solved Hello, below is the prompt it is only5 questions that

Hello, below is the prompt it is only5 questions that need to be answered, I need this done by midnight so in about 3 hours. all the way down are the videos that the questions are based upon. PLEASE NO SOPHISTICATED WORDING!!!!PurposeUrgent events require us to deviate from our initial plan in section two, inviting us to reflect on course material and connect it to contemporary examples of political rhetoric. For our second case study, we are examining how presidential address works to negotiate civics, values, knowledge, and identity in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic.PromptWe will be using sections of former President Trump’s press conferences about his administration’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic, President Biden and Vice President Harris’ remarks about the rising tide of anti-AAPI violence in America, and media responses to those speeches as our second case study.Watch/read the videos/documents posted on Canvas in Announcements/Artifacts for Case Study # 2. Then, answer the questions below. There is no minimum length, just make sure to provide a thorough answer.What is the rhetorical context for this controversy? Identify at least two examples relevant rhetorical context.What are some things happening at the time or in secondary artifact videos that help you determine the rhetorical context? Your examples can be aspects of the context generally, or one of the elements of Bitzer’s rhetorical situation – exigence, constraint, and/or audience.How is language being used to shape the audience’s view of events? Identify at least one specific example of definition/naming/metaphor in each video.How is language being used to negotiate values, establish a view of the situation, and/or recommend a course of action? To what extent are definitions/names used to assign praise or blame, to unify or divide, to generate urgency or give pause? How are words used to construct and/or enforce norms about appropriate civic practice? You may use examples from the Viala-Gaudefroy and Lindaman reading but you should include your own original examples from the videos as well. Which rhetorical model best explains the relationship between President Trump’s rhetoric and the uptick of anti-AAPI violence in America during the pandemic?Which theory of presidential rhetoric is most applicable to case study? The traditional model of presidential definition advanced by Zarefsky? Or the postmodern model of the presidency as pastiche developed by Heidt? Your answer should attend to the relative importance of the speaker/audience in constructing/negotiating the meaning of presidential public address. You should also provide specific examples from the videos to support any claims about the “effects” of presidential definitions or the “atomization”/”circulation” of presidential address.How do racialized/gendered norms implicate the Biden Administration’s response to hate crimes targeting members of the AAPI community?To what extend did the order/content of the speeches delivered by the President and Vice President transgress gendered norms associated with the office? In what ways did the media response to these speeches illustrate the racialized construction of the presidency?Evaluate the quality:Choose either the Trump Administration or the Biden Administration, and based on your answers to questions 1-4, make an initial evaluation of the quality of the rhetoric. Was this an effective response to the rhetorical context? Why or why not?How to Get the Most Out of This Assignment:Be specific: Remember, the point of the assignment isn’t just to watch the videos. Rather, you should look for what specific, unique observations you can make using course readings. What might Bitzer, Stuckey, Heidt, Zaresfsky, Viala-Gaudefroy and Lindaman say about these texts? Provide specific examples from the case study articles and videos, and from the readings.2. Be engaged in class: Be prepared to discuss the prompts in class on Tuesday March 30th. Upload your answers to the case study to Canvas by 11:55 pm on April 1st.Consider grading criteria: You will be evaluated on whether you answer each question completely, the specificity of your examples from the videos, the specificity of your reference to course materials, and the correctness of your application to course material. You will receive 20 points for responding to each question.President Trump answers questions about the wave of attacks on AAPI and its relationship to the use of terms such as “Chinese Virus” and “kung flu” to describe Covid-19: (Links to an external site.)President Biden and Vice President Harris speak out about the rise of attacks on AAPI: (Links to an external site.)Author Ying Ma visits Fox News to discuss President Biden’s and Vice President Harris’ remarks about AAPI hate-crimes:… (Links to an external site.)Secondary Artifacts: On the Rise of Hate Crimes Targeting Asian Americans: (Links to an external site.)

solved Please respond to the two peers below: The Cost of

Please respond to the two peers below:
The Cost of an Effective Launch
Before you can bring a new idea to the market, you have to understand the costs associated with developing and launching your business. As we have learned from the case of Tio, there are many costs associated with a new concept.
Review the definitions below: 
KEY RESOURCES: Describes the most important assets required to make a business model work. 
KEY ACTIVITIES: Describes the tasks or milestones that need to be accomplished. Examples would be creating a website, developing a prototype product, purchasing or renting real estate and equipment, etc. 
COST STRUCTURE: Describes all the costs incurred to operate a business model. 
For your initial post, respond to the questions below:
Which Key Resources that you identified in the Week 4 Discussion are the most expensive?
Looking at your current plan for your business model, which Key Activities are most expensive? 
What is the one thing you will have to do to brand your product to your target market? 

