solved Create an outline of your paper to use in developing

Create an outline of your paper to use in developing it. See the information below for more information on outlines in general.
Like every other academic writing, an analytical paper requires an organized structure for its content to be readable and understandable. An outline is used to give design and direction to the report.
An analytical paper outline is similar to the traditional paper outline of five paragraphs. According to this five-paragraph format, the paper is divided into the following sections:

Body Paragraph 1
Body Paragraph 2
Body paragraph 3

The researched information about the topic needs to be organized. This is to make sure that the content is explicit and effective for the readers. 
When you analyze the piece of content, the purpose is to give an audience a more precise image and meaning. So the content should be engaging, well structured, and understandable.
Analytical Paper Introduction
The importance and significance of the introduction of a paper can not be denied. The first section of the paper is, of course, the introduction. We are introducing our readers to the central thesis or purpose of our paper.
We write an introduction to attract the readers towards the topic and motivate them to read the paper. The introduction lays the whole groundwork for your paper. So the more substantial the introduction, the more influential the paper is going to be.
The analytical paper introduction is based on two significant elements:
The Hook and a thesis statement. As the name suggests, a writer uses a hook statement to “hook” the audience to read further. A hook statement is an opening sentence of the introductory paragraph. It is a significant sentence as it grabs the reader’s attention towards the topic and the paper.
A hook statement can be a sentence of any type. It can be humorous as well as factual. Depending on the paper topic, a writer can choose any form of an opening sentence as long as it goes with the theme and the topic of the paper.
For example,
“David Suzuki’s “The Right Stuff” features the gracious, entertaining, and informative style we have come to associate with this well-known host of The Nature of Things.”
Here the writer used a simple statement that presents the background information about the chosen work, “The Right Stuff.”

Thesis Statement

Following the hook comes the most critical element of a paper, and that is the thesis statement. A thesis statement is the writer’s stance or an argument on the chosen work. A writer narrows down the topic’s purpose at this point and focuses on a particular side of the topic.
The thesis statement for an analytical paper is written, keeping in mind the original text’s goal and the writer’s analysis.
For example,
“A rhetorical analysis reveals the varying degrees of success with which Suzuki employs logos, pathos, and ethos: while Suzuki’s ethos is strong because of the reputation he brings to his writing, and his use of pathos to appeal to his target audience of parents and educators, his use of logos is weak”. 
When using a 5 paragraph format, a writer must provide a short supporting statement with the thesis statement. It is to show that the writer is going to back up the thesis.
For example,
“Suzuki is skilled in argumentation, but his strong ethos fails to make up for the lack of support for his thesis that high school science courses should begin with sex education”.
Analytical Paper Body Paragraphs
The body paragraphs of a paper support your claim by providing shreds of evidence. All the gathered and relevant information that justifies the argument is presented in this section.
The body section of an analytical paper should be divided into different paragraphs. The writer should discuss each point in a specific paragraph. It will make your paper logical and readable for the audience.
All of the paragraphs in the body section have four components to be covered:

Topic Sentence – A topic sentence is an opening sentence of a paragraph. This sentence is the claim or the important point that proves the thesis statement. Begin each of your paragraphs with a topic sentence. 
Supporting Material – The supporting material will back the claim and provide detailed, researched information for your thesis statement. After writing a topic sentence, give evidence to prove it correct.
Connection – To tie your claim and evidence together, use a piece to follow the evidence. When using a quote or a phrase, make sure that you have stated its purpose or importance first.
Transition – After you have proved your claim, it is time to move on to the next paragraph or the claim. All the paragraphs in your paper must be connected and maintain a logical flow.

Each paragraph should be transitioned to make logical content. This transition will act as a bridge and will connect the previous section with the next paragraph.
Analytical Paper Conclusion
The conclusion is the last section, where all the discussion comes to an end. Here, the writer restates the thesis statement and briefly summarizes the major points in the content. It will prove that the main argument is justified using the evidence for the readers.
For example, 
“Admittedly, David Suzuki wrote his paper at a time when education budgets were in better shape than they are today, and he certainly makes an excellent point that educators should respect their students and appeal to their interests. Nevertheless, his argument for sex education in schools clearly needs further thinking. In spite of Suzuki’s strong ethos and persuasive use of pathos, he needs a stronger use of logos to make an argument here. The best he can hope for is to get his audience’s attention – then it is up to them to see if and how his ideas should be implemented in the schools”.

