solved STEP 1 – Watch the 3 videos and write one

STEP 1 – Watch the 3 videos and write one question for each video.STEP 2 – Write one explanation for each question.IMPORTANT: USE THE CLASSMATES WORK IN STEP 3 AS EXAMPLES FOR YOU TO DO STEP 1 AND 2.STEP 3 – Respond to these 3 questions about what you watched in the videos with at least 50 words for each one.1-Do leaders need to have good convincing skills?In “The Science of Persuasion”, Robert Cialdini talks about 6 ways to be persuasive. Watching that video got me thinking. How much does your professional growth depend on your ability to convince people? In my opinion, it matters a lot. The reason I think that is because to be considered a leader you have to be able to convince other people to get them to believe in your vision. A leader who doesn’t have the capability to convince people is a glorified team member in my opinion. What is your opinion on my question?2-How can we develop ethical techniques of persuasion?In the video provided called, “Science of Persuasion,” by Robert Cialdini and what sounds like Paul Bettany who plays “Vision” in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, they go over some secrets or techniques to the process of persuasion. Some of the shortcuts mentioned include reciprocity, scarcity, authority, consistency, liking, and consensus. One of the techniques that I found very interesting, was concerning the persuasion technique listed on scarcity. The example given on the video was about the British Airways Concorde aircraft. In the early two thousands, British. Airways announced that they would stop operations with the Concorde aircraft. They were flying it twice a day between London Heathrow Airport and John F. Kennedy Airport in New York City. Their sales began to sky rocket after the announcement because it was now a scarce resource. Have you ever noticed any unethical persuasion techniques from large companies? any ethical techniques? Have you ever worked in a sales job? How did you develop ethical persuasion techniques?3-What are your heros when coming up with an idea?In Nancy Duarte’s TedTalk presentation, Nancy Duarte Uncovers Common Structure of The Greatest Communicators she talks about how we use hero to come up with ideas. She explains how most of our heroes come from our audiences and not ourselves. My question is, what are some of your heroes? What heroes have you used to come up with an idea? I myself have never realized that I used “heroes” in finding topics for ideas, but when thinking about it, I have. Most of my heroes, like Nancy, come from my audience. When coming up with topics for writing I have to focus on what my audience is there for. When coming up for an idea in a history project I look at the criteria the audience is expecting. It’s interesting how our ideas are based upon our audience. So what are your idea heroes?

solved PART 1===ScenarioYou currently work at IBM and are applying for

PART 1===ScenarioYou currently work at IBM and are applying for a new Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Manager position. As part of your interview process, you are to create a comparative analysis of IBM and one of its direct competitor’s initiatives related to diversity, equity, and inclusion for LGBTQ+ in the workplace. You will need to research IBM and a direct competitor (ex. Hewlett Packard, Xerox, Oracle, Accenture) and compare these companies’ DEI presence. You start by visiting the Human Rights Campaign website ( or searching for the Corporate Equality Index (CEI).InstructionsCreate a comparative analysis that:Provides a short introduction on DEI employee initiatives for both companies.Defines the concepts of diversity, equity, and inclusion.Discusses the differences between the concepts of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace for both companies.Compares the efforts in diversity, equity, and inclusion for the LGBTQ+ employees for both companies.Identifies best practices for implementing DEI employee initiatives for both companies and how leadership plays a role in the implementation.Be sure the comparative analysis is a properly formatted APA paper that displays proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, and credible sources cited in APA format.PART 2====ScenarioAs a Human Resources manager for your company, the Director of HR has asked you to be part of a new project tasked to the department, creating a diversity scorecard. The scorecard will be the focal point to many new diversity projects for the future. The director has asked you to provide some research in a business report that will be used to create the diversity scorecard.You will need to choose and research one of the following publicly-traded companies and create a business report of your findings based on the given tasks below. Note that you are not creating a diversity scorecard.InstructionsFirst, choose one of the following companies:AT&TToyota MotorAppleBerkshire HathawayExxon MobilNext, develop a business report that:Provides an overview of the company, including a brief history, their mission, and their current cultural make-up.Note: cultural information can be found on company websites in the “About,” “Our Company,” or “Values” area on the company homepage.Examines the role of identity and how it may create challenges or opportunities for the company.Assesses the importance of diverse segments within the company workforceDescribes different cultural backgrounds’ impact on a company’s success.Identifies the ways in which creating more diversity at this company can create a long-term impact for the company.Be sure the business report displays proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, and credible sources cited in APA format.

solved NOTE: This assignment is due on May 12BEFORE (not after)

