solved Develop a solution to a specific ethical dilemma faced by

Develop a solution to a specific ethical dilemma faced by a health care professional by applying ethical principles. Describe the issues and a possible solution in a 3-5-page paper.
Demonstration of Proficiency
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:

Competency 1: Apply information literacy and library research skills to obtain scholarly information in the field of health care.

Apply academic peer-reviewed journal articles relevant to an ethical problem or issue as evidence to support an analysis of the case.

Competency 3: Apply ethical principles and academic standards to the study of health care.

Summarize the facts in a case study and use the three components of an ethical decision-making model to analyze an ethical problem or issue and the factors that contributed to it.
Discuss the effectiveness of the communication approaches present in a case study.
Discuss the effectiveness of the approach used by a professional to deal with problems or issues involving ethical practice in a case study.
Apply ethical principles to a possible solution to an ethical problem or issue described in a case study.

Competency 4: Write for a specific audience, in appropriate tone and style, in accordance with Capella’s writing standards.

Write clearly and logically, with correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.
Write following APA style for in-text citations, quotes, and references.

Note: The requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. At a minimum, be sure to address each point. In addition, you are encouraged to review the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed.
For this assessment, develop a solution to a specific ethical dilemma faced by a health care professional. In your assessment:

Access the Ethical Case Studies media piece to review the case studies you will be using for this assessment.

Select the case most closely related to your area of interest and use it to complete the assessment.

Note: The case study may not supply all of the information you need. In such cases, you should consider a variety of possibilities and infer potential conclusions. However, please be sure to identify any assumptions or speculations you make.

Include the selected case study in your reference list, using proper APA style and format. Refer to the Evidence and APA section of the Writing Center for guidance.

Summarize the facts in a case study and use the three components of an ethical decision-making model to analyze an ethical problem or issue and the factors that contributed to it.

Identify which case study you selected and briefly summarize the facts surrounding it. Identify the problem or issue that presents an ethical dilemma or challenge and describe that dilemma or challenge.
Identify who is involved or affected by the ethical problem or issue.
Access the Ethical Decision-Making Model media piece and use the three components of the ethical decision-making model (moral awareness, moral judgment, and ethical behavior) to analyze the ethical issues.

Apply the three components outlined in the Ethical Decision-Making Model media.

Analyze the factors that contributed to the ethical problem or issue identified in the case study.

Describe the factors that contributed to the problem or issue and explain how they contributed.

Apply academic peer-reviewed journal articles relevant to an ethical problem or issue as evidence to support an analysis of the case. 

In addition to the readings provided, use the Capella library to locate at least one academic peer-reviewed journal article relevant to the problem or issue that you can use to support your analysis of the situation. The How Do I Find Peer-Reviewed Articles? library guide will help you locate appropriate references.

Cite and apply key principles from the journal article as evidence to support your critical thinking and analysis of the ethical problem or issue.
Review the Think Critically About Source Quality resource.

Assess the credibility of the information source.
Assess the relevance of the information source.

Discuss the effectiveness of the communication approaches present in a case study.

Describe how the health care professional in the case study communicated with others.
Assess instances where the professional communicated effectively or ineffectively.
Explain which communication approaches should be used and which ones should be avoided.
Describe the consequences of using effective and non-effective communication approaches.

Discuss the effectiveness of the approach used by a professional to deal with problems or issues involving ethical practice in a case study.

Describe the actions taken in response to the ethical dilemma or issue presented in the case study.
Summarize how well the professional managed professional responsibilities and priorities to resolve the problem or issue in the case.
Discuss the key lessons this case provides for health care professionals.

Apply ethical principles to a possible solution to an ethical problem or issue described in a case study.

Describe the proposed solution.
Discuss how the approach makes this professional more effective or less effective in building relationships across disciplines within his or her organization.
Discuss how likely it is the proposed solution will foster professional collaboration.

solved Assignment 1: Supporting Opinions in Public Health Introduction Public health,

Assignment 1: Supporting Opinions in Public Health
Public health, especially in the media and on the internet, is full of opinions, some true, some false, some contradictory (1). “Masks don’t work to stop Covid”, “Vaccines cause autism”,  “Gun violence relates to mental health”. True? False? We can only confirm/refute these opinions by using research. 
Read  below ( or this CNN article (Links to an external site.) link) on what the Surgeon General feels is the biggest Covid-19 vaccination threat. (Remember, this is your textbook! This all counts as reading. )

Surgeon General warns misinformation is the greatest threat to Covid-19 vaccination efforts

By Madeline Holcombe, CNN
Updated 1:35 PM ET, Fri June 25, 2021 
(CNN)With a dangerous Covid-19 variant on the rise, health experts are urging people who are still hesitant to get their vaccinations. But the US surgeon general warns a big obstacle stands in their way: Misinformation.
“There is so much misinformation out there about the vaccine, coming through so many channels — a lot of it being spread on social media,” Dr. Vivek Murthy told CNN’s Erin Burnett. “It’s inducing a lot of fear among people.”