1. Ahmed Gbadamosi 
RE: Week 5 Discussion

Dear Dr. B and colleagues,
The most expensive of the core resources is the platform software. The cost of software development can be very significant for a company whose core product is software-based – as it requires thousands of hours/days in software coding, testing, bug fixes amidst other phases within the software development lifecycle. There are three options to fund a software development project, including
fixed-rate model, which is less flexible for changing requirements
hourly-rate model, which supports flexibility but is challenging to estimate the total cost involved upfront and does not guarantee control over the software team
dedicated team model provides the highest flexibility and control over the team and software development and maintenance; hence most startups with sizable and complex software requirements opt for this option (1).
We will adopt the dedicated team model for our platform software development, and this will require significantly experienced hires across all software development disciplines.
Beyond leveraging the support of a venture capitalist or an angel investor to fund this, one can consider a partnership with an established software house, as suggested by Dr. B. last week.
Beyond funding for the software, the activities related to acquiring all relevant operating licenses and integration with banks and credit bureaus can be expensive and tough to navigate.
The plan is to establish a marketing and innovation department responsible for brand development through the platform, corporate website, online campaigns, and other relevant channels. The brand messaging will be bold on areas such as:
Helping the working population to build a fast, reliable, and all-inclusive credit ecosystem.

Our priority will be bringing innovative services that help simplify and remove stress from our customers’ financial life.
There will also be a significant focus on user experience for the platform with superb usability, top-notch graphics, and videos depicting happy customers amidst other possibilities.

Stan Burenko. 2020. How Much Soes Software Development Cost?
2. David Bediako 
RE: Week 5 Discussion
Hello Dr. B and colleagues,

Which Key Resources that you identified in the Week 4 Discussion are the most expensive?

The key required resources include a mode of transportation (bus), Pop up tent, desks, and chairs with a mobile (chalk) board, Learning material (teaching programs such as Math and Reading), and staff salaries. Costs associated with marketing and accreditation will also be a major expense.  Besides the initial purchasing costs, there will be a budget for maintenance and staff development.
Looking at your current plan for your business model, which Key Activities are most expensive? 
The most expensive activities include the formation of the leading executive board, hiring educators, transporting the children, teaching the children, and feeding the children.  These activities must be coupled with maintaining the safety of everyone involved. 

What is the one thing you will have to do to brand your product to your target market? 

I must obtain and publicize professional endorsements to bolster trust from the local parents.  In addition, these endorsements will enrich the foundation’s relationship with the local educational institutions.   
As noted in this week’s lecture (1), the board may change as the organization matures, but I assert, it will need to begin with a knowledgeable board and guidance from Angel Investors to successfully position for scaling.  As described by Megan Totka (2), the gathering of necessary resources is essential, the recognition of those resources is critical.  The main idea that must be animated in both deployment and scaling is team inclusivity.  Kirsner (3) describes the point of failure occurring when great ideas are transferred for execution. For Our Everyday Strength Foundation (OESF), this must be kept at the forefront of organizational awareness.  We must exemplify the integrity and awareness we expect. 

solved A woman went to the emergency room for severe abdominal

A woman went to the emergency room for severe abdominal cramping. She was diagnosed with diverticulitis; however, as a precaution, the doctor ordered a CT scan. The CT scan revealed a growth on the pancreas, which turned out to be pancreatic cancer—the real cause of the cramping.
Because of a high potential for misdiagnosis, determining the precise cause of abdominal pain can be time consuming and challenging. By analyzing case studies of abnormal abdominal findings, nurses can prepare themselves to better diagnose conditions in the abdomen.
In this Lab Assignment, you will analyze an Episodic note case study that describes abnormal findings in patients seen in a clinical setting. You will consider what history should be collected from the patients as well as which physical exams and diagnostic tests should be conducted. You will also formulate a differential diagnosis with several possible conditions.
To Prepare
Review the Episodic note case study your instructor provides you for this week’s Assignment. Please see the “Course Announcements” section of the classroom for your Episodic note case study.

