solved Group Discussion – Dr. Evan Forde, Oceanographer3939 unread replies.3939 replies.Throughout

Group Discussion – Dr. Evan Forde, Oceanographer3939 unread replies.3939 replies.Throughout this course, I will be highlighting oceanographers from diverse backgrounds, with the hopes of inspiring the next generation. Scientist Spotlight: Dr. Evan Forde, OceanographerDr. Forde was born in Miami, Florida and received his primary education in the local public school system. He received his bachelor’s degree in Geology and his master’s degree in marine geology and geophysics, both from Columbia University in New York. Forde became a researcher in the Marine Geology and Geophysics laboratory at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (AOML) while an undergraduate at Columbia during the summer of 1973.Utilizing his background in classical Marine Geology techniques, Forde became a recognized authority on the formation, evolution and sedimentary processes of east coast U.S. submarine canyons. Additional scientific research efforts by Evan have included studies of gravity-induced mass sediment movements on continental slopes, 3-dimensional mapping of hydrothermal plumes, and the study of ocean-atmosphere exchange of anthropogenic carbon dioxide.In 1979, Forde became the first African-American oceanographer to conduct a research mission aboard a submersible craft when he did dives in Nekton Gamma. He subsequently completed submersible dive expeditions in Alvin in 1980 and the Johnson Sea Link in 1981.Forde has also worked extensively in the area of science education. He developed and taught graduate level courses on Tropical Meteorology targeted towards K-12 teachers for 7 years, authored science experiments in a children’s magazine for three years, created a Severe Weather Poster for NOAA that was distributed nationally to 50,000 teachers by the National Science Teachers Association. He has spoken to greater than 40,000 school children through presentations about his oceanographic and academic careers. Forde has been the subject of three museum exhibits, and has been featured in numerous periodical articles, text books and many other publications on prominent African American scientists.(Taken from Wikipedia)Read more about Dr. Forde here (Links to an external site.) and here (Links to an external site.)Then review one of Dr. Forde’s journal articles by following this link (Links to an external site.) (note: don’t attempt to understand every term, just try to find the main themes of the paper, and use your translation skills!)You will then compose a minimum 500 word or more response answering the following questions: What was most interesting or most confusing about Dr. Forde and his work?What did you learn from Dr. Forde’s research?How does Dr. Forde try to inspire the next generation of scientists?Come back later and respond to two student’s posts. Choose students who do not have a response yet. 150-200 words each15 points for 1-3, 5 points for 4.

solved { In replies to peers, discuss whether you agree or

{ In replies to peers, discuss whether you agree or disagree with the ideas presented and justify your response.} PLEASE:- minimum of 150 words or more- strong academic writing / APA style 7TH ED – scholarly ( peer review) articles, no older than 5 years (please use in-text citing and HYPERLINK to article to must be in the Reference section.- please be original writing and must answer all parts of question for full credit.PLEASE, SEE BELOW CLASSMATE WEEKLY DISCUSSION QUESTION ANSWER AND WRITE A response.The public health leader’s work does not take place in clinics and hospitals alone. Unlike various other types of medical professionals and healthcare workers, public health practitioners and leaders work at the juncture where medicine and medical science meets the wider community. They therefore play an important role both in improving the health of communities through the delivery of high-quality care in line with medical science and key research developments, and also being a source of information on the health status of populations and their health needs for the medical community, policy makers and other leaders and stakeholders who can make decisions and introduce programs that can promote the health of communities. Forging collaborative partnerships that can empower communities is thus one of the most important roles of a public health leader, since there are so many stakeholders involved in making decisions that can actually help achieve public health goals.Specific leadership qualities that can prompt community empowerment include most importantly a sense of service towards the community. Leaders who embrace the servant leadership style put others’ needs ahead of their own and look to bring value to the wider community. This trait is much needed in the space of public health. Another trait is the ability to motivate others to perform tasks that can help improve health. Since making strides in public health is so dependent on everyone involved doing their bit to their best of the ability, public health leaders need to be able to bring out this high level of performance in their subordinates, in the leaders of other organizations, in the policy makers they interact with, and even members of the community they are ultimately aiming to benefit. Strong interpersonal and communication skills are also needed as public health leaders seek to influence different audiences with different goals and objectives. Communities can only be empowered through a collaborative effort forged by public health leaders with these skills. (Truglio-Londrigan & Lewenson 2017; PD&R 2007).ReferencesTruglio-Londrigan, M., & Lewenson, S.B. (2017). Public Health Nursing: PracticingPopulation-Based Care. 3rd Edition. New York: Jones & Bartlett Learning.U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Policy Development andResearch (PD&R). (2007). Empowering local communities through leadership development and capacity building.

solved In this assignment, you will identify and explore three separate

In this assignment, you will identify and explore three separate areas within the study of psychology that include biological functions, scientific method and modern psychological perspectives.

