solved Please post a scholarly reply to this“Descriptive analysis is used

Please post a scholarly reply to this“Descriptive analysis is used when nurses check trends in vital signs, when they review infection rates for a clinical unit, and when they calculate average length of stay for clients with certain diagnoses” (Houser, 2018). Descriptive analysis data shows validity, reliability, and applicability. Descriptive analysis or statistics also allows individuals to convert a large amount of data into one big picture that is easy to understand and interpret. Inferential analysis “displays data using methods to show how closely the people who participated in a study represent the entire population of interest” (Chamberlain College of Nursing, 2020). In other words, inferential analysis takes a sample of the population and suggests that is how the entire population will act, be, show, etc. based off of the smaller samples that were analyzed. Qualitative analysis is used to understand the meaning and or experience of a phenomena. Qualitative data is not based off of cause and effect, numbers, or controlling an experiment but rather looking for the meaning behind a lived experience. I like the idea of qualitative analysis in the nursing field, because instead of just looking at a bunch of numbers, researchers are looking into how a certain situation affected the person who experienced it, how it made them feel, what it made them do, what can be improved for a better experience next time etc. Qualitative analysis is very diverse from your typical research. Data analysis is necessary to find reliable, high quality, factual information to incorporate into patient care or healthcare settings. With out reliable data analysis you would not know if something was going to be effective for patients or even harmful to them.“Statistical significance is present when the differences between two groups in the study sample are unlikely to have happened by error or change” (Chamberlain College of Nursing, 2020). Statistical significance states that something is less likely to happen randomly or by chance and is more likely to have happen due to a specific cause. On the other hand, “clinical significance is generally expected to reflect the extent to which an intervention can make a real difference in patients’ lives” (Houser, 2018). For example, clinical significance could be determined by a medication decreasing someone’s pain 2 – 3 numbers on a pain scale of 0 – 10 (Polit, 2017). This example shows improvement in an individual’s life as their pain is being decreased. For myself, clinical significance is more important to me in the nursing practice. I think when the actual patient is taken into consideration and the patients’ situation, and feelings, and circumstances, are considered that is what matters. I think trying to make a patient’s life better in any aspect of their health is more important than if something happened by chance or not.

solved Watch: “Robert Bell Mythos vs. Logos in the Bible”

Watch: “Robert Bell Mythos vs. Logos in the Bible” (Links to an external site.)
Initial Post: In “Mythos vs. Logos in the Bible,” Rob Bell states that “science and faith are long lost dance partners.”  While he praises the accomplishments of science, and commends the use of “logos” language, he argues for the need to retrieve “mythos” language, which is the language favored by faith and religion.  Indeed, at one point he states that “mythos” describes the “more than literally true.”  In doing so, he tries to point out the fact that some experiences are often too big for just a logical description.  In two paragraphs (each paragraph is to consist of no more than 4-5 sentences), respond to the following questions:  In the first paragraph, identify some (3-4) of the human experiences that would qualify for description in “mythos” language, explaining why they often require a “more than literally true” description.  In the second paragraph, identify one experience in your own life that, in your opinion, is best talked about in “mythos” language, and why that is the case. 
PART 2: ( I will send it after you finish the first part)
In your second post, in a single paragraph (no more than 4-5 sentences), identify at least one of the human experiences listed by a classmate that you had not considered as qualifying for description in “mythos” language.  Explain why you agree, or do not agree with that identification.

In your second post, in a single paragraph (no more than 4-5 sentences), identify at least one of the human experiences listed by a classmate that you had not considered as qualifying for description in “mythos” language. Explain why you agree, or do not agree with that identification.

