOT analysis: INTEGRATE the SWOT analysis: discuss how one major strength pursues one opportunity and limits one threat and how one major weakness limits one opportunity and enhances one threat.7) SCA(VRIN) analysis: Using your analysis above, briefly state what you believe to be the company’s 1-2 major capabilities or core competencies (if any) and assess their ability to create a sustainable competitive advantage by explaining EACH of the four VRIN criteria for EACH competency. Be sure to state the results of your VRIN analysis (i.e. competitive disadvantage, competitive parity, temporary competitive advantage or sustainable competitive advantage). 8) CURRENT STRATEGY analysis: In light of your analysis above, what are the company’s current strategy types (i.e. type of business level, corporate level, cooperative and international strategies the company is pursuing)? What is your evidence from your analysis above for this assessment? Answer all 8 questions listed above. You can find the text under the Cengage website where I will provide the log in!…How to find the case is in the screenshots below!

solved Gatherin and analyse information (qualitative data) on a product’s target

Gatherin and analyse information (qualitative data) 
on a product’s target market, to gain an in-depth understanding of how a consumer 
goes through each stage of their decision making process.
You are required to interview two people who have purchased the same product
within the last six months. This product can be either a good or a service. (Your 
interviews can also be conducted over the phone, via Zoom, Skype where needed.
In this case, you will need to send the informed consent form to your interviewee, 
have them sign it, and return it to you).
In your assignment you will examine the answers to your interviews in relation to the 
different concepts of the decision-making process. The information that you have 
gathered will also be used in Assignment 2.
PLEASE NOTE: You will need to ask each of your interviewees to complete and sign 
the Informed Consent form, which is located on the MySCU site, before you begin 
the interview. You need to ensure your interviewees sign the Informed Consent 
Form. Assignments submitted without the completed signed informed consent forms 
will not be marked until they are submitted. 
Part 1. Background information on the product/service/organisation selected
Provide a brief background to the product you have chosen, and include a brief 
discussion on the brand/s.
Part 2. Primary research (40%) 
Interview two consumers who have purchased the same product (good or service) in 
the last six months. It can be the same brand or different brands. 
Based on your findings from the interviews you need to discuss the following:
1. What was purchased2. Discuss the kind of purchase it was (habitual, limited, extended) and whether 
it was a low involvement or high involvement decision
3. The decision making process for each of the interviewees. Your discussion 
will need to include:
1. A clear overview of the problem 
2. What was involved in the information search
3. The evaluative criteria and the consideration set of the consumer and 
how the consumer made their decision
4. Where and how it was purchased and the environmental triggers 
happening at this stage of the decision making process
5. What happened at the post evaluative stage.
Part 3. Compare the primary research with academic literature (25%)
How does the behaviour of your interviewees compare with consumer behaviour 
literature? This section of the assignment requires you to discuss your interview 
findings with evidence from relevant literature by referring to at least three different
current academic peer reviewed articles. Discuss any differences between your
findings and analysis with that of the literature.
Part 4. Summary of the purchasing behaviour (15%)
Based on your discussion from Part (2), which stage of the decision making process 
appeared to be the most important for each of the interviewees? Why?
Presentation, clear structure, referencing, communication, integration of 
theory (10%).

solved An organization contains a dynamic process of interactions involving many

An organization contains a dynamic process of interactions involving many moving parts. Changes in personnel, budget, policy framework, personnel capabilities, operations, and procedures in one part of an organization can affect what occurs in other parts of the organization.An effective method of mapping this dynamic process is the use of SWOT analysis and PEST analysis, which gauge internal and external factors affecting the success or failure of the organization.The strengths and weaknesses of an organization, as well as the opportunities and threats (SWOT) placed in a matrix provide an easily viewed statement of criteria for meeting the organization’s goals.Political and economic factors, viewed along with social and economic factors (PEST), provide the strategic planner another matrix to view the criteria for success in relation to external factors that tend to be out of the control of the organization.Conducting both analyses allows the planner an opportunity to consider all factors relevant to the success of the organization.Your assignment is to prepare two matrices for your chosen organization: one SWOT and the other PEST (check the Strategic Planning for Human Services Professionals scatterdesk for more information). You will want to recognize that human services is in constant flux as a professional activity, so take into consideration the primary trends that will affect organizational success or failure.InstructionsWrite a 1000-word overview stating the SWOT and PEST analyses for your chosen organization. Include the following:Describe your chosen organization, its sector, and the key factors defining the criteria for SWOT and PEST.Design two matrices: create one table with four parts labeled SWOT and a separate four-part table for PEST. In the quadrants, enter the key criteria affecting the organization.Explain the importance of each quadrant.Provide a brief rationale for each of your SWOT and PEST entries.Analyze the organization’s potential effectiveness in terms of its social, economic, political, and institutional position.Drawing on your reading of Bryson regarding formulating strategies, consider the Loft strategy, MetroGIS strategy, public sector strategy, or nonprofit strategy to inform the development of your analysis.Develop policy consistent with the organization’s mission and vision.Describe the planning focus and desired immediate outcomes.Written Communication: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, respectful, and consistent with expectations for professional practice in human resources. Original work and critical thinking are required as well as scholarly writing. Your writing must be free of errors that detract from the overall message.Length: 1000 words.Number of Resources: Minimum of 10 resources.APA Guidelines: Format resources and citations according to current APA style and formatting guidelines.Matrices: One for SWOT and one for PEST.Font: Times New Roman, 12 point.

solved I’m working on a nursing case study and need a

I’m working on a nursing case study and need a reference to help me study.

