solved…Create a document in which you answer th…Create a document in which you answer the questions related to each video. Please respond thoughtfully and robustly, with details and examples. Questions for VideosVideo 1: Getting AcquaintedNew York and Florida are states with a large population of students whose first language is not English. According to Sara Vogel, in New York, these students were often forced to speak English or remain silent. What language practices did you experience when you were in school in Florida (or elsewhere). What practices have you seen in your previous field experiences?Puerto Rican and other activists in New York in the 1960s and 1970s, with some degree of success, advocated for bilingual education. Which groups advocated for English language learners in Florida in the 1980s, resulting in the 1990 Florida Consent Decree? What did the Consent Decree accomplish?Define “translanguaging”. What is your opinion of this practice?Video 2: Being an Advocate for Bilingual StudentsHow does Ms. Conte use students’ backgrounds as resources in their learning? Give two additional ideas to implement.How does reading books featuring multicultural/multilingual characters create a culture of inclusion? Have you participated in this practice in the classroom, as a student, a teacher, or an observer? Describe your experience.How can English speakers profit from exposure to bilingual books?Conte, being monolingual, was uncomfortable about her students speaking in languages she didn’t understand. She felt that she would lose control of the classroom. What did she find out? What are your thoughts about not controlling everything that goes on in the classroom?Video 3: Bilingual SuperpowersWhat are benefits of graphic novels?Describe the process Ms. Ballantyne-Berry uses with her graphic novel assignment.How does Ms. Ballantyne-Berry use students’ language repertoire as a resource?Video 4: Knowing your StudentsChapman-Santiago reads a quote from Harper Lee’s novel To Kill a Mockingbird. How does this quote apply to a teacher’s work?What might you learn by carefully watching the cues students send through body language and facial expressions? Describe an example from when you were a student, or when you taught or observed a class.What information can a teacher gain by encouraging students to use their home language?What are some practical ways to incorporate home language as a scaffold?Video 5: The Benefits of Bilingual EducationWhat does Sara Vogel mean when she states in her introduction to the video that teachers can “push for more” in promoting their students’ learning?Aponte says that reading the book My name is Jorge on Both Sides of the River has changed her students’ lives. Describe what you think is the impact of the book on students.What is the goal of bilingual education programs? How does a bilingual program impact English speakers?

solved Length and format: Seven to ten pages (excluding the Works

Length and format: Seven to ten pages (excluding the Works Cited page); MLA format (no footnotes). Do not submit final RP without a “Works Cited” page; I will not grade it. Topics: Any approved subject that students have cleared with me, preferably one that relates to a theme covered in our class and is very specific. Consistently, the best research papers I’ve read were extremely specific, avoiding general, dense topics that are simply too big for such a short project, e.g., abortion, gun control, capital punishment, euthanasia, marijuana legalization, immigration, human/animal cloning, etc. Scholars have written books on these topics, so consider the scope of your subject and what’s been written about it as you narrow it down. *Do not try to take on an issue that is too broad.* Ideas such as migration, Black Lives Matter and gun control are too general, but you can narrow one down and make it very specific to use as a topic/issue, e.g., How US immigration policy is enacted in Major League Baseball regarding Latin American players.Sources: To complete this paper, you will need to consult between five to seven sources; make an effort to find one hard-copy source, not a web-based version of, say, a Time or New York Times article. Make an effort to use a book during your research. To gain a solid understanding of the depth and breadth of commentary on a topic, be sure to read a variety of acknowledged experts on it and ascertain where your thesis/opinion can “squeeze” into the ongoing discussion of your issue. Sources may also include personal interviews, documentaries, student-developed questionnaires, radio program transcripts, educational television programs, TED talks, podcasts and blogs. Avoid using Wikipedia as a primary source. Rhetorical approach: Your primary rhetorical approach should include ethos, pathos, and/or logos, and your rhetorical goal is to persuade readers to agree with or see the validity of your position on this topic. You are not expected to arrive at any impressive “answers” to the problem you are discussing, but insight and solid analyses are expected. Your introduction should include the steps detailed on the “D.I.P.O.” template (below this document), and any necessary historical or informative background on your topic should be relatively brief; such sections also should be written with a clear connection to your thesis and to your readers’ need to understand any complicated part of your subject. Informative parts of your paper should not overwhelm the persuasive goal of your argument.Grading criteria: 1. Good ideas/analysis 2. Clarity 3. Use of sources 4. Persuasiveness 5. Strong tension thesis supported throughout paper 6. “Non-repetitive” conclusion 7. Full body-paragraph developmentFinally, give your paper a two-part title: Proclaim: Explain E.g., Lives that Matter in Policy: BLM’s Influence on J.Biden’s First Term

solved FOUNDATION 1-8: Performance MeasuresAssignment: What performance measures should be used

