solved Discussion one: Due Jul/ 08Prior to beginning work on this

Discussion one: Due Jul/ 08Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapters 2, 6, and 8 in the textbook.In the past, most network engineers would place a firewall at the perimeter of the network to protect the intranet. Today, the perimeters of networks have become more complex and firewalls have to be strategically placed to protect the digital assets of the organization. Data no longer consists of text documents. It has converged to include video, voice, and text. Malware can be embedded in any type of file, and once it is on the intranet, it can jeopardize the network, impact services, and reduce productivity.In this discussion, you will address a business problem related to intranet security. For your initial post, you will assess 10 business-critical servers that need to send and accept traffic from the Internet and determine where on the network they should be put. Your organization has a network segmented into two subnets, both of which have a firewall. Subnet One is the Intranet and it connects to Subnet Two using a router. Subnet Two connects to the Internet via a border router. Consider the risks associated with a presence on the Internet, and examine the firewall architecture in order to determine the best placement for each critical server. Explain where you would place each of the critical servers listed below on the network, providing a rationale for your choices. Be sure to include information on how the chosen locations will secure the essential business services provided by each critical server.Critical ServersWeb server with home portalCustomer database serverMail serverChat serverIntrusion detection systemCustomer registration serverServer with marketing campaign material for the organizationIntranet websiteVPN serverMail archive serverYour initial post should be a minimum 300 words long.Discussion 2: Due Jul/ 08Almost all of us have some type of Ethernet network at home. Usually, the Internet service provider (ISP) installs a gateway to the Internet at your house, and your network connects to the gateway using a home router. The TCP/IP stack of your intranet computers are configured to use the ISP router as a gateway to the Internet. Many of us also use Wireless Ethernet (IEEE 802.11 standard) to connect to the Internet. .For this interactive assignment, assess your current home network. (If you do not currently have a home network, you may consider your work network for this assessment.) In a separate document, create a diagram that illustrates your intranet setup and your Internet connection. Consider the potential vulnerabilities of your current network setup as well as your digital resources. Create a second diagram in your document that illustrates an ideal network, including firewall(s) and other controls that would protect your digital resources against hackers. Attach your completed diagram document to your initial post. Within the initial post, explain how the design of the network best suits your needs and typical usage. Additionally, explain how your planned firewall architecture provides better security than your current network setup.Assignment: Due Jul/12Prior to beginning work on this assignment, please read Chapters 2, 6, and 8 in the textbook.Our data infrastructure is constantly being attacked by hackers. Network administrators are being challenged on a daily basis to defend their intranet and other systems on the Internet. As a network administrator for Andrew’s Biometrics Corp (ABC), you face the following problem.ABC has a series of load balanced Web servers that provide information about the organization, advertise products, process online orders, and allow customers to make payments. These systems need to be protected from denial-of-service attacks. There are many types of firewalls on the market today. Legacy firewalls tend to filter packets based on protocol types or IP addresses. Most recent firewalls can function on top of the application layer of the TCP/IP model and filter packets-based content.Research a minimum of two industry resources (e.g., National Institute for Standards & Technology [NIST], Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers [IEEE], Internet Engineering Task Force [IETF], etc.) on this topic. (Access the MISM Credible Resource Guide (Links to an external site.) for assistance with finding appropriate credible professional resources.) Using the concept of a Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) and relevant diagrams, explain the design of your network and how you would segment it. Examine various firewall types and select the appropriate firewall to best protect the computing infrastructure of ABC. It is critical to manage the traffic in and out from the Internet and protect the internal digital resources, including customer data. Access your virtual lab environment and create a diagram using Visio to visually represent the proposed firewall layout. Include the diagram as an image within your document. (The Visio diagram may be included in your assignment by means of a screenshot pasted into your document prior to submission. Assistance with capturing a screenshot of your Visio may be found at (Links to an external site.).)The Firewall and Filtering paperMust be 600-900 words (two to three double-spaced pages) in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Writing Center (Links to an external site.).

solved Introduction: Robert and Roy, emergency medical technician paramedics (EMT-P), were

Robert and Roy, emergency medical technician paramedics (EMT-P), were back on the streets after a slow afternoon of handling administrative tasks in the office. Neither paramedic had checked the divert status board before heading out, so they were unaware that numerous hospitals in the city were on emergency department (ED) divert.
Case Study Eighty-Three: Emergency Divert Status
Read the above case study; your task would be to evaluate this case study utilizing the format below. Make sure to include at least two scholarly/peer-reviewed articles to help support your evaluation.
Case Study Evaluation
Prepare a written report of the case using the following format:
Background Statement: What is going on in this case as it relates to the identified major problem?

What are (only) the key points the reader needs to know in order to understand how you will “solve” the case?

Summarize the scenario in your own words—do not simply regurgitate the case. Briefly describe the organization, setting, situation, who is involved, who decides what, etc. Specifically identify the major problems and secondary issues.