Ms. B was told that she had a brain aneurysm. She made an advance statement of wishes saying that she did not want surgery if the aneurysm burst. However, shortly after she made this statement of wishes, the aneurysm burst and a team of surgeons took her to surgery believing that if not treated with surgery she would surely die. The hospital (Hospital #1) backed the decision of the surgeons thinking if there was no intervention the hospital would be liable for her death. This all happened as the family were alerted to the emergency and were making travel arrangements as they were all from out-of-town.
Unfortunately, the outcome of the surgery was that she became ventilator-dependent paralyzed from the neck down and needing 24-hour care. Once the family was in the hospital, they held a family conference agreeing that Ms. B would not want to continue on in this state, and they petitioned the hospital to remove her from the ventilator. The hospital refused still believing the potential for legal ramifications. The family was distraught; but eventually, with the guidance of a lawyer they retained, they were able to have her transferred to another facility (Hospital #2) that was willing to take her off the ventilator knowing that the chances of her making it were slim. The felt that they were honoring her wishes along with her families’ wishes.
A day later Ms. B was taken off the ventilator and she expired within the hour. The family felt like they had done the right thing and they retained the lawyer to sue the initial hospital stating that they had not honored the wishes of their loved ones. In the trial, the hospital claimed that there was not enough evidence that Ms. B wished to not be placed on machines as the family claimed, even though it was witnessed by a nurse that the anesthesiologist for the care engaged her in a conversation about this very topic before her aneurysm burst. The hospital maintained that without documentation to that claim, they could not honor her wishes.

In a surprising turn of events, the family filed suit in the Court of Appeals and won. The appellate court agreed with the family stating that any conversation, whether it be personal or professional could be used to reach a conclusion about one’s desire about the nature of their own death.


Read the Ms. B’s case study above.
Answer the following questions:

Do you agree with the original court or the court of appeals? Why?
What kind of ethical theories was hospital #1 acting upon (beneficence, malfeasance, etc.)?
What kind of ethical theories was hospital #2 acting upon (beneficence, malfeasance, etc.)?
How did the family act in this ethical realm?
Did you find that the result of this case was fair to Mrs. B and her family?
Why is it so important that one put in writing their exact wishes to the nature of their death and how they envision it should be?

solved In the assignments for this course you will develop parts

In the assignments for this course you will develop parts of a corporate security policy for a hypothetical health insurance company (imaginatively named HIC, Inc.). Each week, you will be asked to write one part of the policy framework document set. The framework we will use in this course is a version of that described in “ META Security Group Information Security Policy Framework.” The framework consists of a Security Program Charter, several policy areas, and associated standards
In this assignment, you are to write an asset identification and classification policy for HIC, Inc., including an information classification standard that identifies:

the information to be protected
the security labels that will be applied to that information.

Be sure to account for PHI, as well as corporate data and any other classes of data that you identify. Indicate whether the classification policy is a mandatory policy, discretionary policy, or if it is a combination of both. Is your system based on a formal model? If so, indicate which, and why you chose that model.
Remember that classification categories only make sense in terms of an access control policy. An access control policy identifies what is protected, but also who has access, what kind of access they have, and penalties for non-compliance.
For each classification that you identify, include the following information:

Who will be authorized to access the data in each of the classifications?
Is there some kind of clearance involved, or “need-to-know”?
What is the responsibility of authorized users with respect to the data they access?
Can authorized users do what they want with the data, or are there restrictions, and what are the penalties?

You will need to do some research on this and look at some examples that are currently out there. Your document must provide reasonably clear guidance to employees as to what they are allowed to access and how they should handle the data in order to avoid disciplinary actions.
Your asset identification and classification policy document must be no longer than three pages and include at least two references in APA format.
Just a couple of reminders or bits of info to keep in mind when doing this week’s assignment.

Data classification outlines protection, and requirements of data that are critical to an organization.
The info/assets that are to be protected and the classification that applies to them.
Besides including the Access Control requirements for the policy you will want to make sure you include areas like roles and responsibilities, classification levels, compliance, and enforcement to your policy.
Don’t forget about the timeframe/timeline as to when your organization leadership wants to have the policy in place by
The ramifications as to if an employee doesn’t abide by the rules/policy.

Sample Outline of the paper could be:
Data Types
Information Classification Levels
Data Access