solved PLease read details carefully and include all requirements, please avoid

PLease read details carefully and include all requirements, please avoid plagirism and include works reference. for comments part i will share two files of two of my classmates work, and you will simply complete the comment part for each classmate’s discussion that consists of 200 words. Engagement and participation are important aspects of any college course. For this online course your engagement and participation are partly determined by your presence on the Discussion Boards.Every student should make at least one original contextual analysis post and two comments to other students’ posts for each module. Posts should be in full, grammatically correct sentences that create at least one solid response of at least 600 words–make sure you include a word count. The 600 word count does NOT include any headers or references section. All posts must be relevant to the assigned materials (although you may build upon previous knowledge from earlier weeks and include personal observations). Start by answering the prompt, and then build upon the prompt to consider your own perspectives and experiences. You MUST attach photos and web links to support your position. An important part of your grade for this assignment is to communicate with your classmates. Because this is intended to be your opportunity to discuss topics with your classmates, the professor/TA will generally refrain from commenting or actively participating in the discussions aside from reading and grading them. Each of the two comments should be at least 200 words (include a word count) on two different classmates’ posts each module to receive full credit. Posts: For this post, select one work of art (two-dimensional or three-dimensional art) has NOT been already analyzed or extensively discussed in the course readings or videos…part of the fun in learning about art is in DISCOVERING it! You are required to make one post. In a narrative format, the post should contain the following elements:Define and Identify: Brief information about the artist and work. For example, birth/death dates, place of birth or work, where work is displayed, name of work, medium of work, context for creation of work. Experience and Appreciation: For example, where you found the work (website, another book, museum), what made you select the work, what about this work speaks to you.Observe and Analyze: Use and underline three terms that were introduced in the module to observe/analyze your chosen work. Add any other relevant information to improve your paper.Critique and Compare: Compare your work to similar pieces or to examples used in the module. Consider the impact of the work on a particular social angle and/or the evolution of the media. Consider the impact of experiencing the work on your general outlook on the medium or appreciation of art.Apply Social Angles AND Context: Identify at least one social angle from the list below that can be observed or analyzed as part of the work. Address how the social angle is connected to the work. Plus, a thorough contextual analysis of the historical, cultural, and social implications should be discussed.race and ethnicity,gender and sexuality,class and highbrow/low,colonialism, postcolonialism, place and regionalism,nature (environment, ecology) and culture,memory, history, generational identity,food culture, andbody and mindStudents will be expected to define, identify, and apply at least three terms (underline them so I can quickly find them) from the module in the post. Make sure to underline the terms so that I can quickly identify them. College-level writing and mechanics are expected; however, the purpose of this assignment is to move from experiencing art to analyzing art to evaluating art. Make sure to include a references section at the end of every post, even if you only cite the lecture video. All in-text citations and references should be in MLA.Comments: For each of the two comments, select a classmate’s post, read the post, critique the post, indicate your reaction to the chosen work, discuss a comparison work from the module or any other outside source that is similar to the work identified in the post, and either add personal commentary or pose a question to stimulate conversation.EXAMPLE: Here is a pdf file containing a discussion post from a previous semester that earned an “A” to help give you an idea of what is expected. Click HERE (provided in attachment)Discussion Board Grading: Original Posts—30 points possible per module: Student has actively connected with the materials and has made a thoughtful and engaging post that considers multiple perspectives in relation to the readings and videos. Correct grammar, spelling, and sentence structure are utilized, as well as direct references to the course materials and an image of the selected work. It is crucial that you cite or reference some material from the class at least once during each original post to earn full credit. Minimum of 600 words per original post. Indicate your word count at the end of your post (example: “Word Count: 553”).Comments—20 points possible per module (10 points per comment): Student stimulates the conversation and has made a thoughtful comment that is directly related to the original post. Correct grammar, spelling, and sentence structure are utilized, as well as direct references to the course materials. Minimum of 200 words per comment. Indicate your word count at the end of your post (example: “Word Count: 283”).

solved Deliverables: Submit a Word document via Canvas with your written


Submit a Word document via Canvas with your written response. You can keep the original DOC file.  No other formats will be accepted.
NOTE. Be sure to save your file as: EXP9-(LastName).(file extension) (e.g., EXP9-yourlastname.doc)
One article in pdf format. No other format will be accepted.  If your file cannot be read, you will not receive points. Links to the .pdf will not be accepted. You must download the article from the website in .pdf format and upload it to the link provided as only .pdf. The written portion of the assignment will be only accepted in .doc, or .docx formats.

1. Comparing Novice vs. Expert Teachers
Novice and Expert teachers were given the following scenario and their responses were compared (Angell, & Ryder,  & Scott, 2019).
You are teaching mechanics to a Year 10 class. One of the pupils, John, argues that the forces acting on a ball, when it is thrown up in the air, are as follows (the diagram shows the ball after it has been thrown).

