solved I’m trying to learn for my Health & Medical class

I’m trying to learn for my Health & Medical class and I’m stuck. Can you help?

Take on a role as a sport psychology professional as you review the following case study. You are required to utilize at least one research article to support your case study. Adam is a high school baseball athlete and has always dreamed of being a Division I collegiate athlete. He has put in years of practice, training camps, being on traveling teams, etc. His current coach, Coach Bullard, knows that he has the raw talent and will be successful in college if he is able to work on a few mental skill principles. Currently, Adam is becoming his own worst enemy. His desire to be perfect has been causing numerous issues with his own performance, as well as his team. When Adam makes a mistake, his focus immediately shifts, and he puts himself down to the point that his performance becomes debilitated. It is to the point that his confidence has diminished, and he is unable to concentrate in practice or in games. Coach Bullard has also started to notice that Adam is becoming controlling of practice time and demanding when with his peers. He once witnessed Adam yelling at his teammate for striking out when he should have “clearly hit the ball”. When Coach Bullard tried to address this issue with Adam, he blew it off and said it was no big deal and that he was just helping his friend. Coach has tried to sit down with Adam outside of practice to help him, but Adam keeps missing the meetings. Also, his teammates are starting to avoid socializing with him outside of practice, which is becoming very noticeable during practices and games. One of the captains told Coach that the team just doesn’t enjoy being around Adam since he is negative, demanding and talks down to them. Adam’s parents have reached out to Coach Bullard with their concern regarding his grades and performance in school, as well as his attitude in the house. They have shared that Adam has started picking fights with his younger brother and that his grades have been slipping. Also, Adam has been talking back to them as well as sleeping in and being late to school.Coach Bullard would like to request a meeting with you, the sport psychologist, to discuss how he can best help Adam.Answer the following questions and explain your rationale for each in detail. What is your initial assessment of this situation regarding the motivational climate between Adam and his coach, Adam, and his parents and Adam and his peers?Is Adam aligning with being more task-involved or ego-involved with his behaviors? Explain.What suggestions would you provide to Coach Bullard to assist him with incorporating a task-involved climate with his team, amidst of this current situation?Select at least two of the following components that you would assist Coach Bullard with to help educate Adam. Elaborate on their importance regarding this situation.Self-AwarenessMindfulnessSelf-TalkCommunication

solved Create a 3-5-page submission in which you develop a PICO(T)

Create a 3-5-page submission in which you develop a PICO(T) question for a specific care issue and evaluate the evidence you locate, which could help to answer the question.
PICO(T) is an acronym that helps researchers and practitioners define aspects of a potential study or investigation. 
It stands for:

P – Patient/population/problem.
I – Intervention.
C – Comparison (of potential interventions, typically).
O – Outcome(s).
T – Time frame (if time frame is relevant).

The end goal of applying PICO(T) is to develop a question that can help guide the search for evidence (Boswell & Cannon, 2015). From this perspective, a PICO(T) question can be a valuable starting point for nurses who are starting to apply an evidence-based model or EBPs. By taking the time to precisely define the areas in which the nurse will be looking for evidence, searches become more efficient and effective. Essentially, by precisely defining the types of evidence within specific areas, the nurse will be more likely to discover relevant and useful evidence during their search.
For this assessment, please use an issue of interest from your current or past nursing practice.
If you do not have an issue of interest from your personal nursing practice, then review the optional Case Studies presented in the resources and select one of those as the basis for your assessment.
For this assessment, select an issue of interest an apply the PICO(T) process to define the question and research it.
Your initial goal is to define the population, intervention, comparison, and outcome. In some cases, a time frame is relevant and you should include that as well, when writing a question you can research related to your issue of interest. After you define your question, research it, and organize your initial findings, select the two sources of evidence that seem the most relevant to your question and analyze them in more depth. Specifically, interpret each source’s specific findings and best practices related to your issues, as well explain how the evidence would help you plan and make decisions related to your question.
If you need some structure to organize your initial thoughts and research, the PICOT Question and Research Template document (accessible from the “Create PICO(T) Questions” page in the Capella library’s Evidence Based Practice guide) might be helpful.
In your submission, make sure you address the following grading criteria:

Define a practice issue to be explored via a PICO(T) approach.
Identify sources of evidence that could be potentially effective in answering a PICO(T) question.
Explain the findings from articles or other sources of evidence.
Explain the relevance of the findings from chosen sources of evidence to making decision related to a PICO(T) question.
Communicate using writing that is clear, logical, and professional with correct grammar and spelling using the current APA style. 

