solved Instructions ENGLISH 112–Rhetorical Analysis: Writing in the Major Using research,

ENGLISH 112–Rhetorical Analysis: Writing in the Major
Using research, talk about the area you are majoring in or plan to major in, and give the reader a sense of why you are interested in it, some basic details about the field, and an example of writing done within the field (i.e. a peer-reviewed article from an academic publication based in the field).
Follow MLA formatting and documentation conventions.
You are allowed to use First Person (“I”) narration for this paper.
For this paper, you will pull together two areas of research:

Primary research  (that is, research where someone does an original experiment/survey/study) of a scholarly or professional article in your field. 

The purpose of analyzing an article is to learn what writing looks like in your field. Therefore, the article you choose needs to function as an illustration of a typical piece of writing that you may encounter as a student or as a professional.
Your article may come from a printed journal (such as the ones in ‘the current periodicals section of the library or  the ones archived in the basement of the library) or retrieved electronically from an academic database, such as ProQuest Central (a general database that includes some academic articles from journals) or ProQuest Science Journals, ProQuest Sociology Journals, ProQuest Nursing and Allied Health, etc. (databases that specialize in journal articles published in a specific field). In your search query, always select “peer-reviewed” articles to filter out articles that are written to a general audience.
Remember, you don’t have to completely understand the article, but get a sense of the audience for whom it was written and the type of language/terms used.
It is also recommended that you look for official websites of organizations related to your field (an association of nurses, for example). 
You MAY also do an original interview with someone already in your field as primary research. If you have your own experiences in the area, you may talk about them, though this will not count as research.

Secondary research into writing in your major (that is, writing that focuses on existing research), gathered from the Web and/or reference section of the library. All material must be documented, quoted and paraphrased correctly. 

NOTE: Please save file format as such:
ENG 112 110 My Name Assignment 1
This makes it easier to keep track of papers I download from Sakai or email. Five points, roughly half a letter grade, will be deducted for deviating from this format.
To report on this information, you will write in a general MLA FORMAT with these sections and headings.……

Cover Page
Abstract–a summary of your report (written AFTER the paper is done, discussing what you ALREADY wrote (i.e. “Looking into this field, I discovered…”)
Introduction/Background–an explanation of what discipline you chose and why, who / what motivated you to choose this field, the kind of work required, the job prospects in this field, an introduction to how writing is used in the field, and an introduction of your chosen article and author from your primary research. 
Methods–a description of the methods and sources you used, as well as an explanation of why you chose them:

What primary source did you choose?
Was this source recommended to you by a faculty member, professional in the field, librarian? Did you find it by browsing in a professional/trade publication?
Why did you choose this source?
What secondary sources did you find?
Why were these important to you?

Discussion—Check secondary sources (articles written ABOUT news in a field)

(What did you learn from your secondary sources about writing in your major?)

audience for writing
forms of writing
questions asked
evidence used
conventions followed
documentation systems used

rhetorical analysis of primary source. (What does a typical piece of writing in your field look/sound like?) You will complete a rhetorical analysis of the article focusing on the following aspects of the article you’ve chosen to represent writing in your field:

thesis, summary, analysis of organization (how is the piece structured),
analysis of development (what kinds of information are used to support the points; how logical is the support),
analysis of tone (formal, engaging, academic, argumentative, critical, angry, serious, condescending, informative, etc.),
analysis of audience (who was it written to and how do you know; what assumptions does the writer make about this audience),
analysis of any charts, graphs, pictures (how do they contribute to the meaning of the article),

Quote from the source frequently to support your summary and analysis. Remember that analysis involves both pointing out facts and interpreting those facts. For example, you might point out that the article has a picture alongside the text, but you will need to take the next step and interpret the significance of this image and explain how it relates to the text. Similarly, if you point out that the tone of the article is argumentative, you will need to explain why this is so and what the significance is of this tone.

Results–a discussion of the findings from your primary and secondary research:

What did you learn about writing in this field?
What did you learn about the discipline?
What else did you learn from your research?

Conclusion–a discussion of the significance of what you learned in your study and an explanation of the kinds of writing skills you conclude will be necessary in your major.

How does what you learned about writing in this field affect your decision to major in this field?
What was the most surprising thing you learned?

