solved DescriptionGetting StartedFor Touchstone 1, you will be writing two separate,

DescriptionGetting StartedFor Touchstone 1, you will be writing two separate, distinct paragraphs. You will write one paragraph in the informative mode and one paragraph in the descriptive mode.The informative paragraph must be written in a non-biased tone and explain, teach, or inform. The descriptive paragraph must use sensory details to describe a person, place or object.In order to foster learning and growth, all essays you submit must be newly written specifically for this course. Any recycled work will be sent back with a 0, and you will be given one attempt to redo the touchstone.Choosing a TopicFor the informative paragraph, be creative and choose a topic that you already know something about. (You do not need to conduct any research for this paragraph.) Be sure to write in an objective and non-biased manner with your intended audience and purpose in mind. You may write about any topic you wish that you know something about, however; below are some sample topics that may help you get started. The background, history, or rules of a particular game or sportThe materials, tools, background or approach for a hobby you enjoyThe action/process for an activity such as driving, planting a garden, grilling a steak, etc.The history of a place that you know a lot about (a city, state, natural attraction, etc.)A scientific process or concept that you are very familiar withFor the descriptive paragraph, use sensory language and vivid details to describe a person, a place or a thing. Sensory details describe how something looks, sounds, feels, smells or tastes. You should use precise language to “show” rather than “tell” about what you are describing. Be sure to write with your intended audience and purpose in mind. What you write about is entirely up to you as long as you use vivid details and sensory language to bring the description to life. However, below are some sample topics that may help you get started. Describe a room in your house Describe your favorite spot to spend time Describe a person who is special to you Describe a meal that you enjoy eating or cooking Describe a unique family traditionParagraph GuidelinesRefer to the checklist below throughout the writing process. Do not submit your Touchstone until your paragraphs meet all guidelines.Paragraph StructureDoes each paragraph include a topic sentence that depicts the controlling idea of the paragraph?Does each paragraph include supporting sentences that effectively support your topic sentence?Are all sentences or details in the paragraph relevant to the topic sentence?Does each paragraph include a concluding sentence that gives closure to the paragraph?Paragraph CohesionIs the sequence of all sentences within each paragraph logical (topic sentence first, logical sequence of supporting sentences, concluding sentence last)?Are transitions used effectively to connect ideas within the paragraph?Is the paragraph easy to read?Sentence StructureAre all sentences complete and correct?Are there any run-on sentences? Have you used conjunctions and correct punctuation between independent clauses?Are there any sentence fragments? Does each sentence have a subject and verb and express a complete thought?Descriptive ParagraphDoes the writing “show” the reader details rather than “telling” about them?Does the paragraph describe a person, place or object?Have you touched on at least three of the senses in your use of sensory language?Informative ParagraphDoes the paragraph clearly inform the reader about a topic?Is the paragraph based on information or facts rather than opinion?Is the tone of the paragraph neutral and objective?ConventionsHave you checked your paragraph for grammatical errors?Have you used Spell-Check or another method to check spelling?Have you used punctuation correctly?Before you SubmitHave you underlined your topic sentence, one supporting sentence and your concluding sentence in each paragraph?Have you clearly labeled each paragraph as either “Descriptive” or “Informative”?Have you clearly identified the intended audience and purpose above each paragraph?Have you included your name, date and course at the top left of the page?Is each paragraph between 200-300 words?ReflectionHave you answered all of the reflection questions thoughtfully and thoroughly?Are your answers to the reflection questions included on a separate page below your paragraphs?Have you met or exceeded the required length for each reflection response?Reflection QuestionsWhat do you think your strengths and weaknesses are in terms of sentence construction and paragraph development? (1-2 sentences)Explain how writing for a particular purpose and audience shaped each of your paragraphs. (3-5 sentences)Discuss your feelings about writing in different modes. Is there a particular mode you enjoy writing in more than another? (3-5 sentences)Explain how different writing modes that you have learned about might be applied to scenarios in your real life. (3-5 sentences)ScoringYour composition and reflection will be scored according to the Touchstone 1 Rubric, which considers your reflection, your descriptive and informative paragraph elements, structure and organization as well as your use of conventions.RequirementsEach paragraph should be 200 to 300 words (approximately 1/2 page) in lengthDouble-space the paragraphs and use 1-inch marginsUse a readable 12-point fontAll writing must be appropriate for an academic contextAll writing must be original and written for this assignmentPlagiarism of any kind is strictly prohibitedSubmission must include your name, the name of the course, the date, and the title of your compositionSubmission must include both your descriptive and informative paragraphs and your answers to the reflection questions following eachSubmit a single file only, including all assignment componentsAcceptable file formats include .doc, and .docx.

