solved External and Internal Environments Overview In this assignment, you are

External and Internal Environments
In this assignment, you are to use the same corporation you  selected and focused on for the Strategic Management and Strategic  Competitiveness assignment.
Using the corporation you chose from the Week 3 assignment,  Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness, examine the industry  in which the entity operates. Use any or all of the following resources  to conduct research on the company:

Company website.
Public filings from the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Filings & Forms page.
Strayer University’s online databases.
The Lexis Advance database.
Other miscellaneous sources. Note: the company’s annual report will often provide insights that other resources may not include.

Use the External and Internal Environments Template [DOC] to ensure that your assignment meets the requirements.
Write a 4–6 page paper in which you do the following:

Choose the two segments of the general environment that would rank highest in their influence on the corporation you chose.        

Assess how these segments affect the corporation you chose and the industry in which it operates.

Considering the five forces of competition, choose the two that  you estimate are the most significant for the corporation you chose.        

Evaluate how well the company has addressed these two forces in the recent past.

With the same two forces in mind, predict what the company  might do to improve its ability to address these forces in the near  future.
Assess the external threats affecting this corporation and the opportunities available to the corporation.        

Give your opinions on how the corporation should deal with  the most serious threat and the greatest opportunity. Justify your  answer.

Give your opinion on the corporation’s greatest strengths and most significant weaknesses.        

Choose the strategy or tactic the corporation should select  to take maximum advantage of its strengths, and the strategy or tactic  the corporation should select to fix its most significant weakness.  Justify your choices.

Determine the company’s resources, capabilities, and core competencies.
Go to the Strayer University Online Library to locate three quality references. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as academic resources. 

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For  assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing  Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your  professor for any additional instructions. 
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is as follows:

Analyze the effects of the general environment, competition,  threats, opportunities, strengths, and weaknesses relative to a  corporation.

solved Discussion #1- Money In Elections – Due FridayIn this forum,

Discussion #1- Money In Elections – Due FridayIn this forum, share your research findings from the Open Secrets Center for Responsive Politics (Links to an external site.) assignment with your classmates. Be certain to include why you selected the topic you researched.Read through and comment on the summary/analysis provided by your classmates (you must reply to at least two classmates).You should include your sources and analysis. Remember that Wikipedia is not a college level source.!!One post is DUE by Wednesday NIGHT at 11:59 pm (can be initial or reply to classmates). At least two additional post(s)
that include interactions with at least two other students are due by Friday NIGHT at 11:55pm. Minimum of 3 substantive posts for the week
and please check and reply to classmates throughout the week. You must use classmates first names in all replies when
you address them at the beginning of your reply. ————————————————————————Discussion #2- Media – Due FridayExplore and evaluate the evolution of the mass media in the United
States and its impact on our political system and the public. You
should include all of the following in your discussion:What your expectations about media are and what you believe the public’s expectations are? Where you get your campaign and election results as well as political news?How do you know the political and election information you receive is/was reliable?Explain the charges behind media being liberal or conservative and if
you believe the media skews one direction. You need to have examples
and identify your position. One post is DUE by Wednesday NIGHT at 11:59 pm (can be initial or reply to classmates). At least two additional post(s)
that include interactions with at least two other students are due by Friday NIGHT at 11:55pm. Minimum of 3 substantive posts for the week
and please check and reply to classmates throughout the week. You must use classmates first names in all replies when you address them at the beginning of your reply.——————————————————————–Assignment- Research Money In Politics – Due SaturdayExplore the Center for Responsive Politics (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)website.
The Center for Responsive Politics tracks money in U.S. politics and
its effect on elections and public policy. The center provides data and
analytical reports on a number of topics (presidential elections, super
pacs, political parties, 527 groups, etc.)Research an area that interests you on the site. Submit a
minimum one page summary and analysis of your findings on the topic.
Include links to the pages you consulted for your assignment.Each response should be paragraph should be a minimum of one full
page written in full sentences (minimum of 10 sentences)

solved Check Please2. Basic computations. The following selected balances were extracted