With regard to the Episodic note case study provided:

Review this week’s Learning Resources, and consider the insights they provide about the case study.
Consider what history would be necessary to collect from the patient in the case study.
Consider what physical exams and diagnostic tests would be appropriate to gather more information about the patient’s condition. How would the results be used to make a diagnosis?
Identify at least five possible conditions that may be considered in a differential diagnosis for the patient.

The Assignment

Analyze the subjective portion of the note. List additional information that should be included in the documentation.
Analyze the objective portion of the note. List additional information that should be included in the documentation.
Is the assessment supported by the subjective and objective information? Why or why not?
What diagnostic tests would be appropriate for this case, and how would the results be used to make a diagnosis?
Would you reject/accept the current diagnosis? Why or why not? Identify three possible conditions that may be considered as a differential diagnosis for this patient. Explain your reasoning using at least three different references from current evidence-based literature.

By Day 7 of Week 6
Submit your Lab Assignment. 
Submission and Grading Information
To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading, do the following:

Please save your Assignment using the naming convention “WK6Assgn1+last name+first initial.(extension)” as the name.
Click the Week 6 Assignment 1 Rubric to review the Grading Criteria for the Assignment.
Click the Week 6 Assignment 1 link. You will also be able to “View Rubric” for grading criteria from this area.
Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK6Assgn1+last name+first initial.(extension)” and click Open.
If applicable: From the Plagiarism Tools area, click the checkbox for I agree to submit my paper(s) to the Global Reference Database.
Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.

Week 6 SOAP for Analysis
Posted on: Sunday, July 4, 2021 9:00:00 AM EDT
Here is the SOAP for analysis for week 6. You need to analyze each section and determine what information is missing or incomplete.  The following questions must be addressed:

Analyze the subjective portion of the note. List additional information that should be included in the documentation.
Analyze the objective portion of the note. List additional information that should be included in the documentation.
Is the assessment supported by the subjective and objective information? Why or why not?
What diagnostic tests would be appropriate for this case, and how would the results be used to make a diagnosis?
Would you reject/accept the current diagnosis? Why or why not? Identify three possible conditions that may be considered as a differential diagnosis for this patient. Explain your reasoning using at least three different references from current evidence-based literature.


CC: “My stomach hurts, I have diarrhea and nothing seems to help.”
HPI: KM, 43 yo WF, complains of having generalized abdominal pain that started 3 days ago. She has not taken any medications because she did not know what to take. She states the pain is a 5/10 today but has been as much as 9/10 when it first started. She has been able to eat, with some nausea afterwards.
PMH: HTN, Diabetes, hx of GI bleed 4 years ago
Medications: Lisinopril 10mg, Amlodipine 5 mg, Metformin 1000mg, Lantus 10 units qhs
Allergies: NKDA
FH: No hx of colon cancer, Father hx DMT2, HTN, Mother hx HTN, Hyperlipidemia, GERD
Social: Denies tobacco use; occasional etoh, married, 3 children (1 girl, 2 boys)


VS: Temp 99.8; BP 160/86; RR 16; P 92; HT 5’10”; WT 248lbs
Heart: RRR, no murmurs
Lungs: CTA, chest wall symmetrical
Skin: Intact without lesions, no urticaria
Abd: soft, hyperactive bowel sounds, pos pain in the LLQ
Diagnostics: None


Left lower quadrant pain

solved The Prompt:Â Respond to the following prompt(s) for your discussion

The Prompt: 
Respond to the following prompt(s) for your discussion forum post:

Describe how young children communicate.
Explain why communication is important for child guidance.
Define attentive listening and explain how it nurtures a sense of belonging?


