solved Choose a concept or case from this week’s readings reflecting

Choose a concept or case from this week’s readings reflecting on this concept or case. Please include a legal analysis as well as your personal reflections.Remember, this reflection paper is to be no less than two (2) pages and no more than three (3) pages in length.Week 4Outline Chapters 7 and 8I. Assault, Robbery, Rape, and Other Crimes Against People A. Assault – unlawful attempt or threat to inflict immediate harm B. Aggravated Assault – assault with: 1. Serious bodily injury OR 2. Extreme indifference to human life (deadly weapon) C. Mayhem – mutilation, disfiguring, or disabling a victim D. Larceny/Theft (common law) 1. Trespassory taking 2. Asportation (carrying away or moving) 3. of the personal property 4. of another 5. with intent to permanently deprive the owner Robbery (common law) – The common law elements of Theft plus: 6. by force, threat, or intimidation E. Rape (common law) 1. Unlawful – Under the common law this only applied to men and women that were not married. Common law rape did not apply to husbands raping wives. 2. Carnal Knowledge (intercourse) 3. of a female – under the common law, rape only applied to men raping women 4. without her consent F. Sodomy (common law) – Anal, oral, or sex with animals (bestiality) G. Statutory Rape 1. Sex with an underage person (a minor) 2. Minors cannot legally give consent H. Incest – Sex between close family members 1. Morality issues 2. Medical Issues I. Hate Crimes – Crimes motivated by bias (race, religion, ethnicity, orientation) 1. Need a traditional crime – hate crime has to do with motive 2. hate crimes are often difficult to defineII. Property Crimes A. Larceny/Theft (common law) – See above B. Burglary (common law) 1. Breaking and entering 2. the dwelling of another 3. at night 4. with intent to commit a felony therein C. Motor Vehicle Theft 1. Enters a motor vehicle 2. knowing they are not permitted to do so 3. with intent to permanently deprive the owner (joyriding does not permanently deprive the owner) D. Arson (common law) 1. Malicious 2. Burning 3. of a dwelling 4. on another E. Embezzlement 1. Misappropriating/misapplying 2. of property or money 3. already entrusted to the accused F. Fraud 1. Representing false facts 2. by conduct, word, or writing 3. to induce the other to rely on the misrepresentation 4. and surrender something of value G. Forgery 1. falsely making or altering 2. with intent to defraud 3. a negotiable or legally enforceable instrument H. Counterfeiting 1. forging, copying, imitating without authority 2. with intent to defraud 3. a negotiable or legally enforceable instrument I. Uttering – passing the illegal instrument J. Trespass 1. Entering or remaining unlawfully on the premises of another 2. without privilege or license to do so

solved Students will be required to select a team in one

Students will be required to select a team in one of the following professional leagues: MLB,NBA, NFL , NHL or European Soccer. You will do research on your selected team and thenanswer the following questions.Part One (One page)You are the new owner of your team and have to build a new stadium/arena.A) Where will you build the new facility? Why?B) How will the new facility increase revenuesC) Will you have fewer seats to create more demand?D) How will you make this facility more fan friendly?Part Two (One page)You are the new General Manager for your team. The owner wants a three year plan as to howyou are going to build the team to win a championship. Discus how you are going to achieve thisaddressing:Free agentsThe coachTradesThe draftThe farm systemInnovative ideasPart Three (One page)1. Go to: This will take you to the website. In the search box type in your team name.3. When the new page appears, scroll down the page.4. Select the article about your team that will be along the lines of:New York Rangers on NHL team valuationsNew York Yankees on the business of baseballNew York Knicks on NBA team valuationsNew York Giants on NFL team valuationsPlease look at the bar charts on your team to answer parts A, B and C.A) Discuss how the value of the franchise has changed in value over the years.Why do you think it has changed?B) Discuss how the team’s revenues have changed over the years.C) Discuss the changes in player expenses over the years. Does an increased payrollreally help the team win more games?D) What are you going to do to promote your team on a global basis so the owner cancreate more fan interest and make more money? Think of overseas games, jerseysales, the Internet, overseas offices, cable TV, clinics, player appearances and signingforeign born players.Part Four (One page)A) Sports agent Curtis Polk requires all his clients to follow this model regarding theirincome. Figure 50% will go to taxes, 40% you have to save and invest and 10% youcan spend as you wish. Would you recommend this to any player that yourepresented as a sports agent? Why or why not? What if the potential client said no?B) Discuss three of the existing marketing deals that Bryce Harper now has.C) As the agent for Bryce Harper, what four companies would you try and get newmarketing deals with and why? What kind of dollar amounts would you be lookingat?D) As the agent for Bryce Harper, would you recommend that he start his own shoecompany? Why or why not?Part Five (One page)A) What is the drug testing (PED’s) policy of the league your team competes in?B) What is your opinion of this policy?C) You are the new Commissioner and can create a new drug testing (PED’s) policy?Explain what your policy would be.D) How would the union feel about this?