Section 1: Select what you consider to be the three most interesting examples of how biological functions (for example, the nervous system) are related to our understanding of psychology. Provide examples that demonstrate how anatomical structures and functions relate to different areas of study within the field of psychology, such as social, organizational, cognitive, counseling, or developmental. (2-3 slides)
Section 2: Describe the scientific method used in psychology and how it can be applied to research associated with consciousness, sleep, sleep disorders, and hypnosis. Be sure to explain how these topics are relevant and why they are interesting to study. (2-3 slides)
Section 3: Choose four of the seven modern psychological perspectives listed and explain the similarities and differences between them. (4-6 slides)

The Psychodynamic Perspective
The Behavioral Perspective
The Humanistic Perspective
The Biophysical Perspective
The Cognitive Perspective
The Sociocultural Perspective
The Evolutionary Perspective

Step 2
Create the slides.
Using presentation applications (also referred to as slide ware) such as PowerPoint or Google Slides, organize and display the required information for each of the three sections in a series of presentational slides (also referred to as a slide deck). Note that you are not required to present this project in a live setting; however, you should design these slides as if you were doing so. If you have never created a slide deck before or need some additional help, several resources and tutorial videos are available online. Conduct an Internet browser search for the slide application you are using (for example, Google Slides, PowerPoint, or Keynote) and the search term “tutorial.” Such a search will provide videos and websites that can assist you in creating the slides and using the application.
Design your slides with the following in mind:

Presentation title slide should be Psychology in Our Lives.
All slides should be contained within one file.
Label each slide with the slide title and number.
Use clear, concise bullet points.
Presentations are primarily visual. Avoid including too much written information on your slides. You can include more detailed information in the written script portion of this project.
Images and diagrams are wonderful presentation tools to support your message.
All knowledge gained from external sources, including course resources, must be cited in each slide for content and graphics.  At the end of the slide deck, include proper citations in APA style for the sources you used, which include images and diagrams (explore the Purdue OWL (Links to an external site.) website for examples). The source citation slide will not count toward your slide total.

solved (I have pretty much answered the questions. Pls elaborate and

(I have pretty much answered the questions. Pls elaborate and make it all come together and find sources. I will attach some other peer’s post for examples/guide.)A 56 yr. old woman signs up with you as his new primary care physician. Her previous diagnosis included hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia, moderate obesity and hypertension. His medications include: Paroxetine 20 mg for 10 years; Quetiapine 150 mg daily for 2 yrs.; Irbesartan 300 mg daily for 1 yr.; and Atorvastatin 10 mg daily for 1 yr. Labs: FBS = 126, HgbA1C = 6.2, total cholesterol = 200, LDL = 105, HDL = 35, Tg =286. His present height equal 5’9” and weight = 210 lbs. His BP is 140/84. She tells you that about 10 yrs. ago she became depressed and was started on Paroxetine and gained 30lbs after 1 yr. Her mood at that time was much improved and remained that way for about 2 yrs. At that time, Quetiapine was added, and she achieved remission of her depression. Six months after this she gained another 20lbs, developed mild hypertension, hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia. All other lab including thyroid testing was normal. She tells you that she has a craving for carbohydrates and does little exercise since developing depression about 15 yrs. ago. Questions:1. What advice or modifications to his treatment regimen would you recommend for your new patient? (Discuss a minimum of two). Please support your answer with research-based evidence. = Discontinue Quetiapine and Paxil – taper off for over 1-2 months to decrease withdrawal symptoms – since they are associated with weight gain, diabetes and hyperlipidemia which increases her risk for developing heart disease – currently, considered as prediabetic, mildly increased total cholesterol/LDL/ TG, mildly elevated BP. Weight gain from antipsychotics/antidepressants is believed to be cause by increase appetite. By discontinuing these medications, patient may lose weight which will help reduce blood pressure (which is another risk factor for heart disease), decrease blood sugar and cholesterol. – Continue other medications for now. Will consider adding another blood pressure medication if no improvement after discontinuation of Quetiapine and Paxil, and after weight loss. Consider Metformin if no improvement to blood sugar despite lifestyle change in 3-6 months. – Recommend nonpharmacological intervention strategies first – Encourage healthy diet and exercise to help reduce weight – Recommend referral to nutritionist – Recommend psychotherapy or counseling while adjusting medications to prevent relapse of depression – Assess depression with PHQ-9 routinely= Add Wellbutrin – not associated with weight gain and diabetes – Follow up in 2 weeks on response to medication. Will increase dose as need.2. If you suggested additional medication, look up your state’s prescribing laws. Are PMHNP’s able to prescribe the medication you recommended? In California, PMHNP’s are able to prescribe psychiatric medications.

solved I need support with this Management question so I can

I need support with this Management question so I can learn better.