PowerPoint Presentations
Websites and Video located in the “Additional Resources” section of the Module
Additional research conducted by the student using credible sources

by Tasia JonesNumber of replies: 1
1. I think how young children communicate is by crying, squealing, facial expressions, eye contact, smiling, grimacing, gestures and body movements. They will show you that they need attention in all of these different ways. This is telling the parent that the child needs one’s attention at the time. All kids do this now some parents get frustrated with this because to them the child is like nagging them. It is not consider a nag if they are just babies. Children will always need their parents attention because it is part of growing up, communication is a very important factor in a child’s life because if they don’t talk to the parent or show them how they feel how will one know if the child is hurt or something like that. So as a parent it is your job to address them no matter how many times they call you over your the parent so show the child that you care about them and just communicate with them.
2. Communication is important for child guidance because it is a big step in their life. By not communicating they will shut down and not be able to come to their parent about anything. One does not want that to happen to their child. As a parent or guardian it is your job to open to your child and help them communicate with you so they can do an even better job of it themselves. Communicating is one major factor because if they do not talk to you then what kind of communication do you have with them? That is the kind of question that not only that you ask the child but yourself also. Everyone should think that communication with your child is important because it will make one feel good about having to had talked to them. Do not be afraid as parents or as a child to talk to your family there is no harm in that I’d rather have plenty of communication then none at all their is no such thing is too much of it I learned that from my mother I can come to her and my dad about anything so as a early childhood education teacher encourage the students to be more open with not only themselves but everyone as well.
3. How does Attentive Listening help nurture a child and a sense of belonging? It helps them see things clearer in the world. Not only that but it gives them more knowledge as to how listening is just as important as anything else that they like. Making them feel like you are listening to them is good because it is saying like okay we’ll their listening to me so he or she must of heard what I said to them. I cannot tell you how important listening is especially for a child at any age it does not matter at all, please to anyone who is having a hard time getting your child to listen there is no harm or shame for asking for help. Someone will always be willing to help those with kids. Or talk to maybe a guidance counselor or someone close to the child, children tend to open up more to people who are they really close to. Make sure that you key into their brains how important that it is to listen to themselves, teachers and also one as a parent so that way they will always have that with them along the way.
SECOND PERSON TO RESPOND TO:by Elin ShearinNumber of replies: 1
Young children communicate by engaging in self-talk at first. Eventually, they communicate with those around them. Young children tend to be physical with their communication before they have the vocabulary to talk to others. Emotions, such as anger, can be communicated by biting or hitting. As a child grows and matures, their communication matures with them.
Communication is important for child guidance because as adults it is our responsibility to prepare children to function as adults. Communication helps to develop a child’s inner control and his own sense of responsibility and respect for the rights of others. This will be very important for children as they grow up and become adults. Our textbook says, “Children learn effective skills as they watch, listen to, and interact with consistent adults who set a good example. There is more than one way to communicate with young children and if these are not positive communications, children will not grow up to become responsible and respectful adults.
Attentive listening is essentially listening with not just words, but with nonverbal gestures as well. When you listen attentively to a young children, encourages them to express themselves and to practice their language skills. Ways that you can listen attentively are by using appropriate nonverbal gestures such as nodding, smiling, and looking concerned. Also, using verbal responses that draw out and encourage the child. Finally, waiting patiently for the child to complete what they are saying and not finishing their thoughts for them is how you can be an attentive listener.

solved Please watch the following video introducing the Interview Assignment:Instructions:Scholars i