solved Hello i need help with my essay .The essay is:Before

Hello i need help with my essay .The essay is:Before you revise your draft for the submission, take a close look at your classmate’s feedback, re-read the prompt downloadand the writing tips download, and decide which parts need unity, clarity, more development, or coherence (Links to an external site.). If your essay is too long, look what can be trimmed out without damage to the argument as a whole. If your essay is too short, consider more development (additional evidence) or adding another paragraph (see the writing tips for clues).Once all pieces are in place and the points clearly articulated and sufficiently supported to convince your readers, edit your text for syntax (Links to an external site.) and grammar, usage and punctuation, word variety and voice/diction. Remember that your purpose is not to persuade your readers to give up their smartphones, video-game consoles, or hulu cables; nor are you judging them for being too attached to their devices (rather than devirtues). Not that, you have just happened to piece together the things that you learned in your summer class with the capabilities of social networking and realized that sharing could generate awareness and action rather than insouciance (Links to an external site.) and consumption.In case you were too shy to ask: revision is to editing like remodeling is to furnishing. This analogy implies that you should not worry about editing details until you are done revising: once all partitions and hookups are in place, you are ready to prime and paint, and so on.Finally, format your essay in MLA style. (I believe most free and commercial word-processing programs offer MLA-style templates. Just make sure there is no bold typeface (black-lettering) involved, as MLA does not allow that. More information on essay formatting in MLA can be found here (Links to an external site.) and there (Links to an external site.). If you are not yet familiar with MLA style citation, check it here (Links to an external site.) or there (Links to an external site.). Make sure to learn how to do in-text citation and Works Cited.When you paper is fully formatted, save it as a PDF and submit here.This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThesisEssay presents a well-balanced thesis informed by relevant sources and adequate for the writing task.10 ptsProficientThe thesis is well balanced, informed by relevant sources and matches the task precisely.0 ptsAbsentNo thesis stated.10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroductionIntroduction orients readers towards the assigned topic and indicates how the paper will proceed.5 ptsProficientIntroduction engages and orients readers towards the assigned topic, clearly indicating the direction of the paper.0 ptsAbsentIntroduction is evidently confused or misleading.5 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePurposeWriter clearly signals the prompted purpose of the essay to its audience.10 ptsProficientWriter clearly signals the prompted purpose of the essay to his or her audience.0 ptsAbsentWriter fails to signal the prompted purpose of the essay to its audience.10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFocus and methodEssay analyzes high-tech distractions as tools of control and diversion.10 ptsProficientThe writer analyzes high-tech distractions as tools of control and diversion from social and political issues.0 ptsAbsentThe paper either lacks analysis or the focus of the paper is obviously off.10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganizationWriter uses an effective structure that supports thesis with adequate topic sentences.10 ptsProficientWriter uses topic sentences to advance her or his main argument effectively.0 ptsAbsentThe structure of the paper is severely confused, and topic sentences are either missing or inadequate.10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDevelopmentWriter marshals relevant, sufficient evidence (reasoning and concrete examples) to support adequate claims10 ptsProficientWriter offers valid reasoning and convincing evidence to support his or her claims, which match the prompt and the purpose.0 ptsAbsentThe writer does not provide sound evidence to support his or her claims or/and the latter are off the assigned focus.10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusionConclusion establishes the value of this project for those who appreciate critical thinking.5 ptsProficientWriter concludes her or his essay with a credible emphasis on the importance of thinking critically about the matters that demand attention.0 ptsAbsentThere is no discernible conclusion, or the final paragraph merely copies and pastes introductory/earlier statements.5 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStyle and voiceEssay is thoroughly edited and appropriate for an academic audience.5 ptsProficientThe writer demonstrates good command of the language to address the intended audience.0 ptsAbsentEssay demonstrates severe difficulties in following conventions of written standard English. Various mistakes obscure meaning.5 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePresentation and citationWriter documents the cited sources appropriately and in compliance with the current MLA style.5 ptsProficientWriter documents the cited sources expertly in full compliance with the current MLA style and formats the manuscript flawlessly.0 ptsAbsentThe assigned sources or their citations are missing; the format does not comply with MLA style.5 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOverall Rhetorical ValueWriter makes a convincing case for re-evaluating our trivial pursuits of amusements and entertainment.10 ptsProficientThe essay leaves a lasting strong impression on readers after reading.0 ptsAbsentThe essay is either off topic or extremely brief.10 ptsTotal Points: 80

solved 1. Discuss the key components of human resource management. Â

1. Discuss the key components of human resource management.  Pick at least four concepts from chapter nine and describe how these concepts interrelate to individual performance on a team.
2. Review table 9.2 and select one of the dimensions listed, note why it was chosen and how you relate to this behavior.  If you have a personal experience, please share.
3. How do leaders select the best talent? What are some tools they can use to select the best-talent?
Please ensure the initial post and two response posts are substantive. 

Discussion 1:
1 Human resource management is the management of individuals in an organization. The essential purpose of personal management par The main components of human resources is recruitment, working environment, staff relations, and staff development. To start with, recruitment depends on the seniority and specialization level of the filled posts. The human resource department has recruiters committed to sourcing potential employees who have the skills set that are most applicable. Effective human resource management should thus set metrics on the recruitments to generate relative success measures. Secondly, working environment; when the first impression counts, the important part of the initial appearance will be made when the new employees are placed in the environment of working (Vaughan, 2009). Third, employee recognition is the callous move with their need that varies from one individual to another. Hence, the collective relation of staff and good individuals should not be a surprise, and the employer should possess the potential to uplift employees’ engagement. Lastly, staff development, referred to as guises varieties, is sometimes referred to as development and training. Therefore, to maintain competitiveness, there is a need for the employees to be equipped with on-the-job education.
2 Integrative leadership dimension is the leadership approach that is emerging and it fosters the total action on many boundaries types so as to arrive at common good. The dimension brings together the leadership concepts, and they are rooted in several sectors of society: media, government m business, and community. It targets the development of leadership at all stages and levels at the individual and global levels.
The vital issues leaders face when recruiting new people in the firm. It is always a surmountable activity. There are several ways in which leaders select the best talent, that is, by knowing the culture of the organization, ensuring the candidate is the right fit. First, current employees’ evaluation, among others—understanding the organization’s culture five the considerable insight to employing the right employees. It is thus suitable to know the interfaces of an organization within the various departments. Secondly, the ones seeking a job may be fantastic, and during the interview, they may win by taking the best game. Thus the hiring manager should ask appropriate questions for the potential candidate (Boyd, 2014). Lastly, the evaluation of the current employees, understanding people who are already working in the business, the growing members of the team should be looked upon. They might not have the critical opportunity that can be promoted from within.
Boyd, B. (2014). How do leaders select the best talent? The leading source for targeted, industry-specific news briefs,
Vaughan, T. (2009). primary functions of human resource management. Human resource management,

