solved Learning Objectives: This assignment will help students meet the following

Learning Objectives:
This assignment will help students meet the following Learning Objectives.

Students will write effective essays that engage readers and present original ideas or points of view.
Emphasis will be placed on thesis-driven essays, which will demonstrate the principles of argumentation, including claims, evidence, and analysis.
Students will be able to edit their own writing for errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation

The assignment addresses the following student learning outcomes:

Synthesize material from multiple texts to create and support an argument in response to a prompt.
Create writing that is clear and concise.

Step 1: Review
Before submitting, please review your Essay 1 Prompt: Summary and Response prompt and make sure you have met all of the requirements.

Remember that you wrote your academic summary and your thesis last week. If I made comments/suggestions on your work, you want to make those changes, but you should be using those things as part of Essay 1. 
You also wrote a PIE paragraph that could work as your response paragraph with some revision. 
If you use your academic summary and your PIE paragraph that you already wrote, that means you just have to add an introduction (with the thesis) and a conclusion, and you are done with this essay! 

Step 2: Double Check
Compose a summary and response essay, between 700-900 words in length, in which you clearly summarize Martin Luther King Jr’s “The Purpose of Education” or Malcolm X’s “Learning to Read” (review Academic Summary of Your Text ) and then respond to the author’s ideas based on connections between the author’s claims and your own experiences about your purpose of education. Please make sure to review your lecture on Writing a Summary and Response. 
More Specifically, the paper should have four paragraphs:

Introduction: The introduction should introduce the readers to the idea of educational barriers and challenges. It should introduce the article you have chosen to summarize (“Purpose of Education” or “Learning to Read”). It should end with a thesis that states whether you agree with your chosen’s articles claims and shows how the article relates to your experiences in education so far.
Summary: Your summary of the article chosen formatted in Academic Summary format.
Response: Ideas and points you accept\disagree with examples from your own experiences. This should be formatted in PIE paragraph structure.  
In the Point (topic sentence), you should name what you agree or disagree with the author about. 
The Information will give an example of your personal experiences to show why you agree or disagree. 
The Explanation will explain to the reader how your experiences prove that the author is correct or wrong in his/her assertions. 
Conclusions: Restates your thesis and provides a final thought.

solved Chapter 14. Customer Satisfaction and Customer Relationships. Chapter 15. Marketing

Chapter 14. Customer Satisfaction and Customer Relationships.
Chapter 15. Marketing Research Tools.
Initial Postings:  Read and reflect on the assigned readings for the week. Then post what  you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s),  and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding in  each assigned textbook chapter.Your initial post should be based upon  the assigned reading for the week, so the textbook should be a source  listed in your reference section and cited within the body of the text.  Other sources are not required but feel free to use them if they aid in  your discussion.
Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:

Discuss  how core factors, cues to quality, and interpersonal factors of a  product influence your buying decisions. Discuss with supporting  examples.

Imagine  designing a conjoint for your b-school’s café. In particular, you’re in  charge of the daily pizza orders. Pizzas are tricky—while they’re a  simple food, they can be created in a zillion combinations. What factors  should you test in terms of your fellow students’ likely preferences?  Wheat crust vs. white, thick vs. thin, plain cheese vs. sausage vs.  sausage and green pepper vs. vegetarian (you get the picture). Design a  conjoint that would result in identifying 2 or 3 popular slices that  your café managers could order every morning. The student body knows  you’re responsible—how do you make most of them happy?

[Your post must be substantive and demonstrate insight gained from the course material. Postings must be in the student’s own words – do not provide quotes!] 
[Your initial post should be at least 450+ words and in APA format (including Times New Roman with font size 12 and double spaced). 
Submitting the Initial Posting:Your initial posting should be completed by Thursday, 11:59 p.m. EST. 
Response to Other Student Postings:  Respond substantively to the post of at least two peers, by Friday, 11:59 p.m. EST. A  peer response such as “I agree with her,” or “I liked what he said  about that” or similar comments are not considered substantive and will  not be counted for course credit.
[Continue the discussion through Sunday,11:59 p.m. EST by  highlighting differences between your postings and your colleagues’  postings. Provide additional insights or alternative perspectives]
Evaluation of posts and responses: Your  initial posts and peer responses will be evaluated on the basis of the  kind of critical thinking and engagement displayed. The grading rubric  evaluates the content based on seven areas:
Content  Knowledge & Structure, Critical Thinking, Clarity & Effective  Communication, Integration of Knowledge & Articles, Presentation,  Writing Mechanics, and Response to Other Students.