solved I interviewed this social worker from an agency and she

I interviewed this social worker from an agency and she gave me certain responses that can help you on writing about the listed questions. Interview Q and A1.. What is the name and location of the agency you work with? D.A. Blodgett- St. John’s in Grand Rapids2. What is the name of your position? My official job title is TF-CBT Lead Therapist; but I provide both TF-CBT (trauma focused cognitive behavioral therapy) and Infant Mental Health Therapy3. What kind of programs does your job offer? The two programs that I work in (TF-CBT and Infant Mental Health) both provide therapy/counseling to children and adolescents. These services are primarily provided to families in the home or community. TF-CBT is an evidence based model that is proven to be very effective for individuals who have experienced trauma of any kind. It entails learning skills for coping, managing feelings, processing trauma, and learning to manage trauma triggers. Infant mental health therapy focuses a lot on parent-child attachment and relationship. This entails learning skills for bonding with a little one, parenting, setting little ones up for lifelong success, and some trauma work.4. What are the criterias clients must meet in order to obtain services. Our agency offers a wide variety of different programs each of which have different criteria. For me, TF-CBT requires that some between 4-18 has experienced some kind of trauma they can identify and that the trauma has caused some kind of significant reactions (anxiety, depression, nightmares, aggression, intrusive thoughts, ect). Infant Mental Health is a bit more broad. For that program there needs to be a child age 5 or younger and their caregiver. As far as symptoms go we look for difficulties with attachment, developmental concerns, environmental risk factors (poverty, drug abuse, foster care, ect), and need for support. As a general rule both programs require Medicaid insurance and residence in Kent county; however there are always lots of exceptions to both of these with different circumstances.5. As a social worker what do you hope to achieve? My biggest goal as a social worker is to support kids and families in dealing with trauma and the other difficulties that get in their way of being their best selves.6. What does a typical day look like? My days vary so much! Some days are really quiet and others are super crazy. Most days I travel around the county seeing somewhere between 3-5 clients. In my breaks between travel and sessions I write case notes and complete other necessary paperwork/documentation. About once per week I have a meeting with just my supervisor to go over things or a team meeting with other clinicians to provide support and tools to one another. I also spend a good bit of time talking on the phone/texting with clients to provide support or answer questions. I also squeeze trainings in where I can to keep learning new skills.Assignment IV. Writing – Prepare a 7-8 page paper on the agency, the population served, and your own reflections/impressionsYour final paper for this class should be 7-8 pages long (double-spaced, 12 pt. ft, 1-inch margins). A title page is not required and will not be considered in the page count; a works cited page is required, but also will not be considered in the page count. The final essay should be submitted to the professor via Canvas by Friday, August 6. (See the rubric below for more details on the assignment). As with your video presentations, the final paper should include three main sections:1. Introduction/Overview of the Agency2. Social Problem/Population Served by the Agency3. Impressions of the Agency (Reflections)1. Introduction/Overview of the Agency – Provide the reader with a bit of background or context for the rest of your paper. a. Briefly (1 paragraph) explain the name & location of agency, who you interviewed, and their position in the agencyb. In several paragraphs, capture the agency’s mission and objectives, programs offered (please note micro, mezzo, and macro activities), and characteristics (e.g., private, public, nonprofit, sectarian, urban).c. Briefly (1 paragraph) explain the population(s) served by the agency – ages, race, religion, gender, socioeconomic, geographic area, etc. Include criteria clients must meet in order to obtain services. 2. Social Problem/Population Served by the Agency – Most social service agencies target a particular population that is eligible for the services offered by the agency because they suffer from a social problem (homelessness, child abuse, drug addiction, mental illness, etc.) Some serve multiple needs. Choose one population served by the agency you visited and research it. Learn more about the group via multiple peer-reviewed sources. In your final paper, discuss the findings of at least 3 scholarly sources related to the population chosen. These should be listed in a works cited page, in APA format, at the end of your paper. Finally, describe how the inclusion of different perspectives/sources can influence one’s view of the problem/population served. (3 articles are attached)3. Impressions of the Agency (Reflections)a. What were your initial thoughts of the agency? What surprised you? What did you like or dislike? What do you think it is like for a client coming to that agency? Could you envision being a client there?b.How is the agency addressing the problem or serving the population you studied?c.What was empowering about the agency, to whom, and in what way? d.How does this agency continuously discover, appraise, and attend to changing locales, populations, scientific and technological developments, and emerging societal trends to provide relevant services?e.What is the most important thing to know about social welfare at the agency? Why?f.What is the most important thing to know about social workers and social work at the agency? Why?

