I need support with this Writing question so I can learn better.
Initial Post Instructions
Triggers are ethnocentric responses to differences and defensive reactions to ethnocentrism. Any number of things can serve as triggers, but they generally fall into the following categories: voice, appearance, attitude, and behavior. For example, a person of color may become anxious when driving through a small rural town. They may fear being stopped because of looking out of place. Another example would be to react to the smell of curry and spices when walking into an Indian home. The reaction could be either negative or positive depending on your experiences, but you immediately react to the stimulus.
For the initial post, address the following:
Describe a trigger that you have responded or been a witness to in the past, even if it was only a fleeting mental thought.
What was the result of your/their response?
If you/they had a negative response, how could your/their response to the situation been better or different?
What barriers did you/they need to overcome? Â Â Â
QUESTION 2 Required ResourcesRead/review the following resources for this activity:
Initial Post Instructions
For the initial post, address the following:
In our diverse society, how do we honor the religious traditions of so many varied groups without inadvertently disadvantaging anyone in your workplace and/or in the healthcare profession?
How can we develop strategies to ensure that religions and their accompanying traditions are respected and preserved while recognizing our commonalities? Â
QUESTION 3 Required ResourcesRead/review the following resources for this activity:
Initial Post Instructions
If we look at the term diversity as different generational groups, we can include groups such as Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Generation Y.For your main post, pick any two generational groups to compare and contrast. Think about what similarities and/or differences people from these groups have. Think about how they respond to technology, authority, political movements, etc.Now to express your thoughts on these ideas, imagine two different individuals, one from each of the generations you picked.Create a profile that addresses the following (feel free to get creative in how you present this material):
What generational group do they fit into? Explain the criteria for membership into this generation grouping.
Typical hobbies of people from the generation
Major cultural/political events impacting that generation
New developments in technology, medicine, infrastructure affecting group
What differences and similarities you see between the two?
What are some of the major differences between these generational groups when it comes to the work force?
What strategies can be implemented to deal with the issues and overcome obstacles to create a successful organization?
solved Read the “Case Study: Bountiful Times at Alpha University,†pp.
/in /by adminRead the “Case Study: Bountiful Times at Alpha University,†pp. 23-26 in Chapter 7 of Budgets and Financial Management in Higher Education.By Day 3Post a summary of the recommendations you would make regarding budget cuts and new investments. Justify your recommendations by considering the criteria you used for setting priorities, the organizational dynamics in play, the institutional mandates, and the expected effectiveness of the strategies. Be sure to support your response with references to this week’s Learning Resources. Required ReadingsGoldstein, L. (2019). College and university budgeting: A guide for academics and other stakeholders (5th ed.). Washington, DC: National Association of College and University Business Officers.
Chapter 11, “Budget Flexibilityâ€Chapter 12, “Institutional Policy Impacts on Budgeting”Focus on strategies for allocating resources and for developing budget flexibility, including the academic, administrative, and revenue factors that affect resource allocation decisionsManaging Tight Budgets, by Higgerson, M., & McCauliff, B. in Department Chair, 20(1). Copyright 2009 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Reprinted by permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. via the Copyright Clearance Center.Focus on strategies that chairs can employ to successfully meet department revenue needs with tight budgets.Allen, M. T. (2003). The department chair and budget management. American Council on Education Online Resource Center. Retrieved from http://www2.acenet.edu/resources/chairs/index.cfm?section=3&subsection=28Michael T. Allen, professor and chair, Department of Psychology, University of Mississippi. “ The Department Chair and Budget Management.†Written specifically for the ACE Department Chair Online Resource Center. Washington, DC: American Council on Education, 2003.Focus on the need for collaboration and technology in the budget management process.Southerland, W. (2007). The politics of securing campus resources. The Department Chair, 17(3), 1–5 . Retrieved from http://www2.acenet.edu/resources/chairs/index.cfm?section=3&subsection=28 The Politics of Securing Campus Resources. The Department Chair by Southerland, W., in The Department Chair, 17/3. Copyright 2007 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Reprinted by permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. via the Copyright Clearance Center.Focus on the strategies for managing financial resources.Required Media”Resource Allocation Process” John Palmucci and Larry Goldstein explain various processes involved in financial decision making and planning by focusing on three components: Time, Scope, and Resource. Click on “ Introduction†to hear an explanation of these components. Then click on “Scenario 1†and “Scenario 2†which describe real-world applications. Focus on the flexibility required in financial planning given budget fluctuations and changing conditions.
