solved Due 04/28/2021Now that you have identified the business problem, translated

Due 04/28/2021Now that you have identified the business problem, translated it into an analytics problem, identified the data needs, and acquired the data, you will use data that you have found (or with the company’s permission you can use its data for analysis) to resolve the analytics problem. Using one or more of the following software applications (IBM SPSS Modeler, SPSS Statistics, Excel, PowerBI, Tableau, or R), analyze the data so that the findings can be used to address the established business problem in your company.Conduct an exploratory data analysis and provide a draft outline describing the key features of the data and any significant relationships and information contained in the data set that you found. You are required to include specific screenshots of graphs, tables, etc., that are provided:How did you verify that the data was reliable before proceeding?What problems did you find and how did you address them?What relationships did you find in the data?Are there any missing data?How are you going to summarize data samples?Analyze trends with respect to any appropriate characteristics that you may have discovered. Include relevant line graphs, pie charts, bar charts, and scatter plots.What have you done to prevent the Simpson’s paradox?Next, you will work on a descriptive analytics. Supplement your description with appropriate charts/figures and finalize by creating an appropriate dashboard with PowerBI or Tableau. Include a summary that provides a detailed overview of the data behavior you have identified based upon the analysis. Indicate any causal relationships you found.Segment the data accordingly, if needed, to help describe the data behavior. Did you have to redo your sample? Can you identify any data anomalies? If there are anomalies, what do they represent and how do you avoid them?Indicate the steps you have taken to investigate the quality of the data and indicate any variables you have transformed or discarded as a result. Provide the raw software files (Tableau or PowerBI) that you used for this assignment.Then, synthesize the information from your draft outline to complete, in 1,500–2,000 words, the relevant components in the Data Diagnostics and Descriptive Summary section of the “Capstone Project Thesis Template.”Assignment Submission Needs:- draft outline- raw data Excel files- screenshots- updated Data Diagnostics and Descriptive Summary section of the “Capstone Project Thesis Template.”Separate Questions for reflection:Due 04/24/2021 Question 1- Reflect on collection of data, data cleansing and preparation activities, and selection and application of models, including challenges/struggles, procedures, approach, etc. How do you know that the data you are collecting will be useful? Due 04/26/2021 Question 2-
When summarizing your data, how did you decide which visualization tool you
would use to best communicate this information (bar graph or line graph)?

solved Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read this week’s

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read this week’s assigned readings. In the required article, Customer Obsession and the Platinum Rule (Links to an external site.) (Reid, 2016), the author refers to the “Platinum Rule” for developing outstanding customer relationships and discusses the importance of customer service. Your textbook emphasizes the idea that customer service is a strong competitive weapon, which is difficult for competition to imitate. In logistics, the four dimensions of customer service are time, dependability, communication, and convenience. Advanced transportation and technology are the main drivers of globalization that contribute to these four dimensions. See Table 7.2 on page 124 of your text (Murphy & Knemeyer, 2018).
For this assignment, you will research a large global transportation company, write a paper that discusses how customer service supports logistics and supply chain management, and then analyze how this relationship contributes to a company’s competitive advantage in the global marketplace.
In your paper,

Select one transportation company from the list of the World’s Largest Transportation Companies (Links to an external site.), published by Forbes.
Explain how your chosen company’s current logistics and/or supply chain management practices supports each of the four dimensions of customer service. (The company’s website and annual report are often good starting points for your research.)
Assess how the company can strengthen the contribution of each dimension to future gains in profitability and/or customer service with at least two of the four dimensions. Provide two to three examples of how other companies have already done so to support your assessment.

The Measuring Customer Service paper

Must be 600 to 900 words in length (not including title and references pages), double-spaced, and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.). Contextual (Level One) headings must be used to organize your paper and your thoughts.
Must include a title page with the following:

Title of paper
Student’s name
Course name and number
Instructor’s name
Date submitted

Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
Must include and integrate supporting information and reasoning from at least one scholarly, peer-reviewed, or credible business source from the Ashford Library in addition to the textbook (see Ashford Writing Center’s Integrating Research (Links to an external site.) for assistance).

The Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.

solved Scenario: A city’s administration isn’t driven by the goal of

Scenario: A city’s administration isn’t driven by the goal of maximizing revenues or profits but instead looks at improving the quality of life of its residents. Many American cities are confronted with high traffic and congestion. Finding parking spaces, whether in the street or a parking lot, can be time-consuming and contribute to congestion. Some cities have rolled out data-driven parking space management to reduce congestion and make traffic more fluid. 
You’re a data analyst working for a mid-size city that has anticipated significant increments in population and car traffic. The city is evaluating whether it makes sense to invest in infrastructure to count and report the number of parking spaces available at the different parking lots downtown. This data would be collected and processed in real-time, feeding an app that motorists can access to find parking space availability in different parking lots throughout the city. 

