solved Scenario: ABC Company, a midsize organization founded in 2010, is

Scenario: ABC Company, a midsize organization founded in 2010, is a health care company specializing in hospital products. ABC employs approximately 600 employees. The company is currently doing business in the Midwestern states.    
The new president, Jason Fenwick, is eager to take the organization to the next level of performance. Jason’s plan is to grow the business through entry into the medical device business. Cultural considerations for the growth strategy include:
ABC has established a track record of success. Financial goals have been reached every year for the past five years. The health care industry continues to experience extraordinary change and Jason senses that the time is right to expand the footprint of ABC through entering a new market, the medical device business.
With the new strategic direction in mind, Jason has recruited you from a major competitor of ABC, as the new Vice President of Human Resources. You were selected based on your outstanding performance, innovative approach to HR as demonstrated in your former organization, and your bias for action and results. Jason admires your strategic skills and proven accomplishments.
Jason is excited to move forward and has requested a proposal from you about your best thinking in aligning the HR function with the new strategic direction. Keep in mind, skills for entering into the medical devices business are not currently possessed within the workforce. This will impact the approach to Talent Acquisition and Retention.
Develop the proposal requested by Jason, include the following seven considerations:

Synthesize what you learned from being in charge of HR for a small business that you would like to try to implement at ABC.
Analyze the challenges of working in HR for a larger business-like ABC that need to be addressed to better align the HR function with the new strategic direction.
Evaluate each HR functional area to determine what changes will be needed to align with and support the new strategic direction (Refer to Appendix B for assistance):

Functional Area #1: Talent Acquisition & Retention
Functional Area #3: Learning & Development
Functional Area #4: Total Rewards
Functional Area #6: Organizational Effectiveness & Development
Functional Area #11: Diversity & Inclusion

Integrate the cultural considerations discussion important to Jason into the proposal.
Create a business case that includes the business objectives you hope to achieve by aligning the HR organization with the new strategic direction, with a strong focus on growth.
Analyze legal and ethical considerations related to the functional areas covered.
Create 3 to 5 frequently asked questions (FAQ) with answers in preparation for discussions with other members of Jason’s executive leadership team.
Functional Area #15: Business & HR Strategy

solved Air Pollutants Released by Households and by an Industry Near

Air Pollutants Released by Households and by an Industry Near You Air pollutants have been documented to harm people in a variety of ways. Indoor air pollutants are an important source of exposure since so much of modern life occurs indoors. Figure 10–16 in your textbook shows key sources of indoor air pollution but omits an important one—tobacco. The Clean Air Act and other US agencies regulate outdoor air pollutants and environmental health laws. Industry is one source of air pollution, emitting a variety of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), combustion products, and other toxic compounds. Households are also a significant air pollution source. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) data show that even though today’s cars emit 75%–90% less pollution per mile than cars in 1970, motor vehicles account for more than half of all the outdoor air pollution in the United States today. These emissions include 45% of VOC pollution (United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2010).In your response, address the following:Summarize briefly the amount and types of pollutants released from a local industry. Search the Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) (available at as follows:Scroll down and enter your county in all capital letters and your state’s two-letter abbreviation in capital letters. Then scroll to the bottom of the page and click search. This will result in a chart of EPA-regulated facilities that are included in the TRI (if your county has none, choose another county in your state).Click one of the TRI Facility ID numbers. This will show identifying information about the facility as well as chemical releases, including the following:A chart showing the total pounds of air emissions and other emissions by year for the facility as a whole. At the bottom of the chart, you may click a button to see the graphical representation of this information.A chart showing the total pounds of emissions by year of specific chemicals. For information about the health hazards chemicals released in large quantities, look them up at Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry’s (ATSDR’s) ToxFAQs section.Use the EPA calculator (available at to estimate the annual emissions from your household, based on your heating system, the number of people in your household, and the amount of driving they do. Briefly describe your findings when you use the calculator.Discuss what you think the next public health approaches should be for managing the hazards from air pollution, based on your findings on emissions information.Reference:United States Environmental Protection Agency. (2010). Sources of pollutants in the ambient air—Mobile sources. Retrieved from

