solved Answer two (2) “Questions to Consider.” Summaries must be a

Answer two (2) “Questions to Consider.” Summaries must be a minimum of 300 words and you are encouraged to write more. (Note: The total 300-word count does not include repeating the questions you chose to answer.Chapter 5:1. Based on the reading (Labor and Legality, Chapter 5) how do the Busboys convince their employer that they are hard workers and what is their objective in doing all the work? What are they trying to accomplish?2. After all the hard, extra work is delivered with a smile and all of the work is done, do the Busboys believe they have achieved their goals? Are they happy with their work and status at the restaurant?3. What do you think about the Busboy’s strategy? Does it make sense to you? Have you ever employed this strategy yourself? If so how did it turn out? And would you agree or disagree that all of their hard work only serves to reinforce the stereotyping of immigrants generally and Mexican immigrants in particular?4. Based on what you read about the Busboys, how would you describe/assess their conditions of work—good, bad or better than you might have expected given our previous discussions or work in low wage labor markets? And do you think the Busboys’ approach to work had any impact on the conditions of work at the restaurant? (Please explain)Chapter 6:1. There are two stereotypes of Mexican Immigrants, one as the lawless “illegals” pouring over the borders stealing jobs and collecting welfare and the other as “the hardworking immigrants” trying to make it in “the land of opportunity.” How do these stereotypes play out in terms of how management rationalizes the way they hire, pay and promote the bus boys?2. Based on the readings, what we know about management at I1 Vino, and our class discussions, would you say that the make up of the busboy staff has more to do with racial bias or the experience, skill, and motivation of the workers? (Please explain).3. Do the busboys engage in some stereotyping of their own? (Please explain)4. The busboys would argue that through “hard work” and “winning the boss” they maintain job security and overcome the exploitation and discrimination they face at work and in the larger society. Do you agree?5. Near the end of Chapter 6, one of the busboys declares, “I don’t care if I am illegal or whatever. Why not? Because this country gives you opportunities! If you take advantage of them, good for you, and if you don’t, you are stupid. So I feel good that I have been able to take advantage of opportunities here.” The question is do you believe him? Is that what he really thinks? Do you think that he’s not concerned about his status? Do you think he believes he’s been given an opportunity here in the U.S. as an undocumented worker? And finally, do you think he’s been given an opportunity as an undocumented worker?

solved Discussion Question 1: Legal Analysis – Accidental ShootingIn the following

Discussion Question 1: Legal Analysis – Accidental ShootingIn the following discussion question, you must study a personal injury scenario to analyze the tortfeasor’s conduct to determine whether the victim has any viable tort claims (to include identifying the elements of each relevant tort) and what remedies might be most appropriate. Additionally, you must identify whether the defendant has any defenses, privileges, or immunities available to eliminate or mitigate any tort liability he or she may have.Shelly has been awakened every night this week by a pack of barking dogs in the alley behind her apartment building. Finally fed up, she grabs a BB gun her nephew left at her apartment and shoots out of the window at the dogs. Just as she is shooting, Carol, one of her neighbors, comes out from behind the building, right where the dogs are. Carol shrieks and falls to the ground, holding her arm. The dogs run away. Carol looks up and sees Shelly holding the gun in the window. Carol presses criminal charges against Shelly and contacts the firm where you work because she wants to sue Shelly civilly as well.Based on the above information and after reviewing assigned course materials and conducting brief research on any pertinent laws and cases in your jurisdiction, answer.Can Carol sue Shelly? Why or why not?Analyze the possible claims and any defenses available. Discussion Question 2: Legal Analysis – Practical Joke ConsequencesIn the following discussion question, you must study a personal injury scenario to analyze the tortfeasor’s conduct to determine whether the victim has any viable tort claims (to include identifying the elements of each relevant tort) and what remedies might be most appropriate. Additionally, you must identify whether the defendant has any defenses, privileges, or immunities available to eliminate or mitigate any tort liability he or she may have.Kelly has worked for a construction company for a few months. One of her coworkers, Ken, is a practical joker, and everyone is fair game. Someone mentions to Ken that Kelly is afraid of slasher movies. Thinking it will be hilarious, one day Ken shows up at work wearing a mask of one of the slasher movie characters and hides in the locker room waiting for Kelly. As Kelly enters, Ken jumps at her, wearing the mask. Kelly screams, faints, and hits her head against a locker.Kelly is not seriously injured and attempts to carry on as usual with her work. Every time she tries to go to the lockers, however, she starts to tremble, her stomach knots up, and she feels sick. This goes on for several days. She goes to the doctor, who prescribes antianxiety medication. Kelly is convinced Ken is going to try something else and is afraid to return to work. She files a lawsuit against Ken and the employer for intentional infliction of emotional distress.