Insert a new column, OccupancyRate, recording occupancy rate as a percentage with one decimal. For instance, if the current LotOccupancy is 61 and LotCapacity is 577, then the OccupancyRate would be reported as 10.6 (or 10.6%).
Using the OccupancyRate and Day columns, construct box plots for each day of the week. You can use Insert > Insert Statistic Chart >Box and Whisker for this purpose. Is the median occupancy rate approximately the same throughout the week? If not, which days have lower median occupancy rates? Which days have higher median occupancy rates? Is this what you expected?
Using the OccupancyRate and LotCode columns, construct box plots for each parking lot. You can use Insert > Insert Statistic Chart >Box and Whisker for this purpose. Do all parking lots experience approximately equal occupancy rates? Are some parking lots more frequented than others? Is this what you expected?
Select any 2 parking lots. For each one, prepare a scatter plot showing the occupancy rate against TimeStamp for the week 11/20/2016 –11/26/2016. Are occupancy rates time-dependent? If so, which times seem to experience the highest occupancy rates? Is this what you expected?

Create a 10- to 12-slide presentation with speaker notes and audio. Your audience is the City Council members who are responsible for deciding whether the city invests in resources to set in motion the smart parking space app. 
Complete the following in your presentation: 

Outline the rationale and goals of the project. 
Utilize boxplots showing the occupancy rates for each day of the week. Include your interpretation of the results.
Utilize box plots showing the occupancy rates for each parking lot. Include your interpretation of the results.
Provide scatter plots showing occupancy rate against the time of day of your selected two parking lots. Include your interpretation of the results. 
Make a recommendation about continuing with the implementation of this project. 

solved analysis its a literature class The Matchlock Gun (1941) is

analysis its a literature class
The Matchlock Gun (1941) is a novelization of a historical event as the author’s preface makes clear so be sure to read it. Thus the book is a historical novel which, as my presentation A make clear, usually has the didactic purpose of drawing a lesson from the past that the author believes is necessary to emphasize or relearn in the present.  It is also a boy’s book which usually has the didactic purpose of presenting to the male protagonist a challenge which shows what is required to be a man.
You may choose a focus for this assignment. If you wish to analyze the novel as a historical fiction, choose option A. If you prefer to analyze it as a boy’s book, choose option B. In either response, you may consider how the illustrations contribute to the didactic impact of the story.
Option A:  An Historical Novel:
The “present” for the original readers of this book was the late 1930’s and early 1940’s. If you have studied European history, you will recall that in 1939 World War II broke out, a war in which Nazi Germany fought Great Britain, Russia, and other European nations. After the outbreak of in 1939, the American public  found itself with conflicting opinions: it disliked seeing the Nazi state triumph over European democracies like Great Britain, but it also hated the idea of Americans fighting and dying in a foreign war. From 1939-1941 fierce debates raged in public whether to choose intervention or neutrality. On December 7,  1941, Japan attacked the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, and the Americans declared war on Japan on December 8. Although not involved in the Pearl Harbor attack, Nazi Germany declared war the United States the same day. The United States in turn declared war on Germany. Thus Edmond’s book appeared in 1941 during the debate over intervention vs. neutrality. What didactic lesson(s) would you deduce from the book applicable to the period 1939-1941? Respond with an essay of about 200-250 words.
Option B:  A Boy’s Book
Edward, the protagonist in the book, finds that he and his family is in the middle of a crisis when their farm and the farm of other European settlers in the Mohawk Valley come under attack from a Native American tribe, the Iroqouis. Because his father has left the farm, 10 year-old Edward is the only male remaining with his Mother and sister. When an Iroqouis raiding party actually attacks the farm, Edward must act. Happily for himself and his family, he acts successfully.
Write description of Edward in this story. What lesson(s) about how to step up and assume a man’s role in the crisis would a boy reader carry away? What is Edward like before the crisis? What motivates him to act? How did he know how to act? Who, if anyone, guided him in the proper action? How does Edward feel afterward? What needs to be remembered from this event. Respond with an essay of about 200-250 words.

