solved Week 6: Culture and Caring Theories (Orig Post Due Wednesday,

Week 6: Culture and Caring Theories (Orig Post Due Wednesday, Responses Due Sunday)
No unread replies.No replies.
The purpose of the graded collaborative discussions is to engage faculty and students in an interactive dialogue to assist the student in organizing, integrating, applying, and critically appraising knowledge regarding advanced nursing practice. Scholarly information obtained from credible sources as well as professional communication are required. Application of information to professional experiences promotes the analysis and use of principles, knowledge, and information learned and related to real-life professional situations. Meaningful dialogue among faculty and students fosters the development of a learning community as ideas, perspectives, and knowledge are shared. 
Activity Learning Outcomes 
Through this discussion, the student will demonstrate the ability to:

Demonstrate logical and creative thinking in the analysis and application of a theory to nursing practice. (PO 2 and 5) Weeks 2, 6
Examine broad theoretical concepts as foundational to advanced nursing practice roles. (PO 1 and 2) Weeks 1, 2, 4
Analyze theories from nursing and relevant fields with respect to the components, relationship among the components, and application to advanced nursing practice. (PO 1) Weeks 4, 6

Due Date: Sunday, 11:59pm MT 
A 10% late penalty will be imposed for discussions posted after the deadline on Wednesday, regardless of the number of days late. NOTHING will be accepted after 11:59pm MT on Sunday (i.e. student will receive an automatic 0). Week 8 discussion closes on Saturday at 11:59pm MT. 
Total Points Possible:  75
Discussion Criteria  

Application of Course Knowledge: The student post contributes unique perspectives or insights gleaned from personal experience or examples from the healthcare field. The student must accurately and fully discuss the topic for the week in addition to providing personal or professional examples. The student must completely answer the entire initial question. 
Engagement in Meaningful Dialogue: The student responds to a student peer and course faculty to further dialogue.

Peer Response: The student responds substantively to at least one topic-related post by a student peer. A substantive post adds content or insights or asks a question that will add to the learning experience and/or generate discussion.  

A post of “I agree” with a repeat of the other student’s post does not count as a substantive post. A collection of shallow posts does not equal a substantive post. 
The peer response?must occur on a separate day from the initial posting.   
The peer response must occur before Sunday,?11:59 p.m. MT.?  

Faculty Response: The student responds substantively to at least one question by course faculty. The faculty question may be directed to the student, to another student, or to the entire class.    

A post of “I agree” with a repeat of the faculty’s post does not count as a substantive post. A collection of shallow posts does not equal a substantive post. 
The faculty response?must occur on a separate day from the initial posting.   

Integration of Evidence: The student post provides support from a minimum of one scholarly in-text citation with a matching reference and assigned readings or online lessons, per discussion topic per week.

What is a scholarly resource? A scholarly resource is one that comes from a professional, peer-reviewed publication (e.g., journals and government reports such as those from the FDA or CDC). 

Contains references for sources cited 
Written by a professional or scholar in the field and indicates credentials of the author(s) 
Is no more than 5 years old for clinical or research articles 

What is not considered a scholarly resource?  

Newspaper articles and layperson literature (e.g., Readers Digest, Healthy Life Magazine, Food, and Fitness) 
Information from Wikipedia  or any wiki 
Website homepages 
The weekly lesson 
Articles in healthcare and nursing-oriented trade magazines, such as Nursing Made Incredibly Easy and RNMagazine (Source: What is a scholarly article.docx; Created 06/09 CK/CL  Revised: 02/17/11,  09/02/11  nlh/clm) 

Can the lesson for the week be used as a scholarly source? 

Information from the weekly lesson can be cited in a posting; however, it is not to be the sole source used in the post. 

Are resources provided from CU acceptable sources (e.g., the readings for the week)? 

Not as a sole source within the post. The textbook and/or assigned (required) articles for the week can be used, but another outside source must be cited for full credit. Textbooks are not considered scholarly sources for the purpose of discussions. 

Are websites acceptable as scholarly resourcesfordiscussions? 

Yes, if they are documents or data cited from credible websites. Credible websites usually end in .gov or .edu; however, some .org sites that belong to professional associations (e.g., American Heart Association, National League for Nursing, American Diabetes Association) are also considered credible websites. Websites ending with .com are not to be used asscholarly resources.

Professionalism in Communication: The post presents information in logical, meaningful, and understandable sequence, and is clearly relevant to the discussion topic. Grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation are accurate.
Wednesday Participation Requirement: The student provides a substantive response to the graded discussion question(s) or topic(s), posted by the course faculty (not a response to a peer), by Wednesday, 11:59 p.m. MT of each week.
Total Participation Requirement: The student provides at least three substantive posts (one to the initial question or topic, one to a student peer, and one to a faculty question) on two different days during the week. 