NOTE: This assignment is due on May 12BEFORE (not after) our Wednesday class begins. We will have an in-class peer review on Wednesday, so it is important that you upload this assignment on time.Please upload a rough, but complete first draft of your proposal argument (PDF). It does not have to be perfect, but it must be complete, meaning any claims made must be accompanied by some reasons (and hopefully some evidence). You should aim for at least 5 paragraphs, and include at least 2 sources of research.NOTE: Go to the Downloads section and download the sample student essay (Proposal Argument Sample 3 “Don’t Let Party Poisoning College Students”). Use it as a guide as you write your first draft. Also, please watch the class recording Day 11 (4/28/21).In that class recording, I explained how you could use my former student’s essay as your guide.Structure of your Proposal Argument Essay:1st Paragraph (Introduction: Define the Problem)To make it easier for everyone, state only ONE problem. You may one want to begin your introduction with a hook (statistic or surprising fact), and define your problem. Do not forget to include your research, in-text citation, paraphrases, and quotation marks for directly copied statements from your sources.2nd Paragraph (Propose the solution)To make it easier for everyone, propose only ONE solution. Do not forget to include your research, in-text citation, paraphrases, and quotation marks for directly copied statements from your sources.3rd Paragraph (Explain Effectiveness)Explain how effective your proposed solution is. Do not forget to include your research, in-text citation, paraphrases, and quotation marks for directly copied statements from your sources. Of course, you must include your own analysis as well.4th Paragraph (Address Fairness, Feasibility, and any Opposition or Weaknesses)You must include a counterargument. An example of a counterargument is in your Course Reader Chapter 10: This politician says that we should freeze military spending because our nation needs to save money. It’s true that budgets must be carefully monitored, but my proposed increase in spending will actually generate more tax revenue because it will create new high-paying jobs. Do not forget to include your research, in-text citation, paraphrases, and quotation marks for directly copied statements from your sources.5th Paragraph (Conclusion)Your conclusion is a summary or restatements of what you have presented in your four paragraphs (problem/ solution/ effectiveness/ opposition). Do not forget to include your research, in-text citation, paraphrases, and quotation marks for directly copied statements from your sources.* Please include your Works Cited list following correct MLA formatting.The essay should use the same topic as the narrative essay

solved NOTE: This assignment is due on May 12BEFORE (not after)

NOTE: This assignment is due on May 12BEFORE (not after) our Wednesday class begins. We will have an in-class peer review on Wednesday, so it is important that you upload this assignment on time.Please upload a rough, but complete first draft of your proposal argument (PDF). It does not have to be perfect, but it must be complete, meaning any claims made must be accompanied by some reasons (and hopefully some evidence). You should aim for at least 5 paragraphs, and include at least 2 sources of research.NOTE: Go to the Downloads section and download the sample student essay (Proposal Argument Sample 3 “Don’t Let Party Poisoning College Students”). Use it as a guide as you write your first draft. Also, please watch the class recording Day 11 (4/28/21).In that class recording, I explained how you could use my former student’s essay as your guide.Structure of your Proposal Argument Essay:1st Paragraph (Introduction: Define the Problem)To make it easier for everyone, state only ONE problem. You may one want to begin your introduction with a hook (statistic or surprising fact), and define your problem. Do not forget to include your research, in-text citation, paraphrases, and quotation marks for directly copied statements from your sources.2nd Paragraph (Propose the solution)To make it easier for everyone, propose only ONE solution. Do not forget to include your research, in-text citation, paraphrases, and quotation marks for directly copied statements from your sources.3rd Paragraph (Explain Effectiveness)Explain how effective your proposed solution is. Do not forget to include your research, in-text citation, paraphrases, and quotation marks for directly copied statements from your sources. Of course, you must include your own analysis as well.4th Paragraph (Address Fairness, Feasibility, and any Opposition or Weaknesses)You must include a counterargument. An example of a counterargument is in your Course Reader Chapter 10: This politician says that we should freeze military spending because our nation needs to save money. It’s true that budgets must be carefully monitored, but my proposed increase in spending will actually generate more tax revenue because it will create new high-paying jobs. Do not forget to include your research, in-text citation, paraphrases, and quotation marks for directly copied statements from your sources.5th Paragraph (Conclusion)Your conclusion is a summary or restatements of what you have presented in your four paragraphs (problem/ solution/ effectiveness/ opposition). Do not forget to include your research, in-text citation, paraphrases, and quotation marks for directly copied statements from your sources.* Please include your Works Cited list following correct MLA formatting.The essay should use the same topic as the narrative essay

solved Culturally Competent Care for African AmericansBased on the readings, viewing

