solved Write a 2–3-page paper using APA format addressing the following:Describe

Write a 2–3-page paper using APA format addressing the following:Describe the differences between civil and criminal actions. This can also be explained as the distinction between crimes and torts. Specifically, address the goals and objectives of a civil case versus a criminal case, the differences in remedies and outcomes sought, how the commencement of each action differs, and how the players in each system differ. There are four distinct points to be addressed in this part of the paper.Describe a scenario (fact or fiction) in which the same conduct can be prosecuted as a crime and also brought as a civil action. An example here may be the OJ Simpson scenario. In your description, be sure to research and address the following:Explain the elements of the crime chosen, including the mens rea and actus reus. Be sure to provide a legal definition of the crime based on research. You can use your own state’s criminal definition here or rely on the Model Penal Code. Be sure to provide proper in-text and reference page citation for your authority.Indicate whether this crime is mala in se or mala prohibita and explain why.Note: This Assessment requires outside research. Use at least two credible sources beyond the text material and discuss how you evaluated the credibility of the resources used. You may consult the Library, the Internet, the textbook, other course materials, and any other outside resources in supporting your task, using proper citations in APA style.Minimum Submission RequirementsThis Assessment should be a Microsoft Word (2-3 page) document, in addition to the title and reference pages.Respond in a thorough manner, providing specific examples of concepts, topics, definitions, and other elements asked for in the questions. Your submission should be highly organized, logical, and focused.Your submission must be written in Standard English and demonstrate exceptional content, organization, style, and grammar and mechanics.Your submission should provide a clearly established and sustained viewpoint and purpose.Your writing should be well ordered, logical and unified, as well as original and insightful.A separate page at the end of your submission should contain a list of references, in APA format. Use your textbook, the Library, and the internet for research.Be sure to cite both in-text and reference list citations where appropriate and reference all sources. Your sources and content should follow proper APA citation style. Review the writing resources for APA formatting and citation found in Academic Tools. Additional writing resources can be found within the Academic Success Center.Your submission should:include a cover sheet;be double-spaced;be typed in Times New Roman, 12 -point font;include correct citationsbe written in Standard English with no spelling or punctuation errors; andinclude correct references at the bottom of the last page.

solved (Links to an external site.)1. Four Feet Two Sand (Links to an external site.)1. Four Feet Two Sandals (Williams, Mohammed, 2007) (Links to an external site.)Dreamers (Morales, 2018)America is Her Name (Rodriguez, 1998) (See Week One Module on Canvas for Book Read) (Links to an external site.)Amazing Grace (Hoffman, 1991)Hope is not only audacious, it is substantial. Hope is what allows us to deal with problems creatively. In order to deal with fear, we have to mobilize hope. Hope is one of the most precious gifts we can give each other and the people we work with to make change….We all have a story of self. What’s utterly unique about each of us is not the categories we belong to; what’s utterly unique to us is our own journey of learning to be a full human being, a faithful person. And those journeys are never easy. They have their challenges, their obstacles, their crises. We learn to overcome them, and because of that we have lessons to teach. In a sense, all of us walk around with a text from which to teach, the text of our own lives (Ganz,2009) (Links to an external site.) We are all here to wake up our dreams into becoming a new reality – a new story of who we always have been, want to become, and aspire to be.READ Read and review all four (4) books listed above for thoughtful critical analysis.Read the article posted here: “Why Stories Matter” (Ganz, 2009).Ponder with sensitivity and critical literacy the following Threaded PromptQUESTION: If you were to link all four (4) of these books together with two (2) unifying themes, what would they be? An example of a theme might be love, family, war, displacement, separation, friendship, dreams, hopes, etc.. There are no wrong answers here! WRITE1. Type the two (2) themes you have chosen in capital letters on the top of your discussion2. Type four (4) Paragraphs: Follow with a thoughtful discussion paragraph about how each one of these books connects with the two (2) shared themes you have chosen to explore. List each book separately in your discussion with a new paragraph for each book explored. Introduce the book you are discussing by typing your Book Title in italics Follow the Book Title with the last name of the author and the date of publication. See above for correct APA format:)Include inside of your discussion one supportive citation derived from the article “Why Stories Matter” (Ganz, 2009). Use APA format. For example: “QUOTE HERE” (Ganz, 2009).200 word minimum RESPOND3. Type a respectful response to one of your classmates 50 word minimum POSTTake care to make sure that you are responding to this threaded discussion within your correct class section please:). Discussion Threads are timed. Take care to submit before due date.

