solved AboutJournal articles are peer-reviewed publications that help scholars communicate ideas,

AboutJournal articles are peer-reviewed publications that help scholars communicate ideas, theories, empirical analyses, and conclusions.The ability to critically read journal articles is a skill that is developed with practice. This skill is especially useful when you transfer to a 4-year college or university.If you are contemplating attending graduate school to earn a Masters, professional, or Doctoral degree, then analyzing journal articles is an essential skill.Analyzing a journal article is related to reading. Reading is a skill that is developed with practice and is important for your future academic, professional, and personal endeavors.Academically, your reading load will increase with each semester you are in higher education. Building that skill now will serve you well into the future.Professionally, you will have contracts, employee handbooks, technical manuals, financial reports, and other documents to read.Personally, your son, daughter, nephew, or niece will need you to teach them to read.Estimated TimeAn estimated 270 minutes is needed to complete this activity.InstructionsStep 1: Download PDF of the articlePOSC 121 – Hall, Andrew B., Connor Huff, and Shiro Kuriwaki. 2019. “Wealth, Slaveownership, and Fighting for the Confederacy: An Empirical Study of the American Civil War.” The American Political Science Review 113 (3): 658–73. downloadStep 2: Analyze the ArticleIdentify the 12 parts of the article, as described in the Anatomy of a Journal Article and elaborated upon in the Details of Analyzing Journal Articles, and you can also review the Walkthrough.Optional: Schedule a tutoring appointment with the Writing Center or meet with a NetTutor (if available) if you want a 3rd party to help you think through this assignmentOptional: Upload a picture of you Writing Center Tutoring slip or a screenshot of your NetTutor interaction as evidenceStep 3: Demonstrate identification of partsPaper: hand write on the margins or the back of the pageElectronic: electronically highlight the text and/or comment in margins of the pageStep 4: Write Out the Research DesignOf the 12 parts, only one of them needs to be written out: Research Design. The Research Design is how the author compares the effect of the explanatory variable (X) on the outcome variable (O) in a group (G) or set of groups.If needed, return to the Details of Analyzing Journal Articles page and the Walkthrough Presentation for clarification on the concept.Visit “Journal Article Analysis” webpage on my personal website (Links to an external site.)For an in-depth discussion on research design, you can read Chapter 6 – Elements of Research Design in Introduction to Political Science Research Methods (Links to an external site.).You can also join an iPoliSci Workshop on Journal Article Analysis.Step 5: Upload your file upload submissionPaper: If you hand wrote your analysis on a printed paper, please use CamScanner app (Links to an external site.), use “Batch” function to take pictures of each page and create a single PDF. After a single PDF is created, please upload the file.Electronic Option 1: If you used Adobe PDF software to annotate, then you can upload the annotated fileElectronic Option 2: You can try annotating in the Canvas Student App.How do I submit a PDF assignment with annotations in the Student app on my iOS device? (Links to an external site.)How do I submit a PDF assignment with annotations in the Student app on my Android device? (Links to an external site.)SupportGo to How do I view annotation feedback comments from my instructor directly in my assignment submission? (Links to an external site.) to learn how I directly include feedback on the file you upload, compared to the Assignment Comments or Rubric Results.RubricCriteriaRatingsPointsTitle IdentifiedYesNo10Main PointYesNo50QuestionYesNo50Puzzle IdentifiedYesNo100Debate IdentifiedYesNo100Theory IdentifiedYesNo100Hypotheses IdentifiedYesNo150Research Design WrittenYesNo190Empirical Analysis IdentifiedYesNo100Policy Implications IdentifiedYesNo50Contribution to the Discipline IdentifiedYesNo50Future Research IdentifiedYesNo50RubricJournal Article AnalysisJournal Article AnalysisCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTitled Identified1 ptsYes0 ptsNo1 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMain Point Identified5 ptsYes0 ptsNo5 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuestion Identified5 ptsYes0 ptsNo5 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePuzzle Identified10 ptsYes0 ptsNo10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDebate Identified10 ptsYes0 ptsNo10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTheory Identified10 ptsYes0 ptsNo10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeHypotheses Identified15 ptsYes0 ptsNo15 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeResearch Design Written19 ptsYes0 ptsNo19 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEmpirical Analysis Identified10 ptsYes0 ptsNo10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePolicy Implications Identified5 ptsYes0 ptsNo5 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContribution to the Discipline Identified5 ptsYes0 ptsNo5 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFuture Research Identified5 ptsYes0 ptsNo5 ptsTotal Points: 100Submission Not Submitted!Submission Details(100 pts possible)Graded Anonymously: noComments: No Comments

solved 1.What are the key differences and contrasts in the four

1.What are the key differences and contrasts in the four main theories of humor Morreall lists in Comic Relief? Your answer MUST be original and must discuss the ethical issues and/or comparisons between each theory. Answer all parts of the question in at least 3-4 substantive paragraphs.
2.In Unit 1, we discussed Grice’s Rules of Conversation. In your own words, list and briefly explain the theories, and discuss how humor can violate the rules. Answer all parts of the question in at least 3-4 substantive paragraphs.
3.We have discussed several humor theories. What type of humor do you personally most enjoy or prefer? Which theory or theories most relate(s) to your humor preferences? Why do you think you like this type of humor?  Answer all parts of the question in at least 3-4 substantive paragraphs.
4.Martin (Psychology of Humor) lists several types of jokes or uses of humor. Choose two (2) of his examples and discuss which theory or theories they most reflect. DO NOT write an actual joke.  Your answer must DESCRIBE the type(s) of humor, a pun, for example, and the theory or theories they might use. 
here is the answer for the first question