(Links to an external site.)These are the two key groups now being hit hardest by Covid-19
“Two-thirds of those who are unvaccinated in polls say that they either believe the myths about Covid-19 or think that they might be true,” he added.Experts, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, have estimated that  (Links to an external site.)70 to 85% of people in the US will need to become immune to the virus through vaccination or infection in order to control community spread. But after initial surges, vaccination rates have slowed, and only 53.7% of the population has received at least one dose.
In addition, more than 1 in 10 people who have received one dose of the Pfizer/BioNTech or Moderna vaccine have missed their second dose, according to data shared with CNN by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
That statistic is especially concerning to experts because studies have shown that the vaccines are much more effective against the Delta variant after the two-dose series is completed.
And the Delta variant is believed to be more transmissible and cause more severe disease than other strains.
Murthy said he is worried for those who are unvaccinated as the variant spreads.
In Los Angeles County, the impact is already clear. Nearly all of the Covid-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths in Los Angeles County are occurring among people who are unvaccinated, county health officials said Thursday.
Out of nearly 437,000 positive coronavirus cases reported in L.A. County since December 2020, 99.6% of those were among individuals who were unvaccinated, health officials said in a press release.
“The virus is still with us,” Los Angeles County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer said at a press conference. “Even now, we need to be careful to mask and maintain distance from people outside of our households, especially if they’re not yet vaccinated.”
Intro continued…
This article reinforces that it is important to be able to support your opinions, viewpoints and positions with research and then clearly communicate your findings. This can be accomplished by using literature to support your viewpoint. This will help you to challenge biases you may have as well as prove that your point is not just an opinion.  This assignment will help you to learn to PROVE your opinions (or change your mind) by using research and literature.
**This assignment is meant to show you how all other discussions should be constructed. From this assignment forward, you will be expected to have a source to support any health facts or conclusions.
For this discussion, prepare first by reading the following document, watching the video and reading my post
WRITTEN: How to Support a Thesis Statement HED BROOKS
We are only going to do a short version of this handout.

SHORT VIDEO.  This this simple and silly video really does a good job of how to write a topic sentence and how to support it. Its 6 minutes but a good review! Link to Writing a Supporting Paragraph with a Topic Sentence (Links to an external site.)
EXAMPLE:  READ my post below!! Yours should resemble it. I am researching the claim that “recreational” or gateway drugs contribute to more drug use. Many think this is true, many think it is false. I am picking a side and using literature to support my argument:
My Post:
Gateway drugs contribute to more powerful drugs but other factors may be involved. Marijuana, a gateway recreational drug, is legal but can serve to sensitize the developing brain to dopamine receptors and cravings (Panlilio et al). Interestingly, research shows that early adolescent drug use contributes to increased later adolescent drug use but, in adulthood, the correlation can adjust. At that point, mental health issues cloud the relationship (Nkansah-Amankra). Research shows that gateway drugs do contribute to later drug use but it is only one factor  in the complex relationships in addiction.
1.Panlilio LV, Zanettini C, Barnes C, Solinas M, Goldberg SR. Prior exposure to THC increases the addictive effects of nicotine in rats. Neuropsychopharmacol Off Publ Am Coll Neuropsychopharmacol. 
2.Nkansah-Amankra, Stephen, and Mark Minelli. “”Gateway hypothesis” and early drug use: Additional findings from tracking a population-based sample of adolescents to adulthood.” Preventive medicine reports vol. 4 134-41. 28 May. 2016,

solved Reflection and Discussion Forum Week 14 Reflection and Discussion Forum

Reflection and Discussion Forum Week 14
Reflection and Discussion Forum Week 14Assigned Readings:Chapter 15. Project TerminationInitial Postings: Read and reflect on the assigned readings for the week. Then post what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding in each assigned textbook chapter.Your initial post should be based upon the assigned reading for the week, so the textbook should be a source listed in your reference section and cited within the body of the text. Other sources are not required but feel free to use them if they aid in your discussion.Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:

Several years ago, the U.S. Congress canceled funding for the development of a battery-powered electric vehicle. Do you think that was a good decision? Can you imagine what the pros and cons were?
Assume that you are working for a computer manufacturer as a software engineer and that you are told abruptly that your project will be canceled within 4 weeks. List the questions that you would have for management. After absorbing the shock, what would you do?
[Your post must be substantive and demonstrate insight gained from the course material. Postings must be in the student’s own words – do not provide quotes!] [Your initial post should be at least 450+ words and in APA format (including Times New Roman with font size 12 and double spaced). Post the actual body of your paper in the discussion thread then attach a Word version of the paper for APA review]Submitting the Initial Posting:Your initial posting should be completed by Thursday, 11:59 p.m. EST. Response to Other Student Postings:  Respond substantively to the post of at least two peers, by Friday, 11:59 p.m. EST. A peer response such as “I agree with her,” or “I liked what he said about that” or similar comments are not considered substantive and will not be counted for course credit.[Continue the discussion through Sunday,11:59 p.m. EST by highlighting differences between your postings and your colleagues’ postings. Provide additional insights or alternative perspectives]Evaluation of posts and responses: Your initial posts and peer responses will be evaluated on the basis of the kind of critical thinking and engagement displayed. The grading rubric evaluates the content based on seven areas:Content Knowledge & Structure, Critical Thinking, Clarity & Effective Communication, Integration of Knowledge & Articles, Presentation, Writing Mechanics, and Response to Other Students.