FOUNDATION 1-8: Performance MeasuresAssignment: What performance measures should be used by your stakeholders to assess your company’s performance? What are their relative importance to each other? 
The simulation offers 8 performance measures: 
Cumulative Profit 
Ending Market Share 
Average ROS 
Average Asset Turnover 

Average ROA 
Average ROE 
Ending Stock Price 
Ending Market Capitalization
You will find a brief explanation for each measure on the website under Homework |Success Measures. 
Prioritize these measures by applying a weight between 0% and 40%. The percentages across all measures must add up to 100%. For example, you might set Profit to 30%, Market share to 20%, ROS to 10%, ROE to 10%, Stock price to 10%, and Market Capitalization to 20%. 
Scores are calculated using two methods.
Final Score Relative: This method also use a three-step process:

The system determines a raw score for each category by dividing the team’s score (“Team’s Value”) by the by the highest scoring team in that category (“Highest Value”). For example, if the “Team’s Value” for Profit is $5,000,000 and the “Highest Value” is $10,000,000, the team receives a raw score of .5 ($5,000,000 ÷ $10,000,000 = 0.5). 
Next, the system multiplies the raw score by the success measure entry. Continuing with the previous example, if the team’s success measure (“Team Weighting “) is 12.0, multiplying 12 by 0.5 will derive a “Score” of 6. 
The scores for each category are added, and the resulting sum appears in the Total row. 
Final Score Ranking: This method displays charts that compare each team’s results against each team’s set of weights.
Specifically, the Andrews chart will show every team’s performance based on Andrew’s success measures, the Baldwin chart will show every team’s results based on Baldwin’s measures, etc.
The final chart, “Overall Scoring,” shows each team’s performance based on their individual criteria, allowing an “across the board” comparison. 
Final Score Ranking calculations use a three-step process:

The system determines a raw score for each category:

Generally, each team gets 1 point for itself and 1 point for each inactive team— however, teams with negative results could fall beneath this level. 
Teams get an additional point for each active (participant or computer) team they beat. 

There will be times when the first and second place team for a category are very close. Nevertheless, the first place team will always receive a score of 6 and the second place team a score of 5.  
The system creates an adjusted score for each category by multiplying the team’s raw score by its success measurement weight. For example, if Andrews’ ROE weight were 20%, and if it were first in that category (scoring 6 raw points), it would receive 1.2 points.  
The adjusted scores for each category are added together. The resulting score will always be between 1 and 6.

solved Consider a purchase you recently made (for interest, assume that

Consider a purchase you recently made (for interest, assume that the purchase was over $100).Describe your decision process in a minimum of 175 words:How did you determine your need?How did you search for information?Did you evaluate alternatives?Did you have criteria upon which you made your choice?How did you assess your purchase?Anjanette BelloniDescribe your decision process in a minimum of 125 words:Drop a Dime on MeThe face staring back at me in the mirror is familiar but tired looking. At 43, I am not ready to look my age. Yes, to some this is an eye roll statement, but as a student, wife, mom, volunteer, and working professional, I do not want to look run down. Yep, I am discussing the obnoxious white hair growing in, as my friends lovingly refer to as wisdom highlights. It has been six months since I stepped into a salon and it was probably time to venture into one again.Now, being the mother of three teenage boys, a few dogs, and well into summer break, spending money on myself is not a priority. So, as I stare at that two inch white hair grow out I was faced with a couple choices. First, I can go to the salon and have someone else color my hair. Second, I could go to the local drug store and buy a box to do it myself, at the fraction of the cost of option one. Third, just let it grow and deal with it. This may not seem like a dilemma to most people, but for me, it is hard to justify spending money on my hair.One month ago I began training for a new position with my company. And in two weeks I am scheduled for a mini photo shoot to get head shots for my new business cards and website. That in itself makes the decision for me. I can justify the expenditure because rather than getting my hair done every six weeks, I will go maybe every six months. So, I spent the $125 to get the color and cut.Nichole KeyesDescribe your decision process in a minimum of 125 words:Hello Class and Professor,A few weeks ago I purchased a black evening gown, for a formal event. At the event I will be attending with my husband he will be receiving an award this coming weekend. I looked in the internet looking to receive the best deals, but nothing really caught my eye. I went to several of the usual stores that I frequent for the pass few weeks but no luck. I sometimes try to limit myself in how far I travel in shopping meaning to some areas only. So, I finally drove toOrland Square Mall which is 30 to 40 minutes from my house. The criteria for finding the dress and it to be proper was it must be long and fitted but very classic and classy along with a great fit. I need the dress to compliment, my husband and shine for this such a prestigious occasion. I purchased the dress from Macy’s which is my favorite store. Staying with my first intentions i got a great dress hundreds of dollars under my budget and no alterations, just all around goo deal, can not wait to wear my dress this weekend.

