solved Each student will interview two entrepreneurs of his/her choice and

Each student will interview two entrepreneurs of his/her choice and listen to two entrepreneurs’ stories on How I build this Podcast. This assignment is to provide you with insights on entrepreneurship that cannot be obtained from classroom alone. Choose entrepreneurs who are on a pathway that’s similar to your intended one (including but not limited to social, lifestyle/family, corporate, franchise, licensing, or growth oriented ventures) and in an industry (such as entertainment, nutrition/food, e-commerce, healthcare etc) that is of interest to you.
While you may find it difficult to cold-call an entrepreneur, you will find that most entrepreneurs will be honored to be asked about their experiences and will be willing to meet or Zoom with you. Entrepreneurs’ schedules are often tight, and your biggest challenge will be to find a time that they are free. Early on during the semester, you are asked to submit a short plan that includes at least 6 potential entrepreneurs that you could talk to. Extensions will not be granted due to last minute scheduling.  
The companies can be in any type of business, must be at least two years old, and employ at least one other people. If you choose a corporate entrepreneur, make sure that his/her project is at least one year old and has corporate funding and resources as support.
Individual Presentations – 5 min video
The assignment consists of an individual presentation (20points) and a group presentation (20points).
Your individual presentation should cover:-

Describe the entrepreneurs’ background, motivations for starting the venture, and challenges in growing the venture.
Evaluate the entrepreneurs’ personal pathways, which category of pathway does this entrepreneur fall into? How does this entrepreneur start engaging in this pathway? How does this entrepreneur make this pathway his/her own?
Compare and contrast the entrepreneurs you interviewed on your own and those on the Podcasts. What kind of challenges did they face?  How did they overcome them?
Draw your conclusions, some examples are below.
Example conclusion 1: What makes the company successful (or not)? Discuss how the findings of the interview apply to or are meaningful to you. Discuss how you are similar or divergent from these entrepreneurs? What have you learned about your own potential to be an entrepreneur?

Example Conclusion 2: What does this interview tell you about entrepreneurial pathway?  What type of qualities that entrepreneurs who intend on taking this pathway should or should not have?
Please note that for this assignment, you are submitting both on Google Drive and on Canvas – so that your teammates can see your video presentations as well
Submit on Google here
The objective is to drill down into the venture and thoroughly understand the entrepreneurs and how they conduct business. It is critical that you do not just deal with superficial questions and answers. The key is to probe, to ask why and to delve beneath the surface. What insights can you offer about the person’s career and your own entrepreneurial capabilities?

Interview must be approached rigorously, not casually. It is useful to prepare a list of questions before hand.
Do not wait to set up an appointment. Entrepreneurs by definition are busy people and you need to fit into their schedule. The interview should be at least 45 minutes or so. 
The student should prepare questions in advance. It is helpful to first walk through the questions in a mock interview with a friend.
The student should develop an efficient means for taking notes or capturing the key points made by the entrepreneur.
The student should attempt to establish a personal rapport (taking the entrepreneur to lunch for the interview might help).
Teach the entrepreneur about the concept of pathway and let the entrepreneur explain his/her own pathway.
Don’t just dwell on the positive. Try to cut through the bias or propaganda. Ask about the downside and the negative as well.
Be sure to examine the effect of the venture on the person’s entire life.

Interview Sample Questions
About the Entrepreneur 
Entrepreneurial Pathway

What type of pathway does the entrepreneur consider him/herself in? (Including but not limited to lifestyle/family, social, corporate, franchise, licensing, or growth oriented ventures). Please see description of the pathway in the appendix.  You might need to explain the pathway concept to the entrepreneur
Why did the entrepreneur choose this pathway?
What qualities/characteristics does this entrepreneur have that lead to his/her success/failure in this pathway?

Entrepreneur Before They Started the Venture 

What is the entrepreneur’s educational background?
What is the entrepreneur’s previous work experience (before starting the venture)?
Did the entrepreneur have any role models when growing up?
Did the entrepreneur do entrepreneurial things as a youth?
When did the entrepreneur know he/she wanted to be an entrepreneur?
Did the entrepreneur have parents that were entrepreneurial?

Entrepreneur at the Time He/She Started the Venture 

What was the entrepreneur’s primary motivation for starting a business?
What were the factors that led him/her to start the venture?
What were the entrepreneur’s goals at the time they started the venture?
What sort of beliefs did the entrepreneur have (e.g., about employees, partners, debt, etc.)?
Did the entrepreneur seek to establish a “lifestyle” business, a “rapid growth” business, or what? Did their growth orientation change over time?
What sort of resources (not just financial) did the entrepreneur have when they started the venture? What sort of network did they have? Were there any especially creative things they did to come up with the needed resources?
How concerned was the entrepreneur with control when starting the venture? Explore their need for control (of the venture, of people, of decision-making).
What was the entrepreneur’s risk orientation when they started the venture?
Did the entrepreneur write a business plan?
Did the entrepreneur feel prepared to start the venture at the time he/she started it?
How long was a typical work day and work week when the entrepreneur first started the venture?

Entrepreneur as She/He Grew the Venture 

How have the entrepreneur’s goals & values changed since starting the venture?
Did entrepreneur’s risk orientation change as the venture grew?
Did entrepreneur’s need for control change as venture grew?
Did the typical work week change as the venture grew (in terms of how much time the venture required and in terms of how the entrepreneur allocated his/her time)?
Did entrepreneur make assumptions when they first started out that subsequently proved to be wrong? What sorts of insights were gained?
What key mistakes did the entrepreneur make along the way? What were some of the key lessons learned? (ask about their greatest moment and their worst moment)
Were there some critical points in the development of the venture when the venture almost failed, or when the entrepreneur found himself/herself at a critical crossroads in terms of some vital decision or issue that had to be addressed in a certain way or the venture would have failed?

Entrepreneur Today and Tomorrow 

What would the entrepreneur do differently if they had it all to do over again?
What key personal characteristics does the entrepreneur see in himself or herself that were especially critical for achieving success with this particular venture?
What are the entrepreneur’s plans for the future in terms of the venture?
What is the entrepreneur’s “exit strategy” or do they have one?
What advice, based on his/her own experience, does the entrepreneur have for a student interested in starting a venture today?

Value Proposition 
What products and/or services are provided? What are the major features?

Describe the environment (size, décor and layout, etc.).
Where is it located?
How is the product/service produced and delivered?
Collect copies of brochures, menus, price lists, advertising and promotion material
Do your observations confirm the owner’s description?

Target Market
Who does the owner consider to be the target market? Why?

Demographics (gender, sex, age, race, education, occupation or profession, income, location, etc.)
Psychographics or life style (attitudes, beliefs, opinions, interests, values, etc.).
Social status: infers certain behavior (e.g. middle class values education, family activities, etc.)

How are buying decisions made?

Who makes the decision?
Who influences the decision?
Are buying decisions based primarily on price, quality, service, convenience, or other? 
How frequently is the product/service purchased?
Do your observations confirm the owner’s description?

Unique Benefits
What does the owner consider the major benefits to the target market of the product/service? Why?
How are these benefits unique? What company does the owner consider
to be the major competitor?
Do your observations confirm the owner’s description?

