solved MY GOAL: My goal this semester is to develop an

MY GOAL: My goal this semester is to develop an educational project about health promotion to assist children with obesity submit at least one goal and at least 3 typewritten personal behavioral objectives to his/her clinical faculty. Behavioral objectives may be in the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains. One or more of each is preferable.DirectionsThe Big Goal follow the following steps:1.Analyze the problem or the issue2.Find out what is causing concern, and break the issue down into its components “Patients with Diabetes.”3.Identified the Stakeholders (‘key players’ or main stakeholders and invite them to be part of the project) “Talk to the Diabetes educator”4.Know your target group (a group, for example, adolescents with Type I DM)5.Understand the characteristics of your target group “recently diagnosed diabetes patient” “Pre-menopausal women at risk for diabetes.”6.Determine the goals and objectives7.Determine the result you want from your community education project. Define this in terms of a goal, educational objectives, and desired outcomes8.The goal or aim of your project is a broad statement of what you want to achieveObjectivesDefine your educational objectives in terms of the knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and practices you want the target group to adopt to achieve the goal.Consider This:SMART:1.Specific: Clearly state the issue, the target group, the time and place of the activity.2.Measurable: Be clear in the objective of what will be changed and by how much. Setting this clearly at the start makes it easier to evaluate: Example of a measurable goal “within the next six weeks, I will develop a health literacy program for at-risk of amputation diabetic patients in the community. I will survey at the end of the program, 80% of participants will answer at least five questions correctly in the survey.”3.Achievable: Be realistic about what the project achieves in terms of the scale/scope of what is being done, time, and resources available.4.Relevant: Objectives need to relate to and be relevant to the goals. Remember objectives are the building blocks/steps toward meeting the goals5.Time Specific: Be clear in the objectives about the timeframe in which the program/activities, as well as expected changes, will take place1.Goal statements “identify” the specific target group and provide the “what” information as distinct from the “how” the goal will be achieved or when it will come about. 2.Objectives are the building blocks or steps towards achieving a program’s goals. Objectives are specific and concise statements that state who will make what change, by how much, where, and by when.Identifies the target groupStates the result (change)Specifies the degree of change in measurable terms (degree)Identifies when the will happen (time)

solved Instructions – PLEASE READ THEM CAREFULLYStudents are advised to make

Instructions – PLEASE READ THEM CAREFULLYStudents are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.Avoid p lagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions. All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).Six Sigma Implementations undefined Six Sigma is a common quality management practice used to support the businesses improvements on different levels organizational, processes. Numerous successful cases by well-known companies demonstrated this methodology`s efficiency such as in Motorola, Amazon, General Electric…..etc.undefined In practice, these companies use one of two paths to implement six sigma: DMAIC, which contains five phases ( Define , Measure , Analyze , Improve , Control ) , and DMADV which includes ( Define , Measure , Analyze , Design , Verify ). The first path is covered in details by our course materials.undefined In this assessment, picture yourself as a Quality Records Investigator. In order to improve a current process, product or service, you were requested by the quality manager to create a project plan using six-sigma methodology specifically (DMAIC). To work on this assignment, choose a product or service, or process that you think it needs to be improved. Create a project plan that explains the following: 1 – Dfine Stage : Product or Service Information: ( 1 point ) ( 100 – 200 words)Choose either product, service, or process to improve. State the project scope, two objectives, and the duration. Identify the project`s team (key stakeholders). 2 – Measure stage: ( 1 point) ( 100 – 150 words )Use a process flowchart to identify the current process for your choice ( Inputs , action , outputs)Choose a measurement for your analysis (Nominal, Ordinal, Interval, Ratio).3 – Analyze stage : (1 point) ( 100 – 150 words )Based on your process flowchart and your desired outcomes, Define the Sources of Process Variation. (Causes of problem, or non-value processes) 4 – Improve stage 🙁 1 point ) ( 100 – 120 words)Suggest no less than two recommendations to improve the current process. Present at least two conditions that have to be existed to guarantee the project success. 5 – Control stage 🙁 1 point ) (100 – 150 words) Identify two tangible & intangible measurements that the firm can use to evaluate their performance after the improvement. In which way the company can help their employees to embrace the new changes (training, reward system …)