solved Brief Description: Many countries participated in the war, and I

Brief Description: Many countries participated in the war, and I am interested in the reasons why they did it. I want to investigate the reasons for fought in the war and the far-reaching impact on Russia.Particular Question: What factors motivated Russia to fight in the First World War?Research Essay (40 % of course grade): You are required to write a research essay on a topic of your choice relating to the First World War. The essay must present a clearly argued thesis about the topic. Topics and sources must be presented to the professor for approval through the research essay proposal and bibliography assignment. Please note that no research essay will be accepted without prior submission of an essay proposal and bibliography.The essay must be based on research in at least four scholarly sources, at least two of which must be books (not counting the textbook). The textbook may be used as a supplementary source of information, and it may be cited in your finished essay. But you are not to base your research on it or on the lecture material. Most of the citations in your research essay must be to your four scholarly sources. The point of any research essay is to go deeper than the level of information available in a textbook or in class lectures. Due to their morespecialized nature, the supplementary readings posted on Brightspace may be counted among your minimum number of sources if any of them relate to your essay topic.There are ample numbers of e-books available to SMU users through the SMU library’s online catalogue of books. Plenty of articles are accessible through the library’s online databases for scholarly journals. Avoid using Google Books as a source for electronic books, as most of the books available on that website are available in preview form only and do not feature complete content.IMPORTANT: Do not use non-specialist encyclopedias (such as Wikipedia) or non- academic websites (such as when researching your essay. Do not cite such sources in your footnotes and bibliography. Use of such sources will result in a lower grade, or even a failing grade for the assignment, depending on the extent to which you use them.Some use may be made of the specialist reference work, 1914-1918 Online, which features the International Encyclopedia of the First World War ( https://encyclopedia.1914- ). This is an excellent reference that can orient you to many topics relating to the First World War. The notes and selected bibliographies that appear at the end of each article can help you to identify some of the latest scholarly sources on a given topic. You can check the library holdings at SMU for availability of these sources. In your research essay you are welcome to use content from the articles available on this website and to cite these articles in your footnotes and bibliography. However, because it is an encyclopedia, it should be used as a starting point for your research and is not as a sufficient resource by itself. Like your textbook, articles from this online reference work will not be counted among your minimum number of sources. You still must demonstrate that the majority of your source material is derived from scholarly books and journal articles.LENGTH OF THE ESSAY: The text of the completed research essay must be 6 to 8 typed double-spaced pages in length, not counting title page, bibliography, and footnotes. Essays shorter than 6 full pages of double-spaced text will be penalized for being too brief. If the text of your essay ends half way down the sixth page, this constitutes 5.5 pages of text, not 6 full pages. There is no penalty if your essay is longer than 8 pages of text.Further information on writing and formatting the essay will be provided on Brightspace. This additional information will include important instructions on the proper use of source citations in the essay. Citations are required and must take the form of footnotes in accordance with the “notes and bibliography” style of documentation in the Chicago Manual of Style. For more information on this style, see the following brief online guide:…Your essay also must include a bibliography of all works cited in the footnotes. Do not list sources in your bibliography that are not cited in your footnotes. Further information on proper presentation of citations and other format concerns may be found in the HistoryDepartment’s online Style Manual and sample essay pages, both of which are available at:…The research essay is due at 11:59 p.m. on Friday, June 11. Submit your assignment as an electronic document (in MS Word format) to a research essay drop box that will be set up on Brightspace. Marks will be deducted from all essays received after the deadline at the rate of 5% per day (weekends included). Late submissions may be accepted without penalty if they result from illness or from family emergencies.These are two scholarly sources I found. They are both books, so you don’t need to find the source of the book. These two sources are very helpful for this Research Essay. Please quote the content in the essay. Thank you. The login account is S3571146 and the password is 19991223ylfS. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.Bibliography for them:…, Peter. Russia’s First World War: a Social and Economic History. Hoboken: Taylor and Francis, 2014.Sanborn, Joshua A., author.Imperial apocalypse: the Great War and the destruction of the Russian Empire /Joshua A. Sanborn.If you can not open the page, search for their names:Russia’s First World War: a Social and Economic HistoryImperial apocalypse: the Great War and the destruction of the Russian Empire