Post Response
My classmate post: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
As a caseworker, I ask clients for the facts, “who, what, when, where, and why”. While I am rapidly typing or scribbling their responses about why they are homeless, addicted to drugs, or have lost custody of their children, I am also listening for their emotions. I am also listening for indicators of low self esteem, mental trauma, or poor adapting skills. A client won’t say that they have these problems necessarily, but in their use of words, they can illustrate their pain and heartache. Part of my job is to demonstrate this in their case notes using the famous words, “as evidenced by”.
One experience in my life that cannot be easily defined in factual language is my decision to return to my Christian faith. I can give facts about things in my life that were not going well, but on the surface of my life, several things were going quite well. My career in the casino was advancing, yet I could not find anything that gave me a sense of either purpose or joy. By describing the emptiness I felt surrounded by, it becomes easier to explain why I wanted to return to religion. 

solved A 30- year old male, taking to the social worker

A 30- year old male, taking to the social worker about his reactions to a car accident 6, months ago.”Since my car accident, I’m really afraid to drive again. I get into the car I feel my heart start to pound and my hands get really sweaty. I don’t want to end up behind the wheel and start to panic, but that is what is happening right now. I panic i’ve tired to make myself do it but..I can’t. I have flashbacks from the accident; the car turned upside down and i’m trapped inside”A) Additional information needed:i.ii.iii.b) Your open-ended question:A 47- year-old female, talking to the Red Cross crisis intervention counselor.”My house was destroyed by the hurricane. I have spent five days here in the RedCross shelter. You people have been nice, but now it is time for me to leave. I don’t know where to start. The city is trying to get things up and running again, but all of this is just too much for me to bear. a) Specific information needed:i.ii.iii.b) Your close-ended question A 35-year-old male, talking about his relationships with friends.My friends seem to get bored and tired of me. They go out a lot without me. I find out later, like maybe they’ve gone to a movie. I call them. I hardly ever get calls back. It’s wired. I always end up chasing people down.”a) Key points in the client’s message:i)ii)iii)b) Your paraphrasing response:A 50-year-old female talking to a domestic violence shelter worker.”I’m relieved to be out of that violet situation. I was scared for so many years. I hardy know how to act now. I still find myslef looking over my shoulder, just waiting for him to find me. But mostly I’m thankful to still be alive.”a) Feeling words1.2.3.4.b) Your feeling response:Case 4 A 17-year-old White male, talking to the school social worker. Hr is considering dropping out of school.SW: I know this is really big decision for you, whether or not to stay in school.CL: It’s just those teachers, the homework, and the test. It’s just everything. I’ve pretty much come to a conclusion that school’s got nothing to do with the real world. I’m sitting here learning about geography, snow glaciers, and what does this have to do with life, with the outside world? I think I’ve had enough. It’s the conformity, and the structure, and all the rules. I’m thinking about quitting. A friend of mine quit. He’s not employed right now; but he’s doing okay. Not that I want to be a brain surgeon or anything. I just want to get a good job, and pay my bills, and live on my own.SW: What would you do if you quit school?CL: I’d get a job. I don’t know. Maybe just hang out for awhile. I could use a breather.SW: What else is going on in your life right now that you need a break?CL: The regular stuff, my parents ragging on me, my failing grades, you know that kind of stuff.a) Most important aspects of the client’s statement:i.ii.iii.b) Your summarization response:Requirements: Answer the questions Mar 16th, 2021

solved what is the five-tier system of checked baggage screening ?