solved It is necessary for an RN-BSN-prepared nurse to demonstrate an

It is necessary for an RN-BSN-prepared nurse to demonstrate an enhanced understanding of the pathophysiological processes of disease, the clinical manifestations and treatment protocols, and how they affect clients across the life span.

Evaluate the Health History and Medical Information for Mr. C., presented below.

Based on this information, formulate a conclusion based on your evaluation, and complete the Critical Thinking Essay assignment, as instructed below.

Health History and Medical Information

Health History

Mr. C., a 32-year-old single male, is seeking information at the outpatient center regarding possible bariatric surgery for his obesity. He currently works at a catalog telephone center. He reports that he has always been heavy, even as a small child, gaining approximately 100 pounds in the last 2-3 years. Previous medical evaluations have not indicated any metabolic diseases, but he says he has sleep apnea and high blood pressure, which he tries to control by restricting dietary sodium. Mr. C. reports increasing shortness of breath with activity, swollen ankles, and pruritus over the last 6 months.

Objective Data:

Height: 68 inches; weight 134.5 kg
BP: 172/98, HR 88, RR 26
3+ pitting edema bilateral feet and ankles
Fasting blood glucose: 146 mg/dL
Total cholesterol: 250 mg/dL
Triglycerides: 312 mg/dL
HDL: 30 mg/dL
Serum creatinine 1.8 mg/dL
BUN 32 mg/dl
Critical Thinking Essay

In 750-1,000 words, critically evaluate Mr. C.’s potential diagnosis and intervention(s). Include the following:

Describe the clinical manifestations present in Mr. C.
Describe the potential health risks for obesity that are of concern for Mr. C. Discuss whether bariatric surgery is an appropriate intervention.
Assess each of Mr. C.’s functional health patterns using the information given. Discuss at least five actual or potential problems can you identify from the functional health patterns and provide the rationale for each. (Functional health patterns include health-perception, health-management, nutritional, metabolic, elimination, activity-exercise, sleep-rest, cognitive-perceptual, self-perception/self-concept, role-relationship, sexuality/reproductive, coping-stress tolerance.)
Explain the staging of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) and contributing factors to consider.
Consider ESRD prevention and health promotion opportunities. Describe what type of patient education should be provided to Mr. C. for prevention of future events, health restoration, and avoidance of deterioration of renal status.
Explain the type of resources available for ESRD patients for nonacute care and the type of multidisciplinary approach that would be beneficial for these patients. Consider aspects such as devices, transportation, living conditions, return-to-employment issues.

solved General Instructions for DiscussionCreate a new thread for each posting.Refer

General Instructions for DiscussionCreate a new thread for each posting.Refer to course material using proper Bluebook in-text citations.Post responses here in public discussion forum.Please put the following in the subject line: Discussion + your nameAddress each classmate by name in your responses, and sign your name to each posting, please. Responses should be in depth, comprehensive, and promote further discussion beyond merely agreeing/disagreeing.Martinez is working with a new consulting LCA client, the Smith & Smith law firm, that is representing a client/plaintiff in a civil lawsuit regarding a private nuisance claim. The facts in Smith & Smith’s client/plaintiff case are: Hypothetical Facts: The plaintiff is suing his neighbor for creating a private nuisance. The neighbor built a 12-foot tall privacy fence around their yard and attached bright strobe lights and powerful speakers that face the plaintiff’s back yard. The lights are on every day from dusk to dawn, and loud music is played via the speakers from 10 pm to 2 am every Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. The client/plaintiff claims that (1) the light and noise prevent him from sleeping, and (2) the fence is ugly and has diminished the value of his Maryland home.Martinez asks you and a paralegal colleague to complete research and report information about the case to him. The Echard opinion is relevant to the Smith & Smith client/plaintiff’s case and will be the focus of your research. Part 1Using Westlaw, retrieve the Echard court opinion by entering this partial citation in the Westlaw GSB: 159 Md. App. 110. Read the opinion, and respond to each of the following questions. 1. What is the name of the court that issued this opinion, and is it Maryland’s court of last resort (highest court) or intermediate (middle-level) appellate court?2. Cite the Echard opinion using Bluebook format. 3. Defense counsel for the neighbor has asked the court to dismiss the client’s lawsuit, arguing that even if the client/plaintiff’s allegations are true, there is no private nuisance. In support of this argument, defense counsel argues that dismissal is required because the Echard opinion is “on all fours.” Compare the client’s case with the facts in Echard and decide whether you agree with the defense counsel’s argument. State your conclusion and explain why you agree or disagree.Part 2Review classmates’ responses, then offer your own substantive comments that compare your response with classmates’. Consider noting similarities, differences of opinion, and whether the colleague’s response affected your conclusion and why. Note: Making one substantive comment is a minimum requirement (equivalent to a “D” grade); more comments made on separate days are needed for a higher grade/maximum points.

