solved A Collaborative Case Study Presentation Assignment Overview In this final

A Collaborative Case Study Presentation
Assignment Overview
In this final assignment, you will develop a complete case study presentation as it would be presented to a donor organization or another entity to secure funding, partnership, or support for a project to resolve the human services problem you have chosen to study for the course project. You will apply theories and principles of collaborative governance, negotiation, mediation, and communication to the process of intersector collaboration based on the specific human services intervention you have presented in the earlier assignments. You will discuss how the integration of theories supports successful outcomes for collaboration among organizations.
Create a 10–12 minute presentation (using PowerPoint or similar software) with audio (using Kaltura or similar software) on your full project case study. Synthesize feedback from your previous assignments and your own review of scholarly literature to refine your recommendations and your presentation. Include the following in your presentation:

Present the full case, including the problem, relevant partners, and capacity for change, which you have discussed in your previous assignments.
Evaluate and discuss how the integration of theories supports successful outcomes for collaboration among these organizations.
Offer recommendations for improvement of the intersector collaboration, based on your selected theories of collaborative governance, negotiation, mediation, and cross-cultural communication.

Support your arguments with minimum of three scholarly references, formatted according to APA style.
Submission Requirements

Written communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA style: Use APA style in citations and references. Include a References slide at the end of the presentation.
References: Use a minimum of 3 scholarly resources.
Length: Narrated presentation should be no more than 10–12 minutes.
Presentation deck: Presentation deck should include no more than 15 slides, with only key ideas or bullets on the slides and full elaboration in the detailed speaker’s notes.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, of an appropriate size and weight for a presentation (generally 24–28 points for headings and no smaller than 18 points for bullet-point text). 
ADA compliance: As part of the Kaltura tool, closed captioning will be generated for your presentation within 24 hours after you submit it, to make your presentation ADA compliant. If you choose to use a different software than Kaltura for this presentation, you are responsible for creating and submitting a transcript for your presentation instead.

Refer to the A Collaborative Case Study Presentation Scoring Guide to ensure you meet the grading criteria for this assignment.

solved MY TOPIC: (Debate) Regulating social media in the current age,

MY TOPIC: (Debate) Regulating social media in the current age, especially when tech giants are creating a monopoly on the social media industry.
Questions: Should there be a government intervention between Facebook, Google, and Apple? Can we trust these companies to carry large sums of information about us? What can the government do about such a case like this one? How can we still encourage small business to enter the market when there is such influence by these tech giants? How are these companies changing the way we think?
A bibliography is an alphabetical list of the sources an author has researched or referred to in their own work. A bibliography is also a key that notifies a reader as to where the sources can be located. An annotated bibliography is more detailed than a simple bibliography in that it goes on a step further. It lists a source and information necessary in finding the source as well as providing information as to how that source is useful to the overall project. It also can provide information as to how unhelpful a particular source was.
Your annotated bibliography should include all the sources (minimum of 8) that you have found for your report thus far. At least two sources should be scholarly, two should be trade or business publications, and two should be either newspaper or more popular sources. Use sources from 2016-present. You should organize the sources in any way you’d like, as long as all the necessary information is in the order shown below. 
While the ultimate format of the bibliography is up to you, you’ll need to include the following information at a minimum: Each entry should include 6 pieces of information: source citation, type, source credibility, summary and analysis of main ideas, usefulness, and connections to other sources. 
Ultimately, this will serve as the basis for your research report. These two assignments are connected–you will likely be able to copy/paste some material from your sources into the actual report, which will save you some time with your writing. With a detailed bibliography, you also shouldn’t have to go back and look at your sources again and again–you’ve already written out all the information that is useful to you. This doesn’t quite mean this is the first draft of your report, but it should be a strong start.