Check Please2.
Basic computations. The following selected balances were extracted from
the accounting records of Rossi Enterprises on December 31, 20X3:
Payable   $ 3,200  Interest Expense $2,500
Receivable   14,800  Land   18,000
Expense  1,900  Loan Payable  44,200
  32,200  Tax Expense  3,300
Cash  7,400  Utilities Expense 4,100
Revenue   60,100  Wage Expense   37,500
Determine Rossi’s total assets as of December 31.$72,400
Determine the company’s total liabilities as of December 31.  $47,400
Compute 20X3 net income or loss.  $10,800
  Revenue: 60,100
  -Expenses: 49,300 = $10,800
Accounting equation; analysis of owner’s equity. Sports car Repair
revealed the following financial data on January 1 and December 31 of the
current year.
  Assets  Liabilities
1  $46,500  $20,000
31  49,000  31,000
a.Compute the change in
owner’s equity during the year by using the accounting equation. Assets = Liabilities + Equity
January 1
  $46,500 = $20,000 + $26,500
31 $49,000 = $31,000 + $18,000
= $8,500
that there were no owner investments or withdrawals during the year. What is
the probable cause of the change in owner’s equity from part (a)? Net Loss
c.Assume that there were no
owner investments during the year. If the owner withdrew $17,000, determine and
compute the company’s net income or net loss. Be sure to label your answer.
Balance 26,500
Balance =
Balance= 18,000
income = $ 8,500
owner investments and withdrawals amounted to $13,000 and $2,000, respectively,
determine whether the company operated profitably during the year. Show
appropriate calculations.
Balance 26,500  Net loss =
Investments  + 13,000
Balance =  37,500
Balance  18,000
Financial statement relationships. The following information appeared on
the financial statements of the Altoona Repair Company:
expenses  $
income       7,200
of owner’s equity 
owner’s equity balance  $ 113,200
withdrawals    61,300
owner’s equity balance    71,150
Liabilities    $ 97,375
picturing the content of and the interrelationships among the financial
statements, determine the following:
revenues for the year-
Expenses ($65,900) + Net
income (7,200) = Revenue ($73,100)
owner investments
Beginning Balance   $113,200
$ – 61,300
=  $51,900
Net Income    + 7,200
=  $59,100
Ending Balance   -$71,150
Investments   $12,050

Assets = Liabilities +
Liabilities ($97,375) +
Equity ($71,150) = $168,525
Total Assets = $168,525

solved Your company, Rasmussen Consulting, was hired by MovieFlix, a company

Your company, Rasmussen Consulting, was hired by MovieFlix, a company that provides subscription service for on-demand Internet streaming media and DVD-by-mail within the U.S. You are the consultant that Rasmussen has decided to assign the MovieFlix case to.
To begin your assignment you will need to select one of the business problems described in the “Capstone Project Introduction” page of Module 01. You will complete this assignment in 2 parts. To complete your assignment, you will need to do the following:
Part I
Research your business issue. You will need to use a minimum of 4 credible sources for your research, with 2 being academic sources, such as a book or an academic scholarly journal. Academic scholarly journals can be accessed through the Rasmussen Online Library. For business sources, ProQuest and EBSCO Host are helpful.
*A note about credible sources: Credible sources are reliable, accurate, and trustworthy. These sources are written by authors respected in their fields of study. You want to identify sources where the author of the article is listed, if they’ve referenced other information, the sources should be cited so that you can check for the accuracy of and support what they have written. Wikipedia is not considered a credible source. For more information on credible sources, please visit the Rasmussen Online Library.
In 2-3 pages, describe the problem that you’ve selected:
What is the problem?
Why is it a problem for businesses?

Why does this problem exist or what causes it?
What are some of the consequences if the problem goes unsolved?
Remember to use proper tone in your paper. You are speaking from a “consultant” point of view. Your audience is the Leadership Team at MovieFlix.
Make sure to write your paper utilizing proper APA formatting guidelines, and to include an APA formatted title page. Use NoodleBib to document your sources and to complete your APA formatted reference page and in-text citations.
Part II
Now that you’ve shown MovieFlix that you’ve adequately researched their issue it’s time to write them a formal business letter to discuss next steps.

Write a formal business letter from your company (Rasmussen Consulting) to MovieFlix. For your letter, you will need to follow proper business formatting guidelines and use “block letter formatting.” Also, include an APA formatted title page
Your business letter needs to be a minimum of 2 pages in length and must include the following:
Let MovieFlix know that you have researched the issue and what your conclusions are for their company based on your research.

