solved Can you help me understand this Business question? Competency In

Can you help me understand this Business question?

In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:

QSO-20169: Analyze and reflect on factors that commonly lead to the success or failure of a project

You have reached the end of Release One of the XYZ Business Workflow project, and your team has faced some challenges during the development process.
One software tester and one developer from your team resigned. You found replacements for both of them. But, the new developer had to be trained by one of your other team members. This affected the team’s productivity.
Also, during one of your status meetings with the client stakeholders, their product owner requested a change in a feature that was almost complete. They were also very resistant to give any additional time for the first release. As a result, you had to add extra hours to your development time.
To accommodate these changes, your team worked extra hours and even some weekends to complete the project. Finally, you managed to deliver the first release according to schedule.
Although the release goes fairly smoothly, after a few days, the customer reports that their users are facing some issues with the software. They also have a list of changes and two new features they would like to see in the software before your final rollout in Release Two.
Analysis and Recommendations
Your executive team has asked you to prepare a report summarizing your analysis of the first release of the XYZ Business Workflow software and recommendations for how you think Release Two of the project should be planned.
Think about the project charter, the initial project plan you created in Project One, and the challenges the project team has faced so far. What steps did you take to manage these challenges? In retrospect, can you think of some other strategies you could have used during project planning and/or risk mitigation for better results? Specifically, your report should include the following:

Reflect on the project so far and provide your analysis of what went well and what could have been better. 

Outline what you think were the successes and failures of the project.
Identify major challenges your team faced in completing this project and describe how you handled them.
List some alternate strategies you could have used during project planning and/or during risk mitigation for better results.

Based on your experience with Release One, provide some recommendations for managing the second release of the XYZ Business Workflow software, including the methodology, change management, and quality control strategies.

Use information from the scenario, Project One and Project Two, and make reasonable assumptions as you complete these tasks. Be sure to explain your assumptions.

solved In this assignment, you will need to decide whether there

In this assignment, you will need to decide whether there are any legal claims arising from a series of events. Choose one (1) of the options below. After reading the scenario, answer the questions that follow, making sure to fully explain the basis of your decision.
1. Paula Plaintiff owns Paula’s Boutique, one of the most popular stores in town. William Wicked owns the store next to Paula’s Boutique. William has been jealous of Paula’s success. William, in an effort to increase his own business, begins to tell his customers that Paula is dishonest and unethical. William even puts a sign in his front window warning potential customers not to shop at Paula’s Boutique because of her deceitful and unethical practices.
Paula is upset when she finds out what William has been doing. Paula has always been honest and ethical with her customers and now her business is suffering because of William’s dishonesty. Paula decides that something must be done about this situation.
What advice would you give Paula?

Discuss the possible tort claim Paula might have against William. Be sure to include the elements of the tort and relate those elements to the scenario.
If Paula decides to pursue a claim against William, should she consider a lawsuit, mediation, or arbitration? Be sure to explain why your choice is the best option.

2. Parker Plaintiff is in a hurry and stops by a convenience store for a drink. The store is out of her favorite brand of soda, so Parker decides to go elsewhere. Before Parker can leave, she is stopped by a store employee that accuses her of shoplifting. The employee escorts Parker to a small room in the back of the store and tells Parker that if she attempts to leave the room, she will be arrested and sent to jail. Parker waits for over an hour before the manager tells her that she is free to go.
What advice would you give Parker? 

Discuss the possible tort claim Parker might have against the store. Be sure to include the elements of the tort and relate those elements to the scenario. 
If Parker decides to pursue a claim against the store, should she consider a lawsuit, mediation, or arbitration? Be sure to explain why your choice is the best option. 

3. Barry Bossly makes it a point every day to embarrass Abby Normal during their morning huddle at work. He says extreme comments about Abby. Abby is embarrassed so badly that she has developed post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a result.
What advice would you give Abby?