what is the five-tier system of checked baggage screening ? writing initial post answering the question above with 200 words and please cite the references.Terrorist attacks and threats form a substantial concern to both airport security and national security. The threats of these attacks come in different forms of execution and complexity. Detection of the dynamic nature of the terrorists and their ever-changing tactics provides a challenge to airport security stakeholders. Despite the technological advancements and surveillance, aircraft hijacking still remains barely undetectable (Tibi, 2003). In this advanced technology era, could modern surveillance and monitoring be used to detect and identify hijacking plans before they happen?First, hijacking airplanes has previously been used by terrorists with one of the most prominent occurrences being the 9-11 attack in the US (Klenka, 2019). This kind of attack still remains a great risk to airlines and airports due to the difficulty in detection (Hub & Komenda, 2017). Aircraft hijacking could be conducted using the simplest weapons like human strength whereas a large extend of airport security is focused on the detection of weapons and harmful substances. However, the security systems cannot detect a would-be aircraft hijacker.Although other forms of surveillance like social media monitoring could aid in identifying terrorism planning and targets, the likely event of a lone wolf operator or a group of operators with minimal online footprint could be undetectable. They may not fit the stereotypes of a terrorist while boarding but cause massive destruction and harm if they use the “air-borne” aircraft as a weapon of massive destruction.Response to the above post with 100 words please list References The administration that oversees the transportation of firearms is the same one that’s overseeing tobacco and alcohol transportation as well,the ATF or U.S. Treasury Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, unlike common belief, it’s still allowed for some firearms to be transported through air, examples are firearms used for hunting or sports. as of April 11th, 2006 a bill that encapsulates everything about the ATF transportation was introduced, Title 27 CFR of the ATF Regulations, stating that firearms have to be unloaded and be put in a cargo placement, and requiring official law enforcement personnel to inspect it and put tags on the carry cases of the firearm. laws differ from state to state so doing research prior to checking-in a firearm(going along with the rules of the law) would be convenient both for the traveler and the local law enforcements.Carrying a firearm in the airplane is strictly prohibited, even a concealed carry, however, it is allowed in some parts of the airports, depending on the state, of course, sterile areas are still prohibited.Response to the above post with 100 words please list References

solved Select an Equity/Diversity/Disability Awareness/Inclusion topic of your choice;Create a Googl

Select an Equity/Diversity/Disability Awareness/Inclusion topic of your choice;Create a Google Doc (4 pages) following APA formatting with a cover page and reference page Research one area for use for your Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Lesson Topic in Module 3. Choose one area and one or more resource(s) for your Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Lesson. A lecture for UDL and Module 3 is planned for when Module 2 closes. In your Google doc, describe your research, why you chose the area, and resource. You may also use any other resource you have experience with or would like to teach.a. Equity/Diversity/Anti RacismTeaching Diversity-A Place to begin-Pre-K, 1-2. (Links to an external site.)Deconstructing White Privilege with Dr. Robin DiAngelo (Links to an external site.)On Being Comfortable with Discomfort: Tiffany Jewell Explains What It Means To Be Anti-Racist (Links to an external site.)10 Ways For Non-Black Academics to Value Black Lives. (Links to an external site.)Shareable Anti-racism Resource Guide (Links to an external site.)b. LGBTQLearning for Justice Queer America (Links to an external site.)c. Including Immigrants or Recent Arrivals New Resources for Protecting Immigrant Students’ Rightsne/new-resources-for-protecting-immigrant-students-rights (Links to an external site.)d. Disability AwarenessMeet Julia (Links to an external site.) Crip Camp-A Disability Revolution (Links to an external site.)On the heels of Woodstock, a group of teen campers are inspired to join the fight for disability civil rights. This spirited look at grassroots activism is executive produced by President Barack Obama and Michelle Obama. e. Social-Emotional Learning Social-Emotional Learning California Department of Education (Links to an external site.)The Fundamentals of Social-Emotional Learning-Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) (Links to an external site.)f. Restorative Practices San Diego Unified Restorative Practices to Rebuild Relationships Using Circles (Links to an external site.)Loading media…Minimize embedded contentPreview any Youtube Videos and Read Alouds if you need any ideas for your ELA CCSS UDL Lesson Content. A Kids Book About Racism by Jelani Memory (Links to an external site.)Children in Our World: Racism and Intolerance (Literally Cultured Read Aloud) (Links to an external site.)A Kids Book About Depression by Kileah McIlvain (Links to an external site.)Knock Knock My Dad’s Dream for Me by Daniel Beaty (Links to an external site.)We are Water Protectors (Links to an external site.)Sky High: The True Story of Maggie Gee (Literally Cultured Read Aloud) (Links to an external site.)Special Books by Special Kids Ruby the Treasure (Links to an external site.)The danger of a single story | Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (Links to an external site.)ReMoved-The life of a child in Foster Care/Dependency System. (Links to an external site.)