What are the real issues? What are the differences? Can secondary issues become major problems?
Present an analysis of the causes and effects.
Fully explain your reasoning. Declare your role in a sentence or a short paragraph explaining from which role you will address the major problem and whether you are the chief administrator in the case or an outside consultant called in to advise.
Regardless of your choice, you must justify in writing as to why you chose that role. What are the advantages and disadvantages of your selected role? Be specific.
Recognize the strengths and weaknesses of the organization.

Identify the strengths and weaknesses that exist in relation to the major problem. Again, your focus here should be in describing what the organization is capable of doing (and not capable of doing) with respect to addressing the major problem. Thus, the identified strengths and weaknesses should include those at the managerial level of the problem. For example, if you have chosen to address the problem from the departmental perspective and the department is understaffed, that is a weakness worthy of mentioning. Be sure to remember to include any strengths/weaknesses that may be related to diversity issues.

Find out alternatives and recommend a solution.
Describe the two to three alternative solutions you came up with. What feasible strategies would you recommend? What are the pros and cons? State what should be done—why, how, and by whom. Be specific. Evaluate how you would know when you’ve gotten there. There must be measurable goals put in place with the recommendations. Money is easiest to measure; what else can be measured? What evaluation plan would you put in place to assess whether you are reaching your goals?
TIP: Write this section as if you are trying to “sell” your proposed solution to the organization. Convince the reader that your proposed solution is the best available and that it will work as planned. Make sure that the goals you identify are worth the effort required to achieve them!

but this is the case study for reference Emergency Divert StatusKevin D. ZeilerRobert and Roy, emergency medical technician paramedics (EMT-P) were back on the streets after a slow afternoon of handling administrative tasks in the office. Neither paramedic had checked the divert status board before heading out, so they were unaware that numerous hospitals in the city were on Emergency Department (ED) divert.* After having worked 18 hours with only 3 hours off, they were hoping to settle into a quiet shift that would allow them an opportunity to get some rest.Within 30 minutes of getting to their first assigned post, the radio call came through that an adult and child were injured in an automobile accident. Robert and Roy headed to the scene to find that a father and daughter had been riding a bicycle when they were struck at high speed by an automobile. The injuries were serious and both needed emergency treatment. The paramedics decided to take both patients to the nearby city hospital for treatment.Robert rode in the back and was in charge of caring for the patients, while Roy drove. On the way to the facility the young girl quit breathing and required intubation to sustain her airway. Because of the time required to intubate and stabilize the patient, Robert never notified the receiving facility that they were coming with two critical emergent patients. In addition, Roy, as the driver, never contacted the facility and also never contacted dispatch to see if the facility was on divert.Upon their arrival at the city hospital, Robert and Roy found out that the hospital was on ED divert as well as pediatric trauma divert. In other words, they were not accepting any patients to the ED and they were not accepting any children. Because Robert and Roy felt that they could not support the pediatric patient any longer in the back of an ambulance, they wheeled both patients into an unprepared Emergency Department. A verbal battle ensued between the emergency room physician and the paramedics, which led to a further delay in care for the injured trauma patients. Ultimately, the hospital agreed to care for the patients, but soon realized that the young girl had gone into cardiac arrest and died. She could not be resuscitated.

solved Choose ONE of the following topics for your paper. Each

Choose ONE of the following topics for your paper. Each topic provides an article you can read to get started on your research.Research alternative energy sources; then make an argument for the three most desirable ones to introduce in South Florida. Here is a link with a list of renewable energy resources to get you started: the status of sea-level rise in South Florida today and the ways in which it is being addressed through State processes. Make an argument that the solutions today are or are not sufficient. Here is a link to a web page that will help you get started with your research: the effects of the environment on human health. Does the health of the environment affect the health of the human beings within it? Make an argument that supports your answer. Start your research by reading this article: access to drinking water be privatized? Start your thinking about this topic by watching this short video: does recycled plastic end up? What solutions to “plastic pollution” are most feasible? Start your thinking on this topic by watching the videos on this page: is biodiversity important to a thriving planet? What are the dangers of the high rate of species extinction that the planet is facing? What are the proposed solutions to this problem and how effective will they be? Start your research by reading this article: electric vehicles better for the environment? Start your research by reading this article from Forbes magazine: are the effects of consumerism on the environment? What must be done to address the problem? Start your research by reading this article from Science Daily: government makes the claim that using public transportation has positive effects on the environment(See:; however, in South Florida, efforts to develop more efficient public transportation has been less than successful. Research the reasons for the failure of public transportation in South Florida. What are the environmental effects of our agricultural practices? What are some solutions to these problems? Start your research by looking at this web page from the Institute on the Environment at the University of Minnesota: this article about the threat to food resources: is among the top environmental problems facing the world today. What is the connection between educating women, supporting family planning, and reducing the risks of overpopulation? Should educating women be a priority on the world stage? Start your research by reading this editorial: are the effects of urban sprawl on the environment? Should the government institute strong regulations to curb urban sprawl? Start your research by reading the information here: are the environmental effects of deforestation? What should be done to solve the problem of deforestation? Start your research by reading this article from National Geographic: does our overreliance on fossil fuels damage the environment? What are the advantages of ending our reliance on fossil fuels? Make a capitalist argument against the fossil fuel industry. Start by reading the following opinion article: the disasters at the Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear power plants, some still make the argument that nuclear power is a more feasible alternative to fossil fuels than other alternative energies. Make an argument for or against the feasibility of nuclear power. Here are the arguments made by the World Nuclear Association: are some general websites that might provide some useful data for your research:The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Laws and Regulations: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Data: Bank Data: Nations Environment Program: on climate change: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC):