Discuss the possible tort claim Abby might have against Barry. Be sure to include the elements of the tort and relate those elements to the scenario. 
If Abby decides to pursue a claim against the Barry, should she consider a lawsuit, mediation, or arbitration? Be sure to explain why your choice is the best option. 

solved Your task for this week is to create an annotated

Your task for this week is to create an annotated bibliography where you will locate and summarize 8 scholarly sources relate to the Biologically-Based Psychological Disorder you chose for your final research paper. There must be a minimum of 4 peer-reviewed articles from Keiser’s online library and the remainder may come from books or credible websites (ending in .org, .edu. or .gov).Save your “Annotated Bibliography” to your computer, then click on the “Week 3 Assignment – Annotated Bibliography” title link at the top and “Browse my Computer to upload your saved document by Sunday of week 3. Your paper should be written in APA format and your sources should be properly referenced.What is an annotated bibliography?It is an organized list of sources (referenced in APA format), such as books, journals, newspapers, magazines, reputable web pages, etc., each of which is followed by a summary or description of the source.Annotations may consist of all or part of the following list of items, depending on the purpose of the bibliography:describe the content (focus) of the sourcedescribe the usefulness of the sourceevaluate the reliability of the sourcediscuss any conclusions the author(s) may have madenote key points from the article relevant to your final projectdescribe your reaction to the sourceWhat does an annotated bibliography look like?The following in an example source from an annotated bibliography:Waite, L. J., Goldschneider, F. K., & Witsberger, C. (1986). Nonfamily living and the erosion of traditional family orientations among young adults. American Sociological Review, 51(4), 541-554.The authors, researchers at the Rand Corporation and Brown University, use data from the National Longitudinal Surveys of Young Women and Young Men to test their hypothesis that nonfamily living by young adults alters their attitudes, values, plans, and expectations, moving them away from their belief in traditional sex roles. They find their hypothesis strongly supported in young females, while the effects were fewer in studies of young males. Increasing the time away from parents before marrying increased individualism, self-sufficiency, and changes in attitudes about families. In contrast, an earlier study by Williams cited below shows no significant gender differences in sex role attitudes as a result of nonfamily living.Your annotated bibliography should be submitted by Sunday of week 3.Annotated Bibliography Grading CriteriaMaximum PointsSummary of at least 8 sources: out of the 8 sources 4 must be peer-reviewed articles60Proper APA format of references in bibliography20Grammar, spelling, and correct APA format20Total100ReferenceHow to prepare an annotated bibliography. Cornell University Library. Retrieved from

solved Assignment: Planning a Needs Assessment IIundefinedOne of the many reasons

Assignment: Planning a Needs Assessment IIundefinedOne of the many reasons social workers conduct
needs assessment is to provide support for new programs. Social workers
have many methods available to collect necessary data for a needs
assessment.Social workers can use existing
data from a wide range of sources, including local and national reports
by government and nonprofit agencies, as well as computerized mapping
resources. Social workers can gather new data through interviews and
surveys with individuals and focus groups. This data can provide the
evidence that supports the need for the program.To
prepare for this Assignment, review the needs assessment plans that you
and your classmates generated for this week’s Discussion. Also, review
the logic models that you created in Week 7 and any literature on needs
of caregivers that you used to generate them. Consider the following to
stimulate your thinking:Getting information about the needs of the target population:
Who would informants be?What is your purpose for interacting with them?What questions would you ask?What method would you use (interview, focus group, questionnaire)?Finding potential clients:
Who would informants be?What is your purpose for interacting with them?What questions would you ask?What method would you use?Interacting with the target population:
Who would informants be?What is your purpose for interacting with them?What questions would you ask?What method would you use?By Day 7Submit a 2- to 3-page paper
outlining a hypothetical needs assessment related to the support group
program for caregivers. Include the following:The resources needed to operate this serviceThe program activitiesThe desired outcomesA plan for gathering information about the population servedJustifications for your plans and decisionsA one-paragraph conclusion describing how you might conduct a
follow-up to the needs assessment at the implementation stage of the
program evaluationRequired Readings

Dudley, J. R. (2014). Social work evaluation: Enhancing what we do. (2nd ed.) Chicago, IL: Lyceum Books.
(For review) Chapter 6, “Needs Assessment” (pp. 107–142)Chapter 7, “Crafting Goals and Objectives” (pp. 144–164)

Document: Tutty, L. M., & Rothery, M. A. (2010). Needs assessments. In B. Thyer (Ed.), The handbook of social work research methods (2nd ed.,pp. 149–162). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. (PDF)Copyright 2010 by Sage Publications, Inc. Reprinted by permission of Sage Publications, Inc. via the Copyright Clearance Center.