solved question: As you were looking through the slides and links,

question: As you were looking through the slides and links, references are often made to other cultural groups and historical events. Discuss your thoughts on this and site some examples you may have caught.
1- Personally I really liked Mr. Fairey’s art. He didn’t seem afraid to make controversial art or stand up for how the communities felt. 
Seeing so much street art was awesome. But the concept that seems so fascinating is that we learned how people from all over the world, long ago, were painting, drawing, creating hieroglyphs, etc. in there own homes, caves, or wherever they lived. It just shows that art is instinctually a part of the human species. These people were all doing it in their own ways, without knowing people on the other side of the world were too. Nowadays we know that art is created all over the world, but hundreds of years ago they didn’t. 
It’s fascinating that we have ancient art from Africa, Europe, Greece, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Guatemala, Scandinavia, etc. and it is all unique to the culture at the time. 
2- I think that street art is so important. It’s a way to reach a bigger audience of people. People who wouldn’t normally go out of their way to look at art are able to see it and become aware. It is also a good opportunity to raise awareness for certain causes or appreciation for people. I remember after an awful incident where a kid from my high school was unnecessarily shot by the police and killed, somebody painted a big mural of his face to remember him. It made me really feel happy to see him represented.  I have seen many other murals painted in SLC for similar situations as well. Street art has no boundaries, you can basically put up whatever you want. It might get taken down or washed away but I like the idea that if you want to put it out there, you can. If it is for a good cause and within reason of course. Street art is also important because it is a more peaceful way to protest. It can be done without harming others and as the artist, you can also keep your identity private if you wish too. I have a great appreciation for street art. 
I have always been drawn to Bansky’s work. I remember in Park City several years ago, I saw his artwork for the first time on the side of a building. I had no idea who he was yet. I remember my friend telling me that its by Banksy but nobody really knows who the actual artist is. I thought that was so cool.  I’m not sure if now people know who he is. His artwork representing the little girl holding the hands of Ronald Mcdonald and Mickey mouse really stuck with me. It has been included in lessons of in multiple art classes that I have taken because it’s just so important and powerful. 
3- Artists have a lot of power in what they can convey through their work. Some artists may choose to convey very radical and controversial messages, while others may choose not to. Some artists may choose to show that message very explicitly through their work, so that their audience can completely understand what they mean. They might be able to have a more direct sense of power than other artists because their work may get more traction for the meaning than another artist who doesn’t have a direct message. This doesn’t mean that artists who don’t choose to use their artwork to spread big messages don’t carry power. Even if they don’t directly mean to have their art mean something, it can still hold power because of how an audience may engage with it. The power that the artist can have can be contributed to by the audience because they may speculate what it could possibly mean. The audience can dictate how the public should feel about the work without the artist even trying to do that. 
An example I felt could kind of connect with this is work that is done by tattoo artists. I especially feel like this power can be seen in their work in the 90s when tattoos began to emerge into the mainstream culture. Many people that view this artwork may be upset by it because they have stereotypes associated with it. But tattoo artists have been able to create a powerful movement for their work by normalizing it and making it a form of art that is praised. Tattoo Artists that first began in the 90s really created a movement to allow for current day tattoo artists to have room to excel in their field and be appreciated by their audience. They hold a power that may be different to other artists because their canvas is people’s skin that can be displayed to a number of different audiences. It can be scrutinized in different avenues because it is seen in day to day life. 
4- I found the powerpoint for this assignment really interesting and enjoyable because I was familiar with both of the featured artists. I personally believe the ideas of voice and concept in art are almost more important than the art itself. I am someone who wants to know what something is about when looking at art, and when there is a concept behind the art that I find interesting I enjoy the art more. I think Banksy is one of the most unique artists and plays an important role in the evolution of the art world. Seeing artists come up were the own original ideas and taking it to another level is exactly what inspires young artists today. 
I think that that graffiti is a controversial topic because it’s beautiful when done right, but can be a bad thing when it is used against someone or something. I guess I don’t really have a say on what makes graffiti good or bad because everyone has their own opinions and could like something that I personally don’t. I do think graffiti is a great thing to do to get out an important message. For example I saw many George Floyd and Black lives matter graffiti around Salt Lake at the time where those things were buzzing. I think graffiti like that is so important because it makes a statement and makes people look and stare.



                                     TITLE PAGE HAS AUTHOR, NAME OF COURSE, DATE

Written Assignment (Case):
Short in Stature
Kirby walked into Nancy’s office and said, “I need to talk to you.” He then closed the door and said, “I didn’t appreciate it when you challenged my new production scheduling plan in the meeting. If you had real concerns, why didn’t you wait to talk to me in private? It’s embarrassing to have someone trash my ideas and I don’t want it to happen again.”
Nancy, taken by surprise by Kirby’s response replied, “Well, I’m sorry if I embarrassed you. It certainly was not my intention. I just have some strong feelings about the schedule and simply said what I felt. It looked to me that at least two others felt the same way because it seemed to me like they were really biting their tongues when you outlined the plan.
Kirby said, “I don’t think that is true. You were the only one who objected to the schedule. Besides your tone indicated that you were dismissing the plan as ridiculous. You are not going to get away with being disrespectful to me.”
Nancy then said, “I’m sorry you feel that way. You really caught me by surprise with the plan for the new production schedule.”
Kirby then responded, “I will not let you undermine my attempts to improve the way we do things around here. Nancy, you’ve got a bad attitude and you need to change it. If you are that unhappy around here, then you need to leave. We can’t tolerate any people who aren’t cooperative.” Kirby then left.
Nancy was in shock over what just happened. She felt terrible about Kirby’s reaction. Just then, Irene stuck her head in the door. She said, “It looks like little Napoleon had another temper tantrum. Was he in here chewing you out?”
Nancy said, “Yes, that is what happened. I should have known better than to challenge his ideas in the meeting. I feel just awful.” Irene said, “I know it was no fun for you but I really appreciate the fact that you shot down his idea. Everybody knows that his proposed new schedule would be a disaster. besides, he’s so insecure that even the slightest objection by anybody gets misconstrued as a personal attack. People are afraid to say anything.”
Nancy said, “I don’t know what to say any more. We all have more experience than Kirby and have a pretty good idea about what will work with our production facilities. These meetings never go well anymore because we can’t disagree with anything that Kirby wants to do.”
Just then Cary walked in and said, ‘Wow! I just saw Kirby walking down the hall from this direction. What did he say to you?”
Nancy described the conversation again and Cary said, “That sounds like him. I think that you’d be a great supervisor, but this organization is so male-dominated that even someone like Kirby is tolerated. I know you are upset, but thanks for saying what you did. This new scheduling plan of Kirby’s sounds about as bad as the rest of his ill-conceived ideas. Because we’ve been a good unit in the past and still care about this place, we performance in spite of his incompetence. So it’s not clear to me that upper management knows how bad he is.”
Thirty minutes later Kirby went to see his boss, George Master. “George, I’ve had it with Nancy. She’s really got a bad attitude and is poisoning the well with her negativity. Every time I try to introduce a new change, I’ve got to deal with her. I want to start laying a paper trail to get rid of her. She’s got some friends in the department, and they tend to take her side on most things. If we get rid of her, the rest will fall in line.”