Theory 1
At the point when individuals are asked what’s significant in their lives, they regularly notice humor. Couples posting the qualities they prize in their mates typically put “sense of humor” at or close to the top. Philosophers are worried about what is significant throughout everyday life, so two things are astonishing about the thing they have said about humor.
The first is the manner by which little they have said. From antiquated occasions to the twentieth century, the most that any remarkable rationalist expounded on chuckling or humor was a paper, and a couple lesser-referred to masterminds, for example, Frances Hutcheson and James Beattie composed that much. The word humor was not utilized in its present feeling of amusingness until the eighteenth century, we should note, thus conventional conversations were about chuckling or satire. The most that significant logicians like Plato, Hobbes, and Kant expounded on giggling or humor was a couple of passages inside a conversation of another point. Henri Bergson’s 1900 Laughter was the main book by a prominent rationalist on humor. Martian anthropologists looking at the measure of philosophical composition on humor with what has been composed on, say, equity, or even on Rawls’ Veil of Ignorance, may well infer that humor could be avoided with regards to human existence absent a lot of misfortune.
Theory 2
On the off chance that self-examination and abrupt greatness are excessive for chuckling, nor are they adequate for laughter. Hutcheson says that we can feel better than lower creatures without giggling, and that “some ingenuity in dogs and monkeys, which comes near to some of our own arts, very often makes us merry; whereas their duller actions in which they are much below us, are no matter of jest at all.” He additionally refers to instances of pity. A courteous fellow riding in a worn out mentor poor people in the road, for instance, will feel that he is in an ideal situation than they, yet such sentiments are probably not going to delight him. In such circumstances, “we are in greater danger of weeping than laughing.”
To these counterexamples to the Superiority Theory we could add more. Now and again we chuckle when a comic person shows amazing abilities that we need. In the quiet motion pictures of Charlie Chaplin, Harold Lloyd, and Buster Keaton, the saint is frequently caught in a circumstance where he looks damned. Yet, then, at that point he escapes with a cunning gymnastic trick that we would not have considered, significantly less had the option to perform. Snickering at such scenes doesn’t appear to necessitate that we contrast ourselves and the saint; and in the event that we do make such a correlation, we don’t get ourselves prevalent.
Theory 3
The Relief Theory is a hydraulic clarification in which laughter does in the sensory system what a pressing factor help valve does in a steam evaporator. The hypothesis was portrayed in Lord Shaftesbury’s 1709 exposition “An Essay on the Freedom of Wit and Humor,” the main distribution wherein humor is utilized in its advanced feeling of entertainment factor. Researchers at the time realized that nerves associate the mind with the receptors and muscles, yet they believed that nerves conveyed “animal spirits”— gases and fluids like air and blood. John Locke (1690, Book 3, ch. 9, para.16), for example, portrays creature spirits as “fluid and subtile Matter, going through the Courses of the Nerves.”
Shaftesbury’s clarification of laughter is that it discharges creature spirits that have developed pressing factor inside the nerves.
Theory 4
The second record of humor that emerged in the eighteenth century to challenge the Superiority Theory was the Incongruity Theory. While the Superiority Theory says that the reason for giggling is sensations of predominance, and the Relief Theory says that it is the arrival of anxious energy, the Incongruity Theory says that it is the impression of something mixed up—something that disregards our psychological examples and assumptions. This methodology was taken by James Beattie, Immanuel Kant, Arthur Schopenhauer, Søren Kierkegaard, and numerous later logicians and clinicians. It is presently the predominant hypothesis of humor in way of thinking and brain research. 