solved ECreating an Outline for Option 1 Instructions: Â Write complete
/in /by adminECreating an Outline for Option 1
Instructions: Â Write complete sentences to fill in the items below. Â
• Establish the topic
• Identify the film you are analyzing
• End with a clear thesis statement
Thesis Statement (fill in the blanks on the right):
As is evident in the film The Color Purple (or The Great Gatsby), Franklin’s assertion that the American Dream is available to all people is (correct /incorrect) because (point 1), (point 2), and (point 3) (you will determine three points in support of your thesis, and those will become the topics of your three body paragraphs).
Body Paragraphs: This is where you will develop each of the points in your thesis statement.
Body Paragraph 1: Elaborate on the first point in your thesis statement
Topic Sentence:
Detail 1:
Detail 2:
Detail 3:Â
Concluding Sentence:Â
Quote(s) you will use to support this point:
Body Paragraph 2: Elaborate on the second point in your thesis statement
Topic Sentence:
Detail 1:
Detail 2:
Detail 3:Â
Concluding Sentence:Â
Quote(s) you will use to support this point:
Body Paragraph 3: Elaborate on the third point in your thesis statement
Topic Sentence:
Detail 1:
Detail 2:
Detail 3:Â
Concluding Sentence:Â
Quote(s) you will use to support this point
Summarize the main points in the body paragraphs and paraphrase your thesis.
Essay choiceÂ
The American Dream lecture in Week 1 points out that Poor Richard’s Almanac was an annual publication that included calendar lists, home recipes, weather forecasts etc. What made Franklin’s almanac unlike other almanacs was the inclusion of Franklin’s witty parables and humorous writings.  Franklin proposes in “The Way to Wealth†that anyone who works hard, avoids debt, and works toward attaining a virtuous character can be successful and ultimately wealthy—that the American Dream is accessible to all.
Watch either The Color Purple or The Great Gatsby (locate the films using Netflix, Amazon, or your local library) and argue why or why not Franklin’s assertions are correct. Provide examples from the film and your own explanations to support your assertions.Â
Your will have two choices for your thesis statement:
As is evident in the film The Color Purple (or The Great Gatsby), Franklin’s assertion that the American Dream is available to all people is incorrect because _________, ___________, and _________ (you will determine three points in support of your thesis, and those will become the topics of your three body paragraphs).Â
As is evident in the film The Color Purple (or The Great Gatsby), Franklin’s assertion that the American Dream is available to all people is correct because _________, ___________, and _________ (you will determine three points in support of your thesis, and those will become the topics of your three body paragraphs).
solved How is the definition of employee different in Bond Form
/in /by adminHow is the definition of employee different in Bond Form 24 from a commercial crime form?
What are the 4 characteristics of surety bonds that distinguish them from most insurance policies?
What options are available to the surety if a contractor defaults under a performance bond?
What do fiduciary bonds guarantee? Provide an example.
What are the differences between the NFIP General Property Form and the standard commercial property form?
How can the ISO Flood coverage endorsement provide broader coverage than the NFIP flood policies? Provide an example.
How are deductibles expressed in ISO Earthquake endorsements? What is the ensuing loss provision of the ISO Earthquake endorsement?
Why would an insurer write a DIC policy without a coinsurance clause? What are the advantages of a DIC policy to an insured? Provide an example.
10-3 Mini Case Studies:
Answer the following questions in your own words in a Word document. Remember these are mini-case studies, not review questions, and as such your responses are to be in complete sentences and paragraphs, with at least 350 words for each numbered question. Review the associated rubric to understand the response content expected. Please restate the question in your document but do not count these words in your total response length.