solved Assignment DetailsThis assignment will allow you to observe an infant/toddler

Assignment DetailsThis assignment will allow you to observe an infant/toddler
pre-selected video and utilize a developmental continuum observation
tool, Desired Results Developmental Profile (DRDP, 2015), to identify
the developmental levels. You will be assigned one of the following *DRDP developmental domains:
Approaches to Learning-Self Regulation (Chapter Groups 1 and 6)
Social-Emotional Development (Chapter Group 2)
Language and Literacy Development Chapter Group 3)
Cognition (Chapter Group 4)
Physical Development (Chapter Group 5)
*You are only required to complete the five measures within your
assigned developmental domain as some domains have more than 5 measures.Assignment InstructionsPlease view the pre-selected video of Nick (child in blue polo shirt) below and complete a written summary 1 1/2 to 2 pages of the following:Toddler Video Outdoor (Links to an external site.)

Summarize typical development based on the age of the child and the
assigned DRDP (2015) developmental domain. This is where you will also
include the developmental theorist/theory in your summary as well. You
will need to utilize the textbook, journal articles, or other sources to
create and assist in this summary. (1-2 paragraphs, approximately)
Summarize the observation of the child in the video and compare what
you viewed based on typical development and the developmental theory
and/or theories. Please remember to include examples to support your
conclusion. (2-3 paragraphs, approximately)
Summarize each measure observed utilizing the DRDP (your assigned domain) and give clear examples of
these skills and the context in which they occurred to support rating.
Please include citations to support and strengthen the analysis. (3-4
paragraphs, approximately)
Here are a few questions/prompts to assist with your observation
based on your assigned DRDP (2015) developmental domain. These are just a
few prompts if need additional ideas to assist with your observational
Based on the activity, does the child engage with the object(s) used
(and how), the quality and quantity of social interactions (Does the
child initiate? Is the child seeking attention? If so, positive or
negative? Is the child seeking play? Comfort? Assistance?)
How about the interactions with other children? Is the child
playing? If so, is it cooperative, interactive, parallel, independent,
structured, creative…?
What do you notice about the content of language, motor development
and coordination, and indications of use of concepts or cognitive stages
of development (i.e.: what cognitive concept must be mastered to play
Hide-and-Go-Seek?). Write down, verbatim, some of the language
interactions, or vocalizations. What stage of language development is
the child exhibiting?
Did you observe environmental and instructional accommodations for
young children with disabilities or delays? If so, describe and provide

solved Computer Support for Project Management This week we have learned

Computer Support for Project Management This week we have learned about the computer support for project management. Project management is the process of achieving goals related to on-time delivery, adherence to requirement and cost minimization in a unique environment that is subject to resource availability, cash flow, and technological performance constraints, all in the presence of uncertainty. Surely, the management needs to have tools to control and manage all the factors related to a project. If each factor is controlled by separate tool, it would be a hassle for managing a project. This has led to the development of software packages to interact efficiently by standardizing procedures, reports, data files. The system can handle all of the different aspects of a project throughout the product’s life cycle, including configuration management, scheduling, budgeting, cost analysis, resource management, and monitoring and control.List of Criteria for a Project Management software package As mentioned above, an integrated software system should be able to handle all the aspects of a project through out the product’s life cycle. For an example, we are looking for a project management software package, I would list down the following factors that should be included in the softwareAppropriation: The software is designed to integrate the required information to manage the project. It should provide features such as functionalization for all phases of the project management process, strategic decision support.Process management: This is one the of the must function for a software, which provide the process flowchart, launch support, and reference material.Scheduling managementCost managementResource managementCommunications managementRisk managementImplementation of a Project Management Software PackageThe successful implementation of project management software depends largely on its ability to support the project team’s activities. In the software evaluation process, I would create the software evaluation team that includes all the end users. In addition, I would also include the future users in package testing and project stimulation. After a team is selected, implementation starts with a training program in which future system users learn operational procedures and gain an understanding. To avoid overwhelming users with new and unfamiliar applications, we will implement the software in stages and run the survey and determine the efficiently of each stage.ConclusionUtilizing the computer support in project management will help the project management in the long term. However, the implementation of the system takes time and effort. This is also a project itself. This includes choosing the right software package, creating the criteria, choosing vendor, and evaluating the system. Each of these steps are critical to enhancing the computer support in project management.