solved RULES OF THE ROAD Each student is required to do

RULES OF THE ROAD Each student is required to do the project.• It must be “typed.” No handwritten reports will be accepted. Use a word processor. If you do not have a word processor, use WordPad.• Your paper should be between 3 and 5 pages (1 inch margins, 12 point font, double-spaced)• Evaluation will be based on completeness, accuracy, understanding of concepts, and neatness.• Name your file in the format of LastName_FirstName_Final.• Do not email the report. Do not print it. Simply go to Canvas. Go to Week 9 and click the link Final Exam and submit via the link the Week 9 module.• Cite your sources.• Remember, choose only ONE of the choices listed below. These are simply ideas – if you have a better idea for a paper, that is fine – just let me know what it iCHOOSE ONE1. Strange and Odd Properties is a real estate company that deals with ocean front property in the Laguna Beach area. There are 10 employees. Strange and Odd has purchased a computer for every employee. Three of the employees are experienced users of Windows. The others have never touched a computer before. Your consulting company has been hired to present a three-hour afternoon workshop on Windows features. Plan and outline this presentation. You will have to determine what you think are the most critical elements that must be covered as well as the depth and breadth of your coverage. Justify your choices.2. At Strange and Odd Properties, you have been asked to develop a backup plan for each user and their computer. Describe which programs you would use and why. In your discussion, include how you would schedule these backups. Who do you think should do these backups? In addition, prepare a brief memo to all the users of what the plan is and why it is important.3. If you have your own computer, analyze your organizational scheme. Determine what would assist you in working more efficiently. Describe what changes you would make to alter your organizational scheme. Include in your answer what folders you would create if any, and what items you would remove, rename or alter. Include in your report screen shots of your “before” and “after” structures.4. How does/can Windows 10 make computers more accessible to the special needs consumer? Use the Internet and Windows 10 Help and Support to find information about ease of use for hearing and visually impaired, as well as other disabilities. Some terms that might be useful: accessible computing; assistive technology and accessibility features. Write a brief report results of your research as well as any conclusions you have reached.5. Use the Internet to research Windows. Find at least two sites that deal with Windows. Identify those sites and summarize the purpose of the sites. Evaluate the value of those sites. Describe how you might use those sites. Some suggestions for search terms: Windows, Windows 10, Windows Utilities. Some suggestions for sites,, and www.annoyances.org6. It is critical for a user to always upgrade to the latest version of Windows. Agree or disagree with this statement. Substantiate and justify your conclusion. You may use any books, articles, the Internet or interview IT professionals other than the personnel in the IMC. Cite your sources.7. Windows 10 is latest version of Windows. Research the future of Windows and write a brief report comparing and contrasting where Windows is going. Substantiate and justify your conclusions. Some ideas – what is the difference between the versions? what and when are these versions of Windows going to appear? who would use which version? why would one switch from one version to another? what are the hardware requirements for the different versions? You may use any books, articles, the Internet or interview IT professionals other than the personnel in the IMC. Cite your sources.8. You have looked at some of the built-in applications that come with Windows 10 such as Calculator, Maps and so on. However, there are many more of these applications that were not looked at. Select five of these applications that were NOT discussed in the Textbook. Briefly describe what they do – their purpose. Include the program name. Determine whether you would use any of these programs and justify your answer.9. Protecting your computer from viruses, phishing and spyware and other invasive software is very important. Windows 10 does include some software tools to address these problems. There are third-party software programs that also accomplish these tasks. Use the Internet, computer magazines, or visit a computer store and obtain information about at least three of these products. Write a research paper discussing these programs. Include the program name, manufacturer, and the price. Then compare and contrast their features. Determine whether you would purchase any of these programs and justify your answer.10. Colors, patterns and the arrangement and aesthetics of the workplace can have a significant effect on worker productivity. These factors draw attention to the importance to some objects while minimizing the importance of others, and can speed the completion of tasks and promote moods and attitudes. Do research on how colors, patterns, arrangements and aesthetics can impact a work environment. Using your research as a guide, describe/create the Windows desktop you think would help you work most efficiently and productively. Cite your sources.

solved This is the prompt I will also attach I.T in

This is the prompt I will also attach I.T in the file so I.T is easier to follow: Grant writing is used to problem-solve, raise funds, market and optimize growth for universities, corporations, non- profit organizations, and other businesses. The process of writing this grant proposal is designed to give you experience, tools, and strategies to master this genre of professional writing. In order to make this assignment meaningful for you and to provide this grant proposal some context, you will continue with writing for your non profit organization. Scenario___________________________________________________________________The CEO or president of your nonprofit organization has informed you that America’s Charities ( AC) is making grants of $20,000 available to small community nonprofit organizations. They would like for you to identify a particular need within your nonprofit, and write a proposal for that grant money. The proposal should describe the problem/issue, the specific population it affects, and how you would use the $20,000 to address and remediate this need. Your solution should be specific and concrete, and be something that your nonprofit organization, with its small staff, could reasonably undertake.In this proposal, you will need to demonstrate how the issue you identify is currently affecting someone—the taxpayer, the population, the employer, etc.— so it will be clear that it is worth the funds the AC will (you hope) be giving you. It is often effective to start by researching and establishing the financial impact of the problem you are addressing. ResearchingExpect to start broad and narrow your topic down as you research; a grant proposal is unlikely to get approved if it is vague or general, or it covers ground that has been documented a thousand times before. Narrowing your focus will allow you to design an effective program/plan which is more likely to receive the grant funding. There are pitfalls for going too broad in your approach. For example, tackling a big problem—the high price of fuel as it affects the supply chain, for example—is too large to cover, much less propose a realistic solution, in 6+ pages. So it is really important that you start thinking seriously about your approach on how to earn this grant money.Remember that scholarly research is not a linear process, and it always takes longer than you think. Proposal DetailsThe paper should be a minimum of 6 (six) pages, using Times New Roman 12 point font, with one-inch margins throughout and full block writing. Papers may be done in either MLA or APA format: your choice, but be consistent. Use headers, bullets, and other graphic organizers to format your text.Your finished proposal will include in-text citations as well as a carefully, properly formatted (MLA or APA) list of at least five substantive sources. “Substantive” in this context means sources from government, scholarly, or professional sites. One or two articles from popular media such as Time or the LA Times are fine, but they should be reinforced by articles on your subject from library databases.Graphs and charts can be included if you feel the visual makes the point far better than a description would. Any such graphics should be properly labeled and included as an appendix rather than inserted into the text. Appendices and lists of sources do not count as part of the total number of required pages. The grade will be determined on not only the usual style and mechanics considerations, but also how well, how thoroughly, and how creatively you have researched, developed, and supported your ideas. The Writing Process and Dates “Pain is inevitable; suffering is optional.”–Zen saying“It is always smart to work hard; It puts hair on your chest”–LoveThis paper, like all big writing tasks, will require a significant commitment of time and research; that is inevitable. However, a methodical approach will minimize suffering and writing angst. To give you exposure to a strategic method of a long-term writing project, we will be observing the following due dates:- Final and complete grant proposals are due Saturday 5/1 by 12:30 pm. Upload onto Assignments in Canvas. The completed Grant Proposal is worth 150 points.Writing TipsKeep your audience in mind. Define specialized terms, give background and context as appropriate, and think persuasion. A professional audience will be looking for numbers and statistics before they give their approval, and certainly before they give you money. They will not take your word for anything, ever. Cite the source of statistics, facts, etc. as appropriate, but try to keep direct quotes, especially long ones, to an absolute minimum. The readers will expect you to have synthesized and paraphrased much of your research, for the sake of efficiency. Refer to your textbook early and often. Remember to keep coming back and re-reading this assignment and stay focused. Expect to keep revising, and expect to go back and forth between sections. For example, the initial draft of your introduction will undoubtedly change as you research and find new material for your proposal.My non profit organization is Bright Start Foundation which you can find online https://brightstartfoundation.orgPlease follow all instructions this is due April 30th 2021 at 10 pm let me know if you have any questionsthis is a link to the template…

