solved Once you graduate and obtain your first job out of

Once you graduate and obtain your first job out of your Master of Social Work program, you may be asked to identify the gaps in services at your new agency. You may be asked to create a new group or help to identify a new evidence-based intervention that can be introduced to the clients. Understanding how to research the current literature, and then choose and evaluate an intervention, is an important component of being a successful social worker. For this course, you have researched new and interesting interventions that are currently being used with children, adolescents, adults, and the elderly. Further, you have explored the importance of connecting theory to practice.For this Assignment, use will practice steps in Evidence-Based Practice. 1) You will think of a practice problem. 2) You then conduct a literature review on available research. 3) You will evaluate the evidence to determine which intervention to use. 4) You will consider client values and your clinical expertise. 5) You will think about what you hope the client gains from this intervention (i.e., decreased depression, increased quality of life, decreased PTSD symptoms) and consider how you might measure this change.To prepare:Choose a population of interest to you.ChildrenAdolescentsAdultsElderly/AgingChoose a presenting problem (depression, family conflict, homelessness, etc.) related to the population of interest.Conduct a literature review focused on the presenting problem within the population of interest.Submit an 8- to 10-page scholarly paper supported with a minimum of six peer-reviewed articles as references. In the paper, you should:Briefly describe the population and presenting problem you are focusing on for this assignment.Provide a review of the articles you reviewed from this project and explain what you learned from conducting this research.Briefly describe at least 2 evidence-based interventions currently used for your chosen population when addressing this particular problem. Provide supporting references when explaining the evidence behind the interventions.Explain which of these interventions you might choose to use and why.Consider client values and your clinical expertise and how those might affect your decision of which intervention to use.Describe how you might apply the specific skills and techniques of the chosen intervention.Briefly explain how you could measure the outcomes of this intervention.Explain any cultural considerations that you need to take into account when working with this population or the particular presenting problem.Discuss how the Code of Ethics applies when working with this particular presenting problem and population.Explain how you would apply a trauma-informed lens when working with this population.Support your Final Project with specific references to the resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.

solved Please choose ONE: 1) How does Nell Irvin Painter’s reading

Please choose ONE:
1) How does Nell Irvin Painter’s reading help you understand the evolution of women’s organizing through the nineteenth and the early twentieth centuries? You should consider the women’s struggles in terms of gender, race, and class. To support your argument, please cite and discuss two examples from the reading.
2) How do Marcus Garvey’s speeches help you understand the emergence and movement of the “New Negro”? Your answer should include (1) who Garvey is, (2) what visions he had and what he did, and (3) what the “New Negro” movement is. For your answer, please cite and discuss two examples from his speeches. You can also cite other class materials of Week 1 and 2, if these are helpful.
3) What kind of contradictions can we see between Woodrow Wilson’s 14 Points and Marcus Garvey & Ho Chi Minh’s visions of self-determination? You should compare the visions of Garvey, Ho, and Wilson. To support your argument, please cite and discuss two examples from Week 2 class materials.
Ken Burns: “The Vietnam War” on Ho Chi Minh:…

Student 1: 3) Tilly’s discussion on social movements can be applied to the Great Migration because this event could be considered a social movement. According to Tilly, social movements are performances or campaigns of gatherings of individuals to engage in a common social goal, especially politics. In Baldwin’s reading, the Great Migration played a big role in the ideas that created “Chicago’s New Negroes,” which also could be considered as a social movement as many people had the same goal in reconsidering the cultural and intellectual life, in which Baldwin calls it “the metropolis.” During the Great Migration, black people moved from the south to the north in motivation of issues like hope for greater economic opportunities and because of political oppression in the south, which relates to Tilly’s discussion. The Great Migration is called this because of the significant amount of people that all had the same goal and moved to make their goal a success, similar to how Tilly discusses social movements.
Student 2: Social movements, according to Charles Tilly, are a series of divisive acts, exhibitions, and contests in which common citizens establish collective claims on others (Berry, 3). Social movements, according to Tilly, are a primary channel for ordinary people’s participation in politics and are essential. A social movement entails long-term collective mobilization through either informal or formal organization, with the goal of bringing about changes in the current relational structure. Ideology has a crucial role in social movements (Berry, 2). On the basis of shared collective identities, social movements are characterized as networks of informal interactions between a diversity of individuals involved in political struggles.

solved I don’t understand this Management question and need help to

I don’t understand this Management question and need help to study.