solved “I Believe” Memoir: Recalling Personal Experience “This I Believe” es

“I Believe” Memoir: Recalling Personal Experience
“This I Believe” essay
(Personal Writing Project)
RHETORICAL SITUATION: In your life and career, you will often need to communicate the significance of various life experiences through descriptive details and important insights. Whether in a job interview, a profile, a mentorship, a personal statement or networking in the field, your ability to share aspects of your life and your beliefs in an engaging way is at the heart of this memoir assignment.
For this assignment, you are being asked to contribute to the “This I Believe” project, which was founded by This I Believe, Inc., in 2004 as an independent, not-for-profit organization that engages youth and adults from all walks of life in writing, sharing, and discussing brief essays about the core values that guide their daily lives.
This I Believe is based on a 1950s radio program of the same name, hosted by acclaimed journalist Edward R. Murrow. Each day, Americans gathered by their radios to hear compelling essays from the likes of Eleanor Roosevelt, Jackie Robinson, Helen Keller, and Harry Truman as well as corporate leaders, cab drivers, scientists, and secretaries—anyone able to distill into a few minutes the guiding principles by which they lived. These essayists’ words brought comfort and inspiration to a country worried about the Cold War, McCarthyism, and racial division.
For this assignment, your audience is a general, educated audience who listens to podcasts and is interested in who you are.
GENRE: A “This I Believe” essay is a personal essay that explores the foundations of our core values—the principles that guide our lives. This essay encourages people to participate in a critical thinking exercise with the added benefit of allowing students the luxury of exploring their core beliefs and the things that have shaped who they are.
PROMPT: For this assignment, you are being invited to contribute to the “This I Believe” Project. For the invitation, see:
Tell a story about you: Be specific. Take your belief out of the ether and ground it in the events that have shaped your core values. Consider moments when belief was formed or tested or changed. Think of your own experience, work, and family, and tell of the things you know that no one else does. Your story need not be heart-warming or gut-wrenching—it can even be funny—but it should be real. Make sure your story ties to the essence of your daily life philosophy and the shaping of your beliefs.
Be brief: Your statement should be between 500 and 600 words. That’s about three minutes when read aloud at your natural pace.
ANALYSIS: At the end of your essay include two developed, focused paragraphs that analyze the writing choices and craft elements you specifically employed; where did you observe/learn them, how and why did you implement them, and what function or effect do these techniques and strategies bring to writing in general, this genre in particular and your reader experience specifically?
Name your belief: If you can’t name it in a sentence or two, your essay might not be about belief. Also, rather than writing a list, consider focusing on one core belief.
Be positive: Write about what you do believe, not what you don’t believe. Avoid statements of religious dogma, preaching, or editorializing.
* Adapted from John Trimbur’s The Call to Write, 4th edition
“I Believe” Memoir: Recalling Personal Experience
Be personal: Make your essay about you; speak in the first person. Avoid speaking in the editorial “we.” Tell a story from your own life; this is not an opinion piece about social ideals. Write in words and phrases that are comfortable for you to speak. We recommend you read your essay aloud to yourself several times, and each time edit it and simplify it until you find the words, tone, and story that truly echo your belief and the way you speak.
Brainstorming, part 1: It helps to find a specific experience or two that led to your belief. Then, imagine that you’re conversing with someone. You need to narrate the story about how you to came your belief .

What is the story or specific experience that led you to your belief? It can be anything: an item of clothing, words of advice your mother gave you, or losing at a soccer tournament.
How would you describe your experience? What are the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and/or touches associated with your experience?

Brainstorming, part 2 :The takeaway: The key fact, point, or idea that you want your audience to remember about your belief.

How does this experience continue to influence your life?
What does your belief mean to you?
What are rules that govern your belief? E.g., my belief in public service has led me to study . . .

How would you answer these 3 questions? I know I am the way I am today because______. I know I think about things the way I do because _______. I think most people would describe me as ______.
This is what I want my topic to be about:
1- I want the topic to be about my father’s advice to me when I failed in the tenth grade by saying, “Be yourself, and that failure is the way to success. Believe in yourself and do not get frustrated when you face difficulties or misfortunes.”
2- After that, I succeeded in working life despite the difficult circumstances in Iraq
3- I was frustrated after leaving my country and immigrating to America because of the threats I faced in Iraq, but I was able to overcome this crisis after remembering what my father said
4- My determination to continue studying to obtain a university degree even though I am over fifty
5- Those words had a great impact in my life, and they always made me more determined and determined to continue.

