solved The Prompt:Â Respond to the following prompt(s) for your discussion

The Prompt: 
Respond to the following prompt(s) for your discussion forum post:

Explain why consistency is important for young children.
Explain how schedules support positive behavior.
Explain how early childhood professionals can create consistent, predictable routines for young children.
Define transitions and explain how early childhood professionals can help young children handle transitions.


PowerPoint Presentations
Websites and Video located in the “Additional Resources” section of the Module
Additional research conducted by the student using credible sources

by Eric Morrison
Number of replies: 1
1. Consistency is very important for young children because it guides their behavior by essentially showing them the typical limits and maintaining the unmost trust in the caregivers.Children mainly benefit from repeated exposure to inconsistent relationships, interactions, and various environments, which helps strengthen connections found in the brain. For instance, consistent relationships between young children and their parents help them to develop emotional security, secure attachments, and trust. Therefore, these crucial factors make children feel more relaxed, make good decisions, be open to learning new things in life and help them to know how to manage their behaviors.
2. Schedules support positive behavior among young children by particularly influencing their social, emotional, and cognitive development,which enables them to feel secure and understand their expectations both at home and school. Schedules fundamentally promote a recognizable difference in the behavior of kids in a wide range of environments. This is because it enables them to know the upcoming event and what is expected of them from assignments given by the caregiver.
3. Early childhood professionals can create consistent and predictable routines for young children by having an appropriate plan based on their ages. The ability of kids to adjust to various routines in class and at home differ in their ages; therefore, a well-planned schedule routine can significantly promote positive behaviors by attaining children’s basic needs such as eating, sleeping, quiet time alone, and active play with others. Childhood professionals should balance the quiet and active times by having a daily schedule that will enable kids to slow down their energy and rest. With consistent times that balance groups’ interaction and activities, children are able to pace themselves, know the importance of friendships, and respect their personal needs.

4. Transitions are different situations regarding significant changes in which young children are forced to move from stage to stage and adapt to the new environment. In this time of transformation, children meet new peers and earn novel responsibilities like listening to their teachers attentively. However, early childhood practitioners can help children handle these transitions by considering communication and correspondence evaluation with new parents when developing the transition policy and procedures. The process of upholding familiar routines such as mark marking, paintings, and circle talk can reduce anxiety in children and allow them to express their emotions. They can also support children by observing their behavioral changes, which making friendships and having different areas of interest.
SECOND PERSON TO RESPOND TO:by Elin ShearinNumber of replies: 1
Consistency is important for young children for many reasons. One of the reasons that consistency is important is it provides a reliable and predictable flow of events. It also meets a child’s need for food, rest, and activity. Finally, it helps children develop self-control. Without consistency, children will not react to things well and will begin to act out and/or have a tantrum.
According to our textbook, schedules are vitally important for a DAP environment. Children have their own pace and will resist being hurried. With scheduling, that pace is respected and children will not react negatively. One way to make sure the schedule is DAP is to have child-directed activities. Since every child has a different pace, child-directed activities allow for the children to work and play at their own pace.
Childhood professionals can create consistent and predictable routines for young children by giving them time to adjust gradually and learn new ways of doing things. Consistent and predictable routines help children accept and gradually adapt to community standards. Childhood professionals can also create consistent and predictable routines by making sure young children understand what is expected. Our textbook says that “The important thing is that the child keeps moving in the right direction.” By providing them with consistency and predictability, they will eventually achieve this goal.
Transitions are defined as phases in daily activities in which a child must give up or leave one activity and begin another activity. Childhood professionals can help young children handle transitions by paying close attention to transition periods. Childhood professionals should make sure to have excellent planning in place. They should also make sure that they are organized and that they are upbeat and optimistic. Also, if childhood professionals prepare young children for an upcoming transition, things will go smoother.