Extra Resources:…

solved We have had the opportunity to talk about travel in

We have had the opportunity to talk about travel in the Middle Ages, both secular and religious. Secular medieval travelers were often in search of the exotic. Religious travelers, or pilgrims, on the other hand, were after spiritual treasure in the form of relics – such as bodies of saints – or holy places where important figures, such as Christ and the Virgin Mary, lived their lives on earth. One of the most important sites for the latter type of encounter was the Holy Land, whose cities of Bethlehem, Nazareth and Jerusalem held the memory of sacred individuals and where great churches and shrines arose to accommodate pilgrims’ visits. Rome also became a focus of pilgrimage, because of the large number of saints, including the founder of the Roman church, St. Peter himself, that the city housed in its numerous chapels and churches. In the later Middle Ages, Santiago de Compostela – the monastery in northwestern Spain that housed the body of St. James – became a major goal of pious veneration on the part of pilgrims. The accounts of pilgrims, beginning with Etheria (Egeria) in the fourth century, record the great impression that these buildings and the objects that they contained, made on the visitor. Guidebooks, such as the Guide to Santiago or the various guides to the city of Rome, provided travelers with important information about the must-see objects and sites.What I would like you to do in this paper is to imagine yourself as a medieval traveler ranging widely across the medieval world — not, however, with the purpose of personal edification but with the purpose of explaining and illustrating the Middle Ages to an individual or an audience who knows nothing about the period. What you are going to have to do is to select the medieval monuments and objects that present the Middle Ages in the fullest, most interesting and best ways, and explain how they do so. You should make your selection from the range of buildings, sculptures, mosaics, paintings, manuscripts, and so on, that we have examined in the course of the quarter, but also feel free to consult materials elsewhere for other ideas and inspirations. I would like you to discuss at least one building and one object, but the number of works that you decide to include thereafter is entirely up to you. You should also bear in mind that the Middle Ages was a complex period, which included different cultural traditions, such as Byzantium and the Medieval West. Here are some questions to spur your thinking: How does a Gothic Cathedral address the visitor? Why do the Byzantines like the dome? How were the bodies of saints treated? Why is the Cross important? What is an icon? These questions are intended to inspire you not to limit you; in other words, you do not have to answer them as such, but you can take any of them up if you want to.

solved Skill-Builder 3: Media Framing of Children’s IssuesGoal: Examine the social

Skill-Builder 3: Media Framing of Children’s IssuesGoal: Examine the social construction of children’s issues in the media and to consider its implications for public policy.Read the required material (attached below). Horror stories and the construction of child abuse. In J. Best (Editor), Images of issues: Typifying contemporary social problems, 2nd ed. (pp. 17-31). New York: Routledge. Find a recent article (within the last 4 weeks) in a national daily newspaper (e.g., The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Christian Science Monitor, The Dallas Morning News, The Houston Chronicle, etc.) or weekly newsmagazine (e.g., Time, Newsweek, U.S. News and World Report) that focuses on one of these topics:Child abuse/neglectChild health insuranceChild careChildren with special needsImmigrant childrenEducationYouth crime/violence***Save the article as a PDF and upload it in along with your assignment write-up (#3 below).***Read the article carefully and analyze whether:Expert sources were usedStatistical information was presentedHistorical, social, and/or community context was providedParents were used as source of informationFirst-hand accounts from children were includedPractical information for parents or policymakers was presentedIn 1-2 pages APA Style, please provide:The citation for and link to the article you analyzed. Your citation must be in accordance with the 7th Edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.A brief (2-3 sentences) summary of the article.A paragraph summarizing what you found for #2 above using examples or evidence from the article.A one-paragraph critique of the article’s presentation of this issue, based in part on what you found in (2) above.Do you think the article provides an accurate and well-rounded account of the issue at hand? Or does it leave out key information that results in a mistaken impression? Please explain your judgment.One paragraph about what implications the framing of this story might have for public policy. What type of change would a child advocate call for based on this article? Could the article lead to misplaced policy priorities? If so, please explain.RUBRICContent (9.5 points)Citation and link to article uploaded with article (0.5)2-3 sentence summary of article (1)Analysis of article, referencing (5)Expert sources were usedStatistical information was presentedHistorical, social, and/or community context was providedParents were used as source of informationFirst-hand accounts from children were includedPractical information for parents or policymakers was presentedOne-paragraph critique of article and whether it was well-rounded and accurate (1.5)One paragraph about the implications of the framing of this story for public policy (1.5)Presentation (0.5 points) Grammar, spelling, punctuation, typographical errors

solved focuses on implementing management strategies in order for an organization