solved This section should include:a) a brief description of the practice

This section should include:a) a brief description of the practice setting in which your dilemma is embedded.Briefly explain the purpose, sponsorship, and mission of the organization or the specific department/service related to your dilemma; b) clearly identify the specific situation you have chosen to process.It may be a direct practice case, an organizational policy or a social policy dilemma.Explain all relevant facts of the ethical dilemma; and, c) explicitly state the central ethical dilemma(s) involved.That is, frame the dilemma in terms of a conflict of values, rights, or responsibilities.In complex dilemmas, you may also choose to briefly discuss any related ethical issues. The practice situation should be related to your experiences as a social worker.It may be one of direct practice, program management/ development, or social policy related to social work practice.In other words, the ethical issue may be related to any of the contexts OR systems in which a social worker carries professional responsibility. Focusing the dilemma – Ethical dilemmas, similar to all dilemmas, present the decision-maker with competing perspectives, which are of proportional or similar worth.The choice that needs to be made is between two or more alternative goods or the avoidance of alternative harms.If the claims of one side are much stronger than the claims of the other side of the dilemma, it is not a true dilemma because the choice is then clear.In order to focus the situation, you need to state the dilemma you are processing in ethical terms.This means, in terms of a conflict of values, a conflict of rights, or a conflict of responsibilities; for example, children’s rights to privacy/confidentiality vs. parents rights to know, OR the responsibility of the organization to provide services consistent with its mission vs. the responsibility of the organization to engage in practices of fiscal restraint, OR worker’s responsibility to the client vs. responsibility to the employing agency.This formulation, then, is the central focus of the ethical dilemma you are processing. Section Possible Points Points Discussion of Practice Situation:Provides a clear description of what happened.Answers the questions of what happened, who was involved, and when it happened. 30 Description of Practice Setting:Provides a clear description of the setting where the situation occurred.Discusses agency mission and size.Clearly identifies type of setting (ie, school, hospital, community mental health, etc).Answers the question of where the situation happened. 30 Identification of Ethical Dilemma:Identifies the ethical dilemma as a conflict of values, principles, or standards.Dilemma is written as a something v something statement. 30 APA/Grammar: Contains no spelling or grammar errors. 10 Total: 100

solved It is important to identify and understand your own family

It is important to identify and understand your own family culture in order to be able to understand and respect other cultures. Interview a family member, and an individual from another culture with which you are unfamiliar. Some examples of an individual from another culture to consider for the assignment include a neighbor, coworker, patient, or friend. Please inform the individuals of the purpose of this assignment and make sure you receive their consent.
Review the “Family Interview ” template prior to the interview. Additional space is designated on the template for you to create three additional questions to ask both interviewees (family member and person from another culture). Additional questions should be relevant to the readings or discussion and should provide value to the interview by helping to understand culture.
Some of the questions may include:
Family beliefs: Have they changed over generations?
Educational and occupational status in the culture and in the family
Communication methods: verbal and nonverbal
Current family goals/priorities

Family member roles and organizational systems 
Spiritual beliefs: current practice and death and dying
Alternative lifestyles
Work attitudes and structure
Written Paper:
Using the “Family Interview ” template, interview your designated family member and the person from another culture. Be sure to write your responses in a way that will assist you in writing your paper. After the interview is completed, write a paper of 750-1,000 words that includes the following:
An introductory paragraph with the reasons for selecting the interviewees
A summary of the responses from the interview template gathered from the interviewees

A comparison and contrast of your findings between the two interviewees
A reflective concluding paragraph on how family roles affect the cultural domains and relationships for each individual
General Requirements:
Submit both the completed “Family Interview” template and the written paper” to the instructor.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
Topic: Article Analysis 1

The interpretation of research in health care is essential to decision making. By understanding research, health care providers can identify risk factors, trends, outcomes for treatment, health care costs and best practices. To be effective in evaluating and interpreting research, the reader must first understand how to interpret the findings. You will practice article analysis in Topics 2, 3, and 5.

solved I’m working on a Science exercise and need support. After

I’m working on a Science exercise and need support.