solved Emerging Technologies – First, read the attachment that says, “TechFite

Emerging Technologies – First, read the attachment that says, “TechFite Case Study.” You must write about TechFite, no exceptions. – Second, read the TIPS attachment which contains “both” the course requirements and detailed explanations about them. It’s necessary and “highly” important to understand how to write the paper.- Use APA for both in-text citations and references.You will need to choose an emerging technology that will solve “only one” of TechFite’s business problems, which is the purpose of writing a paper divided into separate parts. Again, focus on “only one problem to solve.”Here are the steps how to start writing Requirements A, B and C of the task. 1) It’s only necessary to solve ONE of Techfite’s problems.2) Choose only ONE emerging technology, meaning a cloud technology such as AWS, Azure, Splunk, Google Cloud or IBM Radar.3) Don’t overthink the paper. This is a business memorandum so only respond to one requirement at a time.4) The total paper length DOUBLE SPACED is usually 2 to 3 pages.5) Read the Techfite Case Study, and Tip attachmentPart A – DO NOT COPY this section. Instead, put it in your own words. These items must be included, but it is also fine to ADD to more information to this section. This section should be NO LONGER than five (5) sentences.Techfite makes medical devices for the NASA space program and other space agencies in the world. The company is growing internationally so it must maintain strict security compliances such as FISMA and NIST. Currently, Techfite scans all of its security logs manually which will not keep up with its government contract obligations. For this reason, I recommend a cloud solution that will automate log scanning and support FISMA and NIST.Part B – It’s important to mention Artificial Intelligence and to describe three features about it using complete sentences. This section should NOT exceed 5 to 6 sentences.I propose that Techfite purchases (insert name of emerging technology such as EITHER AWS, Azure or IBM QRadar) because it makes use of Artificial Intelligence (AI).Next, using COMPLETE SENTENCES describe three emerging features of Artificial Intelligence which could be anomaly detection, data ingestion and predictive analytics.Write a one-sentence “DEFINITION” for each feature, which is a total of three (3) sentences.Part CIt is required to use the Gartner STREET method found in Chapter 2 of uCertify. Please do the following:First sentence must say, “I have chosen the Gartner STREET method as the adoption process.”Next, for each of the six steps of the STREET process which are scope, track, rank, evaluate, evangelize and transfer, there are two (2) things to accomplish:1)Explain WHY each step is important;2)Describe HOW each step relates to Techfite. Suggestion: Repeat the word Techfite six different times, ONCE per STEP, since it is necessary to relate each step to Techfite.

solved Frank Waln Pages 142-147American Like Me: Weekly Journal Overview and

Frank Waln Pages 142-147American Like Me: Weekly Journal Overview and Purpose:The purpose of the American Like Me journal is to foster students’ ability to make connections among various texts, to build a solid connection between reading and writing, with the emphasis of understanding texts, and to practice using the MLA citation method for documenting basic, fundamental research tasks.Prompt:The American Like Me weekly journal is actually a broader term we are using to describe many small writing assignments. Throughout the semester, you will be required to submit journals by the assigned due dates. Each entry has three components: (1) MLA citation, (2) a summary of the chapter, and (3) your reflection on the chapter. Each entry should be a minimum of 500 words (more is fine, less is not). Let’s break this down.MLA Citation:You should begin each journal entry with an MLA citation for the chapter to which you are reading and responding as though you were writing a Works Cited entry. Each chapter is considered a work within an anthology, so you use should the appropriate MLA citation (see Little Seagull Handbook, page 144, no. 19).Summary:For each chapter you read, you will need to include a summary. Your goal should be approximately 250 words in length (about half of the total word count). As with any summary, your goal is to highlight the major plot points and arc of the chapter, not to repeat all of the story’s minor points. It can be difficult to write a good summary when we do not see the difference between major plot points and minor details. To aid you in discerning the difference, you want to give yourself time to digest the chapter sufficiently: you may need to read it more than once. You can ask yourself: if I do (or do not) include this point, would the reader of my summary be able to understand the overall message of the chapter? This will help you start to hone in on the major points to cover. Reflection:In the reflection section of your journal, your goal is to focus on articulating the major take away’s from the chapter. You might consider thinking about what message the writer is attempting to convey or what their purpose was in writing the piece. These chapters are stories, not argumentative essays, so figuring out the writers’ purposes and messages are not as simple as locating a thesis statement, topic sentences, or evidence. Instead, you will want to try to put yourself into the author’s frame of mind and use your understanding of the writing context to guide you.You will also want to reflect on what you’re taking away from the reading the article personally. Below are a few questions to give you an idea of the breadth of responses you may explore:What resonates with you?What challenges you?How is your understanding of the world, the topic of the essay, your own experiences, etc. changing as you read?What connections between other chapters can you make?