focuses on implementing management strategies in order for an organization to effectively and efficiently achieve their goal(s). Whether a business is seeking improved quality control, more efficient processes, or detailed analysis of employee performance, operations management is the central factor to achieving these successes. In an 800 – 1200-word essay, answer one of the prompts below using concepts you learned from the course to support your arguments.You may refer to the course material for supporting evidence, but you must also use at least three credible, outside sources and cite them using APA format. If you use any lessons as sources, please also cite them in APA (including the lesson title and instructor’s name). If you’re unsure about how to use APA format to cite your sources, please see the following lessons:Essay Prompts1. Explain why the Lean Organizational Structure is beneficial for businesses aiming to increase their value.2. When considering a company’s performance metrics, is there a metric in particular that you feel businesses should value more over the others? Why or why not?3. Which quality management framework do you think yields the most meaningful information for companies to improve their quality? Why?Your essay will be graded based on the following rubric:CategoryUnacceptable (0-2)Needs Improvement (3-6)Good (7-8)Excellent (9-10)Total Possible PointsThesis (x3)Thesis is missingThesis lacks clarity or is not well-developedThesis adequately states the student’s argument Thesis clearly & logically states the student’s argument30Structure (x3)Structure is illogical or significantly hinders understandingArguments are difficult to identify; ideas are disjointedEvidence is provided & is relevant to the thesis, but transitions and connections are lackingArguments are well integrated; ideas flow logically; main points are identifiable30Analysis (x3)No examples are used to support arguments; analysis is missing or incorrect; no sources are citedFew or weak examples are given to support main points; fewer than 3 sources are citedExamples are given to support most points, but not all; analysis lacks originality; at least 3 sources are provided, but some or all are not academic and/or appropriate for the topicAll main points are supported with evidence and include original analysis; at least 3 reputable and appropriate sources are cited30Mechanics (x1)Incorrect spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and use of standard English grammar hinders understandingSeveral instances of incorrect spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and usage of standard English grammarFew instances of incorrect spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and usage of standard English grammarNo or very few instances of incorrect spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and usage of standard English grammar10

solved GI & Musculoskeletal This Discussion has 2 parts: GI Make

GI & Musculoskeletal 
This Discussion has 2 parts:


Make a comprehensive list of relevant information to gather when assessing abdominal pain.
How do you assess for masses in the abdomen and how you would document such findings?
Describe your findings on a previous patient that you have encountered where you have palpated a mass in the abdomen.


Define, Compare, and Contrast the following conditions:

Rheumatoid Arthritis


Jarvis, C. (2019).

Chapters 22 & 23

Decrease Your Risk of Osteoporosis (Links to an external site.)
Elsevier. (n.d.). Osteoporosis. Evolve: Jarvis: Physical examination & health assessment, 6th edition – Clinical reference – Health promotion guide.…

Abdomen and Inguinal Area (Links to an external site.)
Elsevier. (n.d.). Abdomen and inguinal area. Evolve: Jarvis: Physical examination & health assessment, 6th edition – Videos – Assessment [Video].…

Musculoskeletal and Neurologic Systems (Links to an external site.)
Elsevier. (n.d.). Musculoskeletal and neurologic systems. Evolve: Jarvis: Physical examination & health assessment, 6th edition – Videos – Assessment [Video].…

Supplemental Online Materials & Resources
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2018, April 26). CDC Works 24/7.
The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention website for health promotion data and strategies related to:

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (n.d.). Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. (Links to an external site.) 
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2018). Preconception health and healthcare (for men). (Links to an external site.) 
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2016). HIV/AIDS intervention research. (Links to an external site.) 
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2018). Healthy living. (Links to an external site.)

Kapelus, G., Karim, R., Ross, C., Elgie, J. (2009). Interprofessional health promotion field placement: Applied learning through the collaborative practice of health promotion. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 23(4), 410-413.
Interprofessional health promotion field placement 
The Community Tool Box. (n.d.). Chapter 38: Some methods for evaluating comprehensive community initiatives: Section 1: Measuring success: Evaluating comprehensive community initiatives. In Community tool box. (Links to an external site.)