solved InstructionsLet’s start the written work by building on the lessons

InstructionsLet’s start the written work by building on the lessons of identification, analysis, and critique of art. Choose 2 or 3 works of art–they can be ones you know well or not, ones you like or dislike–and subject them to the questions we asked of artwork in class.What is it?How was it put together?How does it stimulate our senses?What does it mean?The intent is for you to correctly identify the work, its creator(s), its medium, materials, form, and style. You should also share your reflection on its aesthetic effect on you–how does it stimulate your senses? What emotions does it produce? Ideas it calls to mind? Questions it raises? Finally, what is your judgment of the artwork? Is it good? Bad? Does it not seem to fit either term? Explain the reasoning and analysis behind your judgment.You are encouraged to compare/contrast between your chosen works, though it is not required. Your submission must be at least 900 words long.I am also attaiching a sample draf that how to write and what to write sample draff given by professorI would be analyzing three pieces of artifacts. I decided to go with something that I found appealing
because I don’t really have a special or favorite artifact. I feel that in the art industry I am completely
oblivious. But everyone has their own thoughts and opinions which makes any type of analysis valid. In
the following I decided to choose a artwork known as the Kiss, A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La
Grande Jatte, lastly Arrangement in Grey and Black.
In this first artwork it is known as The Kiss, it was created by Gustav Klimt in 1907-1908. Gustav
Klimt is a Austrian artist he was mainly known doe his paintings, murals, sketches and other art forms he
made. In this first artifact it seems to be a painting because of the way the artist has a variety of colors.
The way that it was put together is very odd. It seems to be an oil painting on a canvas. As you look at it,
you can’t really depict what is shown. But as you look closely you can see a woman and a male on a bed.
The male is giving the female a kiss on the cheek. This artifact shows a sense of romance because as the
title of the artwork is known as “The Kiss”. As I analyze the artwork, I see that the women have her eyes
closed and feels that she is happy with the male. I’m just a bit confused on the way that the artist Gustav
Klimt decided to portray this piece because it seems that they are laying on a bed. Also, it seems that
the male has a big yellow coat that makes him seem as someone important. Overall, I feel that the
artwork is very appealing because of the variety of colors Gustav Klimt used but also bright colors like
yellow, green and some blue. I can also notice slight monotone colors as black and white. I like the way
that the artist created this because I feel that everyone has that special someone that can appreciate
some sort of romance in their relationship. In my second artwork that I decided to choose is known as A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of
La Grande Jatte is by Georges Seurat. Georges Seurat is a French artist as mainly known for his painting
techniques that he used to distinguish his artwork. When he painted, he uses his techniques to portray
the play of lighting. But also, he was known as pointillism for his contrasting of colors. The artifact that I
Georges Seurat made seems to be a painting on oil. As you look at the tree or grass it seems like its
there but suppose to be moving with time. The way that I look at this artifact is smoothing because you
can see a bunch of people just enjoying the afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte. It clearly says in
the title that it’s a Sunday afternoon. It brings back memories before covid when I would go to the park
and they are people either walking or just enjoying time there. I feel that Georges Seurat was just trying
to show the way that people spend their Sunday afternoon during the 1880’s. It seems peaceful
everyone is looking ahead of them trying to let time go by. Overall, I feel that this an art piece that I
would have around the house because it just brings a sense of relaxation. Also, it shows that before the
advancement of technology people were just going out and living life. Now most of the people stay
inside and either be on their mobile devices. It something that I just keep in back of my mind, where
would be now if we didn’t have any sort of internet access.
The last artifact that I decided to choose is known as the Arrangement in Grey and Black by
James Abbot McNeill Whistler. James Abbot is an American Artist he was the one of the creators of art
for art’s sake. In this artifact it looks to be a painting on oil. This artifact looks sad and depressing the
way James decided to use the colors. He mainly used black and grey and the way that the women sitting
down I feel like she is just thinking about the memories she had. She is evaluating the choices that she
decided to make. I just want to what was James motive to make this piece of artwork was it dedicated
for all the older women that have reach this certain point. Although it looks like a sad artifact it was
supposed to be a portrait of Whistler moms. But, overall, It is a decent made artwork but its not something that I would buy or have in my house. I feel that it brings down people mood because once I
look at it. It makes me feel old or think about how time flies and were all going to get old.
To conclude, I looked at three pieces of artwork from different artist that all make paintings with
oil. I put in my input on the way that I take in the artwork and the feeling and thoughts that I get from
them. I learned from different type of artist what they find their passion in painting and how the time it
was in had an affect on it.


IMPORTANT NOTE REGARDING WORD LIMIT REQUIREMENTS:Please note that each and every assignment has its own word limit.PRACTICUM ORGANIZATION: Connect For Health located in Rhode IslandUsing the “Public Health Practicum Documentation” (PHPD) form attached, write objectives of what you will accomplish in this topic’s competency – Professionalism (week 9 and 10).Be sure to read the instructions on how to use the form before you begin.Note: You will turn in this PHPD form multiple times throughout this course. Each week in the gradebook, your instructor will upload a version of your submitted assignment with comments. Download this version and add to it. Each PHPD document that is submitted must have the previous PHPD work along with the instructor comments.The written objectives, resources, and criteria for evaluation columns (first three columns) must be posted prior to the practicum experience for the topic.Complete the fourth column (evaluation) at the end of each topic’s practicum experience as you evaluate how you met the objectives you wrote.General RequirementsYou are required to cite at least FIVE sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the discussion question criteria and public health content.Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is not required.While APA style is required, solid academic writing is expected as well, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines.This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.PLEASE make sure APA citation and permalink for articles are complete and correct.PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS IN PARAGRAPHS AND MAKE IT COHESIVE AND TRY TO INCORPORATE THE READINGS BELOWPLEASE add the links/sites below to the reference list if you use any of these readings and make sure everything is in proper APA format.…Read “Ten Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me When I Became a Health Officer,” by Frieden, from American Journal of Public Health (2016).URL: Read “Charismatic Leadership: Strategies for Effecting Social Change,” by Fiol, Harris, and House, from Leadership Quarterly (1999).URL: Read “Shapes and Timing in Charismatic Speech – Evidence From Sounds and Melodies,” by Niebuhr, Thumm, and Michalsky, from 9th International Conference on Speech Prosody (2018).URL: Read “The Science of Charismatic Voices: How One Man Was Viewed as Authoritarian, Then Benevolent,” by Acoustical Society of America (ASA) from Science Daily (2014).URL: Explore the Resources and Tools page of the Public Health Foundation (PHF) website.URL: Read “Resume and Cover Letter Writing Guide,” located on the Balance Careers website.URL: Explore the Center for Public Health Practice and Professional Development page of the American Public Health Association (APHA) website.URL: Read “5 Steps to Charismatic Speaking and Leadership,” by Guarino, located on the Institute of Public Speaking website to complete Topic 10 DQ2.URL: Watch “Top 10 Most Powerful Orators in History,” by (2016), located on the YouTube website.URL: MUST haveat least 5 citations with the page numbers and 5 references in APA format.(The List of References should not be older than 2016 and should not be included in the word count.) Include at least one scholarly reference and appropriate in-text citations and Address all points on the DQ. One point will be deducted for not addressing each item mentioned above. Remember that presenting someone else’s work as your own is plagiarism. Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.It is important that you cover all the topics identified in the assignment. Covering the topic does not mean mentioning the topic BUT presenting an explanation from the context of ethics and the readings for this classI am a stickler for good organization in everything. I do not want to have to dig for your answers. For instance, if an assignment asks you to provide three examples of something, I suggest that you number them 1-3 so I can find them easily. I also expect that when you submit something as a narrative, you pay attention to how you organize your thoughts: use paragraphs with a topic sentence and supporting sentences; and change paragraphs whenever you introduce a new idea. Also, if there are multiple parts to an assignment, use sub-heads within the paper to organize them.To get maximum points you need to follow the requirements listed for this assignments 1) look at the word/page limits 2) review and follow APA rules 3) create subheadings to identify the key sections you are presenting and 4) Free from typographical and sentence construction errors.REMEMBER IN APA FORMAT JOURNAL TITLES AND VOLUME NUMBERS ARE ITALICIZED.ReferencesAmerican Psychological Association. (2020). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th Ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