After reading Chapter 2 Border Disputes from Seung’s Connectome (see attached file), please complete the following multiple choice and short writing. Please select the best choice from the options given.Question 1:Which choice best describes the explanation that a phrenologist or neophrenologist might give as to why one 5-year-old child (Roxy) can read while another 5-year-old child (Dylan) is not yet able to?A: Dylan was born with a larger head than Roxy.B: One child is a boy and one child is a girl.C: Roxy was read to and practiced reading more than Dylan.D: Roxy has cortical thickening due to access to an enriched environment with lots of library books but Dylan had never been to a library.E: An fMRI revealed that the neuronal activity in Roxy’s prefrontal cortex is much higher than Dylan’s.Question 2:Selection bias can complicate many scientific studies. Which choice(s) include a selection bias for a study conducted to determine the cause of artistic talent?A: Compare the size of occiptal corticies from 10 professional artists and 10 people who self-report lack artistic ability.B: Compare the change in sizes of occipital lobes of 10 people selected at random prior to aquiring artistic ability with those same 10 people 1 year later after completing a year-long art program.C: Compare the fMRI data from 10 first-year fine art students with 10 first-year chemistry students.D: A and BE: A and CQuestion 3:In which of the following scenarios, is it most likely that the individual will recover language ability?A: A 78-year-old man suffers a massive stroke in his left temporal lobe last week.B: A 1-year-old child severely damaged the left hemisphere of her brain in a car accident.C: A 20-year-old woman damaged her Broca’s area 3 months ago in a car accident and has yet to speak.D: A 40-year-old man had the left hemisphere of his brain removed yesterday to treat his epilepsy.Question 4:Which of the following explains why V. S. Ramachandran was able to elicit a sensation in a patient’s amputated limb by gently touching the patient’s face?A: Sensory neurons dedicated to the upper arm and face remapped to the brain region once used by the lower arm.B: The neurons required for sensation in the lower arm died.C: The face and lower arm use the same sensory neurons.D: The amputation of the limb caused a trauma in the brain as well.Question 5: ( Short Explain)Seung uses a factory worker analogy to illustrate why bigger muscles have a high positive correlation to stronger muscles but the same is NOT true for the brain. In your own words, explain why this is not true for the brain and be sure to include a comparison of a factory where each worker completes the same task vs. a factory that is more complex where each worker cooperates with each other to complete different tasks.

solved This project gives you the opportunity to conduct research, analyze,

This project gives you the opportunity to conduct research, analyze, and synthesize various financial and tech aspects related to the course. You can implement, in a real-world setting, any of the course content, as well as other skills, insights, or information related to Fintech/tech/investment arenas that you think may be relevant (e.g., regulation, government intervention, the state and the prospects of the macroeconomy, risk issues, your intuition, the performance of competitors, industry performance and prospects).In completing this project, you will have the flexibility to:Allocate more or less time depending on your work commitment, ability, etc.Choose the perspective that is closest to the actual role you have/will have in your company or investmentThe idea is that you can practice and allocate resources where you see a higher return for you. For example, if you are starting a new Fintech venture or if you plan to start one in the future, this project can help you get started on some thoughts down and get feedback on your venture. This can be a very valuable exercise that can lead to a successful company down the road.Alternatively, if you plan to merge with a Fintech company, buy traded stocks of a Fintech company, or invest in such a company as a VC/PE investor, this project can give you the opportunity to take a thorough look at such a company.Overall, in this Capstone project, you need to do one of the following:Propose a new or improved Fintech project at your own organizationSelect any company (private or public) with which you have some familiarity and propose a new or improved Fintech projectPropose to start a new Fintech companyThe deliverable should include the following:If you choose (1), (2), or (3) given above, then you need to present the Fintech project using a self-recorded video (of 5-10 minutes, such as with Zoom) and/or a slide deck of about 10 slides that must include the following:Summary: Summarize the Fintech application in two to three sentences. Focus on the problem and target customersFactors: What macroeconomic, technological, and global factors are relevant to your Fintech application?Ecosystem: Where does your Fintech application fit into the ecosystem?Value: What is the value proposition for your Fintech application?Strategy: Which innovation strategies would you use to make your Fintech application a success?Technology: What technologies (i.e., AI/ML/cloud computing/blockchain) will aid your Fintech application, and what underlying costs would they reduce?Metrics: What metrics would you use to evaluate the success of your Fintech application?Financing Strategy: What sources of financing are you considering and what returns are expected by your investors?Managing Risks: What are the key regulatory and compliance risks for your Fintech application and how will you manage them?

