solved I’m working on a health & medical question and need

I’m working on a health & medical question and need guidance to help me study.

Listen to Invisobilia (NPR) Podcast from June 1, 2017 titled “Emotions: Part 1”: (Links to an external site.)
(It is sometimes easier to listen while driving or doing chores, like folding laundry or doing dishes. Feel free to do so!)

What struck you about the contents of this podcast?
Some of the ideas about emotions and the way trauma impacts the brain might be controversial. How did you react to these ideas?
How would you challenge those ideas or how might you be intrigued to explore more?

example one

What struck you about the contents of this podcast?

Referencing the central story of the motor vehicle accident, I spent a lot of time trying to find blame in the scenario, perhaps as a prerequisite to informing me which party do I think should “feel bad.” Podcasts are products of a creative process, but products nonetheless. I took apart the narrative whenever I could. Questions such as: Does the state have vehicle inspections to reduce cars with bad tires? Was the child in a car seat? What kind of highway was it, and should it have had a crumple barrier? How fast was the big truck traveling? Was Tommy in financial hardship from therapy or loss of work forcing his hand to bring a suit against Amanda’s insurance company? Does race play a role in getting a jury to award emotional injury?

Some of the ideas about emotions and the way trauma impacts the brain might be controversial. How did you react to these ideas?

For me, the Invisiobilia podcast on emotions is a new take on the old argument of positivism; the one true truth is knowable, versus constructivism, the truth is only built out of your experience and social group. The premise of Lisa Barret’s work states that emotion is not in reaction to the external environment; rather, emotion is crafted from the internalized experiences, either passed down from your social groups or learned directly. I reacted to her constructivist approach to emotion by noting the objective, measured, positivist examples of cultural differences, and documented experiences of people with restored vision.

How would you challenge those ideas, or how might you be intrigued to explore more?

A point of intrigue for me was how strange, I assume, you must feel at times if you are a humanitarian aid worker. Aside from language barriers, there is an overlaying set of cultural expressions, customs, and habits that would be challenging to interact in on a day that doesn’t involve a disaster.

example 2

What struck you about the contents of this podcast?
What struck me about the contents of this podcast is the section with Lisa Barrett, the psychology professor. Hearing her say emotions are built in our brain and that the whole culture of emotions is wrong. She describes emotions as “they’re as close to reflexes as you might get. If the stimulus is there, the response is obligatory. That’s the view. It’s an automatic reaction to the world.” Though yes, I can agree that emotions are in a sense a reaction that were built in our brain, however in my opinion I don’t think they are completely an automatic reaction. Spiegel then states that what Lisa is trying to say is that everything around you is a blob until the concepts in your head shape it into a thing, and then you respond to the thing that you just created. I think this is a concept I can get behind because in that sense, the way we react is due to how we process our emotions in the environment we grew up in.
Some of the ideas about emotions and the way trauma impacts the brain might be controversial. How did you react to these ideas?
I grew up in a torn family environment. My grandparents disowned my mother and 6 of her siblings (she was 1 of 10) when I was about middle school age. My life was flipped upside down. People who I thought were family now had to become strangers. And growing up in an Asian household, emotions are seen as weak and thus I was not able to fully understand what I was going through or even touch on my feelings. And like Amanda I had to keep my face flat, emotions were a burden and I had to control them. Now at almost 26 years old, just the sight of anyone having a close bond with their grandparents sends me for a loop. I don’t think I would have felt these emotions if this event in my life never happened. Going back to my first paragraph, we take the blobs in front of us and shape them into what we see. And they take the blobs inside us and shape them into what we feel. Which leads us to the point that we have more control over our emotions than we think we do. The emotions we have has much more to do with concepts in your head created by and based in our culture. And those aren’t inevitable. Those can be changed.
How would you challenge those ideas or how might you be intrigued to explore more?
Our brains rely on concepts, and concepts make our world, our culture, our systems. Which is why it’s useful to know which concepts are shaping us and which ones we’re passing on to each other and to our children. I am definitely interested in exploring more on the ability to control my emotions rather than suppressing them. I want my children to grow up in a healthy, safe space for emotions type of environment.

solved First Day on the Job Discussion Please read the case

First Day on the Job Discussion
Please read the case and answer the questions at the end. Please respond to two of your peers. Do you agree or disagree?
Malik’s first day as a new manager ended up more challenging than he expected. While having to adjust to a new workplace and new colleagues, he had an interesting management challenge thrown at him. Toward the end of the day, one of his employees came to him, looking frustrated and exhausted. Malik had heard that this employee was going to be one of his best, a high-potential employee who would be a great asset. On this day, the employee did not look to be an asset to anyone.
Without providing much history or detail, this employee explained to Malik that she is planning to quit her job. She is exhausted and frustrated, she explains because the work seems to be at once too much and too little. She feels overworked, but at the same time, she does not feel any excitement about her work. She doesn’t feel she is being challenged to learn skills that will help her to reach the ultimate goal of owning her own business.
Unfortunately, Malik has to leave for the day before you can get more information. What should he do? Answer these questions, and formulate a plan of action.