solved JOURNAL TOPIC 1 (minimum 300 words–write as much as you

JOURNAL TOPIC 1 (minimum 300 words–write as much as you wish)INSTRUCTIONS:In this first Journal Topic we will practice reflecting on our own values and beliefs and the origins of those values and beliefs. Consider what you think about this question. And why you think the way you do. There is no right or wrong answer to this response to this topic. The rubric for the evaluation of the response to this Topic provided in the class.1) This topic requires some initial reflection on a general moral problem: whether or not it is EVER acceptable to cheat or lie. (ONLY ADDRESS THIS TOPIC IF YOU FEEL COMFORTABLE DOING SO. DO NOT SHARE INFORMATION THAT YOU DO NOT WANT TO. STUDENTS ARE NOT REQUIRED TO RESPOND TO THIS PROMPT. THERE IS ANOTHER OPTION BELOW.) Do you believe it is ever ‘ethically right’ or ‘ethically acceptable’ to cheat or lie? If so, under what circumstances? If your answer is ‘yes’, then describe a situation in which you believe it would be acceptable or right to lie or cheat.Go on to explain why, in your opinion, that the lying or cheating in that situation was ‘right’, from an ethical perspective. In your explanation identify at least two beliefs, values, or principles that support your judgment. Are these beliefs or values influenced by culture or religion? Or is your judgment influenced by other factors. Reflect on your moral beliefs and their origins. Begin to think about the origins of your moral beliefs.If, on the other hand, you do not consider lying or cheating is ethically right or acceptable in any circumstances reflect on your reasons for these beliefs and explain them.JOURNAL TOPIC 2(minimum 500 words:)This week in our Journal we will examine a case and again reflect on our own values and how they influence how we evaluate the problem. ALSO, we will practice applying two theoretical approaches to the problem, Kantian moral theory, utilitarianism.Consider the following case (this case is adapted from a case from the Markkulla Center for Applied Ethics):”Try to put yourself in the position of “Janice,” a single mother of four. Janice is divorced and living in a shelter with her children. She has a low paying job and is saving money to afford rent in a cheap apartment, but the struggle seems unending. And, she has medical bills as well as a sick mother, who also has very little money.Janice sees a young woman dressed in expensive, designer clothes emerge from a Tesla electric car–which she knows costs around $90,000. The woman’s wallet falls from her purse to the ground, but the woman does not notice it.Janice scoops up the wallet up and discovers that it is stuffed with hundred-dollar bills, at least ten to fifteen thousand dollars worth. She has only an instant to decide whether to chase after the woman or slip the wallet into her own purse.”ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS:1) What should Janice do? Again–TRY TO PUT YOURSELF IN THIS POSITION. WHAT WOULD YOU DO? EXPLAIN WHY YOU WOULD CHOOSE THE WAY YOU DO? IF YOU ARE NOT SURE WHAT YOU WOULD DO, EXPLAIN YOUR POSITION.2) Compare your decision and rationale in this case with the values and beliefs that you described in JOURNAL 1. Do you think that your values are represented in your thinking? Be honest and forthright. Try to explore and critical examine the values your hold dear and how they influence your decision on this case. And, if you find yourself changing your mind, and not sure how to answer, explain and reflect. Try to take into account your own perspectives and perceptions and how these influence your interpretations of these cases.3) Explain how the TWO following approaches might apply to this case:Kantan moral theoryUtilitarianism4) Finally, address the question: how does my approach and rationale compare with applying utilitarianism and Kantian moral theory? Is your approach utilitarian? Kantian? Or, maybe your approach is different from both. Explain, and try your best to describe own beliefs and values and how they compare these theories and concepts.JOURNAL TOPIC 3(MINIMUM 500 WORDS:)Try to put yourself into the position of Feuerstein. You are CEO of Malden Mills when a fire destroys the plant in Lawrence Massachusetts in 1995. Answer the following questions as best you can:Would you react to the fire in the same way Aaaron Feuerstein did? Would you continue to pay workers, incur debt, and rebuild the plant? If not, what decision would you make? It is, of course, impossible to entirely imagine oneself in this situation, but do your best.Why do make the decision you do? Try to explain not only factual and monetary considerations, but moral considerations, moral values and beliefs, the core values that influence your decisions. Finally, how does your approach to this moral problem compare with Solomon’s characterization of ‘integrity’. Do you think your approach exhibits traits of ‘integrity’? If so, explain why? If not, explain why not? Be as honest as you can and accurately apply Solomon’s ideas on integrity.If any of the concepts or theories studied in the class relate to your thinking and decision, explain how these concepts and theories are relevant. (for instance, if you think utilitarianism is related to your approach, explain how this is so) NOTE: if you are unsure how to answer these questions, be honest about that. Describe your thinking, your considerations, focusing on your core values and moral beliefs, and your thinking, and your feelings, about how to address the issue of caring for employees and other stakeholders in the business.JOURNAL TOPIC 4THE FINAL JOURNAL MUST BE UPLOADED TO THE TURNITIN DATABASE. FINAL JOURNAL SUBMISSIONS WILL BE KEPT CONFIDENTIAL AND WILL NOT BE SHARED WITH OTHERS WITHOUT THE EXPLICIT PERMISSION OF THE STUDENT.Here are the instructions for Journal Topic 4:1) (RESPONSE TO THIS TOPIC SHOULD BE AT LEAST 500 WORDS. WORD MAXIMUM: 2000 WORDS) Describe an experience in your life that you believe taught you a ‘moral lesson’. Go into far detail so that the reader gets a good sense of the experience and what you believe was learned in the experience. Did this experience help form your values and beliefs on what is good and right? If so, explain how. Next, analyze at least two concepts or theories in the course in light of this ‘moral lesson’. For instance, if a theory or concept clarifies or expands your knowledge of why you believe this is a moral lesson, explain. Or, if you think that this moral lesson is inconsistent with a concept or theory studied in the course, explain. EXAMPLE: Let’s say one had an experience that, one believes, taught the lesson that ‘honesty is the right thing to do’ (the interpretation of the experience is entirely up to you, of course). Does Kantian ethics expand, clarify or help you understand the concept of honesty and how to apply this concept to moral problems? How about the concept of ‘integrity’, or maybe the ethics of care?Or, perhaps one had an experience that taught, one believes, a lesson that ‘honesty is not always the right thing to do’ (consider the nuances of the ‘lesson’ that you believe was learned). How might that lesson be consistent or inconsistent with the concepts and theories studied in this class. Explain. Please be honest and forthright in describing your experience (Please share only those experiences you feel comfortable sharing). And, do your best to accurately represent the concepts and theories studied in the course. If you feel uncomfortable responding to the above prompt please respond to the prompt below:(OPTION)If you feel uncomfortable with the above prompt, you may write a response to the following:1) Have you learned any moral lessons since the beginning of the quarantine in the United States in March of 2020, and the experiences of living in the midst of a global pandemic, as well as the protests in the wake of the killing of George Floyd and the historic events related to racial and social justice and civil rights that have followed? What are those moral lessons? If you have learned any moral lessons, explain any moral lessons that you believe others have learned. Describe these carefully. Attend to facts, contexts, your beliefs and attitudes, values and principles. Reflect on the meaning of these moral lessons for your life and the lives of others.Why are these moral lessons, that is, lessons that have to do with ethics and morality? Again, keep clear on the distinctions between facts, legal, economic and ethical issues.Finally, reflect on the implications and meaning of these moral lessons. Where do you go from here? Also, explain whether or not any theories and concepts studied in the class help you make sense of the moral issues–if you feel the theories and concepts do not help, explain that.2) (RESPONSE TO THIS TOPIC SHOULD BE AT LEAST 300 WORDS. WORD MAXIMUM: 1000 WORDS) Finally, what is the most valuable concept, theory or method, in your opinion, that you learned in the class? Explain why you believe this concept, theory or method is valuable citing an example. If you feel you did not learn anything valuable in the course. Identify a concept or theory that you believe lacks value, and explain why it lacks value citing at least one example