solved PART 1: Respond to the following in a minimum of

PART 1: Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: 
Policing is ever changing so it is important to understand elements that are impacting it and what the future might hold. What challenges does law enforcement face locally and with homeland security?
Search for an example of video doorbells or home security cameras and explain the apps that they provide. How does this technology aid in policing?  
1ST RESPONSE: Law enforcement role in cyberspace is to make sure there are less crimes of fraud or any type of credit scam. The challenges that come with this is making sure cyber security is safe and easy for the user only. Making sure there aren’t anyways for someone to gain access to anyone’s online banking information by any means. I think law enforcement is making the best of using communication through technology by having newer technology like body cams for everyone safety for police officers and civilians . Law enforcement can take advantage of the current and future communication for the community by using the technology they have to make the community safer.
2ND RESPONSE: The challenges that law enforcement face locally and with homeland security is taking on new crimes with the advancement of technology, policies that are changing, racially profiling people, gaining trust within the communities. All these examples can impact the future of policing and so can video doorbells. This technology can help in policing with providing evidence for investigators so the jury can convict the suspect and it can also deter less serious crimes. The use of video doorbells have its benefits. This includes convenience because you can connect the doorbell to an app on your phone. Versatility with night vision. There is increased security because you can speak to the person at the doorbell no matter where you are and they don’t even have to know you aren’t home. They also provide motion detection so even if there is a person in the vicinity of the doorbell you will get an alert on your device letting you know somebody is there. An example of two best rated video doorbells on the market is Ring Video Doorbell Elite and eufy Video Doorbell 2K. 
PART 3:  Over the past few weeks you have learned about the various aspects of policing and careers in policing. Due to technology, the role of a police officer is both challenging and enhanced. In this final essay, you will share future challenges in the field of policing, including the role technology.
Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper. In your paper address the following:

Describe challenges the field of policing will face in the future. Provide examples.
Explain how community relations impact the challenges police officers face.
What new technology can be used in policing in the future and how? Provide examples.

Include two academic resources outside of your textbook in your presentation.

solved Organization Development is a planned change discipline concerned with applying

Organization Development is a planned change discipline concerned with applying behavioral science knowledge and practice to help organizations achieve greater effectiveness. In this course, you will conduct an analysis of your organization with the goal of creating a plan to improve an aspect of your organization’s performance. Each unit will build on the previous complete to achieve the goal.In Unit 3, you examined processes in the work design. For your Unit 4 Complete assignment, evaluate your performance, skills, and talents. Write a narrative essay (minimum 1500 words) in which you address and discuss the questions and statements listed below. Use at least three scholarly sources and remember to demonstrate a thorough understanding of the READ and Attend sections in your essay. Cite your sources in APA format.To complete the performance analysis as it relates to your own performance you will score 3 different categories: (1) capability, (2) motivation, and (3) support system. That is done by assigning a number (1-10) for each factor and then multiplying them. One (1) is the lowest score where work is needed to improve and Ten (10) is the highest number where you have excelled. Capability Score. Assign a number between 1 and 10. Explain and elaborate on how you arrived at the score. Assess yourself in terms of job knowledge, communication (or leadership) skills, technical skills, as well as any specific skills needed to perform your job duties. Suggest specific training needed to enhance your ability to perform your job. • Motivation Score. How motivated are you to perform the job or role you have within the organization? Assign a number between 1 and 10. Then, explain and elaborate on how you arrived at the score. Suggest specifics activities that could increase your motivation level. • Support System. Assign a number between 1 and 10. Explain and elaborate on how you arrived at the score. Specifically, identify salary structures that are low or unfair, bad, or inadequate policies and procedures, lack of incentive systems, bad or negative culture or leadership, insufficient equipment, or older technologies, etc. Suggest specific recommendations that could improve the support level your organization provides.• Provide the final score and share your overall thoughts. Identify your top three recommendations. Narrow your recommendations listed above and identify the top 3 recommendations based on most important or urgent, difficulty in or likelihood to be implemented, and finally – attainability. For example, you think that a raise across the board is most likely to enhance morale and increase overall productivity, but you also know that the company is experiencing financial difficulties at this time. Then, getting such recommendations implemented is less likely compared to rolling out an award system that does not cost as much is likely to enhance performance.

solved WEEKLY ASSIGNED READINGS DISCUSSIONSDiscussion forums have been set on the