What might be the factors that are causing this employee’s dissatisfaction?
Which of these factors could be addressed with improvements in the way the organization handles development as described in this chapter?
What should Malik do tomorrow with regard to this employee?
What long-term changes should Malik suggest for this organization, if it appears that this employee is not the only one with these complaints?

First peer below
1- what might be the factors that are causing this employee’s dissatisfaction? Well she is overworked and does not seem excited about what she is doing. she can be doing the same thing ans she is not being challenged by learning anything new.
2- which of these factors could be addressed with improvements in the way the organization handles development as described in this chapter? Well since she may feel she is not learning anything new in order to open her own business one day I would say move her up in the company since she is such an assets and spend more time with her and showing her new things. You do not want to loose a good employee over something so simple.
3- What should Malik do tomorrow with regards to this employee? I think Malik should sit down and have a conversation with her. To see what her plans are, what she wants to do, and work out a plan to help her learn new things with the company.
4- what long-term changes should Malik suggest for this organization, if it appears that this employee is not the only one with these complaints? He can sit down with the employees and see where the work loads can be distributed more evenly. Maybe see if they can get more employees hired to lessen the load. Also he can speak with HR to see if they can get in employee development program going.

Second peer below
1. Factors that may be causing this employee’s dissatisfaction are burnout and work/life balance. Burnout is a feeling of being overextended and emotionally drained, indifference or a distant attitude towards work, and reduced expectations of continued effectiveness. Some things that can contribute to burnout include workload, pressure, stress conflict, and unmet expectations.
2. Many of the factors listed above can be addressed with improvements in the way the organization handles development. The organization should focus on job enrichment to create better satisfaction in the work being performed. This can be satisfied by adding challenges or new responsibilities. It could also be a lateral move such as job rotations or a job transfer. Other factors that could be addressed by the organization are flexible work hours, childcare assistance, and other family-friendly practices.
3. Tomorrow, Malik should meet with the employee to discuss their concerns in further detail. It seems that this employee is feeling a reduced expectation in their work and level of progression. Malik needs to take on the coaching role with this employee to equip them with the tools, knowledge, and opportunities for the advancement they desire. Looking into a support group/network for the employees to discuss their current and future goal expectations would further increase the likelihood of job satisfaction and performance.
4. If it appears that this employee is not the only one with these complaints, there are some long-term suggestions that Malik can make to the organization. Some of those suggestions include career development, goal setting, and support for certification training. Learning opportunities, including onsite workshops and online courses, add to the level of education and feeling of accomplishment in the employees. Scholarships that enable employees to pursue educational opportunities for personal growth. These suggestions can lead to greater satisfaction for the employees and increased work performance. This employee had the concern of not getting the work experience that they had hoped would lead to their own entrepreneurial goals. Increased educational opportunities and more challenging assignments paired with leadership coaching would lead to this employee being more satisfied and committed to this organization