solved Case Study 5.2: California’s High-Speed Rail ProjectA goal of the

Case Study 5.2: California’s High-Speed Rail ProjectA goal of the Obama administration has been to promote high-speed rail across the most populous and geographically-dispersed states in the United States. The idea is to adopt more energy-saving initiatives while also helping to improve state’s infrastructure. It is with this in mind that the Federal Government made billions available to various states in the 2008–2010 budget cycles. After the Fall, 2010 elections, several states that had elected Republican governors refused the grants, suspicious that this seed money would not be sufficient to pay for what they viewed as unnecessary construction based on over-optimistic expectations of the need for and use of high-speed rail. One of the states that accepted the money and has moved forward strongly into high-speed rail has been California, which has already begun work on a 65-mile section in the middle of the state, earning the derisive nickname, the “train to nowhere.” This case details the state’s projections regarding the need for high-speed rail, against the views of infrastructure experts and critics who charge that for a state that is already in a severe budget crisis, this is just the sort of project that makes no sense economically or demographically.QuestionsAssess the benefits and drawbacks of the high-speed rail project. In your opinion, do benefits outweigh drawbacks, or vice versa? Why? Justify your answer.What are the implications of starting a project based on tenuous projections that may or may not come true 10 years from now?Could you justify the California high-speed rail project from the perspective of a massive public works initiative? In other words, what other factors enter into the decision of whether to pursue a high-speed rail project? Why are they important?Case Study 6.1: Columbus InstrumentsThis case is based on a true story of a once-successful organization that had allowed its project management practices to degenerate to the point where assignment to a project team was often a mark of disfavor and a sign of pending termination. The case involves issues of motivation, structural effects on projects, and project team staffing. It offers students an opportunity to see how, if left unchecked, certain behaviors by department heads and others in the organization can work counter to the desires to use project teams to improve organizational profitability and instead make them a dumping ground for malcontents and poor performers.QuestionsWhat are the implications of CIC’s approach to staffing project teams? Is the company using project teams as training grounds for talented fast-trackers, or as dumping grounds for poor performers?How would you advise the CEO to correct the problem? Where would you start?Discuss how issues of organizational structure and power played a role in the manner in which project management declined in effectiveness at CIC.

solved This activity will continue your “Global Business Plan” by giving

This activity will continue your “Global Business Plan” by giving you the opportunity to consider a Marketing and HR & Personnel plan for the country you selected. As a global manager, you must assess factors related to people, behaviors, and motivations. How will they impact your company’s expansion? What cultural assumptions are you making? Your assumptions could hinder your success in the new market if you’re not careful.InstructionsReview the full Global Business Plan project outline in order to understand where you are in the process. Marketing Plan, HR Strategy & Personnel Plan – W8Research Cultural ImplicationsCreate a Marketing PlanDevelop HR Strategy and Personnel PlanRead all the resources in the Modules area to support your research. Read all the websites and videos.Explore the hidden and intangible factors that need to be uncovered in your research of the country you chose for your paper. Before entering this market consider things like lack of work ethic, how to motivate people, how they make decisions, etc.
Cultural Implications: This section of your overall paper needs to include a brief summary of your cultural research. Be sure to share examples of companies that have made marketing mistakes in that country previously. Address questions such as: What are our cultural assumptions that we are making? Are they valid in this country?Marketing Plan: Design a marketing strategy that takes into consideration the consumer behavior of the target country and how it relates to the local culture. Identify your primary target market (customer) and explain how you will reach that market.Personnel Plan: Create a personnel plan that highlights key employment factors in your target country. These should address the relevant local staffing issues, such as the minimum wage, the unemployment rate, and mandated holidays and salary requirements. Then, determine your actual staffing requirements. An example would be to include the number of shifts, the number of store managers, and the number of staff to be hired. Please note that these numbers (combined with their estimated salaries or wages) will be required to formulate your financial statements next week.Submission:Write a minimum of 2 to 4 pages compiling your research from Section D. The paper should include the following parts:Cultural ImplicationsMarketing PlanPersonnel PlanPlease resubmit your personal link to your Google Doc in the assignment link below. This should be done each week that an assignment is due, in order to facilitate grading. The narrative for Section D should appear CLEARLY LABELED in your Google Document, including Section Headings – “Culture” “Marketing” and “Personnel Plan.”Please follow MLA format, including a cover page with the name of the Company and the Country clearly seen. Label each Section of the paper, and include citations and a Works Cited at the end.Country: Indonesia and US Company: Kellog CO

solved I’m working on a literature discussion question and need guidance

I’m working on a literature discussion question and need guidance to help me study.