How should Kirby have attempted to gain acceptance of his plan for a new production schedule?
How should Kirby handle his differences with Nancy? With some of the other associates?
What do you think George Masters will want to know about the situation?
What advice do you have for Kirby? For Nancy? For George?

Source: Charles R Greer and Richard Plunkett, Supervisory Management 11th edition, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 2007.

solved I’m working on a writing project and need an explanation

I’m working on a writing project and need an explanation to help me learn.

This paper must be no less than 1,000 words and should demonstrate a thorough awareness of the topic as well as the ability to engage in philosophical reasoning. Outside research is not necessary, and in fact you are strongly encouraged to write this paper with nothing but the course materials and your brain in hand, but if you do use external sources you must provide complete citations. Failure to cite your sources is academic misconduct and will result in a failure of the assignment (for more information, see the academic honesty section of the syllabus and the handout on academic misconduct and proper citations). If you have any doubts about whether your paper is properly cited, I am happy to look at it for you in advance of the due date.The Assignment: Evaluate each of the following 3 cases involving assisted death. Do you think any or all of these cases are morally permissible? Give arguments for your view regarding each case. In doing so, you must demonstrate your understanding of at least two moral theories and principles we have covered in this class (including the readings). Your essay should also demonstrate that you understand the types of objections that could be raised against your position, and how you would respond to them.CASE #1Court Grants Elderly Woman Right To Die Adelaide Advertiser 6/18/10 (Australia)A nursing home has reportedly won Supreme Court permission to allow one of its patients to die by denying her food and medical aid. ABC TV last night reported the woman, in her 70s, suffers from diabetes, is partially paralyzed, and decided in January that she wanted to die.The woman reportedly plans to refuse food, water, and her insulin, and the nursing home went to court to ensure it would not be prosecuted for aiding her.Justice Chris Kourakis said he did not consider self-starvation to be suicide and the nursing home was not entering in to a suicide pact with the woman.“The woman has asserted a right to lawfully embark upon a course which will shorten her life free from any interference from (the nursing home) which is in a position to frustrate her plans,” Justice Kourakis reportedly said.CASE #2Police to investigate after BBC presenter Ray Gosling admits to mercy killing of gay lover suffering from AIDS By NICK MCDERMOTT (Links to an external site.)
February 16, 2010 (Great Britain)Detectives are to launch an investigation after a BBC presenter told TV viewers that he carried out a mercy killing on a former lover who was suffering from AIDS. Award-winning documentary maker Ray Gosling, 70, revealed he had smothered the unnamed partner as he lay in hospital ‘in terrible, terrible pain’. Asked whether he had any regrets, he replied: ‘None whatsoever, I did the right thing.’Speaking on the BBC East Midlands’ Inside Out, broadcast at 7.30pm yesterday, the broadcaster said: ‘Maybe this is the time to share a secret that I have kept for quite a long time. ‘I killed someone once… He was a young chap, he’d been my lover and he got AIDS.’ Strolling through a graveyard for a segment of the show about death, he broke down as he recalled the day he took his lover’s life.He said: ‘In a hospital one hot afternoon, the doctor said, “There’s nothing we can do”, and he was in terrible, terrible pain. ‘I said to the doctor, “Leave me just for a bit” and he went away. ‘I picked up the pillow and smothered him until he was dead. ‘The doctor came back and I said, “He’s gone”. Nothing more was ever said.’Mr. Gosling said he was not ‘making a cause’ of assisted dying but said there was a case for changing the law. Speaking on the BBC Radio 4 Today programme, he said: ‘Sometimes doctors do it on their own. Sometimes people do it on their own. ‘And if it happens to a lover or friend of yours, a husband, a wife, and I hope it doesn’t, but when it does sometimes you have to do brave things and you have to say – to use Nottingham language – bugger the law.’Gosling, a freelance broadcaster of hundreds of radio and TV documentaries, said he had no regrets about his actions, adding: ‘When you love someone, it is difficult to see them suffer. ‘We’d got an agreement, if it got worse, the pain, and nobody could do anything. ‘He was in terrible pain, I was there and I saw it. It breaks you into pieces.’ Ray Gosling’s loved one was terminally ill and clearly asked for help to die when he was suffering unbearably at the end of his life. CASE #3Parents want mercy killing for 4 disabled sons 8/11/09 (India)LUCKNOW: A farmer and his wife in Uttar Pradesh have sought President Pratibha Patil’s permission for the mercy killing of all their four sons who have turned into virtual vegetables.The four, aged 10 to 16 years, have been afflicted by muscular dystrophy, a genetic disease that has confined them to bed.”My sons cannot stand on their feet. They are unable to move their body below the neck. I see their distress every day. Now when doctors too have lost hope, I want they should die. Death would be the ultimate solution for their suffering,” farmer Jeet Narayan of Bashi village of Mirzapur district, some 300 km from Lucknow, has said in his letter to Patil.”My sons are in utter discomfort. I cannot see their helplessness any more. So, we have written to the president that our sons be killed through euthanasia,” Narayan’s wife Prabhavati said over telephone.Narayan has told his neighbours that he has sold of all his valuables to meet the medical expenses of his sons.”Our financial resources have been exhausted. I even sold off the parental land. Moreover, I owe nearly Rs 2 lakh to moneylenders,” he said.Prabhavati said muscular dystrophy afflicted her sons when they were five years old. She identified them as Durgesh, 16, Sarvesh, 14, Brijesh, 11, and Suresh, 10. All four were normal children until then.