solved question 1. Following are transactions for March for Spruce Corporation:Mar

question 1. Following are transactions for March for Spruce Corporation:Mar 1Received $19,000 cash from shareholders in exchange for shares of common stock.2Paid $4,200 cash for March rent for office space.4Borrowed $5,000 cash from the bank and signed a promissory note for the balance due.6Purchased a 1-year insurance policy costing $3,900 for cash.9Purchased supplies costing $2,300 on account from Green Suppliers.11Purchased equipment costing $22,000. Paid $4,000 cash and signed a promissory note for the remainder due.13Received an $1,800 cash advance from a customer for services to be performed for the customer beginning on April 1.19Made a $2,300 cash payment on account to Green Suppliers (related to the March 9 transaction).20Performed services and received $6,300 cash from customers.22Declared and paid $700 cash dividends to shareholders.24Performed services and billed customers $9,600.29Paid cash for employees’ salaries for March $3,700.30Received an $1,100 utility bill for March–the bill will be paid in April.31Received $7,100 cash on account from previously billed customers.with this informationmake a general journal, general ledure and a trial balance sheet———-question 2Following is the trial balance of Magnolia Corporation on December 31:Magnolia CorporationTrial BalanceDecember 31, 2021AccountsDrCrCash8,700Accounts Receivable6,400Supplies3,410Prepaid Insurance3,240Equipment28,000Accumulated Depreciation-Equipment4,000Accounts Payable5,200Notes Payable12,000Unearned Service Revenue2,250Common Stock15,000Retained Earnings6,700Dividends Declared5,000Service Revenue48,900Salaries Expense25,200Advertising Expense10,400Utilities Expense3,700Totals94,05094,050The additional following information is available on December 31:Depreciation on the equipment is $4,000 per year.Accrued interest on the notes payable as of December 31 is $960.On February 1, 2021, Magnolia had purchased a 1-year insurance policy costing $3,240. The effective date of the policy was February 1, 2021.Services performed for customers but unrecorded as of December 31, are $3,900.Supplies costing $210 remain on hand on December 31.Accrued salaries on December 31 are $2,100.On September 1, 2021, Magnolia had received a $2,250 cash advance from a customer for 9 months of services to be performed for the customer beginning on September 1, 2021.———–Prepare the required adjusting journal entries for December 31, 2021 in the attached general journal file, assuming that Magnolia prepares adjusting entries annually (once each year) on December 31—– question 3————–Following is the trial balance of Magnolia Corporation on December 31:Magnolia CorporationTrial BalanceDecember 31, 2021AccountsDrCrCash8,700Accounts Receivable6,400Supplies3,410Prepaid Insurance3,240Equipment28,000Accumulated Depreciation-Equipment4,000Accounts Payable5,200Notes Payable12,000Unearned Service Revenue2,250Common Stock15,000Retained Earnings6,700Dividends Declared5,000Service Revenue48,900Salaries Expense25,200Advertising Expense10,400Utilities Expense3,700Totals94,05094,050The additional following information is available on December 31:Depreciation on the equipment is $4,000 per year.Accrued interest on the notes payable as of December 31 is $960.On February 1, 2021, Magnolia had purchased a 1-year insurance policy costing $3,240. The effective date of the policy was February 1, 2021.Services performed for customers but unrecorded as of December 31, are $3,900.Supplies costing $210 remain on hand on December 31.Accrued salaries on December 31 are $2,100.On September 1, 2021, Magnolia had received a $2,250 cash advance from a customer for 9 months of services to be performed for the customer beginning on September 1, 2021.RequiredPrepare the required adjusting journal entries for December 31, 2021 in the attached general journal file, assuming that Magnolia prepares adjusting entries annually (once each year) on December 31. —————————————- question 4————–Following is the adjusted trial balance of Elm Corporation on December 31, 2021:Elm CorporationAdjusted Trial BalanceDecember 31, 2021AccountsDrCrCash7,600Accounts Receivable6,800Supplies1,400Prepaid Insurance900Equipment37,000Accumulated Depr.-Equipment12,000Buildings45,000Accumulated Depr.-Buildings15,000Land8,000Accounts Payable8,300Notes Payable (90 day)1,500Salaries Payable1,200Interest Payable900Unearned Cleaning Revenue2,400Notes Payable (25 year)17,000Common Stock24,000Retained Earnings19,300Dividends Declared9,000Maintenance Revenue54,700Cleaning Revenue62,300Salaries Expense48,900Advertising Expense12,600Interest Expense1,200Supplies Expense18,300Insurance Expense6,900Depreciation Expense5,600Utilities Expense9,400Totals218,600218,600Required:Compute the following amounts:Total Revenues Total Expenses Net Income Total Retained Earnings Total Current Assets Total Property, Plant, and Equipment Assets Total Assets Total Current Liabilities Total Long-Term Liabilities Total Liabilities Total Stockholders’ Equity Total Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity Prepare the required closing entries in the attached general journal. You will upload your saved journal in Question 4.Post your closing entries to the attached T-accounts. You will upload your saved T-accounts in Question 4.—On the post-closing trial balance, the total debits will be On the post-closing trial balance, the total credits will be