solved DirectionsResearch and discuss how the pandemic and resulting economy has

DirectionsResearch and discuss how the pandemic and resulting economy has effected home foreclosures and evictions.What if anything are federal, state, and local governments doing to address this?What is your opinion on these actions or inactions? Cite your sources.Submission RequirementsInitial Post150-200 wordsinclude citations if applicablePeer Response must be substantive and should be at least 100 wordsNote that substantive peer responses must expand on the discussion and contribute to the conversation. “Good job” and “I agree” are not substantive peer responses. Examples of substantive peer responses include highlighting and expanding on a specific point, asking thoughtful questions that extend the conversation, or presenting an opposing perspective.include citations if applicableStudent 1Research and discuss how the pandemic and resulting economy have affected home foreclosures and evictions.The Pandemic has ad two major effects on us. It substantially affected our economy and our health. Both are so important to making sure all U.S citizens are at least making it through the pandemic. People are losing their jobs, health insurance, and, having to make sacrifices they never planned on. In a pandemic that is mainly being contained within residences, it is very scary for those that cannot make their housing payments. What if anything is federal, state, and local governments doing to address this?Currently, there is an eviction freeze. From 09/2020 to 06/2021 there will be a federal freeze on evictions for those that meet basic criteria. However, all states are not abiding by the federal moratorium. KC Tenants, an organization, even went to court at the end of last year in an effort to encourage Johnson County to uphold the federal ruling. Also, Those who have government-backed home loans can request a payment forbearance or a halt on payments. Many other assistance programs will offer rental assistance for those that qualify. What is your opinion on these actions or inactions? Cite your sources. I would like to see more help for small residential landlords. If they’re not getting rent payments, they could lose their house too. Additionally, the freeze is great for now but eventually, the country won’t be able to hold off on evictions anymore. A lot of this is just delaying the problem, there should be safeguards in place to help further subsidize housing for the next year or two. Otherwise, everyone is going to be evicted at once with nowhere to go.Reference:Conlin, M. (2021, February 08). ‘This is Not justice.’ TENANT activists upend U.S. eviction courts. Retrieved April 19, 2021, from…Reckford, J. (2020, December 21). The next coronavirus front: Evictions and foreclosures. Retrieved April 19, 2021, from…Initial Response: Student 2Class,Research and discuss how the pandemic and resulting economy have affected home foreclosures and evictions.The pandemic has impacted the U.S. and affected the spectrum of renters to landlords, ultimately raising tension and fear on behalf of both parties. Annie Nova from CNBC stated that “landlord groups have opposed the eviction ban, saying the pandemic has gone on for more than a year now and that they cannot continue housing tenants for free and allowing them to rack up arrears”(Nova, 2021). Nova follows up about a Tennent named Mathew Turner, who was laid off from work in October and is currently sleeping on his floor in Raleigh, North Carolina. Turner has seen many of “his neighbors get evicted despite the law”(Nova, 2021). Despite best efforts to combat evictions, “close to 5,200 evictions were filed in 5 states and 27 cities tracked by the Eviction LabLinks to an external site. despite the national moratorium on evictions for nonpayment of rent (Yentel, 2021).What if anything is federal, state, and local governments doing to address this?The article What it Will Take to Address the COVID-19 Evictions Crisis by Diane Yentel and Giridhar Mallya – a solution provided by “the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)”(Yentel, 2021), was a recent extension of the national eviction moratorium. The Eviction moratorium “would prevent tens of millions from losing their homes through June 30″(Yentel, 2021). The caveat to this program is that if the funds “aren’t distributed as they were designed to, the eviction crisis will intensify”(Yentel, 2021).What is your opinion on these actions or inactions? Even though the CDC has extended the national eviction moratorium, it does come at the expense of the landlords. Additionally, an individual might not be promised their previous income post-eviction moratorium, potentially leading to an eviction anyways. Efforts to stop evictions feel temporary – I am not supportive of hard dates for the eviction moratorium with no natural alternatives to support those in need on both sides of landlord and rentee. Resources:Nova, A. (2021, March 23). The national eviction ban is set to expire at the end of March. The CDC likely will extend it. CNBC. to an external site.Yentel, D. G. M. (2021, April 20). What it Will Take to Address the COVID-19 Eviction Crisis. RWJF.…

solved Answer T for true and F for false. Respond in

Answer T for true and F for false. Respond in “Red” ink.1. We are each born with a specific culture.2. According to the text, topography is an important consideration when establishing an international business.3. It is not important for managers to have any knowledge of international business.4. The text explains that there are four (4) drivers that push companies to create an international business.5. Mountains do not tend to separate neighbors or impede exchange and interaction in business trade.6. The text defines international business as business that is carried out across national borders. This definition includes not only international trade and foreign manufacturing but also the growing service industry in areas such as transportation, tourism, advertising, consulting, construction, retailing, wholesaling, and mass communications.7. If a country has strict and tight accounting rules, it suggests that the culture has a low level of trust.8. When working with different cultures, gift giving is construed as a simple kindness and not a reflection of intent.9. Life cycle assessment and cradle-to-cradle design are two frameworks to think about sustainability.10. The theory of comparative advantage, both countries may have an absolute advantage over one another.11. Some countries use sanctions to effect or force change.12. The domestic environment is all the uncontrollable forces originating in the home country that surround and influence the life and development of the firm.13. Using wind as a power source is considered a renewable energy source.14. According to figure 2.2, the major trading partners of the United States. The top 10 accounted for 80% of total U.S. exports and 20% of total U. S. imports in 2017.15. Nonrenewable energy sources are energy sources that are replenished.Select the best response:16. If you supported mercantilism, you would agree to:a. Accumulation of precious metals is an activity essential to a nation’s welfare.b. Industrial development is the primary source of a nation’s wealth.c. Trade policies that generally benefitted consumers and emerging industrialists should be promoted.d. More than one nation can maintain a comparative advantage.17. Environmental sustainability is global and local because:a. It is a political issue as well as an academic one.b. Business has become global, so sustainability must follow the trend.c. Governments are not prepared to address environmental issues beyond the UN.d. Environmental conditions do not recognize national borders.18. This suggestion was made by E.T. Hall to do in order tolearn another culture:a. Considerable amount of money and time to take guided tours in the other culture.b. Spend a lifetime in the other culture.c. Time studying the language of the other culture.d. Considerable time with people in your culture.19. Firms operating across borders deal with three kinds of environments:a. Stereotypical, multicultural, foreignb. None are listedc. Geographic, political, economicd. Initial, secondary, primary20. Mountains with nations that divide the into smaller areas include:a. Canada, the United States, and Estonia.b. Switzerland, Afghanistan, China, and Colombiac. Luxembourg, France, and Romaniad. None of the above.21. American goods exported to three largest markets in 2017 were:a. Japan, the United Kingdon, and Chinab. China, Mexico, and the United Statesc. Canada, Japan, and Indiad. Mexico, Canada, and China22. Geographical proximity contributes to:a. Limited knowledge of the country by its neighbors.b. Standardized freight costs.c. The likelihood of trade relationships.d. Distrust and contempt.23. The text states that the stability of government has to do with:a. Policies that are permanent or change gradually.b. Democratic processes and free elections.c. A commitment to military strength.d. Leadership that listens to citizens and responds to their needs.24. When you consider world trade, it mostly consists of exchanges:a. Among non-bordering countriesb. Between geographic regionsc. Between state-owned enterprisesd. Within geographic regions25. A measure that government utilizes to extract money from other businesses is:a. They would privatize businessesb. They would enact isolationismc. They would nationalize businessesd. None of the aboveCritical Thinking Questions: List the reference page number from the course required textbook. Do not exceed 400 words in your responses.26. Your company has a policy of no gift giving or accepting. You are representing the company in negotiations in China for design of a multi-phased manufacturing facility. Discuss the role of gift giving you might expect in a culture such as China and how you plan to approach the issue.27. Should we be investing in new technologies to access oil and other fossil fuels, or should all our efforts go toward facing the inevitable decline of the fossil fuels? Explain your reasoning.28. “Sending service jobs to low-cost nations such as India, is good for America.” What are the arguments in support of such an assertion? Under what circumstances might such an assertion be viewed as false?29. Describe how cultural learning programs, such as those advocated by E. T. Hall, can benefit international business managers.30. Identify and discuss the major kinds of drivers listed in the text that are leading international firms to the globalization of their operations.