solved Time limit is strict. i will not extend time under

Time limit is strict. i will not extend time under any circumstances. Write a paper on the following topic. The paper should be at least 6-7 pages in length, double-spaced, coherently written, with 1-inch margins on all sides. The preferred font is Times New Roman 12.Choose the films of at least three different directors that we have studied in the second part of the class since the midterm paper. Discuss and compare the major themes, prominent subject matter, and distinctive styles of the films of these directors.Feel free to compare the recurrent themes and stylistic characteristics of a new generation of filmmakers with those of the earlier generations such as the so called “Fifth Generation” from mainland China (directors Zhang Yimou, Chen Kaige, and Tian Zhuangzhuang).Once again, like the midterm paper, both what you write and how you write are important. Avoid simple generalization. You need to refer to specific elements in the films. Your writing should reflect the level and ability of an upper-division college student. Coherence, organization, and elegance are important criteria for good writing.Your format should look like this:Paragraph 1 — introduction. Discuss the characteristics of major themes, subject matter, and distinctive style.Part2 — discuss the major themesWhat are the themes?Use movies as exampleExplanation themes in different moviesexplain the recurrent themes in the movie of a new generation of filmmakers with those of the earlier generationsPart 3 — discuss prominent subject matterWhat are the prominent subject matters?Use movies as exampleExplanation subjects in different moviesParagraph 4 — discuss distinctive stylesWhat are the characteristics of distinctive styles?Use movies as exampleExplanation styles in different moviesexplain the recurrent styles in the movie of a new generation of filmmakers with those of the earlier generationsConclusionSummarize part 2-4, emphasize the main idea of the paper.Reading Material :…The time limit is strict. i will not extend time limit under any circumstances.You must pick movies from the list in the instruction. You need to use at least 5 sources from the reading materials. List of moviesSuzhou River (Director Lou Ye, starring Zhou Xun, 1999) Beijing Bicycle (Director Wang Xiaoshuai, 2001) Xiao Wu (aka The Pickpocket, director Jia Zhangke, 1997). 24 City (Director Jia Zhangke, 2008). A Touch of Sin (Director Jia Zhangke 2013). Mr. Six (Director Guan Hu, starring Feng Xiaogang, 2015). Youth (Director Feng Xiaogang, 2017). The Piano in a Factory (Director Zhang Meng, 2010). Kaili Blues (Director Bi Gan, 2015). Eat Drink Man Woman (Director Ang Lee, 1994). Finding Mr. Right (Director Xue Xiaolu, 2013). China Peacekeeping Forces (Director Ning Haiqiang, 2018)

solved The icEdge assessment and self-reflection exercise is designed to help

The icEdge assessment and self-reflection exercise is designed to help you become more aware of and better understand how you communicate with others. In this workbook, you will focus on your individual results (you will have a chance to reflect on your group compassion results in another exercise). Before diving into the workbook, please consider the following:You will reflect on the four main characteristics of your communication style:Message – the way you use and interpret subtle (vs. literal) meaning and emotion in communicationSensory – refers to the way you attend to and communicate through the physical, auditory, and vocal space shared with your counterpart.Time management – refers to the way you attend to and manage time, i.e. focusing more on clock time or allowing events to unfold naturally.Relationship – refers to the way you adjust communication to your counterpart’s status and relationship with you.Please plan to spend some quality time responding to the questions in this workbook. The more effort you put into self-reflecting and understanding yourself, the more you will get out of this activity. As you work through your responses, please remember that our cultural environment largely influences our communication styles. For example, research has shown that direct verbal assertiveness, linear logic, straightforwardness, and transparent messages (e.g., “saying what you mean and meaning what you say”) are characteristic of low-context communication styles common in individualistic cultures. Silence, non-verbal cues and behaviors (e.g., reading between the lines), spiral or fuzzy logic, and self-humbling tone are characteristic of high-context communication styles common in collectivistic cultures. However, it is important to keep in mind the relative nature of the cultural environment when reflecting on and discussing communication styles. There are considerable variations in commutation styles within cultures as well. One could use direct, low-context communication styles when interactive with one group (e.g., coworkers) or discussing one matter (e.g., contract), and prefer indirect, high-context communication styles when interacting with a different group (e.g., family) or discussing a different matter (e.g., personal relationships). For instance, we cannot assume that a German person will automatically communicate using low-context communication styles, while a person from Japan will automatically use high-context communication styles. The best strategy is to observe each particular person within each particular communication context and figure out what communication styles they might be using based on the characteristics of low-context communication styles (e.g., direct verbal assertiveness, linear logic, straightforwardness, etc.) and high-context communication