From his military experience, Bob is familiar with all types of demolition work. However, his primary recent experience is in the use of explosives. He wants to put his demolition experience to use by starting his own small contracting firm. Bob is bidding on a contract that includes the use of explosives to demolish an abandoned chemical plant located beside a small river. In a conference with the building’s owner and her attorney, the discussion focuses on required surety bonds for the project.
What concerns would a surety underwriter be likely to have in providing Bob with the bonds needed for this project?
Describe the government program in which Bob might take a part to help him get the bonds necessary to take on the demolition work.
Given the contract that Bob hopes to win, what kinds of contract bonds is the building owner likely to require of Bob?
Given the type of work Bob plans to undertake, describe two license or permit bonds Bob is likely to be required to provide.
A commercial building valued at $3,000,000 was insured on a specific basis under the ISO Earthquake and Volcanic Eruption Endorsement (Sub-Limit Form) for a limit of $1,000,000 with a 5% deductible.
An earthquake caused damage valued at $600,000. How much should the insured be able to recover for this damage?
48 hours later, an aftershock caused additional damage valued at $50,000. How much should the insured be able to recover for this damage?
solved PART 1:Read a topic from Chapter 10 and write a
/in /by adminPART 1:Read a topic from Chapter 10 and write a summary on it.Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:Go online and compare three franchises (e.g., franchise.org, americasbestfranchises.com, or whichfranchise.com). Choose two franchises in the same industry (e.g., fast food) and the third franchise from another industry (e.g., hair cutting). Make a table to report the fee structures (upfront, continued licensing), as well as benefits touted for franchisees of each franchise system. What would tempt you to pitch in with some friends and buy a franchise when you finish your degree? If you were to take your company global, which 3 countries would be your first targets and why? What kinds of strategies and products fit with those countries’ segments of customers?Part 1 needs to be 500 plus words and APA format (refer chapter 10 from the Marketing Management textbook)PART 2:Research Paper (attached the list of topics)Choose a research topic from the chapter readings or from the list provided by your professor.Research/find a minimum at least four (4), preferably five (5) or more, different peer-reviewed articles on your topic from the University of the Cumberlands Library online business database. The article(s) must be relevant and from a peer-reviewed source. While you may use relevant articles from any time frame, current/published within the last five (5) years are preferred. Using literature that is irrelevant or unrelated to the chosen topic will result in a point reduction.Write a four (4) to five (5) page double spaced paper in APA format discussing the findings on your specific topic in your own words. Note – paper length does not include cover page, abstract, or references page(s).Structure your paper as follows:Cover pageOverview describing the importance of the research topic to current business and professional practice in your own words.Purpose of Research should reflect the potential benefit of the topic to the current business and professional practice and the larger body of research.Review of the Literature summarized in your own words. Note that this should not be a “copy and paste†of literature content, nor should this section be substantially filled with direct quotes from the article. A literature review is a summary of the major points and findings of each of the selected articles (with appropriate citations). Direct quotations should be used sparingly. Normally, this will be the largest section of your paper (this is not a requirement; just a general observation).Practical Application of the literature. Describe how your findings from the relevant research literature can shape, inform, and improve current business and professional practice related to your chosen topic.Conclusion in your own wordsReferences formatted according to APA style requirementsPart 2 (4 – 5 pages)
solved For each discussion post I need the answer to the