solved The world around us is changing each and every day

The world around us is changing each and every day and those decisions greatly affect our lives as nutrition students and food service professionals. It is important for us to be aware of the events that are going on around us locally and nationally and how they are affecting our industry. Select a current event article and/or topic that relates to food service, food service management, or any topic that can be related back to ideas being discussed in this class . Post a link to this article.Create a five paragraph write-up with the link to the article that discusses the following items:Summarize the article.How does this topic relate to food service, management, or other topics related to this course.How will this news affect the food service world and/or food service profession?Why did you pick this topic? What interested you about it? Do you agree with what the article is saying? State your opinions on the topicThe purpose of Discussion Boards in this course is for you to demonstrate your understanding of the material. This can only be done if you are using your own words to show me, the instructor, that you have read, analyzed and interpreted the information. Work that is plagiarized, duplicated, or not properly cited may receive a zero.You may look to the text or other resources for answers and explanations to a discussion board topic. However, when writing your Discussion Board submission I expect you to use the text or other resources to support your answer. In order to support your understanding of the expectations for discussion board postings, I have included a list of guidelines to follow while posting. Failure to follow these guidelines may result in a grade of “0” for the assignment and/or further disciplinary procedures if necessary.Use the concept of the 4 E’s to demonstrate specific and sufficient knowledge and understanding. The 4 E’s represent four questions that almost always need answering as you write:Can you provide an EXAMPLE of that?Can you give an EXPERIENCE to illustrate that?Can you EXPLAIN that further?Can you give EVIDENCE to support that?Do not use direct quotations but try to summarize information using your own wording and voice.Always cite your sources as follows when using the internet or text.Website : US Bureau of Labor Statistics website. (Links to an external site.). Published February 2013. Revised March 26, 2013. Accessed November 14, 2013.Textbook: Kittler 7th Ed., Pg 10-12The Power Point slides or videos provided by the instructorChapter 2 PPT slide #4Name of video is sufficient For more information look at the following resource for an explanation on how to quote, paraphrase, and summarize without plagiarizing:

solved Your paper requires you to write a persuasive essay in

Your paper requires you to write a persuasive essay in answer to one of the questions below, or to some other question you discuss with me beforehand. The paper should be double-spaced in 12-point font (Times New Roman, Goudy Old Style, Garamond, etc.)

Are moral values always more important than other values (for example, values rooted in self-interest, law, or good manners)?
Are there fundamental values? If so, what are they?
Are there objective truths about what’s right and wrong?
Is right and wrong determined by individual beliefs and commitments? (i.e. Is subjectivism true?)
Is right and wrong determined by individual cultures? (i.e. Is popular relativism true?)
Does the will of God determine what’s right and wrong?
Does the nature of God determine what’s right and wrong?
What is the best theory of autonomy?
Are human beings ever really autonomous?
Is the moral reasoning approach the best way to think about ethics?
Is the moral reflection approach the best way to think about ethics?
Is the right action always the one that most benefits yourself?

Here are some step by step instructions.
(1) The first thing you should do is identify your thesis. Your thesis is a one-sentence version of your answer to one of the questions above.
(2) The next thing you need to do is outline the argument for the thesis. State and number each of the premises. It should be perfectly clear and obvious what your argument is. For example:
P1) Full autonomy requires authenticity: the capacity to reflect critically on our values.
P2) We will be unable to reflect critically on our values unless we develop relationships with others, whose values may differ from our own.
C) Full autonomy requires relationships with others.
(3) Then, explain the logical relationship between your premises and the conclusion. Ask yourself, “Is it possible for someone to agree with my premises but disagree with my conclusion? If not, why not? If so, what premise can I add that would fill the logical gap or make the hidden assumption clear?” Would the truth of your premises guarantee that you conclusion is also true? If not, would the truth of your premises show that your conclusion is very likely to be true? (These questions are about whether your argument is a deductive or inductive argument.)
(4) Next, explain each of your premises in turn. Do your premises contain words or ideas that are not clear? Explain them. If your premises are controversial (i.e. If they’re not obvious to common sense), give an argument for them. Clearly identify the premises of that argument. Given that this is a short paper, you probably want to stick to premises that are as non-controversial as possible. Or, try to come up with an argument with only one really controversial premise, and concentrate your efforts there.