solved CAREFULLY • The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD

• The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocatedfolder.
• Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted.
• Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
• Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
• Late submission will NOT be accepted.
• Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions. 
• All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
• Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted. 
Course Learning Outcomes-Covered
• Describe decision making process for complex issues pertaining to business environment both internally and externally (C.L.O :1)
• Demonstrate effective leadership skills and teamwork capacity for efficient decision making with the problem owners and other stakeholders as either a team member or a team leader. (C.L.O :5)
• Explain and apply critical thinking and cognitive psychology as it pertains to analyze and synthesize information for problem solving and decision making. (C.L.O :3)
Assignment Instructions: 
• Log in to Saudi Digital Library (SDL) via University’s website
• On first page of SDL, choose “English Databases”
• From the list find and click on EBSCO database.
• In the search bar of EBSCO find the following article:
Title: “Your Team Is Brainstorming All Wrong”
Author: Art Markman
Date of Publication:May 18, 2017
Published: Harvard Business Review
Assignment Questions:(Marks 05)
1. Article Question: Read the attached article titled as “Your Team Is Brainstorming All Wrong”by Art Markman, published in Harvard Business Review, and answer the following Questions: 
a. Summarize the article and explain the main issues discussed in the article.                          (In 400-500 words) (Marks 2)
b. What do you think about the article in relations to what you have learnt in the course about divergent thinking and group decision making?  Use additional reference to support you argument. (In 250-400 words)(Marks 1.5)
2. Critical Thinking Question: If you collect too much information for analyzing a decision, you can suffer from analysis paralysis, where you spend too much time thinking about a decision rather than making one. Recall a major financial decision you made recently, such as of a car or housing purchase or rental. Describe your process for making the decision. How could analysis paralysis have affected this process?  (In 150-300 words)(Marks 1.5)

solved Traditionally, mental illness was considered mainly a biological problem either

Traditionally, mental illness was considered mainly a biological problem either inherited or developed due to genetic vulnerability within the individual. This point of view was termed “the medical model.” Treatment was traditionally provided to the individual in one-to-one meetings with a psychiatrist and sessions with a psychotherapist. The field of mental health has evolved from that traditional model to one incorporating many more people, factors, causes, and types of treatment. The biopsychosocial–cultural model incorporates biological, psychological or developmental, family, social, and cultural factors to understand how mental illness develops and how to design effective treatments.Let’s revisit the Wes Moore cases that we discussed in W1 Assignment 2.For this assignment, pretend that you are the prison psychologist who completed the evaluation of Wes Moore who was convicted of murder (Moore, 2009).Write a report of your findings to be filed in Moore’s chart and used by professionals who will be helping Moore. Your report should be in about 700 words over at least 3–4 pages in a Microsoft Word document (not including the title page and the references page).For the report, complete the following:First, gather information about the following potential causes of Moore’s outcome from your required readings and other academic sources.Using all of the gathered information, include the following in your report:Section I—Causes: Provide an explanation of how each of the following factors played a role in causing or affecting Moore’s troubled childhood and eventual imprisonment:Biological factors (genetic and physiological)Developmental factorsPsychological factors (emotions and thoughts)Family and social factorsCultural factors (environmental and multicultural)Section II—Prevention: Discuss how Moore’s troubled childhood and eventual imprisonment could have been prevented by early intervention, addressing how the intervention could have been designed to address each of the following:Psychological factorsFamily and social factorsCultural factorsSection III—Treatment: Recommend some ideas for treatment that Moore should have received in childhood or adolescence to address his negative behaviors, distressing emotions, and/or dysfunctional family dynamics and problematic environment based on all of the following:Biological factorsPsychological factorsFamily and social factorsApply APA standards to the citation of sources, including the use of in-text citations and full references.References:Moore, W. (2009). The other Wes Moore: One name, two fates. Retrieved from, W. (2010). The other Wes Moore: One name, two fates. New York, NY: Spiegel & Grau.Submission Details:Support your responses with examples.Cite any sources in APA format.