solved Hi, for my next few assignments (5 of them) they

Hi, for my next few assignments (5 of them) they require field experiences in the classroom, but because school is out right now we are able to watch videos and base the lessons off of that as long as the videos are approved by the professor. Each week requires some field experience and a small assignment which equals 100 points for both. The description says I need a mentor and I already have one. so no need to worry about that. Whatever questions are asked of my mentor, you can just make it up. I generally work with preschool and kindergarten so you can answer how you would like. I will also send you some resources of videos or sites that have already been approved by my professor that you are able to use for this assignment unless you would like to use your own, you can just send me the link and I will get it approved. THANK YOU IN ADVANCE FOR YOUR HELP!!!FIELD EXPERIENCE Select
an inclusive K-3 early childhood site where you will complete the field
experience required for this course. During the remaining weeks of
your clinical field experience you will be working with a small group of
students identified by your mentor teacher to help differentiate your
mentor teacher’s lesson. If you have permission from your mentor, you
will also be asked to implement a lesson or mini-lesson to the class or
small group in different areas of STEM. For
this field experience, observe the classroom focusing on math, if
possible. If not, observe another STEM area (science, engineering, or
technology). Additionally, interview your mentor teacher and include the
following questions:What is your teaching philosophy for math instruction?How do you provide a focus on hands-on practice and thinking mathematically?In what way would you embed mathematics learning opportunities in the learning environment, as well as beyond the classroom?What tools and resources (including technology) do you use to allow exploration and enhance conceptual understanding?How do you incorporate communication as part of thinking mathematically?How do you ensure an equal learning opportunity for all students, including those with exceptionalities?In
250-500 words, summarize and reflect on the interview, including your
discussion of strategies and specific examples of hands-on STEM lessons.
Discuss how the lesson promoted problem-solving and critical thinking
skills for students. Explain how the mentor teacher prompted the
importance of communication as part of thinking mathematically. Discuss
how the strategies used promote discussion, motivation, and engagement.
Explain how you will use your findings in your future professional
practice.Support your reflection with 1-2 scholarly resources.In
addition to the above observations, interview, and reflection for this
topic, speak with your mentor teacher about assisting during an upcoming
science lesson or activity. This will help you prepare for the Topic 3
assignment. With your mentor teacher, identify a small group of students
who would benefit from differentiation and engagement strategies during
the upcoming science lesson or activity. Once
you have identified the lesson and group you will be assisting with,
continue to work with your mentor teacher on the following:Identify areas of strengths and potential improvement for the small group.Identify which state standards and learning objectives the lesson is focused on.Based
on the lesson and the group’s characteristics, develop and share with
your mentor teacher two differentiation and engagement strategies to
utilize during the upcoming lesson or activity, making adjustments where
needed.Prepare to utilize the identified strategies with the small group during the agreed upon science lesson or activity.Spend
any remaining field experience hours for this topic observing and/or
assisting your mentor teacher with instructional tasks in the classroom.Submit your observation notes, interview notes, and reflection as one deliverable. APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.This
assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the
assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful
completion.You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.MATH- REASONING OR PROBLEM SOLVING LESSON PLAN Math
is a strong focus in the STEM curriculum. Education is always changing
and the focus of STEM education is increasing across all grade levels.
It is important for us as educators to set a mathematical foundation at
an early age to inspire student’s interest in math and STEM.Develop
a math lesson plan for your field experience classroom using the “Class
Profile” and the “COE Lesson Plan Template.” Begin by selecting a K-3
standard and learning outcomes from your state’s math standards for that
grade level. It is highly recommended that you select the same grade
level as your practicum classroom and continue to use that grade
throughout the course.Your lesson plan should be completed in its entirety, with a focus on:Mathematical instructional practices with learning progression.Problem solving or reasoning techniques that promote critical and creative thinking.How the students will communicate their thinking.Incorporate the use of technology.As appropriate, concepts discussed with your mentor teacher during the field experience for this topic.While
APA style format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid
academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references
should be presented using documentation guidelines, which can be found
in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.This
assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the
assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful
completion.You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.PLEASE
CAN JUST MAKE IT UP FOR THE INTERVIEW. Clinical Field Experience A: Math LessonsYou
will observe your mentor teaching a STEM lesson, preferably Math but
any STEM area will be accepted. Questions to ask your mentor are
identified in the assignment. If Math was not observed, adjust the
content area of questions. This assignment includes a reflection on a
mentor interview. Interviews can be conducted by phone or email.
Consider interview responses, assigned material and resources, and
personal experience in your written summary. Discuss problem solving and
critical thinking skills, communication as part of thinking
mathematically and enhancing student learning.Offer
to give a copy of this field experience assignment to your mentor and
get feedback because five hours for this assignment will be included on
the end of course verification form that your mentor will sign. Review
the grading rubric and address all components.ResourcesDigital Promise. (n.d.). Math PK-2.
resource gives an overview of PK-2 Math. There are strategies,
standards, videos and so much more. You can join to access more
information.McGraw-Hill PreK-12. (2015, February 18). How to set up your classroom for differentiating instruction and collaborative practice .
you need a video, here is one that is a good place to start. Math
instruction rests on a foundation of classroom structure and
differentiation practices.National Council of Teachers for Mathematics. (n.d.). Tips for teachers.
resource is a handy tips page for teachers of Mathematics. Charlesworth
(2015) gives an abundance of information that is useful for answering
the grading content of this assignment. The NCTM resource identifies
information similar to easily digestible written sound bites. It is
useful for supporting information in your assignment. The National
Council of Teachers of Mathematics is a quality source for this
assignment.Alternative: If
you cannot discuss how the mentor teacher prompted the importance of
communication as part of thinking mathematically because you do not have
a mentor, discuss the importance of communication as part of thinking
mathematically and discuss how you addressed communication in your Math –
Reasoning or Problem-Solving Lesson Plan (e.g., Think-Pair-Share,
Discussions-page 106). If your home learning activity promoted home
discussion on the lesson objective, describe the home-learning activity.If
you are not able to give the lesson to student(s), identify additional
Universal Design for Learning approaches or accommodations for learners
with a Specific Learning Disability, Autism, and Emotional Disturbance
when discussing how you would augment the lesson. Do not give any single
accommodation or strategy (e.g., a classroom assistance, extra time)
for all students with a disability because this is not individualized to
student need.

solved The Battle of Hattin decimated the knights and soldiers of

The Battle of Hattin decimated the knights and soldiers of the Latin states. The remnants of the fighting forces of the Kingdom sought refuge in the fortified coastal cities and especially at Tyre. Through the months of July and August, Saladin successively occupied the remaining towns, cities, and castles of the Holy Land. His initial attack upon Tyre failed, however, and the city was by­passed. Late in September Saladin’s armies camped before the Holy City itself.The Holy City of Jerusalem was besieged on September 20. It was surrounded on every side by unbelievers, who shot arrows everywhere into the air. They were accompanied by frightening armaments and, with a great clamor of trumpets, they shrieked and wailed, “Hai, hai.” The city was aroused by the noise and tumult of the barbarians and, for a time, they all cried out: “True and Holy Cross! Sepulchre of Jesus Christ’s resurrection! Save the city of Jerusalem and its dwellers!”The battle was then joined and both sides began courageously to fight. But since so much unhappiness was produced through sorrow and sadness, we shall not enumerate all the Turkish attacks and assemblies, by which, for two weeks, the Christians were worn down…. During this time it seemed that God had charge over the city, for who can say why one man who was hit died, while another wounded man escaped? Arrows fell like raindrops, so that one could not show a finger above the ramparts without being hit. There were so many wounded that all the hospitals and physicians in the city were hard put to it just to extract the missiles from their bodies. I myself was wounded in the face by an arrow which struck the bridge of my nose. The wooden shaft has been taken out, but the metal tip has remained there to this day. The inhabitants of Jerusalem fought courageously enough for a week, while the enemy settled down opposite the tower of David.Saladin saw that he was making no progress and that as things were going he could do no damage to the city. Accordingly, he and his aides began to circle around the city and to examine the city’s weak points, in search of a place where he could set up his engines without fear of the Christians and where he could more easily attack the town…. At dawn on a certain day [Sept 26] the King of Egypt (that is, Saladin) ordered the camp to be moved without any tumult or commotion. He ordered the tents to be pitched in the Vale of Jehosephat, on the Mount of Olives, and on Mount joy, and throughout the hills in that region. When morning had come the men of Jerusalem lifted up their eyes and, when the darkness of the clouds had gone, they saw that the Saracens were pulling up their tents as if they were going to leave. The inhabitants of Jerusalem rejoiced greatly and said: “The King of Syria has fled, because he could not destroy the city as be had planned.” When the turn of the matter was known, however, this rejoicing was quickly turned into grief and lamentation.The tyrant[Saladin] at once ordered the engines to be constructed and balistas to be put up. He likewise ordered olive branches and branches of other trees to be collected and piled between the city and the engines. That evening he ordered the army to take up arms and the engineers to proceed with their iron tools, so that before the Christians could do anything about it, they would all be prepared at the foot of the walls. The cruelest of tyrants also arrayed up to ten thousand armed knights with bows and lances on horseback, so that if the men of the city attempted a foray they would be blocked. He stationed another ten thousand or more men armed to the teeth with bows for shooting arrows, under cover of shields and targets. He kept the rest with himself and his lieutenants around the engines.When everything was arranged in this fashion, at daybreak they began to break down the comer of the tower and to attack all around the walls. The archers began shooting arrows and those who were at the engines began to fire rocks in earnest.The men of the city expected nothing of the sort and left the city walls without guard. Tired and worn out, they slept until morning, for unless the Lord watch the city, he labors in vain who guards it. When the sun had risen, those who were sleep ing in the towers were startled by the noise of the barbarians. When they saw these things they were terrified and overcome with fear. Like madmen they yelled out through the city: “Hurry, men of Jerusalem! Hasten! Help! The walls have already been breached! The foreigners are entering!” Aroused, they hastened through the city as bravely as they could, but they were power less to repulse the Damascenes from the walls, either with spears, lances, arrows, stones, or with molten lead and bronze.The Turks unceasingly hurled rocks forcefully against the ramparts. Between the walls and the outer defenses they threw rocks and the so­called Greek fire, which bums wood, stone, and whatever it touches. Everywhere the archers shot arrows without measure and without ceasing, while the others were boldly smashing the walls.The men of Jerusalem, meanwhile, were taking counsel. They decided that everyone, with such horses and arms as could be mustered, should leave the city and march steadily through the gate which leads to Jehosephat. Thus, if God allowed it, they would push the enemy back a bit from the walls. They were foiled, however, by the Turkish horsemen and were woefully defeated….The Chaldeans [Saladin and his army] fought the battle fiercely for a few days and triumphed. The Christians were failing so by this time that scarcely twenty or thirty men appeared to defend the city walls. No man could be found in the whole city who was brave enough to dare keep watch at the defences for a night, even for a fee of a hundred besants .With my own ears I heard the voice of a public crier between the great wall and the outer works proclaiming (on behalf of the lord Patriarch and the other great men of the city) that if fifty strong and brave sergeants could be found who would take up arms voluntarily and keep guard during the night over the comer which had already been destroyed, they would receive five thousand besants. They were not found….Meanwhile, they sent legates to the King of Syria, begging him to temper his anger toward them and accept them as allies, as he had done for others. He refused and is reported to have given this reply: “I have frequently heard from our wise men, the fakih,[from al-Fakih – a wise man] that Jerusalem cannot be cleansed, save by Christian blood, and I wish to take counsel with them on this point.” Thus, uncertain, they returned. They sent others, Balian and Ranier of Naples”‘ and Thomas Patrick, offering a hundred thousand besants. Saladin would not receive them and, their hopes shattered, they returned. They sent them back again with others, demanding that Saladin himself say what kind of agreement he wanted. If possible they would comply; if not, they would hold out to the death.Saladin had taken counsel and laid down these ransom terms for the inhabitants of Jerusalem: each male, ten years old and over, was to pay ten besants for his ransom; females, five besants; boys, seven years old and under, one. Those who wished would be freed on these terms and could leave securely with their possessions. The inhabitants of Jerusalem who would not accept these terms, or those who did not have ten besants, were to become booty, to be slain by the army’s swords. This agreement pleased the lord Patriarch and the others who had money ….On Friday, October 2, this agreement was read out through the streets of Jerusalem, so that everyone might within forty days provide for himself and pay to Saladin the tribute as aforesaid for his freedom. When they heard these arrangements, the crowds throughout the city wailed in sorrowful tones: “Woe, woe to us miserable people! We have no gold! What are we to do? . . .” Who would ever have thought that such wickedness would be perpetrated by Christians? .But, alas, by the hands of wicked Christians Jerusalem was turned over to the wicked. The gates were closed and guards were posted. The fakihs and kadis, [judges] the ministers of the wicked error, who are considered bishops and priests by the Saracens came for prayer and religious purposes first to the Temple of the Lord, which they call Beithhalla and in which they have great faith for salvation. They believed they were cleansing it and with unclean and horrible bellows they defiled the Temple by shouting with polluted lips the Muslim precept: “Allahu akbar! Allahu akbar! . . .” [God is Great]Our people held the city of Jerusalem for some eighty-nine years. . . . Within a short time, Saladin had conquered almost the whole Kingdom of Jerusalem. He exalted the grandeur of Mohammed’s law and showed that, in the event, its might exceeded that of the Christian religion.What influence on the present day do the Crusades still have? How has the Crusades shaped the relationship between Muslims and Christians? Islam came from the West, like Judaism & Christianity, so what happened in World History to drive a wedge between Islam and the West?