You  have been asked by NoJax to come in as a consultant and analyze the  business for factors that impact the organizational behavior of the  company. NoJax would like to ensure that their company design is current  and that their employees are as efficient as possible. You have been  analyzing several elements of the organization structure and behaviors  using the NoJax Company Background document  to identify areas of improvement. You will use that information to  provide NoJax a new reorganization plan to continue their success, to be  more efficient, and to stay ahead of their competition.
In your reorganization report, address the following questions:

Using  your behavior analysis from module 01, provide a detailed plan to  positively change current employee behavior. Include at least three  aspects of diversity that will have a positive impact on the behavior of  the organization. What new processes and continued training plans can  NoJax implement to ensure successful assimilation of new employees?
Utilizing  the Big-Five personality traits you identified in module 02, relate  them to how management can affect organization culture. How can the  culture be altered in a positive manner to improve relationships with  management and employees? What plan will you put in place to continue  the positive relationships?
Include  the key elements you identified in module 03 that go into creating an  organization as you describe NoJax’s company structure. How can the  basic structure of NoJax be improved to better align business goals and  employee objectives? Include at least five elements to improve the  structure.
Using  the barriers in communication you identified in module 04, propose at  least one change for each of NoJax’s barriers, so they are able to  change their communication process. How will a more effective and  supportive communication process have the most impact and build better  relationships and a stronger culture within the company?
Utilizing  what you identified in module 05 as the process of decision-making  NoJax currently uses, how can they become more efficient and better use  the negotiation process? Make sure you identify each step of the  decision-making process NoJax currently uses. Then you will need to add  any elements of the decision-making process that are missing. If any  current step is not working or is weak, you will need to describe how  NoJax can improve each of those steps to be more efficient.
In  your proposed change for NoJax from module 06, how should each  management person best use their management style to have the greatest  positive impact on employees? How can management maintain a balance  between the current culture and making new and improved relationships to  minimize resistance to change? Include at least six elements in your  plan.

solved First:Â You will select one question that you want to

You will select one question that you want to engage with and provide a response. Your response should be no less than 200 words.  Please include parenthetical citations in your responses to show what ideas are coming from the lecture versus an assigned source.
Note: You will not be able to see your classmates’ posts until after you have posted.  Thus, you will need to do the first part to move onto get any credit.
You must choose two different colleagues who have written on two questions that you did not answer.  You will need to substantively respond to two classmates (meaning actual engagement with the topic addressed). You do not have to agree with your classmates. Civil and respectful debate is encouraged. Reply posts should be approximately 50 words for each.
In total, there are three parts. Each of the questions for our discussion boards are geared toward helping you prep for your course exams. It can be helpful to use our discussion board questions as a study guide for the midterm. 
Week 2 Discussion Prompts (Please Respond to 1 Question): 

What was the New Negro movement? What was the Metropolis? How did the ideas of Marcus Garvey (week 2 reading) inform the Harlem Renaissance and Metropolis’s ideas of racial solidarity and racial uplift? Cite two examples from the assigned readings to support your analysis.
Compare and contrast Marcus Garvey and Ho Chi Minh’s reflections on self-determination. How do their perspectives demonstrate some of the contradictions in Woodrow Wilson’s 14 Point Platform? Cite two examples from the assigned readings to support your analysis.
Discuss the evolution of women’s organizing between the nineteenth and twentieth century. According to Nell Irvin Painter, what were some of the ideological trends that developed during this period? How did Jane Adams and Ida B. Wells (Week 2 Readings) fit into these trends? Cite two examples from the assigned readings to support your analysis.

The Progressive Era
1.) Nell Irvin Painter, Standing at Armageddon (excerpts)
2.) Ida B. Wells, “Lynching and the Excuse for It”:…
3.) Jane Adams, “Why Women Should Vote”:…
Thursday (October 7th): Strivings for Self-Determination
1.) Woodrow Wilson’s 14 points
2.) A brief discussion of Woodrow Wilson’s views on Race from the Woodrow Wilson House Museum website:…n-and-race/
3.) Marcus Garvey, Selected Writings and Speeches of Marcus Garvey (excerpts)
(Listen to the audio from a portion of one of the speeches here): 
Videos to watch:
1.) Objectives of the UNIA: 
2.) “Ho Chi Minh” excerpt from The Vietnam War: A Film by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick: (5mins)

solved I’m working on a Health & Medical question and need

I’m working on a Health & Medical question and need guidance to help me study.

