solved please respond to the two peers below ti the following

please respond to the two peers below ti the following question:What’s in it for Me?Now that you created a vision for your company, it’s time to communicate it. Using the guidance from Kotter in Chapter 6, identify two different stakeholders from different departments and develop a draft communication that explains how your proposed changes will impact them and what’s in it for them. Items to consider in your communication:Explain the rationale for change.Address the “What’s in it for me?” question.Clearly communicate the danger of not making a change.Ensure that your message is based on facts, or a strong case that you support well.Consider your style for dealing with change, as revealed in the CSI Assessment that you took in Week 4. Looking back at your message, how do you think your CSI style affected your communication to the stakeholders?1.Matthew McCall RE: Week 5 DiscussionCOLLAPSEHello Class.This week’s communication of my change initiative for Demand Planning Organizational change will be targeted to 2 European regional executive stakeholders that are not part of the operations function but will be critical to get on board for support if the demand planning structural change is to be successful: EAME Regional Director (Sales function) and the EAME Finance Business Partner.Syngenta’s Demand Planning vision is to lead the agriculture industry in providing our customers the “Right Product at the Right Place at the Right Time” that meets and exceeds their expectations. By leveraging leading edge predictive technology with the local market knowledge of our people, we will deliver a step change in the accuracy and reliability of our demand signals to power better business decision making across the organization. As our business consolidates and becomes more commoditized, margins come under pressure and excellence in operational efficiency becomes paramount to maintaining our competitive advantage in cost and supply reliability. The Demand Planning organization of the future will deliver double digit forecast accuracy and bias improvements resulting in 15% working capital efficiency improvements and +3% to our bottom line. Powered by technology and knowhow, the Demand Planning function will deliver these benefits while freeing up more time for commercial teams to spend with customers, increase the speed and transparency of risks and opportunities in the markets to enable fewer lost sales and more opportunity to meet sales upsides.I think this message contains some of Kotter’s guidance from key elements pertaining to a written communication:Keep it simple – Right product at right place at right time” is a simple, jargon free way of presenting the initiative objectivesAddress inconsistencies to raise credibility: There is a sense that change should benefit the local businesses, I feel this presents the benefits in a way that empowers local effeiciency and decision making, even if the initiative will impact local organizational structures. – empower local business for accountability vs. centralizing capabilities and processesThe communication also has a clear Rationale for Change: Business becoming more and more commoditized, lower margins means a need to find competitive advantage somewhere else other than product portfolio.The What’s in it for me follows the tailored pitch approach, focusing on the Sales and Finance audience goals, values, and knowledge to shape the message (W5,A1). For sales leaders, it is about more time for commercial teams to spend with customers (8hr per sales rep per month) and increased speed and transparency of risks and opportunities in the markets. For the finance audience, increased margin and working capital efficiency is the carrot.The danger of not changing is also addressed. We are facing a choice of increasing operating costs to maintain customer service levels or reducing customer service levels to maintain margins with current operating costs. Competition is already moving towards more efficient supply chain operations and will be left at a disadvantage.My CSI style is slight Originator which has an ability to create shared visions of the future organization that promotes short-term goals without compromising long-term strategy. Challenging work practices that appear non-productive or out-dated are also in my comfort zone. This I think is evident in the communication – stressing that the outdated demand planning processes are not longer fit for the business in the future. A big watchout for this style is to underestimate the short-term impact of change on the organization and other people. The vision statement needs feedback from other groups to make sure it is adjusted to the practical constraints of the current situation in the commercial units when it comes to demand planning needs locally as well as what the global operations team wants to achieve.ThanksMattReferences:Kotter, J. (2021) Leading Change, Chapter 6JWMI 555 W5 A1: Ashford & Detert. Get the Boss to Buy In 2. Marta Retzler RE: Week 5 DiscussionCOLLAPSEGreetings Professor Bodam and Classmates,Two Stakeholders I have identified to communicate a draft to explain the proposed changes are: Chris S. – Chief Operations Officer and Debbie P. – AVP of Human Resources.Draft Communication:Good Afternoon,With many changes happening in the organization, communication from leadership and Human Resources is vital to ensure all staff are aware of any changes that may impact them as we continue to move forward in integration with Cleveland Clinic. As you are aware, position alignment, policy changes and departmental restructuring are major changes that are in the process of shifting to align with the Enterprise. As you are aware, these changes have had a major impact on the Human Resources Department and Operations in providing timely and accurate information to all departments affected by integration changes. Developing a communication plan that is consistently distributed to all staff in the organization will help streamline operations and minimize individual staff contact with Human Resources with questions or concerns. This will minimize silo responses to individual staff that reach out to clarify changes to policies and workflows within their department. Failing to communicate accurate integration changes in a prompt manner will leave staff confused, frustrated, lower morale and create workplace conflict (Indeed, 1). These are just some of the effects that lack of communication of integration changes impact on staff and managers. Accurate and repetitious communication outlining integration changes that address policy changes, departmental restructuring and position alignment is essential in helping employees tackle these changes that can appear unsurmountable to them (Kotter, 2). As we continue to move forward with change initiatives around integration, a communication plan will be developed to help Human Resources and Operations identify information to be shared at departmental and organizational levels, with scheduled communicative forums and how they will be disseminated (JWI555 Week 5, 3). Creating a sense of urgency for continued transparent communication and developing a guiding coalition from different levels of staff within the organization, we can develop a communication process to bring about the integration changes in a positive, productive environment for all staff in the organization (Kotter, 2).CSI Style: Pragmatist:I feel that my communication reflects the pragmatist style as outlined in the CSI Assessment. I value and include cross functional-teams and the coordination and efforts among team members (CSI, 4). I truly believe in sharing information with the appropriate people and value opportunities for myself and those around me to learn new skills and truly love to impart any knowledge I feel can benefit staff and I am always there to How To Address Poor Communication in the Workplace. P. Kotter. 2012. Leading Change. Ch. 6.JWI555. Week 5. Lecture Notes. Communicate, Communicate, Communicate.Change Style Indicator (CSI). 2021. Improve Change Effectiveness. Marta Retzler

solved I need a persuasive speech presentation PowerPoint and cards for

I need a persuasive speech presentation PowerPoint and cards for the presenter to read from
The due date is after 9 hours from now
The requirement for the PowerPoint is VISUAL heavy and TEXT Light
Here is the outline needed for the presentation and please make card text so I can read from in a separate sheet than the PowerPoint because the PowerPoint should have minimal text.
The presentation should last 6 minutes
Specific Purpose: To persuade the audience to avoid consuming too many sweetened drinks to stay a healthier life.
Central Idea: Avoiding sweetened drinks reduces the risk of suffering diseases such as cancer, obesity, and high blood pressure
Let’s be honest, my people. Everyone here enjoys taking sweetened soft drinks almost every day. Drinking a cold sweetened beverage on a sunny day feels lovely. Isn’t it? However, we take little time to evaluate the effect of taking too many sweetened drinks in our bodies. Although most of us at least have an idea of the possible dangers of consuming too much sugar, we live in denial and continue doing the same. As a reformed person who has decided to abstain from taking sweetened drinks, today, I want to encourage everyone else to take the challenge. I want to persuade someone to refrain from taking sugary beverages.
Topic Statement: Taking sugar-sweetened drinks is harmful to your health.
Credibility Statement: For a long time, I have been fascinated by gaining more knowledge about the effects of drinking sugar-sweetened beverages in our daily lives. Luckily, I got the chance to understand everything.
Preview: First, I will discuss the primary reasons why we all need to avoid sugary drinking beverages, then I will recommend the best strategies that we can use to control our craving for these beverages.
(Prevention is always better than cure. The cost of managing cancer, diabetes, and high blood pressure cannot be equaled to the cost of abstaining from drinking sugary beverages. There are worrying statistics across the world that suggest sweetened drinks are more dangerous to our lives than we thought.)
The consumption of sweetened drinks is positively linked with a high risk of developing breast cancer in France (Chazelas et al.).
An average American consumes 320 calories per day instead of a maximum of 100 calories recommended by the American Heart Association (Boston Public Health Commission).
In the United States, children below five years and adolescents are at higher risk of developing sugar-related lifestyle diseases since they consume too many calories than adults (Bleich and Vercammen).
From the study conducted, 100% of the fruit juice positively correlated with overall cancer disease (Chazelas et al.).
The data shows that western states widely consume sweetened drinks, representing a new risk factor for overall cancer disease (Chazelas et al.).