Activity 14 – Research Project
The journal indicated below describes a national project. Based on the journal, and on your understanding of the project, answer the questions below:DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CF.1943-5509.0000332  Journal title: “1976 Montreal Olympics: Case Study of Project Management Failure”#QuestionPoints1Was it an internal or external project? Provide rationale.  1.252Identify at least 10 major stakeholders for the project.1.253What were the needs or expectation of each stakeholder?1.254Identify and describe at least 5 most important resources used in the project.1.255What was the alternative approach for the project (i.e. if the stadium had not been built, what else could have been done to ensure the olympics still occurred)?1.256Based on (5) above, was building the stadium at this location and at this time the best approach to have been chosen?  Provide rationale using PV, NPV, IRR, B/C. [1 page]57Provide two Level 3 Work Breakdown Structures (WBS) for this project. These two should be the intial (or planned) and final (or actual) WBS. Explain the difference  [2 pages]2.58Based on (7), was there an evidence of scope creep in the project? Provide rationale.1.259Create one network diagram for the project using the final WBS in (7) above [1 page]7.510Use the Level 2 tasks in the final WBS to create one GANTT chart for the project. [1 page]7.511Use the initial and final WBS to create two high-level budgets for the project. These two should be the initial and final budgets. Explain the difference. [2 pages]7.512Using the risk sources, describe three major (broad) categories of risks in the project.1.513Using a table, list at least ten individual risks ranked by severity, and also link each of them to one of the categories in (12) above [1 page]7.514For each risk in (13) above, describe at least one thing that was done, or could have been done to mitigate that risk.1.2515Was there adequate quality management processes in place (including quality planning, quality assurance and quality control)? Provide rationale. 116Was there adequate outsourcing in the project? Provide rationale.1.2517The journal title indicates this project was a failure. Do you agree? Provide rationale. 1.2518If anyone in your group was appointed the project manager for this project, what would you have done differently to make this project successful?1.2519Describe at least five major lessons that can be learned from this project.1.2520Other – Abstract, Introduction, Conclusion (one paragraph each)2.521Other – Effective APA (Times New Roman, font size 12, double-spaced, in-text citations, grammar, reference list, etc)2.522Other Considerations1.25 TOTAL60Side note from instructor:

Your response should be between 5 -10 pages only, including all auxilliary pages such as  Title page, Reference page and Table of Content.
This research project requires you to tie together  the key components of project management.

solved ———————————â€

Architectural Studies  – Modern Architecture History 
Assignment 4:  
1. Second Modernism + Radical Avant Gardes: Redefinitions, Techno-utopias, and Social Turmoil. Brutalism. Space Age 
1. Awnser 4 out of 5 Questions: Research the web, as well printed material, including the Provided Textbook. 
2. TEXTBOOK: Modern Architecture since 1900

1.  Describe and Illustrate 4 characteristics of Brutalism   
2.  Name 3 important Brutalist Architects and their works in the U.S. Describe
    -Paul Rudolph: Burroughs-Wellcome HQ NC, Tracey Towers, Bronx NYC, Art & Arch Building, Yale
     -Marcel Breuer: Whitney Museum, NYC,  Pirelli Tire Building, New Haven CT 
    -William Pereira: Geisel Library UCSD La Jolla
    -Kalman McKinnell:  City Hall, Boston MA
    -Eero Saarinen:  War Memorial Center. Milwaukee CT.????
3.  Describe the main relationship between form and function in Archigram’s Plugin City . (Curtis CH. 29)  
– “ …the Plug-in City. This contained no buildings in the traditional sense, but “frameworks” into which standardized components could be slotted. Functions were not fulfilled by forms any longer, but by mechanical and electronic “services”.”   
4.  Provide one way in which Plug-in City references Constant’s New Babylon and one way in which they differ.   
-Mega-structures, frameworks with no defined form or center, adaptable, flexible.  Built for a nomadic lifestyle. Difference:  New Babylon proposes a world outside the logic of capitalism, and of the current world order.  Archigram works within the consumer logic of late capitalism.  
5. What is a Mega-Structure? Illustrate with an (awesome) example.
– A very large building, self-sustaining, and which contains functions and programs that allow it to be self-contained. A city-in-a-building.
Architectural Studies  – Modern Architecture History 
Assignment 5:  Post Modernism 
Chapters: Post Modernism
1.  Post Modernism Pt. 1: Memory + Contextualisms :New architectures in old contexts, and the metaphysics of Architecture 
2. Post Modernism Pt. 2: “PoMo”: Swapping identities, cosplay, and the apogee of corporate architecture 
3. Deconstructionism + Phenomenology + High Tech Theorization of form, and high complexities 
1. Awnser 4 out of 5 Questions: Research the web, as well printed material, including the Provided Textbook. 
1. Postmodernism in architecture and design was the manifestation of shifting cultural forces. 
-Describe three shifts in perception, values, or cultural priorities that caused or affected those changes.   
2. How would you explain ‘presentness’, as argued by Peter Eisenman in “My Ideology is Better than Yours”?  
-Provide one example.   
3. Name three key PoMo architects, and one emblematic PoMo work, for each.
-Provide a minimum of insight about the importance of the selected works. Illustrate.   
4.  Is PoMo historicism the same as the search for memory and meaning? 
-Briefly explain why.   
5.  What is the main difference between Deconstructivism and Constructivism?     
-Name ONE Decon architect, and an emblematic work by them. Illustrate.
Architectural Studies  – Modern Architecture History 
Assignment 6:  
1. Dutch Avant Garde:Programmism, Projective Practices, and the Second Modernity of Dutch Architecture 
2. Digital and Computational Architecture: Blobs to Parametricism to Genetic Algorithms 
1. Awnser 4 out of 5 Questions: Research the web, as well printed material, including the Provided Textbook. 
2. TEXTBOOK: Modern Architecture since 1900
1. Why is the 1990’s period considered the Second Modernity of Dutch Architecture? When was the first?   
2.  According to Lootsma, what was the position of these architects towards Architecture’s autonomy?   
3.  Name 3 Dutch Avant-garde architects or designers relevant at the time, and one work by each.   
4.  Name one important contribution of OMA/Rem Koolhaas to architecture; one invention or innovation. ?Briefly explain it.   
5.  Why is the Dutch culture so familiar with abstraction? Is it something in their environment? Provide one reason.