solved Please follow the instructions exactly step by step. STEP 1

Please follow the instructions exactly step by step.
Read this article, “Egypt’s farmers tap new tech to save water and boost crops.”
Egypt’s farmers tap new tech to save water and boost cropsA government project uses sensors buried in the soil to tell farmers via an app when fields need water and just how much to useThomson Reuters

(A) Tell us in the first paragraph that you are going to discuss this article:  

What is the title of the article? 
Who wrote it? 
When was it published?
Where was it published, or what journal published it?  

     **Then tell us that you are going to give an outline of the article and then give the historical background for the article, referring to what you learned in class.
(B) Starting with the second paragraph, explain the main points of the article:
    This section should be at least 2 paragraphs.
(C) Then discuss what you learned in class about the importance of water in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, and how this relates to the article: (USE THE ATTACHED FILE FOR THIS QUESTION IT WILL HELP)
    This should be at least half of your paper. For example:

Discuss the use of the Nile River in ancient Egyptian times and compare this to the rivers in ancient Mesopotamia. 
Discuss things like the role of the gods in agriculture, the dependability of the rivers, or how Neolithic people became farmers
What was the “Fertile Crescent” and why is it called that?
Why did Egyptians not need irrigation systems in ancient times? Why did Mesopotamians need irrigation? How did this make their cultures different?
How do rivers define “Mesopotamia” and Egypt on the map?

(D) Summarize with a final paragraph giving your opinion or conclusion.
For example, 

Do you think the new app (in the article) can help? 
Do you see any similarity between using new technology today and the first Agricultural Revolution? Is this a new ‘agricultural revolution’? (Explain)

This paragraph should be at least three substantial sentences. 

Make sure it is clear you have read the article.
Demonstrate that you have thought about the article and what we studied earlier in the semester, analyzed and compared them.  However, DO NOT just copy a discussion post.
If you quote anything in the article, or use specific information from Blackboard material, you must cite it.  For this short paper, you can insert the author’s name at the end of the passage or paragraph.

             For example:  Studies show that agriculture uses 85% of Egypt’s share of the Nile. (Farouk)  

You do not need a “Sources Cited” page or a bibliography. 
Conclude with a thoughtful opinion. You should give specific examples or reasons to back up your opinion.
In other words, you will present a lot of information but it will be well organized, concise, and to the point.  


solved For each reading, will reflect on a concept or The

For each reading, will reflect on a concept or
The idea that struck you or meant something for you. There may be a concept that you have never
heard of before, or it gave you insight into something you already know. 
Answer each of these questions for all the chapters you read this week. 

What the concept or idea is from the reading. (2 points)
Put the concept or idea in your own words. (2 points)
Why did it stand out for you? (2 points)
How could you apply it in your own life? (2 points)
Also, make sure to proofread, double-space 12-point font (2 points)

10 points total
The link to the chapter below:
Chapter 1: Introduction to public speaking (Links to an external site.)
Example R. R. (Note this is just an example of how ALL the reading reflections are to be formatted) 
Chapter 1:
A concept that stuck out to me was that of “Freedom of Expression,” which is
defined in our book as “the right to share one’s ideas and opinions free from government
censorship.” This concept means that as an individual, I have the right to share my opinions and the
government cannot tell me that it is illegal to speak that opinion. This concept stood out to me because I
I am sometimes afraid to speak my mind. I think that I can apply it in my own life by speaking up
freely when I see an injustice, of course, this also ties into
what I say is ethical, which is a concept that links to freedom of expression in our text.
2-Reflection Handout (R.R) COMM 1
Reading Reflection Directions:
For each reading, will reflect on a concept or
The idea that struck you or meant something for you. There may be a concept that you have never
heard of before, or it gave you insight into something you already know. 
Answer each of these questions for all the chapters you read this week. 