solved In epidemiology, we often use research, data, and statistics to

In epidemiology, we often use research, data, and statistics to help mitigate outbreaks, epidemics, and pandemics.To measure the rate in which a disease spreads, we often develop a statistical distribution curve. Review the graph comparison between a normal curve and a flattened curve and then answer the questions:1. Looking at the graphic, why is it important to flatten the curve?2. In which ways do health care leaders use epidemiological statistics and data to improve or prevent the spread of diseases?Part 2: replies toDuprex: The red curve represents a large percentage of people getting sick in a short period due to the absence of protective measures. The blue curve is showing how protective measures can flatten this curve out and hospitals will be able to care for those who get really sick. The protective measures can also help a lot of people avoid hospital visits. Health care leaders can use these statistics to educate the public on how important it is to control the spread of a disease. When we look at COVID-19, the vaccination is being promoted as a protective measure that needs the majority of the population to act in order to stretch out the cases over a long period of time (Gavin, 2020). If the cases are stretched out over time, we can avoid overpopulated hospitals which will also improve the quality of care given because the staff wouldn’t be as overwhelmed.Paulette: It’s important to flatten the curve to reduce the rising rates during an epidemic. The covid 19 epidemic is such a pandemic that the curve needs to be flattened now instead of later. As a health care worker, flattening the curve also stops the overload of work on doctors, nurses and all health care personnel which can lead to workers becoming overwhelmed which can lead to stress and/or depression for everyone involved. Flattening the curve can also slow the spread of the virus and reduce the number of people catching the virus, becoming sick and dying from the virus. When the curve flattens, there’s usually an increase in the number of cases a day which leads to a decrease in the actual pandemic. During the flattening of the curve, you want to prevent peaks of the virus or infection from happening which gives more time for vaccines (such as pfizer, moderna and johnson & johnson) to be developed and to start working. Health care leaders use epidemiological statistics and data to improve or prevent the spread of disease by data collection and targeting and implementing evidence based control measures in order to protect the public. Epidemiologists investigates and identifies the root cause of any particular diesease to provide the health and safety of all individuals. Collecting data is key and identifying the most important data from reliable sources is very much needed. Data then would need to be analyzed and if more data is needed it must be done expeditiously and effeciently