Discussion: Organizational StructuresAna enthusiastically began her first day at work at Riverville Medical Center (RMC) as an accounts receivable specialist. Her first task was to report to Bennet, the manager of the RMC accounts receivables department. Bennet handed Ana her daily duties and weekly tasks, and shared the RMC organization chart. Ana reviewed the chart and noticed that Bennet reported to Caroline, the RMC finance manager. Finally, the finance manager reported to Denise, the Riverville Medical Center director. On her first workday, Ana quickly acknowledged the chain of command and the organization structure of her new workplace. Whenever and wherever we enter the health care workforce, we enter an organizational structure.Organizational structures are the means by which job tasks are formally distributed, assembled, and organized (Robbins & Judge, 2018). Health care organizations are dynamic and complex human service organizations (Pyper, 2018). Poorly addressing the subject of structures and their design in an organization can lead to problems of unnecessary complexity, stress, and conflict (Ingram, 2019).In this week’s Discussion, you will analyze the structure of an organization, the trends it may be experiencing, and the external pressures it faces.ReferencesIngram, W. (2019, March 12). Why is organizational structure important? Chron. Retrieved from…Pyper, P. (2018). Healthcare teams as complex adaptive systems: Understanding team behaviour through team members’ perception of interpersonal interaction. BMC Health Services Research. Retrieved from… Robbins, S. P. & Judge, T. A. (2018). Essentials of organizational behavior (14th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.To prepare for this Discussion:Review the Learning Resources for this week.Consider the mission, vision, and population served of the organization you currently work for, or an organization where you previously worked, or wish to work.By Day 4Post a comprehensive response to the following:Name the organization you chose, and describe its mission, vision, and the population it serves.Describe the organization’s structure (i.e., centralized versus decentralized).How well do you think the organizational structure works? Please explain. Should the structure be changed? Explain how and why.What are trends in the organization? In other words, how might the organization change in the future?What are the external pressures on the organization (i.e., health reform, economic pressures)?What are some advantages and disadvantages of a centralized versus decentralized structure in the health care organization you described? Explain why or why not.How well do you think a centralized versus decentralized structured organization responds to change?

solved Research Paper: This is a graduate course and students will

Research Paper: This is a graduate course and students will be expected to research and write papers summarizing in their own words what they have found on current topics from the weekly readings. Research is a theoretical review of relevant literature and application of findings in the literature to a topic related to a specific industry, field, or business problem.
The research must be conducted using peer-reviewed trade or academic journals. While Blogs, Wikipedia, encyclopedias, course textbooks, popular magazines, newspaper articles, online websites, etc. are helpful for providing background information, these resources are NOT suitable resources for this research assignment.
Please Note: The UC Library staff are very helpful with assisting students in using the UC Online Library journal database. Please contact them if you have issues. In addition, the instructor has provided additional resources, including a research tutorial, in the “Course Resources” folder in the “Content” area of the course.
Assignment Requirements:
Choose a research topic from the chapter readings or from the list provided by your professor.
Research/find a minimum at least four (4), preferably five (5) or more, different peer-reviewed articles on your topic from the University of the Cumberlands Library online business database. The article(s) must be relevant and from a peer-reviewed source. While you may use relevant articles from any time frame, current/published within the last five (5) years are preferred. Using literature that is irrelevant or unrelated to the chosen topic will result in a point reduction.
Write a four (4) to five (5) page double spaced paper in APA format discussing the findings on your specific topic in your own words. Note – paper length does not include cover page, abstract, or references page(s).
Structure your paper as follows:
Cover page
Overview describing the importance of the research topic to current business and professional practice in your own words.
Purpose of Research should reflect  the potential benefit of the topic to the current business and professional practice and the larger body of research.
Review of the Literature summarized in your own words. Note that this should not be a “copy and paste” of literature content, nor should this section be substantially filled with direct quotes from the article. A literature review is a summary of the major points and findings of each of the selected articles (with appropriate citations). Direct quotations should be used sparingly. Normally, this will be the largest section of your paper (this is not a requirement; just a general observation).