Discussion 2:
The key aim of human resource management is based at increasing productivity of people through facilitating efficiency that of the workers in a company or organization. The process usually includes development, maintenance, motivation and acquisition of the human resources. The various components of human resource management include recruitment where an effective kind of human resource management comprises of specific metrics that of recruitment in order to attain measures towards relative success, (Storey, 2016). Induction is another component of human resource management which contributes to employees’ satisfaction and also motivation. Other components of human resource management include staff relations, working environment and staff development. Leaders usually apply various strategies to ensure that they select the best talents especially from new team or employees. Through the job description the leaders highlights the required skills or talent of potential candidate hence ensuring that the people ready to ask or seek for the job qualifies and have the perfect talent needed. Through interviewing leaders are also able to determine and realize those with the perfect or best talents needed in the organization, (Stewart & Brown, 2019).
Through the existing team where leaders may request the current employees to closely work together with the new teams and be able to identify the candidates which are suitable for the position or having the perfect talent, (Armstrong, 2020). Through the social media where the leaders may conduct background checkup through the candidate media account and be able to determine the best in the task. Some tools can be used to select the best talented employees such as application of harver tool which assist to predicate the individual’s job performance. Hire select is also another significant tool that can be applied to select the best talent.
Armstrong, M. (2020). Human resource management practice.
Stewart, G. L., & Brown, K. G. (2019). Human resource management. John Wiley & Sons.
Storey, J. (2016). Human resource management. Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.

solved The goal of this project is to acquaint you with

The goal of this project is to acquaint you with a family that is culturally different from the family that you have grown up in and to understand how various ideologies or cultural representations can shape a family’s and identity and values.  Find an individual or a family who has either immigrated to the United States, whose parents have come from another society, who has adopted internationally, or who is visiting here, or who lives or has grown up in a same-sex relationship.   Your interviewee should belong to what is currently considered an underrepresented group in the West (this can include members of various ethnic / racial groups, LGBTQ individuals or religious groups; if you are not sure, please check with Ashley).  Interview at least one member of this family about an aspect of their family life that interests youand that seems different from yours.  For example parenting, family customs, intergenerational relationships, dating, marriage, etc.   Make up about 8-10 questions to ask them.   In addition, read 2-3 articles in the academic literature on this topic, for example childrearing in Mexican
families or arranged marriages in India or the effect of same-sex marriage policies in the U.S.  I shall explain how to find these articles in class.  You are to write up your interview and observations, as well as a summary of your readings in a short paper. In your paper, identify at least one source of perceived strength of this family related to their cultural identity and a type of stress they may face. Please see the rubric for more details.
Paper length is 4-5 pages. Your paper should NOT exceed 5 typed (double spaced) pages (NOT including the interview)
Attach a typed copy of your interview to the end of your paper.
Describe the interview: How you found that particular family, what you noticed, what they said, what are the most significant issues that they are facing, something interesting you learned about them.
Try to integrate your interview with the readings. This means that you should not just write up the interview and then have a separate paper about the readings. Instead, combine the two: for example, say “I found interesting that Sasha was enthusiastic about raising an adopted child from Honduras.  According to (reference, 2014) most parents who adopt internationally, want…….

Describe a bit how the interview reflects what you have read about this group or topic – are there significant similarities or differences?

Make sure NOT to use the person’s real name – you want to protect their anonymity.


ALL PAPERS TO BE WRITTEN IN APA FORMAT!Use Title page´No abstract needed´No header and footers needed´Proper APA citation´References page´Name your document LASTNAME.FIRSTINITIAL PAPER#Rubric – Family Interview PaperRubric – Family Interview PaperCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContext20 ptsExemplaryfocuses on same subject throughout, integrates argument about role of family in society and backs up argument with references from interview and reading15 ptsAbove Averagefocuses on same subject throughout and clearly creates an argument about role of family with evidence from interview and articles10 ptsGoodfocuses on same subject throughout, but integrates the topic with limited reference to interview, articles and text5 ptsBasicdoes not focus on the same subject, does not refer to interview and/or does not use material from text or lectures20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSupportive Documentation20 ptsExemplarya properly documented bibliography attached that includes 1 – 2 empirically based academic journal sources, with 3 – 5 citings correctly referenced in body of the text that correspond to the bibliography15 ptsAbove Averagea properly documented bibliography attached that includes at least 1 empirically based academic journal source and 2 – 3 citings correctly referenced in the body of the text that correspond to the bibliography10 ptsGooda bibliography attached, although incorrectly documented, including at least 1 empirically based academic source, with 1-2 citings referenced in the body of the text that correspond to the bibliography5 ptsBasicno bibliography included, with no indication of using any empirically based academic journals, and no citings referenced throughout the body of the paper20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReflection20 ptsExemplaryincludes comprehensive identification of similarities and differences of a family life aspect, comparing own family and interviewed family, with strong justification in relation to key concepts such as race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, language, social class, disability, national origin, and / or religious affiliation, Shows detailed understanding of role of global system and relation to key concepts15 ptsAbove Averageincludes some identification of similarities and/or differences of a family life aspect, comparing own family and interviewed family, with limited justification to key concepts such as race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, language, social class, disability, national origin, and religious affiliation. Shows some understanding of role of global system and relation to key concepts10 ptsGoodincludes vague identification of similarities and/or differences of a family life aspect, comparing own family and interviewed family, with no justification about concepts such as race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, language, social class, disability, national origin, and religious affiliation. Shows no understanding of role of global system and relation to key concepts5 ptsBasicdoes not identify and/or describe any similarities and/or differences of a family life aspect by using comparison(s) made between own family and family interviewed20 pts

