solved I’m working on a public health discussion question and need

I’m working on a public health discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Cultural and linguistic competence is a combination of behaviors, attitudes, and policies in a system, agency, or among professionals to allow for practical cross-cultural work (ASHA, 2021). A person or organization that is culturally and linguistically competent can interact effectively with people from other cultures. The professional understands that differences do not imply deficiencies or disorders. Therefore, they provide services that are respectful of and responsive to an individual’s values, preferences, and language, as well as care and services that are not differentiated in quality based on ethnicity, age, socioeconomic status, or other factors (ASHA, 2021). 
The cornerstone for change is our one-to-one relationships with one another. Hence, forging bonds with people from many cultures, frequently different cultures, is critical to forming varied communities capable of achieving big goals (Community Tool Box, 2021). Thus, the team at Kaizen Safety Solutions recognizes the importance of having cultural and linguistic competency, and they apply them towards building and making their relationships with clients more influential.
The team collaborates with people from various racial, linguistic, ethnic, and economic backgrounds, establishing connections based on trust, respect, mutual understanding, and shared goals, even if they know very little about them. They put their differences aside to collaborate and offer their support to address a common problem (Community Tool Box, 2021). For instance, the Kaizen team is currently working with various people with different ethnic and religious backgrounds, professions, and viewpoints to write a research article discussing the efficacy of using ozone generators for post-fire restorations, which will afterward be submitted for peer review by other scientists worldwide. The project is meant to help many people out there whose homes are being treated by these devices and afterward experiencing side effects from the ozone. 
Kaizen values their contributors’ insight and expertise and recognizes that to give the best services to their clients, they must be aware of and respectful of the diversity and cultures of the people they serve. Similarly, the Kaizen team takes its obligations to deliver culturally and linguistically acceptable services and conduct research very seriously.
ASHA. (2021). Issues in Ethics: Cultural and Linguistic Competence. .
Community Tool Box. (2021). Section 2. Building Relationships with People from Different Cultures.

solved Question 10.63 PointsTrue or False? Primary and secondary healthcare data

Question 10.63 PointsTrue or False? Primary and secondary healthcare data could help improve the operational efficiency of a rural county health service.TrueFalseQuestion 20.63 PointsSCM and ERP are approaches are taken at which level of a healthcare organization?FinancialAdministrativeEnterpriseCustomer serviceQuestion 30.63 PointsHealth data are expected to grow from 2013 to 2020 by approximately what percentage per year?2%4%7%9%Question 40.63 PointsWhich of the following falls outside the most common current uses of healthcare data?Improving clinical outcomesAnalyzing costsDesigning new devicesAssessing public healthQuestion 50.63 PointsBetween 2013 and 2015, approximately what fraction of hospitals added online patient access to medical records?Three-quartersOne-halfOne-thirdOne-fifthQuestion 60.63 PointsWhat kind of goals will CRM help organizations meet?Long-termShort-termCommunityProfitabilityQuestion 70.63 PointsWhen a nurse makes a voice recording of patient notes and includes that directly in an EHR, this is considered to be:big data.unstructured data.private data.omitted data.Question 80.63 PointsWhich of the following is information that is least likely to be in a healthcare database?Food preferencesBody temperatureHeightPulseQuestion 90.63 PointsIn the case study from Marion, Ohio, the Caduceus MMIS was:an IT system to handle information from many kinds of doctors.a module for training nurses in online data entry.the relevant Ohio regulatory body.a supplier of surgical supplies.Question 100.63 PointsWhich of the following organization types has probably lagged in its implemented of HMIS over the last 20 years?Lawnmower manufacturerCommunity hospitalClothing storeLocal bankQuestion 110.63 PointsHow much of the future benefit from HMIS in health care will likely end up in the hands of primary care and other providers?1–2%2–4%6–8%5–10%Question 120.63 PointsPatients served by a CRM should expect to receive what after diagnosis?Many EOB formsCost savingsSuggestions for alternative treatmentsFeedback forms from the governmentQuestion 130.63 PointsWhich of the following will most likely drive health care to be the fastest growing industry sector in HMIS implementation?AgingPopulation mobilityEconomic declineRegulatory requirementsQuestion 140.63 PointsWhat is the cost of healthcare fraud in the United States each year?Approximately one trillion dollarsTens to hundreds of billions of dollarsApproximately $20 billionHundreds of millions of dollarsQuestion 150.63 PointsTrue or False? If a surgeon fails to complete records on a hernia operation by putting notes in the wrong places on an online form, this could be due to a poorly designed system error.TrueFalseQuestion 160.63 PointsTrue or False? An uncooperative patient could contribute to data omission errors.TrueFalse

