solved Instructions You do not need to write your proposal in

You do not need to write your proposal in APA format. You do need to complete a cohesive, coherent, organized, and well-written proposal. Much of the information you include in your proposal will come from your previous assessments. Be sure your proposal includes all of the following headings and your narrative addresses each of the bullet points.

Explain what information you propose to collect.
Provide the reasons for collecting this information.
Describe how could this information be used to validate or improve the quality of care at your facility.

Data Collection Plan

Propose an implementation plan and detail the information you plan to collect at your facility, including where and how it will be collected:
Specify the following:

The time period you propose to review.
The system applications you will use to collect the health information.

Write a narrative, create a timeline, build a flowchart, or use any other method of your choosing to demonstrate the flow of health record information through the information life cycle from creation to destruction. Identify those sections within the life cycle from which you will retrieve information.
Explain the use of information from an HIE and describe how it may affect patient care, clinical knowledge, and population health data.
Detail the personnel required to complete the health information review, including their needed skills and required training and job aids.
Describe strategies that will be employed to help personnel implement the review study.

Data Security Plan

Plan measures to protect PHI.
Apply laws governing health information confidentiality, privacy, and security.
Plan for the impact of HIPAA on health care personnel, policies, and procedures.

Benchmarking Plan

Identify the sources of national data and quality measures.
Describe how you will use the national data and quality measures as benchmarks to compare with data from your facility.
Explain how you will ensure data standardization, along with any other factors you need to take into account, so the data from these sources is compatible with the data you plan to collect.
Explain how the collected data will be compared to the benchmarking and quality standards.

Quality and Change Management Strategies

Explain how data outcomes could be used to perform quality improvement reviews and recommend evidence-based best practices for policies and procedures based on outcomes.
Recommend best practices for departmental workflow that will support the information review you are proposing.
Describe relevant evidence-based best practices and procedures from peer-reviewed articles or Internet resources that could facilitate needed changes.


Detail the steps for implementing the information review study along with the expected time frames.


Summarize how the proposed study will improve the quality of patient care for your physician group.

solved The Social Media Equation This week you will begin the

The Social Media Equation
This week you will begin the process of developing your second essay. First you will read various articles I’ve posted (and conduct your own research) on how social media influences our behaviors. Plan your week accordingly. Your goal here is t make an argument that either supports the idea that social media is addictive, or not. 
There are those who believe that technology—the Internet, cell phones, social media, etc.—will be the test of the modern world, and that in this new opportunity we will discover a “new and unbearable disturbance of peace, or a saving radiance in the sky,” as American writer E.B. White wrote of television.
The average 18-24-year-old spends roughly three hours a day on social media. Some might consider this as falling into the category of an addiction, and that we become so overwhelmed with information and sensory imagery that we, in effect, shut down from sensory overload and fall into a catatonic state where we become indifferent to everyone and everything around us. Take this concept one step further, is it possible that social media has become like a drug addict’s hypodermic needle—message form media get “injected” into our systems, and we become powerless to resist its influence?
Some research believe that Americans—and in particular the younger generation—are so “hooked” on social media that they fit the criteria for substance abuse as defined in the official psychiatric manual. Consider just a three of the “dependency” symptoms:

Indiscriminate preoccupation with social media
Use of social media induces positive and/or negative mood changes
An increase of social media over time
Interpersonal conflict due to excessive social media use
Feelings of “withdrawal” when kept from using social media

For this particular assignment, you will make an argument that either supports the idea that social media is addictive, or not. Like with all essays in the class, you will investigate this controversial topic by collecting, generating, and evaluating evidence to support your position. Argumentative essays generally call for extensive research of previously published material. This allows students to learn about one particular topic from multiple points of view. And, of course, argumentative essays must always establish a clear thesis and follow sound logic and reasoning.
Your argument should be based on your summary, analysis, and evaluation of the research. You must evaluate the arguments from your research. In addition, you must support your position with at least five (5) sources—at least one of which must be a scholarly source.
Between the time when you write this argumentative essay and the time when it’s due, you will have had a chance to continue researching and reading about your topic; therefore, significant revision and expansion of your essay is required for a superior grade on this assignment.

solved Assignment 1: Evaluation and Management (E/M) Insurance coding and billing

Assignment 1: Evaluation and Management (E/M)
Insurance coding and billing is complex, but it boils down to how to accurately apply a code, or CPT (current procedural terminology), to the service that you provided. The payer then reimburses the service at a certain rate. As a provider, you will have to understand what codes to use and what documentation is necessary to support coding.
For this Assignment, you will review evaluation and management (E/M) documentation for a patient and perform a crosswalk of codes from DSM-5 to ICD-10. 