In your post, consider the impact of one of the following topics and how it influences safety and quality:

The Affordable Care Act
Pay for performance/value-based reimbursement
Meaningful use
Core measures
Joint Commission accreditation
CMS reimbursement requirements

Select one of the topics listed above and indicate how that factor influences safety and quality in the healthcare industry.

In responses to your peers, share if you believe their arguments are sound. Use the literature and your learnings from previous modules to support your observation.
Post 1
The CMS reimbursement requirements has greatly impact the quality of health care due to facilities receiving inadequate reimbursement for services rendered due to failure to meet the requirement. This topic has forced facilities to prioritize quality areas and change process to meet the standards for optimal reimbursement. Preventable and sentinel events are no longer covered under the CMS reimbursement guidelines, as such facilities have adopted rigorous proactive approaches versus the previous reactive approaches. The HAI was noted to be absent on admission and occurred during utilization of services. CMS also made sure the facility could not bill the beneficiary for the difference in reimbursement due to the acquired infection. According to Stone et al., (201), the Healthcare Associated Infection (HAI) affect 2 million patients per year or about 5% of acute hospital admissions. Due to the change in payments a conceptual model was adopted including provider behaviors, organization culture, and environmental factors. Each domain was noted to affect clinical outcomes and in return reimbursement for services. The CMS reimbursement requirements affected facilities’ bottom line which in turn promoted meaningful change to alter clinical outcomes and ensure quality of delivery of services.
Post 2
I am sure many of us who are in this class have nightmarish thoughts when the term “JHACO” is heard. Healthcare workers typically attempt to be off of work when JHACO tours, or hides in various nooks and crannies within the hospital. However, JHACO accreditation is associated with higher quality of care and a higher level of patient safety. It has been shown that there was significant improvements in regulatory compliance when medical centers become accredited (Alkhenizan & Shaw, 2011). To further support this, patients treated in accredited medical institutions receiver a higher amount of quality care when compare to those that were not (Alkhenizan & Shaw, 2011).
Due to the Joint Commissions enforcement of quality measures and ability to report their findings to governmental agencies, it is in their best interest, both publically and financially, to follow all of the quality measures set forth (Kobayashi, et al., 2021). 

solved The Matchlock Gun (1941) is a novelization of a historical

The Matchlock Gun (1941) is a novelization of a historical event as the author’s preface makes clear so be sure to read it. Thus the book is a historical novel which, as my presentation A make clear, usually has the didactic purpose of drawing a lesson from the past that the author believes is necessary to emphasize or relearn in the present. It is also a boy’s book which usually has the didactic purpose of presenting to the male protagonist a challenge which shows what is required to be a man.You may choose a focus for this assignment. If you wish to analyze the novel as a historical fiction, choose option A. If you prefer to analyze it as a boy’s book, choose option B. In either response, you may consider how the illustrations contribute to the didactic impact of the story.Option A: An Historical Novel:The “present” for the original readers of this book was the late 1930’s and early 1940’s. If you have studied European history, you will recall that in 1939 World War II broke out, a war in which Nazi Germany fought Great Britain, Russia, and other European nations. After the outbreak of in 1939, the American public found itself with conflicting opinions: it disliked seeing the Nazi state triumph over European democracies like Great Britain, but it also hated the idea of Americans fighting and dying in a foreign war. From 1939-1941 fierce debates raged in public whether to choose intervention or neutrality. On December 7, 1941, Japan attacked the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, and the Americans declared war on Japan on December 8. Although not involved in the Pearl Harbor attack, Nazi Germany declared war the United States the same day. The United States in turn declared war on Germany. Thus Edmond’s book appeared in 1941 during the debate over intervention vs. neutrality. What didactic lesson(s) would you deduce from the book applicable to the period 1939-1941? Respond with an essay of about 200-250 words.Option B: A Boy’s BookEdward, the protagonist in the book, finds that he and his family is in the middle of a crisis when their farm and the farm of other European settlers in the Mohawk Valley come under attack from a Native American tribe, the Iroqouis. Because his father has left the farm, 10 year-old Edward is the only male remaining with his Mother and sister. When an Iroqouis raiding party actually attacks the farm, Edward must act. Happily for himself and his family, he acts successfully.Write description of Edward in this story. What lesson(s) about how to step up and assume a man’s role in the crisis would a boy reader carry away? What is Edward like before the crisis? What motivates him to act? How did he know how to act? Who, if anyone, guided him in the proper action? How does Edward feel afterward? What needs to be remembered from this event. Respond with an essay of about 200-250 words.