solved Web Search Activity In this workshop, we’re going to look

Web Search Activity In this workshop, we’re going to look at the latter type of web sources–sources that force us to wrestle a bit with the complexities of web source evaluation. So don’t use academic-article databases for this Workshop, and don’t use news sources that are well-known and that have been around since before the internet–for example: USA Today, The New York Times, the Guardian, the Philadelphia Enquirer, CNN, Time, etc. (If you’re one of the younger members of the group and maybe not yet familiar with what is and isn’t a major, longstanding news source, a quick Wikipedia search should help. For example, if you look up The Philadelphia Inquirer on Wikipedia, you’ll see that it was founded in 1829.)To get started, do some web searching using terms from your research question and any synonyms that proved helpful to you in the News Searching Activity. Copy down the URLs of a few web pages that contain information on your topic. Then choose one page to focus on for this Workshop. It’s okay if you have reservations about the reliability of this source. The point of this activity is primarily to ask questions about sources.Your post should address all four of the following:What is the home page of the main site on which this page appears (provide the URL), and what can you learn about the main site?What are the author’s qualifications for writing on this topic? (If no author/s, write “no author listed” and skip to the next question.)Should this source be considered “reliable,” “expert,” or both? Explain.How would this source be cited in APA. Include a full citation. (Scroll down for web citation examples. If you’re an English major, go ahead and use MLA format instead.)Here are some strategies you can use to answer questions 1 through 3:If there is no link to the home page on the page you are viewing, try drilling back in the URL to the site’s domain abbreviation (com, edu, mil, org, gov, etc.). Look for an author biography on the page, or via a link.Look for links with names like “About” and “FAQ” that are likely to lead you to additional information about the site.Do a web search for the author.Do a web search for the site by its name, or by the name of its sponsoring organization.(To filter out the site itself in the latter search, use -siteexample: “yahoo voices” LexisNexis or ProQuest Newsstand to see if/how journalists have described the organization or author in news stories.Web Source EvaluationActivity: News SearchGoals of the Activity:Explore news-search environmentsPractice advanced news searching strategiesReview the distinction between “news” and “opinion” in news sourcesPractice citing news sourcesIn order to successfully complete this Activity, you will need to first read the document, “News Search Reading: Using News Sources in your Research.” “News Search Reading: Using News Sources in your Research.” – Alternative Formats This document refers to additional information you will need that is linked both within the document and here: “News versus Opinion Examples.” “News versus Opinion Examples.” – Alternative FormatsYou will be submitting your work by sharing it with classmates in this discussion forum.Activity instructions:1. Copy your research question onto a blank document and highlight, boldface, or underline its key terms or concepts. For example: Will open educational resources replace commercial textbooks?2. Brainstorm a little to come up with related alternate search terms for each of the question’s core components or concepts. Create a list of these terms. For example: Will open educational resources replace commercial textbooks?Open educational resourcescommercialtextbooksOERfor-profittextbook publishing”open textbooks”retaileducational publishing”open education materialsroyalty-based You will come up with new terms once you begin searching (be sure to add them to your list!), so it’s okay to begin with just a few.3. Search for relevant newspaper sources through Nexis Uni or Google New, or both. Each database contains sources other than newspaper sources. Please review the instructional materials in the Week One reading to ensure that the sources you retrieve for this activity are newspaper sources, specifically.4. Identify two (2) newspaper sources that seem potentially relevant to your project, and write complete and correct citations for them. Information about how to cite newspaper sources is included in the Week One reading.5. Identify each of your two sources as “NEWS” or “OPINION.” (If you’d like, you can be more specific: for example, “news analysis,” “feature,” “editorial,” etc. are some other options. See the “News Search Reading: “Using News Sources in your Research” document linked above.) Identifying sources by type will involved actually reading, or at least skimming, the articles. If you are unsure how to categorize one of your sources, ask for help from your instructor, classmates, or a National University librarian.Note: Variety is not a requirement of the Activity, so if both of your sources are news stories, as in the example that follows, write “NEWS” before each of your two citations. (Most of the newspaper sources you encounter will be news sources since editorials, opinion columns, reviews, etc., represent only a small percentage of newspaper content.)EXAMPLE: Here is an example of a completed News Search Activity:Will open educational resources replace commercial textbooks?Open educational resourcescommercialtextbooksOERfor-profittextbook publishing“open textbooks”retaileducational publishing“open education materials”royalty-based NEWSGuttenplan, D. D. (2012, March 19). Open resources: Transforming the way knowledge is spread. The International Herald Tribune.NEWSFree online content forces publishers to adjust. (2013, July 10). Education Week.Assignment 3: Project Introduction

solved ChooseTHREE of the four prompts to answer. You will only

ChooseTHREE of the four prompts to answer. You will only be graded on the first three you turn in. Your answers MUST be written in a single, coherent ESSAY format – you will lose points for answering with bullet points or broken up responses. There is no limit on how much (or how little) you can write for any of these prompts, but I’ve constructed them to be ideally completed in about ~600-1,000 words each. All tests are to be turned in via canvas under the assignment MIDTERM before the due date: July 7 @ midnight. I will NOT accept late work for the midterm. If you have questions about the midterm or are having trouble answering any of the questions, shoot me an email. I will be as responsive and helpful as I can be – use me as a resource to do well. (Hint: when constructing arguments, avoid making unfounded, or underdeveloped claims. Explain your inferences!)1. The StrangerThe Stranger is the first half of a project on ‘the absurd’ and supposed to offer the feeling of absurdity. As Sartre comments, there is also a factual state of ‘the absurd’ (hint: see lecture notes). Define ‘the absurd’ in your own words. As you do so, draw the distinction between the fact of absurdity and the feeling of absurdity. What is the difference between these two conceptions? Give one example of each. Meursault is an almost entirely indifferent character, and yet he murders an Arab on the beach under the hot Algerian sun. Explain why you think he committed the murder (be sure to incorporate your definition of the absurd in your explanation). Is Meursault guilty of the crime? Why or why not (?) – give an argument. In the final moments of the second half of the novel, Meursault “opens himself to the cool indifference of the world.” Do you think that if Meursault had experienced this ‘enlightenment’ moment at the beginning of the story, he would have acted any differently (e.g. whether he would have still shot the man on the beach)? Give an argument why you think the events of the novel would still have followed the same course, or otherwise what would have been different. Finally, do you think that The Stranger was successful in transmitting the feeling of the absurd? Why or why not?2. The Grand Inquisitor The preamble to The Grand Inquisitor poem is Ivan’s rejection of God in the preceding Rebellion chapter. Choose either Ivan’s argument against the Soul Making Theodicy or the Free Will Theodicy and describe it in your own words (hint: see the lecture handout). Be sure to adequately explain how Ivan draws his inferences from his premises. Do you think that the argument is successful – why or why not? Ivan says that he would ‘respectfully return his ticket’ – what does this mean in the context of rebellion against God & Suffering (hint: explain why Ivan thinks atonement is impossible)? The Grand Inquisitor’s purpose is to liberate people from their freedom through the workings of the church. Explain how he accomplishes this then give an argument why you think his mission is either righteous or evil – include descriptions of the three temptations and their relationship to freedom. The poem and chapter each conclude with an enigmatic kiss. Explain the significance of these moments. What do you think the kiss means?3. Fear & TremblingKierkegaard’s works are largely focused around one’s personal development through three succeeding stages of Being. Briefly describe these three stages of life. According to Kierkegaard, how does the Binding of Isaac story represent a contradiction between Abraham’s Ethical life and his Religious life (hint: murder vs sacrifice). This contradiction is characterized by anxiety – what does Kierkegaard mean by anxiety and what is the significance of anxiety in the story of Abraham’s life? What are the two movements of faith? Describe them each in detail, the explain how Abraham exemplifies these movements – be sure to discuss the relationship between a leap of faith and the absurd. What is the result of not taking a leap of faith and stopping after the first movement of faith (hint: resignation)? Compare and contrast Ivan (of The Grand Inquisitor) and Kierkegaard’s Knight of Faith. Who deals with the absurd & anxiety better? Give an argument why you think so. 4. NietzscheThe Madman exclaims to a town of cynics and unbelievers the death of God and is met with only silence. How is this passage related to nihilism and why do you think that the madman declares that “I have come too early” ? What are inverse cripples and how have they failed in the task of value creation? Define the eternal return in your own words. How does affirmation of the eternal return resolve the problem of nihilism? What is the twofold feeling and how is it related to the Nietzschean Educator? What is an artistic interpretation and how does it redeem (hint: see passages from The Gay Science in the lecture slides). In the lecture, I argued that through value creation, we can interpret certain educators’ lives as universally redeemable and affirmable through the eternal return. This experience inspires us to have the twofold feeling which in turn enables us to begin the lifelong process of YES saying to our own lives. The end goal of this inspiration is to create our own values under which our own lives can become universally affirmable under the eternal return. CHOOSE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: (1) give an objection to my argument – explain why you think I am wrong by constructing your own argument & interpretation of Nietzschean Educators … (2) choose an educator/hero/exemplar in your own life, create a value for them that artistically renders their life universally affirmable under the eternal return. If you choose (2) be descriptive about the value you create and give an argument why it renders your chosen hero’s life both redeemable and universally affirmable.