solved As a researcher, you have to consider multiple factors when

As a researcher, you have to consider multiple factors when formulating a research question or hypothesis. Through your clinical rotation, you have been able to observe current interventions or procedures that may differ from what you have read in your textbooks or are being taught in this program. This is a dilemma because of the time it takes to translate research into practice. In pratcie, you might have likely developed clinical questions comparing the effectiveness or usefulness of certain interventions/treatments to another or the gold standard. Think of a time during your most recent clinical and your knowledge about research question and hypothesis from the assigned chapters. Respond to both by answering the questions that follow:Formulate a research question on (for example) handwashing, patient turning or prevention of the spread of COVID-19.Identify how a researcher will test these questionsState the research question as a hypothesisAs a researcher, what testable criteria will you consider for this hypotheses? use citation from your book. For part 2 of this assignment you should provide a substantive response to 2 of your peers’ post.first person to respond to ……………..1)
Sample PICOT research question.
For immobilized patients, does
turning the patient in an average hospital bed decrease pressure ulcers when
compared to using an air fluidized therapy bed in a span of 30 days?
A researcher, according to LoBiondo-Wood &
Haber, 2018, could test this PICOT
question by having the right equipment, participants, time, and evaluators. The
researcher would need to have at a minimum an average hospital bed, an air
fluidized therapy bed, around 30 patients in total with pressure ulcers, some evaluators
to check on the size of the pressure ulcers and 30 days. The researcher would
also need to make sure the pressure ulcers were measured accurately before the
experiment started. The data could be altered if the patients had different
medications and therapies (LoBiondo-Wood & Haber, 2018).
Research question as a hypothesis
If patients use an air fluidized therapy
bed instead of using an average hospital bed, then that would decrease pressure
ulcers for them.
As a researcher, there are some testable
criteria I would consider for this hypothesis. According to LoBiondo-Wood &
Haber, 2018, one is to make sure that the results can either be proved to be
true or false. It is ok if the hypothesis is not right, or the results are not
favorable. The hypothesis and/or the study can change at a different time.
Another testable criteria would be to make sure that someone else can repeat
the study and get the same results. The study is like a recipe. If one
ingredient is changed, then the dish is changed. Same idea applies here. If one
step is changed, then the data will also be changed. Also, the study should be
ethical and be consistent with current data and research of that topic (LoBiondo-Wood
& Haber, 2018).
LoBiondo-Wood, G., & Haber, J. (2018). Nursing research: Methods and
critical appraisal for evidence-based
practice (9th ed.). Elsevier.second person to respond to……………..Formulate a research question on (for example) handwashing, patient turning or prevention of the spread of COVID-19. Research question:What is the most effective way of preventing an immobile patient from skin break down? Patient
turning and repositioning- Pressure injuries continues to impact and
estimated 2.5 million patient each year in the United States. While some
of these pressure injures are avoidable, most can be prevented and an
effective way to prevent a pressure injury is by moving , turning and
changing position frequently. The current accepted guide line for care
is to turn patients every two hours. The frequency of turns should be
individualized by patients. (shield healthcare, 2015). Identify how a researcher will test these questions Resent
research has describe cueing innovations to ensure consistent care
delivery in turning and reposition of patients. (Roberts et al., 2016)State the research question as a hypothesis Turning our patients every 2hours or every so often to avoid skin breakdown.As a researcher, what testable criteria will you consider for this hypotheses? researchers
found that older adults turned every 2 to 3 hours had fewer ulcers.
This landmark nursing study created the gold standard of turning
patients at least every 2 hours. Some researchers would suggest that
critically ill patients should be turned more often. (Lyder,2020) References: Roberts, S., McInnes, E., Wallis, M., Bucknall, T., Banks, M., & Chaboyer, W. (2016, November 21). Nurses’ perceptions of a pressure ulcer prevention care bundle: a qualitative descriptive study. BMC nursing. Repositioning Patients to Prevent Pressure Injuries. Shield HealthCare. (2020, March 6). Lyder, C. H. (July, 2020.). Pressure Ulcers: A Patient Safety Issue. Patient Safety and Quality: An Evidence-Based Handbook for Nurses. (UK), N. C. G. C. (August, 2016.). Repositioning. The Prevention and Management of Pressure Ulcers in Primary and Secondary Care.