solved To this end, I expect that from the list of

To this end, I expect that from the list of readings under “Full References” and “Main Texts” in this outline, at least 10 references are used in your submissionor it will fail. Moreover, of the 10 references, no more than five may be drawn from either of the texts under “Main Texts”.Main texts: Taylor, B, Chang, K and Li, Q (2003) Industrial Relations in China,Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.[HD8736.5.T39 2003]Brown, W and Chang, K. Eds. (2017) The emerging industrial relaitons of China, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Full References:Au, L.Y. (2011) ‘Introduction: Chinese SOE Workers in Contemporary China’ in Fan W.D.‘s My 20 Years with a state enterprise, Hong Kong: Globalization Monitor Ltd. pp. 6-30Chan, C. (2010a&b) The Challenge of labour in China: Strikes and the Changing Labour Regime in Global Factories, London and New York: Routledge. Ch. 4 (a), pp. 164-177 (b).Chen, F. (2010) ‘Trade unions and the quadripartite interactions in strike settlement in China.’ The China Quarterly, 201, pp.104-124Cheng, Z. (2014)’The effects of employee involvement and participation on subjective wellbeing: evidence from urban China’. Social Indicators Research, 118 (2), pp.457-483.CLB (2008) Speaking Out: The Workers’ Movement in China, Research Report No. 5. pp. 62-70.Compa, L. (2008) ‘Corporate Social Responsibility and Workers’ Rights’, Comparative labor law & policy journal. 30 (1), p.1-10. FIDH (2013) China’s workers are calling for change. What role should brands play? Report by International Federation of Human Rights, May.Gallagher, M. and Dong, B. (2011) ‘Legislating Harmony: Labour Law Reform in Contemporary China’ in Kuruvilla S., Lee C.K. and Gallagher M.’s Markets, workers, and the State in a Changing China, Ithaca and London: ILR Press. pp.36-60.Hanser, A. (2007) ‘A tale of two sales floors: Changing service-work regimes in China’ in C.K. Lee’s Working in China, London and New York: Routledge. pp.77-97.Harney, A. (2009) The China Price: The True Cost of Chinese Competitive Advantage, USA: the Penguin Group. pp. 33-55Hendrischke, H. (2011) ‘Changing legislative and institutional arrangements facing China’s workplace’ in Sheldon P., Kim S., Li Y. and Warner M.’s China’s Changing workplace, London and New York: Routledge. pp.51-67.Howell, J. & Pringle, T. (2018) ‘Shades of Authoritarianism and State–Labour Relations in China’ British Journal of Industrial Relations, Oct.Lee, C.K., Sheldon, P. and Li, Y. (2011) ‘Employer coordination and employer associations’ in Sheldon P., Kim S., Li Y. and Warner M.’s China’s Changing workplace, London and New York: Routledge. pp.301-320.Li, Q & Taylor B (2008) ‘Regulating death in China’s free market: the case of mining fatalities’ China aktuell -Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, 1 (Feb). Michelson, E. (2007) ‘The practice of law as an obstacle to justice: Chinese lawyers at work’ in C.K. Lee’s Working in China, London and New York: Routledge. pp.169-187.Page, R. (2017) ‘The ACFTU and labour organisations in the reform period’ in China’s International Labour Relations:The Evolution and Politics of China’sInteractions with the International LabourMovement and Overseas LabourOrganisations(PhD, CityU) pp.27-38.Park, A. and Cai, F. (2011) ‘The Informalization of the Chinese Labour Market’ in Kuruvilla S., Lee C.K. and Gallagher M.’s Markets, workers, and the State in a Changing China, Ithaca and London: ILR Press. pp.17-35.Pringle, T. (2011a) Trade Unions in China: The challenge of labour unrest,London and New York: Routledge. pp.11-55.Pringle, T. (2011b) Trade Unions in China: The challenge of labour unrest,London and New York: Routledge. pp.160-182.Salamon, M. (1992) Industrial Relations: theory and practice2ndEd., New York: Prentice Hall. Song, Y. (2012) Regional Collective Contract System in China.pp.11-34 & 207-216.Tang, B. (2011) ‘Change and continuity in china’s urban workforce: Recent trends’ in Sheldon P., Kim S., Li Y. and Warner M.’s China’s Changing workplace, London and New York: Routledge. pp. 71-92Taylor, B. (2002) ‘Privatisation, Markets and Industrial Relations in China’, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 40.2. pp. 249-272. (Jun).Taylor, B (2012) ‘Supply chains and labour standards in China’ Personnel Review41.5 pp. 552-71. Taylor, B. (2015) ‘Chinese Labour Law: examining the impact of disputes resolution legislation’, Development Workshop organised by The Journal of Management Studies (JMS) and the Society for Advancement of Management Studies (SAMS), Renmin University, Beijing, 11 June.Taylor, B. (2017) ‘The Party’s Policy towards Workers’ in Willy Wo-lap Lam (Ed.), Handbook of the Chinese Communist Party, Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 219-31. Taylor, B. (2018a) ‘China’ in Stefan Berger, Ludger Pries and Manfred Wannöffel (Eds.) The Palgrave International Handbook of Workers’Participation, Basingstoke: Palgrave. Taylor, B. (2018b) ‘Employee (Labour –Management) Relations’ in Ali Farazmand (Ed.) Global Encyclopaedia of Public Administration and Public Policy, Cham: Springer International Publishing AG.aylor, B. & Li Q. (2010) ‘China’s creative approach to ‘union’ organising’ Labour History51.3 (Aug)Taylor, B. & Li, Q. (2017) ‘Chinese Government Regulation of Labour Disputes: adding water to an oil fire’, BAM2017 Conference (British Academy of Management), Warwick U., UK 5-7 Sept.Wong, M (2008) Voices from Below, Hong Kong: Asia Monitor Resource Centre Ltd. pp.52-57. [HD8736.5 .L332 2008]Zajak, S. (2013) ‘Transnational private regulation and the transformation of labour rights organizations in emerging markets: new markets for labour support work in China.’ Journal of Asian Public Policy, 6 (2), p.178-195.