solved Assessment 4: Training Plan Prepare a 5-7 page training and

Assessment 4: Training Plan
Prepare a 5-7 page training and development plan for a challenge that would be appropriate to present for executive approval.
Your ability to create a well-formed training plan that addresses both employee and organizational needs and concerns ensures that the workforce is current, relevant, and responsive to environmental market forces and community needs.
Overview and Preparation
Choose one of the challenges below (or one of your own) as the focus of an HR training or development plan for a department in a health care organization.
Possible challenges:
Teamwork is lacking in some functional units. Many employees are operating as individuals in areas where teamwork is essential. Poor or inadequate goals and objective-setting seem to be a key issue.
There is a lack of preparation and orientation for newly hired employees. Many are not prepared for their job within the organization because of inadequate job-related training on company policies or procedures.

Employees appear to be wasting time and working inefficiently. Time management seems to be a problem for many.
Burnout is a very significant issue in the organization, especially among nursing staff. Supervisors are struggling to deal with the issue.
Or choose and define a comparable challenge of your own.
Use the Capella library and professional or academic resources on the Internet to research training and development strategies for addressing HR needs.

Prepare a training and development plan for your chosen challenge that would be appropriate to present for executive approval. Include the following:
A description of how the proposed training addresses the identified challenge within an organization of your choice.
A list of employee types who should be included in the training and why.
A detailed description of the training topics and vector (seminar, online, conference, workshop, brown bag, et cetera). The budget and schedule should accurately reflect this choice.

A budget (personnel, equipment, supplies, et cetera). Make sure to document any assumptions you make.
A schedule with milestones associated with content creation and training delivery.
Additional Requirements
Your assessment should meet the following requirements:
Written communication: Your assessment artifacts should be professionally written in a form and style appropriate for the various stakeholders. Consider the purpose of the document, its intended use, and the setting in which your plan will be presented.

Resources: Performance Appraisals
MHA Program Library Guide can help direct your research.Review the following:
Farndale, E., & Kelliher, C. (2013). Implementing performance appraisal: Exploring the employee experience. Human Resource Management, 52(6), 879–897.

Kruse, K. (2012). Continuous coaching outperforms annual reviews. Health Care Registration: The Newsletter for Health Care Registration Professionals, 22(1), 3–5.

O’Boyle, I. (2013). Traditional performance appraisal versus 360-degree feedback. Training & Management Development Methods, 27(1), 201–207, 705.

Resources: Employee Training
MHA Program Library Guide can help direct your research.Review the following:
Fallon, L. F., Jr., & McConnell, C. R. (2014). Human resource management in health care: Principles and practices (2nd ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning. Available in the courseroom via the VitalSource Bookshelf link.
Chapter 7, “Employee Training,” pages 129–142.

This article examines the teaching-learning experiences of registered nurses who work exclusively at night:

Mayes, P., & Schott-Baer, D. (2010). Professional development for night shift nurses. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 41(1), 17–24.
This article argues that training and education should be connected more closely to the actual delivery of care:

Ricketts, T. C., & Fraher, E. P. (2013). Reconfiguring health workforce policy so that education, training, and actual delivery of care are closely connected. Health Affairs, 32(11), 1874–1880.

Resources: Designing Training Programs

MHA Program Library Guide can help direct your research.Review the following:
M Libraries. (n.d.). Designing a training program.…
Nathan, A. (2016). 7 key steps for better training and development programs.…

McNamara, C. (n.d.). Complete guidelines to design your training plan.…

Resources: Training Delivery

MHA Program Library Guide can help direct your research.This e-book explains how to set goals for first-time presenters, presents techniques for successful presentations, and provides solutions for problems that can arise for a presenter:

McArdle, G. (1993). Delivering effective training sessions: Techniques for productivity. Crisp Learning.
Resources: Training Budgets

MHA Program Library Guide can help direct your research.This site provides a training budget spreadsheet using Excel:

My Excel Templates. (n.d.). Training budget spreadsheet.…
This article discusses how to maximize training budgets by adding webinars as a training option:

Sponholz, L. (2013, February). As training budgets shrink, webinar usage increases. Kentucky Banker Magazine, 20–21.

Review the following:
Health Administration Masters Research Guide.