solved Create a 2-3 page proposal that analyzes your business topic,

Create a 2-3 page proposal that analyzes your business topic, defines the scope and strategy for how you will go about your capstone project, and explains how your proposed project allows you to demonstrate the MBA program outcomes. 
Based on the feedback you received from faculty on your capstone summary in Assessment 1, you should now have a firm grasp of the scope of your project. In fact, if someone asks you what your project is about, you should have an “elevator speech” prepared. That is, you should have memorized 1–3 sentences that explain the topic, problem, and scope clearly and concisely. With just these few sentences, explaining your project to someone while on a short elevator ride would be no trouble at all! Additionally, having such a clear vision will help you with this assessment and the project overall.
For this assessment, you will formally propose your capstone project. 

Review the MBA Capstone Project Description [PDF].

Assessment Description
Write a business proposal that formally proposes your capstone project and ends by asking for permission to continue, just as you might propose a project to a supervisor or client.
Include, at minimum, the following information:

Analyze a business challenge or opportunity.

Include an introduction to your proposal.
Summarize the capstone project topic, scope, and components; saying that your capstone will comprise a paper and presentation is not enough.
Establish the premise of your paper; for example, if you plan to talk about how Dillard’s department store can come back after a huge financial loss, you should include citations that establish its dramatic financial loss. 

Define the strategy, scope, and action plan that you will use to complete the capstone project.

Provide a general action plan on how you will research, analyze, and identify recommendations or solutions to this business challenge or opportunity. 
Discuss the general type of data sources you will be used to inform your analysis. Provide at least two specific sources that you are considering. These resources should be from credible sources such as the Wall Street Journal, IBIS, et cetera. Use the excellent Research Guide – MBA for locating credible resources from the Capella library’s business databases and article collections. 
Include the process or steps on accessing the data necessary for the analysis of a business topic or challenge.

Write a conclusion. 

Include a wrap-up that ensures your supervisor/client that your project will meet all requirements, be valuable to them, and be completed on time. 
Be sure to conclude by asking for permission to continue to the next step. 

Your proposal should be organized using these sections:

Discussion of the Proposal.
Strategy and Scope.
Action Plan.

solved The Diagnosis criteria for Pre-eclampsia based on the ACOG guidelines

The Diagnosis criteria for Pre-eclampsia based on the ACOG guidelines and the maternal and fetal complications related.Discuss the Diagnosis criteria for Pre-eclampsia based on the ACOG guidelines and the maternal and fetal complications related.An effective health assessment incorporates not only physiological parameters; please suggest other parameters that should be considered and included on health assessments to reach maximal health potential on individuals.Name the different family developmental stages and give examples of each one.Describe family structure and function and the relationship with health care. Submission Instructions:Your instructor will assign you your case number and you will post on the case number you have been assigned.You will reply to the other two case studies (One of each).Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources.Grading RubricYour assignment will be graded according to the grading rubric.Discussion RubricCriteriaRatingsPointsIdentification of Main Issues, Problems, and Concepts5 pointsDistinguishedIdentify and demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of the issues, problems, and concepts.4 pointsExcellentIdentifies and demonstrates an accomplished understanding of most of the issues, problems, and concepts.2 pointsFairIdentifies and demonstrates an acceptable understanding of most of the issues, problems, and concepts.1 pointPoorIdentifies and demonstrates an unacceptable understanding of most issues, problems, and concepts.5 pointsUse of Citations, Writing Mechanics and APA Formatting Guidelines3 pointsDistinguishedEffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Exceptional use of citations and extended referencing. High level of APA precision and free of grammar and spelling errors.2 pointsExcellentEffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Moderate use of citations and extended referencing. Moderate level of APA precision and free of grammar and spelling errors.1 pointFairIneffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Moderate use of citations and extended referencing. APA style and writing mechanics need more precision and attention to detail.0 pointPoorIneffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Unacceptable use of citations and extended referencing. APA style and writing mechanics need serious attention.3 pointsResponse to Posts of Peers2 pointsDistinguishedThe student constructively responded to two other posts and either extended, expanded, or provided a rebuttal to each.1 pointFairThe student constructively responded to one other post and either extended, expanded, or provided a rebuttal.0 pointPoorThe student provided no response to a peer’s post. 2 points

solved Discussion 4ADeviance And ControlDISCUSSION PREPARATIONFor this discussion, we will examine