solved Step 1: Click Here to first listen/watch WEEK #6 VIDEO

Step 1: Click Here to first listen/watch WEEK #6 VIDEO MESSAGE Step 2: See below for Week #6 Weekly Assignments (ALL are due by Noon on Sunday 3/14)Step 3: Keep an eye on those BIG 6 SEMESTER ASSIGNMENTS deadlines! This week you are researching and finding some potential Online Events to attend. Here is a great example here: ASSIGNMENTS (30 Points total per week)1. TOPIC OF THE WEEK ASSIGNED READING (10 Points) (Due by Noon on Sunday 3/14)Intro: This week we dive into specific SPORTS MARKETING STRATEGIES. Part 1: Click Here for Article #1 about “7 Unbeatable Sports Marketing Strategies”Part 2: Follow Up Reading Completion Email: Compose an email that contains the following:a) Subject Line: Week #6 Readingb) In the body of the email, answer the following questions1. In your own words, choose 3 of those strategies that stand out to you and tell me about them? (summarize those 3 strategies in 3-5 sentences.)2. Explore a variety of different sports teams/leagues/organizations to find examples of how they are implementing these strategies. Find 3 different examples from 3 different teams/organizations/companies. Share a link or screenshot to each example and also summaries in 3-5 sentences what strategy they are using. You can find this info by looking at team websites, articles, social media pages, podcasts, etc…….2. TOPIC OF THE WEEK RELATED ASSIGNMENT (10 points) (Due by Noon on Sunday 3/14)Intro: There are many more other MARKETING strategies that are applicable to sports. This week you will investigate more for this part of your weekly assignments. Part 1: Click Here for an Article #2 that has 52 Marketing Strategies. Part 2: Compose an email to me containing the following:a) Subject Line: Week #6 Related Assignmentb) In the body of the email, answer the following questions:1. Give me a bulleted list of 10 Strategies NOT mentioned in the first article you read this week that you would be interested in learning more about?3. MULTIMEDIA ASSIGNMENT OF WEEK (10 Points) (Due by Noon on Sunday 3/14)Intro: The video this week keeps the focus on Sport Marketing Strategies. Part 1: Click Here to access a youtube video on Sport Marketing. Part 2: Follow Up Multimedia Completion Email: Compose an email that contains the following:a) Subject Line: Week #6 Multimediab) In the body of the email, answer the following questions:1.What are the 3 steps mentioned in the video?2. How does the video define fans at approximately the 0:30 time mark?3. What are the 4 Tiers in Step #2?4. What is the goal with Tiers 2,3 and 4?5. How do people get moved from Tier to Tier?6. At approximately the 1:43 mark, what are the three questions you can ask to determine if an offer would be successful?7. For Step #3, what does KPI stand for again?

solved Essay 2is worth 50points. You must complete each of the

Essay 2is worth 50points. You must complete each of the twoessays.Be briefbut be specific. Do NOT recite directly from the text. Present your answers from the readings, and do so in your own words. Please be clear, organized, and write properly, with correct grammar and spelling.Grades will be determined on the following criteria:1.Questions:How well did you answer the questions?2.Reading: Did you use the readings? Did you recite the readings or did you explain them in your own words?3.Writing: Was your writing clear, organized, and error-free(10points)?(Essay 1) World War II. (20points)ANSWERALL!1.Discuss how Hitler managed to increase the size of the German Army by 1938. ❖Why was Hitler allowed to rearm? ❖How does the Munich Agreement factor into this? ❖Why was the German army so unbeatable? 2.Discuss the German invasion of the Soviet Union?❖Why was Germany’s initial invasion so successful? ❖What are the 3 Myths (discussed in the document) surrounding the Russo-German and why are they inaccurate?i.The Document in the Exam 2 CANVAS module will help.❖What enabled the Soviet Union to win the war against Germany? 3.Documents.❖“The Fire-Bombing of Dresden”i. happened to the author’s home, his sisters (he had 3), and what did he get for his birthday?❖“The Siege of Leningrad” i. 3 things, mentioned in the document that stood out to you. Why?(Essay 2) The Cold War: (20points)1.Origins of the Cold War:ANSWERALL!oWhat agreements were made at Yalta at the beginning of 1945? oWhat impact did they have on the Cold War? oWho was George Kennan and how did his ideas shape US Cold War policy? oWhat was the Marshall Plan? oWhatwas its impact on the Cold War? 2.The Early Cold War:oWhat happened in Berlin in 1948? How did this impact the Cold War? oHow was the Korean War an example of US Cold War policy? oHow was communism implemented in China? How was this different than in the Soviet Union?3.Vietnam:oWhat is similar and different about the Vietnamese D of I, and the American D of I?â–ª…â–ª…oWhat charges does Ho Chi Minh make against the French and Japanese? oAre these similar to those of other independence leaders? oWhy did the US decide to get involved in Vietnam? oWhy was the war so difficult for American soldiers? oWhat was the Tet Offensive and how did it impact the Vietnam War at home and in Vietnam? 4.End of Cold War and its After Effect:oWhat was the policy of détente? Why was it implemented? With what results? oHow did the Cold War end and why did it end this way? oWhat impact has the Cold War had on our world today?