IMPORTANT NOTE REGARDING WORD LIMIT REQUIREMENTS:Please note that each and every assignment has its own word limit.Based on your experiences and the assigned reading, discuss the importance of servant leadership in building trust and sustainable partnerships. Servant leadership is very beneficial as it builds nurturing environments where individuals can feel valued and respected (Spencer,2020). In addition, it can help establish well-built work relationships, and harness self-initiatives to keep employees motivated and engaged. Holistic leadership such as servant leadership methods that involve groups in ethical, emotional, rational, and spiritual components are inspired to succeed into what they are capable of becoming (Eva et al., 2019). Moreover, servant leadership puts its focus on the individuals, groups, and organizations he/she works with to ensure that growth and development are met through serving the needs of others, promoting team problem solving, personalized development, and incentives by providing self-governance and resources. Ethics and integrity are highly important. With that being said, the ability to serve successfully and build trust and transparency is reliant on moral leadership, and servant leadership inspires others and works industriously to make society great (Tanno & Banner, 2018). Furthermore, servant leadership mirror the word of god and the application of theological truths of grace, and mercy.Identify an example of someone who exhibited servant leadership skills in building a cross-cultural partnership and why these efforts were successful. Harold MacDowell, CEO of TD industries is someone who exhibits servant leadership skills. He sets a culture that implements key elements in sustaining employees and the environment in which they work by valuing, respecting, and appreciating their efforts (Schwantes, 2017). Moreover, these efforts are important, and culture is taken very seriously with leaders at every level ensuring core values are carried out at all times by building and maintaining trusting relationships, passionately protecting the safety of all partners, leading with a servant’s heart, pursue excellence, and celebrate the power of individual differences (Schwantes, 2017). His efforts are successful as he put individuals ahead of profit and hone in on sustainable approaches that are mutually important for business and culture.A true partnership involves risk shared by all parties. A successful partnership requires risk sharing and this is why I agree with the following statement. Risk is a part of investing and once a partnership is put into an agreement and formed, all parties reap the benefits and losses of investments equally. Moreover, partnerships benefit and help each other resolve and manage risk successfully, implement efficient risk management techniques and commit to sharing all risk so that the end result of a project can be a successful outcome instead of one company bearing the full risk (Willemsen & D’Arc, 2019).ReferencesEva, N., Robin, M., Sendjaya, S., van Dierendonck, D., & Liden, R. C. (2019). Servant leadership: A systematic review and call for future research. The leadership quarterly, 30(1), 111-132., M. (2017, March 29). The world’s 10 top CEOs (They lead in a totally unique way).…Spencer, A. (2020, April 16). All About Others: Servant Leadership in the Modern Workplace. BizLibrary. https://www.bizlibrary.comTanno, J. P., & Banner, D. K. (2018). ScholarWorks | Walden University Research.…Willemsen, R., & D’Arc, P. (2019, May 14). A successful partnership requires risk sharing. Digitalist Magazine News on Cloud, Mobile, Big Data, Analytics & More | SAP Innovation.…Respond to the bold paragraph ABOVE by using one of the option below… in APA format with At least two references and a minimum of 200 words….. .(The List of References should not be older than 2016 and should not be included in the word count.) Include at least one scholarly reference and appropriate in-text citations and Address all points on the DQ. One point will be deducted for not addressing each item mentioned above. Remember that presenting someone else’s work as your own is plagiarism. Ask a probing question.Share an insight from having read your colleague’s posting.Offer and support an opinion.Validate an idea with your own experience.Make a suggestion.Expand on your colleague’s posting.Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.It is important that you cover all the topics identified in the assignment. Covering the topic does not mean mentioning the topic BUT presenting an explanation from the context of ethics and the readings for this classTo get maximum points you need to follow the requirements listed for this assignments 1) look at the word/page limits 2) review and follow APA rules 3) create subheadings to identify the key sections you are presenting and 4) Free from typographical and sentence construction errors.REMEMBER IN APA FORMAT JOURNAL TITLES AND VOLUME NUMBERS ARE ITALICIZED.ReferencesAmerican Psychological Association. Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th Ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