John says:
‘When you throw the ball up, it sets off with a BIG upward force but this gradually runs out and gets less, so that at the top the upward force is balanced by gravity and the ball stops going up. The ball then falls because of the pull of gravity’.
a. Do you think that John is correct in what he says?
b. What would you (the teacher) say in reply to John?
The results of the first question are shown below. Many of both the experts and the novices referred not surprisingly to gravity as the only force acting and that an upwards force was only acting when the ball was in contact with the thrower’s hand. The subject knowledge seemed to be very good within both groups, and few respondents exposed the misconception of a force in the direction of motion when the ball is moving upwards. The expert teachers were also more likely to refer to acceleration and change in velocity. Very few respondents referred to momentum, energy or for example the effect of air resistance.

The results of the second question are shown below. The result of the second question:  The expert teachers were significantly more likely to reply with a question and to challenge students’ conceptions

A quotation from a novice teacher who gave an excellent response focusing on the content knowledge.
Beginning teacher:
“You apply a big upward force when you let go. Once you let go there is only one force acting downwards on the ball and that is gravity. The initial throw gives the ball upward movement. Gravity is opposing the movement, so it slows down, stop, then speed up as it falls back to earth.”
An expert teacher explicitly challenged the pupil’s view and the quotation is a good example of how an expert uses his or her pedagogical experience along with the content knowledge and provides some logical sequencing.
Expert teacher:
“I would tell him he was partly correct – and that his explanation of why the ball fell was right. I would ask him what applies the upward force after the ball leaves the thrower’s hand? – Mechanical forces need contact to apply them. Hopefully he would realise that there could not be an upward force. I would then use his own explanation of why the ball fell (i.e. gravity) in conjunction with Newton’s 1st law to explain why the ball slowed down AND why it left the thrower’s hand with an upwards velocity.”
In order to provide an overall image of the responses from the expert teachers and the trainees the researchers have computed the total sums of content and pedagogy for 8 total scenario. Indeed, what primarily characterizes an expert teacher compared to the novices is that the expert uses pedagogical arguments more extensively in his or her responses. On average each expert gave 7.7 pedagogical arguments in total compared to 2.5 for each trainee. The same pattern emerges when we look at the answers to all the eight questions in the questionnaire. On average each expert teacher gave 16.3 pedagogical arguments whereas each trainee gave 7.4. Thus, the biggest differences between the novices and the teachers were related to pedagogic knowledge rather than conceptual reasoning (see below).

The following list is a summary of the ways in which expert teachers exhibited pedagogic reasoning in their responses (result from all the 8 questions) :

listing questions they would ask in the classroom;
explicitly challenging a pupil’s view;
addressing pupils’ everyday thinking;
referring to pupils’ prior learning experiences;
suggesting possible class activities and/or discussions;
suggesting teaching analogies that would help to explain the concept;
providing a logical pedagogical sequence in their responses;

Angell, C., Ryder, J. & Scott, P. (2019). Becoming an expert teacher: Novice physics teachers’ development of conceptual and pedagogical knowledge. Manuscript in preparation. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)
Please see attached manuscript: Angell, Ryder, & Scott 2019.pdf

Summarize the main differences between novice and experts found by the study.
Think back to your favorite teacher.  How did your teacher exhibit expertise?
Many first-time teachers quit teaching before their fifth year as a teacher.  Using your knowledge of how long it takes to become an expert and the results the study above, what “pep talk” would you make to novice teachers?

solved NOTE: Please write in third-person perspective and refrain from any

NOTE: Please write in third-person perspective and refrain from any “I” statements for this final assignment.
MBA 690, Strategic Management Seminar is designed to demonstrate that students have achieved the learning outcomes established for the MBA program in the College of Business and Management. The capstone assignment is the Strategic Management Research Project and will consist of two parts- an oral and written component. This assignment will require a fully developed written strategic management paper on the designed company, as well an oral presentation.
Research Paper
The final paper should be written in essay form and not bullet points, where (APA) headings are acceptable.  The paper should not contain more than one block quote and not over two quotes per page. Students should paraphrase as much as possible. Students should use at least 5 peer-reviewed sources within in the last 5 years. Please do not use blogs, Wikipedia, ghostwriters, or past assignments.  However, other business sources can be used, but not limited to for example,  (Harvard Business Review, Wall Street Journal, Black Enterprise, Bloomberg Business Week). Utilize Lynn University’s Library Databases (Links to an external site.)
Each of the below components is required to be included in the final paper. However, it is encouraged for students to expand on these topics using learning and terminology from the strategic management discipline. The topic areas include:
Mission Statement
Description of the Organization (Location, target market, product or service)
Innovation (Artificial Intelligence)
Strategic Leadership (Transformational, Transactional, Emotional Intelligence)
Corporate Culture (Humanistic, Empathetic, Paternalistic, Materialistic, etc.)
Competitive Environment
The Strategic Management paper has 7 main sections, which must be covered. APA format (Links to an external site.) is required. 2500 words
Company Mission Statement
The company’s mission statement explains what your business is trying to achieve. For internal decision-making, the mission statement guides employees to make the right decisions, which should be in sync with helping the company achieve its mission. For external parties, such as partners, investors, and customers, your mission can motivate them to take the actions you want.
Description of the Organization
Here are some guiding questions, but you are not limited to just these questions.  Where do we compete? Where does the organization operate?  What type of organization is it?(Service, E-Commerce, Manufacturing, Marketing, Software, etc.) What is the goal of the company?