Discuss latest developments surrounding the issue.
Describe what the first steps will be in helping them to resolve their issue. Explain why it’s important that these be the first steps and what your role will be in helping them to implement these first steps.

solved Overview Knowing the expectations involved with maintaining operational sustainability and

Knowing the expectations involved with maintaining operational sustainability and who is responsible for meeting these expectations is an important part of being an effective practitioner. In this assignment, you will create a guide that can be used throughout this course and in the future to help you better understand the roles, influences, and responsibilities of internal and external stakeholders involved in maintaining ethical business practices related to the triple bottom line (TBL). This assignment will also support you in completing your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You are working on a collaborative project regarding sustainability initiatives. During recent meetings, the group has realized there is a lot of confusion surrounding who is responsible for what regarding regulations, governance, and responsibilities surrounding the new initiatives that are being planned. To help everyone understand the roles and responsibilities of both internal and external stakeholders, you have volunteered to create a brief guide.
Use course and external resources to complete the Module Three Assignment Template, making sure to clearly and concisely identify key stakeholders and their roles, responsibilities, and level of influence in upholding sustainable business operations regarding each aspect of the TBL.
For the purposes of this assignment, you can select one of the following industries to help contextualize your response:

Food service
Office supply
Accounting and finance

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

Identification: Identify key internal and external stakeholders, groups, and organizations involved in enforcing and maintaining operational sustainability regarding each aspect of the TBL.
Roles: Briefly describe the role of identified internal and external stakeholders, groups, and organizations involved in enforcing and maintaining operational sustainability.
Responsibilities: Briefly describe the responsibilities of identified internal and external stakeholders, groups, and organizations involved in enforcing and maintaining operational sustainability regarding each aspect of the TBL, specifically in regard to their level of responsibility and accountability in the following:

Evaluating or enforcing sustainable operations
Determining which aspects of the TBL framework they support most strongly
Explaining how their responsibilities can help justify prioritizing the TBL

Influence: Briefly describe the level of influence of the identified internal and external stakeholders, groups, and organizations involved in enforcing and maintaining operational sustainability regarding each aspect of the TBL. Make sure to note their ability to make decisions, enforce requirements, and justify prioritizing the TBL for an organization.

solved Guidelines for the Summary Assignment:A summary is shortened version of

Guidelines for the Summary Assignment:A summary is shortened version of a longer text; it can be a summary from a novel a report, a short story, or a newspaper or magazine article. When you write a summary, you are not rewriting the original piece, but you are selecting the main idea and key details to give your reader an overview of the important points in the original piece. Your summary will be approximately one third to one fourth as long as the original text. The summary must be written in your own words. You are not to use blocks of the original text, and you should avoid using quotations from the original unless there is one piece of information that you think simply must be quoted to convey the original author’s idea.Your purpose in writing a summary is to give the basic ideas of the original reading and some key details. What was the original text about and what did the author hope to communicate? While reading the original work, follow the guidelines posted in the class about tips for summary writing. Then ask yourself these basic questions: Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? Using these questions as you read can help you to write the summary.Look for the author’s thesis or the central idea. Sometimes you will find it in the introduction or first paragraph. Finding the thesis statement is like finding a key to a locked door. Sometimes though the thesis, or central idea, is implied or suggested. That means you will have to figure out what the author wants readers to understand. Pay attention to the title and to the opening and closing lines of paragraphs for clues to important points.In writing the summary, you must inform your reader of the piece you are summarizing. The opening line in your paper must identify the title, source, and author of the piece. Follow this format: In “Title of the Piece” (source and date of piece), author (name the author—full name) shows (explains, describes, etc) that: central idea of the piece. You may vary this sentence structure, but all of this information must appear in the opening or the second sentence.Your paper must be between 325 and 350 words. You don’t have many words to get across the main points. Remember, this is a summary. Be sure you follow the process for drafting, revising, editing, and proofreading your paper. When it is completed, put your name and the assignment name at the top left of the paper YourName_Summary. Save your assignment as a Word document and submit it to the class Drop Box. *Note: Even though everyone in the class is summarizing the same article that is no reason for any two papers to match. This is a just a cautionary note to be sure you do your own work. This is not a good assignment for collaboration! Do not share your work unless you also want to share a 0.…