solved Whom to Hire? For this assignment, you will apply decision-making

Whom to Hire?
For this assignment, you will apply decision-making to the process of international human resource management as you determine which of the four final applicants to hire into a global executive position. 
You are a member of the management committee of a MNE that conducts business in 23 countries. While your company’s headquarters is located in the Netherlands, your regional offices are located fairly evenly throughout the four hemispheres. Primary markets have been in the European Union and North America; the strongest emerging market is the Pacific Rim. Company executives would like to develop what they see as a powerful potential market in the Middle East. Sales in all areas except the Pacific Rim have shown slow growth over the past two years. 
At present, your company is seeking to restructure and revitalize its worldwide marketing efforts. To accomplish this, you have determined that you need to hire a key marketing person to introduce fresh ideas and a new perspective. There is no one currently in your company who is qualified to do this, and so you have decided to look outside. 
The job title is “Vice President for Global Marketing”; an annual salary of $250,000-$300,000, plus elaborate benefits, an unlimited expense account, a car, and the use of the corporate jet. The person you hire will be based at the company’s headquarters in the Netherlands and will travel frequently. 
A lengthy search has turned up four people with good potential. It is now up to you to decide whom to hire. Although all the applicants have expressed a sincere interest in the position, it is possible that they may change their minds once the job is offered. Therefore, you must rank them in order of preference so that if your first choice declines the position, you can go on to the second, and so on.
First, read the biographies of each applicant. As you are doing this, rank each of them from 1 to 4, with 1 being your first choice, and explain your reasons for their ranking. 
For your essay this week, respond to the following questions using the decisions you have made with your rankings. 
1. The first section of your paper should be an overview of your rankings and reasons for your decisions. 
2. Did your decision include any culturally based biases you may have—for example, feelings, personality traits, or politics in your rankings? 
3. Did you make any observations that you feel would have been fully acceptable in your own culture, but were not accepted in other cultures? If so, explain. 
4. What implications do you believe any of the applicant’s cultural differences would have in business dealings? In what countries or cultures? 
5. What expatriate adjustments for the candidate need to be considered? How will the company handle these? 
6. Explain the decision-making process you used to make your decisions. 
Park L. 
Park L. is currently senior vice president for marketing at a major South Korean high-technology firm. You have been told by the head of your Seoul office that his reputation as an expert in international marketing is outstanding. The market share of his company’s products has consistently increased since he joined the company just over 15 years ago. His company’s market share is now well ahead of that of competing producers in the Pacific Rim. 
Park graduated from the University of Seoul and has worked his way up through the ranks. He does not have a graduate degree. In addition to his native tongue, Park is able to carry on a reasonably fluent conversation in English and has a minimal working knowledge of German and French. 
Saya K. 
Saya K. is a woman living in Malaysia. She began her teaching career while finishing her DBA (Doctorate in Business Administration) at the Harvard Business School and published her first book on international marketing ten months after graduation. Her doctoral dissertation was based on the international marketing of pharmaceuticals, but she has also done research and published on other areas of international marketing. 
Two months after the publication of her book, Saya went to work in the international marketing department of a Fortune 500 company, where she stayed for the next ten years. She returned to teaching when Maura University offered her a full professorship with tenure, and she has been there since that time. In addition, she has an active consulting practice throughout Southeast Asia. In addition to fluency in Malay, English, and Japanese, Saya speaks and writes German and Spanish and can converse in Mandarin. 
Peter V. 
Peter had worked in a key position in the international marketing division of a US Fortune 100 company until the company pulled out of his country South Africa eight months ago. Peter has a long list of accomplishments and is widely recognized as outstanding in his field. 
Peter has a PhD in computer science from a leading South African university and an MBA from Purdue’s Krannert School of Business. 
Peter speaks and reads English, Dutch, Afrikaans, and Swahili and can converse in German. 
Joe P. 
Joe is currently job hunting. His former job as head of marketing for a single-product, high-technology firm—highly specialized workstations for sophisticated artificial intelligence applications—ended when the company was bought out by Texas Instruments. 
Joe has both his undergraduate and MBA degrees from Stanford University. In addition, he was a Rhodes Scholar and won a Fulbright scholarship, which he used to support himself while he undertook a two-year research project on the marketing of high-technology equipment to Third World countries. In addition to his native English, Joe has a minimal command of French—which he admits he hasn’t used since his college days. 

solved Assignment: Using a teaching case as an illustrative story, prepare

Assignment: Using a teaching case as an illustrative story, prepare a PowerPoint presentation and presentation script that you might use to share what you have learned in this course with a group of your organization’s (I work at a private school as the coordinator of after school care) formal and informal leaders.