solved Learning Goal: I’m working on a business report and need

Learning Goal: I’m working on a business report and need a sample draft to help me learn.
Prepare a 2-3 page business report in which you analyze your leadership strengths and develop a statement of who you are as a leader.
This portfolio work project helps you define who you are as a leader. It is something that would be useful to you in annual performance reviews or to use as a reminder of your strengths and best qualities.
Your leader is interested in your development as a leader in your organization. You have recently taken a variety of self-assessments designed to better understand your strengths, areas of improvement, communication ability, and values. Your leader would like you to spend some time reflecting on the results of your assessments and gathering some additional information from those who know you best.
Your role is to prepare a report in which you review and reflect on your strengths; collect additional information from 3–5 colleagues, friends, or others who know you well; and create a portrait of yourself as a leader.
This assessment requires you to collect feedback from 3–5 people who know you best.
Because not everyone is likely to respond, you should identify at least 10 people to ask. Choose a variety of people who have had extended contact with you, such as:
Colleagues (former or current), such as vendors, customers, or board members.
Friends (old or recent), neighbors, or fellow volunteers.

Family members.
Others who know you well. Be creative in your choices.
Try to give your respondents sufficient time to respond. You can create a feedback form or keep it simpler.
The questions you should ask are:

Who am I when I am at my best?
Can you provide a specific example of a time when I was at my best?
You can reach out by phone, e-mail, text, or in person. Analyze your leadership strengths.

For this paper:

Discuss the strengths, skills, and other positives that were revealed in the assessments that you took. Do these strengths surprise you or reinforce what you already thought? How do you use these strengths currently? Be sure to clearly explain which assessment gave you the information and cite the assessments in APA format.
Discuss your strengths further by summarizing the responses you received and relating how what you learned from the people you talked to and the assessments fits in with what you already knew about yourself, and with the work you currently do or hope to do in the future.
Develop a statement of who you are as a leader, based on your analysis. This statement should include your values, strengths, goals, and more. You should include in your statement who you want to be as a leader—what you aspire to become. This way, your statement becomes your own vision of who you want to be and an affirmation to help you grow.
Describe some of the areas that you learned are growth opportunities (where you did not perform so strongly). How did you feel about this? What areas do you feel are most important to strengthen? What steps might you take to do so?

Your deliverable is a 2–3-page business report. Business reports are formatted differently from academic, APA formatting. For information about the differences, refer to the MBA Program Resources on the left side of the courseroom navigation panel. Once you click this tab, several options will appear in the middle of your screen. Click the Writing option. You will want to review the MBA Academic and Professional Document Guidelines. Note that this business report MUST be single-spaced, professionally formatted, and organized with ample headings. Because this is a personal reflection, you may write it in first person.
The Defining Yourself As a Leader business report is a professional document and should therefore follow the corresponding MBA Academic and Professional Document Guidelines, including single-spaced paragraphs. In addition to the report, include:

Title page or a heading at the top of the first page with title, date, and your name.
References page (if applicable).
APA-formatted references (if applicable).
You might consider using the following outline:

Introduction (tell the reader what this paper is about. Do not assume that the reader knows what the assignment is).
My Strengths (detail which assessments you took and what strengths and values were revealed).
Leadership Statement (create a statement of who you want to be as a leader—make it aspiring, like an affirmation).
Growth Opportunities (detail the areas where you have yet to grow and discuss some plans for achieving that growth).

Conclusion (wrap up the paper effectively).
References (in APA format. Be sure to cite the assessments that you took, and any readings that are applicable).

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies through corresponding scoring guide criteria:
Competency 1: Analyze the strengths and behaviors of successful leaders.
Analyze personal leadership strengths.
Develop a personal leadership statement that includes purpose and values as a leader.
Competency 2: Apply leadership strengths and behaviors to workplace situations.

Describe how you use your strengths in the workplace or plan to in the future and how you will develop your weaknesses to become strengths.