solved Press StatementIn this first module, you began by viewing the

Press StatementIn this first module, you began by viewing the Youtube video, Seattle is Dying, which helped you to start thinking about the problems of homelessness and drugs and how the criminal justice system, through policing, courts, and corrections, has addressed the issue. The final assignment for this module asks you to draft a written statement that would, hypothetically, be released to the public addressing the problems of homelessness and drugs. In addition to researching this issue, view the videos presented by the Governor of Louisiana and the Governor of Kentucky both of which discuss criminal justice reform from their State’s perspective. Also, read Controlling Crime: The Classical Perspective in Criminology (Pages 94-96). (Links to an external site.)Gov. Edwards’ Press Conference on Criminal Justice ReformTime: 32:53 minsClosed-captionedCriminal Justice Reform Press ConferenceTime: 42:14 minsTranscriptsFor this assignment, you will put yourself in one of the following roles: Chief of Police,District Attorney, orDepartment of Corrections DirectorFrom the perspective, you have chosen, create a press statement that addresses the problems of homelessness and drugs. For example, if you choose the Chief of Police, you will discuss the effects homelessness and drugs have on policing and how it can be addressed. If you choose the District Attorney, you will relate the homelessness/drug problems to the court system. And if you choose the Department of Corrections Director, you will tie the homelessness/drug problem to corrections.Over the next eight weeks, you will have similar activities where you will be asked to choose a role. However, for each activity, you will need to choose a different role than you have previously so that you can view criminal justice issues from each perspective. Once you have chosen your role, you will need to prepare a press statement that you would hypothetically present to the public. Write a statement that addresses the problem of homelessness and drugs from the perspective of the role/component you have chosen. In writing your press statement, a rule of thumb is to address the who, what, when, where, why, and how of the issue. Include the following in your statement: What is the problem? What are the explanations for the cause of the problem? What are you proposing to address the problem? What are the ethical issues? How will your proposal affect your workforce? How will your proposal affect the other two components of the criminal justice system? Be sure to also consider the breaking news of protests in Seattle. How does this event impact your component of the criminal justice system in conjunction with the ongoing homelessness/drug problem in Seattle? How does this event impact the other two components? Remember to use academic research as support when possible. Peer-reviewed journal articles, government websites, and think tanks can provide valuable insight.

solved Benefits of Metacognitive Instruction on Learning and MotivationModule Learning OutcomeRelate

Benefits of Metacognitive Instruction on Learning and MotivationModule Learning OutcomeRelate findings and implications from research in learning and cognition to one’s content area and classroom practices in order to better understand students’ diverse needs. (CLO III)Image from Pixababy (Links to an external site.) | Free for Commercial UseIntroduction & Instructions:Metacognition, defined by Ormrod (2020), is the knowledge and beliefs about the nature of human cognitive processes (including one’s own), as well as conscious attempts to engage in behaviors and thought processes that increase learning and memory. In this activity, you will review one research study that was interested in examining how metacognitive skills could potentially improve student metacognition, motivation, learning, and future learning in the classroom. The study’s participants included a middle school science classroom, but implications can be made across grade levels and content areas.First, review the research article provided.Second, listen to the podcast further discussing the research.Step 1. Review & Listen: Zepeda, C. D., Richley, J. E., Ronevich, P., & Nokes-Malach, T. J. (2015). Direct instruction of metacognition benefits adolescent science learning, transfer, and motivation: An in-vivo study. Journal of Educational Psychology, 107, 954–970 Download Zepeda, C. D., Richley, J. E., Ronevich, P., & Nokes-Malach, T. J. (2015). Direct instruction of metacognition benefits adolescent science learning, transfer, and motivation: An in-vivo study. Journal of Educational Psychology, 107, 954–970.Journal of Educational Psychology Podcast: Benefits of Metacognitive Instruction on Learning and Motivation (18:27) (Links to an external site.) | Transcript AvailableStep 2. Reflect, Relate, & Share:Please organize your response by the following:3 Takeaways. What stood out to you when reviewing this material? List three direct quotes, nuggets, takeaways, impressions, or reactions you have. Provide citations when appropriate. For example: (Sousa, 2010, p. 12) or (Gonzalez, 2017, 4:32)2 Classroom Connections. In what ways does this material relate to student learning in your classroom or content area? Provide two connections to the classroom. At least one of these must be directly related to student learning.1 Research Connection. Locate one peer-reviewed research article related to the topic(s) mentioned in this activity. Try and locate a study that explores or examines the topic in your content area of expertise, using appropriate keywords to guide your search. Summarize the study’s findings in 2-3 sentences and include if it’s appropriate for classroom, content area, or school-wide contexts. Provide the APA reference citation for the article and/or attach the article to your post as a file.1 Question. Conclude your post by posing one question for your peers. This question should relate to the content of your post.