must read the source that I assigned below only. outside sources that I don’t provide are not accepted and I will request for a refund.!!!
1- Supergirl and Black Panther are both superheroes from the comic book tradition, but their stories are very different. The film Black Panther is an epic adventure with world-changing consequences (like Binti). This issue of Supergirl is an individual comic book that’s part of its own series, part of a set of interconnected series about different superheroes in the D.C. Comics universe, and in some ways a sequel to the first major comic book superhero, Superman (Links to an external site.) (first published in 1938 – you see him here as both Clark Kent, reporter, and Superman). It’s a slice-of-life story that’s part of a young woman’s coming-of-age (like Binti), but there are no major threats or consequences.
For this discussion forum, please write about something that interests you in Supergirl and something that interests you in Black Panther. You can write about them together or separately.…

2-Then write a question and comment on a classmate’s post.
comment on my classmate’s discussion with 50-100 words start the reply with the first sentence is that I agree with or I like or I think or I actually etc…

Medrag response = Something that interests me in Supergirl #34 is that while she is in a struggle with Silver Banshee, and their conflict takes them to a baseball field. Supergirl must utilize her super-speed to keep innocent people out of the line of the Banshee’s lethal voice, and eventually defeats her by crashing a vehicle into her head. The audience boos and insults her, throwing items in her face. Supergirl flees, startled. Kara admits that she is at a loss on what to do. No matter what she does, everyone despises her and believes she is unfit to wear the Superman Symbol. Superman dismisses her as unworthy, stating that it is impossible to satisfy everyone or do everything right and that she must learn to relax or risk burnout. She could find it useful to have a hidden identity to fall back on anytime she wants some alone time. This reminds me of our life, so sometimes whatever we do to some people even if it is for their benefit they don’t appreciate what we do for them, but they may do it later after they hurt our feelings.
In addition, the cultural innovations in Black Panther aided in the strengthening of African culture, which in turn aided the story of the film. The preparation for the part of T’Challa is where the most cultural creativity can be discovered. He possesses the black panther’s power. T’Challa has to fend off the evil guys who are basically trying to disrupt and destroy the globe by producing mass weapons out of a unique metal called ‘vibranium’, which is only found in Wakanda.

solved Please post an article or analytic point around what we

Please post an article or analytic point around what we are discussing to this ongoing blog; and respond to one other student post during each module as well.  
Please use the article I choose:…
The purpose of this blog is to build a healthcare community among us; identify for each other key aspects of health care “current events” that we feel are important and worthy of discussion in this type of class; and provide one another with our expert analysis of a given trend or development in health care, including things we are learning about in this class. You can:  post an article link to your blog post, introducing us to a reading you think is interesting, then briefly make a point about something in that article or that article’s major theme, related to readings in current or prior modules, to help educate us on its relevance. 
And here’s the other student’s post that you need to respond (50-100 words for responding &100-200 words for your own post):…

The Biden administration announced on Thursday that the Department of Labor will mandating that workers at companies with 100 or more employees are vaccinated or have weekly testing. While in module one, we focus on how the US healthcare system is financed, it does not include who is paying for these tests.
This article states that the plan will most likely be scrapped, however I don’t think it should. At this point in time there is no reason to not get vaccinated. The Pfizer vaccine was granted fully approved by the FDA on August 23rd. The vaccine are widely accessible now and free to receive. Also, it is a civic duty to protect those around us. Additionally the logic of “I don’t know the long terms affects” are irrational because we don’t know the long term affects of the virus. People are willing to risk the affects of the virus rather than trust science and medical professionals.
If the plan is not scrapped by the Biden administration, the article states that it will most likely be up to the employer to decide who pays. In a perfect world, the employer insurance would cover routine testing, however our healthcare system is not perfect. If it isn’t and a company forces employers to pay I can see it being very problematic. In some states, they may argue that it is unlawful to require employers to have their employees vaccinated and or pay for COVID testing which is required by the state. My gut tells me in some southern states like, Texas which just passed an anti abortion bill, will take this mandate to the court and refuse to abide by it. While the issue of who pays for COVID tests is not the same as the issue of abortions, they both boil down to if the government control peoples bodily autonomy. In the US, the answer for women is yes, but for men it is no. Therefore, I wouldn’t be shocked if the mandate does not hold up.Â