solved write a discussionWhat is your immediate reaction when you think

write a discussionWhat is your immediate reaction when you think about the fact that one in four households with children, report an inability to buy enough food? Why? How can more people become informed about this social problem, and take action to alleviate it?Reply to this discussions1 The reason why so many who would not be effected but would actually benefit from higher taxation on the 1% oppose it is due to a multitude of reasons, most of which point to where their influence comes from. Due to the interdependence capitalism has created, a fear exists that if wealthy people are taxed more, the companies will move overseas and American workers will lose their jobs. While this fear is not entirely unfounded, it is more than likely coming from a source who the taxation would actually directly effect, since we know that the wealthy control most of the power and the ability to make rules and do this by influencing public opinion. This narrative is also incomplete, given the fact that many American businesses moved overseas when taxes were lower and businesses saw great expansion during time periods of higher taxation than is even being proposed. I also think that due to the social hierarchy, people generally admire the 1%. They want to be them, they’re aspirational, they have celebrity status. This is why the conspicuous consumption market is so high. In thinking about marketing, celebrity endorsed products tend to sell better because of the idea that if you can use the same product as a rich person, it makes you feel like you have something in common, that you are part of their social strata. People don’t want to tax the rich because they want to be the rich and through various modern channels, people feel alignment with the rich. I believe this point bleeds right into Marx’s concept of “false consciousness”. I do agree with the essence of the concept, that an individuals interests can be distorted, causing them to align with their oppressor. I would go further to say though that however we interact with wealth, which doesn’t necessarily mean actually having any, contributes to our views about it and whether it is fair or just that the few hold so much more than the many. 2 I feel like my life would be very difficult. Personally, I would like to own my own business one day so I do not have to work under anybody’s hours or wage. I feel as though it may affect my future because I won’t be having the greatest amount of income. I don’t think that it would affect who I would marry. If I would marry somebody that has a higher source of income that may help me and my kids but it may also affect them and the home I would live in since I won’t have a higher source of income. Working full time for that job may help me at the slightest but it would be very stressful to work full time at a low wage hourly job while having kids and other responsibilities I would have to maintain.

solved Overview:This week, we’ll be watching a documentary on Gang Violence

Overview:This week, we’ll be watching a documentary on Gang Violence in Latin America, particularly MS-13, also known as “America’s Deadliest Gang.” MS-13 has become important for several reasons.First, MS-13 shows us some of the long-term effects of America’s troubled relationship with Latin America. At least according to some (usually Liberal) analysts, MS-13 was borne of the extreme poverty, corruption, violence, and collapse in El Salvador partly caused by the Proxy War between USA, the Soviets, and Cubans that you saw in Module 10.Second, some (more Liberal) analysts claim that MS-13 members were “average” Salvadoran criminals who were “radicalized” by the alleged conditions of US prisons, deported back to El Salvador where they are pressured into working with Gangs and Drug Cartels, and made into hardened criminals in the process.Third, MS-13 is important because some (usually Conservative) politicians — as well as President Trump — claim that dangerous MS-13 criminals are infiltrating the US through illegal immigration. Anti-immigration activists claim that MS-13 is part of the Migrant Caravans coming out of Central America into USA and begging for Asylum. While this is factual and undeniable, MS-13 criminals are a *tiny* fraction of the total illegal immigrant population.As a result, MS-13 and alleged “immigrant violence” have played a huge role in shaping America’s overall immigration policy in the Age of Trump.Why Should I give a Crap?:because this is America’s Deadliest Gang and is responsible for murder, sex trafficking, rape, and theftbecause at least according to some analysts, America’s foreign policy is partly responsible for these problemsto see how immigration, violence, and drug wars are GLOBALIZED and become a hemispheric problemConcepts & Issues to Focus on:what role might America play in MS-13 and Gang Violence across Latin America?what role does the global War on Drugs or Mexico’s Cartel War play in these problems?Required Readings/Videos:skim about MS-13 murders in America, which Conservatives see as evidence that violent criminals are infiltrating otherwise peaceful (but illegal) immigrationquickly skim a Liberal perspective that America is partly to blame for MS-13 and “Violent Animals” coming illegally to USAsee how El Salvador’s new “dictator-president” is allegedly working with Gangs to fight drug violence “with an iron hand”watch the full 30-minute clip of the Video below on MS-13, “America’s Deadliest Gang” (if the Video doesn’t load, click here; for Accessibility, see Transcript)- Using *specific examples from the Articles & the Documentary,* what in your mind are the main factors to blame for making MS-13 grow into the deadly threat it is now?(Hint: you can argue however you want, but don’t be oversimplified like “this is America’s fault,” considering the role of corruption in El Salvador, gang-vs-gang violence, Cartel wars, etc….)