Discussion 4ADeviance And ControlDISCUSSION PREPARATIONFor this discussion, we will examine how deviance and social control exist and function within our society.Please watch the video on Deviance and Social Control. This should assist with your reading.Deviance and Social control Video Link (Links to an external site.).DISCUSSION For this discussion, I want you to pick a behavior that is viewed as deviant within our society(i.e. tattoos, etc) and discuss the following:Why is it deviant?How do the 3 perspectives functionalism, conflict, and interaction work to control deviance?Crime is different than deviance in that it is deviance that violates the rules and laws of society. There are many reasons people commit crimes in our society.Choose a reason listed in your textbook and discuss how the 3 perspectives discuss crime and control. The example can be Murder-Capital punishment and the concept of deterrenceDiscussion 4BAll SectionsStatus and Social StratificationStatus is defined as “One’s position within a group or society.” Social Stratification is the hierarchical assignment within society, that allows members access to resources, based on their position. We talk about the “American Dream” and “Land of Opportunity” as mechanisms of your success in our society. Does this exist?Discussion PreparationPlease watch the video on the One Percent and complete reading in book.”One Percent (Links to an external site.)Discussion 4CDiscuss how the 3 perspectives discuss your status success or failure based on your position in society.Discuss if the “American Dream” exists, based on your reading.Globalization And DependencyDiscussion PreparationRead the chapter in the bookDiscussionFor this discussion, I want you to focus on the effects of Dependency when referring to Globalization. This will help with your work for your groups. Do the following:Define Dependency TheoryResearch how the US has benefited from this in a global economy(big hint-Clothing Manufactures)Discuss your findingsSearch entries or authorDiscussion 4DRace And EthnicityDiscussion PreparationChapter 10 is one of the most important chapters for this course. The material in this chapter covers what we all experience daily in our lives. So for this discussion, we are going to look at “Whiteness and White Privilege”. Many find this topic very divisive and the foundation of what we look at as prejudice and racism. Video To Watch: “White Like Me (Links to an external site.)”.DiscussionWatch the video “White Like Me (Links to an external site.)”.Discuss how these terms fit within the 3 perspectives.Discuss if you agree or disagree.Since this topic can be divisive, I ask that you be respectful of your classmate’s opinions and make constructive and engaging comments. Class is getting real. Please include questions of me so we can really broaden the topic.

solved I would like for you to look at another Career

I would like for you to look at another Career Assessment and Research tool, California Career Zone. You may have already used and seen this before, but I’d like for you to see it again. There are a lot of similarities in the various Career Assessments I have shown you in class. This is because they all point to the O*Net which is the governmental site on Careers and Occupations. The various assessments I have given you are all designed to point to this website for Career and Occupation information with different web platforms and design tools to make it easier for your to research and find information. The reason why I am having you explore a variety of tools is so you can bookmark these and go back to them again and again during your college and career journey. You get to choose which ones to explore and go back to when you are searching, deciding and gathering information. Please log into California Career Zone and take a look at these features:CALIFORNIA CAREER ZONE USER DIRECTIONS First Time User:Go to Register Now! and create accountCreate an easy to remember portfolio accountComplete the Career Assessments: Choose Begin Assessment Choose Quick Assessment and complete this section. (Save Results)Choose Interest Profiler and complete this section. (Save Results)Choose Skills Profiler and complete this section. (Save Results)Choose Work Importance Profiler and complete this section. (Save Results)Choose Start ExploringClick on a job family and search related occupations within an area that you might enjoy!Choose Make Money ChoicesFind out how much money you will need and which occupations will pay for your needsOther Resources: Choose Decide in the top right-hand corner.Use these tools to compare different options and learn what you need to pursue your goalsJob tools such as Colleges and Training and Field of Study are found hereChoose Grow in the top right-hand cornerPersonal Reports are made to record your progress and to review your pervious workJob tools such as personal reports, documentation, job tools, and budget are found hereTo EXIT close the website. All of the information you have completed will be saved under your name to view profile.Returning User:Go to (Links to an external site.)Sign in by entering username and passwordView your profile and continueYour portfolio is yours to use and refer to while in college. There are a number of other great tools you can utilize in California Career Zone. This is a great resource to research careers and colleges. Start your Career and College exploration and return to this site often.Write a paragraph on what you learned and how this will benefit you with your career research. Remember that you can use this as one of your sources for your final career research paper. Happy researching!

solved Textbook:… Respond to the following Disc

Respond to the following Discussion Assignment after reading the Chapter on Media & Technology. Respond to one post with thoughtful feedback.  Your feedback needs to be more than “I like, I don’t like, That’s cool”. Be specific with your feedback. Not responding to a post or not addressing all of the discussion questions, will result in points deducted. 