solved POST 1 & 2: In separate 250 word posts, respond

POST 1 & 2: In separate 250 word posts, respond to two of the following:A) What is the central image and how does it work in “Anecdote of a Jar”? What does it symbolize and how is it a modernist idea?B) Both “Thirteen Ways of Looking a Blackbird” and “Disillusionment of Ten O’Clock” deal with the idea of perception and subjectivity. What other similarities do you see? What are the major differences in how this idea is presented?C) Wallace Stevens’ poem “The Idea of Order at Key West” focuses on the “idea” of man “ordering” nature – here, through song. The woman “sang beyond the genius of the sea” – she gives the sea a voice. How does she do this? How does the narrator struggle with understanding this? How is the woman’s voice different from “lights” in the second to last stanza when it comes to “ordering”?POST 3 & 4: Respond to at least two other student posts.Each post should be a MINIMUM of 250 words. Link to the book:…Disillusionment of Ten O’Clock pg 1559Anecdote of the Jar pg 1562Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird pg 1563The Idea of Order at Key West pg 1565Respond to these two posts as well:Wendy Diazgranados Re: Discussion #6-AThe poem “Anecdote of the Jar is a poem that Wallace Stevens, and it was published in 1923. The central image in this poem would be that empty round gray jar that was placed on a hill in Tennesse is ultimately competing with nature and the human imagination. The central image and symbolization of this poem would be that although the jar is placed in the wilderness, the jar might be of higher importance as nature continues to grow around the jar and not the other way around. Due to the jar’s place on the ground, the surrounding landscape is being forced to grow around the jar, which symbolizes that human creation is superior to nature. The wilderness around it must submit to this human creation.It seems that the jar has a superior place in nature and not the other way around. It seems that art and nature are intertwining in this poem, and the speaker is trying to identify who has a higher place. The fact that art would symbolize beauty and nature would symbolize the unknown and possibly creativity. Is there a place for both would be the question, and could it possibly be that both are of equal importance, or should there be one of higher importance. If so, which one would be of more importance in this circumstance, nature being creative or the beauty of art.The poem does not come out clear at first glance, and you have to try to decipher what the speaker is really trying to get at. The poem is a metaphor; it could be that the person believes that human imagination, such as art, would be superior and have more importance than what nature has offered since the beginning of time. It could be that the person might view wilderness as boring and not interesting at all, and they might view art as interesting, beautiful, and fun. That would depend on each person’s perspective in what they believe would be superior in this case. Many might believe that nature’s beauty and creativity would be above all of human imagination and creation. My perception of this poem would be that human is trying to compete with nature. This poem symbolizes the modernist idea because it describes art versus nature and might have a higher stand in their view.ReferencesLevine, R. S. (2017). The Norton Anthology of American literature. Volume II, 1865 to the present (9th ed., Vol. 2, p. 782). W. W. Norton & Company.Wendy Diazgranados Re: Discussion #6-CWallace Stevens’s poem “The Idea of Order at Key West” was published in 1936. Ramon was walking on the beach in Key West, and he hears a woman singing. Ramon automatically gets intrigued in hearing the woman’s song. The sound of the song was an inhuman cry, Ramon believes. He believed that the woman that was singing the song by the sea was the person that created the song, and he did not believe that the song that the woman sang could be her mimicking the sounds of the sea. Ramon goes on to say in the poem, “Whose spirit is this?The woman gives the sea a voice because she mimics the dark sounds she is currently hearing from the sea. The song captivates the interest of Ramon as he thought it was a beautiful song, but Ramon struggles to understand that the song he is hearing is actually the sounds the woman hears from the sea. Ramon seems not to acknowledge the powerful sounds coming from the sea; he seems to belittle the strength that the ocean might have, and instead, he strictly gives all the credit to the woman.Ramon is so intrigued by the song that he actually views his life differently after hearing the woman sing. The woman’s voice is different from “lights” in the second to last stanza when it comes to “ordering” because the lights come from a fishing boat instead of coming from land. This could be interpreted as the people experiencing different views about land and sea. The different experiences can lead to the “light,” signifying possibly separating two important matters. It could also signify to some that the woman might have ordered the sea.ReferencesLevine, R. S. (2017). The Norton Anthology of American literature. Volume II, 1865 to the present (9th ed., Vol. 2, p. 784-785). W. W. Norton & Company.

solved DIscussion Question:Address all of the following in your post:What was

DIscussion Question:Address all of the following in your post:What was the classification of biological agent used in the attack?Discuss the implications of the biological agent.Discuss the therapy for the biological agent.What are the decontamination procedures for the biological agent used in the attack?Define the appropriate level of PPE required for this type of biological agent?Response 1: After doing some research, I chose the incident that happened in 1984 in Oregon. It is well known and is called the 1984 Rajeesgee bioterror attack. This incident was well known because 751 people suffered because of food poisoning and it was the first and largest bioattack in the US history.1. What was the classification of biological agent used in the attack?The biological agent that was chosen for this attack was Salmonella typhimurium. 2. Discuss the implications of the biological agent.Salmonella Typhimurium causes gastroenteritis leading to diarrhea, vomiting, fever, and abdominal cramps. These symptoms may last up to seven days. People infected require antibiotics or have to be hospitalized. During this incident, 751 people were sick and 45 were hospitalized (Bionity, 2021).3. Discuss the therapy for the biological agent.The therapy for this include antibiotics and it is necessary that patients drink extra fluids as long as diarrhea lasts.4. What are the decontamination procedures for the biological agent used in the attack?The decontamination procedure for salmonella include, washing hands with warm, soapy water for 20 seconds before and after handling uncooked eggs, raw meat, poultry, and seafood and their juices. Also to make sure to wash utensils, cutting boards, dishes, and countertops with hot, soapy water after preparing each food item and before you go on to prepare the next item (CDC, 2020). 5. Define the appropriate level of PPE required for this type of biological agent?For this biological agent, it is required to wear gloves, closed toe shoes, lab coat, eye & face protection (CDC, 2020).Salmonella and Food. (2020, July 9). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.,to%20prepare%20the%20next%20item (Links to an external site.).1984_Rajneeshee_bioterror_attack. (n.d.). Bionity. Retrieved September 9, 2021, from…Response 2:What was the classification of biological agent used in the attack?The bioterrorism attack that I would be examining would be the use of the biological agent plague during the Sino-Japanese War. This war took place between the 1930s-1940s, and the Japanese “filled bombs with plague-infected fleas and dropped them from airplanes onto two Chinese cities” (History of Vaccines, 2018, para. 7). The classification of plague is a Category A, which is characterized by “high death rates, potential for major public health impact, easily disseminated or transmitted from person to person, cause public panic and social disruption and require special action for public health preparedness” (Veenema, 2018, p.31).Discuss the implications of the biological agent. Discuss the therapy for the biological agent.If the plague was used for aerosol inhalation, this would be a pneumonic plague which results to a “severe bacterial lung infection” (Veenema, 2018, p.36). With said, the clinical manifestations would entail a high fever, chills, headache, productive cough, chest pain, hemoptysis, extreme malaise, myalgia, tachypnea, tachycardia, pneumonia, abdominal pain, and diarrhea (Veenema, 2018, p.36). The plague can quickly turn into “cyanosis, respiratory failure, septicemia, circulatory collapse and death” if there is no prompt intervention (Veenema, 2018, p.36). The main therapy for the plague would be to start the patient on an antibiotic regimen. The patient would have to take antibiotics for 7 day, and these medications can be streptomycin, gentamicin, tetracyclines or chloramphenicol (Veenema, 2018, p.37). Prior to administration, the nurse would have to take a blood and sputum culture in order to identify the specific strain of plague.What are the decontamination procedures for the biological agent used in the attack?There is no decontamination procedure in place for the pneumonic plague. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, “Y. pestis [plague strain] is very sensitive to sunlight and heating and does not survive long outside its host” (CDC, 2018, para.6)Define the appropriate level of PPE required for this type of biological agent?The plague actually needs airborne and droplet precautions on top of the standard precautions (Veenema, 2018, p.37). So the PPE needed would be a N95 respirator, regular face mask for the patient, face shield, gown and gloves.ReferencesCenter for Disease Control and Prevention, Plague as a Biological Weapon: Medical an Public Health Management, (Links to an external site.)The History of Vaccines, Biological Weapons, Bioterrorism and Vaccines, (Links to an external site.)Veenema, T., Ready RN: Handbook for Disaster Nursing and Emergency Preparedness (3rd ed.) Mosby