solved You will have the option of researching either Steinbeck’s “The

You will have the option of researching either Steinbeck’s “The Chrysanthemums,” or The Red Pony, or Hansberry’s A Raisin in the Sun. The objective of your research is to read about and get familiar with what scholars and critics are saying about the text you are researching. What arguments are being made? What insights are the scholars and critics having about this text and its levels of meaning and significance? This kind of research might be different from what you have done in the past in that you are not coming to the research with the objective of finding support for a preconceived idea, position, argument, or thesis. You are approaching the research from a position of question and curiosity: What are the scholars and critics saying about this text?Your research will utilize the Mission College library catalogue and databases. The expectation in English 1B is that we are familiar with the library and how to use our databases and Search catalogue. However, we will have a reminder video posted on our Week Eight page.You will then compose an essay that enters into some aspect of this conversation. You can agree with what scholars and critics are saying. You can disagree. You can add and contribute to what is being said and argued about the text. Whichever approach you take, your ideas will always be supported with examples from the text itself. So your essay will be a synthesis of what the critics and scholars are saying and your own personal literary analysis. You are welcome to use ideas from Essay #2 as something to build on; however, you cannot take this essay and go looking for critical support for your ideas. This you have done before and will not provide you with the critical thinking we are looking for.RequirementsMLA format: 12 point Times New Roman font, double spaced, name, instructor, course, date in left hand corner.Use of fundamentals such as introduction, focused body paragraphs, transitions, and conclusion.Thesis announcing what your essay will be showing/arguing about the text on which you are focusing.Integration of at least 2 sources. One source must be a scholarly article from an academic journal, and the other is of your choice, so long as it is credible and reliable. These two sources will be selected from your research. The key word here is select. This means that you will be reading a series of articles and making a choice which ones you want to use, which ones you will enter into a conversation with. If you don’t select and instead just find two articles, it will be hard to build an essay around such articles.MLA format for your in-text citations and work cited page.Writing that is free from consistent and distracting errors in grammar and mechanics.Developmental guidelines: 5-5.5 pages.CHECK THE FILE I ATTACHED DOWN BELOW

solved This is our vision statement bolded: based off of this

This is our vision statement bolded: based off of this , answer the 3 questions below.Chester company is the most profitable company for providing unique and the highest quality products to our customers in the industry. In Year 8, we gain a competitive advantage by distinguishing products with an excellent design, high awareness and easy accessibility and are focused on all segments to be great. Traditional – two products such as Cake and Ceder. Capacity will be 1900. Automation level will be 6.5. Low End – one product such as Cedar. Capacity will be 1500. Automation level will be 6.5. High End – two products such as Cid and Coat. Capacity will be 1000. Automation level will be 4.0. Performance – two products such as Coat and Cake. Capacity will be 1800. Automation level will be 5.0. Size – two products such as Cure and Cake. Capacity will be 1800. Automation level will be 5.0. We have enough capacity to meet the demand that we generate. We increase automation level to improve margin. We have 5 products such as Cake, Cedar, Cid, Coat, and Cure which we have kept and maintained since Year 1. We offer customers products that match their ideal criteria for positioning, age, and reliability. We develop good R&D competency that keeps our product fresh and exciting. We gain a competitive advantage by distinguishing products with an excellent design, high awareness and easy accessibility. Our products have a higher price on the market. We are spending a good amount of money on promotion and sales in all segments. We make sure that our customers can find our products easily. The score of our customer survey is above 50. We are financing our investment primarily through stock issues and cash from operations, supplementing bond offerings on an as needed basis. We try not to have debt, and prefer to avoid interest payments. We keep leverage between 1.5 and 2.0. We offer 60 days credit terms to loyal customers. We give our earnings less reinvestment to our stockholders. Our AP policy is 10 days. Our employees are well trained because we send each employee to training for 80 hours every year. We spend $5000 on recruiting new people. We constantly look for talented people to recruit. You would use these competencies to develop competitive advantages. For example, competencies in automation and human resources could lead to a competitive advantage in cost leadership. Competencies in awareness, accessibility, and design could lead to a competitive advantage built upon differentiation.With this as background, present an argument for your teammates.1. What are the top three competencies you believe necessary to execute your vision and strategy?2. What decisions do you need to make to develop these competencies?3. How will they produce competitive advantage?