Prepare: Read a case study to prepare for engaging in an organizational change process. The Belmont Abbey teaching case will serve as the vehicle for illustrating your concepts. In your presentation, you will be expected to incorporate graphical displays of information and systems diagrams to explain the organizational dynamics of the case.

Assignment Instructions
For this assignment, you’ll prepare a PowerPoint presentation and presentation script.

If you have not yet done so, read the following teaching case:

Anderson, R., & Roberto, M. A. (2016). Belmont Abbey College: Strategy formulation in turbulent times. Boston, MA: Harvard Business Publishing. 

Review the Guidelines for Effective PowerPoint Presentations [PPTX].

The PowerPoint slides should follow the presentation standard guidelines specified in the above. Your slides must include graphical displays of information and system diagrams to explain the organizational dynamics of the case to your students. Your slides should also incorporate information provided in the case exhibits.
The script will be your teaching narrative that includes explanations of each slide that will enable your students to understand the concepts. Anticipate questions and areas of confusion as you complete your assignment, so your plans are comprehensive and learner focused. Include graphics as appropriate, and incorporate information provided in the case. (I have uploaded both documents) 

Assignment Scenario
Assume that you are a formal or informal leader in your organization. You, along with your supervisor (or the rest of your leadership team) are engaged in a study of your organization’s challenges and strategic position with the intention of developing and implementing a series of improvement initiatives. You have shared some of the ideas in this course in casual conversation with others on the team and stimulated their interest. As a result, you have been asked to present the course’s concepts to everyone on the team so they, too, can begin to broaden and deepen their thinking organizational learning, change, and improvement.
You decide to use a teaching case, Belmont Abbey, to help your team develop an understanding of the key course concepts. For this task you’ll develop a set of teaching materials in the form of a PowerPoint presentation and corresponding script that convey the course concepts. Using examples from the case, you’ll enable your team to develop understanding of systems thinking, systems archetypes, and change and action research inquiry processes. In developing these teaching materials, you will be synthesizing course concepts and gaining a deeper understanding of their application to problems of practice.
Create a PowerPoint presentation and corresponding script (or speaker’s notes) that consists of the following bolded components:

Introduce the case.

Preliminary Introduction of the Case: Summarize the case for your team. Provide a synopsis of the Belmont Abbey case that enables the intended audience to understand the case, including events, stakeholders, and challenges that will be analyzed.

Use disciplines of learning organizations to analyze problems of practice.

Disciplines: Apply the lens of the four core disciplines (personal mastery, mental models, team learning, shared vision) to the case, and provide an analysis of the extent to which the discipline(s) reveals organizational dynamics and contributes either to organizational learning or to the organization’s problems.

Analyze the organizational disabilities and systems archetypes present in the case.

Systems Archetypes: Explain and map at least one example of a systems archetype can be seen in the case. Include at least one systems map as part of your presentation.

Recommend change management strategies for the organization based on the case.

Critical-Thinking Tools: Prior to suggesting change management strategies, demonstrate critical thinking tools to identify assumptions the stakeholders in the case may have made, and develop a set of questions you would ask to help the stakeholders in the case uncover their assumptions and clarify the steps needed for future progress. Reference Paul and Elder’s Critical Thinking: Tools for Taking Charge of Your Learning and Your Life text in your comments.
Four-Stage Change Process: Describe and explain how the four-stage process could be used by the Belmont Abbey leaders to improve the strategic planning process that enhances the chances of success for one of the college’s initiatives. Explain how your set of questions would help uncover stakeholder assumptions and clarify steps needed for future progress. Refer to Stroh’s Thinking for Social Change text. 

Propose an inquiry model to plan for next phase of organizational improvement.

Inquiry Cycle: Demonstrate and explain how an inquiry model such as ARPP/action research could be use by the college leadership to plan the next phase of improvement or change.
Recommendations: Provide a set of specific practical recommendations about how the president should proceed. Demonstrate how your recommendations align with the college’s mission, vision, and values.
Questions: Conclude with at least 3 discussion questions you would pose to help uncover team members’  assumptions and facilitate their inquiry into and understanding of the key concepts you have presented.