Studies indicate that people are likely to gain excessive weight through taking sweetened drinks than eating sugary solid foods because soft drinks are more tempting thus end up being consumed excessively (Boston Public Health Commission).
According to the American Heart Association, around 25,000 deaths reported every year in the United States are associated with the consumption of sugary drinks (Boston Public Health Commission)
The study reveals that 46.5% and 63.5% of children below five years and adolescents take at least one sugary beverage a day (Bleich and Vercammen). This has led to increased cases of obesity and dental caries among the victims.

Another study revealed that a high intake of sugar-sweetened beverages leads to insulin resistance among children and adolescents, thus an increased number of diabetes cases (Bleich and Vercammen).

(You might be wondering how you can end a day without drinking at least one glass of your favorite soft drink. I had the same challenge, but now I am proud to achieve it. Don’t worry, you can as well choose the path I chose.)

Luckily, there are a few things we can do to limit our excessive intake of sugar-sweetened beverages.

The combined amount of sugar in various drinks
Make sure you check nutrition labels on the packages of soft drinks before consuming them. Avoid drinking beverages that contain more than 15g in their ingredients (NHS).

If you are addicted to drinking too many sugary drinks, try to substitute by taking flavored water with just a few drops with fruit juice daily (NHS).

The recommended amount of combined intake of total sugary drinks per day should not exceed 150ml
To ultimately win the war against sugar-sweetened beverages, swap out every soft drink for water any time you want to drink something. This helps in reducing weight and keeping the body healthy (American Heart Association).

Have you ever thought of a world without diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity? What if everyone develops health complications while chasing sugar-sweetened beverages? We have a choice to make; either make the world a better place or put our lives to an end.
We can decide not to care about what we drink and put our lives in danger.
Similarly, we can choose to observe what we drink or altogether avoid sugar-sweetened beverages and make the world a better place by living a healthy life.
Drinking as much soda as possible in a day as long as one can afford it.

Substituting water with juice fruits in our homes.
Replacing dessert with sweet beverages after every meal.

A recent study revealed that drinking more water and avoiding sugary beverages positively affects human health and longevity. Clean water has trace elements and detoxifies the body, thus leading to a healthy life (Lu and Yuan).

“Drinking high volumes of lime water has a great effect on body metabolism and to some extend has an anti-aging impact on the body” (Lu and Yuan). We have a chance to build a new world of the young, healthy, and energetic population!
(At this point, we are all convinced that we cannot overlook the dangers of drinking sugary beverages. Let everyone remember that healthy life is of great importance and should be given priority. We must take necessary actions towards achieving a healthy world)


We have all witnessed and heard of the dire effects that sugary drinks have on our bodies. Most lifestyle diseases we are suffering from today, such as breast cancer, obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure, can be controlled if we avoid drinking sugar-sweetened beverages. Let us think of a world without these diseases and shun away from calories. Let everyone replace their favorite soft drink with water.
In closing, I humbly urge every person to reduce the volume of sugary drinks they take per day and later substitute them with flavored water. Clear every sugary beverage in your fridge and replace it with clean drinking water. Try as much as possible to avoid keeping soft drinks around you. Together, we can achieve a healthy life!

Works Cited
American Heart Association. “Tips For Cutting Down on Sugar.” Www.Heart. Org, 2021,
Bleich, Sara N., and Kelsey A. Vercammen. “The Negative Impact of Sugar-Sweetened Beverages on Children’S Health: An Update of The Literature.” BMC Obesity, vol 5, no. 1, 2018. Springer Science and Business Media LLC, Accessed 18 Oct 2021.
Boston Public Health Commission. “Sugar-Sweetened Beverages, Obesity, And Chronic Disease Fact Sheet.” Bphc.Org., 2014,
Chazelas, Eloi et al. “Sugary Drink Consumption and Risk of Cancer: Results from Nutrient-Santé Prospective Cohort.” BMJ, 2019, p. l2408. BMJ, Accessed 18 Oct 2021.

Lu, J, and F Yuan. “The Effect of Drinking Water Quality on The Health and Longevity of People-A Case Study In Mayang, Hunan Province, China.” Iopscience.Top. Org, 2017,
NHS. “How To Cut Down on Sugar in Your Diet.” Nhs.Uk, 2021,

solved This week, you will submit summaries of quantitative and qualitative

This week, you will submit summaries of quantitative and qualitative studies. The purpose of this assignment is to become familiar with published research, research designs, and methodologies. For the assignment, you will select one quantitative research study and one qualitative study related to the field of nursing and related to the topic and PICOT questions that you developed in Week 2. Each summary must be accurate, succinct, and clear. The articles must be current (within the last five years). Article choice is very important, therefore:Articles used for this assignment cannot be used for the other assignments (students should find new research articles for each new assignment). The selected articles should be original research studies. Review articles, concept analysis, meta-analysis, meta-synthesis, integrative review, and systematic review articles should not be used.Mixed-methods studies should not be used.Dissertations should not be usedEnsure the following questions are addressed in each summary:1. What type of research is it (quantitative, qualitative, and design)?2. What was the research question(s) or hypothesis?3. What is the sample, the sample size, and sample attributes?4. What was the setting of the study?5. What were the researcher’s findings? (Identify one.) You must submit the research study articles along with your assignment.Each summary should be between 150–250 words. Use current APA format to style your paper and to cite your sources.Review the rubric for further information on how your assignment will be graded.RubricNURS_350_OL – NURS350-Summary (Abstract) of StudyNURS_350_OL – NURS350-Summary (Abstract) of StudyCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTypes of research and rationale for article selection22.5 to >20.02 ptsMeets or Exceeds ExpectationsResearch is correctly and clearly identified as quantitative or qualitative. Provides detailed examination and rationale for article selection.20.02 to >16.88 ptsMostly Meets ExpectationsResearch is correctly and clearly identified as quantitative or qualitative. Provides adequate or satisfactory examination and rationale for article selection with minor omissions or errors.16.88 to >13.27 ptsBelow ExpectationsResearch is incorrectly or not clearly identified as quantitative or qualitative. Provides inadequate or unsatisfactory examination and rationale for article selection with major omissions or errors.13.27 to >0 ptsDoes Not Meet ExpectationsResearch type is not identified and rationale not provided.22.5 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeResearch questions, hypotheses, and variables (quantitative); purpose and phenomena of interest (qualitative or quantitative study)45 to >40.05 ptsMeets or Exceeds ExpectationsResearch questions, hypotheses, and variables, or research purpose and phenomena of interest, are expertly and accurately investigated for specified a research type (quantitative or qualitative).40.05 to >33.75 ptsMostly Meets ExpectationsResearch questions, hypotheses, and variables, or research purpose and phenomena of interest, are adequately and satisfactorily investigated for specified a research type (quantitative or qualitative) with minor omissions or errors.33.75 to >26.55 ptsBelow ExpectationsResearch questions and hypotheses, and variables, or research purpose and phenomena of interest, are inadequately and unsatisfactorily investigated for specified a research type (quantitative or qualitative) with major oversights or errors.26.55 to >0 ptsDoes Not Meet ExpectationsResearch questions and hypotheses, and variables, or research purpose and phenomena of interest, are not identified or stated.45 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSample (quantitative) /Participants (qualitative)15 to >13.35 ptsMeets or Exceeds ExpectationsThe sample size (quantitative) or number of participants (qualitative) are clearly and accurately determined. The sample or participant attributes are thoroughly and expertly examined for the specified research type.13.35 to >11.25 ptsMostly Meets ExpectationsThe sample size (quantitative) or number of participants (qualitative) are adequately determined with minor omissions or errors. The sample or participant attributes are adequately examined for the specified research types with minor omissions or errors.11.25 to >8.85 ptsBelow ExpectationsThe sample size (quantitative) or number of participants (qualitative) are inadequately or inaccurately determined with major omissions or errors. The sample or participant attributes are inaccurately examined for the specified research types. There are major omissions or errors.8.85 to >0 ptsDoes Not Meet ExpectationsThe sample size (quantitative) or number of participants (qualitative) are not determined. The sample or participant attributes are not examined for the specified research types. There are major omissions or errors.15 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSettings15 to >13.35 ptsMeets or Exceeds ExpectationsThe setting is accurately and expertly depicted for the specified research type.13.35 to >11.25 ptsMostly Meets ExpectationsThe setting is adequately depicted for the specified research type with minor omissions or errors.11.25 to >8.85 ptsBelow ExpectationsThe setting is inadequately depicted for the specified research type with major omissions or errors.8.85 to >0 ptsDoes Not Meet ExpectationsThe setting is not identified or depicted.15 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFindings37.5 to >33.38 ptsMeets or Exceeds ExpectationsThe research findings are expertly and accurately analyzed and investigated for the identified research type.33.38 to >28.13 ptsMostly Meets ExpectationsThe research findings are satisfactorily analyzed and investigated for the identified research type with minor omissions or errors.28.13 to >22.13 ptsBelow ExpectationsThe research findings are unsatisfactorily analyzed and investigated for the identified research type with major omissions or errors.22.13 to >0 ptsDoes Not Meet ExpectationsThe research findings are not analyzed or investigated for the identified research type.37.5 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Style7.5 to >6.68 ptsMeets or Exceeds ExpectationsUses APA Style accurately and consistently to cite sources with only 1–2 errors. Sources are expertly cited and are peer-reviewed, relevant sources. Meets all formatting requirements (length and style) of the assignment.6.68 to >5.63 ptsMostly Meets ExpectationsUses APA Style with minor citation violations with 3–4 errors. Sources are somewhat relevant, but may be limited in scholarly nature. Meets most formatting requirements (length and style) of the assignment.5.63 to >4.43 ptsBelow ExpectationsReflects incomplete knowledge of APA Style with 5–6 errors. Sources are not cited, or there are many errors. Sources are not scholarly in nature. Meets most formatting requirements (length and style) of the assignment.4.43 to >0 ptsDoes Not Meet ExpectationsDoes not use APA Style, or there are pervasive errors throughout the paper. Does not meet formatting requirements (length and style) of the assignment.7.5 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMechanics7.5 to >6.68 ptsMeets or Exceeds ExpectationsThe writing demonstrates a sophisticated clarity, conciseness, and correctness; includes thorough details and information; and is extremely well organized. Punctuation, spelling, and capitalization are all correct. There are minimal to no errors.6.68 to >5.63 ptsMostly Meets ExpectationsThe writing is accomplished in terms of clarity and conciseness, includes sufficient details, and is well organized, but it may contain a few errors. Punctuation, spelling, and capitalization are generally correct with not many errors.5.63 to >4.43 ptsBelow ExpectationsThe writing lacks clarity or conciseness, contains numerous errors, and lacks organization. Errors in punctuation, spelling, and capitalization detract from the readability of the paper.4.43 to >0 ptsDoes Not Meet ExpectationsThe writing is unfocused, rambling, or contains serious errors; lacks detail and relevant data and information; and is poorly organized. There are many distracting errors in punctuation, spelling, and capitalization.7.5 ptsTotal Points: 150PreviousNext


I HAVE TO REPLY TO THESE 2 POSTS FIRST POST The kidney secretes prostaglandins that stimulate renin production. The enzyme plays a central rate-limiting role in the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone hormonal mechanism that helps control blood pressure (Acharya & Olivero, 2018). The kidney also responds to vitamin D that supports insulin secretion and blood pressure regulation.Renal calculi cause severe pain, hematuria, vomiting, and septicemia. It can also trigger renal scarring and urinary tract obstruction (UTO) that initiate permanent renal failure (Leslie et al., 2020). Hence, renal calculi are a precursor of UTO.Several risk factors expose individuals to renal diseases: hypertension, diabetes, obesity, old age, acute kidney injury, smoking, and heart diseases. Genomic factors also contribute to chronic kidney disease (CKD), Fabry diseases, and polycystic kidney disease (PKD) (Cañadas-Garre et al., 2019). Hereditary diseases, such as diabetes and hypertension, may trigger kidney diseases.Urinary tract infections (UTIs) denote bladder or kidney inflammations caused by bacteria. They are curable and disappear 48 hours after commencing treatment. Conversely, pyelonephritis occurs as a compilation of ascending UTI that spreads from the bladder to the kidney (Belyayeva & Jeong, 2021). Nausea, flank pain, fever, and vomiting symptomize it. Medication therapies can treat pyelonephritis. Glomerulonephritis entails glomeruli inflammation, characterized by “immune-mediated damage to the basement membrane, mesangium, or the capillary endothelium, leading to hematuria, proteinuria, and azotemia” (Kazi et al., 2021). Individuals can reverse it using angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs), alpha-adrenergic agonists, and diuretics (Kazi et al., 2021). Overall, UTIs, pyelonephritis, and glomerulonephritis differ in prognosis, pathophysiology, and clinical symptoms.A mismatch between nutrient and oxygen delivery to the nephrons and high energy demands due to cellular stress triggers acute kidney failure (AKF). Its primary causes include hypotension, severe organ failure, and acute tubule necrosis (Bindroo & Rodriguez, 2021). AKF reduces the kidney’s ability to concentrate urine, excrete wastes, maintain fluid balance, and conserve electrolytes (Gaut & Liapis, 2021). Physicians use fluid replacement, diuretic medications, and dialysis to treat AKF.Chronic renal failure (CRF) occurs due to permanent impairment of the kidney function caused by diabetes mellitus, hypertension, glomerulonephritis, PKD, prolonged UTO, and nephrolithiasis (Bindroo & Rodriguez, 2021). Hypertension, water-electrolyte imbalance, malaise, pulmonary edema, and appetite loss characterize it (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2019). Peritoneal dialysis, hemofiltration, low protein diet, kidney transplantation, calcium reducers, and diuretics can help assuage CRF’s symptoms. ReferencesAcharya, V., & Olivero, J. (2018). The kidney as an endocrine organ. Methodist DeBakey Cardiovascular Journal, 14(4), 305-307. (Links to an external site.).14797/mdcj-14-4-305Belyayeva, M., & Jeong, J. M. (2021, July 10). Acute pyelonephritis. StatPearls [Internet]. (Links to an external site.)K519537/Bindroo, S., & Rodriguez, B. Q. (2021, July 4). Renal failure. StatPearls. https://www.statpearl (Links to an external site.)ñadas-Garre, M., Anderson, K., Cappa, R., Skelly, R., Smyth, L. J., McKnight, A. J., & Maxwell, A. P. (2019). Genetic susceptibility to chronic kidney disease – Some more pieces for the heritability puzzle. Frontiers in Genetics, 10, 453. (Links to an external site.)9.00453Gaut, J. P., & Liapis, H. (2021). Acute kidney injury pathology and pathophysiology: A retrospective review. Clinical Kidney Journal, 14(2), 526-536., A. (2021, February 11). Glomerulonephritis. StatPearls.… (Links to an external site.)Leslie, S.W., Sajjad, H., & Murphy, P.B. (2021, July 1). Renal calculi. StatPearls [Internet]. (Links to an external site.)Mayo Clinic Staff. (2019, August 15). Chronic kidney disease. Mayo Clinic.… SECOND POST As an endocrine gland, the kidney produces the hormone renin. According to Chalmers (2019), this hormone regulates blood pressure via the renin-angiotensin pathway. The blood pressure entering the glomerulus determines the quantity of renin kidneys produce. Urinary tract obstruction that results from renal calculi can cause complications such as bacterial infections within the renal pelvis. Urinary stasis resulting from the obstruction can create ideal conditions for bacteria growth. Old age, Diabetes Mellitus, and high blood pressure can increase an individual’s predisposition to renal diseases. Additionally, factors such as cultural or ethnic backgrounds and socioeconomic status can determine the speed at which the disease progresses (Thomas, 2019). Moreover, researchers have established that a family history of kidney disease increases the chances of the disease, thus implying the possibility of inheritance.Uropathogens such as Escherichia coli are responsible for most urinary tract infections (UTIs). These bacteria attach themselves to the cell lining of the urinary tract and cause tissue damage as they spread. UTIs can present in various ways, including fever, pain during urination, and sometimes through the presence of blood in the urine, which may be visible or non-visible. Typically, UTIs are not serious and disappear quickly with treatment. However, in some cases, UTIs can lead to pyelonephritis. This infection can lead to extensive destruction of nephrons, and in severe cases, can cause established renal failure (Chalmers, 2019). Ordinarily, pyelonephritis presents as fever and loin pain. While the unilateral chronic infection is primarily benign, the bilateral chronic infection might result in the accelerated arrival of chronic renal disease.Interactions between antigens and antibodies within the glomeruli can damage the functionality of the glomerular capillary network, causing glomerulonephritis (Chalmers, 2019). It can impact the kidney’s blood pressure regulation function resulting in hypertension or even impair the kidney’s excretory functions. This condition may present as established renal disease or increased levels of protein in the urine. Depending on the type of glomerulonephritis, the prognosis can range from no complications to established renal failure in severe cases.Acute kidney failure is the result of an abrupt loss of renal function, affecting the kidneys excretory role (Dainton, 2019). Acute renal failure might result from hypotension, urinary tract obstructions, or physical damage to the kidneys. Typically, acute renal failure manifests as anemia, reduced frequency of urination, clotting, or unexplained weight loss (Mahon et al., 2013). Renal specialists may use stenting to relieve urological obstructions, recommend suitable dialysis or renal replacement therapy.Diabetes Mellitus and high blood pressure are responsible for chronic renal failure (Thomas, 2019). The illness ordinarily presents as edema, lethargy, or lower back pain. Although some categories of chronic renal failure only necessitate lifestyle changes, such as regular exercise, healthy diet, and management of hypertension and diabetes where necessary, severe categories of the ailment require suitable renal replacement therapy.ReferencesChalmers, C. (2019). Applied anatomy and physiology and the renal disease process. In N. Thomas (Ed.), Renal nursing: Care and management of people with kidney disease (5th ed., pp. 21-58). John Wiley & Sons Ltd.Dainton, M. (2019). Acute Kidney Injury. In N. Thomas (Ed.), Renal nursing: Care and management of people with kidney disease (5th ed., pp. 105-126). John Wiley & Sons.Mahon, A., Jenkins, K., & Burnapp, L. (Eds.). (2013). Oxford Handbook of Renal Nursing. Oxford University Press.Thomas, N. (2019). Chronic kidney disease. In N. Thomas (Ed.), Renal nursing: Care and management of people with kidney disease (5th ed., pp. 127-146). John Wiley & Sons.

solved Peer reviews- 60 words each. APA format, 2 References needed

Peer reviews- 60 words each. APA format, 2 References needed and cited. Peer #1 Liz Community engagement in regards to sexual disease and unwanted pregnancy is a delicate subject. There are two sides to this conversation to think about. The community which often involves the school and parents. Many parents/caregivers don’t want the community or schools to be involved with teaching their youth about sex and pregnancy. So, how do we educate and protect youth, while educating parents/caregivers? Communities need to have access to programs that help both parties. Looking at the capacity that communities can give in regards to engage stakeholders, develop a prevention team, and raise awareness to prevent sexual disease and deal with unwanted pregnancies is vital in the having a successful community (SAMHSA, 2019). We have Planned Parenthood, faith based programs, adoption agencies, counseling services and the health department. I don’t believe that is enough. I feel that our community needs to do a better job of reaching out to youth and promoting programs that help youth understand sex, pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. There also needs to be programs that help and support families going through these struggles with their teens. It would be a great idea for multiple faiths, multiple cultures, youth, schools, parents, faculty members from community colleges, and more come together as a advocacy group to help all in the community. References: SAMHSA. (2019, December 6). Implementing SAMHSA’s Strategic Prevention Framework in Local Communities. Https://Actmissouri.Org/Implementing-Samhsas-Strategic-Prevention-Framework-in-Local-Communities/.… Peer #2 LAURA Community engagement is essential when it comes to prevention of sexual disease and unwanted pregnancy. Foundationally, a community provides the necessary human and structural resources to implement and sustain prevention programs (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration [SAMHSA], 2019). Behaviors that lead to sexual disease and unwanted pregnancies are complex. As such, effective prevention strategies require the expertise and experience of multiple disciplines within the community to impact the prevention continuum. Accordingly, residents, service providers, and community leaders can collaborate together to share ideas, resources, and raise local awareness. Active community engagement helps ensure that prevention strategies reach multiple populations in various settings (SAMHSA, 2019). My community is engaged in prevention strategies and support programs for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unwanted pregnancies. There are a few noteworthy prevention strategies in my community. One prevention strategy is called Catch the Answers. This is a multimedia-based, prevention strategy that provides information and education regarding the most common STIs, how they are transmitted, when to be screened and tested, and important prevention techniques. Likewise, Catch the Answers platform posts a variety of advertisements in local facilities, and in educational organizations in Davis County. These provide important links to access Catch the Answers website (2021). Additionally, a new mobile app, called MyPEEPS Mobile, is being evaluated for dissemination and approval in my community. This mobile-based, prevention strategy offers education and information for sexual health education and HIV prevention. Accordingly, the multidisciplinary team for MyPEEPS Mobile converted an existing, evidence-based, face-to-face, sexual health education and HIV prevention curriculum into a portable platform (Cho et al., 2018). This is a promising prevention strategy for my community. Likewise, the junior highs and high schools in Davis County offer a quarterly education curriculum based on the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). The ESEA provides a framework to promote educational, prevention strategies for sexual health education and STI recognition. The schools provide materials, videos, and guest speakers that foster education on human sexuality, preventing teen pregnancy, and common STIs (Davis School District, 2018). Finally, Davis County offers free pregnancy and STI testing at a variety of community health facilities and clinics in the community. Planned Parenthood is one of the most well-known clinics in the community. They provide free STI and pregnancy information and testing. Additionally, Planned Parenthood offers educational resources for healthy behaviors, puberty changes, doctor appointments, STIs, sex and relationships, LGBTQ, pregnancy, emergency contraception, birth control, bullying, safety, privacy, and cancer awareness (Planned Parenthood, 2021). These are the prevention strategies and support programs to address these social issues in my community. References: Catch the Answers. (2021). Utah Department of Health. Cho, H., Powell, D., Pichon, A., Thai, J., Bruce, J., Kuhns, L.M., Garofalo, R., Schnall, R. (2018, September). A mobile health intervention for HIV prevention among racially and ethnically diverse young men: Usability evaluation. JMIR Publications, 6(9). Davis School District. (2018, November 6). Davis School District Curriculum Materials Review Committee. Planned Parenthood. (2021). Ogden Health Center of Ogden, Utah. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). (2019, June). A guide to SAMHSA’s Strategic Prevention Framework. Peer #3 Joe Access and view “Step 2: Build Capacity” page of the SAMHSA Strategic Prevention Framework. How important is community engagement when it comes to prevention of sexual disease and unwanted pregnancies? How engaged is your community? Are there prevention strategies and models in place to help with these social issues? If so, describe them. If not, suggest some possible prevention models and strategies. Access and view “Step 2: Build Capacity” page of the SAMHSA Strategic Prevention Framework. As a mental health provider, I must know how important it is in community engagement when it comes to prevention of sexual diseases and wanted pregnancies. According to W. C. Cockerman (Ed.). (2016). “It is very important in a community and for the community to engage when it comes to the prevention of sexual disease. Without the the help of the community, it would be a losing battle. We have to encourage folks to use safe health practices or stay celibate and this will help with the prevention of sexual diseases” (p.27. We need to use different methods in getting the community involved. We also need to know how important it is for the community to get involved when it comes to unwanted pregnancies. According to P. E. Duffy (2001) “The prevention of unwanted pregnancies in communities is up to everyone to educate the members of their family so that they do no engage in sexuality that will be harmful to them. This is very dangerous mainly because there are some young children that may not be able to communicate with their family when it comes to the engagement of sex” (p.7). If family members are not able to talk to children about sex then we may be in harmful situations especially when it comes to unwanted pregnancies. My community is very engaged when it comes to the prevention of sexual diseases and unwanted pregnancies. We use the local health department and they have models that will help children when it comes to these matters. Also, there are lots of information on the Internet that can be helpful with this as well as SAMSHA. References Cockerham, W. C. (Ed.). (2016). International encyclopedia of public health. ProQuest Ebook Central Duffy, P. E., & Fried, M. (2001). Malaria in Pregnancy : Deadly Parasite, Susceptible Host. CRC Press

solved 13. respond with 150 words – samantha What are projected

13. respond with 150 words – samantha 
What are projected financial statements? Projected financial statements incorporate current trends and expectations to arrive at a financial picture that management believes it can attain as of a future date (Accounting Tools, 2021).  The projected financial statement is developed in the following manner:

Forecast sales based on the previous years sales and the trend of the increase in the sales.
Project cost of goods sold and the expenses on the basis of percentage of sales method.
Compute the net projected income.
Compute the retained earnings at the year end will be computed by adding the net income to be retained earnings at the beginning and subtracting the dividends paids.
Forecast stockholders equity, long-term liability, current liabilities, total liabilities, and total assets. 
Prepare projected balance sheets on the basis of above calculations.
Make remarks on the projected statements.

Once the analysis of the firm and its financial statements are completed, there are further questions that must be answered.One of the most critical is: “Can we really trust the numbers that are being provided?” There are many reported instances of accounting irregularities. Whether it is called aggressive accounting, earnings management, or outright fraudulent financial reporting, it is important for the financial professional to understand how these types of manipulations are perpetrated and more importantly, how to detect them (Masson, 2018)
13. respond with 150 words -odeny 
Prepare the projected income statement before the balance sheet. Start by forecasting sales as accurately as possible.

Use the percentage of sales method to project the cost of goods sold (CGS) and the expense items in the income statement. For example, if CGS is 70 percent of sales in the prior year then use that same percentage to calculate CGS in the future year. Items such as interest, dividends, and taxes must be treated independently and cannot be forecasted using the percentage-of-sales method.
Calculate the projected net income.
Subtract from the net income any dividends to be paid for that year. This remaining net income is Retained Earnings. Reflect the Retained Earnings total on both the income statement and balance sheet because this item is the key link between the two projected statements. Bring this retained earnings amount for that year (NI-DIV = RE) over to the balance sheet by adding it to the prior year’s RE shown on the balance sheet. The RE on the balance sheet is a cumulative number rather than money available for strategy implementation
Project the balance sheet items, beginning with retained earnings and then forecasting stockholder’s equity, long-term liabilities, current liabilities, total liabilities, total assets, fixed assets, and current assets (in that order). Use the cash account as the plug figure; that is use the cash account to make the assets total the liabilities and net worth. Then, make appropriate adjustments.
List comments on the projected statements. Any time a significant change is made in an item from a prior year to the projected year, a remark should be provided
14. respond with 150 words -Leveque 
There are many ways that strategies can be looked at depending on what it is that you are looking to do. Understanding what it is that your organization needs in order to succeed is the way that strategize is started. You have to be able to create the proper planning to provide to the people that are involved in building the business to its full potential. The job of management in these situations is to create an effective strategy that can be useful and that employees can believe in. Once the strategies are created and the plans are implemented, there has to be a later evaluation on if the strategies has worked and what can be done to improve them if change is needed further down the line. There are five characteristics of effective strategy evaluation to discuss. The first characteristic is that the strategy provides economic gains. Make sure information is current and just enough. The second characteristic is that the strategy is meaningful, making sure that “they should specifically relate to a firm’s objectives” (David/David.2020). Third the information should prove to be timely because information may be provided to management on the daily. Fourth, the strategy should b able to provide the true picture of what it is that is being accomplished. And finally, “the strategy-evaluation process should not dominate decisions” (David/David. 2020). Everyone involved has to be on the same page and agree equally with everything that has been decided.
David/David. 2020. Strategy Review, Evaluation, and Control. Strategic Management: A Competitive Advantage Approach. Concepts and Cases, 16/e  
14 respond with 150 words- stephanie

When it comes to five characteristics of effective strategy evaluation there are five characteristics that can be considered:
When implementing an effective characteristic, one should consider determining first, if their strategy is measurable. Which here is critical when deciding any type of factor, where here goals are formulated as well.
Also keeping in mind simulations would be incorporated to assess the effectiveness of it all.
Next would means to evaluate it performance, where sometimes it may require a few other adjustments. If it requires too much more money to continue then it may be necessary to implement, another approach.
After it is fully applied, the overall effectiveness will assess all the resources to verify all the objectives were met, if it has not been met to the expectations than it may be required to start over from scratch
It can also involve decision makers, where sometimes if it’s too much information it becomes too broad, then it is suggested to be reduced rather than increase the range (Punt and Donovan 2007; IWC 2012a).
It can also be expected to conduct assessments, knowing that errors ca be expected, consequently with the pretenses of making sure the available data is realistic and possible.
View attached explanation and answer. 
Discussion Response
13. Samantha
Projected financial statements can be defined as financial statements that give a financial picture that can be attained in the future by using current trends together with expectations (Evana et al., 2019). For projected financial statements to be made, current trend lines and expense percentages based on current revenue and expense ratios are used. Often, the projected financial statements given cannot be as accurate as they would be needed after using just the current trendlines and the expense percentages. Evana et al. (2019) explain that better projected financial statements can be given incorporating features that include a statement of cash flow, expense projections, firm’s growth pace, and the ability of the business t attract funding, among others.
Evana et al. (2019) also explain that projected financial statements are prepared through projecting expenses and revenue, creating financial projections, determining financial needs, using the projections for monitoring, planning for contingencies, and monitoring.
Evana, E., Metalia, M., & Mirfazli, E. (2019). Business Ethics in Providing Financial Statements: The Testing of Fraud Pentagon Theory on the Manufacturing Sector in Indonesia. Business Ethics and Leadership, 3(3), 68-77.
14. Stephanie
Several characteristics are considered when determining whether an evaluation strategy is effective or not. The first characteristic of an effective strategy is that it is one that provides feedback. According to Hieu and Nwachukwu (2019), an effective strategy must be able to provide efficient feedback. Also, When evaluating a strategy, one must check whether the data brought forth by the strategy is actionable. Thirdly, Hieu and Nwachukwu (2019) explain that an effective strategy is supposed to provide opportunities where deliberate practice can be employed. Additionally, an effective strategy is supposed to have a leveraging technology. Finally, an effective strategy must provide means through which the outcome can be measured and substantiated.
Hieu, V. M., & Nwachukwu, C. (2019). Strategy Evaluation Process and Strategic Performance Nexus. 

solved Choose ONE of the following films to watch and analyze:Â

Choose ONE of the following films to watch and analyze: 
Beasts of the Southern Wild (2012) / dir. Behn Zeitlin 
In Fabric (2018) / dir. Peter Strickland 
Hitchcock (2012) / dir. Sacha Gervasi 
Lost in Translation (2003) / dir. Sofia Coppola 
We Need to Talk about Kevin (2011) / dir. Lynne Ramsay 
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000) / dir. Ang Lee 
Roma (2018) / dir. Alfonso Cuarón 
Boyhood (2014) / dir. Richard Linklater 
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) / dir. Michel Gondry 
The Master (2012) / dir. Paul Thomas Anderson 
Memento (2001) / dir. Christopher Nolan 
Her (2013) / dir. Spike Jonze 
Spotlight (2015) / dir. Tom McCarthy 
The Royal Tenenbaums (2001) / dir. Wes Anderson 
The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014) / dir. Wes Anderson 
Inherent Vice (2014) / dir. Paul Thomas Anderson 
Carol (2015) / dir. Todd Haynes 
Slumdog Millionaire (2008) / dir. Danny Boyle 
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008) / dir. David Fincher 
Milk (2008) / dir. Gus Van Sant 
No Country for Old Men (2007) / dir. The Coen Brothers 
Juno (2007) / dir. Jason Reitman 
There Will Be Blood (2007) / dir. Paul Thomas Anderson 
Brokeback Mountain (2005) / dir. Ang Lee 
Million Dollar Baby (2004) / dir. Clint Eastwood 
Ray (2004) / dir. Taylor Hackford
The Hurt Locker (2008) / dir. Kathryn Bigelow 
District 9 (2009) / dir. Neill Blomkamp 
The King’s Speech (2010) / dir. Tom Hooper 
Black Swan (2010) / dir. Darren Aronofsky 
The Kids Are All Right (2010) / dir. Lisa Cholodenko 
BlacKkKlansman (2018) / dir. Spike Lee 
Vice (2018) / dir. Adam McKay 
The Favourite (2018) / dir. Yorgos Lanthimos 
The Big Short (2015) / dir. Adam McKay 
The Martian (2015) / dir. Ridley Scott 
Room (2015) / dir. Lenny Abrahamson 
The Revenant (2015) / dir. Alejandro Iñárritu 
Fences (2016) / dir. Denzel Washington 
La La Land (2016) / dir. Damien Chazelle 
Lion (2016) / dir. Garth Davis 
The Shape of Water (2017) / dir. Guillermo Del Toro 
Get Out (2017) / dir. Jordan Peele 
Us (2019) / dir. Jordan Peele 
Little Women (2019) / dir. Greta Gerwig 
Lady Bird (2017) / dir. Greta Gerwig 
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (2017) / dir. Martin McDonagh 
Little Miss Sunshine (2006) / dir. Valerie Faris & Jonathan Dayton
A Star is Born (2018) / dir. Bradley Cooper
Booksmart (2019) / dir. Olivia Wilde 
Synecdoche, New York (2008) / dir. Charlie Kaufman 
Mulholland Drive (2001) / dir. David Lynch 
The Florida Project (2017) / dir. Sean Baker 
Eighth Grade (2018) / dir. Bo Burnham 
Mid90s (2018) / dir. Jonah Hill 
The Last Black Man in San Francisco (2019) / dir. Joe Talbot 
Uncut Gems (2019) / dir. Josh Safdie & Benny Safdie 
The Lighthouse (2019) / dir. Robert Eggers 
Bend It Like Beckham (2002) / dir. Gurinda Chadha 
Logan (2017) / dir. James Mangold 
Birdman (or The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) (2014) / dir. Alejandro Iñárritu 
Can You Ever Forgive Me? (2018) / dir. Marielle Heller 
Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom (2020) / dir. George C. Wolfe 
Kubo and the Two Strings (2016) / dir. Travis Knight 
American Animals (2018) / dir. Bart Layton 
Boy Erased (2018) / dir. Joel Edgerton 
Tully (2018) / dir. Jason Reitman 
Emma. (2020) / dir. Autumn de Wilde 
The Triplets of Belleville (2003) / dir. Sylvain Chomet 
ParaNorman (2012) / dir. Chris Butler & Sam Fell 
Rango (2011) / dir. Gore Verbinski 
Spirited Away (2001) / dir. Hayao Miyazaki 
Howl’s Moving Castle (2004) / dir. Hayao Miyazaki 
The Farewell (2019) / dir. Lulu Wang 
Crazy Rich Asians (2018) / dir. Jon M. Chu 
Real Women Have Curves (2002) / dir. Patricia Cardoso 
The Babadook (2014) / dir. Jennifer Kent
Da 5 Bloods (2020) / dir. Spike Lee
Hereditary (2018) / dir. Ari Aster 
Midsommar (2019) / dir. Ari Aster
The Duke of Burgundy (2014) / dir. Peter Strickland 
Volver (2006) / dir. Pedro Almodóvar
Snowpiercer (2013) / dir. Bong Joon-Ho
The Host (2006) / dir. Bong Joon-Ho
Okja (2017) / dir. Bong Joon-Ho 
The Fall (2006) / dir. Tarsem Singh
Dunkirk (2017) / dir. Christopher Nolan 
Persepolis (2007) / dir. Marjane Satrapi & Winshluss 
Selma (2014) / dir. Ava DuVernay 
An Education (2009) / dir. Lone Scherfig 
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood (2019) / dir. Marielle Heller 
Moonlight (2016) / dir. Barry Jenkins 
If Beale Street Could Talk (2018) / dir. Barry Jenkins 
Mandy (2018) / dir. Panos Cosmatos 
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (2004) / dir. Wes Anderson 
***There are almost 100 films on this list so it is quite possibly you’ve seen some (or many) of them. Though it is not required for you to choose a film you have not seen, I would suggest choosing a film you have not seen so you may experience something new.***
Question A:

First, watch your chosen film. I would highly recommend taking detailed notes as you watch to help you in your writings. 
Look for STORYTELLING – Who is the protagonist?  What is their objective?   What are their obstacles?  If you had to break this film down into three sections:  Beginning, Middle, and End – what would be the three sentences you would use to tell me what is going on?
How does the film effectively use the rule of “Show, don’t tell”? What was particularly brilliant about the storytelling and the film’s use of visual cues? Remember, this is NOT about the acting; “Show, don’t tell” is when the camera moves to show YOU, the audience, something that clues you into something significant. [For example, the very end of Citizen Kane has a brilliant moment of “show, don’t tell” by the last image of the film, which is a close up of the sled burning in the fire…and we finally see “Rosebud”.  There is no acting involved here…it’s ALL camera work.]
What 2 brilliant moments of ACTING did you see in this film?  How so?  What do you think made it brilliant? (Think about emotional availability, movements, gestures, vocal inflection…) How did the actor bring the character to life?  What made them believable? [If you have chosen one of the animated films from the list, please talk about the voice acting AND the way the animation of the characters helps to enhance the actors’ vocal performances]
How did they use CINEMATOGRAPHY to tell this story?  Choose 3 different shots from the shot list that you learned last week and choose moments in the movie where you can name the shot, composition, etc. used and why they chose that one.   How was the story better because of that choice?
What about DESIGN? There are five aspects of design:   

Costume: Choose a character – what does the costume design tell you about this character?  Think about choice of color, texture of the material, extra bling. Choose 2 outfits and talk about why that choice of costume was perfect for the character. 
Props: Choose one thing an actor picked up and handled that told you something about their character?  How did they treat it?
Set: Where was this film set?  Do you think it was “on location” or they had a Green screen?  What makes you think so?   What did the set tell you about the world the characters live in?   Choose a setting that was perfect – notice a particular detail about the set that you never saw before.  How did noticing that add to the story?
Sound:   What sort of music was in this film?  Think about the instrumentation that you hear.  How did it make you feel when the movie started?  Was there ever utter silence?  How did the music help tell the story? Talk about a moment where you heard music.   What about the choice of songs throughout the film?  Why did they choose that song?  Music, lyrics…both?  What about the sound effects?  
Lights: Think about the section on lighting, and how it is so important to film.   When were there moments of backlight, low light, deep color saturation, washed out colors…how did that make you feel while watching it?  Choose 2 moments from the film where you are now really aware of why they made the choice of lighting that they did.  

Overall   Opinion:  What have you learned from doing this analysis?   Did you enjoy this film? Would you watch this film again? Why or why not?  Why should other people watch this film?

Question B:

Why you chose this film, what about the film interested you, why this film is important, etc. 
Why you’re excited to watch this film