solved Read ‘We’ve become like a family’: Refugee Response helps refugees

Read ‘We’ve become like a family’: Refugee Response helps refugees settle and succeed: Cleveland Champions (Links to an external site.)While you are reading: (Links to an external site.)Copy this chart onto a piece of paper, and fill in this chart while you read:New Vocabularyambitious= has goalstransitioned= changed into something new, moved=repeatedly=again and againsolidarity= in support/togthertransformative= life changingPeople/Groups nameSabzina Muhibzada Refugee Response= programs to address the needs of the 2,500 refugeesOhio City FarmPatrick Kearns, Refugee Response’s executive directorMayor Frank Jackson Mohammad NoormalTeen ResponseProblem(s) they sawlanguage problem/ the refugees do not speak EnglishIt is difficult for refugees to get a job because they do not speak Englishrefugee children do not speak English, different school system, different ways to make friends, do not know about how to go college in US,gap in what a school system can provide,unique traumatic situations, inconsistent education(28)gap in educational opportunities for adult women (42)“We saw that particular population was becoming very socially isolated, left at home with young kids and no real outlet or access to understanding the new society or new world they are in,” 42Solution(s) to probelminclude in-home tutoringwork on one of the largest urban farmsprogram for high school students (Teen Response) tutoring, career counseling and cultural education, (30)in home tutoring, zoomResult(s)they learn English the refugees learn skills, have $$, learn Englishthey make friends, go to college, successful in highschool, learn English“We’ve become like a family, (30) built-in social support group(30) Muhibzada is able to share what she learns in English tutoring and career counseling with the rest of her family. “I teach my sisters what this means, what I learned and you have to know this is important,” (31)helped her manage a busy schedule (33)“Even if I need help in my classes, I come here and finish it,” Muhibzada said. “When I go home, I relax and go to(36) sleep,”access to educationunderstanding the new society 1 sentence summary of articleQuestionsAfter you read:Article about Resources for Immigrants in Cleveland ‘We’ve become like a family’: Refugee Response helps refugees settle and succeed: Cleveland ChampionsUpdated Dec 13, 2019; Posted Dec 05, 2019Sabzina Muhibzada has transitioned from a young refugee lwaiting to travel to the U.S. to a college-bound teenager in Cleveland.By Amanda Holpuch | The GuardianThis story is part of The Plain Dealer’s Cleveland City Champions series, which honors people and organizations that have done bold, innovative work to lift up a neighborhood or a community. The series was produced in partnership with The Guardian and with public broadcaster Ideastream. To read about other Cleveland City Champions, go to (Links to an external site.)CLEVELAND, Ohio — Like many ambitious teenagers, Sabzina Muhibzada is busy getting good grades in her classes, holding leadership positions in clubs and completing internships. But it was just five years ago that the 18-year-old had only ever had home schooling.At the time, that was her only option as conflict raged outside near the contentious border between Pakistan and Afghanistan where she lived.Since then Muhibzada has transitioned from a young refugee waiting to travel to the U.S. to a college-bound teenager in Cleveland.Helping her on that journey has been a not-for-profit, Refugee Response, which creates programs to address the needs of the 2,500 refugees who have settled in the city since 2008, and is one of 25 organizations the Guardian, Ideastream and The Plain Dealer are highlighting in our Cleveland Champions project.In 2018, a man walks down a row of vegetables during morning harvest at Ohio City Farm. The farm hires many refugees for a program called The Refugee Response. The group that has been farming the land behind CMHA since soil was first tilled there. (Gus Chan / The Plain Dealer) The Plain DealerNational cuts to refugeesNationally, President Donald Trump’s administration has cut the refugee program to admit the fewest number of people in the nearly 40-year history of the program, with a ceiling of 18,000 people announced for the coming year. Refugee officers, resettlement groups and advocates say the government has effectively stopped the program and, in October, not a single refugee was resettled in the U.S.But, while the administration’s drastic cuts to the refugee program have caused dozens of resettlement offices to close down, because Refugee Response is not directly tied to the government’s resettlement program, it has doubled in size in the past two years.“I think it’s a testament to work our teams do and the need for it in the community,” said Patrick Kearns, Refugee Response’s executive director.Cleveland has historically welcomed refugees and as the federal government has shrunk the resettlement program, Mayor Frank Jackson has repeatedly affirmed the city’s support for these immigrants.“Cleveland is a city that is open and welcoming to all people and families, no matter from how near or far they come,” Jackson said last year. “It is important, now more than ever, that we stand in solidarity with those who come to Cleveland seeking a better life in our city as refugees.”Mohammad Noormal, an Afghan refugee, quarters loaves of flat bread to be packaged as part of the CSA program at Ohio City Farm. The Afghans are participants in The Refugee Response. Photographed on October 17, 2018 (Gus Chan / The Plain Dealer) The Plain Dealer‘Like a family’Refugee Response’s services include in-home tutoring, work on one of the largest urban farms in the country and a program for high school students such as Muhibzada.“We’re all about not just providing one-time aid, or a one-time donation or a gift, but seeing through on a path that is going to be transformative,” Kearns said.The program Muhibzada is in, Teen Response, came about to address the gap in what a school system can provide to refugee students who may have been exposed to unique traumatic situations, inconsistent education and other obstacles specific to people fleeing conflict zones.In addition to providing tutoring, career counseling and cultural education, Muhibzada says Teen Response creates a built-in social support group with people from all over the world. “We’ve become like a family,” she said.Teen Response, intentionally, also benefits Muhibzada’s family. While her father, who supported the U.S. armed forces in Afghanistan, is fluent in English, Muhibzada is able to share what she learns in English tutoring and career counseling with the rest of her family. “I teach my sisters what this means, what I learned and you have to know this is important,” Muhibzada said.And for her, Teen Response has helped her manage a busy schedule which in the past year hasincluded organizing logistics for the school’s U.S. military student training program, JROTC; being treasurer for her class; participating in the Upward Bound college preparation program; taking college-level courses at a nearby university; and interning at a retirement home.“Even if I need help in my classes, I come here and finish it,” Muhibzada said. “When I go home, I relax and go to sleep,”Feeling violenceRefugee flows follow international crises – while many refugees in the past decade have been from the Middle East, in recent years, there has been an increase in people arriving from the Democratic Republic of Congo. Each population has different needs, and Refugee Response is built to respond to the shifting nature of these populations.When there was an increase in Afghani families arriving in Cleveland, Refugee Response surveyed the new arrivals and identified a gap in educational opportunities for adult women. “We saw that particular population was becoming very socially isolated, left at home with young kids and no real outlet or access to understanding the new society or new world they are in,” Kearns said.* * *Organization: Refugee ResponseCleveland credentials: The Refugee Response was founded in 2009 by Clevelanders Paul Neundorfer and David Wallis. In 2010, ground was broken on the Ohio City Farm (Links to an external site.). Refugee Response recruited mentors to support refugee students, established the REAP program and began to sell organically farmed fresh produce to Cleveland restaurants.Champion credentials: According to its website, Refugee Response supports over 120 refugees each year, provides opportunities for hundreds of Clevelanders to mentor and volunteer (Links to an external site.). Refugee Response supports over 25% of its annual budget from farm sales.How to get involved: Volunteers can become youth mentors and adult tudors. Supporters can order weekly packages of fresh produce, honey and other items from its farm for $300 to $500, or about $15 to $25 a week. Direct donations and Amazon Smile donations are accepted. For more information, go to