solved Part 1 (Section 2) During Week 2, much focus is

Part 1 (Section 2) During Week 2, much focus is placed on various strategic thinking models and the impact upon the overall organizational strategic process. Now that you have a broad knowledge of your chosen organization, it is time to dig a bit deeper into the structure and the process by which decisions are made within the company. Define the specific organizational design and the governance structure of the chosen company. Support your choices with specific examples and research.
During Week 1, you researched and identified a specific problem or challenge the organization is experiencing. Describe the challenge and explain why it is a problem for the organization. Include how the problem is or has the potential to affect the strategies of the company. Be specific and support your findings.
Section 2 of the paper 
The Section 2 of the Capstone Paper

Part 2 (Section 3) When an organization is faced with a challenge, or perhaps a new opportunity, care must be taken to properly diagnose the issues at hand so that proper actions are developed to accomplish the task in the most effective manner possible. During Week 2, you clearly defined a challenge for your chosen organization. During Week 3, you will develop a SWOT analysis targeting specifics of the organization that will impact the potential outcomes of the challenge.
Prior to building the SWOT analysis, review the following web pages for ideas and guidance on developing proper questioning for the analysis:

SWOT Analysis (Links to an external site.)
SWOT Analysis: How to Develop a Strategy for Success (Links to an external site.)
What is a SWOT Analysis, and How to Do It Right (With Examples) (Links to an external site.)
SWOT Analysis: What Is It and When To Use It (Links to an external site.)

Develop a SWOT analysis for the organization you are researching for your Final Paper. Define one or two findings for each section of the SWOT analysis that would be pertinent and specific to the outcome of the challenge identified during Week 2. For each section of the SWOT:

provide a definition for the section,
define a characteristic of the organization for the section, and use the defined questioning as the catalyst for the characteristic
and then, tell why that finding is important to resolving the challenge.

EXAMPLE: Using scholarly research, define the letter S in SWOT. Then, through research, define a strength of the organization that is vital to resolving the challenge defined during Week 2. Include the reasoning as to why the strength is important and relate your findings to your SWOT questions. Continue this process for each letter of the SWOT analysis.
Conclude this section of the paper with a paragraph briefly discussing the importance of the findings and how they will help reach a logical solution to the challenge and the possible type of strategy that best fits the process.

solved Students will analyze a song/album (that can be used as

Students will analyze a song/album (that can be used as a source for their topic) that may or may not relate to the issues they have chosen.They have two main goals: (1) to identify and explain the argument/ issue made by the song and(2) to make a research-based argument about the effectiveness of the song/s for the given audience. The critical analysis essay will include at least two outside sources and will be4-5 pages in length. Because if the nature of this assignment- the two sources do not have to be found on the Baylor Library, but try to use credible sources. Please also include your song/album in your works cited page. (you can google how to cite a song in MLA format.) Tips to get started:Analyze the Rhetorical Situation (TRACE) Text: What kind of text/song is it? What is it about?Reader: What is your initial position on the issue? How can you modify your position on the issue?Author/Artist: Who is the author? What do you know or can you infer about this person?Constraints: What constraining circumstances influence the author’s and your responses to the subject?Exigence: What happened to cause this argument?3.Read/ listen and analyze Write a one sentence summary statement of the author’s claim (e.g., “The author is arguing…”)Describe the support the author gives for this position (e.g., “… because x, y, and z.”)List the author’s/ artist’s strongest points. Next, identify any of the artist’s/author’s points you believe should be modified (e.g., “okay, but…”). Develop your responseChoose a model for your response (circle one): Disagree with certain ideas presented in the text.Interpret or reflect on your own experience related to the ideas of the song/album. – still avoid first personExpand on a specific assertion made within the essay. Write a one sentence statement of your claim (i.e. your thesis)Evaluate your thesis by considering the following questions:Is this thesis clear? Does it give the reader a specific expectation of the direction my essay will take?Does it answer the question “What do I want to prove?”Have I generated adequate details to support the thesis?Describe the support (i.e., evidence and examples from your own experiences —please do not use other sources in this essay) you will offer for your position.ConclusionThink of your response as you entering into a conversation with the essay’s author. Instead of merely repeating your main points in your conclusion, consider the larger picture. End on a strong note! Describe the ways in which your position strengthens that of the essay you are responding to. Does your conclusion answer the question, “so what?” Why is your contribution to this subject significant? Analysis is your ideas and thoughts (in this case about your song/artist/time period/ lyrics/ society , etc) and you can use your sources to support your ideas and thoughts.