solved Part 1 (a) (Must be between 100-200 words, and use

Part 1 (a) (Must be between 100-200 words, and use references that are websites and based in the United States, and also use in text citations). Continuous improvement is imperative to a business’s success. Continuously improving a company allows for increased efficiency and higher customer satisfaction. Efficiency allows for things to be completed in less time, using less money. This allows for even more growth within a company. Technology is always changing and for a company to take advantage of all the great things that are evolving, they must improve along with technology. Along with greater efficiency comes higher customer satisfaction. Customers like things to be done in an efficient, cost friendly way. Some drawbacks that may be faced with constant improvement of a company are the technological glitches. When new technology hits the market, we all know that it has many bugs initially. This can cause frustration for both customers and employees and cause them to resent the evolution of the technology because it occurred too quickly. Part 1 (B) (Must be between 100-200 words, and use references that are websites and based in the United States, and also use in text citations). Continuous Improvement can be difficult to manage. In order for Continuous Improvement to thrive, leadership and upper management has to support all employees in the organization. A committed vision to see change is how the organization becomes most effective. Some companies fall short of their real goals because they lack commitment to change and don’t have very effective communicative skills. When there is no particular focus for the vision of continuous improvement disagreements in strategies can happen, making it difficult to progress. A prioritization process is key for identifying strategies significant to operational change. The right communication will offer opportunities for improvement all throughout the organization. If the improvement process is recognized by both the management and employee levels, then organizational improvement can possibly be achieved. Engage in an employee’s change processes to develop the individual’s skills in a way that will promote growth in the business. Encourage and empower your employees to seek changes that the manager envisions for the company to find better paths of success. These are some benefits as well as potential drawbacks of applying the continuous improvement process. Successful improvement programs’ barriers – change management tools. The Change Management Blog. (2021, July 29). Retrieved October 7, 2021, from 3 reasons why continuous improvement projects fail. (n.d.). Retrieved October 7, 2021, from Part 2(a) (Must be between 100-200 words, and use references that are websites and based in the United States, and also use in text citations). I disagree with the statement cultures around the world are becoming increasingly similar. The reason being products are adapted to fit local needs and expectations. A strong product adaptation strategy allows the company to make the core product available in many markets. This helps the company to expand globally because it allows it to target different countries and consumer markets. (welpmagazine, 2020) Factors such as marketing strategies, and packaging affect how successful a product will sell. Local consumers will be more likely to purchase a product if the said company ensures that the product comply with local cultural norms. There are companies such as McDonalds, who adapt to cultural needs. McDonalds sell and shrimp burgers with mayo in Japan. There are some companies that standardize their products and global marketing efforts such as Coca Cola. The Coca-Cola Company uses global standardization in marketing by keeping the appearance of the product relatively unchanged between different markets. The company uses the same design theme even when different languages are presented on the products. (Grant, James, 2021) References: A Complete Guide to Product Adaptation Strategy – Welp Magazine. (2020, September 07). Retrieved from Grant, M. (2021, May 19). Understanding Standardization. Retrieved from Part 2(b) (Must be between 100-200 words, and use references that are websites and based in the United States, and also use in text citations). While cultures are becoming similar more and more, there are still distinct differences that companies must recognize. An example would be the August shutdown that occurs in European Union nations. EU standards require 4 weeks of vacation be provided to employees, and business mostly shuts down in the month of August. (Kampf-Lassin, 2021) United States businesses must plan accordingly, as though Western Europe and the US have many cultural similarities, business does not stop in August. While there are still differences that exist, for some industries, cultures may be becoming more similar, and product standardization occurs. Automobiles (with the exceptions of countries like the United Kingdom and Australia), generally appear and function in the same way despite being made in multiple countries. A Mexican citizen could purchase a German made vehicle and know how to operate it with out any special instruction. Electronics are generally standardized as well. While the keyboard layout may be different, anyone familiar with a computer would generally know how to use it no matter what country they were in. Kampf-Lassin, M. (2021, July 30). Give everybody the month of August off. Jacobin. Retrieved October 7, 2021, from

solved Criterion Describe a conflict resolution style appropriate for a conflict

Describe a conflict resolution style appropriate for a conflict situation within an organization.
Professor comment:Good job suggested 3 forms of conflict, but add to your support. You did  include one source form 2013, but current literature is best (within 5  years) and more than one source in this section would strengthen your  stance.