solved Discussion 1 A successful trainer needs to effectively engage various

Discussion 1 A successful trainer needs to effectively engage various types of trainees and adapt quickly in the learning environment to meet their needs. Chapter 8 of the Blanchard and Thacker (2013) text lists and offers tips on dealing with different participant personalities. Review the three scenarios below. Discuss how you would effectively engage and manage each group of participants in a 2-day training seminar. Apply two to three specific adult learning principles and/or techniques to each of the scenarios listed below.Scenario AYour colleague is a training specialist who has just concluded an activity on techniques for overcoming challenges in the classroom. He clearly understood the content, but did not ask questions of the group to confirm their understanding. In addition, when explaining activities, the directions were not clear and there was never an opportunity to ask for clarification. What constructive feedback would you give to your colleague?Scenario BYour colleague is a department manager who has just opened a training session. Her opening included group introductions, but she went directly into presenting content. About an hour later, a few participants began talking out of turn. What feedback would you give to your colleague on the impact this may have had on participants, and what could have been done differently to avoid this situation?Scenario CYour colleague is a human resources manager who just completed an activity followed by a group discussion. The activity went well, but the debrief did not. As the facilitator, he had trouble getting the group to answer his questions. The group did not appear to be very engaged. What feedback could you give him on how he could get participants to participate?Your initial post should be 250 to 300 words. Use this week’s lecture as a foundation for your initial post. In addition to the Blanchard and Thacker (2013) text, use at least one additional scholarly source to support your discussion.Respond to at least two other posts regarding items you found to be compelling and enlightening. To help you with your reply, please consider the following questions:What did you learn from the posting?What additional questions do you have after reading the posting?What clarification do you need regarding the posting?What differences or similarities do you see between your initial discussion thread and your classmates’ postings?What are the differences or similarities in the techniques recommended in your discussion compared to those identified by others?Analyze the recommendations made by others for each scenario. Do you agree or disagree with the recommendations? Why or why not? Provide examples where possible. Discussion 2 There are several instructional methods and activities that can be used to deliver training. As a trainer, you should have a broad awareness of different kinds of instructional methods so that you can recommend and utilize the most appropriate solutions for the specific learning objectives.List and describe three types of training methods. What type of activity is it? What types of activities precede and follow it? What learning style(s) does this activity accommodate? What adult learning characteristics does this activity incorporate? Discuss the pros and cons of each method. Lastly, using Bloom’s taxonomy, create a training objective for each instructional method. Be sure to consider the specific skills and knowledge to be learned in the training in order to appropriately apply each instructional method.Your initial post should be 250 to 300 words. Use this week’s lecture as a foundation for your initial post. In addition to the Blanchard and Thacker (2013) text, use at least one additional scholarly source to support your discussion.Respond to at least two other posts regarding items you found to be compelling and enlightening. To help you with your reply, please consider the following questions:What did you learn from the posting?What additional questions do you have after reading the posting?What clarification do you need regarding the posting?What differences or similarities do you see between your initial discussion thread and your classmates’ postings?Ask each other questions about why the specific training methods were selected.How do the types of training methods selected by your classmate apply to other learning style(s)?Analyze your classmates’ training objectives. Do the learning objectives describe the key conditions, observable performance/behavior, and set the standard for performance? What modifications would you suggest to ensure that trainees understand the expectations clearly?Discussion 3 Imagine a performance evaluation system that promotes roles, behaviors, and work outcomes appropriate to achieve organizational strategic objectives throughout the firm. Take into consideration the Two Sides of Performance Management as illustrated in your textbook on page 164, Figure 6.1. What would such a system look like? Would it be similar to the one used in your organization? How would individual and/or team performance assessment be conducted? What tools would you recommend? Would you use MBO, 360 Degrees or another system? Why? Present your views in 200 words or more in your discussion post. Use at least two scholarly source to support your ideas. Discussion 4 Consider the proposition that HRM adds value to the firm. Also, examine the topic of “Marginal Utility Analysis” and how it is used to make a case about the value of HRM. How do HRM practices and systems add value to a firm? What is the basis for an argument for or against this proposition? Present your views in 200 words or more in your discussion post. Use at least one scholarly source in your response to support your ideas

solved For this assignment, you will apply decision-making to the process

For this assignment, you will apply decision-making to the process of international human resource management as you determine which of the four final applicants to hire into a global executive position. 
You are a member of the management committee of a MNE that conducts business in 23 countries. While your company’s headquarters is located in the Netherlands, your regional offices are located fairly evenly throughout the four hemispheres. Primary markets have been in the European Union and North America; the strongest emerging market is the Pacific Rim. Company executives would like to develop what they see as a powerful potential market in the Middle East. Sales in all areas except the Pacific Rim have shown slow growth over the past two years. 
At present, your company is seeking to restructure and revitalize its worldwide marketing efforts. To accomplish this, you have determined that you need to hire a key marketing person to introduce fresh ideas and a new perspective. There is no one currently in your company who is qualified to do this, and so you have decided to look outside. 
The job title is “Vice President for Global Marketing”; an annual salary of $250,000-$300,000, plus elaborate benefits, an unlimited expense account, a car, and the use of the corporate jet. The person you hire will be based at the company’s headquarters in the Netherlands and will travel frequently. 
A lengthy search has turned up four people with good potential. It is now up to you to decide whom to hire. Although all the applicants have expressed a sincere interest in the position, it is possible that they may change 
their minds once the job is offered. Therefore, you must rank them in order of preference so that if your first choice declines the position, you can go on to the second, and so on. 
First, read the biographies of each applicant. As you are doing this, rank each of them from 1 to 4, with 1 being your first choice, and explain your reasons for their ranking. 
For your essay this week, respond to the following questions using the decisions you have made with your rankings. 
1. The first section of your paper should be an overview of your rankings and reasons for your decisions. 
2. Did your decision include any culturally based biases you may have—for example, feelings, personality traits, or politics in your rankings? 
3. Did you make any observations that you feel would have been fully acceptable in your own culture, but were not accepted in other cultures? If so, explain. 
4. What implications do you believe any of the applicant’s cultural differences would have in business dealings? In what countries or cultures? 
5. What expatriate adjustments for the candidate need to be considered? How will the company handle these? 
6. Explain the decision-making process you used to make your decisions. 
Park L. 
Park L. is currently senior vice president for marketing at a major South Korean high-technology firm. You have been told by the head of your Seoul office that his reputation as an expert in international marketing is outstanding. The market share of his company’s products has consistently increased since he joined the company just over 15 years ago. His company’s market share is now well ahead of that of competing producers in the Pacific Rim. 
Park graduated from the University of Seoul and has worked his way up through the ranks. He does not have a graduate degree. In addition to his native tongue, Park is able to carry on a reasonably fluent conversation in English and has a minimal working knowledge of German and French. 
Saya K. 
Saya K. is a woman living in Malaysia. She began her teaching career while finishing her DBA (Doctorate in Business Administration) at the Harvard Business School and published her first book on international marketing ten months after graduation. Her doctoral dissertation was based on the international marketing of pharmaceuticals, but she has also done research and published on other areas of international marketing. 
Two months after the publication of her book, Saya went to work in the international marketing department of a Fortune 500 company, where she stayed for the next ten years. She returned to teaching when Maura University offered her a full professorship with tenure, and she has been there since that time. In addition, she has an active consulting practice throughout Southeast Asia. In addition to fluency in Malay, English, and Japanese, Saya speaks and writes German and Spanish and can converse in Mandarin. 
Peter V. 
Peter had worked in a key position in the international marketing division of a US Fortune 100 company until the company pulled out of his country South Africa eight months ago. Peter has a long list of accomplishments and is widely recognized as outstanding in his field. 
Peter has a PhD in computer science from a leading South African university and an MBA from Purdue’s Krannert School of Business. Peter speaks and reads English, Dutch, Afrikaans, and Swahili and can converse in German.
Joe P. 
Joe is currently job hunting. His former job as head of marketing for a single-product, high-technology firm—highly specialized workstations for sophisticated artificial intelligence applications—ended when the company was bought out by Texas Instruments. 
Joe has both his undergraduate and MBA degrees from Stanford University. In addition, he was a Rhodes Scholar and won a Fulbright scholarship, which he used to support himself while he undertook a two-year research project on the marketing of high-technology equipment to Third World countries. In addition to his native English, Joe has a minimal command of French—which he admits he hasn’t used since his college days. 