solved In this case, your brand is National University.You are the

In this case, your brand is National University.You are the Advertising Executive at National University and your Quest is to present to the board of directors the plan. In Week 1, you will complete a report on “Today’s Higher Education Advertising.” Include examples of ads you found that illustrate this. The documents below are actual documents used by Higher Education Advertisers in 2018. This is a 3-pager report using APA guidelines. See the Rubric for more detail on grading. (Note: the links below are outside of BB so you will need to follow the instructions upon clicking on them) Also, include a title page and reference page have at least 4 references.Bouchrika, I. (2020, August 24). 11 top trends in higher education: 2020/2021 data, insights & predictions. Guide2Research.Shaw, P. G. (2019, March 28). Expanding beyond the classroom: Adopting a holistic focus on student formation. Evolllution.Parrish, M. (2019, may 14). The new era of marketing strategy. Forbes.Whatman, P. (2020, June 25). Agencies: How to track marketing campaigns from start to end [Updated]. Mention.Bruce, L. (2018, December 27). Boost your enrollment with these 4 strategies for higher education lead generation. Pacific54.Be sure to review the LinkedIn Learning course, Advertising Foundations, found in Course Resources in the menu to the left.Rubric below AdvancedCompetentAdequateNeeds ImprovementMarginalIntroductionPoints Range:17 (17.00%) – 20 (20.00%)Advanced. Paper’s intro and specifics demonstrate thorough and comprehensive development,Points Range:13 (13.00%) – 16 (16.00%)Approaching. Paper’s intro is proficient,Points Range:9 (9.00%) – 12 (12.00%)Adequate. Paper’s intro is adequate.Points Range:5 (5.00%) – 8 (8.00%)Underdeveloped.Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 4 (4.00%)Marginal.ContentPoints Range:17 (17.00%) – 20 (20.00%)Advanced. Content demonstrates a thorough understanding of Advertising creative elements that are insightful, creative, and innovative, and expertly adhere to the analysis.Points Range:13 (13.00%) – 16 (16.00%)Approaching. Content overview demonstrates a mostly creative use of advertising elements, with specific examples that are mostly insightful as described or designed.Points Range:9 (9.00%) – 12 (12.00%)Adequate. Content overview demonstrates an adequate understanding of Advertising creative elements, with attempts at creativity that are basic to the brand analysis.Points Range:5 (5.00%) – 8 (8.00%)Underdeveloped. Content overview demonstrates lack of thorough understanding of Advertising creative elements, with little attempt at insight, creativity, or innovation, and peripheral adherence to brand analysis.Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 4 (4.00%)Marginal. Content overview is missing or lacks of discernible creative elements shown in report.AnalysisPoints Range:17 (17.00%) – 20 (20.00%)Advanced. Analysis demonstrates a sophisticated and effective use of IMC in every aspect of the plan, including how they work together.Points Range:13 (13.00%) – 16 (16.00%)Approaching. Analysis demonstrates a mostly proficient consideration of IMC and viral marketing, event marketing, direct response and other tactics.Points Range:9 (9.00%) – 12 (12.00%)Adequate. Analysis demonstrates a basic comprehension of IMC and viral marketing, providing adequate direct response and other tactics.Points Range:5 (5.00%) – 8 (8.00%)Underdeveloped. Analysis demonstrates lack of thorough knowledge of IMC and viral marketing, providing minimal direct response or other tactics.Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 4 (4.00%)Marginal. Analysis missing or there are no Integrated Marketing Communications elements in evidence.Summary/ConclusionsPoints Range:17 (17.00%) – 20 (20.00%)Advanced. Demonstrates an advanced undertaking, with effort clearly delineated by clarity and purpose in summary and conclusions.Points Range:13 (13.00%) – 16 (16.00%)Approaching. Completed demonstrates a mostly competent undertaking with evidence of clarity and purpose in written communication.Points Range:9 (9.00%) – 12 (12.00%)Adequate. Completed demonstrates a basic undertaking, with adequate though basic understanding or presentation requirement reflected through minimal clarity and purpose in written communication.Points Range:5 (5.00%) – 8 (8.00%)Underdeveloped. Completed demonstrates a lack of thorough planning or preparation, with significant omissions in clarity and purpose in written communication.Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 4 (4.00%)Marginal. Completed missing or not appropriate for a college level course.APA Formatting/Spelling/GrammarPoints Range:17 (17.00%) – 20 (20.00%)Advanced. Student demonstrates a sophisticated usage of APA formatting, correct spelling, and grammar. 0-2 errors observed.Points Range:13 (13.00%) – 16 (16.00%)Approaching. Student demonstrates mostly competent usage of APA formatting, correct spelling, and grammar. 3-5 errors observed.Points Range:9 (9.00%) – 12 (12.00%)Adequate. Student demonstrates a basic understanding of APA format, with mostly correct spelling and grammar. 6-9 errors observed.Points Range:5 (5.00%) – 8 (8.00%)Underdeveloped. Student demonstrates an underdeveloped understanding of APA formatting, with serious omissions / corrections in correct spelling and grammar needed. 10-12 errors observed.Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 4 (4.00%)Marginal. Plan overview is missing, or student fails to demonstrate understanding of APA formatting, spelling, or grammar, with significant (13+) number of errors