solved Mrs. Dalloway: Novel There’s something important to note from the

Mrs. Dalloway: Novel
There’s something important to note from the beginning of this  novel and it is the title. By naming the title “Mrs. Dalloway” you  wonder the question of who Mr. Dalloway is. Well, he’s a politician in  Britain and because of who he is, it determines a lot about who she is.  Mrs. Dalloway’s narration is third-person omniscient. The beginning and  ending focus on Clarissa and a specific day in her life. She wants to  throw a party, but certain things seem to be dampening her mood and  potentially the party too. 
The first form of symbolism is when she says “For it was the  middle of June. The war was over, except for some one like Mrs. Foxcroft  at the Embassy last night eating her heart out because that nice boy  was killed.” It explains that this all was happening in a time period  shortly after the war. Things were somewhat getting better, but the war  had left a lot of scars for people like Mrs. Foxcroft who lost a loved  one. The loss of life during the war was massive and everyone at least  knew someone who had experienced loss. Mrs. Dalloway was doing her best  to make it seem like life was going okay, but you could tell there were  signs of depression in her life by some of the struggles she faced in  her mind.
Notice by page 18 when the plane is flying through the sky and  Septimus looks up to see it. The plane was advertising a brand of  Toffee. Septimus seemed to be amazed by it, but he also seemed to show  some trouble in his mind. It turned out that Septimus had a form of PTSD  though it wasn’t officially called that. He served in the war and I  imagine those planes flying over were beautiful, but also somewhat  traumatic. Knowing the history of the first World War, planes were  introduced during that time. For the first time ever, planes were flying  over cities and bombing them. So many left the war with those kinds of  mental issues. Rezia seemed to have a hard time dealing with Septimus as  it says in the text “for she could stand it no longer. Dr. Holmes might  say there was nothing the matter. Far rather would she that he were  dead”. Clearly, it was difficult to be around Septimus at times. But for  someone with PTSD, the sounds of airplanes and even the cars backfiring  that sounded like a pistol, it would send anyone struggling with those  issues into a frenzy. Looking at the history of Woolf’s novels, there’s a  pattern of mentioning mental illness. I’d imagine this was something  very important to Woolf. So her way of bringing awareness to this  illness was by including it in her novels. Virginia Woolfe seemed to  want to portray how people were coping in a post-war society. 
During this novel, you jump in and out of the minds of all the  main characters such as Clarissa, Lucrezia, Peter, Septimus, and so on.  You don’t have one narrator telling the whole story. Instead, you get to  hear many different perspectives. With the whole novel taking place in  the time span of one day and by telling the thoughts of so many on that  day, it allows you to get a full picture of all that was happening  during the day leading up to the end. The transitions from one character  to another can be kind of tricky to notice at first. You have to pay  attention while reading. You’ll notice there’s a lot of people watching  in this novel. Take Mrs. Dempster for example. On page 21 the text says  “That girl, thought Mrs. Dempster, don’t know a thing yet: and it seemed  to her better to be a little stout, a little slack, a little moderate  in one’s expectation.” With all the people watching, it seems to set the  tone for the day. There seems to be an uneasy feeling as you imagine  them just sitting on a bench, enjoying the weather while making comments  about others passing by.
The imagery that is used in this novel grabs your attention if  you can keep up with what’s going on. This one line on page 130 saying  “his wintry charm without cordiality: his innocence blent with snobbery”  gives you a glimpse of how Woolfe liked to use imagery. It allowed for  you to envision who this person was and what they were like. This novel  does also bring light to depression issues as you can tell when Clarissa  finds out that Septimus had passed. Maybe Clarissa was relieved that  Septimus had escaped such a harsh reality. But it is never a good thing  when someone sees death as the way to escape the realities of this life.  Septimus seemed to be the one who dealt with all that was wrong in  society. He seemed to be drug down in it and didn’t try to hide it.  Clarissa on the other hand tried to hide all the pain she was feeling by  living up to superficial expectations and making things seem like they  were perfect when they weren’t. The best example of that is Clarissa  throwing this huge party and not wanting Septimus’ death to put a damper  on things. Clarissa wanted to live in another reality to escape what  she was dealing with on the inside. I believe Woolfe wanted to bring  awareness to depression with this novel as well. By showing two types of  depression, you get a glimpse of how two lives that look different on  the outside, don’t mean one is happier than the other. The issues people  deal with on the inside are deep and can drag anyone down.
1. Why do you think Woolfe used different characters to narrate the novel
2. Was there any other imagery you found helpful to picture what was happening in the novel?

