solved In this assignment, you will deal with the relationship between

In this assignment, you will deal with the relationship between price elasticity of demand and total revenue.According to the law of demand, if price increases, quantity demanded of a good or service will decrease or vice versa. Price elasticity of demand tells us how much quantity demanded will decrease when price increases or how much quantity demanded will increase if price decreases. On the other hand, according to the law of supply, if the price increases, quantity supplied of a good or service will increase. Similarly, if price decreases, quantity supplied will decrease. The degree of sensitivity (responsiveness) of production/supply to a change in price is measured by the concept of price elasticity of supply. Total revenue is calculated as the quantity of a good or service sold multiplied by its market price. Thus, it is a measure of how much money a company makes from selling its product. The core objective of a firm is maximizing profit. One of the ways to maximize profit is increasing total revenue. The firm can increase its total revenue by selling more items or by raising the price. Among others, this depends on the nature of the price elasticity of demand. Moreover, the length of time is an important factor in determining price elasticity of demand and supply. Course Outcome practiced and assessed in this assignment: Examine microeconomic tools for purposes of problem solving, analysis, and decisionmaking. DirectionsExplain the relationship between the price elasticity of demand and total revenue. What are the impacts of various forms of elasticities (elastic, inelastic, unit elastic, etc.) on business decisions and strategies to maximize profit? Explain your responses using empirical examples, formulas, and graphs.Is the price elasticity of demand or supply more elastic over a shorter or a longer period of time? Why? Give examples.What are the impacts of government and market imperfections (failures) on the price elasticities of demand and supply?CriteriaYour assignment should have a cover sheet with the following information: Title of the paper, Your Name, Course Number and Section Number, and DateIt must be a minimum of five pages long (excluding title page, references, etc.)Be sure to include the criteria located in the rubric below within your paper.It must be APA formatted with citations to your sources and your last page should list all references used. For assistance on APA format, visit the various writing resources, accessed under the Academic Tools area in the left navigation pane.You must use a variety of two objective, high quality, and current sources. Peer reviewed articles, articles published in journals, textbooks, and library resources found in the Library are examples of high quality resources.Note that Wikipedia, Investopedia, etc. are not considered as reliable resources for this research.

solved Communication is essential to leadership success, but knowing how and

Communication is essential to leadership success, but knowing how and when to use your business communication tools often takes time and practice. Consider the following case study:You are the manager of a team of workers, and Diego Jimenez is one of your employees. Before joining your department three months ago, Diego worked for six months in another area. Since assigned to your unit, Diego has been repeatedly late for work or absent. Other employees are complaining. You’ve learned that Diego had a similar problem in the other department.Company policy states that if an employee is warned of such a problem and the behaviors continue, the individual may be given a three-day suspension without pay.One important item to consider: Diego, when he’s on the job, is a top performer and someone you definitely want to keep on the payroll. He can run circles around the other people. He just has problems with tardiness and absenteeism.InstructionsYour goal with this assignment is to create a comprehensive communication strategy to correct Diego’s performance issue. You plan to schedule a face-to-face meeting with Diego to address the matter. First, you must notify Diego of the meeting via email. Next, you must plan the agenda for your face-to-face meeting with Diego.Step One: Email – Create an email for Diego to notify him of the meeting. Use Chapter 6: Formatting for Correspondence from your textbook to help you format your email. For the body of your email, use Chapter 8: Bad News Letters as your guide.When composing your email, consider the following questions:How should you communicate the purpose of the face-to-face meeting to Diego via email?When do you feel is the best time of day and day of the week to hold the meeting?Where is the most appropriate location for the meeting? Diego’s work station? Your office? Other locations?Based on your answers, include the date, time, and location for the meeting in the body of your email.Step Two: Face-to-Face Meeting Agenda – Every successful meeting has a pre-planned agenda. Read the following guidelines on How to Conduct an Effective Disciplinary Interview (Chron) (Links to an external site.) by Ruth Mayhew.When creating your meeting agenda, consider the following questions:What outcome do you need to communicate with Diego during the meeting? What do you believe is the best course of action to handle this problem? Should you counsel Diego and issue a verbal warning? Write a formal letter of reprimand? Suspend the employee for three days without pay? Other actions?How can you clearly communicate company expectations and what you need from Diego moving forward?Save your assignment using a naming convention that includes your first and last name and the activity number (or description). Do not add punctuation or special characters.This assignment will automatically be sent to Turnitin.