solved write an APA‐format manuscript proposing a study on the topic

write an APA‐format manuscript proposing a study on the topic of Influence of Parent Involvement and Sexual Education on Adolescent Sexual Behavior (I have already started).This paper will focus on your ability to apply APA format as well as your ability to design a study that, in theory, would properly test a hypothesis. In addition, you will select appropriate background info and have a coherent design that outlines the importance of your research. You are to gather at least six references for the entire proposal.This project is hypothetical in that you are not required to collect or analyze data; however, you are expected to proceed as if this is an actual proposal to procure grant funds.This project involves developing an original research hypothesis and then designing a study that properly tests your hypothesis. The project is broken down into six tasks:Develop a topic, problem statement (what are the problems that bring this topic to your attention) & research questionDevelop an introduction that incorporates your research question and rationale for your studyDevelop a literature ReviewDevelop a method/design and analysisDevelop results and conclusionFinal proposalTopic Selection I have already completed this and will forward a copyThe first step of this project is coming up with an idea for your research, and writing a brief (1‐2 pages) document that discusses your idea, the problem surrounding your idea, and how you plan to test it.Your research idea must be:Original (to your knowledge)Plausible (i.e., it must be possible to conduct your actual study)Have at least a little applied or theoretical valueClearly state your area of study and hypothesisContain at least two references (indicating that you have started to conduct background research on your topic)Describe in simple terms how you might go about testing your hypothesisThis is an overview of your project. This document should be written in APA format with a title page.Research Paper Introduction – Chapter 1An introduction should describe the significance of the study; it provides a broad context. This chapter of your proposal will discuss the theoretical underpinnings and the practical reasons for doing the study. In this chapter, provide a rationale, problem statement, your hypothesis, objectives and why you chose them. Include the purpose of the study and the definition of terms. Your introduction should not exceed five pages (double spaced, typed).This section should include the following:A description of the questions you are going to study and an explanation of your claims.A problem statementList your questions and explain how your research questions are relevant to the bigger issues raised in the introduction.Describe your hypothesis and affect your chosen subject if your hypothesis is confirmed-and-what you would suggest if your hypothesis is not confirmed.A definition of termsAt least 6 Preliminary referencesLiterature Review /Background for your study- Chapter 2A literature review is a description of what is already known and researched about your topic as well as information telling the background studies.Analyze and interpret at least 6 timely (nothing earlier than 2000) critical (empirical) studies that have been done in this area.Literature reviews are not summaries; the information you discuss must be of relevance to your topic. You can include background information or a historical perspective.Discuss the limitations or gaps in knowledge relating to your topic; what questions are you left with, what did the researchers leave unresolved that would be of interest to you.Method / Design / AnalysisHow you are going to collect data for each test question you are examining? You do not have to come up with a new original method. (Your literature will be beneficial in determining what methods are typically used in your area…you can adapt for your needs). This section should not exceed 5 pages.MethodHow you would collect your data and why.Describe the methodology you would useWhy is this the best method for your purposesParticipants and why you would choose this group – describe the sampleInclude age, gender etc …whatever demographics are best for your purposesWho would you exclude – why, why not.DesignDescribe the factors you would vary – explain how varying the factors would allow you to confirm or disconfirm your hypothesisExplain what significant differences you would need to find in order to confirm or disconfirm your hypothesisWhat kind of factors would you need to control forWhat types of effects may occurWhat are the participants expected to do in your studyAnalysisHow would you analyze your study – what type of statistical analysis would you use and why is this the best type for your data.What kind of results would confirm/disconfirm your hypothesisExplain what significant differences you would need to find to confirm or disconfirm your hypothesis.What factors must you control forWhat kind of effects would be likely to occurResults and ConclusionDiscuss how your proposed research would extend or demonstrate significant improvements over previous research and how it would be beneficial to the field. Because proposals are often designed to garner funds to do research – discuss why this research is so valuable that someone would want to fund you! Who would care – and why!