solved 1. Character sketch outline: This mid-assessment activity is designed to

1. Character sketch outline:
This mid-assessment activity is designed to help you build the analysis assignment due at the end of the module. After reading the David Sedaris Hanout “Twelve Moments in the Life of the Artist” located in your readings sub-module, begin your textual analysis by examining the thesis statement provided in the instructions below.  
Analysis Sketch Instructions:

Use the thesis statement: In “Twelve Moments in the Life of an Artist” David Sedaris examines how identity develops through failures as well as achievements. The thesis statement must be the last sentence of the introduction paragraph.
Create an argument that will support this thesis statement with 2 sections.

SECTION ONE: should focus on the first part of the thesis statement, prove that David’s identity is shaped in part by his failures in the story. In this part include 1 quote from the essay that supports this idea. 
SECTION TWO: should focus on the second part of the thesis statment, prove that David’s identity is shaped in part by his successes in the story. In this part include 1 quote from the essay that supports this idea. 
Review the “Quote Sandwich Rubric” handout (located in the submodule) when inserting quotes into your body paragraphs: a single sentence that sets up the quote for your reader (1 simple sentence), the quote itself (no more than 4 lines of text), and an explanation of how the quote supports the thesis statement (3-5 sentences).

Ensure that all paragraphs are at least 5 sentences long throughout your paper, this includes the introduction and conclusion paragraphs. They do NOT need to be complete yet, because this is the first step in the process so don’t say everything you want to yet, you will be adding to this essay in this and the next module.
Provide the full citation for the reading in its own Works Cited page, separate form any content page. Use this full citation: Sedaris, David. Me Talk Pretty One Day. New York, Little Brown & Co, New York, 2000. 
Use the MLA general format page to set up your document, navigate to the in-text citation page to determine that you are providing the correct in-text citation in your paper. 

2. Character Sketch Rough Draft
This assessment activity is designed to help you build the analysis assignment due at the end of the module. You will be adding content to your outline to make it a full essay draft. Read the directions very carefully and make sure that you fully understand everything that you are being asked to write. 
Analysis Sketch Rough Draft Instructions:

Place this thesis statement at the end of the introduction paragraph: In “Twelve Moments in the Life of an Artist” David Sedaris examines how identity develops through failures as well as achievements. 
Create an argument that will support this thesis statement with 2 sections.

SECTION ONE: should focus on the first part of the thesis statement, prove that David’s identity is shaped in part by his failures in the story. 
Add sandwiching to this quote (a set up sentences, the quote, and 3 sentences explaining how your quote supports the thesis statement.)
SECTION TWO: should focus on the second part of the thesis statment, prove that David’s identity is shaped in part by his successes in the story.
Add sandwiching to this quote (a set up sentences, the quote, and 3 sentences explaining how your quote supports the thesis statement.)