solved Reword and rewrite this students response. Make it seem as

Reword and rewrite this students response. Make it seem as if its another student who wrote it. Should be around 300-350 words.The many solutions that Nancy Fraser brings up are very important to think about especially in the context of today’s political climate. Many people advocate for one solution or the other, however, the most necessary solution for the issues of today’s society and economy would be understanding the different perspectives of the issues. I like Fraser’s way of explaining intersectionality a little more compared to Crenshaw’s way of explaining intersectionality because I feel that Crenshaw’s explanation is a lot more limited in thinking. Fraser’s “folk paradigms’ of justice has a lot more elaboration on the idea of intersectionality and how it works for all forms of identity. As well as using these paradigms to create solutions is very interesting. The way that there is no real solution but to understand the different perspective, tells a lot about how issues could be easily solved if people weren’t so stubborn and close-minded. If everyone kept an open-mind and tried to understand how others struggle with their own struggles based on their socioeconomic status or their chosen identity, I feel that we would come a lot closer to an equal and peaceful society.In this week’s lecture, we looked at the claims that ‘capitalism’ helps save the environment and the position that ‘capitalism’ destroys the environment. First, the position that supports capitalism helps to save the environment said if the world economy becomes rich, people will use nature less. On the other hand, the argument that capitalism destroys the environment is that the capitalist economy creates a cycle of boom and bust, but people recklessly build many factories when the economy is booming. After all, people produce more than they want to buy, which means people are wasting.I think the argument that capitalism destroys the environment is more convincing. Capitalism has flourished for centuries, exploiting nature. It is considering nature as an “unstoppable” source of resources for production or waste disposal. However, the Earth’s ability to ‘stand through’ the destructive effects of capital is now at its limit. The desire for capital to grow without stopping has led to the suspension of the complex natural cycle formed over millions of years. This led to a crack in the ‘matter metabolism’ between society and nature (to borrow Marx’s expression). This devastating trend is directly linked to the social and material deprivation of hundreds of millions of people suffering from poverty, unemployment, and unstable employment. Capitalism is accompanied by this destructive tendency to guarantee profit and reproduction.Therefore, no matter how people can make capitalism environmentally friendly, I think the argument that capitalism destroys the environment is more convincing.

solved Purpose of assignment: To practice revision skills by revising your

Purpose of assignment: To practice revision skills by revising your Week 6 Rough Draft.
Procedure: For this assignment, you will revise your Rough Draft by considering the feedback you have received from your instructor and fellow classmates. Please note that revision is not the same as fixing-errors. While you are expected to proofread your final paper carefully, you will also need to consider global and local revisions. (See your textbook for definitions of these terms.) The goal is to write the best paper you can, and, while you have received feedback from readers (your instructor and the class), the choices of what and how to revise are up to you.
However, please note that your revision must show significant effort to improve the quality of your writing. This may include (but is not limited to) the following:
strengthening your argument
narrowing the focus of your topic
reconsidering your audience, purpose, or exigence
writing a more compelling introduction
clarifying your thesis
tightening organization
using credible sources or more fully integrating the sources you have
wrapping up your paper with a satisfying conclusion
citing and documenting sources correctly.
*Simply correcting errors does not count as revision. Writing a new paper on a different topic also does not count as revision.
The criteria for this assignment are the same as for your Week 6 Rough Draft:
Purpose of assignment: To compose a rough draft of an academic paper, using exigence, audience, purpose, and research.
Procedure: In previous assignments and discussions, you have selected a topic to write about, explored its exigence, audience, purpose, and researched the topic using credible, scholarly sources. Now you will put it all together into a rough draft.
The purpose of your essay (to define, to evaluate, or to propose) will be up to you, but your essay must demonstrate a clear purpose.
The audience for your essay can be any group of readers who are affected by or interested in your topic. However, there must be a clear and specific sense of addressed and invoked audiences.
The purpose of this essay is not to prove whether you are right or wrong, but to show that you understand the topic well from multiple angles so you can represent it fairly and contribute in a meaningful way to an ongoing conversation about it. You may think of your essay as an “argument of inquiry”: intended to lead your audience to a deeper understanding of an issue that affects them.
Your rough draft should meet the following guidelines:
1.Between 900 and 1200 words
2.Includes quotations, paraphrases, and summaries from four or more scholarly sources representing more than one side of the issue
3.Qualifies authors (i.e., shows why your sources are credible)
4.Withholds personal opinion
5.Is written in third person
6.Multimodal elements, such as photos or graphics, may be included at your discretion

solved Instructions for the primary source analysis worksheet:Using the internet to