solved The purpose of this task is to create a shell

The purpose of this task is to create a shell of your portfolio; you will complete the remaining sections of the portfolio later. Throughout your time at WGU, you will develop skills and knowledge that will support your practice as that of a baccalaureate-prepared nurse. A professional portfolio will showcase your knowledge and skills to prospective employers and will increase your marketability as a baccalaureate-prepared nurse. This portfolio will help you focus on the concepts, strengths, and clinical reasoning abilities that will define your professional nursing practice.
When you are ready to submit your portfolio for evaluation, please use the “Knowledge Base Link” weblink for instructions on creating your e-portfolio.
In this task, you will reflect on key concepts from throughout your degree program: quality and safety, evidence-based practice, applied leadership, and community and population health.
Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. An originality report is provided when you submit your task that can be used as a guide.
You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.
A.  Create an e-portfolio shell using OneNote.
Note: Use the “Knowledge Base Link” weblink for instructions
1.  Create four sections labeled with the following headings:

  quality and safety
  evidence-based practice
  applied leadership
  community and population health

B.  Briefly describe each of the following sections by drawing on your clinical experiences, (e.g., skills lab, simulation, clinical rotations and/or professional practice):
Note: Personal reflections should be included in the portfolio. 

 quality and safety
 evidence-based practice
 applied leadership
 community and population health

Note: Personal reflections should be included in the portfolio. 
Note: A short paragraph of a few sentences will be sufficient to fill the space for now. You may include experiences from your life that influenced your decision to become a nurse (e.g. What does the  experience mean? Why is the experience important? How will you integrate what you learned from that experience into your practice?).
C.  Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.
D.  Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

solved Need help with my Management question – I’m studying for

Need help with my Management question – I’m studying for my class.

Consult the Business Plan Part III handout. Your commentary should consist of a description of your marketing plan, in the form of the 4 P’s of marketing (a.k.a. the marketing mix). Begin by stating your generic strategy. Note that the handout provides two views of the generic strategy, so use both of them. Explain briefly why your choice makes sense for your product or service.

For each element of the marketing mix, explain what you intend to do, in a way that reflects both your generic strategy and the unique aspects of your business. For example, to market a new kind of high-quality dog leash, you would define (and design) the product to satisfy your customers’ motivation to pamper their dogs. You would logically want to place it in a business that caters to those people (e.g., dog-grooming boutiques). Your price would be relatively high, first because your product is high-quality, and second because it is unique. Finally, you might promote using a combination of third-party placement (seeing it in the boutiques) and a nice website. Importantly, the detail in these choices will differ from business to business, even if the strategies are similar on a more theoretical level.

My Business Plan 2 for clothing store
Clothing Store Expenses
During the first financial year, the expenses for Mye Styles total is an estimate of $2,900 and an estimated cash flow of $27,100. Mye Styles will be both a physical and an online clothing store. The first five months’ expenses will be my delivery cost and the clothes whose average cost will be $ 100. During this period, the office will be home-based to cut on storefront’s rent, internet cost, and fuel cost for to and from work. I will also handle everything during this period, including online marketing and photography which I learnt from my previous job so as to cut the expenses. I will hire an assistant in the sixth month, which is when I hope to open a storefront.
From the sixth to the last month of the first financial year, the expenses will increase and so are the returns. The expenses will include rent and internet, estimated to be $200, and an additional $50 for both interior and exterior décor for the store. An assistant will be necessary at this point to help attend to the customers in the store as I focus on online marketing. An additional $350 will be added for the payroll service firm to ensure that salaries are paid appropriately and on time. Fuel cost to and from the store will also be added, and inventory increase, which is an estimated at $900. The expenses to benchmark to another state will be accounted for in the last month of the financial year. At this point, the business will be built and will be able to afford to cater for the benchmarking expenses.