solved Breaching Experiment:What is a breaching experiment? Imagine these scenarios:Example 1-

Breaching Experiment:What is a breaching experiment? Imagine these scenarios:Example 1- You are sitting in Starbucks on a crowded morning. Your books are open. Your coffee is hot and ready to drink, and your IPod is playing your favorite study tunes. You are tapped on the shoulder by an individual holding a newspaper who says, “Excuse me, can I have your seat?” What do you do? What do you say? Is there something strange about this?Example 2- You are standing in line at the registration office to pay for your classes. The wait has been long but you are nearly to the front of the line. Another student walks calmly to the front of the line, cuts in, and is called to the next open window. What just happened? Do you say something? Do other say or do something?Breaching Experiments: The above examples are adaptations of breaching experiments conducted by famous sociologist Harold Garfinkel. In these cases, the individual who asked someone to move from their seat for no apparent reason, or who cut in the long line, were violating unspoken social norms. Garfinkel and his students designed experiments to test the unstated social rules that we live by, and examine what happens when these unstated rules and norms are violated. A breaching experiment is a controlled social situation in which individuals involved intentionally break social rules and violate basic norms and patterns of behavior (Croteau and Hoynes, 2012).Your Assignment: Becoming a norm violator for experimental purposesFor this assignment, you will become a social researcher and conduct a breaching experiment in which you violate a social norm to examine individual’s responses.First, think of unspoken social rules and norms that govern what, how, and why people do basic, everyday things (dress, talk, eat, walk, shop, work, sit, etc.). Remember that many social rules only become obvious once they are broken. Be creative!!!Second, think of how you can violate, or breach, one of these norms in a social situation (at school, work, in the mall, etc.). *Select a norm to breach.Third, design and conduct your experiment! Where, when, and how will you conduct your breaching experiment? Take notes on what happens. How do individuals respond?Lastly, you will answer all of the following questions thoroughly and academically to explain your norm violation and examine your experiment results.*** Rules_Be careful. Use common sense. No breaking the law. Do not put yourself or anyone else in danger of any kind. If you think that your experiment/idea is questionable in any way, please consult me in class or via email prior to conducting your experiment.*** Need Help_Start early. Ask questions. Do some outside research (breaching experiments are a popular assignment; a Google search may give you some good info and ideas, but don’t plagiarize)Breaching experiment Write up: 900-1200 words (3-4 pages)Write up should be typed, double spaced, 12 pt. font, and free from grammatical errors. Use paragraph format to answer each question as thouroughly as possible.1. Introduction: What is a social norm? What are they for? What do they give to individuals and to society? What happens when they are breached? Why do people care? Then, give us the purpose of the experiment and of the paper. What social norm did you select for your breaching experiment?2. Please explain your breaching experiment: (Be specific, detailed, and scientific)a. what did you do to violate the social norm?b. where and when did you conduct your experiment? Was there any reason for this place or time?c. How many times did you intend to repeat your experiment? How many times did you actually repeat it?d. How did you collect data on what happened when your norm violation occurred? Notes? Video? Observation? Explain how you went about this in detail.3. Results: What happened when your norm violation occurred? Was there a general response or did people act differently? Were there differing responses from people depending on age, sex, or race/ethnicity, etc? How did your own characteristics govern how your behavior was received? You will want to look at reactions in the context of socialization, and think of how each group has been socialized to respond to your behavior.Please explain and use at least two specific examples of responses. *Pay close attention to your own reaction. How do you feel before, during, and after the experiment? What does this say about you and your role in society?4. Analysis: Why did people respond the way they did? Explain and analyze the responses of individuals. What does this say about your social norm, society, and people? Use your sociological imagination to try and theorize why people act the way they do in micro level interactions. You will want to pick two or more theories from our course to explain how and why you performed, and others responded to your breach. This is NOT the time to include as many terms as you can from the course; instead, select specific theories/concepts, explain how they work in detail, and then apply them to specific examples from your experiment. Some good theories to include in this part come from chapters 3-7.Note: Your analysis is extremely important to receiving an “A” on this paper. A proper sociological analysis will apply terminology and concepts from this course in an attempt to explain the responses of subjects to your experiment 5. Conclusion: What did you learn from conducting this experiment? What will you take away? Why do even mild modifications of “normal” behavior bother people?