solved Peer 1 liv After looking through the SAMHSA website, and

Peer 1 liv
After looking through the SAMHSA website, and all the grant programs that are listed, there was one that stuck out. The grant selected is the Sober Truth on Preventing Underage Drinking Act (STOP Act). This program was created to prevent and reduce the use of alcohol among youth and young adults ages 12-20 in the United States (Department of Health and Human Services, 2021). Eligibility for this grant is limited to domestic public and private nonprofit entities that are current or former Drug-Free Communities Support Program recipients. This program would assist in writing a grant proposal because it outlines the length of the current project, how continuations work, how eligibility works and how certain recipients may not be eligible, outlines how individuals apply for the grant and the shows how the review process is completed. The part of grant writing that I foresee being the most challenging would be understanding and explaining the federal award information. I feel like it would be challenging to understand the dollar amounts and the number of years and how it relates federally when writing grants. Obviously, it has to all be correct and nothing can be miswritten, so I feel like that would be difficult and I would need assistance with that. It is important for mental health workers to know how to research funding options for prevention programs because we will be in charge of either creating prevention programs, or finding programs that are useful for certain communities. If there are communities that are in need of a prevention program and they are not able to acquire that program on their own, they will need information on how to do that. Having information on grant programs or ways to help individuals earn those programs is extremely important. This is another way to help clients or communities get the resources they need. It is also a way to provide individuals with services that we may not be able to give them ourselves. 
·      Department of Health and Human Services. (2021). Sober Truth on Preventing Underage Drinking Act Grants. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Retrieved from
Peer 2 Melissa
Last year, Trinitas Regional Medical Center was awarded $1,600,000 in grants for the Primary and Behavioral Health Care Integration, PBHCI for short (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, SAMHSA, 2020). This grant was awarded for the duration of four years. Currently, there are no grants for the towns of Maplewood and South Orange. I’m wondering if it has to do with the affluent sections of both towns, and the fact that 96% of the population possess health care coverage. However, I think if the PBHCI was still in use, I would collaborate with Trinitas Regional Medical Center. The purpose of PBHCI is to establish projects for the provision of coordinated and integrated services through the co-location of primary and specialty care medical services in community-based behavioral health settings. The goal is to improve the physical health status of adults with serious mental illnesses (SMI), and those with co-occurring substance use disorders who have or are at risk for co-morbid primary care conditions and chronic diseases. The program’s objective is to support the triple aim of improving the health of individuals with SMI; enhancing the consumer experience of care (including quality, access, and reliability); and reducing/controlling the per capita cost of care.
Emerging research has documented the relationships among exposure to traumatic events, impaired neurodevelopmental and immune systems responses and subsequent health risk behaviors resulting in chronic physical or behavioral health disorders.[2] Unaddressed trauma significantly increases the risk of mental and substance use disorders and chronic physical illnesses. Many of these health conditions are preventable through routine health promotion activities, primary care screening, monitoring, treatment and care management /coordination strategies and/or other outreach programs (SAMHSA, 2020).
Screening for risk factors and biomarkers of postpartum depression is crucial. Trinitas has a few behavioral health services. Since I’m an employee, I would reach out to the employee responsible for the maternal health and child department since there is an outpatient service linked to it. I think the challenges would be:
1)     Applying for the grant and specifying in detail why I’m requesting. Postpartum depression is debilitating when it’s not treated. I would try to include accurate data to support my request, which means I would probably have little time to do it since the grant registration process six weeks in advance of the application due date.
2)     Competitive market. The fact that many behavioral health programs are adding medical treatment components to their service repertoire makes them even more competitive candidates for grant selection. 
3)     Requesting state certifications which might make it possible to receive state grants. But knowing who to address the request to could be difficult.
4)     Ensuring that whatever program I’m working on possesses evidence-based practices interventions.
Developing an outpatient treatment program is a major financial challenge, whether the program is entirely new or is part of an existing treatment entity. The process of program development requires careful planning and extensive work to ensure adequate financial support (SAMHSA, 2006). A new program incurs extensive costs for office space, furniture, staff, computers, and other equipment before it provides services to clients and can receive payments, significant amounts of upfront capital are needed. Understanding what’s involved to make a program sustainable is crucial for mental health workers because a program with only one major funding source is financially vulnerable if its funder’s budget or priorities change; dependence on one source should be avoided. Diversification of funding sources should be a major goal. Each funding stream usually has its own approval and reporting requirements.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (SAMHSA, 2006). Outpatient Treatment Financing Options and Strategies. Retrieved from
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (SAMHSA, 2020). Grants. Retrieved from
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (SAMHSA, 2020). Primary and Behavioral Health Care Integration. Retrieved from
Peer #3 Camilla
I was amazed at how many resources the SAMHSA website offered for applying for grants. Considering the “mock community case study” I see that grants are necessary. They have resources, but not near enough. There is a Tribal Opioid Response Grant available. The program aims to address the opioid crisis in tribal communities by increasing access to culturally appropriate and evidence-based treatment, including medication-assisted treatment using FDA approved medications for the treatment of opioid use disorder (OUD). In addition to focusing on OUD, recipients may also address stimulant misuse and use disorders, including cocaine and methamphetamine. The intent is to reduce unmet treatment need and opioid overdose-related deaths through the provision of prevention, treatment, and recovery support services for OUD and, if so desired, stimulant misuse and use disorders (SAMSHA, 2021).
This grant is only available to federally recognized American Indian or Alaska Native tribe. They greatest challenge would have the tribal council use the funds on true evidence-based treatments to help the community. The SAMHSA website walks you through every stage of the grant writing and application. They hardest part for me would be to how to apply the money to make the most of it and make sure it’s used for the best benefit.
Tribal Opioid Response Grant. (2021). SAMHSA.…

solved Purpose Students will complete a self-reflection assignment for the purpose

Purpose Students will complete a self-reflection assignment for the purpose of validating their clinical progress. The goal for this activity is to engage the student in considering how their clinical abilities and professional growth are changing. Activity Learning Outcomes Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to: Through this assignment, the student will: Review clinical encounters to identify gaps in experience. Propose a plan to narrow the gaps in experience. Identify their own feelings regarding their progress, achievement of personal goals and weaknesses. Chose two (2) NONPF CORE competencies and discuss how the student has met or plans to meet them in the future. Due Date: Assignment must be submitted by Saturday 11:59 p.m. MT of week 8. Nothing can be accepted AFTER the Week 8 deadline when the course closes. Total Points Possible: 50 Requirements: There are two parts to this assignment. In part 1, students will review their clinical experience documentation in to write a narrative about their experience thus far. Students should: Review their patient encounters and identify experience gaps in terms of age, acuity, certain procedures, level of complexity, etc. State how they plan to narrow this gap in future practicums (i.e., focus on seeing pediatric patients under the age of 5, finding a separate pediatric site for a later practicum, et cetera) Discuss how they have progressed throughout the practicum by identifying the goals that they have achieved and/or are still working toward Identify areas of weakness and communicate a plan to address these areas Choose two of the NONPF CORE competencies and describe either (a) how you have met them or (b) how you plan to work toward meeting them in the future. Provide specific examples from your clinical rotation as support. FNP NONPF CORE competencies can be found at: (Links to an external site.) Preparing the paper The written portion of this assignment is to be completed in a WORD document (.doc) and submitted to the course. Grammar, punctuation, spelling should be observed. In-text citations and reference page should follow APA format. Assignments will not be accepted once the course closes in Week 8. ASSIGNMENT CONTENT Category Points % Description Identify gaps in patient experiences 10 20% After reviewing the clinical encounter summary, the student identifies any gaps in specific patient experiences (i.e. ages, acuities, complexities, procedures, assessments, etc.) and introduces a plan to narrow this gap in future practicum experiences. The student also outlines their practicum plan for the remaining classes. Discuss progression in clinical 10 20% The student discusses their overall progression in this clinical rotation; specifically identifying personal goals that were achieved or how the student plans to achieve in future practicum experiences. Identify areas of weakness 10 20% The student identifies specific areas of weakness in the clinical setting and communicates a plan to address these deficiencies. NONPF competencies 10 20% Student choses two NONPF CORE competencies and describes how the competencies were met or how the student plans to meet. Specific examples from the clinical rotation should be provided. 40 80% Total CONTENT Points= 40 pts ASSIGNMENT FORMAT Category Points % Description Organization, spelling, grammar and APA format 10 20% Narrative summary is provided with consideration to organization, spelling, grammar and APA format. 10 20% Total FORMAT Points= 10 ASSIGNMENT TOTAL= 50 points RubricWeek 8 Reflection Assignment_Sept19Week 8 Reflection Assignment_Sept19CriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAssignment Content Possible Points = 40 PointsThe student identifies at least one gap in specific patient experiences (i.e. ages, acuities, complexities, procedures, assessments, etc.)ANDThe student outlines their practicum plan for the next 4 coursesANDThe student presents a brief plan to narrow the gaps within the context of the planned practicum rotations. (3 critical elements)10 ptsExcellentNarrative is logical and all 3 critical elements are present9 ptsV. GoodNarrative is logical BUT 1 critical element is missing8 ptsSatisfactoryNarrative is logical BUT 2 critical elements are missing5 ptsNeeds Improvement1-2 critical elements are missing AND The narrative is not logical, is too vague, or difficult to follow0 ptsUnsatisfactory3 critical elements are missing10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProgression DiscussionThe student discusses their overall progression in this clinical rotation by identifying the following:1) One professional goal that was achieved2) One goal that was not achieved3) A plan in future practicums to achieve the goal that was not met.(3 critical elements required)10 ptsExcellentNarrative is logical and all 3 critical elements are present9 ptsV. GoodNarrative is logical BUT 1 critical element is missing8 ptsSatisfactoryNarrative is logical BUT 2 critical elements are missing5 ptsNeeds Improvement1-2 critical elements are missing AND The narrative is not logical, is too vague, or difficult to follow0 ptsUnsatisfactory3 critical elements are missing10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeImprovement PlanThe student identifies a minimum of three specific areas of professional weakness in the clinical settingANDThe student communicates a clear plan address these deficiencies. (2 critical elements required)10 ptsExcellent2 critical elements are present and complete9 ptsV. GoodStudent identifies 2 specific areas of professional weakness in the clinical setting AND The student communicates a clear plan to address these deficiencies8 ptsSatisfactoryStudent identifies 1 specific area of professional weakness in the clinical setting AND The student communicates a clear plan to address these deficiencies5 ptsNeeds ImprovementStudent identifies 1-3 specific areas of professional weakness BUT The student’s plan to improve on the deficiencies is not clear0 ptsUnsatisfactoryStudent does not identify any specific areas of professional weakness OR The student does not identify a plan to improve on the deficiencies10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCORE NONPF CompetenciesStudent choses 2 CORE NONPF competenciesANDThe student describes how the CORE competency was met or how the student plans to meet the CORE competencyAND2 specific examples from the clinical rotation are provided for each CORE competency. (3 critical elements required)10 ptsExcellentAll 3 critical elements are present and complete9 ptsV. GoodStudent choses 2 CORE NONPF competencies AND The student describes how the CORE competencies were met or how the student plans to meet the CORE competencies BUT The student provides only 1 specific example from the clinical rotation for each CORE competency8 ptsSatisfactoryStudent chooses 1-2 CORE NONPF competencies AND The student describes how the CORE competencies were met BUT The student does not provide any specific examples from the clinical rotation for the CORE competency5 ptsNeeds ImprovementStudent chooses 1-2 competency areas, but the CORE competencies are not discussed specifically0 ptsUnsatisfactoryThe student does not address any of the NONPF competency areas or CORE competencies10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAssignment Format Possible Points = 10 PointsNarrative summary is provided with consideration to organization, spelling, grammar and APA format. (2 critical elements required)10 ptsExcellentSummary is clear & easy to follow. AND There are 2 or less errors in spelling, grammar or in-text/reference APA format9 ptsV. GoodSummary is clear to follow AND There are 3-4 errors in spelling, grammar or in-text/reference APA format8 ptsSatisfactorySummary is clear to follow AND There are 5-6 errors in spelling, grammar or in-text/reference APA format5 ptsNeeds ImprovementSummary is clear to follow AND There are 7-9 errors in spelling, grammar or in-text reference APA format0 ptsUnsatisfactorySummary is difficult to follow/understand OR There are 10 or more errors in spelling, grammar or in-text reference APA format10 ptsTotal Points: 50