/in /by adminFor each discussion post I need the answer to the question asked at least 300 words or more, with 2 replies to other students of at least 4 sentences each.The death penalty is a contentious issue in both sociology and in U.S. society generally. The website of the Death Penalty Information Center (Links to an external site.) [http://www.deathpenaltyinfo.org] is a useful source of information on this subject. Click on the link, the website will open in a new window.Once you are in the website place the cursor over the “Facts and Research” marker (this is the drop down menu), then click on FactSheet from the drop-down menu to locate the following information – you can extrapolate your findings from the factsheet: 1. How many people have been executed so far this year? 2. What percentage of current death row inmates are black? 3. What is the current population of death row inmates in California? 4. How much more does it cost to execute a prisoner rather than incarcerate him/her for life? 5. How much money would California save if the Governor commuted the sentences of those remaining on death row? 6. Do a majority of law enforcement officers think the death penalty is an effective law enforcement tool?Review your findings and then discuss the following:For your discussion post 1 Crime and Deviance : Discuss what surprised you the most about the death penalty and something new that you learned. How much has the media affected your perception of the death penalty, and how accurate was/is your perception now that you’ve gone over the facts and figures. Do NOT include the answers to the questions… and remember – Your word count does not include the answers to the exercise questions, only your response to them – as the instructions state.Discussion post 2 : Stratification Same thing your answer of at least 300 words then 2 replies to your peers.For this week’s discussion:Sociologists distinguish between three types of equality: equality of opportunity, equality of condition, and equality of outcome.For each type, describe what equality would look like in the United States.In your view, which type of equality is most desirable for society, and why? DISCUSSION POST 3 : GENDER Same thing your answer of at least 300 words then 2 replies to your peers. Definition of feminism. 1 : the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes. 2 : organized activity on behalf of women’s rights and interests. (wikipedia)For this discussion board: Watch the Ted Talk: We Should All Be Feminists (Links to an external site.)(<-- click on the link)After watching the Ted Talk, discuss:What surprised and/or stood out to you most about Chimamanda Ngozi-Adichies's Ted Talk?Did you learn something new about feminism?Although Chimamanda is addressing Nigerians, her message is a global one. Do you consider yourself a feminist? Why or why not?
solved According the case and scope management plan finish the Project
/in /by adminAccording the case and scope management plan finish the Project Scope Statement
1.Executive Summary
A well-written Executive Summary is one that can be used in multiple documents as needed.  As with other Executive Summaries, this summary should briefly describe the project’s background and the organization’s purpose and objectives for the project.Â
A short, 2 to 3 paragraph description of the business needs and key features of the project. It allows the stakeholders to quickly develop knowledge about the project.
2.Business Requirements
The specific statement(s) that describe the organization’s business problem to be solved. Usually, this information comes from the original business case or project charter (or case study information). By including the business requirements, anyone reading the document is reminded of why the project was undertaken.
– Please submit at least 5 business requirements (Must be SMART and Testable) for this assignment.
3.Solution Requirements
This section lists all relevant technical, project and regulatory requirements, classified by priority. Typically, solution requirement priorities are “must have”, “should have” and “nice to have.” (MoSCoW technique).
This section also identifies verification method and acceptance criteria used to determine whether a requirement has been successfully met.
– Please submit at least 7 solution requirements – adequately prioritized by category with effective and testable/measurable acceptance criteria.
4.Exclusions (Out of Scope)
This section explicitly declares project scope items that will not be addressed by this project.
– Please submit at least 5 out of scope project exclusions.
5.Key Project Features
This section, identify any conditions that limit project planning activities (such as – detailed project scheduling and budgeting.)  Constraints of the project such as “must have “milestones, constrained due dates, availability of certain important personnel or project budgetary restrictions.
– Please submit at least 5 project limiting conditions.
6.Assumptions & Risks
This section addresses risks identified in the business case and project charter. It is important to update the status of any risk identified during project initiation or identify additional risks uncovered in the requirements collection process.
– Please submit at least 5 project assumptions and risks
This is a space for stakeholders to formally approve all of the scope statement content, including all requirements and their priority.
It is important for all stakeholders to understand and agree upon the scope statement contents. Once signed, the project team will use the scope statement to begin identifying detailed tasks, resources, durations, and the overall project schedule and budget. It is critical the scope statement be as accurate, complete, and realistic as possible.