solved This assessment method is designed to help you see how

This assessment method is designed to help you see how logic is used (or misused) in everyday life, and thereby appreciate the importance of good reasoning. You are asked to do some fieldwork related to logic. In particular, you are asked to document an argument “in the wild,” that is, an argument someone makes during a debate, a dispute, or a disagreement as you witness it in everyday life. The argument cannot be taken from a book or an article. You may use various mediums to document this “argument in the wild,” such as text, image, audio, or video. Then you should analyze the argument using the logical tools we learn throughout this course. For the fourth Argument in the Wild, you should write the argument in canonical form and then evaluate it, that is, determine whether the argument is valid or invalid, using a proof. If the argument is valid, determine whether it is sound or unsound.Here is an example of what an “Arguments in the Wild 4” submission should look like:…In this video, Stephen Colbert makes the following argument: “The boys are signing, ‘You don’t know you’re beautiful. That’s what makes you beautiful’. But they’ve just told the girl she’s beautiful. So since she now knows it, she’s no longer beautiful.”Colbert’s argument in this video can be reconstructed in canonical form as follows:P1: If what makes one beautiful is ignorance of one’s beauty, then one stops being beautiful when one is told that one beautiful.P2: It is not the case that one stops being beautiful when one is told that one is beautiful.Therefore,C: It is not the case that what makes one beautiful is ignorance of one’s beauty.Reconstructed in this way, Colbert’s argument is valid; that is, if P1 and P2 are true, then C would have to be true as well. In particular, it has the following logical formI⟶S∼S∴∼𝐼Where I stands for the sentence “What makes one beautiful is ignorance of one’s beauty,” and S stands for the sentence “One stops being beautiful when one is told that one is beautiful.”This logical form is known as modus tollens, which is valid as the following proof demonstrates:(I Uploaded a picture for that, please check it and do the same)since the argument is valid, the question is whether the premises are in fact true. Is the argument sound? Colbert’s argument is a reductio ad absurdum. It is supposed to show that the idea that what makes one beautiful is not knowing that one is beautiful is absurd. This idea is absurd because it has an absurd consequence, namely, it implies that one stops being beautiful when one is told that one is beautiful. Since that is clearly absurd, it follows that being beautiful cannot be a matter of knowing whether one is beautiful or not.For these reasons, Colbert’s argument is valid and sound.

solved Assignment ObjectivesExplore the external and internal influences on consumer behavior.Here

Assignment ObjectivesExplore the external and internal influences on consumer behavior.Here are 4 basic types of customer buying behavior, as follows:Routine responseLimited decision makingExtensive decision makingImpulse buyingCreate a brief presentation that explains your customer behavior. Explain your type from this list or other types based on your own research. Include the following:Add a photo of yourself, your dominant buying behavior, and an explanation of why you fit that type. Show examples.Think about the last few days and what products or services you bought or are thinking of purchasing in the future.Write a brief buying story about your behavior, including the example of 2 or 3 products that illustrate this behavior.What are some of the positives and negatives of your buying behavior that are linked to why you buy or do not buy?The following is a sample outline of how you might organize your presentation:Slide 1: Intro SlideSlide 2: My Buying BehaviorSlide 3: Explanation of the Dominant Buying BehaviorSlides 4–5: Examples of What I BuySlides 6–7: Buying Brief: Why I Buy, The Positives and NegativesSlides 8–9: Final or Additional ThoughtsSlide 10: Reference SlideInstructions:The PowerPoint presentations will vary based on your buying behavior and the products that you select. Please include the following Information:Slide 1: Intro SlideSlide 2: My Buying Behavior (Discuss your buying behavior) Example
My buying behavior is that I am generally an impulse buyer. I tend to buy many things—especially low-risk items, such as groceries or clothes—on a whim, without any type of planning.Slide 3: Explanation of the Dominant Buying Behavior (This is an Example)
My dominant buying behavior is usually a routine response. Most of my purchases are usually low-risk. For example, I am the primary shopper for my family when it comes to buying groceries or gasoline for the family car. I love being a routine-response shopper because I like to shop. I enjoy buying anything, even if it is food.Slides 4–5: Examples of What I Buy (This is an Example of what you bought)
Over the past few days, I bought 3 pairs of socks, a new dress, and $200 worth of groceries for the family. These products illustrate my dominant buying behavior of routine response, mixed with my impulse buying side. When it comes to low-risk purchases, this is a powerful hybrid because I tend to want to buy things all the time.Slides 6–7: Buying Brief: Why I Buy, The Positives and Negatives (This is an example)
Some of the positives of my buying behavior are that I know the prices of most of the items I purchase and can shop competitively. Some of the negatives of my buying behavior can lead to trouble because I go off-budget and buy things I don’t need.Slides 8–9: Final or Additional ThoughtsSlide 10: Reference Slide