solved You will be assigned a current financial topic. (My topic

You will be assigned a current financial topic. (My topic is International Investments). You will need to find an article relating to this topic that is less than 2 years old and from a quality publication source. Use the library database to search for your topic, limit the search to “articles”, and limit the date range from 2018 to 2021. Choose an article from the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Harvard Business Review, Business Week, etc. Non-collegiate sources such as blogs, Wikipedia, eHow, or any non-collegiate sources are NOT acceptable. If you’re not sure, just ask!Read the article and provide a summary of what you read (2-3 paragraphs). Following your summary of the article discuss what the article means to you (2-3 paragraphs). This could take the form of explaining what information you learned from the article, how the article helped you gain a better understanding financial management or how the article relates to applies to you in your current or future career (be sure to provide an example).Your article review should be approximately 2 double-spaced pages in 12-point font and include the following: Name, Topic, Title, Author, Date of Publication, Article Summary, and Article Relevance. You will also give a brief 2-minute presentation to the class about your article.SAMPLE Article Review excerptName: Homer SimpsonTopic: InsuranceTitle: “Banking and Finance: When a Hurricane Hits, Insurance Often Has Holes”Author: Nicole Friedman & Leslie ScismDate of Publication: 9/9/2018Article Summary: This article starts by describing how homeowner’s insurance may not be enough to cover for major losses from natural disasters such as hurricanes. Evidence is given to support this claim through previous knowledge. The article states, “What was once a…. The author’s purpose is to educate readers on the importance of making sure homeowners have the correct type of insurance. Specifically, the author puts a major emphasis on natural disasters and what polices cover what areas. This is important because many people do not know the specifics of their own insurance plans. Since the coverages vary by location, the public should be aware of these conditions, so they do not get stuck paying a lot of money out of pocket.Article Relevance/Meaning: This article starts by describing how homeowner’s insurance may not be enough to cover for unexpected disasters… This article is relevant to me because once I start my career as an entrepreneur, I will be running my business out of my home and I will need to consider the costs and implications of homeowners’ insurance. Article Review Grading Rubric – 100 Points Possible Below Average Average Exceptional Content (25%) Does not demonstrate comprehension of content in reading and/or offers irrelevant write up.(0 – 10 points)Demonstrates limited comprehension of content in reading and/or offers superficial writing.(11 – 20 points)Demonstrates mastery of core content in reading and offers thoughtful insight(21 – 25 points)Quality of Information (25%)Information does not relate to topic or give detailed examples.(0 – 10 points)Information relates to topic, but no detail and/or examples are given.(11-20 points)Information clearly relates to main topic with supporting details and examples.(21 – 25 points)Format & Organization (25%) Overall format does not flow well or is disjointed.(0 – 10 points)Organization is haphazard and overall flow is somewhat disjointed. Relationships among ideas are sometimes clear but conveyed inconsistently.(11-20 points)Overall format and organization is excellent. Relationships among ideas are assisted by transitions and logical progression from one concept to the next.(21 – 25 points)Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling (25%)Errors in grammar, spelling, mechanics distract or interfere with understanding.(0 – 10 points)Errors in grammar, spelling, mechanics distract or interfere with understanding.(11 – 20 points)A small number of errors in grammar, spelling and mechanics do not distract from the overall effectiveness of the paper.(21 – 25 points)RubricArticle ReviewCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent25 to >21.0 ptsExceptionalPaper demonstrates mastery of core content in reading and offers thoughtful insight.21 to >10.0 ptsAveragePaper demonstrates limited comprehension of core content in reading and/or offers superficial writing.10 to >0 ptsBelow AveragePaper does not demonstrates comprehension of content in reading and/or offers irrelevant write-up.25 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuality of Information25 to >21.0 ptsExceptionalInformation clearly relates to main topic with supporting details and examples.21 to >10.0 ptsAverageInformation relates to main topic, but no detail and/or examples are given.10 to >0 ptsBelow AverageInformation does not relate to main topic and no examples are given.25 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormat & Organization25 to >21.0 ptsExceptionalOverall format and organization are excellent. Relationships among ideas are assisted by transitions and logical progression from one concept to the next.21 to >10.0 ptsAverageOrganization is haphazard and overall flow is somewhat disjointed. Relationships among ideas are sometimes clear by conveyed inconsistently.10 to >0 ptsBelow AverageOverall format does not flow well or is disjointed.25 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar, Punctuation, Spelling25 to >21.0 ptsExceptionalPaper is free of errors in grammar, spelling, and mechanics.21 to >10.0 ptsAverageA small number of errors in grammar, spelling, and mechanics do not distract from the overall effectiveness of the paper.10 to >0 ptsBelow AverageErrors in grammar, spelling, mechanics distract or interfere with understanding.25 ptsTotal Points: 100

solved Descriptive Methods Using Data Analysis Discussion Resources Lind, D. A.,

Descriptive Methods Using Data Analysis
Discussion Resources
Lind, D. A., Marchal, W. G., & Wathen, S. A. (2022). Basic statistics in business and economics (10th ed.). McGraw-Hill.
Chapter 2, “Describing Data: Frequency Tables, Frequency Distributions, and Graphic Presentation.”