solved Reflect upon the feedback that you received about your outline.

Reflect upon the feedback that you received about your outline. Chapter 6 urges you to “adopt persuasion’s triple play: Ethos, logos, and pathos.”
What ethical, logical, and emotional arguments will you use for your topic’s problems, solution, and call to action? Why?
What tools of persuasion and advocacy will you deploy and how?
How will you “build trust and credibility, support your message with writing techniques, and find and develop your own story?” Why?
Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.

Ethical, Logical, and Emotional Arguments
Ethically, having key leadership skills is important when seeking a new position in a company since leaders are required to be ethical in their actions and behavior. According to Flite and Harman (2013) the main principles of ethical leadership include honesty, justice, respect, integrity and community. Logically, we should treat others as ends rather than means including valuing their decisions and respecting them. Then emotionally, we should serve others with fairness and justice and tell the truth in all situations. In such way, I shall be exhibiting ethical leadership skills which are essential for success in an organization environment.
Tools of Persuasion and Advocacy
To persuade and advocate my message I shall use specific tools of persuasion including:
I will use my experience to convince the audience to trust me and also explain how well I have been handling my work in my current position hence I am best suited person for the job. Pathos
I will research some of the emotions I share with the interviewers and use stories that capture the emotions I find about them. More so, I will match my body language with what I say and match my words with voice especially for negative words I shall use low tones and humorous words raise my tone.
I will avoid using jargons that the management team does not understand by using their background knowledge and expertise to know. More so, I shall ensure I ask questions to the panel of interviewers to allow deductive reasoning during the interview.
Building Trust and Credibility
To build trust and credibility in my written evidences I shall, provide evidence for all the claims I make by supporting them with facts so as to allow the interviewers to check for the facts about my credentials. More so, rather than Telling only I shall show the interviewers by providing details about what I am saying. This shall include use of active voice since it is more authoritative and seems confident. I shall also share with the audience my personal stories thus improving my trust with them as they read through my materials. Lastly, I shall ensure read through my written documents such as CVs and application letters several times to ensure there are no spelling and grammatical errors. Too many of these errors diminish credibility of the source of any written material. 