Culturally Competent Care for African AmericansBased on the readings, viewing on the Module 6: Lecture Materials & Resources page, and your own experience, what strategies would you recommend encouraging culturally competent care of African Americans?Submission Instructions:Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points.You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. Your reply posts are worth 2 points (1 point per response.) All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible.Please post your initial response by 11:59 PM ET Thursday, and comment on the posts of two classmates by 11:59 PM ET Sunday.You can expect feedback from the instructor within 48 to 72 hours from the Sunday due date. Grading Rubric Your assignment will be graded according to the grading rubric.Discussion RubricCriteriaRatingsPointsIdentification of Main Issues, Problems, and Concepts5 pointsDistinguishedIdentify and demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of the issues, problems, and concepts.4 pointsExcellentIdentifies and demonstrate an accomplished understanding of most of issues, problems, and concepts.2 pointsFairIdentifies and demonstrate an acceptable understanding of most of issues, problems, and concepts.1 pointsPoorIdentifies and demonstrate an unacceptable understanding of most of issues, problems, and concepts.5 pointsUse of Citations, Writing Mechanics and APA Formatting Guidelines3 pointsDistinguishedEffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Exceptional use of citations and extended referencing. High level of APA precision and free of grammar and spelling errors.2 pointsExcellentEffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Moderate use of citations and extended referencing. Moderate level of APA precision and free of grammar and spelling errors.1 pointFairIneffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Moderate use of citations and extended referencing. APA style and writing mechanics need more precision and attention to detail.0 pointPoorIneffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. An unacceptable use of citations and extended referencing. APA style and writing mechanics need serious attention.3 pointsResponse to Posts of Peers2 pointsDistinguishedStudent constructively responded to two other posts and either extended, expanded or provided a rebuttal to each.1 pointsFairStudent constructively responded to one other post and either extended, expanded or provided a rebuttal.0 pointPoorStudent provided no response to a peer’s post. 2 points

solved – this case has many issues- you only need to

– this case has many issues- you only need to IRAC the trespass and invasion of privacy issues (case is hyperlinked and also found in the “Files” section of canvas. (There are no case problems to complete for Google v. Boring).2. IRAC Puritan Holding Co v. Holloshitz Download Puritan Holding Co v. Holloshitzand choose and answer 2 Notes and Questions problems following the case. Problems may be answered in paragraph form but must include a statement of the relevant rule and your analysis. SOME NOTES ABOUT THE IRAC METHOD:You have all learned to IRAC from various professors using various styles. All styles are acceptable to me so long as you articulate a clear understanding of what the case is about and why it’s important.The last page of the syllabus provides IRAC instructions. SAMPLE IRACA great issue statement follows this formula:Issue = (party names) + (name of the rule of law from the “Rule” section”) + (a key fact or short factual statement)Here is an example:Facts and Procedural History: Osborne created a Christmas light display which included over 1,600,000 lights and structures depicting Mickey Mouse driving a train, reindeer, sleighs, and a carousel. Thousands of people came to visit the attraction. Neighbors, plaintiffs, complained about left over trash, traffic hazards, visitors parking on their front lawns, excessive noise and light, and inhibited access to their properties.Issue: Can the homeowners recover from Osborne for the nuisance and trespass to their properties caused by the Christmas light display?Rules: Trespass is the 1) intentional 2) interference with a property owner’s 3) reasonable enjoyment of their land.Nuisance is the 1) unreasonable 2) interference with 3) a landowner’s use and enjoyment of their property.Application:The homeowners, plaintiffs, claim Osborne owes damages for the disturbances caused as a result of his light display. Visitors to the neighborhood entered upon the property owned by the plaintiffs where they discarded trash. These visitors willfully interfered with the homeowners’ enjoyment and ease of use of their property. Osborne’s display included over 1.5 million lights. It is reasonable that over 1.5 million lights would create a disturbance to neighboring property owners. The landowners were not able to enjoy their property as it was disturbed by the uninvited visitors.Osborne claims he does not owe damages to the homeowners. He constructed the light display on his property. He argues he is allowed to do as he pleases with the structures on his property. He claims he is not responsible for the visitors’ actions.Conclusion: The court rules in favor of the plaintiffs. The light display created a nuisance in the neighborhood in addition to providing ease for the trespass of visitors on the properties.

solved About Journal articles are peer-reviewed publications that help scholars communicate

Journal articles are peer-reviewed publications that help scholars communicate ideas, theories, empirical analyses, and conclusions.
The ability to critically read journal articles is a skill that is developed with practice. This skill is especially useful when you transfer to a 4-year college or university.
If you are contemplating attending graduate school to earn a Masters, professional, or Doctoral degree, then analyzing journal articles is an essential skill.
Analyzing a journal article is related to reading. Reading is a skill that is developed with practice and is important for your future academic, professional, and personal endeavors.