solved Using what you have learned about your topic from your

Using what you have learned about your topic from your literature search, you are working towards formulating a research purpose and question. Note that in the Learning Resources for this week, the language of qualitative research is incorporated into how the research purpose and question is formulated. Here are some basic do’s and don’ts.
Quantitative   (Don’ts)

Qualitative   (Do’s)

Examine differences, effects, or impact






Broad, open-ended questions
For example, in the ongoing scenario for each of the weeks of this course, the qualitative research question is formulated based on:
DO: The purpose of this study is to understand the narratives of childcare and support in families in impoverished communities.
DO: What is the meaning of a “well-behaved child” to early childhood caregivers in impoverished neighborhoods?
While as in this example, the research question is formulated based on quantitative information
DON’T: The purpose of this study is to examine the demographic and family factors that predict the use of childcare services in impoverished communities.
DON’T: What are the differences in early childhood social skill acquisition between children that do receive childcare services and those that do not?
For this Discussion, you will examine qualitative research as it relates to qualitative design considerations.
To prepare for this Discussion:

Review the Learning Resources and the Fundamentals      of Qualitative Research Methods: Developing a Qualitative Research      Question video and consider the basic guidelines for qualitative      research design.
Use the Course Guide and Assignment Help found in this      week’s Learning Resources and search for a qualitative research article. (Note: This      article should be the research article you are using for your Major      Assignment 1.)
Review the qualitative research article you found and      identify each of the components of the research design and consider what      is present and what is missing.
Identify what the authors did to document      positionality, reflexivity, and bias.

Transform your notes from your preparation work into three paragraphs and post the following:

A brief statement of the purpose and primary research      question the article addresses
An assessment of how thoroughly the research design was      presented, including what was missing
An assessment of the extent of the researcher’s      presentation of positionality, reflexivity, and bias

Be sure to support your main post and response post with reference to the week’s Learning Resources and other scholarly evidence in APA style.
Learning Resources
Required Readings
Ravitch, S. M., & Carl, N. M. (2021). Qualitative research: Bridging the conceptual, theoretical, and methodological (2nd ed.) Sage Publications.

Chapter 3, “Critical      Qualitative Research Design” “Qualitative Research Design” (pp. 62–103)      (focus on pp. 62-63)
Chapter 4, “Design and      Reflexivity in Data Collection” (pp. 105–122)

Rubin, H. J., & Rubin, I. S. (2012). Qualitative interviewing: The art of hearing data (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Chapter 3, “Qualitative      Data-Gathering Methods and Style” (pp. 25–39)
Chapter 4, “Designing Research      for the Responsive Interviewing Model” (pp. 42–57)

Walden University Center for Research Quality. (2015). Research resources: Research design & analysis. Retrieved from
Use this website to guide as you as you consider research design and analysis for your Discussions and Assignments during this week.
Walden University Library. (n.d.). Course guide and assignment help for RSCH 8310. Retrieved from 
Use this website to search for articles based on the requirements for the Discussion and/or Assignment.
Document: Video Field Notes Guide (Word document)
Use this guide to help you as you take notes for your Scholar of Change video.
Document: Major Assignment 1: Developing a Research Topic for a Qualitative Study Assignment Guidelines (PDF)
Use this document to help you as you write your purpose statement for Part 1 of your Major Assignment 1.
Required Media
Yale University. (2015, June 23). Fundamentals of qualitative research methods: Developing a qualitative research question (Module 2) [Video file]. Retrieved from
Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 12 minutes.
As you review this video, focus on how you will develop a good research question for your Major Assignment 1.
Laureate Education (Producer). (2010). Doctoral research: Ensuring quality in qualitative research [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.
Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 4 minutes.
In this media program, qualitative research expert Dr. Laura Lynn talks about the issue of researcher bias in the interview process.
Accessible player  –Downloads– Download Video w/CC Download Audio Download Transcript 
Scholar of Change Video #3
Anner, J. (2015). John Anner, PhD student in public policy and administration [Video file].
Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 3 minutes.
In this media program, John Anner describes how he is using his Walden education to help NGOs build capacity and create solutions that address some of the world’s most-pressing problems—not only on a case-by-case basis but also on a global scale. As you observe, take notes using the Video Field Notes Guide. 

solved If a company wants to implement an enterprise application, it

If a company wants to implement an enterprise application, it had better do its homework. Discuss the implications of this statement. Post two comments to your peers
Discussion Question
1- What are the benefits and costs, or advantages and disadvantages, of autonomous driving technology to various corporate stakeholders and society?
2- Are the threats of harm from autonomous vehicles simply an acceptable risk, especially when compared to fatalities caused by human-driven vehicles?
3- What steps could business, government, or individual drivers take to reduce the risk of hacking in autonomous vehicles?
4- Do you think federal or state governments should regulate the emergence of autonomous driving technology, and if so how?
5- f you were the chief technology officer of a company that was developing autonomously driven vehicles, what steps would you take to manage this technology appropriately?
6- In what ways were consumers (car owners) harmed by Volkswagen’s actions?
7- Did Volkswagen violate any U.S. consumer protection laws, and if so, which ones?
8- What were the potential benefits and risks to Volkswagen of its decision to defraud consumers and regulators?
9- If you were an owner of a VW, Audi, or Porsche vehicle equipped with a defeat device, what would be your options?  What would you choose to do, and why?
10- What are the advantages and disadvantages to consumers of a class action lawsuit of the kind described here?
11- Was the settlement fair to consumers, or not?