Beginning with a scenario about how a large corporation uses statistics and analytics to support business decisions, this chapter also includes instructions on how to create descriptive statistics such as frequency tables, bar charts, pie charts, histograms, and frequency polygons (line charts).

For this discussion, consider the different ways of presenting data that you have been reading about. Based on the context of the business in which you work or have interest, provide one example of the kind of data that may be best presented in a graph and the type that may be best presented in a table.

Interpreting Graphical Data Representations in Articles or Reports


Business administrators and managers are often called upon to interpret data that analysts have provided to them. In this first assignment, you are asked to locate any report or periodical article used in a business context that interests you and that contains at least two different graphical representations of data. You will interpret the graphical data representations and present your findings in a brief PowerPoint deck, as if you were presenting during a company meeting.

You are an analyst in a business. You may choose a real or fictional business of interest. Any business that has practical meaning for you is an appropriate choice for this assignment.
You are responsible for a team of analysts at this business. One of your analysts has just given you a report containing some graphs and charts. You are now tasked with interpreting two of those charts and explaining them at a department meeting.
Your Role
You have been invited to present at a departmental meeting with employees from all levels within the organization. You have been allotted 6–10 minutes to speak. The purpose of your speech is to explain the business context as well as two charts or tables that you have evaluated as a business analyst of the organization. Your business report to the group will be a slide presentation with speaker notes and appropriate citations and references.
Article Identification. Use one of the articles listed for the assignment below or find an article in Forbes or other business journal or an annual report from a publicly traded company that includes at least two data graphs/tables.
The graphs should depict/represent data using pie charts, bar charts, tables, scatter plots, trend lines, et cetera.
Read the article and identify the business context. Business context includes organizational history, mission, product and services, environment, competitive advantage, competition, et cetera. You can also determine business context from additional sources (and you should).
The company/organizational background information should help explain why the data is relevant. This will be the introductory info for your business report/PPT/assignment.
Interpret your chosen data representations in the context of the business situation. The following are typical questions an analyst would use to interpret the data:
What is being measured (the variables)?

What are the relationships among the variables?

What are the trends in the data?

How can the data be applied in the business context?

Create an effective 6–10 slide PowerPoint deck with detailed presenter’s notes (including citations and reference slides) elaborating on each point that will be presented at a departmental meeting. For example:

Organization/business context.

Relevance/importance of information.

Source of data set and any limitations?

Graphic of data 1—with interpretations of graph.

Graph of data 2—with interpretations of graph.

Importance of data analysis in terms of business context.

Reference slides.
An effective PowerPoint presentation for this purpose typically includes:

One title slide, APA formatted.
1–2 introduction slides explaining the business context.

You should copy and paste (insert) the graphs/tables and include an appropriate citation. Each slide should include detailed speaker notes.
Include your interpretation of each graphical data representation.
Conclusion slides in which you explain how the data may affect the business context or how it could be applied in your business context to inform decision making.
Slide with at least four APA-formatted references, including the source of each graph.
Refer to the Unit 2 Assignment Example PowerPoint file linked in Resources to get a sense of a basic assignment rated as Proficient would look like.
Additional Requirements
Your written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message, meet APA standards, and be unbiased with documented facts rather than opinion. Remember to use and include at least four sources of information for your presentation.

By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies through corresponding scoring guide criteria:
Competency 1: Explain how data management techniques and tools are used to support business decisions.

Introduce the business context or company background for the data.
Explain how the data can impact the business context or be used by the company in decision making.
Competency 4: Present the results of data analysis in clear and meaningful ways to multiple stakeholders.
Interpret or explain the meaning of two different graphical representations of data.
Format citations and references correctly using current APA style.
Present content clearly, professionally, and logically for the identified audience.