How have digital media changed social interactions? Do you believe it has deepened or weakened human connections and interactions? Defend your response. 
In what ways has the internet affected how you see reality? Explain your response using the symbolic interactionist perspective. Make sure your response is clear.


Media has affected social interactions due to the information it can provide and because of how widespread it is. Due to this, it has both the ability to strengthen and weaken human connections. Media has spread misinformation along with information as shown in just the pandemic. Particularly, election season. Some media outlets were spreading misinformation concerning the vaccines and behaviors of our past president. However, in that similar span of time, there was also a great connection when it came to the murder of George Floyd. Systematic racism had a severe call out globally which also impacted how laws were perceived and changed (like the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act this year), along with human interaction itself. There was a sense of togetherness for many to prevent more bloodshed and harm from happening by the results of hate crimes and bigotry. It’s slowly becoming more of a habit to celebrate and accept each other’s differences but not those that come at the expense of others and run deep in bigotry.
affected my reality severely starting at the beginning of the pandemic.
My senior year was cut short and all of a sudden, there was a global
sickness that terrified me and a wrongful murder that outraged me along
with things I found out later after that specific event. It was a lot
for me to deal with, especially since I had just turned 18 two months
later and was also ready to really start getting together my young adult
life. Not just mentally and emotionally, but also politically and
morally. I was so ready
to vote for the first time and I took a lot of time to speak on topics
that were important for me as I did more research on social media (we
all had so much time on our hands in the beginning of the pandemic
anyways) like LGBTQ+ rights, feminism/gender equality, climate change,
and the fight against systemic racism. Immediately, I learned on my own
that the world needed a lot of things that needed to be addressed and
handled before there was no coming back. To be honest, all I see is just
a hard and lonely world now after all of that.

solved I have chosen the Travelling salesperson problem as my typical

I have chosen the Travelling salesperson problem as my typical problem.
Step 1: Identify and Solve a Typical Problem
There are a number of typical models in the Operations Research field which can be applied to a wide range of
supply chain problems. Select one of the following typical models:
• Travelling Salesperson Problem (TSP)
• Multiple Traveling Salesman Problem (mTSP)
• Knapsack Problem
• Vehicle Routing Problems (VRP)
• Job Shop Scheduling
• Parallel Machine Scheduling
• Christmas lunch problem
• Newsvendor problem
• Pickup and delivery
• Travelling thief problem
• Eight queens problem
• Minimum Spanning Tree
• Hamiltonian path problem
1.1. Background:
• Provide a detailed explanation of the selected problem.
1.2. Model
• Provide typical mathematical model of the selected problem and clearly explain different aspects of the
model (e.g. decision variable, objective function, constraints, etc.)
1.3. Solving an Example
• Develop a mathematical model for a workable and reasonable size of the problem.
– For many typical problems, when size of the problem increases, it becomes NP-Hard. In other words,
your computer will not be able to solve it mathematically. Therefore, ‘workable and reasonable size’
here means that size of the selected problem should not be too small or too large.
• Solve the problem in Excel and transfer your solution to Word. It is required that details and steps of
getting the solution are provided in the Word document.
• Interpret the findings and discuss.
Step 2: LR on Application of Selected Typical Model in Design and Analysis of Supply Chain
• Identify at least 5 peer reviewed articles in which your selected typical problem has been employed to
address knowledge gaps in supply chain field.
– At least one of the selected articles should be published after 2010.
• Write a comprehensive literature review on the application of “your selected” typical model in design and
analysis of supply chain and address the following (but not limited to) points:
– What type of problems in supply chain can be addressed by the selected typical problem?
– Compare similarities and differences of selected articles.
– Discuss the suitability of using the selected typical model in design/analysis of various supply chains.
– What are the limitations of your selected typical problem?
– Undertaking any additional critical and/or content analysis on the application of selected typical
problem in design and analysis of supply chain is highly recommended.
Step 3: Summary of Findings
• A summary of findings regarding the strengths and weaknesses of the selected typical problem in design
and analysis of supply chain should be summarised in this section.
• From each article something unique should be explained in the report.