solved In your career, you may find yourself working for an

In your career, you may find yourself working for an agency or organization that offers certain services, and you may be asked to design literature or marketing materials to promote these services in your community. For this assignment, you will create a brochure that addresses an area of stress. In the brochure, you will present professional information about the stress and how it impacts physical or mental health. You will look at ways that people can reduce the problems associated with the stress and recommend interventions and support your ideas with information from theory, concepts, or research in psychology. Below are some ideas. You may choose one of these, but you are not required to select from this list if you have another area you would like to explore.Psychotropic medication and well-being.Lack of self-care.Poor nutrition on developmental or mental health.Effects of insomnia.Physical effects of drug abuse.Assignment InstructionsUse the Brochure Template [DOCX] (or if you prefer, this Alternate Format Template [DOCX]) for this assessment. Keep in mind, whichever format you use, that the information portion of the brochure should be succinct and fit the one-page format. In your brochure, include the following:Describe a common stressor and how it can impact physical or mental health. Use credible sources such as scholarly research articles or professional websites, such as Harvard Health, to support your description. Do not use blogs or other popular sources such as WebMD or Wikipedia.Recommend ways to reduce the effects of the stressor. Look at interventions that have been tested and found to be effective in helping with the problem. Support your ideas for reducing the stress with information from professional sources or scholarly research that provide evidence that the recommendations have been shown to reduce stress. For example, if you recommend an intervention such as yoga to address self-care, provide scholarly research that shows that yoga can reduce stress.Be sure that you organize the information to attract an audience and fit a brochure format.By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assignment criteria:Competency 2: Apply research findings from scholarly literature to current issues in the field of psychology.Apply professional or scholarly evidence to support the impact of a stressor on physical or mental health.Competency 3: Apply psychology knowledge to promote mental health and well-being.Explain the impact of a stressor on physical or mental health.Recommend interventions to reduce the effects of an identified stressor, using scholarly or professional evidence to support recommendations.Competency 4: Write using a clear purpose, organization, tone, and sentence structure.Use in-text citations for your sources that include author and year.Provide references that include author, year, and title.

solved Discuss the role of social media in today’s society. Be

Discuss the role of social media in today’s society.
Be sure to support your answers with concepts from the text and/or ideas from other credible sources

Respond to 2 or more classmates

Textbook Reading

Chapter 1, Social Media Marketing: A Strategic Approach, Barker

PowerPoint Presentation

Chapter 1 download

Supplemental Material

Article: How Daniel Wellington Made a $200 Million Business Out of Cheap Watches
Grading for this assignment 
6.25 pts
Replies to 4 or more peers
12.5 pts Responds to every aspect of the discussion prompt with originality. Displays an exceptional familiarity with the texts and topics being covered. Initial post: 300+ words Peer posts: 100+ words
3.75 ptsIncludes more than three citation from the text/lecture notes/PowerPoint references or outside material identified by the student. Properly cites reference materials used.

Post 1
Discuss the role of social media in today’s society.
Social media in today’s society serves as a huge information bank. Most people have at least one form of social media. It is used to share information, learn things and connect with people among many other uses. In todays society people have much of what they need in their cell phone. Cell phones are typically carried everywhere by everyone and people are constantly sharing information good and bad. Someone can easily put information or a photo out there in social media and if it reaches the right crowd then it can spread like wildfire. When it comes to social media marketing, a business strives to put out information that spreads via word of mouth. The amount of people who view whatever is being posted means a lot in the social media world and if something is publicly posted the poster likely wants it to be viewed by as many people as possible. This can greatly help or hurt a business depending on the information being spread. On top of spreading information, relationships can be built via social media as well whether it be personal relationships or business and customer relationships.
Post 2
Social media is characterized by its intelligence, connectedness, and client created content. In the present society, the utilization of social media has become an important every day movement. Social media is ordinarily utilized for social collaboration and admittance to news and data, and dynamic. It is a significant specialized apparatus with others locally and around the world, just as to share, make, and spread data. Social media can impact shopper’s buy choices through surveys, promoting strategies and publicizing. Basically, social media limitlessly impacts our capacity to convey, structure connections, access and spread data, and to show up at the best choice.
Gaile, S. M. (2013, November 6). The Role and Functions of Social Media in Modern Society. Is social Media Worthwile for Local Media? Journalism Research.…