solved 1. Read the following to prepare for this week’s learning:Roots

1. Read the following to prepare for this week’s learning:Roots and Wings: Ch 5 “Bilingual Education,”Anti Bias Education: Ch 5 “Learning About Culture, Language and Fairness”Choose one quote or idea from each chapter you read for homework that you think is a very important idea or concept. For each, cite the textbook and page number you got the quote or idea from. (2 chapters, 2 books = 4 quotes)4(Requirement book 1. Roots and Wings, Affirming Culture in Early Childhood Programs, by Stacy York2. Anti-Bias Education for Young Children and Ourselves by Lousie Derman-Sparks and Julie Olsen Edwards)2. Watch 1 or 2 videos from the following website:Cultural Competence for Teachers (Links to an external site.)3. Read:CULTURE AS PROCESS By Carol Brunson Phillips Day Described below are six important concepts about the “deep structure of culture.” Awareness of them helps us understand culture as a process.Culture is a set of rules for behavior. You cannot “see” culture because you cannot see the rules; you can only see the products of culture, in the sense that you can see the behaviors the rules produce. Yet, cultural rules do not cause behavior, they influence people to behave similarly, in ways which help them to understand each other. It is by understanding your cultural influences that you know how to greet a person younger than you, older than you, a friend, a stranger. Cultural rules help you to know how to hold a baby. Cultural rules shape food preferences, and celebrations –determine whether you celebrate the sun or the moon, whether you wear a dress or pants, or nothing at all. These rules give meaning to all the events and experiences of life. The essence of culture is not these behaviors themselves, but the rules that produce the behaviors.Culture is characteristic of groups. The rules of a culture are shared by the group, not invented by the individual; the rules of the group which are passed on from one generation to the next form the core of the culture. It is a mistake to confuse individual differences with group cultural differences. Every person develops a unique personality as a result of their personal history, and at the same time develops within a cultural context with some behavioral characteristics which are shared with other members of the group.Culture is learned. No one is born acculturated; rather, we are born with a biological capability to learn. What each person learns depends upon the cultural rules of the people who raise them. Some rules are taught with words “hold your fork in your right hand and your knife in your left.” Other rules are demonstrated by actions—when to smile, how close to stand when talking to someone. Because culture is learned, it is a mistake to assume a person’s culture by the way s/he looks. Someone can be racially black and culturally Irish. A person can also become bi-cultural or tri-cultural by learning the rules of cultures other than his or her own primary group.Individual members of a culture are embedded to different degrees within their culture. Because culture is learned, it can be well learned by some people in the group and less well learned by others. As children are acculturated, they usually learn the core rules of their culture, yet they may not always learn every cultural rule equally well. Some families are more tradition oriented, others less. Further, even when families and individuals learn the cultural rules, they may not always behave according to what they have learned—some people are conformists, others are non-conformist. As a consequence of both phenomena, we say that the behavior of members of a culture will vary depending upon how deeply embedded his or her experiences are within the core of a culture. As we work with individual families, thinking about behavioral variations in this way helps us understand why for instance, all Japanese people don’t always “act Japanese.”Cultures borrow and share rules. Every cultural group has its own set of core behavioral roles and is therefore unique: yet some of the rules of Culture A may be the same as the rules of Culture B. This happens because cultural rules evolve and change over time, and sometimes when two groups have extensive contact with one another, they influence each other in some areas. Thus, two groups of people may speak the same language, yet have different rules about roles for women. Understanding this helps us avoid becoming confused when a person from another culture is so much like you in some ways, yet so different in others.Members of a cultural group may be proficient at cultural behavior but unable to describe the rules. Acculturation is a natural process, and as we become acculturated, we are not conscious that our ideas and behavior are being shaped by a unique set of rules. Just as a 4-year-old who is proficient with language couldn’t if asked, diagram a sentence or explain the rules of grammar, so also do people become thoroughly proficient with cultural behavior without consciously knowing that they are behaving according to the rules. Understanding acculturation in this way explains why you can’t walk up to a person and ask them to teach you their culture. Nor could you probably explain your own.Phillips, Carol Brunson, Culture as Process, In A Guide to Culturally Sensitive Care, 1995, California Department of Education. *After reading the Culture as Process article answer these questions:4. After reading the Culture as Process article answer these questions: Refer to at least two quotes from the article in your response.1. How did this article ‘enlighten’ you in your current or future work with children and families? 2. Name an aspect of the article that touched you about some aspect of your own cultural learning.

solved CompetencyIn this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the

CompetencyIn this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:Explain the impact of a federal system of government on the administration of public functionsScenarioThe local housing authority of Bismark, Alabama, was created in 1935. In 1937, the Housing Authority of Bismark, Alabama (HABA), became a public housing agency (PHA) under the provisions of the United States Housing Act of 1937 (commonly referred to as the Wagner-Steagall Act). This New Deal-era legislation created the U.S. Housing Authority to provide loans and subsidies to local PHAs.As a quasi-governmental agency, HABA is organized as an extension of the city of Bismark. It has its own board of directors, who are appointed by the mayor and who serve two-year terms in office. Additionally, HABA formed a nonprofit foundation in 2000 to support its mission “to make available quality, affordable housing for lower and moderate-income families through the wise stewardship of public funds.” HABA is also a member of the Bismark County Continuum of Care (CoC), Website: which is a group of providers serving the currently or at-risk homeless population.This past month, the federal department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) issued new standards for homelessness (see attached) called “Home, Together.” The strategy espoused by the plan is to “make homelessness a rare, brief, and one-time experience” across America. This new strategy builds on the 2010 Opening Doors: Federal Strategic Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness (see attached) plan presented by the United States Interagency Council on Homelessness (USICH).HABA is the largest provider in the state of attainable housing through direct administration of housing units in the city, the management of Section 8 housing vouchers throughout the region, and the administration of housing tax credits. Therefore, it is imperative to understand the implications of HUD’s initiatives and rules as they relate to PHAs. Alignment with these new regulations will directly impact federal funding for the organization.DirectionsYou are the assistant executive director of HABA. Therefore, you are responsible for periodically reporting on relevant developments and progress to the board of directors. These new HUD regulations happen to coincide with your first presentation to a brand new board of directors. The new board is enthusiastic and energized, but in need of background information to support its understanding of the challenges facing your organization and their historical roots.Therefore, you have decided to create a presentation that will first provide the new board with some critical context, then brief them on the implications of the new HUD initiative and your plan for advancing the mission of the organization. Be sure to include the following:Begin your presentation by establishing a context for your audience that addresses key background information, including:Articulate the significance of housing affordability and homelessness as key contemporary issues facing local, state, and national governments. In other words, why are these issues critical and impactful?Demonstrate how federalism has shaped the governance model as it relates to civil rights and housing. Include relevant legislation, executive actions, and judicial precedent that help to explain the historical causes of present conditions.Then transition by focusing on the specific impacts of the new HUD initiative for your organization. Specifically, be sure to explain the potential for budgetary effects, including the significance of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program and federal grants in aid programs for funding critical service delivery organizations such as your own.Finally, conclude your presentation with your plan for ensuring compliance and advancing the mission of the organization. Be sure to propose informed strategies that address the following questions:How can your organization continue to build and develop productive relationships with the local, state, and federal levels of government?How can you leverage professional networks for strategic outreach and community engagement?What to SubmitEvery project has a deliverable or deliverables, which are the files that must be submitted before your project can be assessed. For this project, you must submit the following:Presentation to the New HABA Board of DirectorsCraft an effective presentation that educates the new board about the broader historical and contemporary context, as well as briefs them on the significance of new HUD initiatives. Specifically, you need to propose a plan for ensuring compliance and advancing the mission of the organization. Your presentation must be 10 to 15 slides in length, include speaker notes, and need to integrated the in-text citation component on each of your slides.Reference List For each source that you cite, you need to include the author’s name, the publication year, the title of the source, and the location of the source in a References section at the end of your work. in-text citation(s) and sources appropriately.Supporting MaterialsThe following resource(s) may help support your work on the project:Website: Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Publications Archive Website:…Use this resource to support your research related to fair housing legislation.Website: HUD Chronology of Housing Legislation (2003) Website:…Use this resource to support your research related to fair housing legislation.Website: HUD: Fair Housing and Related Laws Website:…Use this resource to support your research related to fair housing legislation.