solved Please respond to hailey with 270 words . Please provide

Please respond to hailey with 270 words . Please provide an assessment of her answers . Please include and cite the references listed.Discussion #47-Explain the significance of the Hispanic heritage and culture to California’s culture and economics.The significance of the Hispanic culture in California, According to William Shelby in Rediscovering the Golden State he states “ In 1822, the Spanish transferred authority to Mexican officials in California” ( Shelby pg. 263). This meant many opportunities for the Mexicans which became very important to California’s economy. After 1822 California had many immigrants that followed Jedediah Smith which made the first recorded crossing in the Sierra Nevada. They eventually received land grants in Sacramento Valley which made many new immigrants settle there. The significance of the Hispanic heritage and culture in California is many Hispanics traveled from far just to settle down in California and start a series of presidios and missions. These missions allowed Hispanics to have a place to stay before they gained Mexican independence. Many of the California missions were labored by American Indians, these American Indians were forced by the Hispanics to work for these missions. Selby, W. A. (2006). Rediscovering the Golden State: California geography. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.5-Describe internal population migration within California. Where are they going and why?Internal migration is human migration across the country. Internal migration is typically travel for education or travel for economic purposes. Many people have migrated to California, many immigrants come from all over to further their education here in California. According to CNBC, California’s growth rate at record low as more people leave, states “ California became a state in 1850 after a gold rush spurred a massive migration of people moving west to seek their fortune. The state boomed again following World War II because of the aerospace and defense industry, and again in the 1980’s and early 1990’s as technology companies made Silicon Valley a household name” This means many people migrated to California to start a life from finding fortune during the Gold rush years. Many people are moving to California as it is one of the most populated states, but also many people are leaving California due to taxes, and laws here in California. California’s growth rate is at record low as more people leave. (2020, December 17). Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)9-According to SCAG, six southern California counties are expected to have a 43% increase in population from 1995 to 2020. The greatest percentage of this increase is expected to occur in the High Desert and Inland Empire Communities. What steps do YOU think should be taken now to prevent further congestion of our roadways and degradation of our environment?I think the steps that should be taken to prevent congestion of our roadways and degradation of our environment is creating a better infrastructure for our roadways. Infrastructure is basic physical structures to keep our cities and countries organized. If California can create better roadways for people to be safe and keep less traffic, it would be safe for people and become less busy. A way to keep our environment from degradation is by maintaining and infrastructure with keeping our original landscapes. By doing this we would have more roadways and keep our original features to keep our environment clean, while being safe. If we can keep a clean original landscape it will allow us to have a high quality life, living with an aesthetic environment keeps people happy and enhancing our sense of being. Keeping our environment clean is also important in California because it is very polluted here, if we can keep our environment clean it will keep our air healthy, and allow for more plants to bloom which will also allow us to be healthy. 10-California s population is expected to double by 2010. Identify what can be done to ensure that all its inhabitants receive clean, sufficient supplies of water for agriculture and drinking?California’s population has increased suddenly over the years meaning more residents in California. Some ways we can ensure that our water supply stays clean for our environment and for drinking is by implementing rainwater harvesting systems, this will allow us to harvest and create more water so California does not go into another drought. Another way is to make sure water goes into clean sewers, this will allow people to create drinking water and if California can keep it clean it will make it safe for humans to drink once it is processed in water. According to Circle Blue in the article where water speaks they state “ Educate to change consumption and lifestylesIn the end, changing the face of this crisis involves education to motivate new behaviors.” By educating the public it may be able to help people in California to conserve water. By saving water it may be able to help us from a crisis in the future. Many other countries are facing crises with freshwater, if people are educated on what may happen it may be able to save us in the future. Blue, C., Walton, B., Schneider, K., Johnston, J., & Circle of BlueCircle of Blue provides relevant. (2018, October 05). Experts Name the Top 19 Solutions to the Global Freshwater Crisis. Retrieved from…

solved Locate any report or periodical article that contains at least

Locate any report or periodical article that contains at least two  different graphical representations of data or use one of the supplied  articles. Interpret the graphs and present your findings in a brief  PowerPoint presentation (6-10 slides).
Business administrators and managers are often called upon to  interpret data that analysts have provided to them. This requires an  understanding of the data sources (when, where, and how data is  collected; formatted or stored; and used), as well as what that data  looks like and how it can be summarized. In this first assessment, you  are asked to locate any report or periodical article used in a business  context of interest to you that contains at least two different  graphical representations of data. You will interpret the graphical data  representations and present your findings in a brief PowerPoint deck,  as if you were presenting during a company meeting.
In this assessment you will learn about the collection, formatting,  and use of raw data, as well as graphical and tabular methods for  summarizing it. You will also get started with the technology that you  will use in this course: Microsoft Excel (including the Data Analysis  ToolPak add-in).
You have been invited to present at a departmental meeting with  employees from all levels within the organization. You have been  allotted 6-10 minutes to speak.
Your Role
The purpose of your speech is to explain the business context as  well as two charts or tables that you have evaluated as a business  analyst of the organization.
Your business report to the group will be a slide presentation with speaker notes and appropriate citations and references.
Complete the following:
Article Identification. Use one of the articles listed under Article Options subheading below or find an article in Forbes or other business journal or an annual report from a publicly traded company that includes at least two data graphs or tables.     
The graphs should depict or represent data using pie charts, bar charts, tables, scatter plots, trend lines, et cetera.

Read the article and identify the business context. Business  context includes organizational history, mission, product and services,  environment, competitive advantage, competition, et cetera. You can also  determine business context from additional sources (and you should).     

The company or organizational background information should help  explain why the data are relevant. This will be the introductory  information for your business report, presentation, or assessment.
Interpret your chosen data representations in the context of the  business situation. The following are typical questions an analyst would  use to interpret the data:     

What is being measured (the variables)?

What are the relationships among the variables?

What are the trends in the data?

How can the data be applied in the business context?

Create an effective 6-10 slide PowerPoint deck with detailed  presenter’s notes (including citations and reference slides) elaborating  on each point that will be presented at a departmental meeting. For  example:     

Organization/business context.

