solved The company that the Project is based upon is Target.

The company that the Project is based upon is Target. The questions needs to be answered in a word document and an excel spreadsheet. The five articles needs to be based upon anything about their strategy , their situation ,New management , big scandals , Lawsuits and new trends. In the excel spreadsheet include the ” Line chart of year to -year stock prices over the last 10 years , calcualted ratios of the company ( show formula and calculations ) , Create a common size balance sheet and income statement , create a trend analysis of revenue , Net income , Total Assets and total equity for past 5 years. Some of these things are already created if you find it just cite it and also cite the articles , everything needs to be in APA. I uploaded the task on the bottom.

solved Watch the two Youtube videos about borderline personality disorder4 points:

Watch the two Youtube videos about borderline personality disorder4 points: Write a 300-600 word response that includes the following:How did each person experience BPD (i.e., symptoms), what symptoms or experiences were especially notable for each, and what impact did it have on their lives?What did you learn and what were you surprised by?How did these people describing their experiences living with BPD differ from pop-culture portrayals?1 point: APA format including the following components:12-point Times New Roman font, double spaced. Title Page (Links to an external site.) and page numbers (sample image) (Links to an external site.) In text citations (Links to an external site.) for the videos (required) and any other sources (optional) you useReferences list

solved I’m stuck on a Writing question and need an explanation.

I’m stuck on a Writing question and need an explanation.

Reflect on your practice with a one paragraph upload. You may want to write about your thoughts on a specific chakra/dosha meditation or practice. Or the combined effect from your week’s practice. CHAKRAS ASANA7 Chakra Meditations (Links to an external site.Asana PracticeGrounding Into Gratitude – Root Chakra YogaGrounding Into Gratitude – Root Chakra Yoga – Yoga With Adriene (Links to an external site.)Yoga for Creativity – 2nd ChakraYoga For Creativity | Yoga With Adriene (Links to an external site.)Third Chakra YogaThird Chakra Yoga – Show Your Gold (Links to an external site.

solved From the movie The Matrix, look at the following prompts

From the movie The Matrix, look at the following prompts and choose from one of them to write a five-paragraph paper (introduction, three body paragraphs and conclusion).You are working on Prompt #3, which discusses free will. You are arguing that free will does not exist.Hello! Here is a link that you MUST cite in the paper:…Here are some other links below. You CANNOT cite these in the paper. They can be helpful.……You also must cite specific instances of the movie.All citations are in MLA format.Also, like it says in the prompt, be sure to compare and contrast the ideas of Plato and Descartes in your writing.

solved summative Lessons Learned PaperIn this paper, apply concepts from throughout

summative Lessons Learned PaperIn this paper, apply concepts from throughout the course. Lessons Learned from the slidesPlease select 4 core principals or lessons that you learned in this course that you prefer over others. Provide a brief analysis and apply these lessons to real problems that you know or anticipate.Learning objectives:Analyze lessons learned.Judge whether collaborative strategies are appropriate in a given real context, and articulate arguments for and against using collaborative versus agonistic approaches to improve democratic practice or policy outcomes.Practice and refine written communication skills.Structure:Approximately 8 pages, double-spaced, plus references, figures, etc. is the link for the attached files

solved Presentation time is two minutes. Penalty for going under or

Presentation time is two minutes. Penalty for going under or over applies to final grade. Assignment stresses organization and slides, less emphasis on skills.PresentationsNeed: title slide, agenda slide, content slides, and conclusion slide – 6 slides maximumCreate an effective hook in your opening with purpose, preview and credibilityState your main ideas clearly and keep the audience’s attentionNeed to have at least four visuals in the presentation – anywhereHave an effective closing with a call to action – try using a visual – do not rehash your agenda topicsEnd your presentation by asking if the audience would like to know anything else (questions) and thank them for their attention and timeRemember what makes a good presentation: story, slides and you!

solved What does the word “culture” mean to you? Do you

What does the word “culture” mean to you?

Do you have a sense of yourself as having a “culture”? Why or why not?
What is your culture? How would you describe it, and how do you express it?
When did you first understand that your culture was different from others around you? Or has

your culture typically been the dominant one in most of your day to day interactions and

How is your culture, or aspects of your culture, represented in the media? Are you someone

whose culture is considered the “norm” or “standard” by which all other cultures are judged?
Or are you someone whose culture has been marginalized or stigmatized in our society?

What are the best parts of your culture? What are parts you don’t like or wish you could


solved Topic: Credit and Debt: -What is a home equity loan?Your

Topic: Credit and Debt: -What is a home equity loan?Your submitted Word Doc will include your written information on your chosen topic and must cover all the questions and provide some analysis. No citation or bibliography is required; however, your paper must include original or paraphrased information. No direct quotes will be accepted. Turnitin will be used to assess academic integrity.Answer all the questions in your chosen topic.Provide some analysisStick to the time limitations.Divide the work fairly between your group members.If you have group dynamic issues you must problem-solve this yourself.If you have tried everything and cannot problem-solve this, then and only then approach me with the issue.See the rubric below to help guide you on the expectations.

solved I’m working on a management discussion question and need an

I’m working on a management discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

I have this 1 Easy Discussion on IT-402: Integrated Enterprise Systems
Q1.What are the three main functions that an enterprise needs to perform to establish Process Quality? and provide an example about one of the quality functional deployment methodology and tools that translate the customer needs into the attributes of a product or service? and discuss this example in a context of any organization.
Answer here:
2 Comments in about same discussion:
C1: …
C2: …
– – Use your own words, Do not copy paste.
– – Use minimum two references to support your answer.
– – Topic of the Discussion (200 words)
– – Topic of the Comments (20-60 words)

solved Post a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate

Post a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate days for full participation. This includes your initial post and 2 replies to classmates or your faculty member.Due Thursday Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:What is the most important information when reviewing the results of a complete blood (CBC) test?How do you differentiate between a mildly abnormal, urgent,or emergent result?What steps might you take for a white blood cell count of 30,000?What steps might you take for a hemoglobin of 10? What steps might you take for a hemoglobin of 7?Would your management be different for a 35-year-old female versus a 67-year-old female?Due MondayPost 2 replies to classmates or your faculty member comparing response. Be constructive and professional.