solved Section one will ask you to identify six out of

Section one will ask you to identify six out of nine from the list of identification terms below. Please write a short paragraph explaining the “who, what, where, when, and why” of the following, paying particular attention to the “why” (or “so what”). The majority of points will be awarded based on your understanding of the importance of the term within the context of this course. That is to say, how does the person, concept, event, or idea contribute to an understanding of a larger point in this course (to restate the point: I grade based on course materials, not Wikipedia entries)? Each term counts for ten points (a total of sixty points). You will not receive extra points for answering more than six.Choose six from the following list:HaussmannizationAletta JacobsZionism“Reds” vs. “Whites”Popular FrontAnschlussImre NagyFNL (Front for National Liberation)SolidarityQuestion 2 (1 point)undefinedSection two asks you to write an essay in response to the prompt below. Excellent essays will treat evidence addressing multiple components of the question and make use of at least three relevant primary sources from Lualdi’s sourcebook (I would certainly count Solzhenitsyn’s A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich as one of those three sources). The essay is worth forty points. There is no predetermined length to the essay. Quality surely trumps quantity. Strive to provide specific examples for the points you make. I will not assess writing in the exam, and I recognize that time is a limiting factor. I don’t expect you to regurgitate the entire textbook or quote directly from the textbook or primary sources. Essay prompt: Please evaluate the following excerpt from a speech made by a European politician in 1969. In your opinion, does this quote accurately reflect European social, political, cultural, and imperial developments from the mid-nineteenth century to 1989?“I am revolted by the ‘68ers, the women’s movement, the increasing bitterness toward the State, and the widespread influence that former colonists have on our youth. How could anyone find in Mao Zedong or Ho Chi Minh something to applaud? History repeatedly demonstrates to us that it is only the vision and forethought of men who run the State that can explain the extension of rights that so many take for granted. It was men who fought in the trenches for democracy in the First World War, and men who stormed the beaches of Normandy! The tensions between the ‘West’ and the ‘East’ now can only be solved by the experiences and foresight of our leaders…by the examples set by our forefathers who above all else recognized the superiority of our democracies and Western values. If the ‘68ers would take the time to study the past, they would see that Great Men have built the social, political, and economic institutions that they seem intent to tear down!”

solved Many two-earner or dual-career marriages struggle with many issues in

Many two-earner or dual-career marriages struggle with many issues in their marriage and family, and your textbook addresses some of the challenges couples need to negotiate. The first major issue questions if it is even possible and practical for two-income couples to have a family or is it better to opt out and have stay-at-home moms and neotraditional families.

What do you see as the advantages and disadvantages of two-earner or dual-career marriages as opposed to neotraditional families?
Do other cultures support new families and child rearing better than what is described in the video? How? Be specific.
Should public policy address these issues? Why? How?

The second challenge dual-income couples face is negotiating provider roles. It is clear from current research that American men are still unlikely to share household tasks equally with their wives, even if both have careers.

Do you agree with the results of this research and how much has it changed over the years? If you are married how do you and your spouse divvy up household work and are you satisfied with your arrangements? If one spouse earns more than the other, or if their career is more demanding, should that spouse be exempted from some of the household chores?

Read and respond to 2 of your classmates. 
Watch this TED Talk:
How America Fails New Parents — and Their Babies | Jessica Shortall | TED Talks (YouTube 15:45) (Links to an external site.)

What do you see as the advantages and disadvantages of two-earner or dual-career marriages as opposed to neotraditional families?
Do other cultures support new families and child rearing better than what is described in the video? How? Be specific.
Should public policy address these issues? Why? How?

The second challenge dual-income couples face is negotiating provider roles. It is clear from current research that American men are still unlikely to share household tasks equally with their wives, even if both have careers.
Watch this TED Talk:
Mothers, work and well-being | Anke Plagnol | TEDxBerlin (YouTube 14:31) (Links to an external site.)