Academically, your reading load will increase with each semester you are in higher education. Building that skill now will serve you well into the future.
Professionally, you will have contracts, employee handbooks, technical manuals, financial reports, and other documents to read.
Personally, your son, daughter, nephew, or niece will need you to teach them to read.

Estimated Time
An estimated 270 minutes is needed to complete this activity.
Step 1: Download PDF of the article

POSC 121 – Doherty, David, Conor M. Dowling, and Michael G. Miller. 2019. “Do Local Party Chairs Think Women and Minority Candidates Can Win? Evidence from a Conjoint Experiment.” The Journal of Politics 81 (4): 1282–97. download

Step 2: Analyze the Article

Identify the 12 parts of the article, as described in the Anatomy of a Journal Article and elaborated upon in the Details of Analyzing Journal Articles, and you can also review the Walkthrough.
Optional:Schedule a tutoring appointment with the Writing Center or meet with a NetTutor (if available) if you want a 3rd party to help you think through this assignment
Optional: Upload a picture of you Writing Center Tutoring slip or a screenshot of your NetTutor interaction as evidence

Step 3: Demonstrate identification of parts

Paper: hand write on the margins or the back of the page
Electronic: electronically highlight the text and/or comment in margins of the page

Step 4: Write Out the Research Design

Of the 12 parts, only one of them needs to be written out: Research Design. The Research Design is how the author compares the effect of the explanatory variable (X) on the outcome variable (O) in a group (G) or set of groups.
If needed, return to the Details of Analyzing Journal Articles page and the Walkthrough Presentation for clarification on the concept.
Visit “Journal Article Analysis” webpage on my personal website (Links to an external site.)
For an in-depth discussion on research design, you can read Chapter 6 – Elements of Research Design in Introduction to Political Science Research Methods (Links to an external site.).

solved Self-assessments are crucial in helping students to monitor their own

Self-assessments are crucial in helping students to monitor their own academic progress and helping guide ownership of learning. As students are working through their self-assessments, the teacher can continuously engage students in their own progress and then adjust instruction in response to meet their learning needs. Along with the self-assessment, students need to know how they will be graded and how to monitor their progress, which is done through a rubric. A rubric is an assessment tool that provides student’s with clear expectations for their deliverable. The rubric scaffolds to show a clear distinction between categories in order to achieve the target learning goals for the student’s assignment deliverable.Review the “Learning Plan Template” to complete this assignment.Complete Part 4: Assessment Plan.Part 1: Assessment PlanAfter researching different assessment methods, build on your completed assignment from Topic 3 by completing “Part 4: Assessment Plan”. Use the learning objective and educational goal created in the previous topic and create a formative and summative assessment and aligning rubric for one student you have been working with in your field experience. The assessment and rubric should be grade-level appropriate and allow the student to self-assess his or her work and monitor the progress toward his or her long-term educational goal. The rubric should demonstrate expectations for the assessment deliverable. In addition, include any necessary modifications to show how you plan to differentiate your assessment to meet diverse learning needs.This assessment will be implemented in Clinical Field Experience C in Topic 5.Part 2: ReflectionIn 250-500 words, write a reflection regarding the process of self-assessing.Address the following questions:How does this monitoring process help in tracking progress, assessing data, and identifying patterns and gaps in learning?How does the process of sharing the rubric help to establish guidelines and routines with students for them to monitor and assess their own learning?What other progress monitoring methods can be used to track data?How do you prepare instruction for diverse learning needs and make accommodations to meet exceptional needs and learning language needs?When addressing individual student needs, how is a private setting for instruction that considers student data confidentiality maintained?How do you determine your approach to collaborate with colleagues in a proper and ethical manner?Support your findings with a minimum of three scholarly resources.Submit the “Learning Plan Template” with your reflection as one deliverable.Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