solved After reading completing the readings for this week and browsing

After reading completing the readings for this week and browsing through the slide galleries and links: Post a reading response of a minimum 250 words exploring one of the prompts posted below. Please feel free to incorporate your own opinion and observations in your discussion! When necessary, use and example from the reading, include page number/quote/imagePick one of these topics for your response: Do you think artists should have access and freedom to copy and alter versions of other’s work (i.e. in the form of 3D models/printing)? Does a certain amount of changing to the piece have to be done for this, or in any sense it is fair use? Is there a time frame this is allowable, in terms of copyright? Does this change at all in the framing of a museum using the work for profit as with memorabilia and products?Do you consider this situation a “heist” in the way it is presented? Does that change with the possibility those involved may have acquired the data differently than presented (not by scanning, but by getting the museum’s 3D scan and releasing it)? What about the museum’s acquisition of the artifact? And Berlin’s adoption of it as a cultural symbol?Should museums be able to copyright the work it contains, particularly work that is well beyond the lifetimes of the creators? What about copyrighting the copy (3D scan) of an item already in the public domain, as with Nefertiti? Do you think museums should provide 3D models of artifacts of this nature? What about if the 3D scans have already been made – should they be public? Particularly when museums are often publicly funded in some capacity?Pg 10: “Walter Benjamin famously argued that the mass reproduction of works of art, enabled by modern technologies like photography, makes it possible to conceive of an auratic object even if it contributes to its destruction.”
Do you consider access to these works with new technologies “contributing to their destruction”? In what ways do you agree or disagree, or consider both arguments?Also on page 20, Cronin argues that three-dimensional scan and print technologies cannot reproduce an original object’s aura, do you agree with this opinion?Do you think there is a reasonable way to go about repatriation of artifacts acquired in dubious ways through colonialism and imperialism? Should there be an effort in repatriation? Would you consider the situation with the bust of Nefertiti something that should be considered for repatriation? After you have done so, you must also POST TWO 100 word minimum response to a classmate’s observations by hitting “reply” to their post. Your response post should elaborate on their comments, you may have a questions, be curious about their viewpoint, agree or disagree. Be respectful and courteous, but don’t be afraid to ask questions! Try to reply to a response that seems lonely. Then join other thread if you are interested.

solved Read the following Case Study:Franz, D. R. (2018). “Back to

Read the following Case Study:Franz, D. R. (2018). “Back to the future” (or how a product last sold almost 60 years ago resulted in a current financial statement restatement) (Links to an external site.). Issues in Accounting Education, 33(2), 9–17.Answer the following questions:In preparing your answers for questions 1 to 4, you will need to
refer to OI’s amended 10-K for 2015, which can be found by clicking here (Links to an external site.).What journal entry would OI have made to record the additional $295 million of asbestos liability?Briefly summarize the effect of the restatement on the following financial statements.The income statement.The balance sheet.The statement of cash flows.The statement of share owners’ equity.
What accounts were affected? By how much? What other disclosures were
impacted? Note 1 in the restated 2015 10-K describes the changes.
Explain why OI’s treatment resulted in an increase to the earnings for 2015, 2014, and 2013.Based on OI’s disclosures in the 10-K prior to restatement, was it
clear that the firm was using a three-year period to estimate asbestos
litigation? Be sure to explain your response.The discussion between the SEC and OI was extensive and interesting.
Appendix A shows all of the correspondence between the two and includes
web links to the letters. The following questions are based on those
letters and the information in the case.Briefly summarize OI’s justification of its treatment of the
unasserted asbestos liability. What are the pros and cons of OI’s
original treatment of the asbestos liability?Briefly summarize the SEC’s position regarding the treatment of the
unasserted asbestos liability. What are the pros and cons of the SEC’s
approach?Which approach do you find preferable and why? You can choose either
OI or the SEC, but your analysis needs to be based on something other
than the fact that the SEC prevailed or OI did not.How is OI’s experience with asbestos litigation similar to Garlock’s? How is it different?Approaching this issue as a member of OI’s executive management
group, describe how your approach to asbestos litigation would be
similar to or different from OI’s.Submission Requirements:Your Word document should be 8–10 pages in length (not including the
required cover and references pages). Submissions in excess of 10 pages
are permitted. It is highly recommended that you include in bold type
the questions you are required to answer, with the answers directly
underneath each question.You must submit an Excel file as a separate file supporting your submission.Be sure to discuss and reference concepts taken from the required
and recommended readings throughout the course and also from your own
relevant research.You must include a minimum of six credible academic, or professional
references beyond the course text, required and recommended readings,
or other course materials.