solved For this assignment, answer the questions below regarding the assigned

For this assignment, answer the questions below regarding the assigned chapters in the reading & the journal. You should submit your assignment as one document making it clear where each section begins. You should have 4 sections listed: Chapter 7, Chapter 8 Chapter 9, and JournalThis assignment requires a minimum of 1500 words total (1200 words from the chapter reviews and 300 words from the journal assignment).To receive full credit, make sure to hit the minimum word count requested for each area.You should answer 2 questions from each chapter & one of the journal questions to meet the 1500 wordsWhen submitting, you should submit only the answers, not the questions.You can upload word docs or PDFs.Chapter 10: The OfferIn a minimum of 400 words, address any 2 of the following:What are your thoughts on section 10.1 regarding the offer? How would you prepare for salary questions that might be asked during an interview? What strategy did you learn from this section that you might consider moving forward?Take a look through sections 10.2 & 10.3. What did you learn about negotiations that might be of value moving forward? Are there any suggestions or recommendations that might be helpful or that you would consider?Given your major and career goals, is negotiating going to be part of the selection process for you?In reviewing section 10.6, what are your thoughts on the “six attributes important and vital for the job search? How would you rate yourself in those 6 areas and what are ways you might continue to grow and improve?What other area from this chapter stood out to you as relevant or valuable given where you are in the career research process?Review some of the chapter takeaways and chapter review questions at the end of chapter 10. What are some of the things that you learned that you might carry forward as you continue to interview, negotiate, and get offered positions?Chapter 11: Social Media & Job SearchingIn a minimum of 400 words, address any 2 of the following:Section 11.1 discusses the various ways that LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter might be used for networking and job searching. What have been your experiences on social media or these websites in regard to career exploration and networking? Was there anything surprising in this section that you weren’t aware of previously?What are your thoughts on section 11.2 regarding “the six step job search process” as part of social media? Is there anything in this section that you see of potential value?In reviewing section 11.3, are there blogs or other personal websites that you have found valuable given your career goals or industry?What are your thoughts on section 11.4 and how recruiters use social media? Was there anything new that you learned from this section of value?Review some of the chapter takeaways and chapter review questions at the end of chapter 11. What are some of the things that you learned that you might carry forward as you continue to explore career options and networking through social media?Chapter 12: Career SuccessIn a minimum of 400 words, address any 2 of the following:How would your coworkers describe your work ethic? Do you feel that you will be recognized in your career or do you hope to keep a low profile in your job? Do you feel that your mindset and strategy will be a helpful trait or potential obstacle as you work toward your career and life goals?What are your thoughts on section 12.1? How do you feel that you have done in the past in these areas related to doing a good job?What are your thoughts on section 12.2 regarding having a mentor and developing professional relationships? How would you rate yourself already in this area?What are your thoughts on section 12.3? What have been your experiences in the past with employee reviews and raises? Do you feel that you meet expectations or exceed expectations in your job? Have you been recognized for that and does anything need to change?It’s common to be asked during an interview how you deal with conflict on the job? What have been some of your experiences with conflict in regard to coworkers? What is your role in conflict typically? What are your thoughts on the strategies and recommendations for dealing with workplace conflict from section 12.5?What are your thoughts on sections 12.6 regarding work-life balance? In the big picture of life, do you value career above time with family, or time with family above career? How will you navigate relationships if those aren’t a match?Any other thoughts from this chapter or sections 12.4 or 12.7 that stood out to you as most relevant given your present career goals?Review some of the chapter takeaways and chapter review questions at the end of chapter 12. What are some of the things that you learned that you might carry forward as you continue to put the pieces in place?Journal Assignment: Answer one of the following in a minimum of 300 words:Option 1I have been working with students for more than 20 years in community colleges, universities, and graduate programs. At every level, students doubt themselves and question whether they have what it takes to succeed or if they are worthy or deserving of their position. Often times, our inner critic can be one of our greatest hurdles to overcome as we are often hardest on ourselves & often hold ourselves to an impossible standard. Every individual struggles with an internal critic, doubts themselves, and may attempt to appear smarter, more capable, and less imperfect than they really are. Instead of hiding and only allowing some to filter through, there can be great freedom in acknowledging challenges, doubt, and hardship with those you are closest to. One of the common culprits is what is known as impostor syndrome. For this journal assignment, watch the short video on impostor syndrome and reflect on the questions belowWhat is imposter syndrome and how can you combat it? – Elizabeth Cox (Links to an external site.)Review the questions below and address any or all of the following:What would you like to change about yourself or let go of so that you can more smoothly work toward your academic and career goals?What are your thoughts on the video of impostor syndrome?Is your internal dialogue an asset or an obstacle that you will need to work though as you work toward maximizing your potential?How will you make sure that you do not let your inner critic be the thing that breaks you or holds you back from achieving the life you imagine?When you take on a new goal or assignment, do you feel more optimistic or pessimistic about your chances of success? Where do you think that comes from?What steps can you take to work on yourself and grow in any of the areas that you might be challenged?Option 2After submitting this journal to canvas, I recommend keeping this file on your desktop and labeling it “Goals”. Make sure it stays on your desktop so that you are reminded daily or weekly of what you are working toward & to keep you on track. Keep it there until you have reached those goals or until you have given up on them & you click the “delete” button. Know that every day it will take effort & the right mindset to achieve & actualize meaning & purpose in your life. Not everyone will put in the work. Many will click “delete” early & others will move forward with great purpose & motivation. I teach out of hope & my hope is that at least one thing in this course worked for you or made you think about your purpose, your truth, your strengths, your challenges, or how you will hold yourself accountable to achieve overall joy & contentment as you continue to move forward. The phrase I always emphasize is:How hungry are you to work for the life you want?How willing are you to settle for the life you have?Every day is a decision & the clock is ticking.Each journal should be at least 400 words of your own writing. As always, I encourage you to be critical, self-reflective, and honest. You will never be graded down for being critical or sharing a real truth. There is the potential that this journal serves as a road map of how you hope to move forward in your life & toward the best version of yourself.What goals (as a student, employee, partner, parent, friend, human being) do you want to make sure stay on your desktop as a reminder until you have achieved them?What obstacles do you see (internal & external) & how will you make sure that you will not let them stop you from achieving the best possible version of yourself?How will you hold yourself accountable so that you give yourself every opportunity to maximize your potential in life?How willing are you to reach out for help & where does that willingness or reluctance come from?How willing are you to step out of your comfort zone and do things that are uncomfortable so that you are able to give yourself every chance of achieving the goals you lay out for yourself?What emotion do you want to feel when you look back on this assignment in 5 years & how will you work to make sure that becomes a reality?When you look back on your life, what do you want to make sure that you don’t regret? How do you work for that this year or in the next 5 years?