solved COMPLETE: Unit 05 Group Discussion: “My Editing Plan for Peer’s

COMPLETE: Unit 05 Group Discussion: “My Editing Plan for Peer’s Movie in Three Scenes” – Group Discussion 8
Please read through these directions carefullyThere are two parts to this unit’s Group Discussion:Your Initial Discussion Post “My Editing Plan for Peer’s Movie in Three Scenes” (target 300-400). Comment/Reaction “My Sound Design” (target 300-400 words). PART ONE: Initial Discussion Post “My Editing Plan for Peer’s Movie in Three Scenes (target 300-400 words)No, we haven’t finished editing, yet….Objective:We’re realizing that for the majority of movie’s developed and produced, motion picture making is a collaborative art form. You will be collaborating with one of your peers by developing and proposing an editing plan for their “My Movie in Three Scenes” proposal posted in our Unit 03 Group Discussion forum.We will be using Unit 05 My Movie Logs #1 and #2 to help the development process. You will use Unit 05 My Movie Log #1 to select/reserve the peer’s proposal you’ll develop, and Unit 05 My Movie Log #2 to develop the editing plan for your peer’s project.You’ll post the final Editing Plan for your peer’s “My Movie in Three Scenes” proposal in this “Unit 05 My Editing Plan for Peer’s Movie in Three Scenes” forum. Procedure:Select/Reserve your Peer’s “My Movie in Three Scenes” proposal. The procedures are presented in Unit 05 My Movie Log #1. Be sure to follow the Log’s guidelines and #1-4 step process to successfully reserve your Peer’s proposal. You are required to select a peer who hasn’t received the required Reservation/Claim. You cannot select your own “My Movie in Three Scenes” proposal. Develop and propose your Editing Plan for your peer’s story: your approach to how you believe your peer’s short film should be edited. This is a written proposal, no media images required. (target 300-400 words; no penalty for going over, but keep your work close to the target)Consider carefully the five (5) responsibilities of the editor as you read and evaluate your peer’s proposal, and approach and develop your editing plan. You can compose the Editing Plan in any written format as long as all of the following are clearly and specifically included:How the film will begin (e.g. “we fade in slowly…”) and end (e.g. “fast fade out)The specific transitions (e.g. dissolves, cuts) between the three key scenes.Include at least one Match Cut (these are explored in Chapter 08 reading and in the RocketJump Film School video “Cuts and Transitions 101” available in Unit 04). Specify and describe the Match Cut.This is a story told in three scenes. Focus your plan on the transitions between the key scenes (as presented by your peer). This is a proposal for the editing, not cinematography. Don’t propose how to shoot the film. Focus on the editing, specifically the transitions.Briefly but clearly justify your choices.Value the intention and vision of your peer based on their presentation.Important, Important, Important: Post your Editing Plan with a title/subject with your peer’s name “My Editing Plan for… your peer’s name.” e.g. “My Editing Plan for Steven Spielberg”. Post your Editing Plan in our Unit 05 Group Discussion forum “My Editing Plan for Peer’s Movie in Three Scenes.”What if you post your comment at the same time as someone else? This is not an option for this Group Discussion. If everyone follows the guidelines and procedures in My Movie Log #1, every posted “My Movie in Three Scenes” proposal should have a peer attached to it. First come, first served. (target 300-400 words; no penalty for going over, but keep your work close to the target)Part 2: Reflection/Comment “My Sound Design” (target 300 words)Your Reflection/Comment focuses on your My Movie in Three Scenes, and is composed of three (3) sections.#1 Respond to Peer’s Editing PlanFind the Editing Plan a Peer developed for your “My Movie in Three Scenes” proposal.Read through your peer’s proposal.Comment/Reply to your peer with the following:Thank your peer for putting together the plan.Ask any questions about anything you need clarification about.And you’ll propose a two-part approach to sound in your “My Movie in Three Scenes” proposal.#2 Sound Design — Functions of SoundConsider the seven functions of sound explored in your reading and in this unit’s lectures. Specify one of the functions of sound and suggest how specific sounds in your film can be used to serve the function. #3 Sound Design — Sources of SoundIn this unit on sound, we are learning about the sources of sound (i.e. where the sound is coming from) in the shot/sequence of analysis. The three sources of sound we are using:Diegetic/nondiegetic soundsOn-screen/offscreen soundsInternal/external soundsDescribe specific sounds you’re planning for your proposal that would illustrate each of the three sources (one paragraph per source).Using the first source (diegetic/nondiegetic) for example, specify sounds that would be categorized as diegetic sound and briefly justify how they would serve your movie story. And specify possible nondiegetic sounds with a brief justification of how they would serve your movie story. You will do this for each of the three sources. If you decide not to use one of the pair within a source (e.g. you didn’t want to use nondiegetic sounds), briefly justify your choice.Target: 300-400 words total; no penalty for going over; but, keep your work close to the target.