solved The Future of Nursing 2020-2030 Webinar: Nursing’s Role in Health

The Future of Nursing 2020-2030 Webinar: Nursing’s Role in Health Equity, Public Health Emergencies and Covid-19 This is a 1 hour and 29 minutes long webinar. After completion, write 2-3 paragraphs of the content covered in the webinar. It can be summary or a topic that impacted you the most etc. Please e-mail it to me by tonight –11:59 p.m. Future of Nursing 2020 2030 Webinar Nursings Role in Health Equity Public Health Emergencies and COVID 19 | National Academies – National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and MedicineOn August 20, 2020, the National Academy of Medicine hosted a free 90-minute webinar on Nursing’s Role in Health Equity, Public Health Emergencies, and COVID-19 – Critical Issues for The Future of Nursing 2020-2030.During the webinar, representatives from the NAM study on the Future of Nursing 2020-2030 shared updates on the study’s status and seek public input on nurses’ roles in … The Future of Nursing 2020-2030 Webinar: Nursing’s Role in Health Equity, Public Health Emergencies and Covid-19 This is a 1 hour and 29 minutes long webinar. After completion, write 2-3 paragraphs of the content covered in the webinar. It can be summary or a topic that impacted you the most etc. Please e-mail it to me by tonight –11:59 p.m.
The Future of Nursing 2020-2030 Webinar: Nursing’s Role in Health Equity, Public Health Emergencies and Covid-19 This is a 1 hour and 29 minutes long webinar. After completion, write 2-3 paragraphs of the content covered in the webinar. It can be summary or a topic that impacted you the most etc. Please e-mail it to me by tonight –11:59 p.m.The Future of Nursing 2020-2030 Webinar: Nursing’s Role in Health Equity, Public Health Emergencies and Covid-19 This is a 1 hour and 29 minutes long webinar. After completion, write 2-3 paragraphs of the content covered in the webinar. It can be summary or a topic that impacted you the most etc. Please e-mail it to me by tonight –11:59 p.m. The Future of Nursing 2020-2030 Webinar: Nursing’s Role in Health Equity, Public Health Emergencies and Covid-19 This is a 1 hour and 29 minutes long webinar. After completion, write 2-3 paragraphs of the content covered in the webinar. It can be summary or a topic that impacted you the most etc. Please e-mail it to me by tonight –11:59 p.m. The Future of Nursing 2020-2030 Webinar: Nursing’s Role in Health Equity, Public Health Emergencies and Covid-19 This is a 1 hour and 29 minutes long webinar. After completion, write 2-3 paragraphs of the content covered in the webinar. It can be summary or a topic that impacted you the most etc. Please e-mail it to me by tonight –11:59 p.m.

solved One of the goals of Health Service Managers is to

One of the goals of Health Service Managers is to achieve a basic level of competency in epidemiology to address issues such as population health and chronic disease. Health Service Managers also research consumer spending to help contribute to the practice of Health Services Management research. You will gain foundational skills by developing an Income and Expense Budget in Microsoft Excel to meet the annual financial goal of the department at a healthcare organization. In this assignment, you will complete the income and expense budget, then write a one-page summary using the “Sample Paper” format to describe your data to your department head.BackgroundYou recently were hired at a high-performing medical center as a Health Service Manager in the Orthopedic Department. One of your first tasks was to create an income and expense budget. Your department head also said that within the next three months you will need to conduct research and use the income and expense budget to determine the Medicare and Medicaid patient populations (i. e. children, pregnant women, parents, seniors, and individuals with disabilities). The department head also commented that initially, the government paid 100% under the ACA between 2014-2016. The states will have to pay their percentage and manage the increasing costs by tapping into tax revenues, making hospitals help, and adding work requirements and premiums (the data showed the government payments in 2016: 100%, 2017: 95%, 2018: 94%, 2019: 93%, and 2020 and each year thereafter 90%). The states began paying the difference in the percentage costs in 2017.AssignmentDownload and use the format in the “Sample Paper.”Review and Analyze the Video: Income and Expenditure Spreadsheet at the data the table below to create your expense budget, create the date, and reference numbers.Income ExpendituresProcedure A, Hip Replacement 10,000 Inventory 5000Procedure B, Back Surgery 13,000 Supplies 4000Procedure C, Knee Replacement 15,500 Admin Salary 1000Procedure D, Hip Fracture 5,000 Physician Salary 3000 Procedure E, Pediatric Surgery 5,000 Nurse Salary 2000 Procedure A, Hip Replacement 5,000 Admin Salary 2000 Procedure A, Hip Replacement 2,000 Physician Salary 4000 Procedure C, Knee Replacement 10,000 Nurse Salary 3000 Procedure C, Knee Replacement 5,000Use the three-table format provided in the video and create the Excel spreadsheet.Create a thesis statement based on your findings from the Income less Expenditures. Write a 1-page paper in APA (2020) format. Include a cover page, and attach your budget in MS Excel as Appendix A. The paper should follow the SESC format of state, explain, support, and conclude, see the “Sample Paper.” Hint: Remember to describe Appendix A in your paper.Review the Rubric to maximize points.

solved I need help with a Psychology question. All explanations and

I need help with a Psychology question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