Optional Resources
Stewart, K. E., Phillips, M. M., Walker, J. F., Harvey, S. A., & Porter, A. (2011). Social services utilization and need among a community sample of persons living with HIV in the rural south. AIDS Care, 23(3), 340–347. Note: Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

solved *If you can finish this first before the other one

*If you can finish this first before the other one cause this is due today but the other one is due tomorrow*Discussion instructions:Chapter 4 Connecting Curricula Through Themes and Units Summary In Chapter 4, Krogh and Morehouse discuss how to connect curriculum with themes and units. They explain how the subject areas language and literacy, mathematics, science, social studies, art, movement and drama, and music all work as curriculum web when using a theme. They explain how a theme can be covered in each subject area to make a complete learning experience on the theme chosen.A curriculum unit is when the lessons are preplanned, and the teacher or school district chooses the topic they think should be taught (Krogh and Morehouse, 2014, p. 77). The units are often planned a year in advance before meeting the needs of the children in the classroom and can go for weeks. The children can learn about the topic through each subject matter when the themes and units are combined into the curriculum. The teachers are also provided with the opportunity to see which subject areas are stronger or weaker within each theme that they explore with the children. Chapter 5 Inquiry-Based Learning SummaryIt is important to provide young learners with several opportunities for them to gain knowledge of what is being taught. In reference to the textbook The Early Childhood Curriculum Inquiry Learning Through Integration by Suzanne L. Krogh and Pamela Morehouse these opportunities are, “Connections and relevance in learning; opportunities to apply skills in meaningful, real-life situations; engagement with hands-on materials; worthwhile tasks to shape constructive dispositions; group involvement and collaboration to hone emerging social skills (2014, p. 88).” With inquiry-based learning, the teacher utilizes what the students express interest in and makes it into a teaching moment despite if it is off-topic within a classroom. They use the moment as a teaching moment and for the children to engage and ask questions on what they found interest in. This method of learning nourishes creativity and curiosity. It promotes children to engage more and persist with questions. Inquiry-Based Learning takes moments of curiosity and makes it a learning opportunity for the students (and a teaching opportunity for teachers). It also promotes students being more involved with what topics are being discussed and learned.Writing prompts:What are some of the benefits of connecting the curriculum with themes and units? What are some of the concerns? How would you include inquiry-based learning when teaching a curriculum connected with themes and units?Mary Boulrice Reference:Krogh, Suzanne & Morehouse, Pamela (2014) The Early Childhood Curriculum: Inquiry Learning through Integration. New York: Routledge.

solved Scenario Janet Johnson, an African American woman, has been working

Scenario Janet Johnson, an African American woman, has been working at the Tennessee Hydroelectric plant for 15 years. During that time, his performance reviews have been exemplary. She decided to apply for the new plant foreman position. Although she felt that she was eminently qualified for the position, she also was growing tired of a certain good old boy culture at the plant. For years, the plant has had a culture of highly lewd “jokes,” and many of the employees had also engaged in inappropriate touching of female employees. The plant had an anti-harassment policy on record, but Janet’s boss shrugged and said “boys will be boys” when she reported the harassment to him. Competition for the position was fierce. But ultimately, Jose Martinez, a Chilean man, received the position. Jose had 7 years of experience. Unbeknownst to the applicants the promotion board secretly ran a credit check on the applicants. Janet credit score came in as lower as average, and this factored into the board’s decision. Although he met the qualifications of the position, one of the hiring managers told Janet in confidence that Janet was the most qualified person for the job. And the other managers had applied a racial preference on Jose’s behalf due to there never having been a Latino manager at the plant even though Latino’s represented 35% of employees at the plant. Janet sues the plant for disparate treatment, disparate impact, and sexual harassment under Title VII. Questions 1. List the elements of disparate treatment and apply them to this case. Can Janet prove a prima facie case? How would the plant rebuff these charges? Who would ultimately prevail? 2. List the elements of a disparate impact case and apply them to this case? Will Janet prevail on this charge? 3. List the elements of the sexual harassment case and apply them to this case? Can the plant establish an affirmative defense? 4. If the plant argues that it applied a racial preference to Jose to correct a manifest imbalance at the plant of underutilization of certain minorities, will the plant prevail? Why or why not? 5. Was it legal to use the credit check as a factor in the promotion decision the way that it was done here? Why or why not? Part 2 QUESTION 1 List and briefly describe (in your own words) the three main reasons for government regulation of businesses. QUESTION 2 List and describe (in your own words) the six principles for organizations to become an Employer of Choice. QUESTION 3 List and describe (in your own words) three of the crucial keys to development of an effective ethics program. QUESTION 4 .List and explain (in your own words) the benefits of government regulation of business. QUESTION 5 List the six rights of the consumer and explain (in your own words) why each one is important.