WEEKLY ASSIGNED READINGS DISCUSSIONSDiscussion forums have been set on the Course page where students can discuss the weekly readings and corresponding content learned within each unit. Students are expected to engage in these discussions on a weekly basis. Discussions will focus on the readings’ merits and pitfalls, major arguments, contributions to the field of study, and how they connect to the information and activities discussed in the corresponding unit. Along with posting your own thoughts on the readings, each week you are expected to engage with a post from one of your classmates.Compose a post and within that post, for each of the assigned articles you read this week, discuss the following:The article’s main argument and purposeThe article’s main points of discussionHow the article complements the content of the unit it was assigned withThe most important thing you learned from the article about the First World WarA question that comes to mind after reading the articleOverviewAn important aspect of the learning experience in this course is the online discussions which require you to respond to different topic questions. This experience provides you with the opportunity to share the knowledge you gained in the course and to engage in a dialogue with your classmates.In this assignment, students discuss the weekly readings and corresponding content learned within each unit. Students are expected to engage in these discussions on a weekly basis. Discussions will focus on the readings’ merits and pitfalls, major arguments, contributions to the field of study, and how they connect to the information and activities discussed in the corresponding unit. Along with posting your own thoughts on the readings, each week you are expected to engage with a post from one of your classmates.You will participate in these discussions in groups. To find out which group you have been assigned to, select Groups from the Tools dropdown menu on the navbar.InstructionsThere are specific discussion questions posted in each unit of the course. Each week you are required to make at least two contributions to the discussions, including one original post and at least one response to another student’s post in your group. Your original post should be thoughtful, and should directly relate to the questions posted, include your own thoughts on the topic(s) being discussed, and use the course readings and content to support these thoughts. Your response posts to your classmates should include more than “I agree” or “Well said,” and should provide opportunities for further engagement in the course content.It is crucial that you post your original comment as early as possible in the discussion week to help get the dialogue going and keep the conversation flowing. Posting retrospectively (i.e., for previous weeks) will not count towards your overall discussion mark.300 words for the initial post

solved Discussion Question 1 For this questions, please read the following

Discussion Question 1 For this questions, please read the following case study and then respond to the questions noted below. Mr. EBR is a 74-year-old retired Hispanic gentleman with known coronary artery disease (CAD), who presents to your clinic with substernal chest pain for the past 3 months. It is not positional; it reliably occurs with exertion, approximately one to two times daily, and is relieved with rest, or one or two sublingual nitroglycerin (NTG) tabs. It is similar in quality, but is much less severe, than the chest pain that occurred with his previous inferior myocardial infarction (MI) 3 years ago. Until the past 3 months, he has felt well.The chest pain is accompanied by diaphoresis and nausea, but no shortness of breath (SOB) or palpitations. He does not vomit. He denies orthopnea, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea (PND), syncope, presyncope, dizziness, lightheadedness, and symptoms of stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA). An echocardiogram done after his MI demonstrated a preserved left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF). Other medical problems include well-controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM), well-controlled hypertension (HTN), and hyperlipidemia, with low-density lipoprotein (LDL) at goal. He also has stage 3 chronic kidney disease (CKD) and diabetic neuropathy. He no longer smokes and does not use alcohol or recreational drugs. His daily medications include: Atenolol 25 mg PO bid, Lisinopril 20 mg PO bid, aspirin 81 mg PO daily, Simvastatin 80 mg PO each evening, and metformin 500 mg PO bid.Mr. EBR’s physical examination includes the following: height 68 inches, weight 185 lb, Blood pressure (BP) 126/78, heart rate (HR) 64, Respiratory rate (RR) 16, and temperature 98.6°F orally. He is alert and oriented, and in no apparent distress (NAD). His neck is without jugular venous distention (JVD) or carotid bruits. Lungs are clear to auscultation bilaterally. Cardiovascular: normal S1 & S2, RRR, without rubs, murmurs or gallops. Abdomen has active bowel tones and is soft, nontender, and nondistended (NTND). Extremities are without clubbing, cyanosis, or edema. Distal pedal pulses are 2+ bilaterallyWhat would you add to the current treatment plan? Why?Would you discontinue any of the currently prescribed medication? Why or why not?How does the diagnosis stage 3 chronic kidney disease affect your choices?Why is the patient prescribed more than one antihypertensive?What is the benefit of the aspirin therapy in this patient?Discussion Question 2List three classes of drugs affecting the Hematopoietic System. List the mechanism of action for each class of drug. Choose one medication from the three classes and discuss what disorder the drug is used to treat? How often the medication is given? What labs should get monitored while the patient is taking this medication? Your response should be at least 350 words. @@@ 3 peer-reviewed articles. APA format.