solved I’m studying for my Management class and don’t understand how

I’m studying for my Management class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

McRoy Aerospace was a highly profitable company building cargo planes and refueling tankers for the armed forces. It had been doing this for more than fifty years and was highly successful. But because of a downturn in the government’s spending on these types of planes, McRoy decided to enter the commercial aviation aircraft business, specifically wide-body planes that would seat up to 400 passengers, and compete head on with Boeing and Airbus Industries. During the design phase, McRoy found that the majority of the commercial airlines would consider purchasing its plane provided that the costs were lower than the other aircraft manufacturers. While the actual purchase price of the plane was a consideration for the buyers, the greater interest was in the life-cycle cost of maintaining the operational readiness of the aircraft, specifically the maintenance costs.  Operations and support costs were a considerable expense and maintenance requirements were regulated by the government for safety reasons. The airlines make money when the planes are in the air rather than sitting in a maintenance hangar. Each maintenance depot maintained an inventory of spare parts so that, if a part did not function properly, the part could be removed and replaced with a new part. The damaged part would be sent to the manufacturer for repairs or replacement. Inventory costs could be significant but were considered a necessary expense to keep the planes flying. One of the issues facing McRoy was the mechanisms for the eight doors on the aircraft. Each pair of doors had their own mechanisms which appeared to be restricted by their location in the plane. If McRoy could come up with a single design mechanism for all four pairs of doors, it would significantly lower the inventory costs for the airlines as well as the necessity to train mechanics on one set of mechanisms rather than four. On the cargo planes and refueling tankers, each pair of doors had a unique mechanism. For commercial aircrafts, finding one design for all doors would be challenging.  Mark Wilson, One of the department managers at McRoy’s design center, assigned Jack, the best person he could think of to work on this extremely challenging project. If anyone could accomplish it, it was Jack. If Jack could not do it, Mark sincerely believed it could not be done.  The successful completion of this project would be seen as a value-added opportunity for McRoy’s customers and could make a tremendous difference from a cost and efficiency standpoint. McRoy would be seen as an industry leader in life-cycle costing, and this could make the difference in getting buyers to purchase commercial planes from McRoy Aerospace.  The project was to design an opening/closing mechanism that was the same for all of the doors. Until now, each door could have a different set of open/close mechanisms, which made the design, manufacturing, maintenance, and installation processes more complex, cumbersome, and costly.  Without a doubt, Jack was the best—and probably the only—person to make this happen even though the equipment engineers and designers all agreed that it could not be done. Mark put all of his cards on the table when he presented the challenge to Jack. He told him wholeheartedly that his only hope was for Jack to take on this project and explore it from every possible, out-ofthe-box angle he could think of. But Jack said right off the bat that this may not be possible. Mark was not happy hearing Jack say this right away, but he knew Jack would do his best. Jack spent two months looking at the problem and simply could not come up with the solution needed. Jack decided to inform Mark that a solution was not possible. Both Jack and Mark were disappointed that a solution could not be found.  “I know you’re the best, Jack,” stated Mark. “I can’t imagine anyone else even coming close to solving this critical problem. I know you put forth your best effort and the problem was just too much of a challenge. Thanks for trying. But if I had to choose one of your co-workers to take another look at this project, who might have even half a chance of making it happen? Who would you suggest? I just want to make sure that we have left no stone unturned,” he said rather glumly. Mark’s words caught Jack by surprise. Jack thought for a moment and you could practically see the wheels turning in his mind. Was Jack thinking about who could take this project on and waste more time trying to find a solution? No, Jack’s wheels were turning on the subject of the challenging problem itself. A glimmer of an idea whisked through his brain and he said, “Can you give me a few days to think about some things, Mark?” he asked pensively.  Mark had to keep the little glimmer of a smile from erupting full force on his face. “Sure, Jack,” he said. “Like I said before, if anyone can do it, it’s you. Take all the time you need.” A few weeks later, the problem was solved and Jack’s reputation rose to even higher heights than before.
Questions : 
1.What should Mark have done if Jack still was not able to resolve the problem? 
2.Would it make sense for Mark to assign this problem to someone else now, after Jack could not solve the problem the second time around ? 