solved PREPARATION:What a time to be taking this class!! A global
/in /by adminPREPARATION:What a time to be taking this class!! A global pandemic, a race crisis. What do you think?“Long overdueâ€: Lawmakers declare racism a public health emergencyBlack and Brown Americans are susceptible to higher rates of infant mortality, heart disease and even an advanced aging process…and now Covid 19.Read in The Guardian: https://apple.news/A_QdM0uthQYK31VVyQ6_fBw (Links to an external site.)Should we view social structures that promote poor health as a public health issues? Is racism a public health problem?ASSIGNMENT: Explore the issue of race as a health determinant by finding 2 outcomes that show that racism is a public health problem. You can choose disparities in health outcomes, prison sentences, access to education, violence or community factors just to name a few. Pick one health outcome disparity (ie a disease or chronic illness that is more common in minorities) or a social determinant of health (a SDoH factor that impacts health in minorities), find 2 sources to show outcomes that show how race impacts that outcome. Dont just say “education impacts health” PROVE it to the reader with facts. This is why we did D1 on proving-find some statistics and facts!Your post should have:Topic sentence2 supporting factsReference(s)ConclusionPeer replyEXAMPLES: I chose “disparity in access to education in racial minorities”Education is a predictor of health. Studies have shown that education improves health by improved access and ability to afford health services, better decision making for behavioral choices and less risk of infectious disease 1. Race impacts the long term health of individuals because there are racial inequalities in education. This unfortunate early life disparity includes less qualified teachers, less funding money, larger class sizes and less robust curriculums. in areas that are predominantly minority 2. in hard numbers, “A seminal 2005 study focused on increases in compulsory education between 1915 and 1939 across US states and found that a year of schooling reduced mortality by 3.6%” 3. The sames study found “Rates of major circulatory diseases, diabetes, liver disease, and several psychological symptoms (sadness, hopelessness, and worthlessness) show higher rates among adults with lower educational attainment.” Although healthcare treatment is an important part of health, if policy better addressed education, some health problems of disadvantaged minority citizens could be prevented just through better education.1. Wolfgang Lutz, Endale Kebede. Education and Health: Redrawing the Preston Curve. Population and Development Review, 2018; DOI: 10.1111/padr.12141 (Links to an external site.)2.https://www.brookings.edu/articles/unequal-opportu…3.Zajacova A, Lawrence EM. The Relationship Between Education and Health: Reducing Disparities Through a Contextual Approach. Annu Rev Public Health.
solved PREPARATION:What a time to be taking this class!! A global
/in /by adminPREPARATION:What a time to be taking this class!! A global pandemic, a race crisis. What do you think?“Long overdueâ€: Lawmakers declare racism a public health emergencyBlack and Brown Americans are susceptible to higher rates of infant mortality, heart disease and even an advanced aging process…and now Covid 19.Read in The Guardian: https://apple.news/A_QdM0uthQYK31VVyQ6_fBw (Links to an external site.)Should we view social structures that promote poor health as a public health issues? Is racism a public health problem?ASSIGNMENT: Explore the issue of race as a health determinant by finding 2 outcomes that show that racism is a public health problem. You can choose disparities in health outcomes, prison sentences, access to education, violence or community factors just to name a few. Pick one health outcome disparity (ie a disease or chronic illness that is more common in minorities) or a social determinant of health (a SDoH factor that impacts health in minorities), find 2 sources to show outcomes that show how race impacts that outcome. Dont just say “education impacts health” PROVE it to the reader with facts. This is why we did D1 on proving-find some statistics and facts!Your post should have:Topic sentence2 supporting factsReference(s)ConclusionPeer replyEXAMPLES: I chose “disparity in access to education in racial minorities”Education is a predictor of health. Studies have shown that education improves health by improved access and ability to afford health services, better decision making for behavioral choices and less risk of infectious disease 1. Race impacts the long term health of individuals because there are racial inequalities in education. This unfortunate early life disparity includes less qualified teachers, less funding money, larger class sizes and less robust curriculums. in areas that are predominantly minority 2. in hard numbers, “A seminal 2005 study focused on increases in compulsory education between 1915 and 1939 across US states and found that a year of schooling reduced mortality by 3.6%” 3. The sames study found “Rates of major circulatory diseases, diabetes, liver disease, and several psychological symptoms (sadness, hopelessness, and worthlessness) show higher rates among adults with lower educational attainment.” Although healthcare treatment is an important part of health, if policy better addressed education, some health problems of disadvantaged minority citizens could be prevented just through better education.1. Wolfgang Lutz, Endale Kebede. Education and Health: Redrawing the Preston Curve. Population and Development Review, 2018; DOI: 10.1111/padr.12141 (Links to an external site.)2.https://www.brookings.edu/articles/unequal-opportu…3.Zajacova A, Lawrence EM. The Relationship Between Education and Health: Reducing Disparities Through a Contextual Approach. Annu Rev Public Health.
solved I need support with this Writing question so I can
/in /by adminI need support with this Writing question so I can learn better.