solved 4 items, with responses ranging 2–3 paragraphs in lengthEV4003: Program

4 items, with responses ranging 2–3 paragraphs in lengthEV4003: Program Evaluation Standards – Assess program evaluation criteria to meet standards. Written Response Submission Form Your Name: First and last Your E-Mail Address: Your email here Instructions Write your responses where it reads “Enter your response here.” Write as much as needed to satisfy the requirements indicated. Each item contains the Rubric, which will be used to evaluate your responses. Item 1 In your own words, explain the function of the CDC’s program evaluation standards. Explain why the program evaluation standards are important to address when performing program evaluations. Your Response Enter your response here. Rubric 0 Not Present 1 Needs Improvement 2 Meets Expectations Module 1: Defining Standards for Evaluation In your own words, explain the function of the CDC’s program evaluation standards. LO1.1: Analyze the function of program evaluation standards. Response is not present. Response includes an explanation that is inaccurate or incomplete. Response accurately and completely explains the function of program evaluation standards. Explain why the program evaluation standards are important to address when performing program evaluations. LO1.2: Analyze the importance of program evaluation standards Response is not present. Response includes an explanation that is inaccurate or incomplete. Response accurately and completely explains the importance of program evaluation standards. Item 2 Consider the program evaluation standards that are classified in the group of utility standards. The full list is found at: Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation. (n.d.). Program evaluation standards statements. Retrieved April 1, 2019, from Explain which areas of your program evaluation meet which utility standards. (2–3 paragraphs) Your Response Enter your response here. Rubric 0 Not Present 1 Needs Improvement 2 Meets Expectations Module 2: Applying Standards of Evaluation Explain which areas of your program evaluation meet which utility standards. LO2.1: Apply utility standards to program evaluation. Response is not present. Response includes a description that is inaccurate or incomplete. Response includes an accurate and complete description of the utility standards that are applicable to the program evaluation. Item 3 Consider the program evaluation standards that are classified in the group of feasibility standards. The full list is found at: Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation. (n.d.). Program evaluation standards statements. Retrieved April 1, 2019, from Explain which areas of your program evaluation meet which feasibility standards. (2–3 paragraphs) Your Response Enter your response here. Rubric 0 Not Present 1 Needs Improvement 2 Meets Expectations Module 2: Applying Standards of Evaluation Explain which areas of your program evaluation meet which feasibility standards. LO2.2: Apply feasibility standards to program evaluation. Response is not present. Response includes a description that is inaccurate or incomplete. Response includes an accurate and complete description of the feasibility standards that are applicable to the program evaluation. Item 4 Consider the program evaluation standards that are classified in the group of propriety standards. The full list is found at: Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation. (n.d.). Program evaluation standards statements. Retrieved April 1, 2019, from Explain which areas of your program evaluation meet which propriety standards. (2–3 paragraphs) Your Response Enter your response here. Rubric 0 Not Present 1 Needs Improvement 2 Meets Expectations Module 2: Applying Standards of Evaluation Explain which areas of your program evaluation meet which propriety standards. LO2.3: Apply propriety standards to program evaluation. Response is not present. Response includes a description that is inaccurate or incomplete. Response includes an accurate and complete description of the propriety standards that are applicable to the program evaluation. Item 5 Consider the program evaluation standards that are classified in the group of accuracy standards. The full list is found at: Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation. (n.d.). Program evaluation standards statements. Retrieved April 1, 2019, from Explain which areas of your program evaluation meet which accuracy standards. (2–3 paragraphs) Your Response Enter your response here. Rubric 0 Not Present 1 Needs Improvement 2 Meets Expectations Module 2: Applying Standards of Evaluation Explain which areas of your program evaluation meet which accuracy standards. LO2.4: Apply accuracy standards to program evaluation. Response is not present. Response includes a description that is inaccurate or incomplete. Response includes an accurate and complete description of the accuracy standards that are applicable to the program evaluation. 4 items, with responses ranging 2–3 paragraphs in length

solved Interview with Family Member about Class Background and Social Mobility

Interview with Family Member about Class Background and Social Mobility
Instructions:  Select an adult with whom you grew up to interview.  If no such adult is available, ask another family member or a family friend.  If that is not possible, speak with your GE to figure out an alternative plan.
Ask the individual if they would be willing to do an interview with you that focuses on their education and employment, as well as the education and employment experiences of their parents (we are trying to get a picture of socioeconomic status (SES) across generations).  Tell them that it will take 30-45 minutes, and that ideally you would like to record the interview for future analysis.  If they don’t want it recorded, make sure that you can take lots of notes during the interview.  DO NOT ASSUME YOU WILL REMEMBER.  Even if you think you know the answers to the questions below, ask them anyway (you can explain to whomever you interview that this is a way for you to practice an interview and get the respondent to tell their story).
Find a quiet place and time to do the interview.  Record the interview on your phone, or your computer.  You can use a free recording app that also transcribes: (Links to an external site.)
Ask the following interview questions (feel free to follow other topics that might come up in the interview, too).
Interview Protocol:  (Below, “you” means the person you are interviewing)
Tell me a little about your experiences growing up—how many adults were there in your household, who were the adults you grew up with, and did you have siblings?  If so, how many, and what was the age span of the kids?
What was the educational attainment of the adult(s) who raised you?
What kind of work did they do when you were growing up?  Was your family financially comfortable?  Describe the economic circumstances of your upbringing. Did these circumstances change over time, if so how and why?
What level of education did you expect to attain when you were growing up?  Where did these expectations come from?  What level did you actually attain?
What kind of work did you imagine for yourself as you were growing up?
Tell me about your own work history?  What jobs have you held since you were a young adult? Ask the following probing questions to get a sense of job quality:
Did the job(s) pay well (minimum wage, higher than minimum wage, etc;); did the job(s) have health and retirement benefits; were the hours and schedules stable; could you support your family in these jobs; did you like the job(s)?
If they changed jobs a lot, probe: what were the motivations for the job transitions and what did the job changes mean for them and their family—were they ever fired, laid off, were there ever periods of unemployment, how did they and the family manage during these times?
If they didn’t experience job changes, ask whether the job stability was a choice and what it has meant in their life.
How has your employment affected your family life?
Did you have employment aspirations you have not been able to fulfill?  How do you understand this, or put another way what have the obstacles been?  What would have had to be different for you to achieve those aspirations?
What were your aspirations for your kids (if the person has kids, especially if you are interviewing your own parent)?
Finally, if you were asked what your class background is, what do you think you would say and why?
After conducting the interview, listen to it again and think about the concepts we have been using to understand class inequality and social mobility.  Take notes, and if there are key quotes you would like to include in your essay, transcribe them verbatim (don’t include large portions of the interview in your paper, just a few brief quotes).
Write a 4 page essay (12 point font, 1 inch margins, double spaced) about intergenerational class location and class mobility (as far as you can understand it from this brief interview).  What kinds of jobs have people done across the generations, has there been much change in education and the type of work done?  Would you classify these as “good jobs,” and why or why not?  What motivated the job changes within the generations, if there have been any?  Given the information you have from this interview, would you say there has been class mobility across the generations?  If you want to include your own college attendance in the analysis of intergenerational class location, feel free to discuss that at the end of your analysis.
Concepts that might be relevant: socioeconomic status, poverty, income/wealth, individual and structural explanations, life chances, meritocracy, social mobility, and the changing structure of the economy over the last 40 years: how inequality has been increasing in that time despite the growth in the economy overall, the decline in the quality of US jobs due to deindustrialization and globalization, the bifurcation of the economy into a large service-heavy job sector and a small segment of stable unionized jobs or white-collar jobs, and a slightly more substantial sector of stable, well-paying professional jobs at the top.