solved Week 3 Discussion ForumWe often hear claims that “seem” credible

Week 3 Discussion ForumWe often hear claims that “seem” credible and the sources of these claims can also seem credible at least at first glance. Analyze the credibility of media sources:Do you believe that all media sources are credible? Why or why not?Why should we (or should we not) question the credibility of the information that is presented to us from media sources?In addition to your initial post, you must also post substantive responses to at least two of your classmates’ posts in this thread. Provide an analysis of your peers’ post. Build on their examples and explanations to extend meaningful discussionBenjamin LaiI do not believe that all media sources are credible because there is typically a bias when it comes to the media that is being presented. I believe that certain stories have some priorities than others and may be given more detail than other stories. One example where this occurs most often is during the election period where the news stations typically portray a sense of bias towards the political group that they favor.We should always question the credibility of the information that is presented to us from media sources because of the certain biases that they may have. We also should determine if the news that we are presented comes from a source that portrays a sense of accurate information or else we would be left with information that may not come from a reputable source and may just be someone’s opinion rather than a fact.Stephanie LeePersonally, I do not believe that all media sources are credible. I feel that information can be misinterpreted wrong or intentionally be misused. For example, college students are taught that when looking for credible sources to not rely on Wikipedia. Reason being, that website can be changed by anyone. Thus, the information can be inaccurate which can result in you receiving a bad grade. As students our professor’s guide us to use credible sources such as the school library, textbooks, and websites (that contain edu, gov, and org). Such resources can provide information that not only educates us but is indeed accurate and that is back up with evidence. According to Moore and Parker (2020) it states that, “We are automatically suspicious of certain sources of information. We’ll look at several factors that should influence how much credence we give to a source” (p. 111). I felt that this statement spoke to me because, this is how I think when searching for credible sources for my assignments or when I write a paper. By not having credible information this can lead to people arguing over nothing. Which can result into massive disputes and potentially something more destructive that can cause harm to others.ReferenceMoore, B. N., & Parker, R. (2020). Critical thinking (13th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education. Reply

solved This assignment contains several parts, so be sure to carefully

This assignment contains several parts, so be sure to carefully attend to each part.
Part I: Preparation–Generativity Research and Self-Assessment 
Find a few articles about generativity in the GCU library, including, “A Theory of Generativity and Its Assessment through Self-Report, Behavioral Acts, and Narrative Themes in Autobiography.” Link:
Part II: Create a Generativity PowerPoint
Assume you have been chosen to present the impact of generativity on life satisfaction at a Psychology convention (you will be presenting to your classmates). You will need to complete the following:
Prepare a 7-10-minute presentation on generativity. Your presentation should include some form of visual (Poster, PowerPoint, etc.). Note: Be sure to have an outline to follow 
Your presentation should include:

Define generativity in your own words.
Some generativity theories and theorist you like the most (e.g. Erikson, Logan, McAdams) 
Describe how personality contributes to generativity
Describe how gender roles contribute to generativity.
Explain how/what actions you can take increase/maintain generativity.
Include any other information you find relevant or that might benefit your classmates
Include a Q&A segment

Part III: Give Your Presentations  

You will share your presentation with      at least four other people. Make sure to time your presentation to be      within 7-10 minutes.
After      your presentation, administer the survey titled “Generativity Presentation      Survey” to each audience member. This feedback will be necessary to      complete your reflection, so be sure to collect your data (and encourage      honesty). Note: You must encourage your group to ask questions since this      will be required to complete your final reflection paper. 