solved Prepare a 2-page interprofessional staff update on HIPAA and appropriate

Prepare a 2-page interprofessional staff update on HIPAA and appropriate social media use in health care.As you begin to consider the assessment, it would be an excellent choice to complete the Breach of Protected Health Information (PHI) activity. The will support your success with the assessment by creating the opportunity for you to test your knowledge of potential privacy, security, and confidentiality violations of protected health information. The activity is not graded and counts towards course engagement.Health professionals today are increasingly accountable for the use of protected health information (PHI). Various government and regulatory agencies promote and support privacy and security through a variety of activities. Examples include:
Meaningful use of electronic health records (EHR).

Provision of EHR incentive programs through Medicare and Medicaid.

Enforcement of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) rules.

Release of educational resources and tools to help providers and hospitals address privacy, security, and confidentiality risks in their practices.
Technological advances, such as the use of social media platforms and applications for patient progress tracking and communication, have provided more access to health information and improved communication between care providers and patients.At the same time, advances such as these have resulted in more risk for protecting PHI. Nurses typically receive annual training on protecting patient information in their everyday practice. This training usually emphasizes privacy, security, and confidentiality best practices such as:
Keeping passwords secure.
Logging out of public computers.
Sharing patient information only with those directly providing care or who have been granted permission to receive this information.

Today, one of the major risks associated with privacy and confidentiality of patient identity and data relates to social media. Many nurses and other health care providers place themselves at risk when they use social media or other electronic communication systems inappropriately. For example, a Texas nurse was recently terminated for posting patient vaccination information on Facebook. In another case, a New York nurse was terminated for posting an insensitive emergency department photo on her Instagram account.Health care providers today must develop their skills in mitigating risks to their patients and themselves related to patient information. At the same time, they need to be able distinguish between effective and ineffective uses of social media in health care.This assessment will require you to develop a staff update for the interprofessional team to encourage team members to protect the privacy, confidentiality, and security of patient information.Demonstration of Proficiency
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:

Competency 1: Describe nurses’ and the interdisciplinary team’s role in informatics with a focus on electronic health information and patient care technology to support decision making. 
Describe the security, privacy, and confidentially laws related to protecting sensitive electronic health information that govern the interdisciplinary team.
Explain the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration to safeguard sensitive electronic health information.
Competency 2: Implement evidence-based strategies to effectively manage protected health information. 

Identify evidence-based approaches to mitigate risks to patients and health care staff related to sensitive electronic health information.
Develop a professional, effective staff update that educates interprofessional team members about protecting the security, privacy, and confidentiality of patient data, particularly as it pertains to social media usage.
Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly communication to facilitate use of health information and patient care technologies. 

Follow APA style and formatting guidelines for citations and references.

Create a clear, concise, well-organized, and professional staff update that is generally free from errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

To successfully prepare to complete this assessment, complete the following:
Review the infographics on protecting PHI provided in the resources for this assessment, or find other infographics to review. These infographics serve as examples of how to succinctly summarize evidence-based information. 
Analyze these infographics and distill them into five or six principles of what makes them effective. As you design your interprofessional staff update, apply these principles. Note: In a staff update, you will not have all the images and graphics that an infographic might contain. Instead, focus your analysis on what makes the messaging effective.

Select from any of the following options, or a combination of options, the focus of your interprofessional staff update: 

Social media best practices.
What not to do: social media.
Social media risks to patient information.

Steps to take if a breach occurs.

Conduct independent research on the topic you have selected in addition to reviewing the suggested resources for this assessment. This information will serve as the source(s) of the information contained in your interprofessional staff update. Consult the BSN Program Library Research Guide for help in identifying scholarly and/or authoritative sources.
In this assessment, assume you are a nurse in an acute care, community, school, nursing home, or other health care setting. Before your shift begins, you scroll through Facebook and notice that a coworker has posted a photo of herself and a patient on Facebook. The post states, “I am so happy Jane is feeling better. She is just the best patient I’ve ever had, and I am excited that she is on the road to recovery.”You have recently completed your annual continuing education requirements at work and realize this is a breach of your organization’s social media policy. Your organization requires employees to immediately report such breaches to the privacy officer to ensure the post is removed immediately and that the nurse responsible receives appropriate corrective action.You follow appropriate organizational protocols and report the breach to the privacy officer. The privacy officer takes swift action to remove the post. Due to the severity of the breach, the organization terminates the nurse.Based on this incident’s severity, your organization has established a task force with two main goals:
Educate staff on HIPAA and appropriate social media use in health care.

Prevent confidentiality, security, and privacy breaches.
The task force has been charged with creating a series of interprofessional staff updates on the following topics:
Social media best practices.

What not to do: Social media.

Social media risks to patient information.

Steps to take if a breach occurs.
You are asked to select one or more of the topics and create the content for a staff update containing a maximum of two content pages. This assessment is not an essay. It is a Staff Update about PHI.The task force has asked team members assigned to the topics to include the following content in their updates in addition to content on their selected topics:

What is protected health information (PHI)? 

Be sure to include essential HIPAA information.
What are privacy, security, and confidentiality? 
Define and provide examples of privacy, security, and confidentiality concerns related to the use of the technology in health care.
Explain the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration to safeguard sensitive electronic health information.
What evidence relating to social media usage and PHI do interprofessional team members need to be aware of? For example: 

How many nurses have been terminated for inappropriate social media use in the United States?

What types of sanctions have health care organizations imposed on interdisciplinary team members who have violated social media policies?

What have been the financial penalties assessed against health care organizations for inappropriate social media use?
What evidence-based strategies have health care organizations employed to prevent or reduce confidentiality, privacy, and security breaches, particularly related to social media usage?

Your staff update is limited to two double-spaced content pages. Be selective about the content you choose to include in your update so you can meet the page length requirement. Include need-to-knowinformation. Omit nice-to-knowinformation.
Many times people do not read staff updates, do not read them carefully, or do not read them to the end. Ensure your staff update piques staff members’ interest, highlights key points, and is easy to read. Avoid overcrowding the update with too much content.
Also, supply a separate reference page that includes two or three peer-reviewed and one or two non-peer-reviewed resources (for a total of 3–5 resources) to support the staff update content.