solved Assessment 1 Instructions: Data and Statistics in Health CareCollect data

Assessment 1 Instructions: Data and Statistics in Health CareCollect data on a topic from the Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC) data repositories and write a two-page report that explains the statistics collected, potential users of the information, and other possible data sources.IntroductionStatistics can be used at any level within an organization or in the health care industry. Abilities to access health data resources and leverage data to improve patient care are commonly required health care workplace skills. In this assessment, you will explore how health care organizations use national and local statistics to improve the quality of patient care.Demonstration of ProficiencyBy successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria: Competency 1: Interpret health care data.Describe statistical information used in health care.Competency 2: Explain data resources used in health information management.Describe the users of statistical information in health care. Describe resources available for statistics in health care. Competency 4: Apply statistical strategies to analyze health care data. Describe uses of statistics in health information management. Competency 5: Communicate in a professional manner to support health care data analytics.Create a clear, well-organized, professional document that is generally free of errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.Follow APA style and formatting guidelines for references and citations. PreparationTo prepare for this assessment, complete these steps:Visit the data and statistics page of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website:Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (n.d.). Data & statistics. Retrieved from a topic under the heading Data & Statistics by Topic at the top of the page. For this assessment, you may select any topic that interests you. Keep in mind, however, that as a data analyst you will be given the required reporting topics.Explore the page for your selected topic and review the information presented under the different subheadings.InstructionsIn your role as a data analyst for Vila Health, your responsibilities include completing various monthly reports. For this particular report, you have been asked to collect data from the Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC) data repositories, which compile statistics on mortality, morbidity, birth rates, and other topics. For this assessment, you will write a report that explains the statistics you are collecting and using, the potential users of this information, and other possible data sources you might encounter as a data analyst. Write this report as if you were mentoring a new data analyst and explaining the need for these monthly reports. Your report must include all of these headings and address all sub-bullets following each heading:Statistical Information Used in Health Care. Describe statistical information used in health care, including examples found about your topic. Use of Statistics in Health Information Management.Describe the use of statistics in health information management, such as registries, hospital statistics, and vital statistics.Health Care Data Users.Describe several users of statistical data in health care.Statistical Resources Used in Health Care.Describe the statistical resources used for this assessment, as well as several others you have explored. Additional RequirementsAssessment length: Two double-spaced pages.Font: Times New Roman, 12 point.Writing: Create a clear, well-organized, and professional document that is generally free of errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.Resources: Introduction to StatisticsCapella University Health Care Administration Undergraduate Library Research Guide.Please consult this guide as needed to conduct independent research on course topics. This resource will direct you to scholarly, peer-reviewed, and authoritative resources.Horton, L. A. (2017). Calculating and reporting healthcare statistics (5th Rev. ed.). Chicago, IL: AHIMA Press. Available from the bookstore. Chapter 1, “Introduction to Healthcare Statistics,” pages 1–11.Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. (n.d.). Retrieved from Explore the resources on this website, including the Research, Statistics, Data, & Systems tab. Browse the links provided on this page; choose several of the available reports and review the data provided.United States Census Bureau. (n.d.). Retrieved from the Topics menu, select Income & Poverty, Health, and Families & Living Arrangements. Read the data about these topics. Resources: Types of StatisticsPRINTHorton, L. A. (2017). Calculating and reporting healthcare statistics (5th Rev. ed.). Chicago, IL: AHIMA Press. Available from the bookstore. Chapter 2, “Mathematics Review,” pages 13–30.Chapter 6, “Death (Mortality) Rates,” pages 91–120.Chapter 7, “Hospital Autopsies and Autopsy Rates,” pages 121–143.Chapter 8, “Morbidity and other Miscellaneous Rates,” pages 145–171.Lopez, A. D., AbouZahr, C., Shibuya, K., & Gollogly, L. (2007). Keeping count: Births, deaths, and causes of death. The Lancet, 370(9601), 1744–1746.This 2007 article remains relevant to understanding problems associated with data collection.