To Prepare

Review this week’s Learning Resources on coding, billing, reimbursement.
Review the E/M patient case scenario provided.

The Assignment

Assign DSM-5 and ICD-10 codes to services based upon the patient case scenario. 

Then, in 1–2 pages address the following. You may add your narrative answers to these questions to the bottom of the case scenario document and submit altogether as one document.

Explain what pertinent information, generally, is required in documentation to support DSM-5 and ICD-10 coding.
Explain what pertinent documentation is missing from the case scenario, and what other information would be helpful to narrow your coding and billing options.
Finally, explain how to improve documentation to support coding and billing for maximum reimbursement.   

Learning Resources
Required Readings (click to expand/reduce)
American Psychiatric Association. (2020). Updates to DSM–5 criteria, text and ICD-10 codes.…

American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Insurance implications of DSM-5.…

Clicking on this link will initiate the download of the PDF.

American Psychiatric Association. (2020). Coding and reimbursement.…

American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Numerical listing of DSM-5 diagnoses and codes (ICD-10-CM). In Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.).https://dsm-psychiatryonline-org.ezp.waldenulibrar…

Buppert, C. (2021). Nurse practitioner’s business practice and legal guide (7th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Chapter 9, “Reimbursement for Nurse Practitioner Services”

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. (2020). Your billing responsibilities.…

Stewart, J. G., & DeNisco, S. M. (2019). Role development for the nurse practitioner (2nd ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Chapter 15, “Reimbursement for Nurse Practitioner Services”

Walden University Academic Skills Center. (2017). Developing SMART goals.…

Zakhari, R. (2021). The psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioner certification review manual. Springer Publishing Company.

Chapter 4 “Neuroanatomy, Physiology, and Mental Illness”

Document: E/M Patient Case Study 

solved This paper has two parts. First, please choose one of

This paper has two parts. First, please choose one of the five future scenarios in the Global Trends 2040: A More Contested Future (see below). Read through all the scenarios carefully so that you can gain an understanding of the main aspects of each modeled scenario, paying particular attention to the one you want to write about. Also, be sure to familiarize yourself with the five similar scenarios in the 2021 IPCC report (see below). Second, please use the following questions to frame your response (about 1000 words/4-5 pages):

What are the main differences and similarities between your scenario and the others? Compare and contrast.
Which of the IPCC’s scenarios best matches the Global Trends scenario you chose? In what ways?
What problems are solved in the projected model and what problems are aggravated?
What causes, if any, are attributed to the model? How does the Renaissance of Democracies happen, for example.
What is the relationship between the environment and the future? What role has COVID-19 played in shaping the next 20 years?
What do you think is realistic to expect in the future? Which scenario do you think is most likely, and why?
NIC Global Trends 2040:
Renaissance of Democracies————-
A World Adrift
Competitive Coexistence
Separate Silos
Tragedy and Mobilization
IPCC scenarios:
SSP1 – 1.9: “taking the green road” global temp + 1.5C
SSP1 – 2.6: “net zero emissions after 2050” global temp + 1.8C
SSP2 – 4.5: “middle of the road” global temp + 2.7C
SSP3 – 7.0: “nationalism is resurgent and countries retreat from international cooperation” global temp +3.6C
SSP5 – 8.5_ “humanity … continues to make things worse” global temp + 4.4C
Could you use Renaissance of democracies for Global Trends
Also could you make it semi opinionated but not all opinions. Really the reader should know what I think

O’Neill (2016). “Introduction” and “Bomb parts: What is a model?” pp. 1–32 in Weapons of Math Destruction. New York: Broadway books.
Tarleton Gillespie (2016). “Algorithm,” in Ben Peters (ed.) Digital Keywords. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Massimo Mazzotti (2017). “Algorithmic life,” Los Angeles Review of Books, January 22.
Langdon Winner (1980). “Do artifacts have politics?” Daedalus, 109 (1): 121–136.
Ian Hacking (2006). “Making up people,” London Review of Books, August 17.
Nick Seaver (2012). “Algorithmic recommendations and synaptic functions,” Limn.
Marion Fourcade (2016), “Ordinalization,” Sociological Theory, 34(3): 175–195.
John Cheney-Lippold (2017). “Categorization: Making data useful,” pp. 37–93 in We Are Data: Algorithms and the Makings of Our Digital Selves. New York: NYU Press.
Kate Crawford and Trevor Paglen (2019), “Excavating AI: The Politics of Training Sets for Machine Learning,” AI Now Research Institute, September 19.
Os Keyes (2019). “Counting the countless,” Real Life, April 8

solved Critical Thinking: Corporate Strategy and Diversification Corporate diversification strateg