Do you agree with the results of this research and how much has it changed over the years? If you are married how do you and your spouse divvy up household work and are you satisfied with your arrangements? If one spouse earns more than the other, or if their career is more demanding, should that spouse be exempted from some of the household chores?

Required Course Materials
Title: Marriages, Families, and Relationships: Making Choices in a Diverse Society
ISBN: 9781337109666 (Print) | 9781337516174 (eText)
Authors: M. A. Lamanna, A. Riedmann, and S. Stewart
Publisher: Cengage Learning
Publication Date: 2018
Edition: 13th
Read the chapters below in the textbook:

Chapter 8 – Deciding about Parenthood
Chapter 9 – Raising Children in a Diverse Society
Chapter 10 – Work and Family

solved Question 1: During the student nurses’ first lecture in their

Question 1: During the student nurses’ first lecture in their community health nursing course, the specialty of community health was reviewed historically with students. The students received information about the contributions of selected nursing leaders throughout history to the advancement of community health nursing. Societal influences on the development and practice of community health nursing were included in the lecture. At the end of the lecture, students were requested to prepare a one page summary about the lecture that included answers to several questions.1. The specialty of community health nursing developed historically through four stages. What was the major advancement for community health nursing in each of the four stages?2. What is the impact of societal influences on the development and practice of community health nursing?3. What are examples of the academic and advanced professional preparation of community health nursing?Question2:Chapter 14Theoretical Basis of Community/Public Health NursingPublic health nursing is a community-oriented, population-focused nursing specialty that is based on interpersonal relationships. The unit of care is the community or population rather than the individual, and the goal is to promote healthy communities. The community health nurse has been assigned to count and interview homeless people sleeping in the local park to help in identifying programs to provide food, clothing, shelter, health care, and job training for the population. The community health nurse has to consider the eight principles of public health nursing in community health nursing practice when completing the assignment1. There are essential characteristics of nursing service when a community is the client. Describe community-oriented, population-focused care, and relationship-based care. What type of care is been completed by the community health nurse who has been assigned to count and interview homeless people sleeping in the local park to help in identifying programs to provide food, clothing, shelter, health care, and job training for the population?2. The goals of public health nursing, to promote and protect the health of communities, are facilitated by adhering to eight principles identified by the American Nurses Association (2007) for public health nursing practice. The community health nurse has to consider the eight principles of public health nursing in community health nursing practice when completing the assignment with homeless individuals. What are the eight principles?3. There are numerous models of nursing practice that can be utilized in community health nursing practice. Theories and models of community/public health nursing practice aid the nurse in understanding the rationale behind community-oriented care. What are five of these models of nursing practice with a brief summary of the model?

solved The purpose of this assignment is to organize, query, and

The purpose of this assignment is to organize, query, and report data using a database.The final project consists of two parts and requires you to utilize the skills and knowledge you have learned throughout this course to create and implement a complex set of queries and present the data you have assembled into a PowerPoint presentation. It is essential for you to study the database structure and plan ahead throughout the course to ensure you will have the time to prepare and submit this assignment successfully.Part OneYou will use Microsoft SQL Server and the content from the AdventureWorks databases, as directed by your instructor, to complete the assignment.Please note that when SQL queries are run, results are generated in the form of data. This data should be exported and saved to Excel for a visual check of accuracy.Create a Word document that includes the SQL queries used to explore the database tables and address the problem.Problem: The new scheduling manager has asked for a summary of hours worked each week by department. Accounting for NULL values, use the imported “Hours” sheet from the Topic 4 assignment, originally located in Course Materials, to SUM by department title for all employees on the table.Part TwoUsing the dataset you have developed, select one of the following groups to present your findings to at the upcoming company meeting: Senior Management, Engineering, Research and Development, or Marketing. In your presentation, model your data into a hypothetical problem that identifies how this information will impact the operations of the specific target audience you have selected.Create a 5-7 slide PowerPoint presentation to share your results with your selected group at the upcoming company meeting. Each slide should include speaker notes written in complete sentences.General RequirementsCompile the Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents into a .zip file and submit to your instructor.While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance. Benchmark InformationThis benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies:MS in Business Analytics1.1 Organize, query, and report data using databases.Use the “AdventureWorks 2014 Sample OLTP Database” dictionary to complete the assignments for this course. Download and save a copy of the file using the link provided.URL: