solved Jerry is a 20-year-old racecar driver. He currently weighs 175

Jerry is a 20-year-old racecar driver. He currently weighs 175 pounds, 5’ 7” tall and 22% body fat. He would like to lose weight to improve his driving performance and so he can fit into his car more comfortably. He is a full-time student at a local college and spends his free time at the garage with his racing team. Due to his busy schedule, he eats out for lunch and dinner every day. His goal is to lose 15-20 pounds within the next 4-6 months.Questions:1. Do you support Jerry’s goal to lose weight? Please provide three specific suggestions you would give Jerry to help him reach his goals of weight loss.2. Calculate Jerry’s energy needs.3. We know weight is not as important as body composition. What if Jerry reduced his body fat to 17%, what would he weigh?

solved Develop this section further focusing only on Second Language Acquisition

Develop this section further focusing only on Second Language Acquisition using SLA concept and theories.
Second Language Acquisition
Second learning acquisition refers to the process that one follows when learning the second language (Hartshorne et al., 2018). After fully developing competence in the first language, one gets to explore some of the well-known approaches that may improve their skills and understanding of the second language. The acquisition of a second language differs from first language learning since one has to learn from scratch in the first language (Larsen?Freeman, 2018). Second language acquisition mainly revolves around the initial language that allows one to relate the acquired information about the second language to the initial language. 

solved Imagine that you are the customer service manager for a

Imagine that you are the customer service manager for a restaurant. Recently, several of your customers became ill, some seriously, from an ingredient that was mishandled by your supplier. Write a letter to the media to communicate your company’s position on this matter and restore the public’s confidence in your restaurant. In your letter, be sure to describe the source of the problem and your company’s response.
Develop a response that includes examples and evidence to support your ideas, and which clearly communicates the required message to your audience. Organize your response in a clear and logical manner as appropriate for the genre of writing. Use well-structured sentences, audience-appropriate language, and correct conventions of standard American English.

solved cYour topic is “Genius”. You are required to submit a

cYour topic is “Genius”. You are required to submit a 3-page, double-space typed essay with a creative title of your own making. Three sources are posted for your research: (1) the Newsweek article titled “The Puzzle of Genius” that you consulted at the beginning of this semester, (2) a biographical sketch on Leonardo da Vinci authored by Giorgio Vasari (1511-1574), and finally (3) one of Leonardo da Vinci’s essays from his notebooks titled “The Painter.”When you write your essay, be sure to include all three sources in your discussion. You are also allowed (encouraged) to consult other sources as needed. I’m interested in your own personal perspective as you discuss what “genius” means to you, and your agreements (or disagreements) with the three sources consulted.

solved Write a response to the story you read that focuses

Write a response to the story you read that focuses on how one element in the story (character(s), plot, setting, theme, narration/point of view, symbols and imagery functions within the story in an interesting an important way. What do you notice about that element of fiction and the way it works in the story that may not be obvious at first? In other words, I’m asking you to make an argument about some aspect of the story you read and support it with evidence from the text so that your peers that likely have not ready your story can better understand your point/argument. Also add a bit about whether you would recommend the story. Why or why not? You can post this response as a written, visual, audio, or multimedia response. It should be about 1-2 pages if written

solved I’m working on a communications writing question and need a

I’m working on a communications writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Because interpersonal communication affects us and others, our interactions involve ethical choices. Describe a situation that involved an ethical choice and the communication practices that were used to address the issue. You can choose a personal experience or one that you know about.
Ethical issues could include whether or not to lie, withholding certain information from someone else, or passing on a message to a third party that was told in confidence. Explain the ethical situation was handled. (For example, did they avoid the decision at first? Did they engage in dual perspective to figure out why one person would want them to not tell others certain information, etc.?) 

solved Please read the article in The Economist entitled “The Value

Please read the article in The Economist entitled “The Value of Freeing Ideas, Not Just Locking Them Up”, which you can read by clicking this link: Open Future – The value of freeing ideas, not just locking them up | Open Future | The Economist (Links to an external site.)Watch the documentary, “Genius on Hold”, which is available on Amazon Prime. You may also find it on YouTube or another online platform. the article to the documentary, “Genius On Hold” with the article in the Economist. Should AT&T have a claim to the patents in the documentary or not? If so, why? If not, why? Write a 500-1000 words paper and give your opinion of whether you think the current patent system encourages innovation or discourages it.

solved Please read the Case-8.3 “Tham Luang Cave Rescue.”from Chapter 8

Please read the Case-8.3 “Tham Luang Cave Rescue.”from Chapter 8 “Scheduling Resources and Costs” given in your textbook – Project Management: The Managerial Process 8th edition by Larson and Gray page no: 304-307 also refer to specific concepts you have learned from the chapter to support your answers. Answer the questions given below taken from the case study as deliverables where you should consider the milestones and technical requirements. Answers to all 3 Questions should be within 500 Words limit.How did the physical environment of the cave affect the rescue plan? (2 Marks)How did the rescue team respond to the risks of the project? (2 Marks)Some have called the rescue a miracle and that luck was the decisive factor. Do you agree? Explain. (1 Mark)

solved Trabajo final escrito- WORD Escoja una empresa y un ejecutivo

Trabajo final escrito- WORD
Escoja una empresa y un ejecutivo de esa empresa, para que investigue. Por ejemplo, Steve Jobbs y Apple, Jeff Bezos y Amazon, Zuckerberg de Facebook, Elon de Tesla.

Se le pedirá que entregue un trabajo de investigación de 5 páginas sobre un gerente de alto perfil Incluya información sobre los antecedentes personales y profesionales, el estilo de gestión y las habilidades de esta persona e investigue por qué esta persona es (o no) un gerente / líder tan eficaz. Por favor, también aborde dentro de su perfil todos los siguientes objetivos:
Estilo de liderazgo y manejo de conflictos, incluya ejemplos
Prácticas éticas de la empresa
Estructura organizacional
Cultura Organizacional de la empresa
Su papel debe contener lo siguiente:

solved Watch the video “Science Curriculum for Early Childhood Education” You

Watch the video “Science Curriculum for Early Childhood Education” You will develop an extended science lesson using the EIEIO approach.EXCITE to spark curiosity.INTRODUCE the investigation.EXPLORE to deepen understanding.INTERACT to facilitate learning based on individual strengths and needs.OUTCOMES to find evidence of learning.Create a science lesson, which integrates the creative arts in each of the steps above. Feel free to make this lesson anything you want it to be; however, be sure that it concentrates on science and employs the arts in its methods. Be sure to clearly state what your main objectives are, your procedure (for each component) and the materials needed. What Habits of Mind did you use to complete this assignment and how did they assist you?