solved Instructions: Please this question with a minimum of 50 words

Instructions: Please this question with a minimum of 50 words each totaling 250 words in all. Please utilize at least two peer-reviewed journal articles and read section 14. In addition, give credit with in-text citations and in the reference listing seventh References attached for reference: Textbook – Mello, J. A. (2015). Strategic human resource management (4th Ed.). Cengage. Marschan-Piekkari, R., Welch, D., & Welch, L. (1999). Adopting a common corporate language: IHRM implications. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 10(3), 377–390. Farndale, E., Raghuram, S., Gully, S., Liu, X., Phillips, J. M., & Vidović, M. (2017). A vision of international HRM research. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 28(12), 1625–1639. Chudoba, K. M., Wynn, E., Lu, M., & Watson-Manheim, M. B. (2005). How virtual are we? Measuring virtuality and understanding its impact in a global organization. Information Systems Journal, 15(4), 279–306. Moeller, M., & Harvey, M. (2011). Inpatriate Marketing Managers: Issues Associated with Staffing Global Marketing Positions. Journal of International Marketing, 19(4), 1–16.… Additional questions below: How does HRM become IHRM in dealing with language, values, norms, customs, and legal issues in a country that you would choose to operate in other than the U.S.?The functions of the human resources department are going to be similar whether it is a traditional human resource or global resources but some considerations should be made when performing globally. This can include religious beliefs, code of conduct, and scheduling. For example, some countries do not allow their employees to work on Sunday and the typical workweek does not begin on Monday as it does in the United States. Recruiting globally may also be difficult. How would you recommend an organization to reach potential employees or candidates to apply for positions that are going to be global? It is critical that an organization adopts and implements optimal recruitment and retention practices (Alameddine et. al., 2016). The organization can conduct research of the host country to ensure the customs of that country are followed avoiding legal litigation or fines from the government. Are the skills, knowledge, and abilities parallel with the country in which the organization decides to open its operations? How can we measure these skills of potential employees? When would an organization begin measuring the production and performance of these employees? Testing can be performed of potential employees, candidates to ensure the skills are up to standards before hiring, and then performance evaluations performed to align with strategic goals.

solved 1. What is anchoring? Explain the social security number experiments.

1. What is anchoring? Explain the social security number experiments. Explain the number of countries from Africa in UN experiments. 2. Why do we do anchoring?3. How can anchoring impact finance? How can anchoring impact real estate? Use examples from the slides in your answers.4. What is mental accounting? Explain the lawnmower experiment. Explain the Boston Celtics example. 5. Why do you think we do mental accounting?6. Explain the House Money effect that comes from mental accounting. How does this impact financial decision making in the stock market?7. Explain the results of the experiment shown on slides 205-207. Why is this an interesting results for finance and economics?8. Explain how hormones like testosterone and cortisol can prolong bubbles and crashes.9. Can emotions move the market? Some research suggests that it can. Explain the slides 213-214. 10. What is present bias? In your answer use the military example on slides on 222-224 to explain.11. Why are we guilty of the present bias? That is, why do we give up so much in the future for something now?12. Are companies guilty of present bias? What did Graham, Harvey and Rajgopal find?13. What is a nudge? In your answer use the example of 401k’s to show that nudging can be really beneficial for people.14. Which personality type (Meyers-briggs) is most guilty of being overconfident. Which is least likely to be overconfident.15. See slide 243. Why would having a client answer this question help the investment advisors? 1.Watch this video on anchoring: watching this video answer the following questions:Let’s say you are negotiating salary with your employer. According this video who should make the first offer: you or your boss? Why? (the why is the most important part)Adam Grant in the video talks about how he worked against anchoring when he leased a car. What does he say?Watch this video of Dan Ariely on mental accounting. what happens when we lose a 100 dollar theatre ticket versus lose 100 dollar bill. Why do we do this? How are you guilty of mental accounting? Give a personal example if you can.In the example at Berkeley (in Lecture 2), the students had completely different responses when they were in the aroused state as compared to the unaroused state. Indeed, we are very different people when we are aroused, angry, hungry or tired (in hot states). Yet utopian finance and economics assumes that we are always in the cold state and ever in these hot states. Give an example when you have been in a hot state in which you acted much differently than normal.Watch this really short video on present bias: Then answer the question of how you are guilty of present bias?In the video I asked you to watch on slide 230 (of Lecture 2) what did Ariely find about the nudge in organ donations in two countries?

solved First part Below, please find some examples of persuasive speeches.