solved          Â

                                                     PART 1
There are two items you need to mark for this assignment.
First, use the world map to mark the United States embassy in your contact’s country (Australia). In the unlikely event that the United States does not have an embassy in your contact’s country, explore the reason why and explain it in your submission for this assignment.
Mark the location using a star icon in light blue (RGB 2, 136, 209). I will do the marking of the MAP on my end once locations is provided in assignment!!!!! 
For each facility that you mark, include at least the following:

Basic information about the facility.
A picture of the facility (if possible).

Next, find a news article concerning the United Nations and criminal justice in your contact’s country. It may be difficult to find an article that addresses the topic directly but you should be able to find something that you can justify that will work. Add the following on the map:

Mark a notable location from the article (a city, specific location from the article, etc.).
Include a link to the news article.
Provide a brief summary of the UN’s involvement.

Once you have marked the locations, provide a list of the locations you marked as a submission for this assignment below.                                  
                                                                                     PART 2
It is easy as a citizen of a country to believe that policies in their country are currently working and could work equally as well if they were put in place in other countries. However, as we have seen recently, there are policies and procedures within the United States criminal justice system that can be problematic.
Furthermore, if a foreign country wants to implement something from the US system into their own, the process of doing so is usually not as simple as putting a policy in place and having it be successful. There may be cultural or political reasons why that policy would cause issues, even if ultimately it would be for the best.
There are two parts to this discussion.
First, identify one event in the US over the past 18 months that has created backlash internationally. Include two or three things that were broken in the US criminal justice system that led to the event and what you believe is the global impact of the event.
Next, think about a criminal justice policy in the United States that you think is working well. If you had the authority to put that policy in place in your contact’s country, what do you think the reaction would be? Do you think it would work? Would there be any unintended consequences to putting the policy in place?

solved As the manager of CTU Health Care Systems, you have

As the manager of CTU Health Care Systems, you have done your research on three vendors to which you would like to outsource the implementation of the electronic health records (EHRs) for the clinics. As the manager, you have a number of critical decisions regarding the electronic medical record systems. At first, you thought you could either implement the existing EHR system at the other acute care organization or implement an entirely new EHR in both facilities.You met with your staff, and after researching several companies that offered both products and services, you have solicited request for proposals (RFPs) from the following three companies:ABC Systems Consulting, the leading company in health care systems integration services, refused to bid on the systems integration required for bringing the current EHR system into the other organization. This was because of the risks and time requirements for designing, implementing, and testing the large number of interfaces required and the required time line for the completion of the project as identified by the client. XYZ EHR Systems proposed that its new, recently redeveloped EHR be implemented in both facilities, which included a computerized physician order entry (CPOE) module, standardized drug interaction alert functionality, and customizable clinical alert functionality. It estimated that the merged entity would get a much better price than $50 million for purchasing this new system. Unfortunately, XYZ was unable to provide evidence of successful installation of its recently redeveloped EHR system at a similarly large delivery network or anywhere. QRS EHR Systems, a leading provider of EHR systems for large acute care facilities, proposed that its EHR be installed in both acute care organizations with a $50–60 million price tag. QRS included a CPOE module, standardized drug interaction alert functionality, as well as evidence-based clinical alert functionality. QRS also had a physician office EHR system with an embedded patient registration system; however, QRS has had minimal experience with integrating the physician office registration system with the acute care (hospital) registration system—an integration feature that was a priority for this project based on the client’s information technology (IT) strategic plan. The stakes surrounding your recommendation to the chief information officer (CIO) and chief executive officer (CEO) could not be higher in terms of dollars and your career.Discuss the following in your paper of 3-4 pages, not including title page and reference page:What pieces of information are the most critical for your decision on selecting the right vendor? What other options, if any, do you have? What are the critical success factors in the case? What are your recommendations to the CIO and CEO based on the RFPs that you received?

solved Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read Chapter 4:

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read Chapter 4: Financial Forecasting in the textbook, and review the current financial statements of Starbucks through Yahoo! Finance (Links to an external site.)or the EDGAR | Company Filings (Links to an external site.)database in the Filings and Forms page. You can access the financial statements by going to the Yahoo! Finance webpage, typing in the stock symbol of Starbucks, and then clicking on the “Financials” tab. Watch the Week 1 Assignment video with Dr. Kevin Kuznia, DBA, CSSBB, PMP.Reviewing the previous quarter’s financial statements will provide you with data to construct pro forma financial statements for Starbucks and make some basic projections. This week, you will be charged with constructing two pro forma financial statements and addressing some questions about your projections. The two financial statements will include an Income Statement and Balance Sheet.To begin your assignment, download the Financial Forecasting Template download.Part 1Use the EDGAR | Company Filings (Links to an external site.)or Yahoo! Finance (Links to an external site.)database to download the last 10-Q from Starbucks into Excel. Use the downloaded data to complete the Income Statement and Balance Sheet on the appropriate tabs in the Financial Forecasting Template. Assume the following:Sales will increase for the next quarter by the same percentage increase from the previous quarter to the last reported quarter. For example, if sales increased 8% from the last quarter to the current reported quarter, you will use 8% as the sales increase for your pro formas.Calculate the expenses to determine what will change and what will remain the same.Note: Not all costs are associated with the cost of sales. It will be up to you to determine which line items need to be increased and which ones need to be left alone. This will require you to distinguish between fixed and variable costs. For a reminder of the difference between fixed and variable costs, please watch the video Business Costs (Fixed Costs and Variable Costs) Explained (Links to an external site.).Within each line item expense explain your rationale, as well as provide a brief summary.Part 2Then, calculate a quarterly variance analysis using the Variance Analysis tab of the Financial Forecasting Template (the same template you used for Part 1). Complete the following in your variance analysis:In the Excel template, insert the line items.In Column C, (Q4, 20NN) enter the previous quarter’s numbers as the budget.In Column D, (Q1, 20NN) enter the current quarter’s actual numbers.In Column E, the spreadsheet will calculate the dollar difference between the budget and actual numbers.In Column F, the spreadsheet will calculate the percentage change.In Column G, analyze and speculate the rationale for the variances.

solved In anticipation of your Policy Speech, you need to think

In anticipation of your Policy Speech, you need to think carefully about a topic. Unlike a straightforward persuasive speech, the challenge with this genre is to identify a specific social problem and devise a policy solution that could meaningfully fix it. Addressing the considerations below can help you think through the complexities of developing a solution to a vexing issue that could be both feasible and effective. The Keywords on Public Policy and Making Policy will be helpful as you think through this process.While the questions below get fairly specific, remember that this is just a proposal. The goal is to help you think through important considerations early so that they don’t become problems later in the process. If an aspect of the proposal is adjusted later in the process, that’s okay – that’s the point of a proposal.Please do not write out your responses as an essay. Rather, number your responses (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6) so I can easily see each question distinctly.In several clear sentences, describe the problem you aim to address. Explain why this problem is focused, local, or specific enough that it can be described in a single 6 to 8-minute speech.What is your personal interest in this topic, and, if appropriate, what are your qualifications for speaking on this topic?Why are speeches on this topic appropriate for your audience? What new perspective, angle, or information will you present in your speech? (This is an especially important question if you’re speaking about an commonly-known or over-exposed topic. Generally speaking, it’s smart to avoid highly saturated topics and select a more unique and novel approach.)What specific policy will you be advocating to help fix the problem you described in response 1 above? In this response, clearly address who would be implementing the policy and where it would be implemented (i.e., issues of jurisdiction). Also, draw from the “Making Policy” Keyword reading to identify what type(s) of policy instruments this policy would use to enact change.Drawing upon your preliminary research for this speech, identify appropriate evidence that will convince your audience that your policy would be feasible to implement/enforce, would work, would be fair (not cause other problems), and/or would be better than alternative solutions. (If you’re using direct quotes or paraphrasing material from your research as you respond, please offer attribution for those sources properly in parenthetical citations.)Provide a preliminary list of 6 sources that you might use for your speech. (Rest assured, I know this list will expand and be honed as you conduct more research.) Your sources should be listed in alphabetical order. Additionally, please use proper formatting (hanging indents, not numbered or bulleted) as you follow an approved style guide (APA, MLA, etc.)