Innovation is a key part of the firms’ efforts to achieve success with their strategies, which means that information and technologies play vital roles. Good strategy almost always involves an innovative mindset within the organization. Many firms have taken on the motto of innovate or die. In this paper, explain how innovation fits into the corporate structure of your organization.  Provide unique details of how innovation would be a tool to develop the company and sustain its value. It is your company, so synthesize your learning with your corporate structure and how you see the organization maintaining sustainability.
Strategic Leadership
Strategic Leadership is based on power and influence. How leaders motivate followers is an important aspect in the organization’s success.  Leadership over people is exercised when people with motives and determination come together for a common purpose, using available resources to arouse, engage, and satisfy the needs of followers. How does leadership impact your organization?

Corporate Culture
Culture has traditionally been defined as the way we do things around here. It involves people and the unique quality of the organization.  A successful organization is defined by the strength of the organization.  In this paper, describe the corporate culture.  How does the culture impact the organization to help with gaining a competitive advantage?
It is often challenging to discuss strategic management without a discussion on globalization. Globalization involves the connectivity of people, goods, services, intelligence, marketing, and technologies around the globe. It is the unique access to doing business anywhere in the world.  Discuss how globalization fits into the corporate structure of your organization. Demonstrate how it impacts the organization. 
Competitive Environment
At the core of strategic management is competition.  Strategic management rests on gaining a competitive advantage over other organizations that occupy the company’s market space. In your paper discuss the competitive environment. How do you see changes within the industry that will impact your organization’s ability to continue to compete and gain market share? 

Assignment Instructions

Use the organization that you designed in week one of the course to write your
   Strategic Management Research Paper.
You should include all the components of the paper listed in the assignment
   description including (Mission Statement, Description of the Organization,
   Strategic Leadership, Corporate Culture, Globalization, Competitive

solved Please respond to else two classmates Classmate oneDepression is defined

Please respond to else two classmates Classmate oneDepression is defined as a mood disorder characterized by a persistent sense of sadness and, in many cases, a profound loss of interest in activities that normally bring you pleasure. Depression affects how you feel, think, and behave, and it can impair your ability to function and go about your daily life. The common depression disorders consist of Disruptive Dysregulation Disorder, Major Depression, Persistent Depressive Disorder( Dysthymia), Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder, Substance/Medication- Induced Depressive Disorder, and Depressive Disorder Due to Another Medical Condition (Schimelpfening, 2021).Disruptive Dysregulation Disorder is a common condition that causes children and adolescents to be persistent, irritable, angry, and to have frequent, intense temper outbursts. Major Depression is characterized by experiencing five of more symptoms of: feelings of hopelessness or sadness, decreased interest in activities, significant weight loss/appetite increase or decrease, insomnia or hypersomnia, fatigue, psychomotor agitation, diminished ability to concentrate, and recurring thoughts of death. Persistent Depressive Disorder( Dysthymia) is a chronic major depressive disorder that is present for most days over a period of two years. The symptoms are the same as major depression disorder. Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder is a serious health issue that is similar to premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Prior to the week or two before your period, PMDD causes severe irritability, depression, or anxiety. Symptoms typically disappear two to three days after your period begins. Substance/Medication-Induced Depressive Disorder is distinguished by a prominent and persistent change in mood, exhibiting clear signs of depression or a marked decrease in interest or pleasure in daily activities and hobbies, and these symptoms begin during or shortly after the use of a specific substance/medication (American Psychiatric Association, 2013).Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition characterized by periods of extreme mood disturbances that affect mood, thoughts, and behavior. Bipolar disorders are classified into two types. Bipolar I disorder is characterized by episodes of mania, hypomania, and major depressive episodes. Mania episodes are distinguished by a distinct period of abnormally and persistently elevated, expansive, or irritable mood that lasts at least one week. Individuals may experience inflated self-esteem, decreased need for sleep, more talking than usual, racing thoughts, an increase in goal-directed activity, and excessive involvement in activities with a high potential for painful consequences during this period. Hypomania episodes are characterized by having a higher energy level than individuals with mania, these symptoms will be the same. Finally, major depressive episodes are the same as major depression disorder. Major depressive episode is characterized by a two-week or longer period during which a person experiences the following major depression symptoms: sadness and hopelessness, fatigue, weight gain or loss, changes in sleeping habits, loss of interest in activities, or suicidal idealization. Bipolar II disorder is a milder form of mood elevation, characterized by milder episodes of hypomania interspersed with periods of severe depression. A person suffering from mania will exhibit manic symptoms but will be able to carry on with daily responsibilities, and may even see an improvement in job performance or other goal-directed activity. The elevated mood, on the other hand, is not severe enough to necessitate hospitalization or cause significant disruption at home or work (American Psychiatric Association, 2013).Bipolar disorder is easily confused with depression because it can include depressive episodes. These disorders are similar because the symptoms are common between each form of depression and the two types of bipolar disorder. For example, the similarity to depression and bipolar disorder both leads to the individual mood being altered which can affect their daily lives on how to operate throughout the day, which leads to them either being emotional or not able to operate as they normally do. Overall, in order for clinicians to not misdiagnosis individuals with depression or bipolar disorder they have to fully understand the different symptoms and episodes that occur in clients. Classmate twoThere are many cases that included more than one similar diagnosis. In the case of diagnosis, a client may have many symptoms for a disorder versus two symptoms for another. Depressive and Bipolar Disorder have similar symptoms that may cause difficulty in diagnosis. According to the DSM5, a bipolar disorder is identified as mild 296.42(F31.11, moderate 296.42(F31.12), severe 296.43(F31.13), etc. A bipolar disorder and related disorder, like depressives, may consist of different moods. Bipolar disorders are separated from depressive disorders. If a client experiences bipolar l or bipolar ll, they may have experienced major depressive episodes(Pg.123). The symptoms for bipolar l and ll last for consecutive days. During the episodes of major depressive, five or more symptoms may be present during the same 2 week period. The symptoms of major depressive episodes may include, depressed moods, loss of interest, weight loss, insomnia or hypersomnia, fatigue, worthless feelings, little to no concentration, and even thoughts of death(Pg.125).