Part IV: Generativity Reflection/Write-Up 
Reflect on this research and presentation experience in 250-500 words, including the following:

Before you look at the survey results, how do you feel your presentation went? Were you organized? Did you feel comfortable with the content?
Summarize your survey results and share group member feedback (e.g. was it impactful? Were their evaluations consistent with your own?)
Did your audience ask any questions during or after your presentation? What was your comfort level in answering the questions? Where you able to answer all questions asked?
Describe your overall experience completing this activity. Did you learn anything about yourself? Will you do anything differently? What were some of your “take-aways” from other member’s presentations? Include aspects you found meaningful. Examples are encouraged.


solved EditColorful bulleting boards in the classroom should be meaningful. This

EditColorful bulleting boards in the classroom should be meaningful. This particular board is welcoming the children to their new classroom!Bulletin BoardPrompt:Considering the languages spoken by families in your community, design a sample bulletin board to share materials and information for staff, children, and families in your classroom. You will create a bulletin board either at your work place or on a tri-fold poster board. The information on the board should be relevant to early childhood and geared for children and their families. The bulletin board should support what we have been learning in class regarding diversity. Implement materials that would be important for children and families pertaining to your program and/or fictitious program. You will create a PowerPoint that shows each area of your board and you will submit online. You will want a picture of the bulletin board as a whole and then pictures of each section of your bulletin board with an explanation as to why you included this on your bulletin board. This assignment supports student learning objectives 4, 6, & 7.InstructionsSelect 4 topics that are relevant to share with the field of ECE, children, and their families.Provide 4 types of information, one for each topic. All information is current and relevant to the intended observer.Be creative, slides are uncluttered, headings are clear.Short written essay (3 paragraphs) describing why the information shared is relevant to the field of ECE, children, and their families.Spelling, punctuation, and grammar have been checked.Please review the following PowerPoint Video: Teachers collaborate with each other to share ideas on how to provide resources for children who have special needs or health care needs. The following video is supplemental material for you to view. Just click the play button to begin. You will hear my voice discussing key points that I would like for you to walk away with after reading Chapter 11. I share with you in this recorded PowerPoint presentation video how to to identify what programs should do in order to ensure that all children are inclusive and how to promote those practices in the classroom. Children with Special Needs should be allowed to attend a program that is the least restrictive environment for them and allows for them to engage with peers who are typically developing.The following video is supplemental material for you to view. Just click the play button to begin. You will hear my voice discussing key points that I would like for you to walk away with after reading Chapter 12. I share with you in this recorded PowerPoint presentation video how children learn about gender, how gender is a social justice issue, what programs should do and how to create a learning environment that supports gender expression and development.

solved I’m working on a nursing question and need an explanation

I’m working on a nursing question and need an explanation to help me study.

Post a reflection that addresses a peer’s post following Week #3 discussion.
– A minimum of 150 words .
– Support all posts with at least 2 cited peer review references within 5 years of publication (references cannot be older than 5 years).
– All posts are to be written in APA 6th edition format as required by the university.                                                                          
Peer Response :
According to Florida state laws, an advanced practice registered nurse refers to an individual who possesses a license from Florida, allowing him or her to practice professional nursing and holds a license in advanced nursing practice (Unruh et al., 2018). The state laws in Florida are amongst the strictest in regards to nursing practice. First and foremost, the law in Florida dictates that physicians should supervise APRNs. For this to happen, an agreement must be outlined in writing between the physician and nurse. In addition to a written agreement, a physician cannot oversee APRNs in more than four locations. According to the state laws in Florida, an APRN is only allowed to prescribe medication to a patient only if he or she has graduated with either a master’s or degree program in a specialty area. 
Although APRNs in Florida can perform activities such as diagnosis, treatment, and prescription under the supervisory protocol, most of them lack recognition as primary caregivers. APRNs in Florida are also not allowed to sign death certificates unless approved for autonomous practice (Florida Board of Nursing, n.d.). Although Florida has recently passed a bill giving Floridian nurses full practice authority, there are still barriers limiting their jurisdiction. For instance, to enjoy full practice authority, nurses have to register and get approval. I would like to change the process of getting approved to make it simpler so that all APRNs can get full practice authority without any long beau acratic process that will only delay increasing patient care. All nurses should become politically active through various nursing associations that advocate unrestricted practice.  
DailyNurse. (2020, March 12). Florida nurse practitioners gain full practice authority.
Florida Board of Nursing. (n.d.). Can an APRN sign death certificates?
Unruh, L., Rutherford, A., Schirle, L., & Brunell, M. L. (2018). Benefits of less restrictive regulation of advance practice registered nurses in Florida. Nursing Outlook, 66(6), 539-550.

solved QUESTION 18The following text relates to the next 3 questions.