solved Jessica Jessica was in a pretty tough spot when things

Jessica was in a pretty tough spot when things got worse on this day Tuesday evening. Jessica had just gotten off probation for drunk driving less than 5months ago and just had a new baby. Jessica was out celebrating with her friends the arrival of the new baby and finally getting off probation. Jessica lives with her mother, does not pay rent, has a car, but does have a job working at a local shipping company. 
Jessica is 24 year old female and has been arrested for aggravated assault.  Jessica was out late on Friday night with some of her friends at a bar. Jessica and another patron got into an argument and the patron left the bar. Jessica then followed her outside to finish the argument on the parking lot.  Jessica’s friends pleaded with her to come back inside but she continued to follow the other patron. Once Jessica got to the other patron’s car Jessica asked her to get out of the car. The patron refused and Jessica began to violently kick the car door of the patron repeatedly.  The patron was crying and nervous and stated she couldn’t find here keys in the car because she dropped them. The patron reports she was afraid and trying to get away because Jessica had become verbally and physically aggressive at the bar. Jessica walked away from car and found a big rock at the edge of the parking lot. Jessica then walked back to the car and busted the driver’s side window.  The glass chattered everywhere cutting Jessica’s hand and the patrons face. The patron was afraid and got out of the car and started running. Jessica chased her down caught her and punched her several times in the face and stomach. Jessica then turned calmly and walked away.  The police were called and aggravated assault charges were filed against Jessica. They knew Jessica identity because she left her ID at the bar when she opened her tab.  Jessica was not arrest that night because she could not be found. 
Jessica was found 4 hours later bloody, still drunk, and disoriented 20 miles away from the scene.  Jessica walked into a corner store and asked them to call her mother for her.  Jessica reports she has no recollection as to how she got there, where she had been for 4 hours, or what happened that night. Jessica friends told her mother what happened and her mother urged Jessica to turn herself in the next day. Jessica refused stating she didn’t want to be in trouble again, lose her job, or to be away from her baby. Jessica was arrested later that week at work by the Constables.
You be the Judge…
You will sentence the offender based on the information and topics covered in Chapter 9. Remember you must justify your selected punishment just as judges do. Please make sure you use the topics covered in Chapter 9 and the facts from the case study to support your sentence.

solved RESPONSE GUIDELINESRespond to at least two peers as the stakeholder.

RESPONSE GUIDELINESRespond to at least two peers as the stakeholder. Take the role of the main stakeholder and let the organization (peer) know what you will do and how much funding they will receive from you. Explain the main points that swayed you to make that decision. Provide your approval based on the updated recommendations. Include the percentage you will approve for the project in your feedback. Be as specific as possible.Student post down below:(Victor)A new data that can be presented to stakeholders to help them fund my project, which is on eradicating Indiana’s state of child abuse and neglect is the elaborative data that states that Marion County recorded the most child deaths caused by abuse or neglect of any Indiana County with14 deaths in the period studied. The next-highest areas reporting fatalities were Allen, Elkhart and Tippecanoe counties, which reported three fatalities each. This made Indiana State to record 25 fatalities being 42 percent as covered in this report, which were determined to be accidental with 24 being 41 percent were declared to be homicides (Prevent Child Abuse Indiana, 2021).Additional 4 fatalities listed of Indiana fatalities out of abuse and neglect were 7 percent, which were listed as the result of natural causes and the manner of death was were undetermined was six being10 percent children. Nine others had prior substantiated Division of Child Services history. This record was got from the record period of July 1st 2015 to June 30th 2016 (Prevent Child Abuse Indiana, 2021). This data can help to persuade a group of stakeholders to fund my eradication of child abuse and neglect program for Indiana State because it can state how child abuse and neglect can be regarded seriously because of its occurrence at a period of time. Also stating that child abuse and neglect can lead to serious situations as death situations for them to believe that child abuse and neglect eradication programs like mine should be funded, especially when it gets to preventing this maltreatment from occurring. What could have changed in this data set are that there could have been decrease in fatality state and degrease in the occurrence of child abuse and neglect. This is because it is bad morally to abuse or neglect a child kept in the care of an adult, which can make an adult to be imprisoned or fined or brought into a correctional facility when this type of maltreatment occurs. So, either a child can be prevented from being injured, being mentally stressed or depressed or being dead as a result of being maltreated or abused. Or an adult to be prevented from punishments like imprisonment, going to correctional facility or being fined because of maltreatment by making sure that child abuse and neglect are being prevented in places like Indiana State of United States.