solved Answers relating to the coursework, text, and in-class discussions will

Answers relating to the coursework, text, and in-class discussions will score highest; supposition, personal opinions, and “winging it” will not be awarded credit. Jotting down random buzz words and phrases from the textbook in an attempt to get something to stick and earn points is not analysis and will not be awarded credit. Concluding only that someone should “consult with an attorney” is similarly inappropriate, since this is broad advice anyone who has taken this class could write, and it is generally and well understood. Responses based on external sources similarly do not score well, even where attribution is included. Remember, this is an assessment of the learning of the presented class material and methods used in class, not the ability to use search engines or use random cut and paste techniques.Support your answers with appropriate legal analysis. When stating a legal rule, you must actually state it. Saying “the rule is in chapter 10 of the book” or “employment law” is not stating the rule, and will not be awarded any credit. Pay particular attention to the call of the question: answer what is specifically asked. It is important to cite the specific rule that applies to the question, not a litany of possible legal principles that might tangentially relate to the matter at hand. Doing so will result in a deduction for inaccurate analysis. Some questions specifically prohibit discussion of assumed facts or direct responses only to a specific rule of law. Responses that are unresponsive to the specific call of the question will, to the extent applicable, be given zero credit and will waste your valuable time. Plan your time so that you answer completely an appropriately. You can use your text or class notes. Do not copy or merely recite the facts of the question in your answer. Doing so does not increase your score, and will waste valuable time.Ensure you have a reliable Internet connection and computer before attempting the Assessment. I suggest you diligently test your usual Internet connection. “The Internet failed me” is not a valid reason for missing or not completing the Assessment.Your work must be your own. By submitting this Assessment you are certifying: (1) that all the work is your own and only yours, (2) that you did not use the Internet for research (It is not allowed or necessary. Using the Internet will probably cause you to not have enough time to finish the Assessment.) (3) you will not and did not accept nor offer assistance to another nor accept assistance from another, (4) you will report any incident in which another has offered or accepted assistance on the Assessment that you know to be factual,Q1. Andy (A) and Barry (B) have been friends since early high school age and are now roommates while attending the public, state operated State University (SU). Several times each week they go on an extended bike ride together, starting with pre-ride coffee, and a refueling of lunch at the dorm cafeteria after the ride. Other students and SU personnel often join them A&B are both avid readers, and both collect books from their favorite authors. They attend book signings, lectures, and post ride discussions often turn to chatting about their latest book findings.A&B maintain a small “little library” shelf at their dorm where they trade and share books with others for free. A&B have often discussed business futures in book editing, production, distribution, and sales.A&B know that future business activities involve business and personal risks and know they must seek the advice of an attorney before acting on their plans.ADDITIONAL FACTS FOR THIS ASSESSMENT ONLY:A&B cannot believe the success they are having with their “RedTopLibraries” they have branded and have promoted as described in the common facts for Week 9’s Assessment. Business continues to flourish. The are now being approached by like minded folks like themselves interested in expanding the idea of these lending libraries as a social consciousness effort to promote reading and literacy. A&B have also been approached by Chamber’s of Commerce in various cities and states.A&B are excited by this interest. They post an application on their website for “RedTopLIbaries Advocates” (RTLA). A job description follows:”RedTopLibaries Advocates (RTLA) will be the liaison between RedTopLibraries and the community. RTLA will meet with community leaders and spread the word as to how a RedTopLibrary can come to their community. RedTopLibraries will provide a software app that will provide a map and contact information to potential contacts which may have or have expressed some interest in having a RedTopLibrary in their community. RTLA’s are expected to contact these interested parties within 24 hours with a welcome packet and smooth the acceptance of RedTopLibraries into that community. RTLA’s are expected to provide ongoing support to RedTopLibraries. RTLA’s will be expected to attend quarterly meetings with RedTopLibraries either in person or via Zoom and also participate in initial and quarterly training. RTLA’s will work under the guidance of the VP for RTLA’s. RTLA’s have unlimited earning potential and will be compensated by commission.”A&B post another job description for “RedTopLibrary Community Liaison”. (RTLCL). A job description follows:“RedTopLibrary Community Liaisons” (RTLCL) represent RedTopLibrary and to the business community. RTLCL’s reach out to local businesses and businesses organizations using their knowledge of the business community in their area and business contacts and educate them as to how RedTopLibraries benefit the community and can improve their businesses’ social responsibility. RTLCL’s have unlimited earning potential and will be paid a commission for each new library that is started and in which they help establish.”Sally Sales (SS) applies for the position of RTLA, takes the initial training, and begins working. SS learns during the training that those communities who she “signs up” to have a RedTopLibrary will pay a fee through the App. They also have the opportunity to award her a “tip” (extra gratuity) through the App. She also learns that subsequent support she provides them, such as book sales also go through the app and her commission is based upon it. She also learns that the app has an algorithm that calculates a score as to how well she is doing her job and the number of assignments she receives through the app is dependent upon it. All compensation for her work thus is paid directly via direct deposit from the App that A&B’s RedTopLibraries business provide.Bob Chamber (BC) applies for the position of RTLCL and is accepted by RedTopLIbraries. He uses promotional materials that RedTopLibraries provides him and starts reaching out to all his business contacts. His compensation similarly is provided via direct deposit via the App.SS and BC meet each other at their initial training at RedTopLibrary Headquarters. Since they are both from the Seattle area they begin collaborating on sales calls where both go on sales calls that SS gets through the app and on calls that BC creates through his contacts. Q2 Andy (A) and Barry (B) have been friends since early high school age and are now roommates while attending the public, state operated State University (SU). Several times each week they go on an extended bike ride together, starting with pre-ride coffee, and a refueling of lunch at the dorm cafeteria after the ride. Other students and SU personnel often join them A&B are both avid readers, and both collect books from their favorite authors. They attend book signings, lectures, and post ride discussions often turn to chatting about their latest book findings.A&B maintain a small “little library” shelf at their dorm where they trade and share books with others for free. A&B have often discussed business futures in book editing, production, distribution, and sales.A&B know that future business activities involve business and personal risks and know they must seek the advice of an attorney before acting on their plans.ADDITIONAL FACTS FOR THIS ASSESSMENT ONLY:A&B find that the RedTopLibrary Advocate (RTLA) and the RedTopLibrary Community Liaison (RTLCL) efforts as described in the Week 11 required assessment are tremendously successful. A&B create a “RedTopLibraries Package” (RTLP) that the associate Red Top Libraries (RTL) can purchase. It consists of a “yearly subscription” where each month the associate RTL library will receive 10 new books delivered to them by an RTLA or RTLCL. On initial sign up for the RTLP, RTL will provide a distinctive RTL and install it at the associate’s location. When the RTLA and RTCLC subsequently deliver the books they will stock the library, dust it, rearrange it, and make any minor repairs necessary. The associate RTL is charged an sign up installation fee of $500; and then $240 per year.Linda Librarian (LL) is a bibliophile (lover of books) and community activities. She orders and pays for the RTLP. Sally Sales (SS) installs and delivers the new RTL, and stocks it with the books for the month.

solved Mini-EssayPlease answer ALL five questions below, referring to the question

Mini-EssayPlease answer ALL five questions below, referring to the question number (20 points per question).Clearly indicate each question by the the question number and sub numbers if multiple parts or bullets. [3-5 pages maximum (cite your sources in the text, 1.5 spacing as you write, and also at the end under References)]. Using the new LinkedIn application for Students, the table below, or your own research if the IB-related professional field you are attracted to is not listed below. You can start your search there: (Links to an external site.) and here: (Links to an external site.) ), pick your IB profession, and answer the following questions:What are the typical tasks performed by professionals in this field?What are the job prospects (growth/decline; data) like for this professional field?Professional fieldInformationPurchasing, buyer, procurement, vendor relations (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)Freight Forwarder (Links to an external site.)Transportation, storage and distribution manager (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)LogisticianLogistics analyst (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)Compliance manager (Links to an external site.)Customs broker (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)(International) Sales manager (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)(International) Marketing:-Marketing specialist/analyst-Marketing manager-Online merchant (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)(International) Finance:-Export financing at retail bank-Financial trader (e.g. currency)-Financial manager-Treasurer/controller (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)(International) Insurance:-Insurance sales agent-Insurance underwriter -Actuaries (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)(International) Accounting/cost control:-Accountant/auditor-Budget analyst-Treasurer/controller (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)(International) MIS (Links to an external site.)In your considered professional field, identify two interesting entry-level position openings on a career website such as or or LinkedIn (copy & paste the ads as an Appendix at the end of the essay).As an illustration, here are sample sources for International sales: (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.),19.htm (Links to an external site.)Why are you attracted to this type of position?What aspects of your personal profile would make you a good match for these jobs?What aspects of your personal profile do you perceive as a mismatch for these jobs? How could you overcome these challenges going forward?In your considered professional field, identify an experienced and successful professional (a “seasoned veteran” = at least 5 years of job experience in the field) that inspires you:copy & paste her/his LinkedIn profile link. Summarize that person’s main professional attributes;Lay out an action plan to achieve your professional goal of obtaining one day a position similar to the one your chosen “veteran” occupies (e.g. additional education, travel, internship, types of entry-level positions that would put you on the right path, middle-management positions, networking activities, etc)In your considered professional field, identify at least one trade show / job fair / industry convention that you could attend in the USA (it does not have to be in Philadelphia) to meet with employers in that field. It could be an industry event (e.g. automotive, pharma, etc) or focused on a profession (e.g. warehousing, supply chain management, cost control, export financing, etc).Please copy & paste the weblink to the event,as well as a quick description.Share your own testimonial about your IB experience. We might use it verbatim for marketing purpose. Please voluntarily provide the following information (this is not a required as part of the graded assignment):FULL Name, Major & Minor or Concentration, Graduation date,Employer, Position Title, location, and Salary* or Salary* Range.If you don’t have a job yet, simply right “between opportunities.”What made you successful in your job search (CSPD, IB internship course, analytical skills from XYZ course, project-based capstone, IBA engagement, community at Fox & TU?*This part of your testimonial will be kept strictly confidential and is optional, but very helpful for developing the program.Examples of previous testimonials: Recent IB Graduates’ Testimonials (Verbatim, Non-edited)“The IB program here at Temple taught me how to solve problems and evaluate the risks associated with situations that multinational firms are facing today. Without being pushed to think critically, and work through all of the steps in a process, in my classes I would not have been able to demonstrate those skills in my interview process. Ultimately, landing me the most ideal job to begin my career.”Mia Cooley, IB Major, December 2015 GraduateEmployer, position: Deloitte Consulting LLP, Federal Business Technology Analyst “I wanted to thank the Fox Business School and the International Business Program for providing me with the knowledge, tools and experience to kick start my future. I am proud to inform you that I will be working at Vanguard, in their Flagship Services department at their Malvern headquarters. I believe completing the IB internship course, was a major help in landing a job after graduation. Professor Jane Frankel was a wonderful mentor, and I learned so much about myself and how I can be asset to a company. I am also extremely grateful for my study abroad experience at Temple Rome.”Scott Workman, IB Major, December 2015 Employer, position: Vanguard Flagship Services, Client Relationship Specialist“The professional guidance I received during my time as a student in Fox’s International Business Program has been instrumental in both the pursuit and preparation for my first and current post-graduate position as Director of the Chilean and American Chamber of Commerce of Greater Philadelphia. In my classes, I was taught a comprehensive set of skills which I use on a daily basis to communicate effectively with members, establish and strengthen global partnerships, and perform operational tasks to keep the organization running efficiently. The foundation that my Fox IB Education has provided for me has helped me to manage both obstacles that I fare with now and ones that may arise in the future as I continue to grow my career in the international business community of Philadelphia.”Cristina Lista, IB Major, May 2015 GraduateEmployer, position: Chilean & American Chamber of Commerce (Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce), Executive Director