solved Who are you? You work as department head in the

Who are you?

You work as department head in the information technology (IT) department at First Federal Bank. Part of your job is to conduct an ongoing assessment of risk for the institution and to recommend proper controls. Banking systems should be able to quickly collect and edit information, summarize results, and promptly correct any errors. You have identified a possible threat to “timeliness” of information.

You have received reports from tellers that customers have been complaining more often lately of bounced checks. They have been bringing in their checkbook ledgers and bank statements, and there have been a consistent and steady stream of complaints about deposits made between 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. that do not seem to post to accounts by the end of the business day.

You have conducted an examination and feel befuddled since you just installed a new system that advertised itself as quick, accurate, and reliable. This is terrible! The system cost a lot of money and you fought hard for it. You researched and recommended this system and pushed for it because it had so many internal controls and neat features for the bank and its tellers. It has decreased time by five minutes to complete closing procedures and it runs an auto-save every hour, which saves an additional step for the tellers. You have spent a lot of time training the staff and have put up with a lot of teasing about the aches and pains of new technology. You feel badly for the new tellers, many of whom are older, because the bank has hired more part-timers with experience; but you feel confident that once the tellers get used to this system they will really like it.

“Don’t sweat it,” says Whitney, your co-worker. “It’s not the bank’s fault about the bounced checks. You know people–they complain all the time. You see our new ad campaign, ‘Play Nice?’ Well, where do you think that came from? People just like to blame their mistakes on the bank and get ugly with us.”

You passed it off as that until yesterday when your own check bounced. You take advantage of the bank policy of no fees for bounced checks for employees, and then you get into gear!

What’s happening today?

You conduct an “information flow audit” and then a “technology audit.” You discover that many of the tellers have been running the 2 p.m. reconciliation procedures in the incorrect order. Instead of running close, register, consolidate/merge, and then post, many tellers have been running close, register, post, ending with consolidate/merge. The problem is, once the teller hits the post button, there is nothing to consolidate and merge! You also discover that the prompt screen for consolidate/merge has not been consistently appearing and that the tellers assumed that, because the system did not ask them to deal with it, the system was doing it automatically–especially since it does so many other things automatically!

Some of the more experienced tellers have said that on the rare occasion when the screen did appear, they couldn’t see the icon very well and admitted that it’s possible they didn’t place the cursor squarely on the icon when they clicked the mouse.

You take this issue to your boss, Terry Woodall, who is horrified and instructs you to “get on it right away.” You get your IT team on the problem and fix the system by (1) insuring the correct prompt screen appears and by (2) enlarging the consolidate/merge icon and placing it in a more prominent area of the screen.

What do you need to do?

You tell your boss you have fixed the technical problem. She asks that you, as department head of IT, communicate to the tellers how IT has fixed the problem and what the tellers need to do. This information will be posted in the break room and also be circulated immediately to the tellers. Craft the body of that document.

Develop a response that includes examples and evidence to support your ideas, and which clearly communicates the required message to your audience. Organize your response in a clear and logical manner as appropriate for the genre of writing. Use well-structured sentences, audience-appropriate language, and correct conventions of standard American English.
5. Positive Message – This assignment contains an extensive scenario which should be followed carefully when writing your message. However, if you would like to include any additional information to clarify your message, you are more than welcome to do so. You may make up any additional information you’d like. Please make sure to analyze your audience and reasons for writing, as discussed in the 3×3 writing process (pg. 133 in your textbook). Information in paragraphs should flow in a logical order. For ex.: Don’t begin discussing an issue, then jump to an apology, and then return to describe the solution. Rather, begin conveying the good news, then return to describe the issue, what caused it, what have you done specifically to mitigate the issue and avoid its reoccurrence in the future (repeat up to this point with each issue discussed separately), then include an apology if appropriate (you should not just say: Sorry, this won’t happen again), restore confidence of the recipients in your institution and software, request feedback, and end with a pleasant closing.
Based on the scenario, bank tellers may not have any IT background and may have no information regarding software issues. They also had to deal with upset customers because of you, the IT Head. It is your task to restore their confidence in the bank’s software and reassure them that this mishap will not happen again. However, do not merely state that it will not happen again but explain what changes you actually made to correct the mistakes. Make sure to explain everything in detail. Do not assume that they know and fully understand the information you’re trying to convey.