solved part 1:Â First: After reading this week’s article/readings and lecture

part 1: 
First: After reading this week’s article/readings and lecture (ATTACHED), address the following questions:

Before you can write a holiday policy it helps to understand more about what people consider as significant observations and holidays. Review the ADL Calendar shared in this week’s module, and address the following:

What 3 observances were the least familiar? AND  What would you like to learn more about? (Don’t just say none- This is an opportunity to ask questions of your classmates and learn from one another!)
What myth or stereotype about your own religious or faith-based practice can you clarify or share with the class? Something that can be misunderstood or misinterpreted that you can help us learn more about? or share an observance that is missing and include information to help us learn something from you.

What topic from the reading can you bring up in discussion as a conversation piece or for further discussion or clarification? Identify the topic and explain why you selected this topic and what you want to talk about. (Please cite the reading you are referring to by (name, page#) in case someone wants to take another look)
What topic or idea from lecture can you bring up in discussion as a conversation piece or for further clarification? Identify the topic and explain why you selected this topic and what you want to talk about

part 2:
Use this research to extend your own learning and sharing what you have learned with the class. As you read, it will help you to note questions that come up for you;  one of them may be useful for this weekly work.  The question you research can be based on statistics that you read about, a historical event that is mentioned in the readings, references to books and materials that are mentioned by the various authors, and so on.  In some weeks, I have intentionally chosen some older readings either as classics or to give you an opportunity to research current perspectives and issues. Number your research section #1-5 so that you don’t miss a step!

What is your question? What do you want to learn more about?
Why did you choose to research this question? What from the readings, lectures or videos inspired your research topic? (research should always connect to the current topic of study)
Help teach classmates by sharing what you learned through your research? What are the main ideas of what you found? (In about 1/2 page, explain what you have learned in your research- entice your classmates to click on your research link and learn more!). Do not simply copy the text from the website or article you find.
In one paragraph, explain how your research specifically relates back to this class and the current topic of study besides the fact that the research has to do with anti-bias work? 

solved Part A. Exploring Your Perspectives of an Ideal LeaderSo far

Part A. Exploring Your Perspectives of an Ideal LeaderSo far this week, you have completed all of the assigned readings (Wheatley, Pearson, and Flowers) and watched a bit of Invictus. For the next stage, you will need first to complete the ILT survey. Narrow your results to your top three preferred traits in a leader. Once you have your findings, please explore the following with your classmates (using the film and readings to enhance your thinking):how you ranked the characteristics of an ideal leader on the ILT surveyhow this ideal leader is fit for orchestrating organizational and world changes as described by our readings, andhow these aspects cultivate a leader identity and presence within themAccording to these sources and your ILT assessment, what characteristics are needed in a person who claims leadership? What presence is required? Pearson (2012) is surely answering these questions when she notes that “we must respond to these challenges by developing our capacities to think and lead. We must access all our faculties–mental sharpness, emotional depth, body sensations, imagination, creativity, as well as connect with our souls and spirits” (p. 1). And just as importantly, she explains that we must “harvest the full capacity of those around us…which collectively are greater than what any one of us has alone” (p. 2).Part B. Claiming a Leader IdentityHow does this growth plan cultivate the characteristics and behaviors you identified in ideal leaders with the ILT? Explor how your plan is aligned with your perceived ideal leader traits. And, how it might be inspired by others’ greatness as we saw in the film clip. Then further, reflect on our materials. How does your projected leader development respond to (or not) Wheatley’s call for courageous leaders? As noted in Pearson’s (2012) introduction, how does the current call for leadership go beyond the popularization of Burns’ “transformational leadership” and lend itself more to Burns’ preferred terminology of “transforming leadership”? Readings & Resources Margaret Wheatley, Who Do you Choose to Be? Pearson, C. S. (Ed.). (2012). Introduction. In C. S. Pearson (Ed.) The transforming leader: New approaches to leadership for the twenty-first century (pp. 1-13, hardcopy; pp. 20-28 ebook), San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler. Flowers, B. S. (2012). Leadership in action: Three essential energies. In C. S. Pearson (Ed.) The transforming leader: New approaches to leadership for the twenty-first century (pp. 32-41 hardcopy; 39-45 ebook), San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler. Note: Please answer separately in one document, 2 pages for Part A and 2 pages for Part B excluding the cover and reference pages.