solved Watch the video The Hidden Story and then respond to

Watch the video The Hidden Story and then respond to the following.
In your first post:
a) With respect to the video:
Think about a time when someone showed you empathy for you. How did it make you feel?
How can a lack of empathy destroy loyalty?
In what kinds of situations is it important to show empathy?
b) Post responses critiquing two classmates’ solutions. Describe why you agree or disagree with their choices. Offer any suggestions about how this can create a change in the health care field.
Student 1:
Hello everyone,
I am a Coordinator for the Sterile Processing Department at one of Montana’s largest hospitals. I am in this program because our Supervisor is retiring within the next few years and has been preparing me to take over the department. While there is always the chance that someone else will get the job, I am trying to make myself the best possible candidate. My favorite class so far has definitely been Health Care Policy. While it did not apply directly to my career, I was able to focus my assignments on social justice issues that are important to me. I also think that this was an important class to push people’s comfort zones and expose them to perspectives different from their own. I already have an avatar and am not comfortable with posting other pictures of myself.
One of the best examples of someone being empathetic to me happened while I was in school for my Biology degree. I had recently been diagnosed as bipolar and was struggling in school. I didn’t pass a chemistry class that was a prerequisite for Comparative Anatomy and had to talk with my advisor (who happened to teach the anatomy class). He had been my professor for a previous class and knew that I was a hard worker. He asked me if everything was ok and when I explained my situation he said that he would allow me in the class as long as I gave him updates on how I was doing in chem. He also gave me some resources for tutoring and told me about Kahn Academy which helped me get an A in chem the second time around.
Apathy towards a person’s struggles damages loyalty by showing that you don’t respect them as a whole person. People exist outside of their jobs and everyone can have bad days or be struggling. I once worked at a restaurant where the owner would make you get your own shift covered if you were sick. You could literally be bedridden and have to call around until someone agreed to cover you. He absolutely did not care about your life outside of work and would make you feel guilty any time you asked for time off. Why would I want to be loyal to someone who only saw me as a way to make money?
I think it is important to show empathy in almost every situation, even when people are being unkind to you. While you should stand up for yourself in the moment you shouldn’t hold a single instance against someone. If it continues to be a pattern then you should think about whether they are someone you want to interact with. I draw the line at rascist, sexist, homophobic, etc behavior or anything physical. 
Student 2:
Hi Class,
I am a native here in Arizona, during my free time I like to travel and participate in outdoor activities. I also enjoy crafts, recently I have started to retrain myself to play the flute when I get a chance and spending time with my family, boyfriend or lounging about with our cat Bentley. At this time I currently work as a lab coordinator for an oncology/lyme disease medical center. After completing this program my plans are to gain more experience where I am and touching a little bit in each department where allowed and work my way up to management. As far as favorite class I currently don’t have one picked out, I have truly enjoyed them all so far.
A time when someone showed me empathy was when my uncle had passed away in a tragic accident. He and I were extremely close and I was heartbroken when I heard of his passing. My best friend had reached out to me once she had heard and was able to relate with me as she had recently lost a cousin whom she was close with as well. She was able to understand the the level of grief I was experiencing and it was nice to have someone who had been in that position as well. It made me feel peace in a way knowing that I could relate with her on that level and she truly understood how much I was hurting. It was nice to have a someone to talk to rather than just a “generic’ conversation about a loved ones passing.
The lack of empathy when it comes to loyalty can be dire to relationships. If someone in any kind of relationship is lacking empathy it can create issues such lack of understanding, respect, etc. It can make it hard for relationships to function on a mutual level, each person must be willing to give and take and with that loyalty can be achieved. If someone does not feel as if they are being understood or cared about in the sense of empathy it can create people to be pushed away and not feel like they can rely on said person and end up ruining a friendship, relationship, business relationship etc.
I feel that it is important to show empathy in any case as you never truly know what someone may be going through whether it be a patient, friend, spouse etc. Listening and understanding what they are expressing can one determine when it is appropriate to. It is never a good or bad time in my opinion to show empathy to others regardless if it is big or small. 

solved Exam 1; Chapters 1, 4, and 6. – – –

Exam 1; Chapters 1, 4, and 6.

– After reading the chapter, click on the link up above and then click on my post to read the question. Your initial response to this thread must be submitted by Wednesday, March 17, 
2021. This thread closes on Sunday, March 21, 2021.
Remember; along with your initial response you must respond/converse with a minimum of two of your classmates. This thread is worth 5 pts.

– Threaded Discussion :
Premise :
There are many controversies with regard to recollection. For example, Dr. Loftus has demonstrated in court many times over that human memory is fallible. There are times when witnesses to crimes or accidents need to be able to provide accurate information to authorities. People have been (deliberately and otherwise) accused of crimes. There are times when we forget where we put important things (like our homework, a watch, murder weapons, and car keys). So, clearly, despite the fallibility of human memory, we are always attempting to rely on it for one thing or another.
Question :
If it were possible to create a device that could ACCURATELY read people’s minds (i.e., their memories), do you think it would be a good thing? Certainly it could be used for BAD things (like finding out someone’s safe combination, computer password, etc.), but, if such a thing existed, and it could be regulated such that it was only used in court, would that be a useful tool? (Consider that the lie-detector has served a role something like this). What do you think?

– AND LAST THING IS THE exam ( I will provide the book for you ASAP, and we will do this together when you finish the Threaded Discussion but plz I want you to be ready for it ) 
– exam IS ON  CHAPTERS 1, 4, 6
This multiple choice Exam covers chapters 1,  4, and 6. Before you click on the link above, read the Exam Information below.
This multiple choice Exam  must be completed by 5:00pm, Sunday, March 21, 2021. This is a timed exam and you have 60 minutes to complete it. It is multiple-choice with 50 questions.
Once you move to the next question you cannot go back.
Before starting the exam make sure all other programs are shut down. Do not have any other computer programs running at the same time as it may interfere with the exam. Also, be sure to use a secure land line connection! (A wireless connection is NOT recommended because if you lose your connection you will lose your answers/work and the exam will no longer be available to you).