Practical Application of the literature. Describe how your findings from the relevant research literature can shape, inform, and improve current business and professional practice related to your chosen topic.
Conclusion in your own words
References formatted according to APA style requirements

solved I need a response to the post below: Health professionals

I need a response to the post below: Health professionals must work together to decrease the prevalence to improve patient safety standards. Medication errors resulted in 2 billion dollars a year costs (Rodziewicz et al., 2021). The ethical aspects of offering unsafe healthcare services can not be disregarded; one should not lose track of indirect outcomes of offering unsafe healthcare services that lead to the lengthening of the patients’ hospitalization period, the emergence of hospital infections, reduction in income, the emergence of disabilities. Investigation of these events is necessary to prevent the errors from recurring, reduce the treatment and healthcare costs, reduce legal responsibilities, and increase safety. Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is a tool that is designed to help discover the causes of errors and get to the source (Vahidi et al., 2020). RCA assists with the discovery of the hidden cause or causes of an error. The individuals on the RCA team focus primarily on systems and processes, not on the individual’s action. One tool used is the Pareto chart, which arranges the bars (counts) from largest to smallest, from left to right, and helps segregate the problems and their causes. Performance monitoring is an essential element for managing providers and driving continuous improvements. There are many ways to analyze data about the frequency of problems or causes in a process. One should focus on the most significant problem then move outward to the least significant while communicating with others about this data. Practical, clear, concise communication will assist in a team collaboration to assess the root cause of the problem, and then interventions can be placed to resolve it. The Five Ways tool assists the team in investigating deeper levels to understand the what and the why of the contributing factors (Spath,2018). Frequently, there are multiple root causes that, once identified, can be resolved. In the scenerio, the RCA team inclded a nurse, a pharmacy technician and quality assurance person. This team would work together to ubderstand and implement interventions to decrease the rising medication errors on the unit. The quality assurance leader would act as a mediator between the two entities to decrease communication breakdown brought on from focusing on blame. The nurse could provide data from the unit regarding the cause of the errors and pharmacy ould investigate the cause in their department. Both nursing and pharmacy discussed inadequate staffing levels and workload as possible root causes. The nurse is responsible for the administration of the medication and should always utilize the five rights of administration and when in doubt, contact the pahrmacy or the phsyician. The nurse is not responsible for equipment failure, but is eduated on medication administration with or without medical equipment. In the end, teamwork improves patient safety and decreases future medication risks.

solved Respond to the following questions in -depth using paragraph form.

Respond to the following questions in -depth using paragraph form. Paragraphs must be at least 8-9 sentences.1. A negligence action was brought by a mother on behalf of her minor daughter against a hospital. It alleged that when the mother was 13 years of age, the hospital negligently transfused her with Rh-positive blood. The mother’s Rh-negative blood was incompatible with and sensitized by the Rh-positive blood. The mother discovered her condition eight years later during a routine blood screening ordered by her physician in the course of prenatal care. The resulting sensitization of the mother’s blood allegedly caused damage to the fetus, resulting in physical defects and premature birth. Did a patient relationship with the transfusing hospital exist?2. The plaintiff’s physician received a release of information from the plaintiff to an insurance company following the plaintiff’s application for major medical insurance. The physician released the following information: Enclosed is a summary of Mr. Millsaps’s recent hospitalization. Physically the man has no notable problems; emotionally, the patient is quite mercurial in his moods. He is a strong-willed man obsessed with faults of others in his family, for which there has been no objective basis. He has completely resisted any constructive advice by his wife, family, minister, or myself. The man needs psychiatric help for his severe obsessions and depressions, some of which have suicidal overtones. He is an extremely poor insurance risk. The application for major medical insurance was rejected. Did the physician have a right to release this information to the insurance company?3. The defendant was executive director of Planned Parenthood. A second defendant was the physician who served as medical director for Planned Parenthood. Both gave information, instruction, and medical advice to married persons about how to prevent conception. The defendants were arrested and found guilty of violating a statute that forbade the use of contraceptives. They then appealed, contending that the statute as applied violated the Fourteenth Amendment. Does a law forbidding the use of contraceptives invade the zone of privacy in violation of the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment?4. The New York Legislature passed the New York State Controlled Substances Act of 1971 because of concern about the illegal use of drugs in the state. The act requires that records involving the use of certain prescription drugs be filed by physicians with the New York State Department of Health. These records are kept on computers and include the name and address of patients using the drugs. The concern of the physicians and patients who were plaintiffs was that patients in need of treatment with these drugs would decline treatment for fear of being labeled drug addicts. Was the collection of these records by the state a violation of the patients’ Fourteenth Amendment rights?