solved M6 – GM Micro-Challenge: Export PriceYour manager’s memo to you

M6 – GM Micro-Challenge: Export PriceYour manager’s memo to you is below. In it your manager is giving you tasks to address regarding international trade. You are not expected to be an expert, just willing and able to use the resources available to develop an accurate response.Your memo should start with an introduction that reminds the manager what s/he requested you to do. Next, overview the information your manager can expect to find in your memo. After that, respond to each topic you were requested to address in sequence. For each topic, your response should clearly state the question(s) you understood you were to address. Then give a written response to the question that summarizes the source information. Your written response should then be supported with (1) an image that shows the specific source information you used, and (2) a weblink to that source in case your manager wants to seek out additional information. Note: An image does not replace your written response, it only shows the source information used. Finally, you may choose to provide a conclusion to your memo.Images may be screen clipped to include them. That image should show the name of YOUR COUNTRY/YOUR STATE.To: YouFrom: Your ManagerDate: Sept 12, 2021Subject: Export PriceNow that shipping details have been considered, clients need some additional information to estimate landed cost for export pricing purposes. They have contacted your company for help.Consider each subject, examine sources, and provide a brief response. Screen clip and include an image of your source material. That image should show the name of YOUR COUNTRY/YOUR STATE and the exact information that supports your response. If you cannot find the exact information, use a port very close by to get a rough idea.Note: Use highlights to indicate key information.Some potential sources you might find helpful are provided.1. Collect the specific information needed to estimate the export price or “landed” cost for their product – roasted, decaffeinated instant coffee (in bulk) – which is to be exported from YOUR STATE in the US to YOUR COUNTRY. To estimate landed cost for pricing purposes, the company will need the information below. This video on how to determine total export price HERE (Links to an external site.) will help.A. Determine the US’ 6-Digit HS Code for that product. (The Schedule B Search Engine is HERE (Links to an external site.).)B. Determine the tariff category used for imports into YOUR COUNTRY from the US (“General Rate,” “Most Favored Nation” (MFN) Rate, OR “United States of America Rate”). MFN rates apply to WTO members. A list of WTO members can be found HERE (Links to an external site.). A list of countries with Free Trade Agreements with the US which would have a special rate is HERE (Links to an external site.).C. The US company will be shipping a 40′ standard Full Load Container (FCL) of the product to YOUR COUNTRY. Invoice value of the shipment is $20,000. Insurance is 10% of invoice value.2. Estimate the market rate for ocean freight from YOUR STATE to YOUR COUNTRY in US dollars.A. Using the two relevant maritime ports and the containerized shipping option, get the current market rate estimate in dollars between these two ports. Use the higher end of the range for your calculations. (Use the Freight Calculator tool available at World Freight Rates HERE (Links to an external site.))3. Calculate CIF. Show all your calculations.4. Determine tariffs and taxes.A. Based on the tariff category, determine the tariff percentage and calculate the duty that would be associated with these imported products. Access the US Country Commercial Guide for YOUR COUNTRY HERE (Links to an external site.) and look under the “Customs, Regulations & Standards” tab for Import Tariffs. Use the average tariff rate and calculate it (CIF).B. Determine the value-added tax (VAT). Access the US Country Commercial Guide for YOUR COUNTRY HERE (Links to an external site.) and look under the “Customs, Regulations & Standards” tab for Import Tariffs or Customs Regulations to get the value-added tax (VAT). You may have to connect to a national website but many have a translation option. Use the average rate and calculate it (CIF+duty amount).5. Estimate the landed cost. Show your calculations. This video on how to determine total export price HERE (Links to an external site.) will help.6. What are the import requirements needed for YOUR COUNTRY? Provide a list of the import documents needed for YOUR COUNTRY?A. Access the US Country Commercial Guide for YOUR COUNTRY HERE and look under the “Customs, Regulations & Standards” tab for Import Requirements and Documentation.7. Is there a customs broker that has an office in YOUR COUNTRY?A. Visit the website of two customs brokers with offices in YOUR COUNTRY. Private companies are desired. Detail the services that each company provides. Provide contact information for each.Please:Include one in-text citation for every body paragraphNo plagiarism & No Course HeroUse scholarly sources published within the last five years, so between 2017-2021My assigned state is Illinois and my assigned country is PortugalRequirements: Answers just have to be answered correctly. For every piece of information you use, you have to include a screen clip and source below the piece of information in Times New Roman Size 12 Font Double-Spaced APA Format. | .doc file