solved Argument Essay with Sources (minimum of four sources)CHOOSE ONE OF

Argument Essay with Sources (minimum of four sources)CHOOSE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING TOPICS THE ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY MUST BE 4 PAGES PLEASE REMEMBER THIS IS A ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY Write an argument essay on one of the following topics. Be sure to include a clear thesis statement and adequate, logical support: minimum wage, social security, capital punishment, erosion of individual rights, global warming, reactivating the draft, homeland security, stoplight traffic cameras, health care, welfare, separation of church and state, First Amendment rights.Read the Martin Luther King essay “The Ways of Meeting Oppression” (p. 467). Consider the changes that have occurred in the years since King wrote this famous essay. How have laws, demographics, and attitudes changed? Does the country still fall short of the racial equality envisioned by King? Write an essay that makes an argument about what still needs to be done to fulfill King’s dream.Write an essay in which you argue in favor of measures that could be taken on your high school or college campus to make it more climate/environment-friendly. Considers aspects such as energy saving measures, carbon dioxide emissions, air quality, waste and recycling, and other factors.4.. Read Kristof’s essay (p. 553) and then write an argument of your own calling for a specific action on the issue of animal cruelty. How can farmers adopt more acceptable practices to stop animal cruelty?5.. The cover of the November 29, 2010 issue of TIME magazine asked the question, “Who needs marriage?” Some marriages are successful and endure; others go wrong and end in divorce. Write an essay in which you argue on behalf of marriage as a religious and social institution or argue against marriage as an outdated and unnecessary custom in our modern world. You may include information from source material, but also include your own experiences and observations to support your argument.6. Immigration is currently a huge topic of debate. Based on what you know about those who enter the country on work permits, student permits, visas, green cards and so forth, is their primary purpose to become Americanized or assimilated? The U.S. depends upon the work and contributions of immigrants, but some feel that the borders should be closed and immigration greatly restricted. Write an essay that makes your own argument about immigration and the contributions of immigrants.7. The Discovery Health channel has shown numerous programs about plastic surgery. They document the changes in the profession, the costs, the reasons people choose cosmetic surgery, and so forth. You may want to do some research on the advances that have been made in the field of plastic surgery and how people have used it to improve or change their appearance. Write an argument about whether or not plastic surgery should be used for cosmetic purposes or for corrective purposes, or both.8.. In her essay on page 576, Tangney writes, “As the costs of incarceration mount and evidence of its failure as a deterrent grows, judges understandably have begun to search for creative alternatives to traditional sentences.” Do punishments really act as deterrents? Are some punishments more effective than others? Do some research on the topic of prison sentences and the effectiveness of incarceration. Write an essay in which you argue that the types of punishments used today: a) do or do not act as deterrents, b) are or are not effective, c) should or should not include public shaming, d) should be changed in some specific way.9.. Should convicted sex offenders be required to register with local authorities even though they have already served their prison sentences? Do people have the right to know the identity of any sex offenders living in their neighborhood, or is this an invasion of privacy? You may want to do some research on this topic and write an essay arguing for or against the existence of sex offender registries. 10..At the end of her essay, Schlumpf (p. 594) argues that “it’s better to tell the world who you are based on your values rather than where you shop, or who your favorite band is.” Reflect on what you tell the world about who you are on social media, and then write an essay that argues your own position on how people should represent themselves online.11.Refer to Corvese’s essay on page 599, where she writes “I support One Billion Rising, but I also support taking action above and beyond passive acts.” Also refer to Pfeifle’s essay on p. 604, about the online campaign against Joseph Kony, a Ugandan warlord charged with abducting tens of thousands of children. How do you think the organizers of One Billion Rising and the Invisible Children video would answer Corvese’s critique? Write an essay that addresses some of the concerns about such movements and about the power of online activism or lack thereof. 12. Do some research about the topic of “citizen journalism.” Write an essay that makes an argument about the role of citizen journalism in modern society. Be sure to include lots of specific examples to develop your essay.13.Do some research on the use of torture, and write an essay arguing that if we are going to use torture, we should at least be up front about it, OR if we are not going to use torture we should mean what we say by prosecuting anyone who engages in it. Determine what evidence you will need to support your argument, do some research and find some source material on the topic to include in the essay.