First part
Below, please find some examples of persuasive speeches. Based on your readings in the course textbook and lecture folder, state what you think of the speeches. Do you find them effective? What do you like or dislike about them? How is the speaker able to convince or persuade the audience in seeing things from his or her perspective? Is the speaker able to connect and relate to the audience?
Second part
Write thoughtful answers that address all of the questions above (not just one sentence responses).2 sentences only( response to the above parragraph
I found both of these videos effective; I believe both speakers had their own way of getting their point across, yet I believe it was effective in both speeches. The first speech was a little more direct, her timing was shorter than the second video yet she was paced and stated her reasoning as to why school should start at a later time as well as statistics that backed it up. The first speaker also mentioned counter arguments, which I liked and agreed with, as to why they were not exactly valid; such as when she mentioned how a later starting schedule for school would cause students to sleep later and later make that a habit, she rebutted by mentioning how students already have a set time where they want to be asleep and when they feel rested enough to wake up. Due to her being a parent herself and knowing that she has to go through that at times in the earlier mornings, in her case waking up at 4am, she was able to connect with the audience and they were able to relate to it whether they had personally gone through that or whether they had children at home saw where she was coming from. The speaker was also able to persuade the audience by stating statistics and why the counter arguments were not valid for every point she had made. The second speaker had much more time yet she still managed to attain the attention of the audience the whole way through by not only mentioning women, but by mentioning men and how they are also held to standards that maybe they might not agree with or might not actually like. I liked how the second speaker made the whole speech about stories and was able to laugh with the audience in order to connect with them and have them see how there are always little actions that show that no matter how much time has passed, men still technically “rule the world” with higher wages and more respect though in the same position as the woman. I find her story telling very persuasive because she not only mentioned when it first started but she also mentioned how one doesn’t exactly have to change who they are in order to believe in the equality of men and women; I believe it was very effective especially when she mentioned how men are put into a “cage of masculinity” and they are taught to be “afraid of fear”, it not only caught the attention of men but it made them realize that not only are women stereotyped but men are as well.

solved Prepare the third section of your DYOP (Design Your Own

Prepare the third section of your DYOP (Design Your Own Plan), which covers ACADEMIC DEVELOPMENT.  Be sure to utilize the information contained in Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering, other course assignments, and class discussions.  Cite references as appropriate.
You should approach this project by evaluating where a “world-class” Engineering Champion for Christ would be for each of the topics addressed and what you are implementing to achieve this goal.  The method involves 1) understanding what the research says is effective, 2) evaluating your current performance/practices against the research, 3) identifying areas for improvement based on the evaluation, 4) developing a plan for closing the gap, and 5) implementing the plan.  Be sure to consider how you’re going to stay accountable.
Submit the DYOP in pdf form no later than the date / time indicated.  Your submission should be a minimum of three pages in length, double spaced, with one-inch margins.  Start early, make steady progress, use the resources at your disposal, and submit on time to receive full credit!
Your ACADEMIC DEVELOPMENT paper should include learning/observations/research from the following:

Interview two people (not the same people as in previous papers) as part of the research for this assignment.  In your discussion you should talk about what was the main difference between high school and university level engineering study, what were the most important study skills they had to learn, what are their thoughts on group study, and how to be successful in the engineering program.  Your interviewees should include practicing engineers, junior/senior level engineering students, engineering lab techs, freshman mentors, engineering faculty, or engineering professional advisors.
Review Written Communication and Oral Communication in section 4.3-4.4 of Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering.  Visit Liberty University’s Online Writing Center.  What resources are offered to LU online students?  As an engineer, you will need to be able to communicate both in written and verbal format.  What steps will you take to improve your skills?
Watch the following video and reflect on its application to helping you become a Master Student:
It’s a little longer than normal, but well worth the time and effort (trying playing it at 1.25x normal speed).
The Ultimate Skill: Learning How to Learn
If you’re really committed to becoming a Master Learner, consider taking Barbara Oakley’s Learning How to Learn course at
Do you limit your learning mainly to what is required in your classes or do you look for other opportunities to learn?  What are some examples of things you could do to learn more than what is covered in your classes?  What is your view toward lifelong learning?  Are you excited about learning continuously throughout your career and life?  Summarize your thoughts.