Initial Post Instructions
Triggers are ethnocentric responses to differences and defensive reactions to ethnocentrism. Any number of things can serve as triggers, but they generally fall into the following categories: voice, appearance, attitude, and behavior. For example, a person of color may become anxious when driving through a small rural town. They may fear being stopped because of looking out of place. Another example would be to react to the smell of curry and spices when walking into an Indian home. The reaction could be either negative or positive depending on your experiences, but you immediately react to the stimulus.
For the initial post, address the following:
Describe a trigger that you have responded or been a witness to in the past, even if it was only a fleeting mental thought.
What was the result of your/their response?
If you/they had a negative response, how could your/their response to the situation been better or different?
What barriers did you/they need to overcome? Â Â Â
QUESTION 2 Required ResourcesRead/review the following resources for this activity:
Initial Post Instructions
For the initial post, address the following:
In our diverse society, how do we honor the religious traditions of so many varied groups without inadvertently disadvantaging anyone in your workplace and/or in the healthcare profession?
How can we develop strategies to ensure that religions and their accompanying traditions are respected and preserved while recognizing our commonalities? Â
QUESTION 3 Required ResourcesRead/review the following resources for this activity:
Initial Post Instructions
If we look at the term diversity as different generational groups, we can include groups such as Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Generation Y.For your main post, pick any two generational groups to compare and contrast. Think about what similarities and/or differences people from these groups have. Think about how they respond to technology, authority, political movements, etc.Now to express your thoughts on these ideas, imagine two different individuals, one from each of the generations you picked.Create a profile that addresses the following (feel free to get creative in how you present this material):
What generational group do they fit into? Explain the criteria for membership into this generation grouping.
Typical hobbies of people from the generation
Major cultural/political events impacting that generation
New developments in technology, medicine, infrastructure affecting group
What differences and similarities you see between the two?
What are some of the major differences between these generational groups when it comes to the work force?
What strategies can be implemented to deal with the issues and overcome obstacles to create a successful organization?
solved During week four you studied process costing and saw how
/in /by adminDuring week four you studied process costing and saw how this cost accounting system varied from job order costing that you learned about in week three. For your week four discussion board post I would like you do identify a publicly traded manufacturing company. BY publicly traded it means they have stock traded on an exchange such as the New York Stock Exchange. I would then like you to research a product they manufacture. Based on what you have found would they use process costing or job order costing. Why did you select the method they did. Please be sure to integrate terms and concepts you learned about in week three and four as you describe the cost accounting system they might use. COMPANY NAME: NVIDIA Corporation300 words with 2 APA Format references.————————————————-During week 4 you were asked to find a publicly traded manufacturing company. For our week six discussion board post I would like you to select the same company. Go to their website and read about their products and operations. Then in your post list five costs that the company would incur. Explain what type of cost behavior you believe would be appropriate for each of these cost items. Please be sure to include a link to the company’s website in your post.COMPANY NAME: NVIDIA Corporation300 words with 2 APA Format references.————————————————————————————————————————————————————During week four you studied process costing and saw how this cost accounting system varied from job order costing that you learned about in week three. For your week four discussion board post I would like you do identify a publicly traded manufacturing company. BY publicly traded it means they have stock traded on an exchange such as the New York Stock Exchange. I would then like you to research a product they manufacture. Based on what you have found would they use process costing or job order costing. Why did you select the method they did. Please be sure to integrate terms and concepts you learned about in week three and four as you describe the cost accounting system they might use. COMPANY NAME: ABBOTT Laboratories300 words with 2 APA Format references.——————————————————————During week 4 you were asked to find a publicly traded manufacturing company. For our week six discussion board post I would like you to select the same company. Go to their website and read about their products and operations. Then in your post list five costs that the company would incur. Explain what type of cost behavior you believe would be appropriate for each of these cost items. Please be sure to include a link to the company’s website in your post.COMPANY NAME: ABBOTT Laboratories300 words with 2 APA Format references