solved Graduate Programs Discussion Boards Discussion Boards (DB) are a key

Graduate Programs Discussion Boards
Discussion Boards (DB) are a key component of online learning. They foster active participation of learners and dialog with fellow learners and instructors. Graduate-level courses require learners to create original posts to course DBs and to engage in dialogue by responding to posts created by others throughout the course. Original posts and responses should be substantive, and if references are made to the works of others, APA guidelines for in-text citations and references apply.
Minimum Weekly DB Expectations
Post an original and thoughtful Main Post to the DB prompt.
Respond to at least 2 other posts from learners and/or the instructor (Response Posts).
The first contribution (Main Post or Response Post) must be posted before midnight (Central time) on Friday of each week.
Two additional responses are required after Friday of each week.
For DB assignment prompts with a Part One and Part Two, Part One should be addressed in the first week of the unit with a Main Post and minimum of 2 Response Posts, and Part Two should be addressed in the second week of the unit with a Main Post and a minimum of 2 Response Posts.

More on DBs

At the end of each unit, DB participation is assessed based on level of engagement and the quality of the contribution to the discussion. DBs allow learners to learn through sharing ideas and experiences as they relate to course content. Because it is not possible to engage in two-way dialogue after a conversation has ended, no posts to the DB are accepted after the end of the unit. Learners must demonstrate an appropriate depth of understanding of course content to receive credit for having submitted substantive posts. Typically, this is achieved with 3–4 strong paragraphs for Main Posts and 2–3 strong paragraphs for Response Posts.

Learners are highly encouraged to engage on the Discussion Board early and often, as that is the primary way the university tracks class attendance and participation. The purpose of the Discussion Board is to allow learners to learn through sharing ideas and experiences as they relate to course content and the DB question. Because it is not possible to engage in 2-way dialogue after a conversation has ended, no posts to the DB will be accepted after the end of each unit.

Deliverable Specifics

Part 1

During the final course in your M.Ed. program, you will be required to complete a Capstone project, which will serve as a summative assessment for your degree program. This project will demonstrate the learning and skills you have acquired throughout the program. The topic of your Capstone project must be applicable to your specialization and will require a foundation in current research relevant to your specialization.

For your Main Post, compile a list of potential research topics related to your specialization. Then, discuss the approach you will take to complete a rigorous summative assessment project. How will you organize your time completing this project within 10 weeks (in addition to your other personal, professional, and academic responsibilities)?
For your Response Posts, review your classmates’ topics and project plans and provide constructive feedback and suggestions.

Part 2
An important part of beginning a research project is being able to review literature and analyze the implications of already completed research methods, data, and findings. Therefore, researchers must have a solid foundational mastery of differences between research methods, data collection, and reporting. For this Discussion Board, discuss the differences between quantitative and qualitative research. Specifically, you should complete the following:
Give a definition of a hypothesis and a null hypothesis, and identify the method of research that uses a hypothesis. 
Discuss what you believe are the key elements of a well-written set of hypotheses. Support your opinion with appropriate peer-reviewed sources other than the textbook. 
Give a definition of a research question or problem, and identify the method of research that traditionally uses a research question or problem. 
Discuss what you believe are the key elements of a well-written research question or problem. 
Support your opinion with appropriate peer-reviewed sources (other than the textbook). 
Discuss how selecting a sample to study differs between quantitative and qualitative methods. 
Describe 2 data collection instruments, and determine whether the instrument will be used to collect quantitative or qualitative data. 
Explain how analysis of quantitative data differs from analysis of qualitative data.
Read the posts of your classmates, and respond with constructive feedback, suggestions, questions, and additional resources as appropriate and in alignment with the AIU Discussion Board Policy. You will be graded using the Grading Rubric below. 
In your own words, post a substantive response to the Discussion Board question(s) and comment on other postings. Your response should address the DB question(s) and move the conversation forward. You will be graded on the quality of your postings, including mastery of the concept as well as critical thinking. If asked for your opinion, do not simply state that it is a good or bad idea; elaborate on your reasons and argument. Include enough detail to substantiate your thinking as well as your position on the questions or comments