solved Final: Short essay questions (20 pts. each):Answer each of the

Final: Short essay questions (20 pts. each):Answer each of the questions as completely as necessary. The responses should be at least 300 words per question in total (Question 1, for example, should be at least 300 words all together) — you may need to write more for some of the questions. Post the final below — spell and grammar check before posting your responses. ail. When answering these questions be sure to check the Course Units first, then the readings.1. Cinematography:a) Explain the difference between the following shots using examples from a film — explain what effect these have on the narrative and the audience (300 words min. in total for all parts of question 1):-Extreme Long Shot:-Medium Shot:-Close Up Shot:-Extreme Close Up Shot:b). What effect does a Point-of-View shot have on the narrative and the audience? Use an example from a film.c). Why are Long-Takes used in some films? What impact do they have on the narrative and the audience?2. Editing consists of creating relationships between juxtaposed images. Explain (300 words min. in total for all parts of question 2):o what each of the following relations consists of,o the effect the relation might have on an audience, ando provide an example from a film for each.a) Graphic Relations:—b) Rhythmic Relations:—c) Spatial Relations:—d) Temporal Relations:—3. Indicate conventions of character, plot / theme, and iconography that are distinctive of Film Noir, and explain how these are utilized in the film noir you viewed. Provide examples from specific scenes in a film, explaining their possible effects on audiences (300 words min. in total for all parts of question 3).i) Character:ii) Theme / Plot:iii) Iconography:4. Documentary Films (300 words min. in total for all parts of question 4):Explain what a Rhetorical documentary is? What are some of its characteristics? Provide examples from Prelude to War.Why is Trust a central component of Documentary Films? Explain the relationship that exists between the audience, the filmmaker, and the subjects of the film.5. What are the differences between diegetic, non-diegetic, internal, and external sounds in films? Give specific examples from films viewed throughout the semester and explain the function of such sounds. Explain how the use of these sounds, separately and in combination, allows for a greater emotional impact on the audience (300 words min. in total for all parts of question 5).-Diegetic: -Non-diegetic: -Internal: -External:Extra Credit (5 points):Since the beginning of the semester, we have been looking at the relationship that the form and style of a film has to its content. Explain why the way that a film tells a story is as important, if not more important, than the story itself. Use films discussed in class as examples. Be as specific as possible (300 words min.).

solved This is our last practise. It covers our readings for

This is our last practise. It covers our readings for MODERNISM, and will not focus on Krapp’s Last Tape, which is already the focus of the research paper. You can, however, refer to it if necessary in your responses here.PART 1 (10 points each/ 20 possible)These are short-answer identifications as we have done before. Please briefly discuss the significance of the particular excerpt I have provided. Remember that I am asking for how it is significant, as we discussed, not for plot summary. Please choose two (2); as always, if you do more than two I will take the two best ones.1. The darkness drops again; but now I know / That twenty centuries of stony sleep / Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle2. And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, / Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?3. Turning and turning in the widening gyre / The falcon cannot hear the falconer4. (He shrugs his head shoulders, peers again at ledger, reads.) Farewell to–(he turns the page)–love.PART 2 (80 points):Please respond to one of the prompts below, in a complete short essay. Use essay format, with a relevant opening paragraph and a thesis, and use specific references to the texts to support your discussion. Please refer only to works we have covered in class and do not use any outside research sources at all.Remember to use minimal plot summary, and focus on your analysis of the material — its meaning and importance.In these prompts, you will notice similarities. That’s because I am giving several options for how to write about the particular texts. Please choose just one prompt. In your response, use the number of the prompt so I know which one you are responding to.1. In “The Prophet’s Hair,” the relic has a particular type of effect on the people who come into contact with it. What do you think is Rushdie’s point about religion and its role in human life, and how does this compare to ideas about the significance of religion in “Dover Beach” or other Victorian or Romantic works we read previously?2. In “The Prophet’s Hair” there is a clear conflict between “modern” ways & “traditional” ways (attitudes toward money and family, religious beliefs, etc.) In this story, is one being presented as better than the other? Is there nostalgia for a “golden age” when things were better (more traditional) or praise for a modern age when things are better than before? Compare to one of our previous works, for example “Dover Beach,” “the Speckled Band,” or the Romantics.3. Is Hashim “better” before or after his encounter with the relic — is he “good” or admirable either way? What could we take away from that about Rushdie’s ideas in this story?4. How does “The Prophet’s Hair” fit into our discussions of Modernism and post-modernism, and/or “the absurd”? You can use Krapp’s Last Tape in this discussion if you wish.