Instructions for the primary source analysis worksheet:Using the internet to conduct your research, locate a primary source document Your document should be directly related to American history and come from the time period described in the assignment Answer the questions in the worksheet after you have read your chosen primary source carefully.Be sure to explain your answers in detail, especially in questions sure to put substantial effort into your answers. Your interpretation and analysis of the document is key to successfully finishing this assignment.Copy and paste the worksheet into your word program, type in your answers in the space below each question. then send in a pdf Save a copy of your worksheet and don’t forget to provide a link to your source. This is essential, as I would like to see your source as well as your interpretation of the source in your worksheet. Remember, YOUR SOURCE MUST BE PRIMARY AND MUST BE FROM THE SPECIFIC TIME PERIOD REQUIRED. Secondary sources are not acceptable, you will be severely downgraded if your source is not primary or if it is not from the time period assigned.Some excellent web sites for finding primary sources are the modern history sourcebook, history matters,, and the American memory. These are only a few, there are numerous sites with primary sources in American History.If you have a particular subject you are interested in, for example Theodore Roosevelt, then try typing the following into your google search box: Theodore Roosevelt + primary sources. This should filter out all of the sites related to Roosevelt that do not have primary sources. Here are the questions:Remember, the date of the document must be 1865-1928, and the document must be related to United States history.You must answer the following 9 questions (not in essay format). Copy and paste the questions into your word processing program:PRIMARY SOURCE ANALYSIS WORKSHEETTYPE OF DOCUMENT:_____NEWSPAPER _____PHOTOGRAPH _____BILL/LAW_____LETTER _____TELEGRAM _____CONGRESSIONAL RECORD_____POLTITCAL CARTOON _____PRESS RELEASE _____CENSUS REPORT_____DIARY ENTRY _____REPORT ____________________________________________________________________OTHER (BE SPECIFIC):WEB ADDRESS OF THE DOCUMENT:____________________________________________DATE(S) OF THE DOCUMENT:AUTHOR (OR CREATOR) OF THE DOCUMENT:FOR WHAT AUDIENCE WAS THE DOCUMENT WRITTEN?QUOTE 3 THINGS STATED IN THE DOCUMENT THAT YOU THINK ARE IMPORTANT AND EXPLAIN WHYEACH IS IMPORTANT:A.B.C. EXPLAIN IN DETAIL WHY YOU THINK THIS DOCUMENT WAS WRITTEN:WHAT EVIDENCE IN THE DOCUMENT HELPED YOU TO KNOW WHY IT WAS WRITTEN?LIST AND EXPLAIN AT LEAST 2 THINGS THE DOCUMENT THAT TELL YOU ABOUT LIFE IN THE UNITED STATES AT THE TIME THE DOCUMENT WAS WRITTEN. A. B.WRITE A QUESTION TO THE AUTHOR THAT IS LEFT UNANSWERED BY THE DOCUMENT.NOTE THIS ASSIGNMENT IS PRIMARY SOURCE NOT SECONDAY SOURCE!!

solved assignment one:Your paper for this assignment should be approximately 1

assignment one:Your paper for this assignment should be approximately 1 1/2 pages.Go to the following website (use word link or URL below) and watch the video of Kaleb on the playground. As you watch the video, make observation notes of Kaleb’s actions and behaviors.Results Matter Series: Video Clip — Kaleb on the Playground (opens in a new window)… After watching the video, type answers to the following two questions:1) Kaleb appears to be 3 – 4 years old. What do you notice about his behavior? How does it compare to typical 3 – 4 year old children? Is there any aspect of his behavior you would be concerned about?2) What are some strategies you might use to assist Kaleb to be more included with the other children and to practice and develop social and communication skills? Describe at least three specific strategies/activities. Consider topics covered in this course (benefits of inclusion; adaptive technology; teaching strategies such as embedded learning, etc.), the two articles, “Making Friends” and “Play for Children with Severe and Profound Disabilities”, and the ideas for co-active play posted under Readingsassignment two: No required format. Just complete in separate word document than first assignment. Quick discussion board post, 2 paragraphs max. Review the attached notes (“EDU221.Notes.DisabilityHandicap.doc”) regarding the terms “disability” and “handicap” from earlier in the semester. Discuss the following:Why is it important to know the difference in meaning between these two terms?How can knowing the difference between these two terms affect our work with young children with special needs in early childhood classrooms? Please give specific examples incorporating what you have learned this semester (e.g., about assessment, inclusion, assistive technology, teaching strategies, etc.)assignment three:MLA format. complete in separate word document than first two assignments. one paragraph for each question is fine. The Teachers Viewpoint Behavior ProblemsFrom what you have learned over the semester and the chapter readings, review the scenario and answer the questions:Jessica is a first-year, first-grade teacher who has 21 students in her class. During reading time, she has divided the class into three groups. Parent volunteers assist her with the two groups she is not working with. She struggles to keep the students focused. There is at least one group that is always arguing or being disrespectful to the parent volunteers. One student in particular has been sent to the office on a weekly basis due to her outbursts and a lack of respect. 1) What strategies might Jessica use to regain control of the classroom when she is working with a group?2) What type of data might she use to measure improvement?3) What strategies might Jessica employ to address the needs of the disruptive student?