solved 3) write one 400 word (minimum) journal entry describing the

3) write one 400 word (minimum) journal entry describing the film/event in detail and reflecting on what you learned from the film.
4) in your journal entry, also analyze how the film connects to one of the chapters from our textbook, as well as how it connects to at least one of our key terms from the semester. 
the book that we are using for this class is called (an indigenous  peoples’ history of the United States). by Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz
please make sure to watch the whole movie not just to look for it in internet other ways I will ask for my money back
chose  one of this movies 
6) “By Blood: Native American Men Fight for Cherokee Citizenship”
  Details: A chronicle of American Indians of African descent battling to regain their tribal citizenship. BY BLOOD explores the impact of this battle, which has manifested into a broader conflict about race, identity, and the sovereign rights of indigenous people. The film demonstrates both sides of the battle, the shared emotional impact of the issue, and the rising urgency of the debate: a Native American and African American history has been overlooked, and a tribal body feels as though their sovereignty is under siege. Winner of Best Short Documentary at the Native American Film Festival Of The Southeast and nominated for the Greg Gund Memorial Standing Up Award at the Cleveland International Film Festival.
     Length: 53 minutes
7) “In Whose Honor? American Indian Mascots in Sports”
Details: The Cleveland Indians. Washington Redskins. Atlanta Braves. What’s wrong with American Indian sports mascots? This moving, award-winning film is the first of its kind to address that subject. This documentary takes a critical look at the long-running practice of “honoring” American Indians as mascots and nicknames in sports. It follows the story of Native American mother Charlene Teters, and her transformation into the leader some are calling the “Rosa Parks of American Indians” as she struggles to protect her cultural symbols and identity. IN WHOSE HONOR? looks at the issues of racism, stereotypes, minority representation and the powerful effects of mass-media imagery, and the extent to which one university will go to defend and justify its mascot.
Length: 49 minutes
8) “Sweetheart Dancers”
Details: Indigenous dancers Sean and Adrian challenge the rulebook of San Manuel’s Native American Sweetheart Special as they attempt to compete in the annual couple’s competition. Dancing not only against the other dancers, but against the drums of oppression and closed-mindedness, this two-spirit couple is determined to rewrite the rules of “one man, one woman” with their resplendent charisma, character and resilience. Director, Ben-Alex Dupris explains the origin of the film. “This story is rooted in an incident where the first Two Spirit couple, Sean Snyder and Adrian Stevens, decided to enter a Sweetheart special competition at one big influential powwow. This had never been attempted before in modern tribal dance circles and they were disqualified for not adhering to the rule of the “one man, one woman” competition. This led to a year of reflection, and thoughtful preparation for the next year where they courageously returned to the same powwow and were allowed to compete. This success story of resilience, and the action of love provided a talking point that spans decades of colonization with Indigenous communities. Prior to the Catholic boarding school era, LGBTQIA were accepted and respected by Native people. This story, and the spiritual renewal of our sacred Identities is one that leaves the audience with a greater understanding of our tribal lifeways. Within our hearts we are all one.”
    Length: 14 minutes
9) “Don’t Get Sick After June: American Indian Healthcare”

      Details: Declared wards of the state, Native Americans were promised housing, education, and healthcare in numerous treaties with the US Government. Due to chronic underfunding, American Indian health care facilities predictably run out of funds by June every year. This documentary film highlights the tragic impact of failed promises of healthcare services from its inception under the Department of War up to the present.
      Length: 58 minutes
10) “Gregory Cajote: An Indigenous Ecology”
Details: Interview with Gregory Cajete, a Native American educator whose work is dedicated to honoring the foundations of indigenous knowledge in education. Cajete is a Tewa Indian from the pueblos of New Mexico who has spent his life striving to harmonize indigenous ways of learning and knowing with western science and scholarship so that each tradition can be enriched by the other. Where western scholarship tends to isolate things in order to understand them rationally, native thinking perceives objects and events holistically and spiritually in terms of their relationships with their surroundings. For Cajete, the two ways of knowing are complementary. Together they offer a depth of understanding that neither can provide on its own. A depth of understanding that we desperately need as we confront a crisis brought on perhaps by an explosion of knowledge and a shortage of wisdom. Cajete is one of the foremost scholars in the field of sociocultural studies as it relates to Indian education and curriculum and native science. .

solved I’m working on a nursing case study and need support

I’m working on a nursing case study and need support to help me understand better.