solved Applying the Marketing MixAll four elements of the marketing mix

Applying the Marketing MixAll four elements of the marketing mix work together as a team. It is often suggested that one weak element in the marketing mix can have a significant impact on marketing success. In other words, a marketing mix is only as strong as its weakest link. Companies that provide a clear and unique selling proposition from their competitors often achieve success.The following Course Outcomes are assessed in this Assignment:MT450-4: Evaluate the Marketing Mix for a product.GEL-1.02: Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard English.Choose one of the ASG products from one of the three product lines provided for the youth product line for ages 10 and up or children’s products for ages 5–9. Do some investigation as to the current marketing mix of the children’s or youth product line you chose using the CSR database information, and evaluate the marketing mix as you ascertain it to be for the products.Checklist:Determine the existing marketing mix (i.e., the four P’s) for one children’s or youth product from the product line you chose.Evaluate the existing marketing mix for the chosen youth or children’s product. Are each of the 4 P’s what they should be, based on the CSR database information, pricelist, reading, and your research online? Should ASG consider geofencing for promotion and possibly partnerships for greater promotion and distribution of the chosen children’s or youth product you chose?Choose a brand’s product that directly competes with your chosen ASG youth or children’s product. How does the competition’s product 4 P’s compare?ASG is considering changing their distribution (Place) and channel strategy for the entire children’s or youth product line. Analyze the CSR database and determine what changes might be recommended based on your analysis.Support your contentions with data provided, your Internet research, and your readings.In a minimum 500-word expository essay in APA format and citation style with additional title and reference pages, address the following checklist items and requirements.Make sure to also address the following requirements:Use APA format and citation style and include an additional reference and title page.Limit the use of direct quotations; instead, paraphrase and cite the author’s work.Use Standard English and demonstrate superior organization, and use communication that is highly ordered, logical, and unified.Use correct spelling and grammar.Reinforce your personal opinions with outside viable references, and cite all works using APA citation style.Access the Unit 8 Assignment grading rubricAccess the required CSR DatabaseYou may also access as needed: ASG BackgroundSubmit your response to the Unit 8 Assignment Dropbox.

solved For this section, use workbook Time.xlsx. This section is slightly

For this section, use workbook Time.xlsx. This section is slightly different in that you have to create the formulas in each worksheet and then answer additional questions. For full credit, I need to see the use of the function and formula features of Excel. You must use the appropriate function/formula to earn full credit and the answers must be in the highlighted cells with a surrounding border.undefinedDefinitionsundefinedCash Flow: Earnings before depreciation, etc.undefinedDiscount Rate: Interest rateundefinedFuture Value: The value of an asset at a certain point in the future when its return is a known factor.undefinedPeriod: The time span in which certain financial events took place.undefinedPresent Value: The current worth of a future sum of money or stream of cash flows given a specified rate of returnundefinedFormulasundefinedFuture ValueundefinedAnnuity Future Value: Equals (Payment) * (((1 + (Discount Rate/Period)) ^ (Number of Periods)) – 1) / (Discount Rate/Period)undefinedFuture Value: Equals (Cash Flow) * ((1 + (Discount Rate/Period)) ^ ((Number of Periods) – (Current Period))undefinedFuture Value of Each Cash Flow: Equals (Cash Flow) * ((1 + (Discount Rate/Period)) ^ ((Number of Periods) – (Current Period))undefinedLoan AmortizationundefinedBeginning Principal Balance in Year T: Equals (Beginning Principal Balance in year t-1) – (Principal Component in year t-1)undefinedInterest Component in Year T: Equals (Interest rate/year) * (Beginning Principal Balance in year t)undefinedPrincipal Component in Year T: Equals (Payment) – (Interest component)undefinedPresent ValueundefinedAnnuity Present Value: Equals (Payment) * (1 – ((1 + (Discount Rate/Period)) ^ (-Number of Periods))) / (Discount Rate/Period)undefinedPresent Value: Equals (Cash Flow) / ((1 + (Discount Rate/Period)) ^ (Number of Periods))undefinedPresent Value of Each Cash Flow: Equals (Cash Flow) / ((1 + (Discount Rate/Period)) ^ (Period)) undefinedFuture ValueundefinedA cash flow of $747.25 is available now (in Period 0). For this cash flow, the appropriate discount rate/period is 6.0%. What is the period 5 future value? Use worksheet “Single-FV”. An annuity pays $80.00 each period for 5 periods. For these cash flows, the appropriate discount rate/period is 6.0%. What is the period 5 future value? Use worksheet “Annuity-FV”.undefinedPresent ValueundefinedA cash flow of $1,000.00 will be received in period 5. For this cash flow, the appropriate discount rate/period is 6.0%. What is the present value of this single cash flow? Use worksheet “Single-PV”.An annuity pays $80.00 each period for 5 periods. For these cash flows, the appropriate discount rate/period is 6.0%. What is the present value of this annuity? Use worksheet “Annuity-PV”.undefinedLOAN AMORTIZATION