solved Context: We have been exploring the basic concepts of critical

Context: We have been exploring the basic concepts of critical thinking, concepts that you might already know and practice, but are now learning names for. In this assignment, you will show your expanding familiarity with the concepts of critical thinking by reading an opinionated article critically and analyzing the author’s strategies.Guiding questions:What is the author’s aim in writing this piece?What rhetorical methods do they employ to attempt to achieve that aim?Are they likely to succeed?Essay ElementsYou will need to include in the body of your paper (near the beginning) a critical summary that addresses the following :You will definitely want to include these core elements in your paper:Rhetorical context: Who is the author? Where was the piece published? When was the piece written, and why was it written at that time? (This information is available in the blurb that precedes each article in the textbook. Conduct any additional research as necessary.)Purpose: What does the author intend to achieve with this piece of writing? (This may be distinct from the argument that is made on paper.)Summary: What is the argument?In your analysis, you will then analyze the author’s different rhetorical strategies, which might include any of the following (you do not necessarily need to address all points):What kind of reasoning (inductive, deductive)?Is the reasoning sound or credible?Are there fallacies?What evidence is used?Is any evidence ignored or left out?Are all points of view considered?Appeals: to emotion (pathos)? to logic (logos)? to authority (ethos)?Tone and style: What sense does the author give you of his or her credibility? What is his or her attitude toward the subject? What feeling does the language give? Are there words or terms that are used that are contested?\Your analysis should be aimed at someone who has not read the piece. That is why it is important you include a critical summary.The paper should be no less than 1500 words and no more than 2000 words. Other guidelines:You should not analyze every item in the list above. Instead, choose the author’s rhetorical strategies that are the most notable and revealing.The thesis of this paper should answer the primary questions: What is the purpose of this piece of writing, and does it succeed in its aim? It is important that your thesis evaluates the success of the article in accomplishing its aim.Since this is the culmination of the Concepts of Critical Thinking unit, be sure that your essay demonstrates your understanding of deductive and inductive reasoning, fallacies, etc.Do include an introduction and a conclusionAnalyze the piece in well structured paragraphs that use evidence and support your thesis. Double space your paper, and include a list of Works Cited in MLA format. We will go over this in class.Article link:…