“Mrs. Walsh, a woman in her 70s, was in critical condition after repeat coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery. Her family lived nearby when Mrs. Walsh had her first CABG surgery. They had moved out of town but returned to our institution, where the first surgery had been performed successfully. Mrs. Walsh remained critically ill and unstable for several weeks before her death. Her family was very anxious because of Mrs. Walsh’s unstable and deteriorating condition, and a family member was always with her 24 hours a day for the first few weeks.The nurse became involved with this family while Mrs. Walsh was still in surgery, because family members were very anxious that the procedure was taking longer than it had the first time and made repeated calls to the critical care unit to ask about the patient. The nurse met with the family and offered to go into the operating room to talk with the cardiac surgeon to better inform the family of their mother’s status.One of the helpful things the nurse did to assist this family was to establish a consistent group of nurses to work with Mrs. Walsh, so that family members could establish trust and feel more confident about the care their mother was receiving. This eventually enabled family members to leave the hospital for intervals to get some rest. The nurse related that this was a family whose members were affluent, educated, and well informed, and that they came in prepared with lists of questions. A consistent group of nurses who were familiar with Mrs. Walsh’s particular situation helped both family members and nurses to be more satisfied and less anxious. The family developed a close relationship with the three nurses who consistently cared for Mrs. Walsh and shared with them details about Mrs. Walsh and her life.The nurse related that there was a tradition in this particular critical care unit not to involve family members in care. She broke that tradition when she responded to the son’s and the daughter’s helpless feelings by teaching them some simple things that they could do for their mother. They learned to give some basic care, such as bathing her. The nurse acknowledged that involving family members in direct patient care with a critically ill patient is complex and requires knowledge and sensitivity. She believes that a developmental process is involved when nurses learn to work with families.She noted that after a nurse has lots of experience and feels very comfortable with highly technical skills, it becomes okay for family members to be in the room when care is provided. She pointed out that direct observation by anxious family members can be disconcerting to those who are insecure with their skills when family members ask things like, “Why are you doing this? Nurse ‘So and So’ does it differently.” She commented that nurses learn to be flexible and to reset priorities. They should be able to let some things wait that do not need to be done right away to give the family some time with the patient. One of the things that the nurse did to coordinate care was to meet with the family to see what times worked best for them; then she posted family time on the patient’s activity schedule outside her cubicle to communicate the plan to others involved in Mrs. Walsh’s care.When Mrs. Walsh died, the son and daughter wanted to participate in preparing her body. This had never been done in this unit, but after checking to see that there was no policy forbidding it, the nurse invited them to participate. They turned down the lights, closed the doors, and put music on; the nurse, the patient’s daughter, and the patient’s son all cried together while they prepared Mrs. Walsh to be taken to the morgue. The nurse took care of all intravenous lines and tubes while the children bathed her. The nurse provided evidence of how finely tuned her skill of involvement was with this family when she explained that she felt uncomfortable at first because she thought that the son and daughter should be sharing this time alone with their mother. Then she realized that they really wanted her to be there with them. This situation taught her that families of critically ill patients need care as well. The nurse explained that this was a paradigm case that motivated her to move into a CNS role, with expansion of her sphere of influence from her patients during her shift to other shifts, other patients and their families, and other disciplines”Critical thinking activities1. Discuss the clinical narrative provided here using the unfolding case study format to promote situated learning of clinical reasoning (Benner, Hooper-Kyriakidis, & Stannard, 2011).2. Regarding the various aspects of the case as they unfold over time, consider questions that encourage thinking, increase understanding, and promote dialogue, such as: What are your concerns in this situation? What aspects stand out as salient? What would you say to the family at given points in time? How would you respond to your nursing colleagues who may question your inclusion of the family in care?3. Using Benner’s approach, describe the five levels of competency and identify the characteristic intentions and meanings inherent at each level of practice.