Relevance/importance of information.
Source of data set and any limitations?
Graphic of data 1 – with interpretations of graph.
Graph of data 2 – with interpretations of graph.

Importance of data analysis in terms of business context.


Reference slides.
An effective PowerPoint presentation for this purpose typically includes:
One title slide, APA formatted.
1-2 introduction slides explaining the business context.
Several slides. You should copy and paste (insert) the graphs or  tables and include an appropriate citation. Each slide should include  detailed speaker notes.
Several slides. Include your interpretation of each graphical data representation.
Conclusion slides in which you explain how the data may affect the  business context or how it could be applied in your business context to  inform decision making.
Slide with at least four APA-formatted references, including the source of each graph.

Article Options
For this assessment, you will need to choose among business articles  from periodicals, annual reports of publicly traded companies, or  published business reports to find two graphical representations of  data.

A list of appropriate articles has been compiled for this  assessment. You may select one of the articles from the following list  or find your own suitable business article containing two graphical data  representations.
Huang, N. S. (2019). Investing: The best funds for your 401K. Kiplinger’s Personal Finance, 73(12), 18-29.
Reacting to market volatility. (2020). Kiplinger’s Personal Finance, 74(2), 54-55.
Taxpayers weigh in on the new tax law. (2020). Kiplinger’s Personal Finance, 74(3), 50-51.
Woodley, K. (2020). A holistic bet on housing. Kiplinger’s Personal Finance, 74(2), 31.
Decarlo, S., Elam, D. G., Smyth, K., Agus, S., Austin, C.,  Hackett, R., Kowitt, B., Lashinsky, A., Lev-ram, M., Nusca, A., O’keefe,  B., Roberts, J. J., & Wieczner, J. (2017). 100 fastest-growing companies. Fortune, 176(4), 157-163.

Growing, growing… gone! (2016). Forbes, 197(5), 28.
Lim, P. J. (2018). The 50 best mutual funds and 50 best ETFs. Money, 47(1), 86-91.
Meet the world’s richest. (2016). Forbes, 197(4), 26-27.
Salisbury, I. (2018). How we got here. Money, 47(1), 52-57.

Sorvino, C. (2016). Dollar days. Forbes, 197(4), 28.

solved Religious Freedom Laws Since the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2015 decision

Religious Freedom Laws
Since the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2015 decision in Obergefell v. Hodges, legal same-sex marriage is the law of the land.
Many people are still unhappy about the decision and some fear that in complying with the law they will be forced to violate their sincere religious beliefs. You’ve no doubt heard of cases in which, for example, courts have held that refusing to bake a wedding cake for a same-sex couple is unconstitutional discrimination. This case was heard by the Supreme Court in December 2017, but the decision has not been announced as of the time I’m typing this.
In one highly-publicized case from 2013, a photographer was held to have discriminated because she refused to photograph a same-sex commitment ceremony. In this case, the New Mexico Supreme Court held that the photographer had discriminated, in violation of state law, and the U.S. Supreme Court declined to review the decision.
Since the Obergefell decision there have been well-publicized cases in which government officials who issue marriage licenses have cited religious reasons for not granting licenses to same-sex couples. Here is one example. Or here.
A fact that many have missed about the bakery or photography cases is that these cases are not about federal law, and are in fact unrelated to the question of whether same-sex marriage is or is not legal. These cases are based on state laws adopted by state legislatures that establish sexual orientation as a protected class. So in those states it’s illegal to discriminate against same-sex couples just as it’s illegal to discriminate against African-Americans or women or disabled persons. In Texas it’s not illegal to discriminate against same-sex couples because sexual orientation has not been added to the list of those protected from discrimination. So a Texas bakery can refuse service to a same-sex couple with impunity.
Texas also is challenging (and here and here) government-subsidized benefits for married same-sex couples. Texas’s argument is that the Obergefell decision mandated that the state perform same-sex marriages but did not explicitly mandate that states offer the same benefits to married same-sex couples that are offered to married opposite-sex couples. Texas officials (the governor, lt. governor and attorney general) believe that discriminating — treating same-sex couples differently from opposite-sex couples — should be the state’s choice.
Federal legislation has been introduced that, if passed, would among other things expand the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to include sexual orientation among federally-protected classes. Here is a description (from the “liberal” web site of what this legislation would do. No one realistically expects it to pass, though
The basic anti-discrimination principle in the Civil Rights Act is that “public accommodations” (such as restaurants, theaters, hotels, etc.) cannot discriminate against members of protected classes of people. A restaurant, for example, cannot refuse to serve African-Americans or women, even if they have a sincerely held belief that African-Americans or women are undesirable. Some people’s sincerely held religious beliefs long included the belief that African-Americans were cursed by God (the biblical “mark of Cain”) and thus discrimination against them is ordained, or at least approved of, by God. That belief was an important element of the supreme court case Newman v. Piggie Park (1968). If someone’s sincere religious belief mandates that they discriminate against African-Americans and courts have said that’s not OK, should sincere religious beliefs be the basis for discrimination against other groups of people, like homosexuals? [From the Piggie Park decision:  “The free exercise of one’s beliefs, as distinguished from the absolute right to a belief, is subject to regulation when religious acts require accommodation to a society. Undoubtedly, [the restaurant owner] has a constitutional right to espouse the religious beliefs of his own choosing; however, he does not have the absolute right to exercise and practice such beliefs in utter disregard of the clear constitutional rights of other citizens.”Remember, we’re talking about laws that have to apply to everyone. No particular set of religious beliefs can bind everyone else, as we separate church and state in America.
Anti-discrimination laws generally have exemptions for religious institutions. So churches may refuse to host gay weddings if they choose. For-profit wedding chapels are not similarly protected (here’s one story from a conservative perspective and a liberal perspective) as they are generally considered to be public accommodations.
Some have asserted that the logic of forcing a baker who objects on religious grounds to baking a wedding cake for a gay marriage is the same as forcing an African-American baker to bake a cake for a KKK wedding or a Jew to bake a cake for a Nazi wedding. That’s not actually an accurate analogy. The KKK is not a protected class, because adhering to a political philosophy is not an immutable characteristic of a person. Neither is the Nazi party. Any baker, black or white, can therefore refuse to bake a cake for a KKK wedding, or any Jew for a Nazi wedding, without being accused of legal discrimination.
So, what do you think? Should any business owner, or even any government official, be empowered to deny service to same-sex couples on the basis of their sincerely-held religious beliefs?