solved Hello,please follow each case study question to the corresponding case

Hello,please follow each case study question to the corresponding case studyCase Study 1:Savings & Loans and the Mortgage Markets Please see attached (Savings)Using the Harvard Business Case Study, Savings & Loans and the Mortgage Markets, answer the following questions by creating and submitting a Word document. Your answers should be a maximum of 1 page per question (and very possibly less).1. What are the similarities and differences of the problems encountered by the S&L industry and the more recent problems of the mortgage / housing industry?2. The US government has created several agencies – the FHA, FHLB, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Ginnie Mae – to provide assistance to the housing market and essentially took over Fannie and Freddie in mid-2008 to assure that it could continue to operate. Why has this sector attracted so much attention and assistance?3. What policy actions and changes to the marketplace undermined a solid position of savings and loans in the 1970s? Could the effects of these changes have been anticipated and foreseen?4. Many actions were taken by Congress and regulators to try to address the weakening position of savings and loans. Why were these not effective?Case Study 2:The U.S. Banking Panic of 1933 and Federal Deposit Insurance: (See attached with same title)Using the Harvard Business Case Study, The U.S. Banking Panic of 1933 and Federal Deposit Insurance, answer the following questions by creating and submitting a Word document. Your answers should be a maximum of 1 page per question (and very possibly less).1. In 1929 there were more than 25,000 commercial banks in the U.S. Today there are still approximately 7000 banks. In most other countries there are just a handful of major banks – often 4 to 8 institutions dominate the market place. What explains the vastly different character of the banking system in the U.S. from that of other countries? Similarly, most other countries have not in the past provided government sponsored deposit insurance, though some have put it in place as part of their response to the credit crisis. Does the unique structure of the U.S. banking system indicate a greater need for such insurance?2. As the case study notes, the banking panic of 1933 was not unique. There had been many previous banking panics periodically over the previous century. What made the banking panic of 1933 so extraordinary that it required significant action on the part of the U.S. government?3. Similarly, what was so extraordinary about the credit crisis of 2007-2010 that it has become the centerpiece of economic policy and required such unusual actions as bailouts, government injections of equity into financial institutions, emergency lending facilities, etc.?4. Perhaps the best known quotation of Roosevelt’s was “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself”. How does the thought behind that quotation fit into the provision of Federal deposit insurance? How does it relate to the response by governments around the world to the current credit crisis?Case study 3:Geithner & Bernanke Amid the Global Financial Crisis (see attached with same name)Using the University of Virginia (UVA) Case Study, Geithner & Bernanke, Amid the Global Financial Crisis, answer the following questions by creating and submitting a Word document. Your answers should be a maximum of 1 page per question (and very possibly less).1. From the breadth and depth of the economic downturn, it was clear that no one single policy action would address the problem. Briefly discuss how the various actions taken by the Treasury and the Fed served to work together or possibly against one another to address the problems.2. How did the backgrounds of both Geithner and Bernanke serve to assist or hinder them in understanding and acting to solve the problems?3. “The biggest problem we now face is how the Treasury and Fed can withdraw from the heavy level of financial support that they’ve provided without plunging the economy back into a recession.” Please comment on this proposition.Case study 4Note on Money and Monetary Policy (see attached same title)sing the Harvard Business Case Study, Note on Money and Monetary Policy, answer the following questions by creating and submitting a Word document. Your answers should be a maximum of 1 page per question (and very possibly less).Following the stock market crash in October 1987 and the terrorist attack in September 2001 the Federal Reserve rapidly increased the amount of money in circulation and lowered interest rates. Why did the Federal Reserve take these actions and what impact do you believe they had? From early 2005 through August 2006, the Federal Reserve steadily raised short term interest rates, being concerned about potential inflationary pressures. It then held short term rates steady through August 2007, saying that it remained very watchful about possible inflationary dangers. However in September 2007 it suddenly dropped rates and took other steps to aid capital market liquidity. Recently short term rates have been maintained at extremely low rates (effectively zero percent for a while). Now there are fears of a double-dip recession and potential deflation on one hand and other fears of potential high inflation in the foreseeable future. If you were sitting on the Open Market Committee today, how would you go about deciding what policy path to take, particularly given the lag in the effect of some monetary policies on the real economy?

solved Directions: Reply to the thread of at least 2 classmates.