Ensure that each paragraph has at least 5 sentences. 
BODY PARAGRAPHS: start each paragraph with a introduction to the point you are making in that paragraph. Do NOT report events in the essay, your reader is already familiar with the story, they are reading your analysis because they want to hear your specific argument relating to David’s development of identity. Close each paragraph with a summary of that point. 
INTRODUCTION and CONCLUSION paragraphs: ensure that there are at least 5 sentences in each paragraph. These paragraphs are about your argument not the story. Do not include any quotes or argument elements besides the thesis statement in these paragraphs. 
Provide the full citation for the reading in its own Works Cited page, separate form any content page. Use this full citation: Sedaris, David. Me Talk Pretty One Day. New York, Little Brown & Co, New York, 2000. 
Use the MLA general format page to set up your document, navigate to the in-text citation page to determine that you are providing the correct in-text citation in your paper

3. Textual Analysis Essay.
Using the essay “Twelve Moments in the Life of an Artist” and your “Analysis Sketch” assignment, create a 2 page textual analysis argument and prove your interpretation of the text is valid. You will be adding to the “Analysis Sketch” assignment from this module to expand your original essay. You MUST have already received a grade and critique from me from the “Analysis Sketch” assignment and already made any necessary edits before you can submit this assignment. 
Paper Instructions:

Make any needed edits to the “Analysis Sketch” assignment before adding to it to create this assignment. 
Following the structure of the “Analysis Sketch” assignment add onto the essay until you meet the criteria for this new level of the assignment. 
Add 2 more quotes to your analysis:

In SECTION ONE: add 1 more quote to the section of your paper that supports how David’s identity is shaped through his failures. The best way to do this is to make the new quote the center of its own paragraph.
In SECTION TWO: add 1 more quote to the section of your paper that supports how David’s identity is shaped through his successful decisions and actions. The best way to do this is to make the new quote the center of its own paragraph.

solved Work-Based Learning Project (WBL): Research-Based and Field ExperienceWork-Based Learning (WB

Work-Based Learning Project (WBL): Research-Based and Field ExperienceWork-Based Learning (WBL) allows students to apply classroom content in professional settings while gaining real-world experiences. These opportunities will provide you with a deeper, more engaging and relevant learning environment. This semester, I will be offering the following WBL activity in order to provide you with the opportunity to explore career options in the field of psychology and sociology.Opportunities for students to participate in unpaid and paid research projects (e.g. in sciences, social sciences, media studies) and field experiences (e.g. in environmental sciences) that extend classroom learning. Research-based and field experiences teach skills that are difficult to teach or learn in classrooms (e.g. the importance of calibrating instruments or the importance of safety procedures), demystify and enhance motivation for learning research skills or exploring the natural world, support critical thinking in the collection and use of data, and provide opportunities to apply knowledge learned in the classroom to the real world outside of school. (COR A)Research-Based and Field Experience; Students in social psychology courses are often required to serve as participants in psychological studies. In order to earn full credit for this project, you must do all of the following:*participate as a research subject for a minimum of 5 hours (one study or multiple studies may fulfill these hours)*conduct an interview with the principle investigator or the research assistant that is overseeing the study. If you participate in more than one study, choose one person to interview. The interview must be summarized using a minimum of 250 words and include why the individual became involved in this area of research and what they enjoy most/least about doing research*submit a 4-5 paged written summary of your experiences that will include each of the following:a screenshot of each consent form that is required prior to your participation with your signaturea summary of the interview you conducted that meets the minimum 250 words requirementa description of each study or studies including who was being studied and whyyour thoughts about researchthe ethical guidelines you discovered and how significant you found them to bethe overall purpose of the study and the potential findingsthe overall impact of this study or studies on the scientific disciplines of psychology or sociologyThis requirement serves two purposes. First, this experience provides students with direct exposure to psychological research. The descriptions of psychological research that appear in textbooks and scientific journals necessarily omit a great deal of information about what research is like. Serving as a research participant should thus complement what students learn in their psychology/sociology course by giving them a ”behind the scenes” look at research. The second purpose of psychological research is the acquisition of knowledge. A great deal of what we know about human behavior is based on studies conducted at universities. Without research participants, we simply wouldn’t know very much about psychology. All students are required to participate in a minimum of five hours of psychological studies, either in person or online. Studies can be found all throughout San Diego county at research institutions, hospitals, mental health facilities, etc. A few helpful links can be found (Links to an external site.) (department of psychology—undergraduate research) (Links to an external site.) (matches you with relevant studies taking place) (Links to an external site.) (department of psychiatry; school of medicine) (Links to an external site.) (behavioral health services)Please note that online studies can also be located at many major universities throughout the United States for both paid and unpaid participation. Both in-person and virtual participation as a research subject are acceptable. You will have the entire semester to complete this project, however, you will want to begin planning early to locate the number of studies/hours to fulfill your obligation. Take the time to locate a research study or series of studies, participate as a research subject (either paid or unpaid), conduct a short interview with the principle investigator(s) about how this study came to fruition and write and submit your final paper addressing the requirements stated above. Your final paper is due during the final week of this course (week 8) by Sunday at 11:59PM.Good Luck!RubricWork-Based Learning (WBL) ProjectWork-Based Learning (WBL) ProjectCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDescription:In order to earn full credit for this project, you must do all of the following:1. participate as a research subject for a minimum of five hours2. Submit a screenshot for each signed consent form3. Conduct an interview with the principle investigator or research assistant for at least one study and include a summary that meets the minimum word requirement4. Submit a 4-5 paged paper that includes a description, purpose, potential findings and ethics involved for each study. Discuss the overall impact of research on the scientific disciplines of psychology and sociology.Partial Credit will be given to projects that are submitted but missing any of the above criteria. Credit will be assessed based on the level and quantity of missing criteria.No credit will be applied to missing projects, or those projects that are submitted that do not meet any of the above criteria.Individual feedback will be given to each student within one week of submission.