solved Instructions For this case study assignment, you will begin by

For this case study assignment, you will begin by reading the following case.
Jared is a 62-year-old male who has asthma but is otherwise in good health. He works in the plate-processing section of a battery manufacturing plant. One of the risks in working in the plate-processing department is exposure to airborne lead. Jared has become comfortable after working in the same position at the plant for the last 25 years. At times, he may rush or skip steps or not pay attention to best safety practices of the company. For the past several months, Jared has put in many hours of overtime as he prepares for retirement. At the end of his shift, Jared skips changing and leaving his clothes at the plant to be washed before going home, saying that he will wash them at home himself.
In addition to Jared’s relaxed behavior toward safety practices, he works in an older building, and the equipment does not always function the way that it should. Quite a while back, the vacuum for Jared’s station stopped working, and Jared has been forgetting to report the broken vacuum. He has not placed an equipment replacement request to have a new vacuum delivered to his station. Jared has been cleaning his area by sweeping with a broom that he borrowed from a maintenance closet on the office floor since he does not have a functional vacuum.
Lately, Jared has been experiencing extreme fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and muscle pain that he blames on the long work hours. The addition of stomach cramps to his existing symptoms, however, has led him to go to the doctor. Upon evaluation, the doctor has determined that Jared has extremely high levels (40 ug/DL) of lead in his system. A blood concentration of <5ug/dL of lead is considered elevated. At a concentration of 40 ug/dl of lead in the blood, Jared is experiencing the onset of lead toxicity. Reflect on the above case study and reference the required unit resources for this unit to respond to the case study analysis below. Discuss how Jared’s profile (age, health status, etc.) can affect his susceptibility to lead toxicity. Consider the ADME (absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion) of lead in this case study. Discuss the most likely route of absorption of lead in this case study. Lead is not metabolized by the liver. Explain Phase 1 and 2 reactions. Would the lead in Jared’s body undergo biotransformation and Phase 1 and 2 reactions? Explain. Due to the route of absorption, how will lead be distributed throughout Jared’s body? If the half-life of lead is 28 days, how long will it take for 40ug/dL of lead be reduced to less than 5ug/dL? Explain how you determined that time frame. If you were the safety supervisor at the battery manufacturing plant where Jared works, what would be some points that you address with him to avoid further exposure to lead at work?

solved OK, it’s time to try on a new “mask” –

OK, it’s time to try on a new “mask” – the designer. You can make your skills at the design process – bringing something you envision onto the stage as a costume or scenic designer. (Well, we won’t make it all the way to the stage, but we’ll go as far as we can within the confines of this class.) Here’s what you do:EVERYONE: Read either Dramatic Interlude 3 – King Lear (p.206-207) or Dramatic interlude 5 Bitter Cane (p 366-367). Try to imagine the physical world of the play – the light, sound, environment, clothing, etc. – that the characters are living in. Picture it in your mind. Then, proceed, choosing one of the following options. If you change the time period state why the story would still work in that time- example 1950’s because women were still expected to stay home and keep the children.For COSTUME DESIGNERS – Either sketch a rendering (in color)or cut and collage an image of the costumes for three of the characters in the interlude. Some people collage historical images off the internet. How does their clothing tell the audience who they are and what situation they’re in? How do things like fit, color, texture, and culture work into your design? Your job is to make these characters’ costumes add to the story of the play. NOTE: It might help you to look at the section on Costume Design (p. 158) in our book – there are lots of guiding questions to give you some ideas. Write a short description or paragraph about why you made these choices and include it with your submission.For SCENIC DESIGNERS – Either sketch a rendering (in color)or cut and collage of the on-stage set/scenery for this interlude. What is the environment and “vibe” of the place? What shapes, colors, structures, etc. can be used to show the audience where and when the play takes place? There might be various locations mentioned in this interlude, so your job will be to make various locations work on one stage and still keep the overall theme of the play intact. NOTE: You might read the section on Scene Design (p. 149) for some ideas, and there are even a couple of sample renderings on p. 156. Write a short statement about your design idea and include it with your submission. EVERYONE: Once you’ve completed your design rendering, scan it or take a digital photo of it. Make it into a PDF or a Powerpoint so Canvas will open it. Do not just submit JPEG images as Canvas will not open them. I can’t wait to see what you come up with. Remember, your imagination is limitless – don’t settle for “plain old” ideas. Go with your impulses and create! If you are stuck look under module for partial student work to see some ways others approached the mask. Note: It might be from other readings etc and most of it is just partial so make sure you actually read this and don’t just copy the work. NOTE: Look back at technical words in your book and incorporate those.

solved Part 1: Watch two of  the five YouTube videos

Part 1: Watch two of  the five YouTube videos  listed below
Question: How do these health issues impact both rich and poor countries?  What types of policies would you propose to address these issues.  What was your take-away message from the 6 minute video on the history of world population changes (if you chose this video) and also Olga Murray’s 17 minute “Ted Talk” about Nepal (if you chose this video). 
Answer these questions in one or two meaningful paragraphs.