Directions: Reply to the thread of at least 2 classmates. Each reply must be no more than 150 words.————————————————————————————————-STUDENT 1 DB Theological importance in the selection of worship music is important but will not be a main point of my research proposal thesis. This and other similarities to my own thesis are helpful in establishing my specific research question. Klopper, in his journal article entitled Liturgical Music: Worship or War? Talks about how Liturgical worship music can and should have variety in order to establish some new standard. He also talks about how generally speaking music is important to worship itself. (Kloppers, 1995) While I agree with these points as well, my emphasis will be more on how a particular style of worship music effects a senior’s ability to worship based on their experiences. I will take a more specific look into how music sung during the time period when you experienced salvation is relevant to your worship. How do these memories for senior citizens are related and help them to truly worship? Johnson in his journal article entitled Heads Up: Tracing the battle lines in the worship wars talks about other ideas of pattern behavior and ritual. These are interwoven together into more of a tradition or as is suggested more of a right that someone has as it pertains to the way they worship. He talks about the ritual in a way that implies that it might not be about true worship at all. In addition He deals with the topic of having knowledge of God’s salvation versus the act of experiencing that salvation. (Johnson, 2004) While I also am interested in the traditional and ritual aspect of musical worship and the idea of knowledge versus experience, my research will focus in on more of a triggered experience. What part does a particular style of music, whatever that style may be, have on the senior citizens ability to worship? What does hearing that particular song or songs trigger in their memory that helps them achieve true thankfulness and worship of God their savior? ReferencesJohnson, T. E. (2004). Heads up: tracing the battle lines in the worship wars. Liturgy, 19(4), 33–38.Kloppers, E. (1997). Liturgical music: Worship or war? Hervormde Teologiese Studies, 53, 172–184.————————————————————————————————-STUDENT 2 JBThis past year has revealed cracks in our education system. Though our teachers have adapted quite well, there are obvious incongruities among teaching strategies. There has been much controversy surrounding the effectiveness of online versus face-to-face instruction. It has been proclaimed that there is an evident achievement gap that has been widened during this inconsistent time in learning. My topic is concerned with the effects of online math learning on math EOG test scores. Two articles that revealed information contributing to this topic are presented below. Both articles are peer-reviewed, published within the last three years, posted on the JFL website, and are secondary sources.A recent study by Mooij et al. (2020) sought to determine if online learning environments should consider cognitive load on children’s math performance based on their working memory (WM) and inhibitory control (IC) capacity. A random sample of 39 students aged 8-11 performed a multiple-choice arithmetic game. The two conditions were based on visible time pressure, with one group seeing a timer and the other not seeing a timer. Inhibitory control yielded better performance when the timer was not present. This is relevant to my topic due to similarities in age, subject, and online learning platform. Mooij et al. (2020) exemplifies the benefit of differentiation of math learning through online learning. However, it is noted that specific factors such as a visible time can impede learning. When studying the basis of online learning it is important to understand how students working memory and inhibitory control may be affected, which will also benefit my study.Francis et al. (2019) examined the differences in motivation and academic outcomes in an online and face-to-face college math course. With the increasing popularity of online courses, the authors wanted to study whether motivation and academic success differed based on the learning platform. Over 2,400 math students documented their motivation at the 1st, 3rd, and 5th week of the semester. It was revealed that online students had less academic success than face-to-face students. However, motivation did not differ based on learning platform. This study reveals that there may be underlining causative factors contributing to online students’ poorer grades. From this study it can also be suggested that online students are just as motivated as face-to-students. This benefits my study by recognizing that causative factors in academic success should be analyzed.ReferencesDumontheil, I. (2020). Should online math learning environments be tailored to individuals’cognitive profiles? Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 191, 104730., M. K., Wormington, S. V., & Hulleman, C. (2019). The costs of online learning:Examining differences in motivation and academic outcomes in online and face-to-face community college developmental mathematics courses. Frontiers in Psychology, 10. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02054

solved Each student selects a public policy from the list provided

Each student selects a public policy from the list provided (or receives approval from professor for alternative topic). The assignment should attempt to address the following issues if appropriate. However, not all issues can be addressed for all policies. For example, not all policies are subjected to a federal court decision.

Introduction: Briefly describe the policy problem, context of the problem, and any historical information that may add to the understanding of the problem.
Describe how the policy has gone through the policy process from agenda setting to policy evaluation and change: 


Agenda Setting 

Problem identification (discuss indicators & statistics, crisis or focusing events, etc. that led to the recognition of the problem).
Identify the key policy actors instrumental in pushing the problem forward and onto the agenda – identify their policy positions. 

Policy Formulation

Identify some of the solutions created to solve the problem.
Identify where these solutions came from (state or local governments, policy think tanks, bureaucrats, academia, etc.).
Identify any challenges or constraints to the solutions (potential costs? Potential political acceptability problems? Lack of bipartisanship?Other challenges?).
Who are the key actors primarily involved in policy formulation (iron triangle, policy subsystem, presidential task force, etc.)?

Policy Adoption

Was the adoption a bipartisan effort?How difficult was the passage of the policy statement?
What was the roll call vote in both chambers of Congress?

Policy Implementation

Who are the implementers (identify the bureaucracy(s) involved in implementation)?
Were there criticisms by those implementing?
What specific programs were created to solve the problem or meet the goals of the policy?
Identify any challenges and constraints to implementing the policy. 
Were there federal court challenges? If so, how did the federal court rule and why? 

Policy Evaluation

Did the program(s) created as a result of the policy solve the problem or produce positive results?Were policy goals met? Did the evaluations lead to policy change?

Policy Change

How has the policy changed over time? New law? Amendments to existing law? Changes to existing programs? Termination of programs?