solved G.P is a 32 primigravida patient who blood type is

G.P is a 32 primigravida patient who blood type is B Rh negative. She is on her first trimester and have a vaginal bleeding episode. Following ACOG what would be the appropriate management for this patient?An effective health assessment incorporates not only physiological parameters; please suggest other parameters that should be considered and included on health assessments to reach maximal health potential on individuals.Name the different family developmental stages and give examples of each one.Describe family structure and function and the relationship with health care. Submission Instructions:Your instructor will assign you your case number and you will post on the case number you have been assigned.You will reply to the other two case studies (One of each).Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your assignment will be graded according to the grading rubric.Discussion RubricCriteriaRatingsPointsIdentification of Main Issues, Problems, and Concepts5 pointsDistinguishedIdentify and demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of the issues, problems, and concepts.4 pointsExcellentIdentifies and demonstrates an accomplished understanding of most of the issues, problems, and concepts.2 pointsFairIdentifies and demonstrates an acceptable understanding of most of the issues, problems, and concepts.1 pointPoorIdentifies and demonstrates an unacceptable understanding of most issues, problems, and concepts.5 pointsUse of Citations, Writing Mechanics and APA Formatting Guidelines3 pointsDistinguishedEffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Exceptional use of citations and extended referencing. High level of APA precision and free of grammar and spelling errors.2 pointsExcellentEffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Moderate use of citations and extended referencing. Moderate level of APA precision and free of grammar and spelling errors.1 pointFairIneffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Moderate use of citations and extended referencing. APA style and writing mechanics need more precision and attention to detail.0 pointPoorIneffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Unacceptable use of citations and extended referencing. APA style and writing mechanics need serious attention.3 pointsResponse to Posts of Peers2 pointsDistinguishedThe student constructively responded to two other posts and either extended, expanded, or provided a rebuttal to each.1 pointFairThe student constructively responded to one other post and either extended, expanded, or provided a rebuttal.0 pointPoorThe student provided no response to a peer’s post. 2 points

solved I’m working on a health & medical writing question and

I’m working on a health & medical writing question and need support to help me learn.

Related to the topic of drug product development, manufacture, and regulation is the complicated issue of compounding pharmacies. When a pharmacy makes or modifies a product, and it can be as simple as adding a flavor to a children’s cough syrup, it comes under the category of “compounding”. Pharmacists have a long history of using this skill; often they are formulating something for a small number of patients who otherwise would not have access to the product or particular dosage form. Traditionally this aspect of pharmacy has been regulated by the states, under each state’s Board of Pharmacy. Over the years, the FDA, a federal agency, has tried to provide some oversight but they have been met with resistance. On a larger scale, there are compounding pharmacies that are behaving more like manufacturers, rather than the neighborhood pharmacy which is customizing a small batch. You may have read about the numerous deaths that occurred from sale of contaminated product produced by New England Compounding Center. This module assignment: Read the article from the Washington Post located at this site: (Links to an external site.) For this exercise, you do not need to follow APA format. Read the article from the Washington Post referenced aboveSubmit your paper, totaling 600 words, and not more!! Check the word count as you write. Use the 4 distinct headings that are described below Please use ONLY these 4 headings in your conscience essay which will be graded based on the below point criteria: SummaryWho are the StakeholdersWhat’s at stakeMy opinion For section 1, Summary, briefly explain the key points of the story (summarize). What is the story reporting? What are the key points? You won’t have room for detail, so work hard to highlight the essential points. (25 points) For section 2, describe at least 4 stakeholders related to the issue of regulation of compounding pharmacies. (25 points) For section 3, concisely state what is at stake for the various groups or stakeholders who are involved with compounding drugs. (25 points) For section 4, think about all of the angles of this story, then (and there is no right or wrong answer in this section) describe how you feel about the issue of FDA regulation of compounding pharmacies. Feel free to read other sources, including this brief story from the Arizona Republic about the local compounding scene, that Dr. Sandra Shire, one of the ASU instructors had an opportunity to contribute to: AZ Republic Custom Drug Compounding.pdf. (25 points)