solved As the manager of CTU Health Care Systems, you have

As the manager of CTU Health Care Systems, you have done your research on three vendors to which you would like to outsource the implementation of the electronic health records (EHRs) for the clinics. As the manager, you have a number of critical decisions regarding the electronic medical record systems. At first, you thought you could either implement the existing EHR system at the other acute care organization or implement an entirely new EHR in both facilities.You met with your staff, and after researching several companies that offered both products and services, you have solicited request for proposals (RFPs) from the following three companies:ABC Systems Consulting, the leading company in health care systems integration services, refused to bid on the systems integration required for bringing the current EHR system into the other organization. This was because of the risks and time requirements for designing, implementing, and testing the large number of interfaces required and the required time line for the completion of the project as identified by the client.XYZ EHR Systems proposed that its new, recently redeveloped EHR be implemented in both facilities, which included a computerized physician order entry (CPOE) module, standardized drug interaction alert functionality, and customizable clinical alert functionality. It estimated that the merged entity would get a much better price than $50 million for purchasing this new system. Unfortunately, XYZ was unable to provide evidence of successful installation of its recently redeveloped EHR system at a similarly large delivery network or anywhere.QRS EHR Systems, a leading provider of EHR systems for large acute care facilities, proposed that its EHR be installed in both acute care organizations with a $50–60 million price tag. QRS included a CPOE module, standardized drug interaction alert functionality, as well as evidence-based clinical alert functionality. QRS also had a physician office EHR system with an embedded patient registration system; however, QRS has had minimal experience with integrating the physician office registration system with the acute care (hospital) registration system—an integration feature that was a priority for this project based on the client’s information technology (IT) strategic plan.The stakes surrounding your recommendation to the chief information officer (CIO) and chief executive officer (CEO) could not be higher in terms of dollars and your career.Discuss the following in your paper of 3-4 pages, not including title page and reference page:What pieces of information are the most critical for your decision on selecting the right vendor?What other options, if any, do you have?What are the critical success factors in the case?What are your recommendations to the CIO and CEO based on the RFPs that you received?

solved TWO topics are required for Week 8. Include at least

TWO topics are required for Week 8. Include at least two (2) references from learning material or outside sources. Reply at least to two (2) classmate posts.TOPIC 1: . Digital MarketingFor this topic we will discuss a recent case where the Kellogg company launched a digital campaign to capitalize on (unpaid) product promotion for Eggos in the Netflix series Stranger Things.Read the case and then address these questions in your response:What benefits did Eggo see from collaborating with Netflix? Are there any potential downsides to such a collaboration?What is the likely connection between authenticity and nostalgia in the success of this case? Are these factors alone sufficient for a successful marketing campaign?Social media and sales data indicate that interest in Eggo dropped when Stranger Things had not recently aired a season. What can Eggo do to capitalize on renewed interest in the brand year-round?What are some best practices or lessons for both digital marketing and product placement that can be derived from this case?O’Donnell, R. & Huntington, H. E., (2020). Stranger things have happened: Digital marketing lessons from the Eggo–Netflix collaboration. In SAGE Business Cases. 2020. 10.4135/9781529717099TOPIC 2: Customer Satisfaction Surveys – Personal ApplicationYou might remember Joy Mead, associate director of marketing at Procter & Gamble, when she spoke about consumer behavior. Listen to this clip to hear Mead talk about the research techniques and methods Procter & Gamble uses to develop consumer insight. You will learn that the company isn’t just interested in what consumers want now but also years into the future. marketing research is generally used when all other options for gathering marketing data have been exhausted. It is very expensive, and sometimes the research itself is flawed in its design. One of the areas of primary marketing research we are all familiar with is the customer satisfaction survey. Even this supposedly simple type of survey is difficult to design to elicit the most accurate responses from customers. Let’s get a little experience in question design. Go to Click on “Solutions,” then “Customer Satisfaction,” then on the Customer Satisfaction Survey Template, click “Preview.” On the right side, click on “Surveys 101.” (You should not have to sign up for an account to access this information.) Scroll through the tutorial on survey design, paying special attention to the section on “How to Design a Survey.”Create one question you would ask customers of the brand you are profiling for your writing assignments for the purposes of measuring customer satisfaction. The question type can be multiple choice, comment/essay, rating scale—your choice based on the objective of the question.