Critical Thinking: Corporate Strategy and Diversification 
Corporate diversification strategies raise a wide range of strategic management issues. For this week’s critical thinking assignment, read the case study found in your textbook (Case 19): Google Is Now Alphabet—But What’s the Corporate Strategy?
Remember, a case study is a puzzle to be solved, so before reading and answering the specific case and study questions, develop your proposed solution by following these five steps:

Read the case study to identify the key issues and underlying issues. These issues are the principles and concepts of the course area which apply to the situation described in the case study.
Record the facts from the case study which are relevant to the principles and concepts of the course area issues. The case may have extraneous information not relevant to the current course area. Your ability to differentiate between relevant and irrelevant information is an important aspect of case analysis, as it will inform the focus of your answers.
Describe in some detail the actions that would address or correct the situation.
Consider how you would support your solution with examples from experience or current real-life examples or cases from textbooks.
Complete this initial analysis and then read the discussion questions. Typically, you will already have the answers to the questions but with a broader consideration. At this point, you can add the details and/or analytical tools required to solve the case.

Case Study Questions:

What is Google’s corporate strategy? Does Google have a clear vision of what it wants to become?
Use Porter’s Essentials Test (Chapter 12) to determine if this strategy creates competitive advantage. If so, how? If not, why not?
Look beyond the conventional sources of synergy and consider complementarities, bargaining power, and rivals. What threats does Google face?
Does Google need to refocus? How should Google delineate its corporate boundaries and which businesses, or products would you recommend abandoning or divesting, if any?

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

Be 7 to 8 pages in length, which does not include the title page or required reference page, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.
Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines.
Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles unless the assignment calls for more.
It is strongly encouraged that you submit all assignments into the Originality Check before submitting it to your instructor for grading. If you are unsure how to submit an assignment into the Originality Check tool, review the\ Originality Check—Student Guide for step-by-step instructions.
Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.

solved This assignment asks you to reflect on process writing. You’ll

This assignment asks you to reflect on process writing. You’ll view videos about process writing that show teachers implementing it in their classrooms. Then you’ll answer some questions that relate the videos to English language learners. Lastly, you’ll give some thoughts about process writing with your current or future students.To complete this assignment, work through the 2 parts below:Part 1: Watch and respond to the following 4 (or 5 🙂 videos:1. Video: (02:53)The Writing Process (Links to an external site.)Note – There is a typo in this video. Sigh. But the information is sound.How might you implement the writing process with a group of intermediate language learners? (min. 3 sentences)________________________________________________________________2. Video: optional (03:02):What is Writing Workshop? (Links to an external site.)Captioned video: What Is Writing Workshop? (Links to an external site.)Note – This ends abruptly, but does go over the parts of writing workshop. So if you are unfamiliar with writing workshop check this video out before the next one.Video (09:44):Writers Workshop (Links to an external site.)Captioned video: Writers’ Workshop (Links to an external site.)Note – This shows a minilesson, then students writing. The sharing portion is not included.What changes would you make in the lesson to accommodate beginning or intermediate English learners? (min. 3 sentences)________________________________________________________________3. Video: (7:51)Differentiating Instruction Through Writer’s Workshop (Links to an external site.)How does the writing workshop process seem to work for the students in the class? How would you use the process with intermediate English learners? (min. 3 sentences)________________________________________________________________4. Video: (01:26)Writers’ Workshop | Chagrin Falls High School (Links to an external site.)Captioned video: Writer’s Workshop | Chagrin Falls High School (Links to an external site.)Note – This is a brief example of peer editing.Which aspects of the procedure would work well with English learners? What modifications would you make to better serve English learners? (min. 3 sentences)______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Part 2: Answer the questions below (min. 3 sentences each):5. Have you used process writing – either personally or with students? Which parts worked well? Why? Which didn’t? Why? (If process writing and writer’s workshop are totally new to you, then discuss your writing experiences in school.)6. How do you think process writing or writing workshop would work with your students? Explain. (If you are teaching in middle school or high school (or that’s where you want to teach) in a content area other than English Language Arts, don’t tell me why it won’t work. Rather, tell me how you could make it work if you had to do it. 😉