solved Description of the Assignment: Refer to what your instructor wants

Description of the Assignment:
Refer to what your instructor wants you to do and/or to submit, as detailed below in the Deliverables section. Include the real-world (authentic) situation, type of task to be accomplished, and the sorts of higher-order thinking (analysis, reasoning, critical thinking, etc.) that were requested and/or shared throughout your course thus far.
Choose a company that MANUFACTURES a product or products.   
The company must be listed on a stock exchange, it may be domestic stock exchange, such as New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) or foreign stock exchange, such as Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE). All companies listed on the stock exchanges are publicly traded and the information you will need can be found on the company’s website. This includes but is not limited to financial reports, annual reports, and investor reports. Information may be found through other sources as well (such as 10-Q and 10-K reports for domestic companies). So please use all tools available to you.
Once your selection has been approved, you will do the following:

Provide the name of the company and devote at least one (1) page describing its (a) organizational structure, (b) the product or products manufactured, (c) their societal impact or ethical issues they have encountered, and (d) the markets it serves.
Identify the method of calculating manufacturing cost for the company.
Determine if the cost method the company has chosen is most appropriate and explain three (3) reasons why the method is appropriate.
If you decide the cost method the company has chosen is not appropriate, write a recommendation as if you are sending it to the company for real and discuss three (3) reasons to support your recommendation.
Suppose your selected company is planning to launch a new product. The target profit for this new product is roughly 1/12 the entire company’s most recently reported annual profit (before taxes). The fixed cost for the new product is estimated to be about 40% of the most recently reported annual cost of goods sold. The contribution margin per unit is smaller by a factor of 20 of the new product’s fixed cost. How many units must be sold for the new product line to breakeven? You must show ALL your assumptions and calculations.
This assignment needs to be 5-7 pages in total (cover page and reference page/s are not included in this count).

Choose a company that MANUFACTURES a product or products. The chosen company should be Pfizer. All companies listed on the stock exchanges are publicly traded and the information you will need can be found on the company’s website.  

solved Low carbon energy is the generation of power using processes

Low carbon energy is the generation of power using processes that produce less carbon dioxide emissions than traditional fossil fuel energy production. Research and critically review the current role of low carbon energy in the country where you live and evaluate the options for transition to a lower carbon energy future.(A) Your critical literature review should include the following areas as well as others which you consider relevant:• An introduction to the energy needs and challenges in your country in your country to provide a background and contextual information for your essay. As many as possible References and citation• A critical assessment of one form of low carbon energy that could aid your country’s transition to a lower carbon energy future. You should discuss both the advantages and disadvantages as well as the environmental, social and economic considerations of the technology you are recommending. As many as possible References and citation• A critical review of the barriers to low carbon energy generation uptake in your country, including the role of policy and legislation. As many as possible References and citation• A critical reflection of best practice examples of global low carbon energy use and how this could be applied to your country to encourage the uptake of low carbon energy generation. As many as possible References and citation• 1350 Words(B) You will receive a scoping report to review and must provide a scoping opinion from the perspective of the consenting authority. You should consider what may have been missed and what has been undertaken well and write a formal letter in response. Your letter must demonstrate an understanding of the project, the area and associated technical considerations of the project and include a scoping opinion and a justification for such. Use wider reading to support your scoping opinion letter. see attached document for part B A critical assessment of one form of low carbon energy that could aid your country’s transition to a lower carbon energy future. You should discuss both the advantages and disadvantages as well as the environmental, social and economic considerations of the technology you are recommending. As many as possible References and citation (The country to be used is Qatar andLow carbon Energy to be used is solar energy)• A critical reflection of best practice examples of global low carbon energy use and how this could be applied to your country to encourage the uptake of low carbon energy generation. As many as possible References and citation ( choose any best low carbon energy).For the section B, scoping opinion report already attached for reviewing and to answer the B parthe first part A is 1350 words and the second part B is 270 words ( total of 1620 words)