Please watch the following video introducing the Interview Assignment:Instructions:Scholars involved in the field of religious studies often interview religious practitioners in order to get a better idea of “lived religion”, or how individuals live out their religious beliefs, as it can often differ greatly from official doctrine and sacred texts. In order to get a better idea of the work done in the field of religious studies and how individuals live out their religious beliefs, you will be conducting an interview with someone who self-identifies as a practitioner of one of the traditions that we study in this course (Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, or Islam).In order to complete this assignment, you will need to:Choose an individual in your life that you would like to interview and ask him/her if they would be willing to be interviewed for your project. This could be a family member, friend, neighbor, co-worker, classmate, etc. You can also contact a local house of worship if you are interested in interviewing someone from a particular faith but don’t know anyone personally.Schedule a time for the interview that is convenient for him/her (be sure to let them know that the interview should take about 45 mns.). The interview could be conducted over phone or video-conferencing software (like skype, google hangout, zoom, etc) or done in person.Compose a list of at least 10 questions for this individual about their religious beliefs and practices. You may choose from the list of example questions listed below, or compose your own questions.Interview your subject. The interview should last about 45 mns and should focus on their religious beliefs and practices.You should record the interview in some way – if it is done in person you could either bring a notebook and write down the subject’s answers or bring an audio recorder of some type (most smartphones have this capability).Compose a 1000-word paper discussing the interview. The paper should address the following questions:Who is your interview subject? What religious tradition are they a member of? Why did you choose this individual?Describe the interview itself: what questions were asked and how did the individual respond?You will not be able to include every question and answer, so focus on the responses that were most interesting to youThis should not be a transcript of the interview, but a summary of the questions you asked and how the subject responded to them.Include one quotation from one of the readings that we did for your interview subject’s religion. The quotation should be used to illustrate something that was made clearer when conducting the interview, or something that contradicted what your interview subject. Describe your subject’s demeanor: Did he/she seem nervous? Did they enjoy speaking about their religious beliefs? Had they ever spoken about them before to another person? Which aspect of their religious beliefs did they seem to enjoy speaking about the most? The least?Did you learn anything new about the religious tradition that your subject practices? You should also include a paragraph about your own response to the interview: did you learn something new about this person? Was it interesting to learn about his/her religious beliefs/practices? Were any of their answers surprising or not?Turn in your list of interview questions along with your paper.I recommend that you get started on setting up your interview as soon as possible as scheduling can often take longer than you think!Example Questions:How and why did you become a member of this religious tradition?If you grew up in this religious tradition, was there a time that you decided to commit yourself independently to this tradition?Do you perform any daily (or weekly, monthly, etc) religious rituals?How long have you performed this ritual?Do you believe in a higher power?How do you describe this higher power? Or higher reality?How does your religious tradition view American society?Who is allowed to be an authority figure in your religious tradition?How does your religion influence your daily life?Are there particular texts or narratives in your religious tradition that are particularly important to you?Have your religious beliefs changed over the course of your life?Were there particular times during your life when you were more or less involved with your religion?Have you ever had a religious experience that changed the way you lived your life?How does your religion conceive of ‘the good life’?How does your religious tradition view the issue of gender? Does it promote gender equality?Are there any aspects of your religious tradition (ethical teachings, rituals) that you disagree with or would like to see changed?What do you think will happen to your religious tradition in a hundred years? Do you think it will grow, diminish, or change in any way?How do you view members of other religious traditions or those without any religion at all?Has your religion provided you with comfort/solace during these uncertain times (in regards to coronavirus outbreak)? Do you think that living through this outbreak will change the way you view your religion? Or change your religious tradition at all?