solved Overview: Although there is no discussion in this module, there

Overview: Although there is no discussion in this module, there are two assignments. In this assignment, you will create a visual representation of your raw data analysis and explain how that visual reflects the conclusions you draw for your intelligence report. 
Prompt: This assignment offers you another chance to get feedback from your instructor about your thought processes relative to the intelligence report. In this assignment, you will create a visual representation of your raw data analysis (using the Raw Data and Information document) and explain how that visual reflects the conclusions you draw for your intelligence report. Remember, the goal of this assignment is to draw out your thinking in sufficient detail so your instructor can understand your thought processes. Note that this is one of two assignments due on the last day of this module. 
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: 
I. Visual: Create a visual representation that is clear, concise, and cogent. Does the visual accurately represent your raw data analysis? Would someone not familiar with the data be able to look at your visual and understand what it is saying about your data analysis? Do the colors have sufficient contrast and is the text on the visual crisp enough to read?
II. Accuracy: Ensure that your visual reflects an accurate analysis of the raw data and represents the direction of your thinking toward the conclusions you draw for the intelligence report. Remember that the three specific raw data techniques you should focus on are link analysis, telephone analysis, and event charting. 
III. Explanation: Offer a thorough explanation of how the visual you have created reflects the conclusions you draw for your intelligence report. What is this visual saying about your data? How does this visual support drawing conclusions based on the raw data analysis? Remember, the goal of this assignment is to draw out your thinking in sufficient detail so your instructor can understand your thought processes. 
Guidelines for Submission: Your visual should be submitted as a file type accepted by Brightspace; review this list of supported file types. If you are using a less common file type from this list, make sure that your instructor can open your file. As an alternative, you could take a screen capture of your visual and paste your image into a Microsoft Office document. Another alternative is to house your visual on the internet (e.g., Google Slides), paste the hyperlink to your visual into a Word document, and then submit that document. If you have questions about submitting your visual, be sure to ask them early in the week so that your instructor has enough time to see your message and respond to it and you have enough time to act on your instructor’s response.

solved Write a fully developed and detailed APA essay addressing each

Write a fully developed and detailed APA essay addressing each of the following points/questions. There is 1600 word count; be sure to completely answer all the questions for each question in detail. Separate each section in your paper with a clear heading that allows your professor to know which bullet you are addressing in that section of your paper. Support your ideas with at least one (1) source using citations in your essay. Make sure to cite using the APA writing style for the essay. The cover page and the reference page are required. Review the rubric criteria for this assignment.Conduct a literature search to select a qualitative research study on the topic identified in module 1. Conduct an initial critical appraisal of the study.Respond to the overview questions for the critical appraisal of qualitative studies, including:What type of qualitative research design was utilized to conduct the study?Are the results valid/trustworthy and credible?How were the participants chosen?How were accuracy and completeness of data assured?How plausible/believable are the results?Are implications of the research stated?May new insights increase sensitivity to others’ needs?May understandings enhance situational competence?What is the effect on the reader?Are the results plausible and believable?Is the reader imaginatively drawn to the experience?What are the results of the study?Does the research approach fit the purpose of the study?How does the researcher identify the study approach?Are the data collection and analysis techniques appropriate?Is the significance/importance of the study explicit?Does the literature support a need for the study?What is the study’s potential contribution?Is the sampling clear and guided by study needs?Does the researcher control selection of the sample?Do sample size and composition reflect the study needs?Is the phenomenon (human experience) clearly identified?Are data collection procedures clear?Are sources and means of verifying data explicit?Are researcher roles and activities explained?Are data analysis procedures described?Does analysis guide directions of sampling when it ends?Are data management processes described?What are the reported results (descriptive or interpretation)?How are specific findings presented?Are the data meanings derived from data described in context?Does the writing effectively promote understanding?Will the results help me care for my patients?Are the results relevant to persons in similar situations?Are the results relevant to patient values and/or circumstances?How may the results be applied to clinical practice?Please be sure to answer the questions thoroughly using complete sentences and APA format. Explain responses to yes/no questions in detail by presenting information found in the study to support your response.Provide a reference for the article according to APA format and a copy of the article.