First response :
Enterprise applications are internal Web applications or software used by medium and large enterprises to monitor, report, forecast, collaborate, and optimize specific lines of business. Basically, enterprise applications rely on various types of open platform systems. They are not independent, and most of these applications are connected to each other. They interact with each other at different levels, but they are also likely to connect these applications with other enterprise-related applications. This constitutes a complex structure spanning distributed enterprise intranets and Internet application clusters. When the company is applying the enterprise application, it can streamline operations and reduce waste. It also encourages companies to improve the quality of products and services to help reduce waste and customer complaints. In addition, it encourages internal communication and improves employee morale.

Enterprise applications are not easy to implement. There are numerous case studies about the failure of the organization due to ERP implementation. Due to the high cost of ERP implementation, Fox-Meyer Pharmaceuticals continues to go bankrupt. In addition, Waste Management Inc, Nike, Dell, and Hershey also withdrew their ERP implementation projects after suffering a huge loss of 100 million U.S. dollars. There are many cases of failure of ERP implementation and the most common cause is lack of clarity on requirements. `So if an organization wants to implement an enterprise application, it must do its homework and identify needs and priorities. It should then ask various vendors for an analysis of those requirements and if they can be designed in the ERP package. If not, you can customize it to solve the demand. Customizations should be avoided as much as possible because of their high cost of maintenance. If the standard enterprise package does not support the requirements, the organization should consider changing the business process. However, in some cases, these business processes have a competitive advantage, and organizations should not change them. For example, due to the failure of the ERP implementation project, the waste management company suffered losses of up to 100 million U.S. dollars and took legal action against their ERP supplier SAP.

Second response :
This statement implies that when a company wants to implement an enterprise application, there is a lot of footwork involved. Enterprise applications cover a wide and complex array of business operations, therefore a company first needs to research its own needs and goals for implementing the software in the first place. After it identifies its goals, a company will need to weigh the options of whether implementing an enterprise application is more beneficial than harmful to the company; and above all, which one, if not all, will it benefit most from, or which one is most crucial to their daily operations if it decides to proceed? For example, some companies might benefit from an integration of an amalgamation of enterprise applications, such as a restaurant, where enterprise resource planning, supply chains, and customer relationships are all intertwined. However, a luxury chair manufacturer might be more focused on supply chain management, even if it can utilize other forms of enterprise applications. Why? Because a manufacturer’s business heavily relies on the production of goods; if the supply chain is not optimized to its best capability, it will fail to operate efficiently. This will affect its sales and its customer relations. However, a strictly retail company, that also depends on an efficient supply chain, might want to focus more on customer relationship management. This is because customers and sales are the main focus of daily operations. Finding out what the customer wants to buy and how they like to buy it are detrimental to a retail sales business. Without that information, even if their supply chain is beyond up to par, they will lack an important component of information to ensure success in their business. That is why a company looking to implement an enterprise application better do its homework. There are different priorities and necessities according to the hierarchy of a company’s daily operations and business goals.

solved Bonavista International has its head office in Brisbane, and operates

Bonavista International has its head office in Brisbane, and operates throughout Australia, New Zealand, and parts of Asia. There are three main divisions: Brewing Division: this is the oldest division, and it operates major breweries in Perth and Brisbane. Newspaper Division: owns leading tabloid newspapers in several cities. Cable Television Division: operates cable television services in Asia and Australia. This is a high-risk, growing market. Each division is headed by a managing director who has been given a high level of decision-making authority. Each managing director effectively runs his or her division as a stand-alone business within the general policy guidelines provided by the board of directors in the head office. Each managing director agrees to achieve a series of targets: return on investment (ROI), market share and sales growth. These targets are developed each year as part of the annual budget-setting process. Intense lobbying takes place between each managing director and the board of directors to determine the most suitable targets. Each managing director receives an annual cash bonus based on achieving the target divisional ROI. The company defines ROI as operating profit, before interest and taxes, divided by divisional assets (measured at original cost less accumulated depreciation). Senior managers are each eligible for a cash bonus of $74,000 if they reach their divisional ROI target. If performance is above target, share options are awarded at the rate of 24,000 shares for every additional point over target. Thus, if the ROI target is 13 per cent and the division achieves 15 per cent, the manager would be awarded 48,000 share options. These options are at the prevailing market price on the last day of the financial year and must be taken up within two years of the award. During the past year, the market price of the company’s shares increased from $4 to $6. If the ROI target is not reached, there are no bonuses or share options, and the managing director has to provide convincing reasons for the poor performance. As a consequence of the performance measurement and reward system, the managing directors are highly motivated to achieve, and exceed their ROI targets. Karl Sharp, the managing director of the Brewing Division, is concerned that his market share, and hence his ROI, is likely to suffer next year, as his main competitor has recently purchased new brewing technology. While his own brewing equipment is only 10 years old, it is unable to produce the new variety of beers that customers are demanding, and maintenance and operating costs are increasing. Sharp is considering a proposal to invest $10 million in new equipment. This will probably increase next year’s operating profit for his division by $10 million. Sharp has analysed the future cash flows of this proposal, and the new acquisition will easily satisfy the minimum required rate of return of 10 per cent for all new investments that is set for the Bonavista Group. Without this acquisition, Sharp expects his divisional profit ROI to drop to 13 per cent next year. The financial data for the last year and the latest forecast for the current year, for each division, in thousands of dollars, as follows: Operating profit Sales revenue Divisional assets Target ROI Division Last year Current year Last year Current year Last year Current year Last year Current year Newspaper 627 744 2,728 2,740 5,700 6,200 11% 11% Brewing 1,134 1,232 4,890 4,640 6,300 7,700 17% 15% Cable 160 336 1,940 990 8,000 8,400 1% 2% Requirements Assume that you are a management consulting team hired by Bonavista International, to review and redesign the performance measurement system. Your team is required to submit a written report covering following aspects: Explain why Karl Sharp is reluctant to invest in the new brewing equipment (Provide calculations to support your arguments)Explain the limitations of the key financial performance measure/s and incentive systems used by Bonavista international (Use above calculations to support your arguments). I have completed these calculations below Newspaper Last Year Current Change Operating Profit $ 627,000.00 $ 744,000.00 18.66% Sales Revenue $ 2,728,000.00 $ 2,740,000.00 $ 12,000.00 COGS $ 2,101,000.00 $ 1,996,000.00 $ (105,000.00) Assets $ 5,700,000.00 $ 6,200,000.00 $ 500,000.00 Profit Margin 22.98% 27.15% 4.17% ROA 47.86% 44.19% -3.67% ROI 11.00% 12.00% 1.00% Shares Awarded $ 74,000.00 $74,000.00 & 24000Shares 148000 Brewing Last Year Current Change Operating Profit $ 1,134,000.00 $ 1,232,000.00 9% Sales Revenue $ 4,890,000.00 $ 4,640,000.00 $ (250,000.00) COGS $ 3,756,000.00 $ 3,408,000.00 $ (348,000.00) Assets $ 6,300,000.00 $ 7,700,000.00 $ 1,400,000.00 Profit Margin 23.19% 26.55% 3.36% ROA 77.62% 60.26% -17.36% ROI 18.00% 16.00% -2.00% Shares Awarded $74,000.00 & 24000 Shares $74,000.00 & 24000 Shares Cable Last Year Current Change Operating Profit $ 160,000.00 $ 336,000.00 110% Sales Revenue $ 1,940,000.00 $ 990,000.00 $ (950,000.00) COGS $ 1,780,000.00 $ 654,000.00 $ (1,126,000.00) Assets $ 8,000,000.00 $ 8,400,000.00 $ 400,000.00 Profit Margin 8.25% 33.94% 25.69% ROA 24.25% 11.79% -12.46% ROI 2.00% 4.00% 2.00% Shares Awarded $74,000.00 & 48000 Shares $74,000.00 & 48000Shares