this is first student discussion : NICHOLAS MATTS Willow GrainFor anybody who enjoys a good netflix film or show, they have more than likely dipped into a show called Black Mirror, a show where you’re thoughts and creative reality are depicted in such a way that we can see the benefits and repercussions of having specific technologies. Well in one episode titled, “The Entire History of You”, it plays on this same idea where they can display and rewatch any memories that they have had in the past as long as they had this simple device implanted in their head called a willow grain. The willow grain was put into place through surgeries and allowed for things like getting your memory checked at TSA, showing someone your greatest memories, perhaps even catch someone in a lie? Now while this sounds like a fantastic idea — at least it does in my eyes — there are many reasons this could be used for very ill intent ideas. This would, however, create a way for us to factualize information, get clear details of what happened, make people more truthful as the lies are easier to catch, we have much better defenses in court as we could see the exact situation, and I really think that it is something we can benefit from. You have heard it a billion time to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes but just imagine if we could also see the world through each other’s eyes. 

Second student discussion: BRYAN AKONGO JR Good idea or notIf there was a device that could accurately read peoples mind i feel to an extent that it would be a good tool to utilize only in court as it can be a good way to tell what people are truly thinking it will help judges understand what the process of thinking someone may have gone through before committing a crime whether it was intentional or not, however, the human mind is so complex and perceptive from person to person what might be someones truth might be another persons lie i a personally agree with Dr loftus’s theory of how the memories can be reconstructed in the mind for our own recollection,a device that reads someones mind might not even be the actual event that occurred it may be altered  for the persons reality but it may not be the actual fact.   
I think a device that could read a persons mind can  be useful for smaller black and white cases in court but for more intense cases like dangerous crimes like  murder or sexual assault a device that could read someones mind from their perspective may not be the right solution because what they recollect and what they say occured  may not even be correct,  they may not be able to rememeber as  the experience may have been traumantic.A device would be a good idea for black and white cases i feel but for where there are grey areas or where the crime is  based on word against word, i wouldnt agree to use it personally as memeory can be falible. 

solved You have just been hired as the new court administrator

You have just been hired as the new court administrator for a medium-sized court with approximately 90 employees. Once on the job, you discover that you have been preceded by two heavy-handed court administrators who together lasted less than 1 year on the job because of their inability to handle employee conflicts and to achieve a minimal level of productivity. They were more or less forced to resign because of a lack of employee cooperation and increasing talk of unionization. There is general turmoil and distrust throughout the organization. Employees do not trust each other, and as a group, they do not trust management. The courthouse runs on gossip and inertia. There is very little official communication throughout the organization. Prior court administrators made no attempt to solicit employees’ opinions or ideas. The judges are all aware of the problem, but they have formed no clear consensus on how to respond to it. In fact, there is turmoil and conflict among the judges themselves. They engage in “turf protection” with operating funds and the court’s cases and often take sides in office squabbles. As a result, they are unable to achieve a clear consensus or to provide the court administrator with any guidance. The chief judge, Dolores Cortez, has served in that capacity for 10 years and is known to be exceedingly fair, compassionate, and competent; however, she is approaching retirement (in 6 months) and appears unwilling to take a firm stand on, or a strong interest in, addressing intraoffice disputes and difficulties. In fact, she is not altogether convinced that there is a problem. Furthermore, in past years, she has been quite reluctant to intervene in arguments between individual judges.
Questions for Discussion

As the “new kid on the block,” how would you respond to this organizational problem? What is the first issue you would address, and how would you address it? What additional problems require your attention?
As court administrator, how would you respond to the inability of the judges to develop a consensus? How could the decision-making process be improved?
What techniques could be employed to improve communication throughout the organization, lessen tension and strife, and generally create a more harmonious work environment?
What would be your general approach to Judge Cortez? To her successor


As the “new kid on the block,” how would you respond to this organizational problem? What is the first issue you would address, and how would you address it? What additional problems require your attention?

Due to the distrust throughout the organization and management, as the new court administrator, I would begin by communicating and using the problem solving method to identify how to respond. As stated in the discussion prompt, there has been a lack of official communication which has led to gossip throughout the organization. In order to truly be successful with anything else, you must first earn the employees trust. This is certainly the first issue I would address. I would set clear expectations and standards moving forward and communicate with each employee consistently. This would hopefully eliminate the gossip. Additionally, the issues that would require my attention are: turf protection and judges being unable to come to a consensus, the judges are unable to provide the court administrator with any guidance, the Chief Judge does not participate in any interoffice affairs, nor believes there is an issue.

As court administrator, how would you respond to the inability of the judges to develop a consensus? How could the decision-making process be improved?

Clearly, the inability to develop a consensus again relates back to the distrust and tension throughout the organization. Again, I would use the problem solving method. I would not only communicate my expectations clearly, but also actively listen to each employee’s opinions and thoughts regarding the problems and how the decision-making process could be improved. I would incorporate my knowledge and expertise as well as their opinions and perspectives to create a clear decision making process that woks for the court.

What techniques could be employed to improve communication throughout the organization, lessen tension and strife, and generally create a more harmonious work environment?

