solved English 1302: Comp II Prof Brown Topic: “How have the

English 1302: Comp II
Prof Brown
Topic: “How have the goals of feminists changed over the decades in 2000’s?”
Purpose: To write an Annotated Bibliography that includes 6 sources with each containing a brief summary of the source’s thesis and how it could possibly be used in the final exam Argumentative Research paper. The Annotated Bibliography MUST have:

an MLA heading and format
a centered title with a hint to the working thesis
a working thesis which must contain the issue and your stand on the issue–if you know what evidence you will use in the paper, include a direction statement with a preview of the evidence topics.
a list of 6 sources in alphabetical order, in the style of an MLA Works Cited page with the short paragraph or annotation below each source.

solved I attached the file that you must Summaries You must

I attached the file that you must Summaries You must Summaries this file that i attached Word format only This is the step Read the original document.ï‚· Reread and mark essential material.ï‚· Cut and paste the key information.ï‚· Redraft the information in your own organizational pattern and words.ï‚· Edit your draft.ï‚· Compare your version with the original document.Forms of Summarized Information:ï‚· Closing Summary (Comes in the Conclusion, Reviews main findings in preceding sections)ï‚· Informative Abstract (Precedes the full report, condenses what the whole document contains)ï‚· Descriptive Abstract (Appears on the title page, Describes only what the document covers)ï‚· Executive Summary (Precedes the full report, Helps guide the thinking of decision makers)

solved Select a Saudi company that operates in Europe and/or Africa,

Select a Saudi company that operates in Europe and/or Africa, and write (a minimum of 500 word) report covering the following points:

Present the study report with clear Introduction and Conclusion including your own views.
Conduct a SWOT analysis for your chosen company based on your research.

Strengths: List the strengths of the selected company;
Weaknesses: Describe the areas of weakness in the company’s operations;
Opportunities: Examine factors that may improve the company’s chances of success;
Threats: List the external threats to the business company’s success

Analyze the political, economic, cultural and legal challenges the company currently faces in any of the country it operates (select one country in which the company operates for this analysis).


solved Besides consulting other materials, read chapter 4 and chapter 5

Besides consulting other materials, read chapter 4 and chapter 5 thoroughly and write detailed answer for following questions.
Assignment Questions
a). Describe the major techniques used to elicit tacit knowledge.( minimum 150 words)
b). Write a short essay on topic titled, “Explicit Knowledge codification”. The essay must contain information about, how explicit knowledge is codified and made available in organization. ( minimum 150 words)
a). Describe the role of “Communities of practice” in Knowledge management. ( minimum 150 words)
b). Provide a detailed description of major roles and responsibilities in a community of practice. ( minimum 150 words)
Q.3: How Knowledge sharing takes place in virtual Communities of Practice. ( minimum 150 words)

solved There are times when a nurse must provide care for

There are times when a nurse must provide care for a client who is agitated and verbally or physically aggressive. The client may be psychotic, but the nurse must, in each case, remain in control of his/her own feelings, and intervene in the most appropriate manner.undefinedAfter watching a segment regarding a violent client at Bellevue Hospital, answer the questions below. It’s not necessary to critique the staff in the video, just think of how you might respond.undefinedundefinedViolent Client at Bellevue Hosptial VideoundefinedDescribe a time when a client was rude or verbally abusive to you. How did you react?undefinedWhat skills were necessary to maintain a professional, caring, therapeutic relationship?undefinedHow did you best communicate with this client?

solved Consider the introduction of Penelope’s response to Phemius, and Telemachus’

Consider the introduction of Penelope’s response to Phemius, and Telemachus’ words to her on pages 88-89 (specifically lines 409-414):So, mother,go back to your quarters. Tend to your own tasks,the distaff and the loom, and keep the womenworking hard as well. As for giving orders,men will see to that, but I most of all:I hold the reins of power in this house.,Is this the behavior Athena desired of Telemachus when she says, “Reach down deep in your heart and soul/ For a way to kill these suitors in your house,/ By stealth or in open combat./ You must not cling to your boyhood any longer–/ It’s time you were a man” (page 87, lines 338-341)? Is this the way men are expected to speak to women? The way sons speak to their mothers? How can you explain Telemachus’ tone?

solved Case study analysis of your team vs. a rival from

Case study analysis of your team vs. a rival from your own industry. A rival is another team one place higher or lower.
You are trying to convince a million dollar investor to buy your stock over your rival.
3/4 – 1 page single spaced Executive Summary (here is how to write and ES – Writing an Executive Summary that Means Business- Harvard Business Review.pdf download). This should be an overview of the entire paper.
Introduction- historical breakdown of your company.
Body – Use data from BSG, plus two investing metrics not provided by the BSG.
Definition of ratios used
Ten year analysis of the ratios
Discussion of findings.
Conclusion – Summarize findings and pitch your company. This is also where you define what you discovered about business through the BSG game.

solved Student will develop a power-point presentation on endotracheal tube care

Student will develop a power-point presentation on endotracheal tube care and tracheostomy care; this presentation will include the different between Closed (in-line) suctioning and sterile suctioning of a tracheostomy tube.Use the ATI: Skills Airway Management Step by Step Videos to develop this presentation1.Slide 1 – Title2.Slide 2- 3 – the required steps on how to properly care/clean an endotracheal tube (2 – 3 pictures)3.Slide 4 – 6 – the required steps on how to properly care/clean a tracheostomy tube, do not include how to sterile suction on these slides because you will discuss this on your next slides (2 – 3 pictures)4.Slide 7 – 8 – the different between Close (in-line suctioning) and sterile suctioning of a tracheostomy tube (2 – 3 pictures)

solved What beliefs you had in second language learning and teaching

What beliefs you had in second language learning and teaching have been reinforced, questioned, and/or changed over the course of this semester? How? Why? (300 words)My belief, give the student as much attention as possible. To provide more visual aid for the student. For example, According to Bandura’s social learning theory, Bandura emphasizes the importance of observing, modeling and imitation. Therefore, the students will be given a chance to observe the teacher perform the movement pattern, have a classmate model the movement, and imitate the movement during the activities and workout. Changes I provide more visual aid for my English Learner. I also will modify my lesson and assignment for the students to better help them. I teach a Pysical Education Class.

solved Provide an example of a film, tv show, or music

Provide an example of a film, tv show, or music video (produced after 2018) that reinforces OR challenges dominant ideologies of race, gender, or sexuality. In other words, does it challenge or reinforce stereotypes? Focus on a specific scene, a character, or a relationship to support your point. Provide a link to the trailer to the film/tv show or music video. (Please do not write about “This Is America”) (At least 150 words)
For example: I would focus on Cardi B’s Bodak Yellow music video and how it includes scenes that reinforce themes of Orientalism.
Identify and explain the three steps to resisting (and re-creating) media and popular culture. What is something that you can do or already do to be a more critical consumer of popular culture? (at least 100 words)