solved Prepare a 2-3 page business report in which you analyze

Prepare a 2-3 page business report in which you analyze your
leadership strengths and develop a statement of who you are as a leader. Introduction This portfolio work project helps you define who you are as a
leader. It is something that would be useful to you in annual
performance reviews or to use as a reminder of your strengths and best
qualities. Scenario Your leader is interested in your development as a leader in your
organization. You have recently taken a variety of self-assessments
designed to better understand your strengths, areas of improvement,
communication ability, and values. Your leader would like you to spend
some time reflecting on the results of your assessments and gathering
some additional information from those who know you best. Your Role Your role is to prepare a report in which you review and reflect on
your strengths; collect additional information from 3–5 colleagues,
friends, or others who know you well; and create a portrait of yourself
as a leader. Preparation This assessment requires you to collect feedback from 3–5 people who know you best.Because not everyone is likely to respond, you should identify at
least 10 people to ask. Choose a variety of people who have had extended
contact with you, such as: Colleagues (former or current), such as vendors, customers, or board members.Friends (old or recent), neighbors, or fellow volunteers.Family members.Others who know you well. Be creative in your choices. Try to give your respondents sufficient time to respond. You can create a feedback form or keep it simpler.The questions you should ask are: Who am I when I am at my best?Can you provide a specific example of a time when I was at my best? You can reach out by phone, e-mail, text, or in person. Analyze your leadership strengths. Requirements For this paper: Discuss the strengths, skills, and other positives that were
revealed in the assessments that you took. Do these strengths surprise
you or reinforce what you already thought? How do you use these
strengths currently? Be sure to clearly explain which assessment gave
you the information and cite the assessments in APA format.Discuss your strengths further by summarizing the responses you
received and relating how what you learned from the people you talked to
and the assessments fits in with what you already knew about yourself,
and with the work you currently do or hope to do in the future.Develop a statement of who you are as a leader, based on your
analysis. This statement should include your values, strengths, goals,
and more. You should include in your statement who you want to be as a
leader—what you aspire to become. This way, your statement becomes your
own vision of who you want to be and an affirmation to help you grow.Describe some of the areas that you learned are growth
opportunities (where you did not perform so strongly). How did you feel
about this? What areas do you feel are most important to strengthen?
What steps might you take to do so? Deliverable Format Your deliverable is a 2–3-page business report. Business reports are
formatted differently from academic, APA formatting. For information
about the differences, refer to the MBA Program Resources on the left
side of the courseroom navigation panel. Once you click this tab,
several options will appear in the middle of your screen. Click the
Writing option. You will want to review the MBA Academic and
Professional Document Guidelines. Note that this business report MUST be
single-spaced, professionally formatted, and organized with ample
headings. Because this is a personal reflection, you may write it in
first person. Related Company Standards The Defining Yourself As a Leader business report is a professional
document and should therefore follow the corresponding MBA Academic and
Professional Document Guidelines, including single-spaced paragraphs. In
addition to the report, include: Title page or a heading at the top of the first page with title, date, and your name.Conclusion.References page (if applicable).APA-formatted references (if applicable). You might consider using the following outline: Introduction (tell the reader what this paper is about. Do not assume that the reader knows what the assignment is).My Strengths (detail which assessments you took and what strengths and values were revealed).Leadership Statement (create a statement of who you want to be as a leader—make it aspiring, like an affirmation).Growth Opportunities (detail the areas where you have yet to grow and discuss some plans for achieving that growth).Conclusion (wrap up the paper effectively).References (in APA format. Be sure to cite the assessments that you took, and any readings that are applicable). Evaluation By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate
your proficiency in the following course competencies through
corresponding scoring guide criteria: Competency 1: Analyze the strengths and behaviors of successful leaders.
Analyze personal leadership strengths.Develop a personal leadership statement that includes purpose and values as a leader. Competency 2: Apply leadership strengths and behaviors to workplace situations.
Describe how you use your strengths in the workplace or plan to
in the future and how you will develop your weaknesses to become
strengths. Competency 4: Communicate effectively through academic and professional writing.
Develop text using organization, structure, and transitions that
demonstrate understanding of the relationship between the main topic
and subtopics.Convey clear meaning in text through sound grammar, usage, word choice, and mechanics. Faculty will use the scoring guide to review your deliverable as if
they were your boss. Review the scoring guide prior to developing and
submitting your assessment.

solved I’m working on a business practice test / quiz and

I’m working on a business practice test / quiz and need support to help me learn.