QUESTION 18The following text relates to the next 3 questions. Please read it all the way through before responding. James and John are identical twins born in 1950. They were adopted into separate families at birth. James grew up in a wealthy family in an affluent suburb of Melbourne with parents with advanced degrees. James himself has a PhD and has been a lifelong participant in track and field. Growing up, James had easy access to pavements and bike ways allowing him to actively commute and his parents had easy access to fresh food. As a result of his track and field competitions he has maintained a healthy BMI and he maintains a healthy lifestyle living on a Mediterranean diet and drinking very little alcohol and avoiding smoking. He also engages in regular cognitive training with some apps on his phone. John grew up in a loving family in a rundown suburb of Melbourne. There wasn’t much opportunity for active commuting growing up and as his family was situated in a “food desert” it was difficult to access fresh food and take-away meals were a regular feature of his family’s diet. He left school at 16 and went onto becoming a semi-pro boxer in his youth. During his boxing career he suffered several traumatic brain injuries. Following his boxing career, he admits that the excessive restrictions associated with making weight have led him to consume an unhealthy diet and he has been obese (BMI 31kg/m2) since his late 30’s. He also admits that he drinks too much and has suffered from hypertension since his 40’s. John also smokes and has done so since his teens and he finds it hard to make time to be physically active and he also has some problems sleeping at night. 18A. Using the information from the case studies above and what you know about the evidence on the risk factors for cognitive decline and dementia, comment on James’ and John’s risk profile for cognitive decline/dementia (6 marks). Hint: Use Fig. 1 – Strength of Evidence for Risk Factors for Cognitive Decline and Dementia————————————————————————————————————————————-18B. John recently had an unexpected fall which resulted in a badly sprained wrist. His GP has recommended that he start exercising again. As an exercise science professional John has engaged you to help him reduce his risk of falls through a structured exercise program. Discuss with reference to key literature, the types of training you would have John do to reduce his risk of falling in the future (6 marks). Hint: Use Sherrington et al (2011) article————————————————————————————————————————————- 18C. List 3 barriers to physical activity in older adults? (3 marks).

solved Culturally Competent Care for African Americans Based on the readings,

Culturally Competent Care for African Americans Based on the readings, viewing on the Module 6: Lecture Materials & Resources page, and your own experience, what strategies would you recommend encouraging culturally competent care of African Americans?Submission Instructions:Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points.You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. Your reply posts are worth 2 points (1 point per response.) All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible.Please post your initial response by 11:59 PM ET Thursday, and comment on the posts of two classmates by 11:59 PM ET Sunday.You can expect feedback from the instructor within 48 to 72 hours from the Sunday due date. Grading Rubric Your assignment will be graded according to the grading rubric.Discussion RubricCriteriaRatingsPointsIdentification of Main Issues, Problems, and Concepts5 pointsDistinguishedIdentify and demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of the issues, problems, and concepts.4 pointsExcellentIdentifies and demonstrate an accomplished understanding of most of issues, problems, and concepts.2 pointsFairIdentifies and demonstrate an acceptable understanding of most of issues, problems, and concepts.1 pointsPoorIdentifies and demonstrate an unacceptable understanding of most of issues, problems, and concepts.5 pointsUse of Citations, Writing Mechanics and APA Formatting Guidelines3 pointsDistinguishedEffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Exceptional use of citations and extended referencing. High level of APA precision and free of grammar and spelling errors.2 pointsExcellentEffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Moderate use of citations and extended referencing. Moderate level of APA precision and free of grammar and spelling errors.1 pointFairIneffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Moderate use of citations and extended referencing. APA style and writing mechanics need more precision and attention to detail.0 pointPoorIneffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. An unacceptable use of citations and extended referencing. APA style and writing mechanics need serious attention.3 pointsResponse to Posts of Peers2 pointsDistinguishedStudent constructively responded to two other posts and either extended, expanded or provided a rebuttal to each.1 pointsFairStudent constructively responded to one other post and either extended, expanded or provided a rebuttal.0 pointPoorStudent provided no response to a peer’s post. 2 pointsTotal Points: 10

solved ScenarioYour small marketing consulting firm was recently hired by Costa’s