Explain how conflict affects an organization.
Professor comment:You did a good job of telling me what organizational conflict is, but  add to this to include a full discussion of who it impacts and how.   Specifically, how are staff, customers, and leaders impacted by  conflict? Is it different depending on your roll within the  organization?  Why would this be important to understand and what does  the literature suggest?
Determine the outcomes of conflict negotiation strategies for an organization.
Professor comment:Similar to area / criterion 2, how might this impact staff, customers,  leaders, or other throughout the organization? Would the impact be  different based on your job or role within a company?
Develop a 3-4 page plan to identify the causes of organizational  conflict, explain how conflict affects an organization, and select a  conflict resolution style to use. Explain conflict negotiation  strategies and determine the likely outcomes.
Disagreements occur because we have differences of opinions, values,  and goals. Solutions to disagreements require negotiation skills. While  negotiating, the parties involved have to “generate options, brainstorm  ideas, give and take, and attempt to get their mutual goals met”  (Hocker & Wilmot, 2014, p. 249).
Hocker, J., & Wilmot, W. (2014). Interpersonal conflict (9th ed.). McGraw-Hill.
Demonstration of Proficiency
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate  your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment  criteria:

Competency 1: Identify variables within an organizational structure that can promote conflict.     

Identify the factors responsible for conflict within an organization.

Competency 3: Apply appropriate strategies to reduce or resolve conflicts.     

Describe a conflict resolution style appropriate for a conflict situation within an organization.
Explain conflict negotiation strategies appropriate for a conflict situation within an organization.

Competency 4: Analyze the impact of conflict on relationship building in face-to-face, virtual, cyber, and group communication.     

Explain how conflict affects an organization.

Competency 5: Evaluate the outcome of proposed strategies of conflict resolution.     

Determine the outcomes of conflict negotiation strategies for an organization.

Competency 6: Communicate effectively in a variety of formats.     

Write coherently to support a central idea in appropriate APA format with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics.

Use the Capella library and the Internet to research conflict  negotiation strategies and conflict resolution styles. Find at least  three resources to use in this assessment to support your plan.
You volunteer with an organization whose executive leadership has  conflicted for almost a year in deep, fairly public ways, on a variety  of topics. At first the conflict seemed to center on the types of events  the organization sponsored, but more recently some members of the  leadership team have been making accusations of bias based on race,  culture, social status, and religion against other leadership members,  including the director. The conflict is making it difficult for anyone  to continue working with the organization.
The leadership team is composed of seven members. Six of the  members, including the director, are women. There are two  African-American members, including the only man on the team. There is  one Hispanic member. The other four members, including the director, are  Caucasian.
You have successfully handled small conflicts among the volunteers  and staff in the past, and now they have asked you to step in and see if  you can help resolve the conflict before it destroys the organization.  Leadership has already agreed to bring you in to try and help the  situation, but you know you need to have a solid plan for this  undertaking.
Include the following in your conflict resolution plan:

Identify the factors that may be responsible for causing the conflict.
Explain how the conflict is affecting the rest of the organization.
Describe the conflict resolution style you will use in this situation.
Explain the conflict negotiation strategies you will try.
Based on your chosen strategies, determine the likely outcome.

alden, A. L., Javdani, S., & Allen, N. E. (2014). Engaging conflict: Supporting power-sharing through constructive conflict resolution. Journal of Community Psychology, 42(7), 854–868.
Katz, N. H., & Flynn, L. T. (2013). Understanding conflict management systems and strategies in the workplace: A pilot study. Conflict Resolution Quarterly, 30(4), 393–410.
Dijkstra, M. M., Beersma, B., & Evers, A. (2011). Reducing  conflict-related employee strain: The benefits of an internal locus of  control and a problem-solving conflict management strategy. Work & Stress, 25(2), 167–184.
Gaunt, R. (2011). Effects of intergroup conflict and social contact on prejudice: The mediating role of stereotypes and evaluations. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 41(6), 1340–1355.
Coleman, P., Deutsch, M., & Marcus, C. (Eds.). (2014). The handbook of conflict resolution: Theory and practice (3rd ed.). Wiley.      

Chapters 13, 33, 19, and 34.

Hocker, J. L., Berry K., & Wilmot, W. W. (2022). Interpersonal conflict (11th ed.). McGraw-Hill. Available in the courseroom via the VitalSource Bookshelf link. 

Chapters 2, 5, 8, 9, and 10.

solved ASSIGMENT: Â Â Â Develop an intervention (your capstone project),

   Develop an intervention (your capstone project), as a solution to the patient, family, or population problem you’ve defined. Submit the proposed intervention to the faculty for review and approval. This solution needs to be implemented (shared) with your patient, family, or group. You are not to share your intervention with your patient, family, or group or move on to Assessment 5 before your faculty reviews/approves the solution you submit in Assessment 4. In a separate written deliverable, write a 5-7 page analysis of your intervention.
Please submit both your solution/intervention and the 5-7 page analysis to complete Assessment 4.
In your first three assessments, you applied new knowledge and insight gleaned from the literature, from organizational data, and from direct consultation with the patient, family, or group (and perhaps with subject matter and industry experts) to your assessment of the problem. You’ve examined the problem from the perspectives of leadership, collaboration, communication, change management, policy, quality of care, patient safety, costs to the system and individual, technology, care coordination, and community resources. Now it’s time to turn your attention to proposing an intervention (your capstone project), as a solution to the problem.
In this assessment, you’ll develop an intervention as a solution to the health problem you’ve defined. To prepare for the assessment, think about an appropriate intervention, based on your work in the preceding assessments, that will produce tangible, measurable results for the patient, family, or group. In addition, you might consider using a root cause analysis to explore the underlying reasons for a problem and as the basis for developing and implementing an action plan to address the problem. Some appropriate interventions include the following:
Creating an educational brochure.
Producing an educational voice-over PowerPoint presentation or video focusing on your topic.