Question 14 PointsVenus has a thicker atmosphere than Earth.TrueFalseQuestion 24 PointsWhy is Venus so much hotter than the Earth?because it is closer to the Sunbecause it rotates backwards compared to its orbital rotationbecause its clouds have a very high reflectivitybecause it has much more carbon dioxide in its atmosphereQuestion 34 PointsImpacts were extremely common in the young solar system but are less common today.TrueFalseQuestion 44 PointsWhat do we mean by accretion in the context of planet formation?the growth of the Sun as the density of gas increased in the center of the solar nebulathe solidification of ices, rocks, and metal from the gas of the solar nebularthe growth of planetesimals from smaller solid particles that collided and stuck togetherthe formation of moons around planetsQuestion 54 PointsWhat is the giant impact hypothesis for the origin of the Moon?The Moon formed just like the Earth, from accretion in the solar nebula.The Moon formed from material blasted out of the Earth’s mantle and crust by the impact of a Mars-size object.The Moon formed when two gigantic asteroids collided with one another.The Moon originally was about the same size as Earth, but a giant impact blasted most of it away so that it ended up much smaller than Earth.Question 64 PointsWhat percentage of the solar nebula’s mass consisted of hydrogen and helium gases?98 percent100 percent5 percent50 percent0.5 percentQuestion 74 PointsJupiter and the other gas giants formed close to the sun and migrated outward.TrueFalseQuestion 84 PointsFrom where did the oxygen in the Earth’s atmosphere originate?outgassing from volcanoesatmospheric bombardmentoxidation of surface rocksphotosynthesis from plant life and single-celled organismschemical reactions between gas in the upper atmosphere and the solar windQuestion 94 PointsWhat is the importance of the carbon dioxide (CO2) cycle?It will prevent us from suffering any consequences from global warming.It allows for an ultraviolet-absorbing stratosphere.It regulates the carbon dioxide concentration of our atmosphere, keeping temperatures moderate.It makes the growth of continents possible.Question 104 PointsThe current atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide on Earth is at its highest in over a million years.TrueFalseQuestion 114 PointsWhere is most of the water on Mars?in its cloudsin deep underground depositsfrozen on the peaks of its tall volcanoesin its polar caps and subsurface ground icedistributed evenly throughout its atmosphereQuestion 124 PointsToday, Mars has virtually no magnetic field.TrueFalseQuestion 134 PointsWhy do we think Mercury has so many tremendous cliffs?They represent one of the greatest mysteries in the solar system, as no one has suggested a reasonable hypothesis for their formation.They probably formed when a series of large impacts hit Mercury one after the other.They were probably formed by tectonic stresses when the entire planet shrank as its core cooled.They are almost certainly volcanic in origin, carved by flowing lava.They were probably carved in Mercury’s early history by running water.Question 144 PointsWhich of the following worlds has the most substantial atmosphere?VenusMercuryMarsthe MoonEarthQuestion 154 PointsWhich of the following best describes convection?It is the process by which rocks sink in water.It is the process in which a liquid separates according to density, such as oil and water separating in a jar.It is the process in which bubbles of gas move upward through a liquid.It is the process in which warm material expands and rises while cool material contracts and falls.It is the process in which warm material gets even warmer and cool material gets even cooler.Question 164 PointsWhich of the following is the most basic definition of a greenhouse gas?a gas that absorbs infrared lighta gas that makes a planet much hotter than it would be otherwise, even in small amountsa gas that reflects a lot of sunlighta gas that keeps warms air from rising, and therefore warms the surfaceQuestion 174 PointsThe three principal sources of the internal heat of terrestrial planets areconduction, differentiation, and accretion.accretion, differentiation, and eruption.accretion, differentiation, and radioactivity.conduction, convection, and eruption.convection, differentiation, and eruption.Question 184 PointsEarth is the only planet in the solar system known to have plate tectonics.TrueFalseQuestion 194 PointsThe core, mantle, and crust of a planet are defined by differences in theirstrength.geological activity.density.temperature.Question 204 PointsThe planet closest in size to Earth isVenus.Mercury.Mars.Pluto.the Moon.Question 214 PointsWhich of the following lists the planets of our solar system in the correct order from closest to farthest from the Sun?Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, NeptuneMercury, Venus, Mars, Earth, Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune, UranusEarth, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, NeptuneMercury, Earth, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, UranusQuestion 224 PointsThe planet in our solar system with the highest average surface temperature is ________.EarthMercuryVenusNeptuneQuestion 234 PointsWhich planet (besides Earth) has been visited by the largest number of robotic spacecraft?JupiterMarsSaturnVenusQuestion 244 PointsHow do scientists determine the age of the solar system?radiometric dating of the oldest Earth rocksradiometric dating of Moon rocksTheoretical calculations tell us how long it has taken the planets to evolve to their present forms.radiometric dating of meteoritesQuestion 254 PointsWhich jovian planet does not have rings?JupiterNeptuneUranusAll the jovian planets have rings.Mars