What the concept or idea is from the reading. (2 points)
Put the concept or idea in your own words. (2 points)
Why did it stand out for you? (2 points)
How could you apply it in your own life? (2 points)
Also, make sure to proofread, double-space 12-point font (2 points)

10 points total
The link to the chapter is below :
Chapter 2: Origins of public speaking (Links to an external site.)
Example R. R. (Note this is just an example of how ALL the reading reflections are to be formatted) 
Chapter 1:
A concept that stuck out to me was that of “Freedom of Expression,” which is
defined in our book as “the right to share one’s ideas and opinions free from government
censorship.” This concept means that as an individual, I have the right to share my opinions, and the
government cannot tell me that it is illegal to speak that opinion. This concept stood out to me because I
am sometimes afraid to speak my mind. I think that I can apply it in my own life by speaking up
freely when I see an injustice, of course, this also ties into
what I say is ethical, which is a concept that links to freedom of expression in our text.

solved Every student should make at least one original contextual analysis

Every student should make at least one original contextual analysis post and two comments to other students’ posts for each module.  Posts should be in full, grammatically correct sentences that create at least one solid response of at least 600 words–make sure you include a word count. The 600 word count does NOT include any headers or references section.  All posts must be relevant to the assigned materials (although you may build upon previous knowledge from earlier weeks and include personal observations). Start by answering the prompt, and then build upon the prompt to consider your own perspectives and experiences. You MUST attach photos and web links to support your position.  An important part of your grade for this assignment is to communicate with your classmates. Because this is intended to be your opportunity to discuss topics with your classmates, the professor/TA will generally refrain from commenting or actively participating in the discussions aside from reading and grading them.  
Each of the two comments should be at least 200 words (include a word count) on two different classmates’ posts each module to receive full credit. 
Posts: For this post, select one work of art (two-dimensional or three-dimensional art) has NOT been already analyzed or extensively discussed in the course readings or videos…part of the fun in learning about art is in DISCOVERING it!  You are required to make one post.  In a narrative format, the post should contain the following elements:

Define and Identify: Brief information about the artist and work.  For example, birth/death dates, place of birth or work, where work is displayed, name of work, medium of work, context for creation of work.  
Experience and Appreciation: For example, where you found the work (website, another book, museum), what made you select the work, what about this work speaks to you.
Observe and Analyze: Use and underline three terms that were introduced in the module to observe/analyze your chosen work.  Add any other relevant information to improve your paper.
Critique and Compare: Compare your work to similar pieces or to examples used in the module.  Consider the impact of the work on a particular social angle and/or the evolution of the media.  Consider the impact of experiencing the work on your general outlook on the medium or appreciation of art.
Apply Social Angles AND Context: Identify at least one social angle from the list below that can be observed or analyzed as part of the work.  Address how the social angle is connected to the work.  Plus, a thorough contextual analysis of the historical, cultural, and social implications should be discussed.

race and ethnicity,
gender and sexuality,
class and highbrow/low,
colonialism, postcolonialism, place and regionalism,
nature (environment, ecology) and culture,
memory, history, generational identity,
food culture, and
body and mind