Creating a teaching plan for your patient, family, or group.
Recommending work process or workflow changes addressing your topic.
Plan to spend at least 3 direct practicum hours working with the same patient, family, or group.
In addition, you may wish to complete the following:

Review the assessment instructions and scoring guide to ensure that you understand the work you will be asked to complete and how it will be assessed.
Conduct sufficient research of the scholarly and professional literature to inform your work and meet scholarly expectations for supporting evidence.
Note: Remember that you can submit all, or a portion of, your draft assessment to Smarthinking for feedback, before you submit the final version. If you plan on using this free service, be mindful of the turnaround time of 24–48 hours for receiving feedback.

Complete this assessment in two parts: (a) develop an intervention as a solution to the problem and (b) submit your proposed intervention, with a written analysis, to your faculty for review and approval.

Part 1
Develop an intervention, as a solution to the problem, based on your assessment and supported by data and scholarly, evidence-based sources.
Incorporate relevant aspects of the following considerations that shaped your understanding of the problem:
Change management.

Quality of care.
Patient safety.
Costs to the system and individual.
Care coordination.
Community resources.
Part 2
Submit your proposed intervention to your faculty for review and approval.
In a separate written deliverable, write a 5–7 page analysis of your intervention.
Summarize the patient, family, or population problem.
Explain why you selected this problem as the focus of your project.

Explain why the problem is relevant to your professional practice and to the patient, family, or group.
In addition, address the requirements outlined below. These requirements correspond to the scoring guide criteria for this assessment, so be sure to address each main point. Read the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed. In addition, note the additional requirements for document format and length and for supporting evidence.
Define the role of leadership and change management in addressing the problem. 
Explain how leadership and change management strategies influenced the development of your proposed intervention.

Explain how nursing ethics informed the development of your proposed intervention.
Propose strategies for communicating and collaborating with the patient, family, or group to improve outcomes associated with the problem. 
Identify the patient, family, or group.

Discuss the benefits of gathering their input to improve care associated with the problem.
Identify best-practice strategies from the literature for effective communication and collaboration to improve outcomes.

Explain how state board nursing practice standards and/or organizational or governmental policies guided the development of your proposed intervention. 

Cite the standards and/or policies that guided your work.

Describe research that has tested the effectiveness of these standards and/or policies in improving outcomes for this problem.
Explain how your proposed intervention will improve the quality of care, enhance patient safety, and reduce costs to the system and individual. 
Cite evidence from the literature that supports your conclusions.

Identify relevant and available sources of benchmark data on care quality, patient safety, and costs to the system and individual.

Explain how technology, care coordination, and the utilization of community resources can be applied in addressing the problem. 
Cite evidence from the literature that supports your conclusions.
Write concisely and directly, using active voice.

solved 1/ Module 5: Kant & Morality Kant famously turned the

1/ Module 5: Kant & Morality
Kant famously turned the entire field of philosophy on its head.  With his Groundwork for the Metaphysic of Morals Kant introduced a way to do philosophy completely backwards.  In Plato and Aristotle we saw philosophical systems that began with the way the world is and the ways that the world relates to ideas.  This is what happens when the first principle of a philosophical system is its ontology or metaphysics.  In a system like this the way things are leads to how we should act.  If morals exist as ideal, unattainable forms, we should aspire to them.  If virtues are capable of existing in the particular then we should strive to cultivate them in our own character.  The way things are governs how we act.
Kant, given the rise of skepticism, knows that the way things are cannot be taken for granted.  What he suggests is that even if the way things are might be uncertain, even in an uncertain world there is a right thing to do and a wrong thing to do; and he idealistically hypothesizes that if we can know what is right in this world we might be able to learn what is true and and real as a result.  It is in this way that Kant is doing things completely backwards, turning traditions on their head in order to find some actual basis for something real.
Read: Kant. 
Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals, pp 1-62.


Use the texts provided from Kant.
What is Kant’s idea of a metaphysic of morals?
How does he think this is possible?
Why is this important for his overall philosophical system?
Do you find this convincing/compelling? Why/Why not?
Be thoughtful


500-1000 Words
Responds Directly to the prompt
Does not cover extraneous topics (i.e. Biography, dates, etc.)
Must be in APA format.
Must have in-text citations.
Must have a reference page.
Must rely on the course readings (assigned primary texts).
Must NOT use or cite course materials (i.e. course lectures, handouts etc.)
The use of quality, peer-reviewed, outside sources would be appropriate.


1-6 Does not meet the basic passing requirements for this assignment.
7 Meets the basic passing requirements (ticks all boxes on the checklist).
8 Average Submission
9 Above average submission of a high quality.
10 Very high quality submission, a submission that merits high marks.
11 Distinction awarded to submissions of exceptional quality.

2/  Module 6: Existentialism
In this Module we will be examining the philosophical movement that is Existentialism.  While we will primarily be looking at this from the perspective of Jean Paul Sartre, we will also be working to situate the movement as a sort of conclusion of the trajectory of philosophical development that we have been following.  Here we will look at the key idea that “essence precedes existence” and the implications of that idea, and the variety of expressions that we find.  Beginning with Satre and moving backwards historically, we will try to trace the existentialist idea back to its roots, its problem, its origin and genesis.
Please remember that this Module ends on Saturday and all assignments are due accordingly!
Read: Jean-Paul Sartre, “Existentialism.” 
Find “Existentialism” online here.
Read: Søren Kierkegaard, Fear and Trembling, pp. 41-147. 
Audio selections can be found here.