solved The basic framework for training evaluation is built from Kirkpatrick’s

The basic framework for training evaluation is built from
Kirkpatrick’s four levels of evaluation: reaction, learning, behaviors,
and results. This assessment supports the collection methods and
analysis of evaluation data for your training and development program. Requirements For this assessment, complete the following: Describe the information conveyed to trainees in the distance learning module.Articulate how a distance learning module fits into the overall training program design.Assess the strengths and weaknesses of distance learning on an organization’s training strategy.Illustrate how practice and feedback are incorporated to measure the transfer of learning.Analyze how distance learning supports employee development.Evaluate the effectiveness of measurements used for a distance learning module in the training and development program. Additional RequirementsWritten communication: Written communication is in a professional style with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics.APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style.Headings: Incorporate level headings according to current APA style.Length: A typical response will be 3–5 typed, double-spaced pages.Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.References: Use at least two references. Competencies Measured By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate
your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment
criteria: Competency 2: Demonstrate effective training program design, development, and implementation.
Describe the information conveyed to trainees in the distance learning module.Articulate how a distance learning module fits into the overall training program design. Competency 3: Demonstrate effective training program measurement and evaluation.
Illustrate how practice and feedback are incorporated to measure the transfer of learning.Assess the strengths and weaknesses of distance learning on an organization’s training strategy. Competency 4: Assess the impact of technology on an organization’s training strategy.
Analyze how distance learning supports employee development. Competency 5: Identify effective organizational processes and roles for employee development.
Evaluate the effectiveness of measurements used for a distance learning module in the training and development program.
A Business Research Library Guide has been created for your use in this program. Use it to guide your research.Wagner, R. J., Vanevenhoven, J. P., & Bronson, J. (2010). A top ten list for successful online courses. Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, 6(2), 542.


Blanchard, N. P., & Thacker, J. (2013). Effective training (5th ed.). Prentice Hall. Available in the courseroom via the VitalSource Bookshelf link.
Chapter 7.

solved This is book you can find a single newspaper, you

This is book you can find a single newspaper, you should sent a capy of newapaper or artical that you used. And you should use evidence from the book
Myers, D. G. & DeWall, C. N. (2019). Exploring psychology (11th ed.). New York, NY: Worth.General Psychology – Critical Thinking Assignment (Parts 1 & 2)…
Part 1:
For this assignment, you will need to find a single newspaper or magazine article (i.e., Time, Newsweek, New York Times, Kansas City Star) written for the general public which makes a claim about some psychological topic; do NOT use a peer reviewed or scholarly journal. Do NOT use an advertisement, blog, or an .org extension. The article must have a title and an author.
Read the article, then read it again! If you cannot tell someone what the article is about after reading it multiple times, find a different article. Remember almost everything has a psychological component (e. g., dreams, study techniques, happiness, health, sports, relationships, and family). Critically evaluate the article by doing the following:
Published Information: (approximately1 – 2 paragraphs each for A & B )
A) Identify and summarize the claim that is being made (who, what, how, where, why, and when). Describe the evidence presented to support the claim. For example, how did the author come to this conclusion? Is it based on scientific evidence? Is it an observation? Is it someone’s opinion? You may include no more than one direct quotation and absolutely NO block quotes. Use this opportunity to paraphrase; tell me about the article just as you would tell a friend.
B) Find something in your book that ties in with the topic or claim of the article; either supporting or refuting the article assertion. Identify and summarize the information from the book (who, what, how, where, why, and when). You may include no more than one direct quotation and NO block quotes.
Your Opinion:(a paragraph for each of the following)
C) Do you agree with the author(s) or not? Based on the available evidence from the book and article, what is your conclusion regarding the idea[s] being presented and why? (refer to the available evidence to support your conclusion).
D) What alternative explanations are possible for the evidence that is presented to support the claim you are exploring? Does it appear that there were things that were overlooked or not considered? (e.g., did the research consider all ages, gender, socioeconomic status, education, culture, geography)
E) What further evidence or information would help to better evaluate the ideas? What further research would provide this evidence?
F) Compare the advantages of valuing scientific evidence compared to other types of arguments. Are there disadvantages to scientific evidence?