solved Ted Bundy & Jeffery DahmerIntroduction: child hood stories-Bundy was born

Ted Bundy & Jeffery DahmerIntroduction: child hood stories-Bundy was born at a home for unwed mothers in Burlington, Vermont, on November 24, 1946. He remained there for two months after his birth. His mother, Eleanor Louise Cowell, known as Louise, considered placing her baby up for adoption, but her father, Sam Cowell, apparently wanted the baby to join the family in Philadelphia. There, Bundy, then known as Theodore Cowell, began life thinking Louise was his sister, not his mother.-Bundys aunt woke up to find her toddler nephew placing knives near her sleeping-bundy experienced physical or psychological abuse at the hands of his grandfather and his mother did as well which was though to be his sister-Bundy’s childhood may have been filled with troubles, but it was during his teenage years that his true deviances began to show. By his late teens, Bundy had been caught peeping through windows and shoplifting. Around the same time, he fell in love with a young woman who didn’t return his advancesBundy clamed “At the time, I was a normal 14-year-old-boy. I did not wander the streets late at night. I did not steal cars. I had absolutely no desire to harm anyone. I was just an average kid.”-Dahmer’s childhood was not without problems. His mother, Joyce Dahmer, suffered from depression and attempted suicide. His father, preoccupied with his doctoral work, was largely absent-Jeffrey resented him as a competitor for their parents’ scant attention. Between the time Jeffrey was 6 and 8 years old, his family moved frequently before finally settling in Bath, Ohio, where Jeffrey lived until he graduated from high school.-Dahmers parents ended in a messy divorce, accusing his father David of allegations of “extreme cruelty and gross neglect of duty.”-his mother suffered with mental-health issuesBody#1: their mental Mental healthDahmer was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, schizotypal personality disorder, and a psychotic disorder, Dahmer was found to be legally sane at his trial-Bundy refers to himself as “the entity” and “the organism” despite insisting he did not suffer from schizophrenia and had “normal chromosomes.”-Bundy had antisocial personality disorder, which is where the term psychopathy originates from.-Bundys condone was way more serious than the normal disorder which is a known psychopath, as psychopaths tend to have more severe cases of antisocial personality disorder-These situations where the individual does not take into consideration other’s feelings and have the inability to behave and feel the same way as a ‘normal’ person, in the sense of not being able to love or build meaningful and healthy relationships with peopleBody#2: How they got caughtBundy was fist convicted and sentenced to 15 years in -Bundy escaped a total of two times from prison –Bundy, who sliced the heads off at least 12 of his victims, had sex with the corpses of others, ate his victims’ flesh and kept their body parts at home, moaned: “I thought I was going to die every night the first few days I was in jail back in October of 1975. I was scared to death, daily. I thought they were going to kill me.”—-Body#3: who represented them in court / what they were being accused of-Gerry Boyle, lawyer who represented Jeffrey Dahmer, facing bank foreclosure on his Mequon home-Dahmer was accused and convicted of 15 of the 16 murders he had committed in Wisconsin, and was sentenced to 15 terms of life imprisonment on February 15, 1992-Bundy began his spree of raping, torturing, and killing women in at least seven states, including Washington. The first time he was caught was in Utah in August 1975. Bundy was convicted of attempted kidnapping and sentenced to 15 years in prison-. bundy was extradited to Colorado to face charges there but escaped twice.-Bundy began his spree of raping, torturing, and killing women in at least seven states resulting in the death of 30 women-Ted Bundy chose to represent himself but was assisted by a court-appointed attorney named Margaret Good, -Bundy confessed to murdering 30 women in the 1970s when he was about 30 years old This took place between 1974 and 1978Bundy hinted in his final taped confessions his victims may have numbered in the thousandsConclusion: how they died/ life behind bars-Ted Bundy was on Florida State Prison’s Death Row.-while bundy was pending death in the electric chair, Bundy said: “It’s an eye for an eye — it’s no deterrent. It does not and never will restore any measure of compensation to the victim’s family or the state.”-Bundy was finally executed by electric chair in 1989 for the murder of 12-year-old Kimberly Leach, who he killed one month after slaying Lisa Levy and Margaret Bowman at Florida State University in the late ’70s.——References:

solved Instructions: Scholars involved in the field of religious studies often

Scholars involved in the field of religious studies often interview religious practitioners in order to get a better idea of “lived religion”, or how individuals live out their religious beliefs, as it can often differ greatly from official doctrine and sacred texts. In order to get a better idea of the work done in the field of religious studies and how individuals live out their religious beliefs, you will be conducting an interview with someone who self-identifies as a practitioner of one of the traditions that we study in this course (Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, or Islam).
In order to complete this assignment, you will need to:

Choose an individual in your life that you would like to interview and ask him/her if they would be willing to be interviewed for your project. This could be a family member, friend, neighbor, co-worker, classmate, etc. You can also contact a local house of worship if you are interested in interviewing someone from a particular faith but don’t know anyone personally.
Schedule a time for the interview that is convenient for him/her (be sure to let them know that the interview should take about 45 mns.). The interview could be conducted over phone or video-conferencing software (like skype, google hangout, zoom, etc) or done in person.
Compose a list of at least 10 questions for this individual about their religious beliefs and practices. You may choose from the list of example questions listed below, or compose your own questions.
Interview your subject. The interview should last about 45 mns and should focus on their religious beliefs and practices.