Select one of the Existentialist approaches covered in class, and answer each of those following questions employing the values of that system in relation to your own life and existence.
1) Is your life meaningful?  Yes/No?  Why/Why not?
2) Where do you find/make meaning in your life?
3) Are you certain that your life is meaningful?  Yes/No?  Why/Why not?
4) What would you keep doing, focusing on, and applying yourself to even if you knew that your life, action, and everything in them was in fact meaningless and futile?
Remember that your responses here on confidential.  You are not being graded on what you say or think, but instead on the level of engagement with the questions.


250-500 words.
Responds Directly to the prompt (all parts)
Directly interacts with the assigned readings.
In APA format.
Has in-text citations.
Has a reference page.


1-7 Does not meet the basic passing requirements for this assignment.
8 Meets the basic passing requirements (ticks all boxes on the checklist).
9 Above average submission of a high quality.
10 Very high quality submission, a submission that merits high marks.
11 Distinction awarded to submissions of exceptional quality.

3/ Research paper:
Write a 2,000-2,500 word paper according to APA guidelines addressing one of the three major areas of investigation in this course: The Nature of the Universe and/or the Existence of God (metaphysics), The Nature and Value of Knowledge (epistemology), or The Good Life and the Good Society (ethics). Compare two or three philosophers (only one from each unit), providing a philosophical and historical overview of the topic.
Expanded Prompt:

Pick one of the three topics: Metaphysics, Epistemology, Ethics.
Pick two philosophers directly covered in this course.
Provide a summary of each philosopher’s account of the topic you selected.
Note the historical situation of these two philosophers in relation to each other.
Do not provide biographical summaries, background information etc.
Compare those two positions.
Contrast those two positions.
Analyze and evaluate the merits of these two positions through a critical lens. Be thoughtful.

solved Overview Conscription was an extremely divisive issue in Canada during

Conscription was an extremely divisive issue in Canada during the First World War. As the numbers of men enlisting in the Canadian Expeditionary Force dropped, the government began to seriously consider non-voluntary enlistment, also known as Conscription. The issue created deep wedges in Canadian society, pitting families, friends, neighbours, and community members against one another. In this assignment, you will discuss whether Conscription should have been instituted as a wartime measure. You will be placed into small groups, asked to take a position on the issue, and directed towards resources to help you conduct research that supports your position. You will also converse/debate with your group members about their arguments and supporting research. 
Select Groups from the Tools dropdown menu on the navbar to find the group you have been assigned to. 
Choose one of the following statements: “The Conscription Bill should have been instituted by the Canadian government in 1917 because….” OR “The Conscription Bill should not have been instituted by the Canadian government in 1917 because….” It is recommended that you do a bit of reading about Conscription first so that you understand what the debate was about. When choosing which side to support, think about how you would have felt at the time and place yourself in the shoes of a Canadian living in 1917 — would you have wanted Conscription to be enforced?
The discussion will occur in two parts over a period of two weeks in the course – Weeks 8 and 9. In the discussion, each member of the group is expected to actively participate by contributing a post outlining why they believe Conscription should or should not have been instituted, and at least one substantive post in response to another group member’s statement/research. Each group member should aim to post original thoughts and ideas, NOT copies of other students’ words or work. 
Part I: Gather Information and Prepare/Post Your Argument
Prior to Week 8, students should choose their position (either in support of or against Conscription) and begin to gather sources and information that will help support their claim. Some examples of sources are provided below, but you are also responsible for finding others online or from the University of Guelph library.
You will then consolidate the relevant research into a concise report that clearly addresses the question of whether Conscription should have been instituted by the Canadian government. 
Examples of possible sources:

A. M. Willms, “Conscription, 1917: A Brief for the Defence,” The Canadian Historical Review 37 (4) (1956): 338-351.
W. R. Young, “Conscription, Rural Depopulation, and the Farmers of Ontario, 1917-19,” The Canadian Historical Review 53 (3) (September 1972): 289-320.
M. Djebabla, “Fight or farm”: Canadian Farmers and the Dilemma of the War Effort in World War I (1914-1918),” Canadian Military Journal 13 (2) (Spring 2013): 57.
Desmond Morton, “Did the French Canadians Cause the Conscription Crisis of 1917?” Canadian Military History, 24 (1): 89
Gordon L. Heath, “The Protestant Denominational Press and the Conscription Crisis in Canada, 1917-1918,” Historical Studies 78 (Annual 2012): 27.
Andrew Theobald, “Une Loi Extraordinaire: New Brunswick Acadians and the Conscription Crisis of the First World War,” Acadiensis 34 (1) (Autumn/Automne 2004): 80-95.

Again, you are strongly encouraged to look beyond these sources for others that will also help support your argument. 
During Week 8, each student will compose a post in their respective group’s discussion forum that clearly articulates their stance on the Conscription question, supported by an overview of the research that they have conducted which supports their position. This post should aim to be around 300 words and be posted by Sunday, November 8 at 11:59 p.m. ET. Along with your post, please include at the end a list of the resources (cited according to the Chicago Manual of Style) that you consulted and referenced in your post. The post itself does not need footnotes or endnotes, but failure to include a list of sources consulted or referenced will result in an automatic grade of 0 for this assessment.
See: University of Guelph Library Cite Your Sources: Chicago Notes & Bibliography
Some things to consider when posting your argument and supporting evidence:

Begin your post by clearly stating which side you support and why
When choosing a position, keep in mind the state of Canada in 1917
Think about what was happening during the war in 1917 that might influence your decision
Clearly articulate how the research you conducted supports your argument and provide evidence from this research.
Remember that there is no right or wrong answer here!
At the bottom of your post, include a list of all sources consulted or referenced in your post

Part II: Discussion 
During Week 9, group members will respond to each other’s initial posts from Week 8 where they stated their stance on the Conscription question and why. You are encouraged, especially, to respond to the posts of students who are opposed to your own side of the debate. Although it is perfectly fine, even recommended, to challenge your classmates’ posts, debate, and defend your opinions, you are expected to do so in a respectful and polite manner.
You are required to respond to AT LEAST ONE other post but are not limited in the number of posts you may respond to (the more, the better!) Please ensure your response posts are no more than 150 words and are posted by Sunday, November 15 at 11:59 p.m. ET. If you cite another author’s words or research in your response post, you must provide a list of sources you consulted or referenced at the bottom of your response post. Failure to include a list of sources referenced could result in a grade of 0 for this assessment.

solved PART 1: Answer the following prompt in 300 words.What do

PART 1: Answer the following prompt in 300 words.What do these sources tell us about the development of Christianity in Europe?Eusebius: The Conversion of Constantine (Links to an external site.)Galerius and Constantine: Edicts of Toleration 311/313 (Links to an external site.)The Codex Theodosianus: On Religion, 4th Century CE (Links to an external site.)Bede: The Lives of The Holy Abbots of Weremouth and Jarrow Benedict, Ceolfrid, Easterwine, Sigfrid, and HuetberhtThe Rule of St. Benedict, c.530 (Links to an external site.)The Conversion of Clovis: Two Accounts, 496 (Links to an external site.)Life of Anskar, the Apostle of the North, 801-865 PART 2: Respond to TWO CLASSMATESClassmate 1 (Mayra)The early Christian faith, just like some of its counterparts, was mischaracterized and misunderstood. From its inception, the predominant method of evangelizing has been through preaching or word of mouth. This method of dissemination, alongside the illiterate majority of the population, could create some potential chaos when paired with charismatic figures preaching interpretations of the gospel. Even though Christianity had been established within the Roman Empire as the main form of religious practice, beginning with emperor Constantine and made official by Theodosius I, there were still many who were caught in false doctrine.In the article Ambrose Bishop of Milan, the exact scenario described above is presented. When Sarmatio and Barbatianus, a pair of apostate monks, begin to preach their views on Christianity, which is wildly different from the core ideals of the “church,” St. Ambrose writes to the Christians of Vercellae in hopes to inform them of such issues.As the Christian faith continued to develop, their tenets, guidelines, or laws began to change and shape ancient Roman culture to a different direction that had previously been taken. In the document Medieval Sourcebook: The Codex Theodosianus: On Religion, 4th Century CE, we can see how drastic these changes were. While many of these changes were steps in the right direction for a better society, it’s believed, it also stands that many Christians and non-Christians alike had to adapt to these changes imposed on them. It is clear that today that sacrifices and gladiators fighting to the death was probably not the right choice for a more civilized society. However, those changes also came with a heavy cost on the people that were not interested in following the Roman Catholic religion, and they had no choice but to change or be penalized.Classmate 2 (Karson)The development of almost any religion anywhere at any time in history is often controversial, especially over Christianity and Judaism. The first provided document, Eusebius: The Conversion of Constantine, begins to question the standard Roman ways of religion. Once Constantine questions beliefs,, he begins to be curious over Christianity and then sees visions he believed to be from the Christian God that Contstatine interpreted as a promise of his protection if he chooses to convert. The actions that Constatine took are incredibly significant to the development of Christianity in Europe because it shows a figure with a lot of governmental power openly accepting the Christian God. By openly accepting the Christian God over the Roman Gods show the Christians that times are changing and that it could be okay for the average person of Rome to be Christian. Furthermore, the documents titled Galerius and Constantine: Edicts of Toleration 311/313 show first toleration and then even more of a shift towards acceptance. In the first part of the document from Galerius in 311, he states that “this our indulgence, they ought to pray to their God for our safety, for that of the republic, and for their own, that the republic may continue uninjured on every side, and that they may be able to live securely in their homes” (Galerius). At first one might take the comment by Galerius as sarcastic and baiting the Christians into seeing if their God “could deliver safety” but once the context is taken into account the comment is actually asking their help. Later in the document Constatntine goes to fully accept the Christian religion and its practices. As Constatine stated, that the Romans should grant the Christians “full authority to observe that religion which each preferred; whence any Divinity whatsoever in the seat of the heavens may be propitious and kindly disposed to us and all who are placed under our rule And thus by this wholesome counsel and most upright provision we thought to arrange that no one whatsoever should be denied the opportunity to give his heart to the observance of the Christian religion, of that religion which he should think best for himself, so that the Supreme Deity, to whose worship we freely yield our hearts may show in all things His usual favor and benevolence.” This quote stood out because what Constatine is talking about implementing is essentially freedom of religion which may be for selfish reasons but the point stands. Lastly, some of the remaining documents discus kings and prominent political figures fighting for, confessing, and bowing down for the Christian God. Just as with Constatine’s conversion, kings adopting Christian practices, faith, and religion means the same will be done for who and the country they are leading. Also, the document of the Life of Anskar, the Apostle of the North, 801-865 discusses Anskar who was a missionary trained in a montesary who began to have visions as early as five years old (Chap II). Having a monk who is still a regular man, not royalty or a preist, having visions shows the people that it could happen to anyone and that everyone who claims to be Christian should be living by the rules set forth. These events effected the Christianity in Europe by acting as a catalyst for its spread across the continent and the world.