Summarize main points

Format for research project:
The policy project should be 5-6 pages in length. The assignment should be written in narrative form with a title centered at the top of the first page. The assignment should contain an introduction, headings for each of the policy stages, a brief conclusion summarizing the main points of the report, and a reference page. It should be typed, double-spaced with a 12-point font, 1-inch margins, with each page numbered.
Six outside sources are required for this project.All sources used in the assignment must be documented on a separate reference page at the end of the paper.Also, direct quotes, close paraphrases, and statistics in the body of the text should be given proper citation using parenthetical references. Any questions on the proper citation of sources should be directed to the professor. Failure to properly cite sources could lead to charges of plagiarism.
A reference list should be alphabetized by author last name or name of organization.Each reference should be single-spaced with a double space between references. All sources retrieved on-line should contain an “accessed on” date as well as the URL address.
Various resources can be used for this project.Scholarly journals, books, newspapers, news magazines or websites from policy research organizations and professional organizations.Only reputable sources should be used. What are reputable sources?

NO Wikipedia!
Books-Go to the library!
Peer-reviewed scholarly journals: A peer-reviewed scholarly journal refers only to those journals where the author submits her manuscript to several other scholars, experts, or academics (peers) in the field for review and comment. These reviewers must agree that the article represents properly conducted original research or writing before it can be published. What to look for:


Scholarly journal articles often have an abstract, a descriptive summary of the article contents, before the main text of the article.
Scholarly journals always cite their sources in the form of parenthetical references, footnotes, and a reference page.
Articles are written by a scholar in the field or by someone who has done research in the field. The affiliations of the authors are listed, usually at the bottom of the first page or at the end of the article—universities and research institutions. 
The language of scholarly journals is that of the discipline covered. It assumes some technical background on the part of the reader.
The main purpose of a scholarly journal is to report on original research or experimentation in order to make such information available to the rest of the scholarly world.

Here are some examples of peer-reviewed scholarly journals in public administration and public policy:

Public Administration Review
State and Local Government Review
American Review of Public Administration
Policy Studies Journal
Public Budgeting and Finance
Publius: The Journal of Federalism
my topic is Violent crime control and law enforcement act of 1994 

solved 1. Based on this week and last week’s materials, provide

1. Based on this week and last week’s materials, provide a brief overview of how Indian Removal plans/policies emerged. 
2. Based on the “Indian Removal Overview” article, how did the 5 native nations in the southeast attempt to resist forced removal?
3. Describe what was happening in this week’s textbook chapter, “Jackson’s White Republic.” What was a key passage or quote, and why did it stand out to you?
4. Next, analyze Andrew Jackson’s two speeches (inaugural speech and second annual message.) Who is his intended audience in each speech, and what are his goals regarding US dealings with American Indian tribes?  How would you describe the overall language/tone Jackson uses in his speeches? Please use quotes from the speeches to illustrate your points.
5. After, please analyze Andrew Jackson’s” Letter to the Cherokee”. Who was Jackson’s intended audience? What was the purpose in the letter, and how was it constructed? How would you describe the overall language/tone used in the letter? What were some key quotes/parts that stood out to you, and why? 
6. What kind of patterns or trajectory do you notice in Jackson’s two speeches? How is Jackson’s “Letter to the Cherokee” different from his two speeches, and why? 
7. Lastly, please reflect on this week’s materials overall. What resonated with you, and why? How do this week’s materials build off of our previous materials?
please reply to this post

Indian Removal had a choice of sovereignty or have their land taken away, they could not have both. ultimately it went to just having their land taken away from them. The Indians fought but the fight was leading to death. Many chose to survive for their family. They decided to go west and many died on the way. When they made it to Oklahoma they created a home, they started a fire from the same ember that burned from the land that got taken away from them.
With their many attempts of resisting, many were non-violent. One method was the Anglo-American which was large-scale farming, Western education, and slave-holding. The five nations wanted to adapt these policies so that they are able to coexist with settlers. Different attempts were to involve ceding portions of their land to the U.S. Many decided to not leave their land. The Creeks and the Seminoles fought to protect their territory.
His intended audience was his Fellow-Citizens who are pro for the Removal Act. His goals were to have the American Indian tribes move west and agree to give them their land. He wanted to strengthen the borders of states so that they can prevent any invasion from the Indians, he wanted a separation between the whites and the Indians. Jackson’s overall tone and language are stern, his points are made and he will execute them without any hesitation. he states in his inaugural speech “In such measures as I may be called on to pursue in regard to the rights of the separate States I hope to be animated by a proper respect for those sovereign members of our Union, taking care not to confound the powers they have reserved to themselves with those they have granted to the Confederacy.” He goes on in his second annual “By opening the whole territory between Tennessee on the north and Louisiana on the south to the settlement of the whites it will incalculably strengthen the southwestern frontier and render the adjacent States strong enough to repel future invasions without remote aid.”
Andrew Jackson’s intended audience is the Indians who decided to fight for their land and stay where they are. The purpose of this letter was to tell them that they made a mistake by staying where they are instead of heading west. He blamed told them the faults of their choices and what could have been there if they just listened 18 years ago. He stated that they made poor decisions and that if they left for the west they could have been with their fellow people and lived better lives. It was said that they are not contributing to the community and their sons have habits of intoxications, they are not fitted for the community living intertwined with the white folks. His letter started out saying that they are friends and how he has seen what they have gone through from peace and war. Later his letter begins to tell them what their mistakes are and told them they have no finances, no land, nothing to their name. In the end, they will fail to have any support. Some key points are “ Listen to me, therefore, as your fathers have listened, while I communicate to you my sentiments on the critical state of your affairs.” He tells them that because they didn’t listen to him then, they should listen to him now.
The patterns in his two speeches were to show the fellow citizens that progress is happening in the Removal Act and that that progression is to have people along with the bored of some states so that there are no invasions and the Indians would not be able to interact with anyone in the community. Jackson’s letter to the Cherokee is different from the speeches because he states that they will be removed, they should not be in the community that they have created. In his letter, he tells them that they do not follow their government guidelines and that they are basically a nuisance to the community. The letter is a list of their mistakes in the American eyes.
Overall this week’s material shows me how much more wrong the American people created for the Indians. It shows how backward this Government was and is 