solved The Textbook used for this course is “The Norton Anthology

The Textbook used for this course is “The Norton Anthology of African American Literature- Third Edition-Volume 2″For this paper you will choose a fictional character from our reading and write an analysis of their individual qualities, focusing on at least three traits. (NOTE: Do not write on folk tales, slave narratives, poems, songs, speeches, or sermons, nor on the authors themselves. Focus only on characters that appear in fictional narratives from the list at bottom and use only your textbook as a source.)The paper should begin with an introductory paragraph that includes the author’s name, character’s name, and story title. Conclude the paragraph with a thesis statement that names the character traits to be discussed. Example: “Jesse B. “Simple” Semple is a self-centered, proudly uneducated man in some ways, but he is also a wise man with a sense of history and racial pride.”After the introductory paragraph, proceed to discuss each trait separately, as follows: Name the trait, give at least two specific examples that illustrate the trait, and provide at least one direct quote with proper citation. Example:Jesse can be rather self-centered, seeing everything in terms of how it relates to himself. For example, when he takes his girlfriend Joyce to a club, instead of being pleased that she enjoys the show, he becomes jealous of her interest in the handsome jazz singer. He then goes so far as to play a trick on Joyce to get back at her. He entices her to go to the club again, knowing that instead of jazz, there is a blues singer that night—and of course that Joyce does not like the blues. When she complains, he innocently replies, “I thought you liked this club” (Hughes 1296). As far as Jesse is concerned, the important thing about his nights out with Joyce is not that she enjoys herself but that she realizes that she is his girl and his alone. But sometimes Jesse’s self-centeredness is more innocent and humorous. When he talks about being so angry about the injustice around him that he wants to smash everything that doesn’t belong to him, the narrator asks why he doesn’t smash the glass in his hands. Because, Jesse says, “It’s got my beer in it” (Hughes 1298). Even as a joke, “Simple” lets us know that his top priority is his own pleasure.In addition to personality traits, you may also discuss the character’s internal conflict, if they have one. By internal conflict, we mean something they struggle with, mentally or emotionally, because circumstances create a conflict with their personality, beliefs, or goals. For example, if a character has a desire for money (greed), but they can only get it by betraying a friend, they would feel guilty—that’s an internal conflict.Another quality you may discuss is whether the character has an epiphany (deep realization) or undergoes any change. So-called dynamic characters always change in some way during the course of a story, usually because they have made some realization along the way. For example, in super hero origin stories, it is not unusual for a young person who acquires new powers to feel giddy about their abilities and act irresponsibly, but they soon learn that “with great power comes great responsibility,” and they become more mature.(NOTE: If you have chosen a static character that undergoes no change, don’t worry about it. There is no need to bring it up, so don’t try to force it in.)After you have finished discussing the character’s traits, conclude your paper by describing what the reader learns from the character, or what you think the author wants us to understand from the character. For example, for Jesse Semple you might say that “Langston Hughes is trying to illustrate that even ‘simple’ characters, who may lack formal education, can be complex and have something important to say.”Note that the structure of this paper is not guided by the structure of the story—you are not telling the story. Instead, your paper is structured around the traits you are discussing and the examples you use to illustrate those traits.The entire paper should be 1000-1,200 words in length. Use a standard font, like Times New Roman, and 1-inch margins.At the end of the paper, provide a Work Cited, in which you list the story analyzed. USE NO OTHER SOURCES FOR THIS PAPER. Example:Hughes, Langston. “Feet Live Their Own Life.” The Norton Anthology of AfricanAmerican Literature, 2nd ed. Eds. Henry Louis Gates and Nellie McKay.New York: W.W. Norton and Co., 2002. 1295-98. Print.**This reading and edition are different from ours.NOTE: By “character trait” we mean an aspect of a character’s personality, not an action or something that happens to the character. For example, Sykes may beat Delia, but that is only one part of his abusive nature, which includes name-calling, public humiliation, and threats. Also, note that some characters undergo change, or they seem to have one trait, but may in reality have another. So, is Grandison, in “The passing of Grandison” truly loyal, or only pretending to be loyal? NOTE: DO NOT say he is both loyal and disloyal to his masters. He can’t be both.I want you to write only on fictional characters from the following narratives:“The Passing of Grandison”“The Mulatto”“Sweat”“The Gilded Six-Bits”“Home to Harlem”“Invisible Man”Dutchman“Everyday Use”“Equal Opportunity”“Bloodchild”

solved I’m trying to study for my Management course and I

I’m trying to study for my Management course and I need some help to understand this question.

McRoy Aerospace was a highly profitable company building cargo planes and refueling
tankers for the armed forces. It had been doing this for more than fifty years and was highly
successful. But because of a downturn in the government’s spending on these types of planes,
McRoy decided to enter the commercial aviation aircraft business, specifically wide-body
planes that would seat up to 400 passengers, and compete head on with Boeing and Airbus
During the design phase, McRoy found that the majority of the commercial airlines would
consider purchasing its plane provided that the costs were lower than the other aircraft manufacturers. While the actual purchase price of the plane was a consideration for the buyers, the
greater interest was in the life-cycle cost of maintaining the operational readiness of the aircraft,
specifically the maintenance costs.
Operations and support costs were a considerable expense and maintenance requirements
were regulated by the government for safety reasons. The airlines make money when the planes
are in the air rather than sitting in a maintenance hangar. Each maintenance depot maintained
an inventory of spare parts so that, if a part did not function properly, the part could be removed
and replaced with a new part. The damaged part would be sent to the manufacturer for repairs
or replacement. Inventory costs could be significant but were considered a necessary expense
to keep the planes flying.
One of the issues facing McRoy was the mechanisms for the eight doors on the aircraft.
Each pair of doors had their own mechanisms which appeared to be restricted by their location
in the plane. If McRoy could come up with a single design mechanism for all four pairs of
doors, it would significantly lower the inventory costs for the airlines as well as the necessity
to train mechanics on one set of mechanisms rather than four. On the cargo planes and refueling tankers, each pair of doors had a unique mechanism. For commercial aircrafts, finding one
design for all doors would be challenging.
Mark Wilson, One of the department managers at McRoy’s design center, assigned Jack,
the best person he could think of to work on this extremely challenging project. If anyone could
accomplish it, it was Jack. If Jack could not do it, Mark sincerely believed it could not be done.
The successful completion of this project would be seen as a value-added opportunity for
McRoy’s customers and could make a tremendous difference from a cost and efficiency standpoint. McRoy would be seen as an industry leader in life-cycle costing, and this could make the
difference in getting buyers to purchase commercial planes from McRoy Aerospace.
The project was to design an opening/closing mechanism that was the same for all of the
doors. Until now, each door could have a different set of open/close mechanisms, which made
2. © 2010 by Harold Kerzner. Reproduced by permission. All rights reserved.
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the design, manufacturing, maintenance, and installation processes more complex, cumbersome, and costly.
Without a doubt, Jack was the best—and probably the only—person to make this happen
even though the equipment engineers and designers all agreed that it could not be done. Mark put
all of his cards on the table when he presented the challenge to Jack. He told him wholeheartedly
that his only hope was for Jack to take on this project and explore it from every possible, out-ofthe-box angle he could think of. But Jack said right off the bat that this may not be possible. Mark
was not happy hearing Jack say this right away, but he knew Jack would do his best.
Jack spent two months looking at the problem and simply could not come up with the solution needed. Jack decided to inform Mark that a solution was not possible. Both Jack and Mark
were disappointed that a solution could not be found.
“I know you’re the best, Jack,” stated Mark. “I can’t imagine anyone else even coming close
to solving this critical problem. I know you put forth your best effort and the problem was just too
much of a challenge. Thanks for trying. But if I had to choose one of your co-workers to take
another look at this project, who might have even half a chance of making it happen? Who would
you suggest? I just want to make sure that we have left no stone unturned,” he said rather glumly.
Mark’s words caught Jack by surprise. Jack thought for a moment and you could practically see the wheels turning in his mind. Was Jack thinking about who could take this project
on and waste more time trying to find a solution? No, Jack’s wheels were turning on the subject of the challenging problem itself. A glimmer of an idea whisked through his brain and he
said, “Can you give me a few days to think about some things, Mark?” he asked pensively.
Mark had to keep the little glimmer of a smile from erupting full force on his face. “Sure,
Jack,” he said. “Like I said before, if anyone can do it, it’s you. Take all the time you need.”
A few weeks later, the problem was solved and Jack’s reputation rose to even higher
heights than before.Question : 1. Was Mark correct in what he said to get Jack to continue investigating the problem?
2. Should Mark just have given up on the idea rather than what he said to Jack?