solved I will need my initial discussion post first and then

I will need my initial discussion post first and then two classmates replys done on their discussion posts.Complete the Self Assessment activity. Based on your completed skills assessment and other textbook worksheets, what field might be a good fit for you? What field might not be a good fit? Are your ideas feasible? Explain.Note: In your discussion thread title, include your name and the title of your idea or business.To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric document. Aimee Darwin Rental Properties is the title thread What my field might be a good fit for me was being a landlord. what field I am not good at is selling items. Yes my ideal is feasible because my husband has background in doing a small business in is my 1st classmate response needed.2-1 Discussion – Aliza Hunter – Cannabis Executive and Business OwnerAliza Hunter posted Jul 6, 2021 4:28 PMGood Afternoon Everyone!I hope you all had a safe and enjoyable 4th of July!After completing the skill assessments and other worksheets I found as if the field I am working towards currently is a great fit for me. I have discovered that there are many flaws within local dispensary operations as well as critical weaknesses in how they treat their current consumers. Because of our remote location, there is a considerable shortage of products available to consumers, leaving them to purchase within the black market, which is what we are trying to eliminate. Because I am a self-starter and highly motivated, I as well as my husband and close partners, are working on bringing a business plan to life, eliminating some or all these issues. I understand that this journey will take many hours and an incredible amount of responsibility to complete, ensuring future substantial growth. My past employment as General Manager in different roles and industries has assisted in understanding just what this journey entails. I have been passionate to learn critical problem-solving in my time with SNHU and feel as if I have the tools necessary to begin the process, very confident in the pursuit.To be honest, I would like to build a nationwide company that becomes a household name. As this industry continues to grow and as federal drug schedules change and lessen, the opportunity is present to build an empire. As far as values are concerned, this journey is not about the money….my pursuit is to create a culture, within the industry, of trust and devotion, not only to our team members but to our fellow executives as well. Employees and employers will know and fully understand how their role contributes to the success and future of the business. I am a manager with a passion for the people. Employees, employers, and consumers all have needs that must be satisfied to sustain a profitable business. An open-door policy and a strict and unwavering work ethic assists me in retaining employees as well as valuable consumer growth.Currently, production and design are complete and operational for the dispensary location and products that we will be selling to the consumer. However, we are still working on the design and operational finalization for the security and transportation services that we will also be offering within the industry in our state. This is a business that my husband and I will be primary owners of, with assistance from our partners out of Bozeman, MT. The idea is that we will offer transportation and security of cannabis products and cash throughout the state of Montana for producers and owners. Transportation of product and cash will be between the grow operation and dispensaries, where products are sold directly to consumers. We are all deeply passionate about cannabis and what producers offer to the consumer in health benefits. We also know that those very same owners and grow operators are not able to get products to dispensaries on a consistent basis because of where we are geographically. It is a long drive across the state of Montana. Because traveling across the state is ridiculously time-consuming, we would allow the owner or operators to stay and complete necessary tasks within their business model, rather than move product and be away from the office for 3 or more days a week. The most exciting thing about this business venture is that the industry will be booming once recreational sales begin in January of 2022. This service will be highly valued as long as we can price our services correctly.As you can see from my discussion post, a position that would not be fitting would be to work for anyone else or in any other industry. Deirdra- Physical TherapyDeirdra Crocker posted Jul 6, 2021 11:20 AMHello Class,After taking the self-assessment activity as well as completing the in-textbook worksheets the field that may be a good fit for me would be in the healthcare industry opening a more affordable Physical Therapy clinic keeping the same high-quality services. My business idea is to have a clinic that is in a gym setting, that offers rehabilitation, and performance enhancement to athletes of all ages as well as the needs of the general public. After completing the “Think Like an Entrepreneur,” worksheet I was able to see that I have the ability to see the opportunities when other’s see problems. I can see that it can become a financial burden when people aren’t able to afford the services that they require to maintain a pain-free lifestyle. I am persistent and do not give up easily on things so being able to be in a clinic and see other’s succeed and meeting their physical goals would be a success in my eyes. I can also be innovative and think outside the box this would do well in a clinic because I would be thinking of new ways and exercises to get the patient’s care delivered to them. On the “Four C’s,” worksheet after answering the questions out of the 4 categories challenges showed to be the most important to me. This is important in a clinic because all clients have their own different issues going on, and sometimes you have to think and challenge your self the best way to give them the best service to get back to a healthy state. As far as challenges a field like physical therapy could end up feeling stale and I would have to look for new ways to get the client to continue their services by going and learning new educational techniques that will allow them to improve their care as the health care field changes on a daily basis. Overall, I think being in the health care field is a great fit for me as I always have seen myself to be helping others. One field that wouldn’t be a good fit for me would be a big corporation that is very cut-throat because I am more of a person that likes compassion. I need to understand that things go on in people’s lives. A lot of times in a big corporation the money is the bottom line not the success of the people. I think that my ideas are feasible once I have the knowledge that I need to open my own business. I think that there are many steps that you need to know and understand to be able to put your foot in the right direction. Not only have the knowledge you would need to have the financial stability to support you to get started and to support you at the beginning of your journey. I would like to open a clinic that has a more affordable approach whether clients have insurance or not there tends to be a financial burden left behind. This can really put people into positions whether to get the services or just suffer with the pain that they are having. This really enlightens me to be able to open a clinic that not only is more affordable but also still provides the high quality of services that people should receive whether or not they have the funds to pay for it. Another great reason for these services is because in the town that I live in there is a lack of physical therapy clinics, especially ones that serve athletes. In this area in general, there are not many places that provide rehabilitation or performance enhancement in a gym setting. Overall, I think this is a feasible idea as the physical therapy market is underserved, and we would be providing lower prices with high quality and convenience with great customer service. Good luck to everyone!Excited to see what you’re ideas are! We are all in this together!!!