solved This assignment asks you to reflect on process writing. You’ll

This assignment asks you to reflect on process writing. You’ll view videos about process writing that show teachers implementing it in their classrooms. Then you’ll answer some questions that relate the videos to English language learners. Lastly, you’ll give some thoughts about process writing with your current or future students.To complete this assignment, work through the 2 parts below:Part 1: Watch and respond to the following 4 (or 5 🙂 videos:1. Video: (02:53)The Writing Process (Links to an external site.)Note – There is a typo in this video. Sigh. But the information is sound.How might you implement the writing process with a group of intermediate language learners? (min. 3 sentences)________________________________________________________________2. Video: optional (03:02):What is Writing Workshop? (Links to an external site.)Captioned video: What Is Writing Workshop? (Links to an external site.)Note – This ends abruptly, but does go over the parts of writing workshop. So if you are unfamiliar with writing workshop check this video out before the next one.Video (09:44):Writers Workshop (Links to an external site.)Captioned video: Writers’ Workshop (Links to an external site.)Note – This shows a minilesson, then students writing. The sharing portion is not included.What changes would you make in the lesson to accommodate beginning or intermediate English learners? (min. 3 sentences)________________________________________________________________3. Video: (7:51)Differentiating Instruction Through Writer’s Workshop (Links to an external site.)How does the writing workshop process seem to work for the students in the class? How would you use the process with intermediate English learners? (min. 3 sentences)________________________________________________________________4. Video: (01:26)Writers’ Workshop | Chagrin Falls High School (Links to an external site.)Captioned video: Writer’s Workshop | Chagrin Falls High School (Links to an external site.)Note – This is a brief example of peer editing.Which aspects of the procedure would work well with English learners? What modifications would you make to better serve English learners? (min. 3 sentences)______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Part 2: Answer the questions below (min. 3 sentences each):5. Have you used process writing – either personally or with students? Which parts worked well? Why? Which didn’t? Why? (If process writing and writer’s workshop are totally new to you, then discuss your writing experiences in school.)6. How do you think process writing or writing workshop would work with your students? Explain. (If you are teaching in middle school or high school (or that’s where you want to teach) in a content area other than English Language Arts, don’t tell me why it won’t work. Rather, tell me how you could make it work if you had to do it. 😉

solved TOPIC FOCUS: Arguing for an American popular culture icon who

TOPIC FOCUS: Arguing for an American popular culture icon who has Influenced the cultural landscape of Americans over several generations. Please limit your selection to an actual person: no historical landmarks, vacation destinations, events, films, symbols, or imaginary characters etc. Icons come from all walks of our cultural panorama. What are the characteristics of such an individual? What values do they represent? How have they continued to evolve over time so that an individual who appealed to your grandparents also appeals to your parents and to you? Build your case. And remember: This research paper is a persuasive paper. It’s not a report of information or a biography. Students must have a thesis to defend. First person POV used sparingly is acceptable in this paper but avoiding announcing phrases such as I selected, I am going to write about, I believe, or in my opinion.”Papers should have a robust introductory paragraph with a thesis, followed by fully developed body paragraphs to present evidence. Counter arguments should be addressed, if appropriate, in 1 or 2 sentences.Topic sentences and transitions help the argument flow and engage the reader. Attention should be given to grammar, structure, spelling and general presentation. Remember the traits of effective writing. PAPERS MUST BE SUBMITTED ON TIME.Three (3) to (6) properly integrated in-text citations are required. MLA Format is required in all the elements of the formatting of this paper. Sources must be reliable. The variety of credible sources annotated in a student’s annotated bibliography should suffice, but should a student’s research take a different tack, then other sources may be used, but they must be credible. No WIKIPEDIA. No Blogs. No Study Mode websites as listed in the syllabus. All sources must be cited properly.Assessment Criteria RESEARCH PAPER RUBRIC POINTS EARNED Criterion (TOTAL VALUE 200 points) Maximum Value 1. There is a clear structure in this work: including introductory (with thesis), body and concluding paragraphs. There must be evidence of a counterargument to the thesis clearly addressed early on in the paper. One or two sentences will suffice. 100 2. Critical thinking and engaging in academic discourse is evident. The paper is a persuasive stand on a clearly defined popular culture icon AND not an informational project. 40 3. The AUTHOR has made a clear attempt to meet the MLA requirements of this paper including in text citations, work cited page, proper integration of sources in his or her own prose, and paper formatting. there must be at least 3 in-text citations; any source in your works cited page MUST be cited in your paper. 30 4. THE AUTHOR has presented a work that is mostly free of grammatical, structural, punctuation, has consistency in point of view, and a minimum of spelling.Sources: 3 sources required Language: English (USCitation Style: MLA9 pages / 2500 words (Double spacing).