solved One of the core values in a variety of helping

One of the core values in a variety of helping professions entails recognizing and being aware of our own biases and addressing WHY we feel the way we do. We ALL have an unconscious bias(es). It is important to know what areas you may need more exposure or a better understanding to best serve your clients and interact with others regardless of one’s profession because this concept also applies to education, business, medicine, and other fields in which you must know and understand your client or customer to be effective. This assignment is designed to help you reflect, share, and practice some of your ideas when it comes to who you choose to interact and have relationships with: in particular choosing friends, your current partner/spouse, and/or future partner/spouse. The goal is to create awareness of our biases and how they influence our relationship choices/interactions and mate selection. Each of us can be defined or classified in many ways. Our race, age, gender, sexual orientation, religion, education, social class, and ethnicity are some ways we identify with others. We also use these as part of our filtering process when choosing a potential mate and those close to us as we learned in chapter 5.Think of your life as a pie chart based on demographics. If you were to divide the circle into different components or segments, which pieces are most important to how you identify yourself? For some, their religion plays the greatest part in who they are. For others, their gender identity or race is the most defining characteristic.Create your pie chart (computer-generated) with the percentages of what is most important to you and a key that defines what each percentage represents. This may prove to be harder than you think, but it is worth at least beginning to think about the biases we have and what has contributed to them.To keep this activity simple, we are going to only focus on a handful of demographics. Thus for this assignment, you MUST include these demographics (even if the percentage is 0; please assign a numerical value to each component) :Gender identity (do not confuse with sexual orientation–they are different)AgeRaceReligion/faith/spiritual beliefs *Feel free to include other and ONLY demographic categories (i.e., socioeconomic status, education level) as you deem appropriately relevant to your own identity and diversity. Take some time to think about how demographics influence our perceptions of ourselves and others…here are some questions to prompt your thinking:Many students have said, “age is just a number,” but is it? Would you feel different having a 25-year-old professor compared to a 50-year-old, compared to an 85-year-old? Are your friends closer to your age or do you have a variety of ages among friends? Do you make assumptions about people based on their age? Do others judge you by your age?With race, many students say they don’t see color, but do others see your skin color and treat you one way as a result or have you ever made assumptions of others based on their race? Would your life be different if you were of a different race? Is your race something that you find people make presumptions about regarding you? What role does race play in your relationships with others?With religious beliefs, do you find yourself looking for those who share your faith or prefer those who do not practice any religious beliefs? Would faith play an important role in your mate selection filter?In what ways are your connections with others influenced by your demographics: racial background; religion or are there certain religions that make you uncomfortable or nervous or you are drawn to? Are you or do you treat others a certain way based on their sex? If you were the opposite sex would you be treated differently? Lots of things to consider…Reflect and explore how you perceive each of these biases have or will influence your preferences regarding:connecting with othersin friendshipschoosing a mateThink about it: what would you look for in a mate or a friend based on your pie chart? If you currently are in an intimate relationship or married (or have been), what factors based on your identity influenced your attraction to your partner? Think about your current friendships: was it a shared faith or similar background in race or age, etc. that helped form a relationship?In conclusion, after addressing all the components of your pie, what do you think has been the greatest influence that has shaped your perception of yourself and others the most–is it your demographics, your family upbringing or culture, your faith, and/or past experiences? Write a 3-4 page summary of why you ranked the categories the way you did and your responses to the questions posed with relevant inclusion of information from chapter 5.Here is an example of a former student’s reflection for your convenience and assistance:Student TemplateActions Upload your pie chart and reflection paper as an attachment after you have met the criteria.Be sure to follow the criteria outlined above and the expectations for written work.Include points of application from chapter 5 as you share your reflections.Remember for Turnitin: No paper will be accepted that is above a 20% match in the originality report.PR Assignment 1 Student Grading RubricActionsPreviousNext

solved Response1:Examine the image and watch the video below—what do these

Response1:Examine the image and watch the video below—what do these two primary sources convey about American society’s views of obscenity over time?The video “7 dirty words” by George Carlin conveys American words that are used in society and how they can be used in multiple different ways. It would be impossible to have a list of dirty words that cannot be used because some “dirty” words in different context mean different things for example the word “cock” cock is an animal or it could be used in an obscenity way. Over time words change and so do their meanings. As more generations grow up they develop their own list of dirty words that may offend some or may not offend others. The imagine above represents a women who is a wife and a mother and she carries everything on her back. This imagine is pro women rights as it shows what all a women does to attend to her family. Others would say it is prof on why women should not vote, they have too much to carry already. Over time those thoughts have also changed.Pretend you are a Supreme Court of the United States Justice who must make a ruling on a case involving obscenity. How would you define obscenity in order to proceed? I view obscenity as a subject hard to cover. The topic is so broad and not consistent nor detained represented that it is hard to rule. The great thing about America is the freedom that so many have migrated over for. It is too late now to make up any new laws about obscenity because the list of “dirty words” has grown too much. The English language repeats its self and many words mean multiple meanings. Also some people of many different cultures or ethnic backgrounds have different views and because all these differences are welcomed in America it would be hard to. make a law about freedom of speech that everyone could agree upon. I would rule obscenity as something unmanageable under a few circumstances. Continuing in your role as a SCOTUS Justice who must rule on an obscenity case, how would you balance impediments, such as censorship, to U.S. citizens’ right to free speech, while upholding the principles of a free, democratic republic? I would take the whole case into consideration with mediations. I would not over look any detains between the offender or the impediments and censorships agains them. the Right of Free Speech is in the constitution for a reason. You can not erase history you can only learn from it. Our ancestors knew freedom of speech was important. As long as no one was bodily harmed including sexual activity then the case would be thrown away Response 2;1. We can see that overtime American society’s view on obscenity has changed dramatically. In the image from 1872 the wife is carrying the burden of all her children along with her alcoholic husband on her back through life. Even with all of the weight and extra work the wife would rather take the hardest road rather than go down the road of obscenity and Mrs. Satan. Nowadays people dont care as much about what they say. Younger people are prohibited from saying any obscene words but once you hit 18, once you are a grown up, its free game. Saying words that are obscene is in everyones vocabulary in the modern day.2. I as a supreme court judge would define obscenity as the use of offensive, disgusting, and immoral language or photography and videography. It would depend on the case, if it is a case involving a verbal assault I would take into account that everyone nowadays uses obscene language everyday without even caring. If it were a case involving photography or film it would be more serious.3. It is true that Americans have the right to free speech and I would uphold that as a supreme court justice. When things such a censorship come into play especially with photos, films, and videos, what the subject of them are will determine the stand and severity of the obscenity. If it is something such as child porn, which is illegal, there is no way around the fact that it is obscene and needs to be censored.response3No Way Out’: A Sudden life and death struggle at a Houston concert’. Source: (Links to an external site.)Synopsis:On Friday night, Travis Scott held his second festival for ‘Astroworld’ in Houston, Texas, this concert had 50,000 people in attendance. This concert dramatically escalated when numerous people began pushing and shoving their way to the front, some gasped for air, and others fell unconscious. This resulted in 8 deaths and hundreds of injuries that were treated at a local hospital. Houston officials are having a hard time explaining what truly happened and how a music festival went so horrifically wring so quickly. Nick Johnson one of the concert attendees said, “Everybody was just in the back, trying to rush to the front.” The concert continued for another 30 minutes after the injuries and deaths had taken place.Opinion:When I had heard what had happened at the Travis Scott concert I was in shock, I couldn’t believe that that many people were in attendance, especially given the current circumstances with covid. I hope after this tragedy they will significantly reduce the number of ticket sales available and take the necessary precautions in the future to prevent this from happening again.