ScenarioYour small marketing consulting firm was recently hired by Costa’s Customs. Costa’s Customs is a clothing retail company considering a complete rebranding, as their current reputation is dated and no longer appealing to desired market segments. In the past, Costa’s Customs experimented with digital marketing initiatives but the campaign had been poorly thought out and poorly implemented. The previous campaign had very little engagement and was a failure that turned management off from online marketing channels completely. Costa’s Customs’ current marketing strategy ignores all forms of digital marketing. They’ve come to your company for advice and recommendations for improving their marketing efforts. Your administrator has put together some preliminary research on Costa’s Customs’ background for you to look over. Click on the link below and read through it in order to familiarize yourself with the business.Costa’s Customs’ Company Profile
InstructionsBefore making any final decisions about a new campaign, Costa’s Customs would like you to look over their last attempt at digital marketing. It was a complete failure, and Costa’s Customs wants to know why in order to prevent similar mistakes from happening in the future. Your administrator has included details on a simplified version of Costa’s Custom’s digital marketing campaign, which you can find in the company profile. Read through the document and then write a report to highlight some of your observations both positive and negative. Costa’s Customs’ is looking for an initial analysis of the thought and strategy behind their last failed campaign. They are not looking for suggested improvements or changes, but are more focused on an ability to create a digital marketing plan that demonstrates consistency between sections.The following should be completed in your report to Costa’s Customs’:Identify strengths and weaknesses of the current situation analysis.Interpret the impact that each could have on the overall digital marketing campaign.Determine whether the objectives are properly influenced by findings in the situation analysis.Interpret the impact that this could have on the overall digital marketing campaign.Support your opinion with observations from the company profile document.Analyze the alignment and consistency between objectives, strategies, and tactics.Interpret the impact that this could have on the overall digital marketing campaign.Support your opinion with observations from the company profile document.State your opinion on whether you believe this digital marketing plan provides value to the business and promotes engagement with customers.Include thoughts on if there is a proper balance between selling and branding initiatives.Support your opinion with observations from the company profile document.


Please note that each and every assignment has its own word limit.
Policy 20204 was selected, A Call for Adult Dental Benefits in Medicaid and Medicare. Oral health is an integral part of overall health. Both elderly and low-income adult populations need preventive and restorative oral health services and therefore require oral health care coverage and access to those services. Such coverage should be made available by including or expanding dental benefits in state and federal health insurance/assistance programs for all Medicare- and Medicaid-eligible adults. Providing adult dental benefits for Medicaid and Medicare recipients could help improve access to dental care among low-income and elderly adults. Providing affordable dental care may improve the quality of life among adults and may be a good societal investment (, 2020).
Congress can designate dental services as a mandatory benefit category for all Medicaid-enrolled adults. This statutory policy change would ensure that all states offer comprehensive oral health coverage, eliminating the extreme variation across states. Congress could also consider policy aimed at establishing a baseline of comprehensiveness for adult dental services in Medicaid. Policymakers can amend the current statutory definition of Medicaid dental services to address the full range of oral health conditions, specifying categories of services as necessary. Another important federal policy consideration is bolstering state budgets as states implement oral health coverage. Adequate funding of state Medicaid programs is necessary for the successful implementation of a new benefit (Vujicic et al., 2021).
Reference (2020, October 24). A call for adult dental benefits in Medicaid and Medicare. AMERICAN PUBLIC HEALTH ASSOCIATION. Retrieved October 9, 2021, from 
Vujicic, M., Foose, C., Reusch, C., & Burroughs, M. (2021, July). The per-patient cost of dental care 2013 -a look … – ada. Health Policy Institute. Retrieved October 9, 2021, from 
Respond to the bold paragraph ABOVE by using one of the option below… in APA format with At least two references and a minimum of 200 words….. .(The List of References should not be older than 2016 and should not be included in the word count.) Include at least one scholarly reference and appropriate in-text citations and Address all points on the DQ. One point will be deducted for not addressing each item mentioned above. Remember that presenting someone else’s work as your own is plagiarism.Â