solved Summarize 3-5 Summarize 3-5 sources that address the target population

Summarize 3-5 Summarize 3-5 sources that address the target population in your PICOT question. Then, synthesize the evidence from these sources into one paragraph in support of the target population.IntroductionSuccessful academic writing requires the interpretation and synthesis of scholarly sources in support of ideas, projects, or additional scholarship. In this assessment, you will progress from summary to synthesis, using the sources you have gathered to support the target population of your project. This assessment focuses on crafting an argument in support of the selection of the target population identified in your PICOT question. Complete this assessment before beginning Assessment 7.Demonstration of ProficiencyBy successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:Competency 1: Address assessment purpose in a well-organized text, incorporating appropriate evidence and tone in grammatically sound sentences.Integrate evidence into text appropriately.Competency 2: Craft a compelling argument.Compose a strong thesis stating an argument.Explain how evidence supports an argument.Competency 3: Create a literature review that supports a possible intervention or process change.Develop a synthesis of evidence in support of an argument.Competency 4: Obtain preceptor and practicum approval.Explain why the proposed intervention does not pose any risk to human subjects. PreparationGather 3–5 sources you have found supporting your argument that there is a need in the target population and that the intervention identified in your PICOT question will meet the need. The following are things you should identify when considering your population (not an exhaustive list and not all the items on this list might apply to your population): age, generation, sociocultural determinants, geographic area, gender, and ethnicity.Review the resources on summarizing.Review the steps in the MEAL Plan.Use the Synthesis module for an introduction to synthesis.The target population will be the subject(s) undergoing the change in practice or process, and they will be key stakeholders in your intervention. Make sure that you have not identified a vulnerable population. Refer to the Programs of Research, to ensure that your intervention does not pose any risk to human subjects. Your intervention should involve a quality improvement or process improvement that implements an evidence-based practice.InstructionsNote: The assessments in this course must be completed in the order presented; subsequent assessments should be built on both your earlier work and your instructor’s feedback on earlier assessments. If you choose to submit assessments prematurely, without considering and integrating your instructor’s feedback, your assessment may be returned ungraded, resulting in your loss of an assessment attempt.State your PICOT question, including the target population. Gather 3–5 resources that address the topic. Write the following:For each source, write a summary paragraph.Then, create one synthesized paragraph of information, bringing together the information from all the sources.Here are some questions to consider when writing this final paragraph, which will be a synthesis in support of the target population.How do your sources relate?In what ways are they similar or different?How do they build upon one another?Each paragraph should present a main idea, supported by evidence, following the model set by the MEAL Plan. Your assessment will be graded according to the following criteria:Explain why the proposed intervention does not pose any risk to human subjects.Capella IRB requires learners to ensure that volunteers/participants in doctoral projects will not experience negative impacts to their social reputation, financial standing, employability, legal status, educational opportunities, or health.Describe the characteristics of the project stakeholders who will participate in the change. Explain the impact of the project on the stakeholders. How will the change in practice or process meet the needs of said stakeholders and/or the organization?Describe, if any, the potential negative impacts the project may have on the stakeholders or organization.Integrate evidence into text appropriately.Compose a strong thesis stating an argument.Explain how the evidence supports an argument.Develop a synthesis of evidence in support of an argument.Additional RequirementsAPA Format: Citations and references follow current Evidence and APA.urces that address the target population in your PICOT question. Then, synthesize the evidence from these sources into one paragraph in support of the target population.IntroductionSuccessful academic writing requires the interpretation and synthesis of scholarly sources in support of ideas, projects, or additional scholarship. In this assessment, you will progress from summary to synthesis, using the sources you have gathered to support the target population of your project. This assessment focuses on crafting an argument in support of the selection of the target population identified in your PICOT question. Complete this assessment before beginning Assessment 7.Demonstration of ProficiencyBy successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:Competency 1: Address assessment purpose in a well-organized text, incorporating appropriate evidence and tone in grammatically sound sentences.Integrate evidence into text appropriately.Competency 2: Craft a compelling argument.Compose a strong thesis stating an argument.Explain how evidence supports an argument.Competency 3: Create a literature review that supports a possible intervention or process change.Develop a synthesis of evidence in support of an argument.Competency 4: Obtain preceptor and practicum approval.Explain why the proposed intervention does not pose any risk to human subjects. PreparationGather 3–5 sources you have found supporting your argument that there is a need in the target population and that the intervention identified in your PICOT question will meet the need. The following are things you should identify when considering your population (not an exhaustive list and not all the items on this list might apply to your population): age, generation, sociocultural determinants, geographic area, gender, and ethnicity.Review the resources on summarizing.Review the steps in the MEAL Plan.Use the Synthesis module for an introduction to synthesis.The target population will be the subject(s) undergoing the change in practice or process, and they will be key stakeholders in your intervention. Make sure that you have not identified a vulnerable population. Refer to the Programs of Research, to ensure that your intervention does not pose any risk to human subjects. Your intervention should involve a quality improvement or process improvement that implements an evidence-based practice.InstructionsNote: The assessments in this course must be completed in the order presented; subsequent assessments should be built on both your earlier work and your instructor’s feedback on earlier assessments. If you choose to submit assessments prematurely, without considering and integrating your instructor’s feedback, your assessment may be returned ungraded, resulting in your loss of an assessment attempt.State your PICOT question, including the target population. Gather 3–5 resources that address the topic. Write the following:For each source, write a summary paragraph.Then, create one synthesized paragraph of information, bringing together the information from all the sources.Here are some questions to consider when writing this final paragraph, which will be a synthesis in support of the target population.How do your sources relate?In what ways are they similar or different?How do they build upon one another?Each paragraph should present a main idea, supported by evidence, following the model set by the MEAL Plan. Your assessment will be graded according to the following criteria:Explain why the proposed intervention does not pose any risk to human subjects.Capella IRB requires learners to ensure that volunteers/participants in doctoral projects will not experience negative impacts to their social reputation, financial standing, employability, legal status, educational opportunities, or health.Describe the characteristics of the project stakeholders who will participate in the change. Explain the impact of the project on the stakeholders. How will the change in practice or process meet the needs of said stakeholders and/or the organization?Describe, if any, the potential negative impacts the project may have on the stakeholders or organization.Integrate evidence into text appropriately.Compose a strong thesis stating an argument.Explain how the evidence supports an argument.Develop a synthesis of evidence in support of an argument.Additional RequirementsAPA Format: Citations and references follow current Evidence and APA.