solved I’m working on a English question and need guidance to

I’m working on a English question and need guidance to help me study.

In this essay, I want readers to think about their own experiences growing up. Many children growing up believe that they are smarter than their friends of the same age, only to be knocked back by their pride once acknowledge their “normality”. This may not be a universal enough experience, but I had seen many people feeling related to this, and I hope that I can describe this in an objective way. I also hope that readers can understand this experience even if they had not been through this.Special is the new NormalIn my home country, there is this special class in each grade that is preserved for “gifted students”. Its purpose is not to discriminate against normal students, but to encourage and to provide those gifted ones with opportunities to learn more and study more. Opportunities to shine brighter than normal. Luckily, I got into one in my fourth grade.It was a small public school, and, in my class, I was the only one that was qualified for that special class. I still remember sitting in the room, focusing on my friends and suddenly received the news from my homeroom teacher. I was, undoubtedly, ecstatic. I shared my joy with my mother and father during dinner, and with my grandparents through the phone. Everything was so bright. My family and my relatives told me I was a genius.And so, I went on to my secondary school with that exact belief. It was a religious school, famous with its bright students and an exceedingly high graduate rate. Nothing to worry about, for I, myself, was one of them too.I got along with many new friends during the 4 years at that school. I knew most from my class, and then many more from other classes. My friend circle slowly expanded, and I was thrilled. More opportunities to get to know more people like me. We would undoubtedly get along quite well.Among all those friends, there were four who I became closest.One who had hair as fluffy and will as a lion, which I later learnt was a product of a failed hair makeover. She and I usually had long walks around the schoolyard, talking about all kinds of topics. She knew me well and was a bright individual.Another one who had the same hobby as me: gaming. It was rare to find girls who like to play games (no misogynistic here, ahem) and so I was quick to become close to her. We would discuss for hours about the game we liked, about their characters, about their animation, and about which strategies we would need to have like true strategists.The third one was one of the smartest people I had ever met. She was the class president for 4 years straight. She was also the valedictorian of our grade, whose average was only 0.1 away from the max point. Truly the friend I was dreaming of having.The third one was the one I like the most. Our connection was like no others. There was a time she was the victim of bullying and I was the one who stood beside her. For a long time, we only had each other to talk to in school. Slowly, I had become to like her. As in, more than a friend. But I was too shy to confess, especially when we were so young. Every time she earned a high score or was praised by teachers, I would feel so proud. Did you see that smart girl? She was my friend and my crush! Jealous much?Time flies and it was time for our graduation. After graduation, the results of the graduate exam came in.In the end, I could not get into the school that I wanted and was forced to settle with another one.I was devastated. Why did this happen? What did I do wrong? If I were a genius, how could I get such a low score? It was summer when I got the results. All my friends got the results that they wanted, they could apply to their favourite schools and get in easily. In a group of 5, I was the only one who could not reach my goal.I knew that the results were true. This was how high I could get compared to my friends. All was real and, in the end, it still felt like a sucker punch to the guts. It took years for me to get back from the truth that I was not some genius child. I was no Albert Einstein. I was no Thomas Edison. And I was no Nikola Tesla.But strangely, that was what the praises made me fell like.All my childhood, I had heard people praising me, calling me obedient and smart. “Such a special child you have! She will surely grow up to be a doctor or engineer! You know, those professions that only smart people can do!” No. It is not. You are all liars. I am not special. No one is born special. “Then what about that child-“ No. That boy there is not special because he is obedient. That girl over there is not special because she learnt how to walk faster than other kids. Stop this. “Special” is not a participation trophy that you can give to just anyone.Up until now, every time I think about this, I can’t help to asking myself the same question: if I had not fallen that high when I realized everything, would the me of the present be nearer to the sky?answer those questions1. Does this paper sustain a coherent point of view? Why or why not?
2. Overall, are the sentences rhetorically interesting or powerful?
3. Do you feel you have gained insight not only into the writer’s private experience
but into a larger experience, one that others can share in?
4. What is the strongest aspect of the draft?
5. How could the piece be made stronger?
6. Do you have any further suggestions for your classmate?