solved One of the goals of Health Service Managers is to

One of the goals of Health Service Managers is to achieve a basic level of competency in epidemiology to address issues such as population health and chronic disease. Health Service Managers also research consumer spending to help contribute to the practice of Health Services Management research. You will gain foundational skills by developing an Income and Expense Budget in Microsoft Excel to meet the annual financial goal of the department at a healthcare organization. In this assignment, you will complete the income and expense budget, then write a one-page summary using the “Sample Paper” format to describe your data to your department head.BackgroundYou recently were hired at a high-performing medical center as a Health Service Manager in the Orthopedic Department. One of your first tasks was to create an income and expense budget. Your department head also said that within the next three months you will need to conduct research and use the income and expense budget to determine the Medicare and Medicaid patient populations (i. e. children, pregnant women, parents, seniors, and individuals with disabilities). The department head also commented that initially, the government paid 100% under the ACA between 2014-2016. The states will have to pay their percentage and manage the increasing costs by tapping into tax revenues, making hospitals help, and adding work requirements and premiums (the data showed the government payments in 2016: 100%, 2017: 95%, 2018: 94%, 2019: 93%, and 2020 and each year thereafter 90%). The states began paying the difference in the percentage costs in 2017.AssignmentDownload and use the format in the “Sample Paper.”Review and Analyze the Video: Income and Expenditure Spreadsheet at the data the table below to create your expense budget, create the date, and reference numbers.Income ExpendituresProcedure A, Hip Replacement 10,000 Inventory 5000Procedure B, Back Surgery 13,000 Supplies 4000Procedure C, Knee Replacement 15,500 Admin Salary 1000Procedure D, Hip Fracture 5,000 Physician Salary 3000 Procedure E, Pediatric Surgery 5,000 Nurse Salary 2000 Procedure A, Hip Replacement 5,000 Admin Salary 2000 Procedure A, Hip Replacement 2,000 Physician Salary 4000 Procedure C, Knee Replacement 10,000 Nurse Salary 3000 Procedure C, Knee Replacement 5,000Use the three-table format provided in the video and create the Excel spreadsheet.Create a thesis statement based on your findings from the Income less Expenditures. Write a 1-page paper in APA (2020) format. Include a cover page, and attach your budget in MS Excel as Appendix A. The paper should follow the SESC format of state, explain, support, and conclude, see the “Sample Paper.” Hint: Remember to describe Appendix A in your paper.Review the Rubric to maximize points.TEXTBOOK:

solved Interventions for Health Promotion Case 1Case 2Case 3 Cases S.M.

Interventions for Health Promotion

Case 1Case 2Case 3 Cases
S.M. is a nurse practitioner in a large midwestern city. Today she is participating in a health fair at the Islamic Cultural Center. She is anticipating attendance by many families of Arab-American descent.
S.M. knows common health issues in Arab Americans include cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Her goals today are to gain the trust of the families she meets, learn about their health behaviors, provide education about healthy lifestyles, and arrange any follow-up care that may be needed.
C.B. is a student nurse practitioner completing her practicum in an office practice She assists the community with blood pressure and immunization clinics. The primary roles in this setting are education and health prevention.
C.B. has completed a population assessment and determined that the community is lacking in organized physical activities. The community that she is working in has a diverse age group between 56 and 87 years of age, with the majority of the residents being between 70 and 74 years of age. The members of the community are active in the health screenings and clinics and enjoy including the nursing staff in their activities.
D.Z. is a holistic nurse practitioner in a large multispecialty clinic. She works in the offices of surgeons, internists, and OBGYNs. Because the client population is so culturally diverse, D.Z. was hired to serve as a liaison between the providers of conventional healing and complementary and alternative healing practices.
One of D.Z. clients is M.L. She is 3 years old and has a seizure disorder. M.L. parents rely on traditional medicine to cure their daughter’s seizures. They believe her seizures are caused by the spirits. Their compliance with M.L daily anti-seizure medicine and follow-up appointments has been poor.
Questions for the case
During the health fair, S.M. assesses her clients’ risk factors, including person-dependent factors and
environmental-dependent factors. List at least 3 examples of a person-dependent factors and environmental dependent-factors
Which are the recommendations according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for older adults regarding type, quantity and quality of exercise per week? 
Please define and describe Acupuncture as a therapeutic alternative and its indications.
Once you received your case number; answer the specific question on the table above. Then, continue to discuss the 3 topics listed below for your case:

Define and describe the primary goals of screening.
Discuss your thoughts on the relationship between economics and nutrition. How would you advise people of low socioeconomic status to eat healthy on a budget? How would you respond to patients whose financial restraints limit their access to food?
Identify potential barriers to patient teaching and how you would address these barriers.