Overall, communication in general needs to improve. There needs to be official communication between the court administrator and the employees. The gossip needs to be eliminated as well, and this could be done by providing consistent official communication. Another technique that would lessen tension and create a more harmonious work environment would be to actually listen to the employee’s thoughts and perspectives. This could positively affect morale. This would also increase the chance that they feel more comfortable working together as a team.

What would be your general approach to Judge Cortez? To her successor?

I would first thank her for her 10 years. Judge Cortez has been known to be compassionate, fair and kind. I would inquire about her recent decline in involvement and ask if she thinks there is really not a problem. I would actively listen to her thoughts and opinions. As a court administrator trying to earn her trust, I would certainly be compassionate towards her opinions and thoughts.

solved There are four mini papers in the course, each requiring

There are four mini papers in the course, each requiring you to complete research on a given topic and integrate the course material.
Mini Paper #3 is due at the end of Module 6 and deals with evaluation of the traits commonly assigned to male and female leaders.
In Chapter 6 of the textbook, there is a discussion on the research on sex/gender stereotypes and leadership stereotypes that began with Virginia Schein back in the 1970s. Over the past 40 years, various researchers, including Powell himself, have found that little has changed in the way society views male and female leaders. Specifically, there is still a tendency among men and women alike to prefer male leaders over female leaders and a prevalent stereotype that links masculine traits to effective leadership.
Research conducted since the late 1990s on transformational leadership, however, has sought to change this predominate “think good manager/leader–think male” connection. As summarized by Powell, numerous studies show that women score higher on each dimension associated with transformational leadership while men score higher on non-transformational dimensions that are less effective for leadership.
Transformational leadership provides us with a mixed-gender formula for what makes a leader successful in helping followers become fully engaged, respectful team members who work together to achieve personal and organizational success. Some aspects of transformational leadership are more feminine in their focus while others are more masculine in focus. In other words, leaders need both to be effective.
For this assignment, select two well-known leaders—one female and one male—and review information on their leadership style and behaviors. Be sure to select leaders about whom enough published material can be found. Identify and describe their leadership style and behaviors, linking these to the theories described in Chapter 6. Discuss how each leader is perceived with respect to his/her gender-related traits (more masculine or feminine) and how effective/successful each has been or are perceived to be.
For example, two popular, successful female leaders with differing gender traits are Angela Merkel, Germany’s Chancellor, and Oprah Winfrey, American media mogul and international philanthropist. Merkel, the first female and youngest Chancellor in the country’s history, is noted for her masculine characteristics, which many associate with her interests in, and training as, a scientist in the field of physics. Winfrey, the first African-American billionaire and highly respected media figure, is noted for her feminine traits of compassion for others. Both have been successful in their spheres of influence as leaders.
Two popular, successful male leaders with differing gender traits are Nelson Mandela and Donald Trump. Nelson Mandela, though he began his political activism with an aggressive philosophy that included violence as a viable alternative against the war on apartheid, experienced a powerful transformation in his 27 years as a political prisoner that led him to a more compassionate view of others and the emotional intelligence needed to negotiate peace.
Donald Trump, a lightning rod for controversy, is without doubt a successful businessman who personifies the masculine traits of independence, aggressiveness, and competitiveness. His blunt, no-nonsense approach to dealing with people appeals to some; while others find such behavior offensive. Regardless of whether one likes or dislikes him, he is a successful businessperson (proving his financial resilience time and again), who isn’t afraid to take on a challenge.
List of Potential Leaders for the Assignment
Here is a list of leaders that you may select in completing this assignment. However, these are just suggestions. You may choose other leaders not on this list, but be sure to confirm your selection with the instructor to ensure the leaders you choose have enough published material about them to complete the assignment.
Male and Female Leaders of the World
Male Leaders
Female Leaders
Henry Fords
Oprah Winfrey
Sam Walton
Anita Roddick
Jack Welch
Martha Stewart
Lee Lacocca
Meg Whitman
Michael Bloomberg
Carly Fiorina
Jeff Bezos
Mary Kay Ash
Richard Branson
Andrea Jung
Nelson Mandela
Indra Nooyi
Rupert Murdoch
Irene Rosenfeld
Bill Gates
Margaret Thatcher
George Soros
Patricia Woertz
Jeffrey Immelt
Angela Braly
Walt Disney
Ellen Kullman
Michael Dell
Ursula Bums
Donald Trump
Carol Bartz
Anthony Robbins
Coco Chanel
Mark Zuckerberg
Debbi Fields
Steve Jobs
Estée Lauder
Mahatma Gandhi
Indira Gandhi
The resulting paper should be a summary and analysis of each leader you have selected. Organize your paper into the following sections:

Title page
Table of Contents
Introduction (1–2 paragraphs summarizing the topic and identifying the leaders selected)
Background (brief description of each leader including their background, major achievements, and failures)
Analysis (brief analysis of each leader’s gender-related traits, for example, masculine and feminine traits they demonstrate, and a brief analysis of how these particular traits relate to their leadership style/behaviors. Include in your analysis a discussion of whether or not you believe their sex and gender has helped or hurt their success or failure as a leader)
Conclusion (1–2 paragraph review of your findings)