solved W7: What does the draft of my final project paper

W7: What does the draft of my final project paper look like? What help do I need?In this discussion, you have a chance to get and give feedback about the final paper that will be in your portfolio. Posting your draft by mid-week will help ensure you get more feedback. This is a threaded discussion. Instructions on how to post are shown below. Part 1 Essay DraftPost a draft of your final project essay for others to review. Copying and pasting it into the forum textbox (rather than attaching as a Word file) is preferred. The format may not look the same, but that’s okay. Don’t worry if your draft is rough or not quite finished. Post as much of it as you have done. Please put your thesis statement in bold. Please include at least one in-text citation and one Works Cited or References entry. Make your initial post by mid-week to give folks time to review it. Part 2 Concerns and Request for Help (optional)After you have posted your draft, please share any concerns you may have about the process of writing this paper. (If you don’t have concerns or questions, that’s fine. You don’t have to post anything in this section.) Do you have any questions about MLA or APA usage? Is there anything troubling you about this essay? Do you need help in any specific area? Did you find any aspect of this essay (research, outlining, drafting, etc.) particularly stressful? If so, let us help!***For your student replies, answer some or all of the checklist questions below (enough to reach the required word counts, please). Do NOT copy and paste the questions into your post, but do include the numbers, so we will know to which questions you are responding. Answer in complete sentences. An example is below.4. I do not see a transition word in your topic sentence for paragraph two. Perhaps you could add “furthermore” at the beginning of the sentence. Here are the questions to help with your review of your peers’ papers. Please be sure to review at least two (2) papers. Does the piece meet the requirements of the assignment? Do you know what the thesis statement is? Is the thesis statement one concise sentence? Does the introduction provide a good gateway into the paper? Does the conclusion provide a satisfying sense of closure? Do the supporting details of each paragraph support that particular topic sentence? Are there any sentences that do not belong? Why do they not belong?Did the author use transitions? Which words are transitions and where are they used? Can you suggest any other transition words that would work well in this essay? Do you see any sentences that could be improved upon?Did the author use third person only and avoid first and second person? Do you see words that have negative connotations or that create logical fallacies (such as using the phrase “No one will accept the idea that…”)? Do you see grammatical or mechanical issues that distract from the writer’s ideas? What effects do those issues have on your view of the paper? Did the author use signal phrases for quotes and in-text citations for quotes and paraphrases within the essay? Do you see any problems with their MLA or APA usage?Instructions on how to post in this threaded discussion: This discussion is a bit different from what you might be used to. You will be posting in a group made up of folks who may be in a similar field. How do you know where to post? You decide which thread you should post in based on the program (major) you have chosen (see thread descriptions below). Make your initial post in that thread. If you have not decided what program you will be in, just choose the thread that interests you most. Click the link here to see the description of the university’s programs and the schools those programs are in: Schools and Programs at APUSThread 1 – Schools of Arts & Humanities, Education, & Health Sciences. Please see the attached list which shows APUS programs (majors) and the schools they are located in. The general studies program is included here. Make your initial post as a response to my post here. Do not start your own thread. Thanks.Thread 2 – School of Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math. Please see the attached list which shows APUS programs (majors) and the schools they are located in. Make your initial post as a response to my post here. Do not start your own thread. Thanks.Thread 3 – Schools of Security & Global Studies & Business. Please see the attached list which shows APUS programs (majors) and the schools they are located in. Make your initial post as a response to my post here. Do not start your own thread. Thanks.Make your initial post mid-week to give folks a chance to respond to you. Make sure all your posts add to and expand the discussion. The highest grades go to those students who really contribute to an energized, stimulating conversation. Be sure to respond to initial posts in the thread that you are in. Feel free to visit other threads as well.When you respond to others, do not simply compliment them on a job well done. Ask questions and/or provide thoughtful insight and continue the discussion they have started. Look for connections among the students posting in your thread. What commonalities do the students share? What differences do you see? If someone asks you a question, be sure to respond.