solved Please answer ONE of the discussion topics about Alice Walton’s

Please answer ONE of the discussion topics about Alice Walton’s “6 Ways Social Media Affects Our Mental Health”.After reading the article, please post your response by Friday at 3pm (4/23) (week 3) and respond to one classmate by Saturday, at 3pm (4/24).Just pick one (do not do all of them – please just write #1 or #2 or #3 – do not write the question, just the answer):1) What is the reason why we cannot stop using social media even though it is spoiling our life and get hurt from comparing and bad comments? Explain a little.2) The writer insists that it is stressful when someone’s life has been compared with ours, we may feel inferior. But if we think of it positively, what can we gain from it? Explain a little.3) Nowadays, there are more and more teenagers who are addicted to social media and that is causing a lot of health issues. Do you have any suggestions to help them? List at least two and explain how your suggestions would help them.The classmate need to be responded:1)I think there’s a couple of reasons why we cannot stop using social media. The first one is indicated in the article: we feel anxiety when we stop using them. I think the reason for this is that once we stop using social networks, we will feel like we are separated from the society. Nowadays, people like using social media to share their daily lives. They like interacting with people by commenting on other’s posts. That’s how friendship maintained. Once you stop commenting on other’s posts and messaging others on social media, you will like not just disappearing on social media, but in the society also. Apart from this, we can discover a myriad of information on the social media, including friends’ status and even the big event which is happening in the city. You cannot stop browsing the social media because that’s how you know you know your friend and things around you. Once you stop scrolling the social media even if it’s only for a while, you are withdrawn from the society, which makes you hard to reassimilate into society again.The second reason for this is that social media uses AI to attract you to stay, which makes you have a propensity not to leave. I watched a movie named “Social Dilemma” before. That movie shows how social media uses big data to attract your attention. It indicates that social media is monitoring everyone’s behavior on the social media. Once the AI collects enough data from the user, it will analyze the user, including what they like and their mood. With those analyses, social media will let the user see what they want. Finally, people won’t leave because they discover some interesting things that attract them. They will not stop scrolling until there’s nothing to attract them. Because of this, I think this is another reason why people cannot stop using social media.Anson

solved Assignment DetailsThis DB has 4 partsProfessional success depends highly on

Assignment DetailsThis DB has 4 partsProfessional success depends highly on having quality communication skills. Improving your communication skills is one of the most important career goals you can have. Oral skills can be practiced in all types of professional and social situations (avoid slang use, use proper English, be prepared to support any opinions calmly and rationally). However, written communication skills are more difficult because you must be concerned with how the reader will interpret your words. This is why grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and format are so vital to career success.Think about someone you know who has been successful.Identify the individual or type of industry in which he/she is successful. Discuss how, in your opinion, the individual’s communication skills have been integral to their success.Identify one example of how the individual you selected has used oral or written communication to his/her advantage.Could the individual you selected be successful if he/she exhibited poor oral or written communication skills? Why or why not?Discussion Board Reminders: Must have three posts: A main post and two replies to peers.First post: Either your main post or a reply to others must be posted before midnight CT (Central time) on Friday of each week.Second and third post: Must be posted on a different day from the first post.Connect to content: At least one post must refer to course learning materials. See the Academic Resource on Discussion Boards for help with connecting to the content.Engaging in class discussions: For more information on making the most of your class dialog, review the Academic Resource on Discussion Boards. Grading RubricAssignment CriteriaProficient DescriptorPointsQuality of Main Post16 Points TotalStudent’s main post meets or exceeds the following requirements:Responds completely to all of parts of discussion question (4 points)Communicates content information accurately and/or logically (4 points)Delivers a thoughtful response demonstrating insights and reflections (4 points)Connects to both key content concepts and personal experiences (4 points)/16 pts.Response to Peers16 PointsTotalResponds to a minimum of two peers (8 points per response)Substantive response (4 points)Furthers the conversation with peers. Examples could include (4 points):Provides additional resourcesConnects to key conceptsShares personal or professional experiencesContributes new information or perspectivePresents a competing viewpoint/16 pts.Support from Learning Resources4 PointsTotalAt least one post refers to course learning resources./4 pts.Professional Writing4 pointsResponse is well-organized, clear, and free of grammatical and mechanical errors.Posts demonstrate courtesy and respect for others./4 pts.Total40 points possible/40 pts.