solved Differentiate between matters of law and matters of ethics in

Differentiate between matters of law and matters of ethics in business situations


You have been hired by John and Ann Applewood as a legal assistant in light of the legal issues their company is facing. They would like you to develop a legal memorandum to help the company move forward.
Mountain Top View Inc.: Company History
A few years ago, based on their love of the outdoors, John and Ann Applewood started a small outdoor-equipment business called Mountain Top View Inc. The company has expanded so rapidly over the past few years that it is now a publicly traded corporation.
The corporate world has been challenging for John and Ann to adapt to. As the company does a lot of business online, technology use and functionality has been a major challenge. John and Ann recently hired a new CIO, Steve, to manage the website and technology aspects. The financial element was also a challenge, and John and Ann recently hired Victor as their CFO to manage financial aspects.
One morning when the owner John comes in, he hears from his CIO that the customer database information was hacked. This data breach impacted customers who ordered products online. Many customers had their names, addresses, and phone numbers stolen. John and Ann know that they should let customers know, but they are also concerned about potentially bad publicity associated with this issue.
One afternoon, Steve learns of a confidential merger that is taking place soon between Mountain Top View Inc. and a major chain outdoor company. Knowing that the stock price will increase significantly, he tells Victor about the merger over lunch and encourages him to purchase shares before information about the merger goes public. Both Steve and Victor buy 2,000 shares in company stock the day before the merger. The janitor overhears them discussing the scheme and alerts the authorities, accusing the men of insider trading.
In addition, a lawsuit has been filed for negligence and products liability against Mountain Top View Inc. for damages. A customer was injured and had to have his arm amputated after rock climbing while using equipment from Mountain Top View Inc. He claims that the line snapped and caused him to fall, and that his injury was due to faulty equipment.

Legal Issues: As they know that their knowledge of legal issues is limited, John and Ann asked that you begin by providing some basic information about the legal issues that the company faces.

Describe the legal issues related to tort law and the process for handling tort law issues in court for informing the company owners about the scope of the issues facing their business. In your response, be sure to identify the relevant law and apply it to the facts presented in the scenario to identify possible outcomes.
Describe legal issues related to criminal law and the process for handling the criminal law issues in court for informing the company owners about the scope of the issues facing their business. In your response, be sure to identify the relevant law and apply it to the facts presented in the scenario to identify possible outcomes.
Describe legal issues that businesses should be aware of, focusing especially on issues related to technology. Provide specific examples of what happened, and how the issues could be handled better in the future.

Ethical Issues: Next, describe ethical issues that occurred in the scenario for informing John and Ann of issues they should be aware of and should address within their company.

Describe ethical issues that the company is encountering. Provide specific examples of what happened and how the issues could be handled better in the future. Include the following in your description:

What ethical issues occurred in the company scenario, and how do they differ from legal issues?
What measures could the company take in order to follow up after the data breach and to better safeguard customer information?

Discuss strengths and weaknesses of ethical tests and theories for identifying potential gaps in the company’s ethical practices for future initiatives.

Recommendations: Lastly, John and Ann would like you to provide recommendations related to corporate responsibility and assessing company ethics. Your recommendations will support them in identifying best practices to move their company forward.

Recommend corporate responsibility best practices that will help the company move forward in its future initiatives. Consider how the recommended practices would help the company prevent legal and ethical issues from occurring in the future.
Recommend an ethical theory that the company might consider adapting for informing its future operations. In your recommendation, address why the recommended theory would be a good approach for the company. Discuss specific implications for advancement in technology as the company moves forward.

What to Submit
Every project has a deliverable or deliverables, which are the files that must be submitted before your project can be assessed. For this project, you must submit the following:
Legal Memorandum
Your legal memorandum should outline legal and ethical issues for the company and make recommendations to help the company move forward with best practices for ethical practices. The legal memorandum should be 2 to 4 pages in length.
Be sure to include the following header when you submit your legal memorandum:
TO: John and Ann Applewood
RE: Mountain Top View Inc. Case