Debate: Drinks high in added sugars versus exercise. Where do you come out on this debate? (Links to an external site.)4 minutes
Sugar Vs. High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) – What’s the Difference? 5 minutes (Links to an external site.)

Is High Corn Fructose Sugar (HFCS) Really That Bad for You? 5 minutes (Links to an external site.)

History of World Population Changes: 6 minutes.  Note: click on “Watch the Video” (Links to an external site.)
5.  Olga Murray’s Ted Talk about Nepal — 17 minutes and extremely inspiring . . . also one of our guest speakers (Links to an external site.)
Part 2: response to one peer and ask a question to another peer

Video 1: Drinks High in Sugar vs. Exersize
My main takeaway from this video is how we as consumers have to be aware of the data we accept to be true because there might be bias behind the research. For example, In this video, Coca-Cola funded a research group to show that a lack of exercise is the reason for obesity instead of the main culprit, sugary drinks and fast food. Especially now when people are becoming more vocal about making health-conscious decisions, shown by a decline in the purchasing of sodas over the last decade and removal of soda machines in schools, we can see that companies are grasping at straws to increase sales. This shows that we should fact-check the studies we listen to and see who might be funded the research because there might be biases that we don’t realize.
Video 4: History of World Population Changes
My main takeaway from this video is that just because our population is growing, it doesn’t mean that our resources can keep up with this rapid growth. Because we live on only 17% of the world’s surface and only 4% will grow crops, we will reach a point where our resources and land can no longer sustain the world’s population. Our population is expected to grow to 10 billion by the end of the century, but the areas we inhabit aren’t getting any larger, so unless population growth slows, we limit our use of natural resources or develop new technology to make food production more effective, we will not be able to sustain that populatio

solved The Purpose of the multi-stage assignment is to: Evaluate a

The Purpose of the multi-stage assignment is to:

Evaluate a theatrical performance in a detailed and analytical way.
Produce an essay that critically analyzes a theatrical performance by synthesizing what you’ve learned this quarter about how theatre comments on the human condition and how theatrical production techniques communicate this message.

After completing this assignment, students will be able to:

Critically analyze a play by understanding how it communicates through specific theatrical and narrative techniques.
Relate theatre to topics in the humanities
Create a strong example of persuasive scholarly writing


Play Attendance.

You can choose from the following four plays performed at the National Theatre.

I Want my Hat Back,
All plays are offered on the National Theatre website or app for rental or subscription. You can find them here:

After viewing the play write down everything you can remember immediately. Think about the things that stood out to you, good or bad.

Write a 1200-word critique that analyzes and evaluates the production. Consider the following questions:

What are the central themes of the play?
Is the play written in climactic form, episodic form, or some other form? What is the major conflict and its inciting incident? How are complications developed and how does the play resolve? Identify the climax.
How do the following production elements support (or fail to support) the thematic elements of the play?

Acting: To what degree did I believe that the actor was the character? What did the actor do to make his/her role believable? Use of Voice? Use of body/gesture? Were you involved in or moved by the play? Be sure to mention the actors/actresses by name and character when evaluating their performances.
Scene Design: Did the scenic design help to set the mood and generally enhance the production? How? To what extent?
Costume Design: Did the costume design help to define each character? How? To what extent? Were the costumes appropriate to the time and place of the play?
Directing: Describe and evaluate the directing in the production. Has the director helped the actors perform convincingly? Do the performers play together as an ensemble? Is it easy to see and hear what is going on? Are entrances and exits smooth? Scene changes? Is the stage space used well? Are some areas ignored? Does the pace and rhythm seem right? Does it drag or move swiftly?
To conclude, you will state if the production created a unified whole or not? Why or Why not?

