solved 2-page paper that describe the marketing channels my your t-shirt

2-page paper that describe the marketing channels my your t-shirt company in the apparel industry. the paper needs to be in APA format, include a title page, and a reference listDescribe the marketing channels you will use to promote ourt-shirt company to reach the targeted market. Describe the benefit and goal for each channel. Describe how you will measure the Return on Investment (ROI) for each marketing channel. Be sure to introduce the company in the beginning paragraph.Introduce your company (1-2 paragraph)Choose two traditional marketing channels.Choose two digital marketing channels.Why would each of these four channels be a benefit to your market?What is the goal for each marketing channel?How will you measure the Return on Investment (ROI) for each channel?

solved Topic – Replication, Transcription and Translation in Nano-medicine Instructions:- Org

Topic – Replication, Transcription and Translation in Nano-medicine Instructions:-
Organize your paper in the following sections:
Problem – Pick a problem that potentially can be addressed by modifying/tweaking/applying these fundamental process. ”( I want the paper to be about pcr so I suggest that the problem is we can’t usually detect small amounts of DNA, and in order to detect it we use pcr test to amplify the gene and detect it )”
Introduction – Describe the problem and significanceSolution – Describe the solution and specifically mention how it relates to any of the three processes 
Products – Mention if there are any current products/processes/tests available in the marketRelevance to Nanomedicine – Specifically describe relevance to nanomedicine

solved Social ProblemsIn Unit 1, in your problem statement, you identified

Social ProblemsIn Unit 1, in your problem statement, you identified the social problem your program will be addressing, the target population, type of services, and setting. This week, you will expound upon the etiology of the social problem. In your primary post respond to the following questions:What social problem(s) does your program address? What are the societal factors that contribute to the social problem(s)? Explain the micro, mezzo and macro level factors from a systems theory perspective. What political, religious and cultural values affect the problem, both historically and today? Last, what are the social and economic costs to society related to the social problem? Identify at least three academic scholarly references to back up and support your response.

solved According to Max Weber, the traditional source of wealth–owning the

According to Max Weber, the traditional source of wealth–owning the means of production–isn’t the only factor in determining social status (Chapter 9: Social Stratification in the U.S.). How does Weber conceptualize power and prestige? Why does he argue that power and prestige, in addition to material wealth, are important factors in determining a person’s social status? Then, consider that half of all children grow up to have the same socioeconomic class as their parents. Discuss the ways in which Pierre Bourdieu’s concept of cultural capital influences this phenomenon, and see this video for a depiction of how this works: 
Link to video 

Link to textbook (use ch.9)…

solved Research paper is to be uploaded into the assignment in

Research paper is to be uploaded into the assignment in PDF format, double spaced, 12 pt font, Times New Roman, and to include a works cited page with a minimum of 3 references. MLA format is preferred. Paper is to be 4-6 pages in length and then to include a works cited page which then makes the paper 5-7 that we did not cover to research as long as it fits within the criteria below. 1) Compare and contrast two forms of ethnic or social Dance.2) Compare and contrast two choreographers in the genre of your choice.3) Compare and contrast two periods of Ballet.4) How did Ted Shawn change the role of the male Modern dancer?5) How did Isadora Duncan change the role of the female Modern dancer?6) How did German Modern Dance influence the arts role during the war?

solved Part1: Read any one Chapter 12. Integrated Marketing Communication and

Part1: Read any one Chapter 12. Integrated Marketing Communication and Media Choices or Chapter 13. Social Media, pick any one topic and write a brief summary on it and 
Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:

Discuss the types of coupons you have used and those you have rarely used. What prompted you to use these types of coupons? Do coupons provide real benefits, or are they merely sales and promotion gimmicks?

Have you ever recommended a particular product to a friend or bought a product based on a recommendation from a friend. Would you be more likely to buy a product based on word-of-mouth or advertising? Why?

Part2: Activity: Create a press kit that will be sent to customers and the media announcing a new product launch.

solved Chapter 4. Emotions and Moods Chapter 5. Personality and Values

Chapter 4. Emotions and Moods
Chapter 5. Personality and Values
Initial Postings: Read and reflect on the assigned readings for the week. Then post what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding in each assigned textbook chapter.Your initial post should be based upon the assigned reading for the week, so the textbook should be a source listed in your reference section and cited within the body of the text. Other sources are not required but feel free to use them if they aid in your discussion.
Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:
Some might argue that emotional regulation is an unethical behavior. Why might someone take this position?

solved I’m working on a business writing question and need an

I’m working on a business writing question and need an explanation to help me learn.

Answer the following questions in as great detail as possible:1. What is the advantage of a strategic alliance over direct investment when entering a foreign market?2. Why is finding financial assistance for international expansion more difficult than finding such help for domestic expansion?3. Name a form of countertrade and when it would be an appropriate strategy.4. Choose three foreign markets and find the customs and courtesies for greetings in those countries (possibly using the Internet as a source).5. What countries are riskier markets for small businesses to enter? Why? Where would you find information regarding political stability, financial risks, and cultural differences?

solved The purpose behind this mini-project is to let you apply

The purpose behind this mini-project is to let you apply what we learnt in chapter 6 (segmentation) in a fun context – creating a print ad. Specifically, how the segmentation based on psychographics (lifestyle) can drive your advertising strategy. Lifestyle is defined as a person’s pattern of living as expressed in his or her activities, interest, and opinions. The most commonly used lifestyle classification is SRI Value and Lifestyles (VALS). Based on two major dimensions of primary motivation and resources, it divides consumers into groups as you see in the figure below. Thinkers group only is what I need for this assignment. It is a group project and we are three members, ( what thinking process your group went through) so try to explain this as a group work.

solved Each student will write a letter (email) to each of

Each student will write a letter (email) to each of their two US senators for the state where they claim residence and their representative from their district to the US House of Representatives. It can be the same letter. It must be thoughtful, well-written, and correctly formatted. It should not exceed one page. You may choose a public health issue of concern to you. In the letter, you should state the problem and why it is a problem (use data to support the concern and ), and share why you are concerned and what should be done about it to advance your cause. You will upload into Canvas the letter and proof of submitting these three letters. write to senators of California San Diego I need you to write about the parking lot issue in San Diego California’s down town