solved Summarize the case in half a page page (Font Size

Summarize the case in half a page page (Font Size 12/ Paragraph Spacing 1.5/ Font Type Times New Roman) and answer the following questions:Describe clearly each the accounting changes Harnischfeger made in 1984 as stated in Note 2 of its financial statementsWhat is the monetary effect of the depreciation accounting method change on the reported income in 1984?How and by how much ($) will this change affect profits in future years? (provided numerical answers)What is the monetary effect of the depreciation lives change? How and by how much ($) will this change affect future reported profits? (provided numerical answers)The depreciation accounting changes assume that Harnischfeger’s plant and machinery will last longer and will lose their value more slowly. Given the business conditions Harnischfeger was facing in its primary industries in 1984, are these economic assumptions justified?In Note 7, Harnischfeger describes the effect of LIFO inventory liquidation on its reported profits in 1984. Describe what is meant by LIFO liquidation and how liquidation affects a company’s income statement and balance sheet. What is the monetary impact ($) of this LIFO liquidation on 1984 income? (provided numerical answers)Note 8, states Harnischfeger’s allowance for doubtful accounts. Compute the ratio of the allowance to gross receivables (receivables before the allowance) in 1983 and 1984. What would the allowance have been ($) if the company maintained the ratio at the 1983 level? How much did the pre-tax income increase ($) as a result of the changed ratio in 1984? (provided numerical answers)Note 9, page 216, states that Harnischfeger decreased R&D expense in 1984 relative to the previous two years. Do you think this change was motivated by business considerations or accounting considerations? How and by how much ($) did this change affect the company’s reported profits in 1984? (provided numerical answers)Note 11, describes a number of changes in Harnischfeger’s pension plans in 1984. Describe these changes as clearly as you can. What are the economic consequences of these changes to Harnischfeger and its workers?How and by how much ($) did the pension plan changes affect Harnischfeger’s financial statements in 1984? Are these changes likely to affect future profits? If so by how much ($)? (provided numerical answers)Summarize all the accounting changes Harnischfeger made in 1984, and their monetary impact on revenues ($), pre-tax profits ($), and cash flows ($) in 1984. (provided numerical answers)The financial accounting statements are used by: investors, lenders, customers, employees, and governments in dealing with Harnischfeger. Among these groups, who is most likely to “see through” the above accounting changes, and who is least likely to do so?Are the accounting changes likely to help or to hinder Harnischfeger’s ability to implement its business plan? Be as specific as possible.

solved Discussion: Treatment of Substance Use DisordersOf the substance disorders, alcohol-related

Discussion: Treatment of Substance Use DisordersOf the substance disorders, alcohol-related disorders are the most prevalent even though only a small percentage of individuals actually receive help. Recidivism in the substance treatment world is also very high. As research into treatment has developed, more and more evidence shows that genes for alcohol-metabolizing enzymes can vary by genetic inheritance. Women have been identified as particularly vulnerable to the impacts of alcohol. Native Americans, Asians, and some Hispanic and Celtic cultures also have increased vulnerability to alcohol misuse.Even with these developments, treatment continues to spark debate. For many years, the substance use field itself has disagreed with mental health experts as to what treatments are the most effective for substance use disorders and how to improve outcomes. The debate is often over medication-assisted treatment (MAT) versus abstinence-based treatment (ABT). Recently the American Psychiatric Association has issued guidelines to help clinicians consider integrated solutions for those suffering with these disorders. In this Discussion, you consider your treatment plan for an individual with a substance use disorder.To prepare: Read the case provided by your instructor for this week’s Discussion and the materials for the week. Then assume that you are meeting with the client as the social worker who recorded this case.By Day 3Post a 300- to 500-word response in which you address the following:Provide the full DSM-5 diagnosis for the client. Remember, a full diagnosis should include the name of the disorder, ICD-10-CM code, specifiers, severity, and the Z codes (other conditions that may need clinical attention). Keep in mind a diagnosis covers the most recent 12 months.Explain the diagnosis by matching the symptoms identified in the case to the specific criteria for the diagnosis.Describe the assessment(s) you would use to validate the client’s diagnosis, clarify missing information, or track her progress.Summarize how you would explain the diagnosis to the client.Explain how you would engage the client in treatment, identifying potential cultural considerations related to substance use.Describe your initial recommendations for the client’s treatment and explain why you would recommend MAT or ABT.Identify specific resources to which you would refer the client. Explain why you would recommend these resources based on the client’s diagnosis and other identity characteristics (e.g., age, sex, gender, sexual orientation, class, ethnicity, religion, etc.).Note: You do not need to include an APA reference to the DSM-5 in your response. However, your response should clearly be informed by the DSM-5, demonstrating an understanding of the risks and benefits of treatment to the client. You do need to include an APA reference for the assessment tool and any other resources you use to support your response.