You will submit a draft of critique here for peer review session. (This task will be assessed according to a rubric)
Turn in final draft of critique. (Instructor will provide individual feedback and assess according to a rubric) There is a another location for submission for the final version of your paper. 

solved It is necessary for an RN-BSN-prepared nurse to demonstrate an

It is necessary for an RN-BSN-prepared nurse to demonstrate an enhanced understanding of the pathophysiological processes of disease, the clinical manifestations and treatment protocols, and how they affect clients across the life span.
Evaluate the Health History and Medical Information for Mr. C., presented below.
Based on this information, formulate a conclusion based on your evaluation, and complete the Critical Thinking Essay assignment, as instructed below.
Health History and Medical Information
Health History
Mr. C., a 32-year-old single male, is seeking information at the outpatient center regarding possible bariatric surgery for his obesity. He currently works at a catalog telephone center. He reports that he has always been heavy, even as a small child, gaining approximately 100 pounds in the last 2-3 years. Previous medical evaluations have not indicated any metabolic diseases, but he says he has sleep apnea and high blood pressure, which he tries to control by restricting dietary sodium. Mr. C. reports increasing shortness of breath with activity, swollen ankles, and pruritus over the last 6 months.
Objective Data:

Height: 68 inches; weight 134.5 kg
BP: 172/98, HR 88, RR 26
3+ pitting edema bilateral feet and ankles
Fasting blood glucose: 146 mg/dL
Total cholesterol: 250 mg/dL
Triglycerides: 312 mg/dL
HDL: 30 mg/dL
Serum creatinine 1.8 mg/dL
BUN 32 mg/dl

Describe the clinical manifestations present in Mr. C.
Describe the potential health risks for obesity that are of concern for Mr. C. Discuss whether bariatric surgery is an appropriate intervention.
Assess each of Mr. C.’s functional health patterns using the information given. Discuss at least five actual or potential problems can you identify from the functional health patterns and provide the rationale for each. (Functional health patterns include health-perception, health-management, nutritional, metabolic, elimination, activity-exercise, sleep-rest, cognitive-perceptual, self-perception/self-concept, role-relationship, sexuality/reproductive, coping-stress tolerance.)
Explain the staging of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) and contributing factors to consider.
Consider ESRD prevention and health promotion opportunities. Describe what type of patient education should be provided to Mr. C. for prevention of future events, health restoration, and avoidance of deterioration of renal status.
Explain the type of resources available for ESRD patients for nonacute care and the type of multidisciplinary approach that would be beneficial for these patients. Consider aspects such as devices, transportation, living conditions, return-to-employment issues.

You are required to cite to a minimum of two sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and relevant to nursing practice.

solved I’m working on a health & medical writing question and

I’m working on a health & medical writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Reflect on what you consider healthcare to be. Briefly describe your definition of health based on your personal and/or professional experience. View Rebecca Onie’s TED Talk, What If Our Healthcare System Kept Us Healthy?, and address the following questions:ï‚· Does your professional definition of healthcare change after watching this video? Why or why not?ï‚· If traditional healthcare were to stray into the realm of socioeconomics as Rebecca Onie’s organization did, what effects on health delivery modelswould you anticipate? Explain.Use the journal as an opportunity to familiarize yourself with the final project requirements and case study. Journal activities in this course are private between you and your instructor. Only the instructor can view and comment on your assignments.RubricGuidelines for Submission: Your journal assignment should be 2 to 4 paragraphs in length. Submit assignment as a Word document with double spacing, 12- point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. overview:The days of open-ended insurance plans no longer exist. Managed care insurance plans have replaced traditional insurance plans. The process of change increases the risks that a healthcare manager faces. The process of changes also raises several questions. Why do patients receive multiple bills after healthcare services are rendered? Why do patients have to pay for office visits if they already pay their insurance premiums every pay period? How do hospitals keep their doors open for decades—even over a century in many cases? Module Five will take a look behind the curtain to examine the intricate world of healthcare finance, and we will explore the answers to these complex questions.The goals and performance of for-profit organizations and not-for-profit organizations are similar. Healthcare managers need to understand the operating differences that face the organizations, such as why not-for-profit organizations are worthy of tax preferences and have the ability to seek donors and benefit the community. In this module, you will have the opportunity to explore these concepts and gain skills that are necessary in becoming an effective healthcare manager.Module Five assesses the different payment models in U.S. healthcare, provides and overview of for-profit compared to not-for-profit organizations, and takes a look at the impact and complexity of healthcare insurance. In Module Five, you will apply some of the concepts you have studied in the course thus far as you analyze your chosen public health issue for your second final project milestone. Module Six will examine how consumer behavior is influenced in the U.S. healthcare system and the impact of those behaviors on health economics.…