solved Discussion: University of Missouri (A) – Structural FrameundefinedPrevious Next Using

Discussion: University of Missouri (A) – Structural FrameundefinedPrevious Next Using the Structural Frame, choose a specific characteristic of the case – e.g., committees, budgets, strategy, etc., and explain in-depth how the Structural Frame informs the circumstances of the University of Missouri case. From a structural perspective, is there anything you would have done differently? Explain, incorporating at least 1 or 2 assumptions of the Structural Frame into your response. Remember to perform some outside research, to properly cite your sources, and to demonstrate evidence of critical thinking in your response. Before the end of Module 1, be sure that you have responded to a minimum of two of your classmates’ postings. Remember that the Discussions are an assignment – they equate to a full 20% of your final grade; consequently, they require a minimum of 20% of the total effort you put forth into the overall course. In this context, the Discussions require additional research on your part, critical thinking, and graduate-level presentation (grammar, spelling, proper citation, etc.).COURSE MATERIALS/BIBLIOGRAPHYModule 1Required resources Jacobs, R. M. (n.d.). Theories of practice: The structural frame. Villanova University. Retrieved on May 8, 2014 from, P. (2014). Four-frame model: Reframing organizations. Slideshare. Retrieved on May 1, 2014 from Walt Disney Company. (2014). Retrieved on May 8, 2014 from, E. (2012). Reframing organizations: The structural frame. Prezi. Retrieved on May 4, 2014 from resources Ancona, D. (2011). Sensemaking: Framing and acting in the unknown. In Scott A. Snook, Nitin N. Nohria, and Rakesh Khurana (Eds.), The Handbook for Teaching Leadership (3-19). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Retrieved from Sample Paper. (2014). Purdue OWL – Online Writing Lab. Retrieved on May 11, 2014 from, L. (2014). Reframing organizations teaching resources. Lee Bolman. Retrieved on May 8, 2014 from Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (1991). Leadership and management effectiveness: A multi-frame, multi-sector analysis. Human Resource Management (1986-1998), 30(4), 509-531. Retrieved from ProQuest. Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (n.d.). Monarchs, lords, and serfs. Lee Retrieved from Bolman, L. G. & Deal, T. E. (2003). Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and leadership (3rd ed). San Francisco: John Wiley. Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (n.d.). Reframing organizations: The leadership kaleidoscope. Retrieved on May 8, 2014 from Bryman, A. (2004). The Disneyization of society. London: Sage Publications. Retrieved from EBSCO. Filipovitch, A. J. (2005). Framing organizations. Retrieved from for Critical Thinking. (2013). Colleges and university students. The Critical Thinking Community. Retrieved on May 11, 2014 from, J. V. (2006). Reframing complexity: A four dimensional approach to organizational diagnosis, development, and change. In Joan V. Gallos (Ed.), Organization Development: A Jossey-Bass Reader. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Retrieved on May 1, 2014 from Gallos, J. V. (2008). Making sense of organizations: Leadership, frames, and everyday theories of the situation. In Joan V. Gallos (Ed.), Business Leadership: A Jossey-Bass Reader (161-179). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Retrieved from Greene, D. (2010). Reframing organizations. Dr. Doug Greene. Retrieved on May 11, 2014 from, D. K. (23-25 Oct. 2001). Final Report, from Sensemaking Symposium. Command and Control Research Program (CCRP), Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence. Retrieved from, T. (n.d.). Sense-making. The Atlas of New Librarianship. Retrieved on April 30, 2014 from, C., & Faries, B. (2014). Big Mickey is watching. Bloomberg Businessweek, (4370), 22-23. Retrieved from EBSCO – Business Source Complete. The Walt Disney Company SWOT Analysis. (2013). Walt Disney Company SWOT Analysis, 1-9, Retrieved from EBSCO – Business Source Complete. Weick, K. E., Sutcliffe, K. M., & Obstfeld, D. (2005). Organizing and the process of sensemaking. Organization Science, 16(4), 409-421. Retrieved from ProQuest. Westbrooks, E. (2012). Introduction to reframing organizations:. Prezi. Retrieved on May 4, 2014 from