solved Using the American nurses association position statement, recommendations for improvement

Using the American nurses association position statement, recommendations for improvement in end of life management focuses on practice, education, research and administration. Listed below are steps that nurses can take to overcome barriers in healthcare practice.
1. Strive to attain a standard of primary palliative care so that all health care providers have basic knowledge of palliative nursing to improve the care of patients and families.
2. All nurses will have basic skills in recognizing and managing symptoms, including pain, dyspnea, nausea, constipation, and others.
3. Nurses will be comfortable having discussions about death, and will collaborate with the care teams to ensure that patients and families have current and accurate information about the possibility or probability of a patient’s impending death.
4. Encourage patient and family participation in health care decision-making, including the use of advance directives in which both patient preferences and surrogates are identified.
1. Those who practice in secondary or tertiary palliative care will have specialist education and certification.
2. Institutions and schools of nursing will integrate precepts of primary palliative care into curricula.
3. Basic and specialist End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium (ELNEC) resources will be available.
4. Advocate for additional education in academic programs and work settings related to palliative care, including symptom management, supported decision-making, and end-of-life care, focusing on patients and families.
1. Increase the integration of evidence-based care across the dimensions of end-of-life care.
2. Develop best practices for quality care across the dimensions of end-of-life care, including the physical, psychological, spiritual, and interpersonal.
3. Support the use of evidence-based and ethical care, and support decision-making for care at the end of life.
4. Develop best practices to measure the quality and effectiveness of the counseling and interdisciplinary care patients and families receive regarding end-of-life decision-making and treatments.
5. Support research that examines the relationship of patient and family satisfaction and their utilization of health care resources in end-of-life care choices.
1. Promote work environments in which the standards for excellent care extend through the patient’s death and into post-death care for families.
2. Encourage facilities and institutions to support the clinical competence and professional development that will help nurses provide excellent, dignified, and compassionate end-of-life care.
3. Work toward a standard of palliative care available to patients and families from the time of diagnosis of a serious illness or an injury.
4. Support the development and integration of palliative care services for all in- and outpatients and their families.