solved i will share you the posts from my classmates each

i will share you the posts from my classmates each reply just needs to be about 100 words.
In 1957, a new medication was rapidly approved to treat restlessness and nausea in pregnant women called thalidomide which ended up causing deformities in fetuses. These deformities include, but are not limited to shortened limbs, the absence of limbs, missing fingers or toes, extra fingers or toes, digestive malformations of all kinds, and unresponsive facial muscles. New mothers put the lives of their unborn children in these medical doctors in order to find the best plan of care for their otherwise anticipated healthy babies. Unfortunately, distrust in the medical community grew rapidly and helped feed the idea that all medications have harmful toxins and all illnesses can be fixed via natural remedies (we see this in mothers who claim that essential oils help protect their children against viruses). Currently, we see the effects of vaccine hesitancy more prominently in a younger demographic, those without college degrees, republicans, and black Americans. The majority of republicans are family-centered at their core with a conservative lifestyle, putting an “us against the world” outlook on life, which is noble but often dangerous when they are not receptive to new information. Furthermore, Black Americans have been treated like lab rats in the past due to the blatant racism that once polluted the scientific community- which makes them extra cautious when offered a vaccine that seems too good to be true, rightfully so. The biggest ways to persuade republicans into getting vaccinated would be to appeal to their family values and highlight the need to protect their family and obtain endorsement from republican politicians and church pastors.

A. One major reason parents refuse to give their children vaccines is the fear of them causing developmental disabilities like Autism Spectrum Disorder. Previous research stated that vaccines may cause ASD but was determined fraud and rejected soon after, although the fear has instilled itself in parents across the nation.
B. Vaccine hesitancy is surfacing even more right now due to the current COVID-19 pandemic and the vaccine being offered to the public recently. People are refusing the vaccine or refusing to have their children vaccinated because of the fear of what it could potentially lead to in the future. I believe many people fear that there has not been enough research out there on the COVID vaccine and do not know the outcomes of what it could cause years down the road.
C. I think one way public health officials can sway anti-vaxxers is by making the public more aware of the research and studies done on these vaccines that prove that they are safe for humans. I also think they should make people more aware of the dangers not being vaccinated has on the community and our nation.

solved Write the Marketing Plan of Samsung Ltd company Follow the

Write the Marketing Plan of Samsung Ltd company
Follow the report format for the Marketing Plan closely. Write in business report format using full paragraphs unless otherwise stated. It is crucial to follow various major concepts in the textbook to devise your plan and strategy for each section. In other words, use major parts of each chapter to discuss details for each section.  The length of the assignment should be between 6-10 pages, not including an appendix. A minimum of 3 scholarly sources including your textbook ( Kotler, P. T., & Armstrong, G. (2020). Principles of Marketing. Pearson) must be cited using any recognized citation style. Use in-text citations throughout the paper.
It is recommended that you review the grading rubric attached to this dropbox before submitting your assignment.
Report format for the marketing plan:
Title Page
Table of Contents

Use the headings show in this example as your table of contents.

Introduction to Organization and Product/Service and Microenvironment  

Background and explanation including the one or two products/services you are focusing on
Include main actors in the microenvironment (incorporate relevant aspects of Dropbox 2 into this part; see chapter 3).
Include a discussion of the main forces in the macroenvironment (incorporate relevant aspects of Dropbox 2 into this part; see Chapter 3).

Basic Marketing Research

What marketing research does the organization plan (incorporate relevant aspects of Dropbox 2 into this part)?

SWOT Analysis

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats – a chart format is OK for this section – see SWOT section in the Sample Marketing Plan in the etext.

Competitive Analysis

See the Competitive Review section in the Sample Marketing Plan in the etext.

Marketing Objectives

Be specific, preferably measurable objectives, explain – see Objectives and Issues section in the Sample Marketing Plan in the etext.

Positioning, Target Market, and Segmentation

Create a positioning statement or improve upon the one the organization currently has (this can be a short phrase or one-liner – ).  What is the segment and who is the target market? Prepare a small chart similar to Table A1.1 in the Sample Marketing Plan in the etext.

Marketing Mix Strategies
Describe strategies for all 4 P’s of marketing, or how to improve what a company is currently doing; See the Marketing Strategy section in the Sample Marketing Plan in etext but describe these in further detail with full analysis for each separately – this may be your largest section of the report.

Promotion and Integrated Marketing Communication (also incorporate Dropbox 5 into this area)

Ethical, Legal, and Privacy Considerations

What ethical and legal issues present themselves?  Consider any of these as relevant and describe how you would address these.