Unit 2.1 DB: Research Article
Please research an area of professional and/or academic interest and provide a current quantitative or qualitative research article (i.e., within the last 7-10 years) to address the 5 basic components of a literature review as outlined in Pyrczak. Please be sure to share the link to the academic article in your posting. Please be sure your response includes: 1) an introduction to the problem area, 2) establishes the importance for the research, 3) provides an overview of the relevant literature, 4) discusses how the current study will advance knowledge in this area, and 5) describe the researcher’s specific research questions, purposes, and hypotheses.   
Unit 2.2 DB: Analyzing Literature
Using the same research article for the 2.1 discussion board question, please analyze the literature using the 8 questions posed by Pyrczak in Chapter 5. Please be sure to share the link to the academic article again in your posting. Please be detailed in your discussion (i.e., do not list your answers), and highlight how this information would be beneficial to your current (future) line of work in the counseling and human services field.
Unit 2.3 DB: Terminology
Using the methodology section from the same research article used for DB 2.1 & 2.2, please define the following terminology: population, sample size, and generalizability of the sample. Once you have done so, please explain the importance of being able to distinguish between these terms when critiquing research. Provide an example of extrapolating generalizability (or lack of) from your article to a similar environment within the counseling and human services field.

Readings and ResourcesTextbook:
Pyrczak, F. & Tcherni-Buzzeo, M. (2019). Evaluating research in academic journals: A practical guide to realistic evaluation (7th ed.). Pyrczak Publishing.

Chapter 5: A Closer Look at Evaluating Literature Reviews

Pan, M.L. (2015). Preparing literature reviews: Qualitative and quantitative approaches (5th ed.). Pyrczak Publishing.

Chapter 1: Intro to Qualitative & Quantitative Reviews
Chapter 3: Searching for Literature and Professional Journals
Chapter 4: Retrieving and Evaluating Information from the Web

Supplemental Resources:
This article provides ten simple rules for writing a literature review.

Pautasso, M. (2013). Ten simple rules for writing a literature review. PLoS Comput Biol, 9(7).

This article looks at how research uses sampling strategies and methods.

Banerjee, A., & Chaudhury, S. (2010). Statistics without tears: Populations and samples. Industrial psychiatry journal, 19(1), 60.

This video provides an overview of a literature review and what is needed to write one.

solved Each student will select a country from Latin America, Europe

Each student will select a country from Latin America, Europe (EU member), Asia, Middle East or Africa that is approved by the instructor. ***THE NETHERLANDS IS MY CHOSEN COUNTRY*** Then develop an export plan to that country. To achieve a successful export strategy, there must be a complete understanding (knowledge) of that country (foreign market). Therefore, the plan centers on this knowledge and in the United States (home market). ***SELLING BIKE SADDLES***The research for this project will require a variety of sources, e.g., course assignments, the library, Internet, and field research. Sources should include business sources, trade associations, Chamber of Commerce, Florida and U.S. Departments of Commerce, on the Internet and in the Library. Other secondary sources may be used.As in the “real world” certain data and information may not be available; in these situations marketers must make some (well-grounded, supported, stated) assumptions. Another critical component to this project being successful is that this is not just a report but rather an analysis too. You are expected to include your “take” (understanding and analyses) of the various areas (or project sections) being presented with an analysis at the end of each major section.This project will also require field research, e.g., visit the organization, interviewing potential consumers, product experts in the organization’s area of business, media, etc. Research can be (and in many situations actually relies on) observations (non-interventions). Be prepared to observe, e.g., what to look for, where, when, how.In our new COVID norm, you will not be asked to visit or interview in person unless you feel safe and comfortable doing so. You may use Zoom, Skype, FaceTime, and written communication. No matter the method, you must provide proof of these visits, e.g., literature, photographs, recordings of the sessions. Also, research can be (and in many situations actually relies on) observations (non-interventions). This proof will be included in the Appendix of the written presentation, and does not count toward the 25 page length requirement.Your visits (field research) virtual or in person will include Two P’s – prepared and professionalism. You should be well prepared by knowing the topics to be discussed and questions to ask. Professionalism includes being on time, only taking necessary time for the visit, proper attire, respect and courtesy for the marketer and the consumers, and an interest in the business. Remember the marketer, the organization, consumers, and media are accommodating your request and for your (learning) benefit. You are not only representing yourself, but also the College of Business and Management and Lynn University. Being prepared and professional will be a part of your grade for the project and course.