solved a few of you asked me to come up with

a few of you asked me to come up with a list of possible topics for the final paper so here it goes. Please notice that our last weekly assignment is due this Thursday and it’s about Rip!, The Film. THERE IS NO WEEKLY ASSIGNMENT FOR WEEK 10, so that you can focus on writing your final paper. Also, you will find the Final Paper Assignment, the Attendance Quiz and the Long Listening list for Week 10 here in Canvas on Thursday evening.Now, this list of topics is not exhaustive by all means. I am adding to this list all the topics we addressed in class, whether directly or indirectly, plus artists that are included in the Long Listening Lists. This is to give you many options. Remember, the important thing about the paper is YOU AND YOUR OWN PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. So be creative! 😉 And, as always, feel free to reach out if you have any questions!POSSIBLE TOPICS FOR THE FINAL PAPER:FROM WEEK 6Women in Western concert music, Women composers, Diversity issues in Western concert/classical music, Anahita Abbasi, Lydia Brindamour, Celeste Oram, Tiange Zhou, Galina Utsvolskaya, Alicia Urreta, Helena Tulve, Kaija Saariaho, Maria Helena Rosas Fernandes, Eliane Radigue, Hilda Paredes, Younghi Pagh-Paan, Daphne Oram, Pauline Oliveros, Liza Lim, Sofia Gubaidulina, Unsuk Chin, Chen Yi, Wendy Carlos…FROM WEEK 7Indigenous peoples of the Americas and current musical practices, Cultural appropriation, Indigenous rock, hip hop, etc., Indigenous artists in experimental and concert music, Buffy Sainte-Marie, Raven Chacon, Tanya Tagaq, Inuit Throat Singing, Brent Michael Davids, A Tribe Called Red, Hamac Caziim, Bro MCs, Sak Tzevul, Rockdrigo Vargas, Joy Harjo, Benjamín Kumantuk Xuxpë; as examples of inappropriate cultural appropriation: Alok’s Yawanawa, Caroline Shaw’s Partita for 8 voices. FROM WEEK 8Music at the US-Mexico Border, Gloria Anzaldúa’s ideas/metaphors about the border, identity, border art and artists (Nepantla, Coyolxauhqui, etc), Peter Burke’s Cultural Hybridity concept, Norteño Music, Tejano or Conjunto Music, accordion and bajo sexto as identity markers, Nortec Collective (Bostich, Fussible, Hiperboreal, Panóptica, Terrestre, etc), Murcof, Haydée Jiménez, Glenn Weyant, Border Songs project by Robert Neustadt, Los Pingüinos del Norte, Los Tigres del Norte, Los Lobos, Grupo Codiciado, John Luther Adams’ “Inuksuit – A Border-Crossing Presentation”, led by UCSD Professor Steven Schick, Le Ra, Flaco Jiménez, Los CenzontlesFROM WEEK 9Leslie García aka Microhm, Fax, Ensenada Jazz, Enrique González Medina, Francisco Eme, Frida de la Sota aka Maki, Wilfrido Terrazas, Necking, Fandango FronterizoFROM WEEK 10Remix culture, copyright laws and music, sampling, RiP! A Remix Manifesto (film), Girl Talk, Negativland, internet sharing/downloading, Clyde Stubblefield, Lawrence Lessig, Creative Commons, MySpace, Danger Mouse, Brazilian Techno Brega and Baile Funk, DJ culture

solved You are required to watch the 1984 film “Amadeus”, directed

You are required to watch the 1984 film “Amadeus”, directed by Milos Forman, and write an essay based on it. The film is available on Youtube for $3.99. The price may have changed. The film is approximately 3 hours long.
This is a subjective film analysis, two to three pages in length, with the primary focus on the composer and the music itself. Be sure to write in paragraph form, with a clear Introduction, Middle and Conclusion. Use the following as a guideline and refer to all the questions in your film analysis.
Do not mention content that is not covered in the film. You will be assigned the grade of “0” if there is any material in your essay that is not covered in the film. For example: “This is a fictionalized biography”. This is not part of the film and should not be stated. There is no need to research any material on the WWW; the analysis needs to be yours. You may quote a line or two from the film. Be sure to put the quote in quotation marks, and state that it was from the film.

Regarding #1: There are two composers featured in the film; Antonio Salieri and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Mention both their names, then choose whose perspective you want to focus on.
Regarding #3: You can get the accurate title from the credits at the end of the film.
Regarding #5: Sociopolitical factors refers to social attitudes and political policies. For instance, in the film, there is a very important scene about language and the use of dance in Opera. Be sure to address this in your essay.
Foreign words, terms, and the names of the pieces should be written in Italics.

Was there a particular composer featured in this film?
What century (period) of music was covered?
Name one piece of music that was heard in the film. What was the genre of the piece? Discuss some musical characteristics of the piece.
What was conveyed of the main character (composer or performer) to reveal his attitude toward life?
What did you learn about the socio political factors that may have influenced music during the place and time of the story?
What personal/family factors affected the main character?
What things remained with you after seeing the film, particularly anything that expanded your knowledge?
How did it relate to class?
Did you have a particular emotional response or state of mind either throughout the film or at particular times?

in response to a piece of music.
in response to the story line.

What was your overall view of the film?
What message, if any, did you feel the film intended to portray?
Who do you think would benefit from seeing this film?
Would you recommend this film to others?
Any other information you would like to add, or any questions that you want to ask?

Format for the essay

Typed or computer generated.
12 point size font.
Times New Roman font.
Write the title of the essay in the center of the page.