solved Assessment 2 Instructions: Written Communication: Writing an Email Write an

Assessment 2 Instructions: Written Communication: Writing an Email

Write an email to a customer using appropriate tone, language, and structure.Introduction
You wouldn’t begin a road trip without a destination in mind. The destination gives you a goal, helps you plan how to get there, and lets you know when you’ve arrived. The same is true for writing. Whenever you write anything, whether it’s an email to your boss or a text to your best friend, you have to understand your destination. Where is your writing taking you, and what are you trying to accomplish? Are you creating a simple grocery list or outlining the reasons you should be promoted? In other words, what is your purpose?For this assessment, you’ll use what you’ve learned about professional written communication to write a professional email message that includes information relevant for a specific purpose, emphasizes important points using style mechanics, and uses appropriate tone and language for a specific audience.Instructions
For this assessment, complete the following:

Revisit the scenario and voicemail message from your manager that you used to complete Assessment 1.
Review your notes from Assessment 1 in which you summarized the main points of your manager’s voicemail.
Based on your notes, write an email message to Sara Robbins at Printables (the client). You may choose to use the Email Template [DOCX]. If you do, delete any instructions and headings before submission. Your message should be limited to no more than 12 sentences or 200 words.
Use the four components of written communication—purpose, audience, tone, and structure—to write your email:

State the purpose of the email.
Address the appropriate audience.
Use a professional tone.
Review the Email Template [DOCX] for direction on how to structure the email. Consider using the template to make sure you address all necessary elements.

Additional Requirements

Format: You may use the Email Template [DOCX] to make sure you have included all necessary elements of a professional email. You may refer to Figure 8.3 on page 231 of Excellence in Business Communication for an example. Use Calibri 12-point font.
Length: Limit your email to 12 sentences or 200 words.
Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies:
Competency 2: Use appropriate technology solutions to effectively communicate time-related tasks.

Include all necessary components in the email structure.
State the purpose of the email.
Address the email to the appropriate audience.

Competency 3: Develop professional written communications in a well-organized text, incorporating appropriate evidence and tone in grammatically sound sentences.

Use a professional tone for the email.

solved Skill(s) Being Assessed: Relationship Building – Collaboration, (Self and Social

Skill(s) Being Assessed: Relationship Building – Collaboration, (Self and Social Awareness)Part 1 you create your Group Project Plan and begin working on your common goal. Criteria for Success: You will begin work on your group project Identify a goal.Establish the members of your group. Marcene Cooper,( Student) Jeffrey Cooper, & Brandajha CooperDefine the roles and responsibilities of each group member.What to submit/deliverables: A completed Group Project Plan.STEP 1: Identify a common measurable goal. This can be a goal you are already working on at work, at school, or at home. You should be able to accomplish this goal within two weeks Cooking a new dish or elaborate meal- (Wedding Rehearsal Dinner)STEP 2: Identify the other 2–4 members ( Jeffrey Cooper ,& Brandajha Cooper) of your group and how you will work together. You may work with family members, friends, classmates, co-workers, or anyone else you will be able to collaborate with during this time period. Collaboration can be accomplished in-person, on the phone, through a virtual meeting space like Zoom, or through other collaborative tools like Google Docs. Make a plan for how your team will collaborate and what each person’s role and responsibilities will be.STEP 3: Download the Group Project Plan Document and complete all sectionsThis week, you’ll analyze and reflect on the collaborative process.Criteria for Success: In this assignment, you will:Provide clear and comprehensive documentation of the common measurable goal the team has completed. ( I will provide a picture)Describe team process, including each person’s role and responsibilities and how these were established.Identify collaborative tools (or potential tools used) and explain how they supported (or would support) work towards a common goal, with specific examples.Describe 2–3 effective collaborative approaches and how they were used by the group to accomplish the team’s goal, including concrete examples.Describe challenges and opportunities for improvement in collaborative teamwork, including specific examples.Part 2 What to submit/deliverables: A completed Reflection on Collaborative Strategies in Meeting a Common Goal.What is the value of doing this assignment? This assignment gives you the opportunity to practice your relationship building skill, further developing your interpersonal interactions and collaboration techniques. It will show that you can collaborate with others to resolve a problem and work toward a common goal. Complete a common goal with a team and reflect on the collaborative strategies and approaches used.What you need to complete this assignment: To complete this assignment, you will need the following resources:Assignment Overview Video.Reflection on Collaborative Strategies in Meeting a Common Goal Template .