solved Every student should make at least one original contextual analysis

Every student should make at least one original contextual analysis post and two comments to other students’ posts for each module.  Posts should be in full, grammatically correct sentences that create at least one solid response of at least 600 words–make sure you include a word count. The 600 word count does NOT include any headers or references section.  All posts must be relevant to the assigned materials (although you may build upon previous knowledge from earlier weeks and include personal observations). Start by answering the prompt, and then build upon the prompt to consider your own perspectives and experiences. You MUST attach photos and web links to support your position.  An important part of your grade for this assignment is to communicate with your classmates. Because this is intended to be your opportunity to discuss topics with your classmates, the professor/TA will generally refrain from commenting or actively participating in the discussions aside from reading and grading them.  
Each of the two comments should be at least 200 words (include a word count) on two different classmates’ posts each module to receive full credit. 
Posts: For this post, select one work of art (two-dimensional or three-dimensional art) has NOT been already analyzed or extensively discussed in the course readings or videos…part of the fun in learning about art is in DISCOVERING it!  You are required to make one post.  In a narrative format, the post should contain the following elements:

Define and Identify: Brief information about the artist and work.  For example, birth/death dates, place of birth or work, where work is displayed, name of work, medium of work, context for creation of work.  
Experience and Appreciation: For example, where you found the work (website, another book, museum), what made you select the work, what about this work speaks to you.
Observe and Analyze: Use and underline three terms that were introduced in the module to observe/analyze your chosen work.  Add any other relevant information to improve your paper.
Critique and Compare: Compare your work to similar pieces or to examples used in the module.  Consider the impact of the work on a particular social angle and/or the evolution of the media.  Consider the impact of experiencing the work on your general outlook on the medium or appreciation of art.
Apply Social Angles AND Context: Identify at least one social angle from the list below that can be observed or analyzed as part of the work.  Address how the social angle is connected to the work.  Plus, a thorough contextual analysis of the historical, cultural, and social implications should be discussed.

race and ethnicity,
gender and sexuality,
class and highbrow/low,
colonialism, postcolonialism, place and regionalism,
nature (environment, ecology) and culture,
memory, history, generational identity,
food culture, and
body and mind

solved Women’s Health Focusing on women’s health:Name and describe the components

Women’s Health Focusing on women’s health:Name and describe the components and rationale of the gynecological health history.Define and describe each component of the GTPAL system used to document pregnancy history.Following the guidelines of the United States Preventive Service Taskforce (USPSTF) what screening recommendations would you do to G.R. a 66-year-old female patient who visits you at the office for the first time (last visit to her PCP 5 years ago) with only positive health history of hysterectomy 10 years ago due to fibroids.A 35-year-old women with a BMI of 40 comes in asking about combined hormonal contraception’s. You explain the contraindications for hormonal contraception include (name more than 4 contraindications).Submission Instructions:Include at least two references in your post.Provide a minimum of 2 substantive responses to your peers’ postings. Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources.Grading Rubric
Your assignment will be graded according to the grading rubric.Discussion RubricCriteriaRatingsPointsIdentification of Main Issues, Problems, and Concepts5 pointsDistinguishedIdentify and demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of the issues, problems, and concepts.4 pointsExcellentIdentifies and demonstrates an accomplished understanding of most of the issues, problems, and concepts.2 pointsFairIdentifies and demonstrates an acceptable understanding of most of the issues, problems, and concepts.1 pointPoorIdentifies and demonstrates an unacceptable understanding of most issues, problems, and concepts.5 pointsUse of Citations, Writing Mechanics and APA Formatting Guidelines3 pointsDistinguishedEffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Exceptional use of citations and extended referencing. High level of APA precision and free of grammar and spelling errors.2 pointsExcellentEffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Moderate use of citations and extended referencing. Moderate level of APA precision and free of grammar and spelling errors.1 pointFairIneffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Moderate use of citations and extended referencing. APA style and writing mechanics need more precision and attention to detail.0 pointPoorIneffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Unacceptable use of citations and extended referencing. APA style and writing mechanics need serious attention.3 pointsResponse to Posts of Peers2 pointsDistinguishedThe student constructively responded to two other posts and either extended, expanded, or provided a rebuttal to each.1 pointFairThe student constructively responded to one other post and either extended, expanded, or provided a rebuttal.0 pointPoorThe student provided no response to a peer’s post. 2 points