You should record the interview in some way – if it is done in person you could either bring a notebook and write down the subject’s answers or bring an audio recorder of some type (most smartphones have this capability).

Compose a 1000-word paper discussing the interview. The paper should address the following questions:

Who is your interview subject? What religious tradition are they a member of? Why did you choose this individual?
Describe the interview itself: what questions were asked and how did the individual respond?

You will not be able to include every question and answer, so focus on the responses that were most interesting to you
This should not be a transcript of the interview, but a summary of the questions you asked and how the subject responded to them.

Include one quotation from one of the readings that we did for your interview subject’s religion. The quotation should be used to illustrate something that was made clearer when conducting the interview, or something that contradicted what your interview subject.
Describe your subject’s demeanor: Did he/she seem nervous? Did they enjoy speaking about their religious beliefs? Had they ever spoken about them before to another person? Which aspect of their religious beliefs did they seem to enjoy speaking about the most? The least?
Did you learn anything new about the religious tradition that your subject practices?
You should also include a paragraph about your own response to the interview: did you learn something new about this person? Was it interesting to learn about his/her religious beliefs/practices? Were any of their answers surprising or not?

Turn in your list of interview questions along with your paper.

I recommend that you get started on setting up your interview as soon as possible as scheduling can often take longer than you think!
Example Questions:

How and why did you become a member of this religious tradition?

If you grew up in this religious tradition, was there a time that you decided to commit yourself independently to this tradition?

Do you perform any daily (or weekly, monthly, etc) religious rituals?

How long have you performed this ritual?

Do you believe in a higher power?

How do you describe this higher power? Or higher reality?

How does your religious tradition view American society?
Who is allowed to be an authority figure in your religious tradition?
How does your religion influence your daily life?
Are there particular texts or narratives in your religious tradition that are particularly important to you?
Have your religious beliefs changed over the course of your life?
Were there particular times during your life when you were more or less involved with your religion?
Have you ever had a religious experience that changed the way you lived your life?
How does your religion conceive of ‘the good life’?
How does your religious tradition view the issue of gender? Does it promote gender equality?
Are there any aspects of your religious tradition (ethical teachings, rituals) that you disagree with or would like to see changed?
What do you think will happen to your religious tradition in a hundred years? Do you think it will grow, diminish, or change in any way?
How do you view members of other religious traditions or those without any religion at all?
Has your religion provided you with comfort/solace during these uncertain times (in regards to coronavirus outbreak)?
Do you think that living through this outbreak will change the way you view your religion? Or change your religious tradition at all? 

solved Assignment: Student Worksheet: Analyzing a Journal Article (100 points)(Please give

Assignment: Student Worksheet: Analyzing a Journal Article (100 points)(Please give at least a 2-4 sentence response for each question. Please label the step and the letter). In the article, ignore the graphs or statistics but focus on the word content and what is understandable. Expect to read the article 3 times. Now, answer these questions:Step 1. What is the title of the journal article, names of the authors, name of the journal in which it was published, volume, number and name? Please write in an APA format. (10 points)Last name of author, First initial of author, Middle initial of author. (Year). Title of the article. Name of the journal, volume (number), page numbers.Reference Citation (APA Format): Glass, K., and Flory, K. (2020). Are symptoms of ADHD related to substance use among college students? Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 12(3), 233-249.Please attach your article from PsyArticles with this worksheet or you may use a link (10 points)Step 2. What is the purpose/hypothesis/aim/objective of the study? Write down the exact statement in which the authors describe what they were testing. (Hint: This information may be provided in the article as a purpose statement or as a hypothesis). Include quotation marks around the exact wording and indicate page number(s). Please give at least a 2-4 sentence response (5 points) For citing information (APA Format)For one author with a quotation: Warren (2020) reported that “over 2,000 stem cells are available for research” (p. 722).For more than one author with a quotation: Warren et al. (2020) reported that “over 2,000 stem cells are available for research” (p. 722).If summarizing an idea from your article: Eliminate quotation marks and page numbers: Stem cells are currently available for research (Warren, 2020).b. Now describe the purpose of the study (as you understand it) in your own words. Please give at least a 2-4 sentence response (5 points)c. What was the “gap” in the research that the authors were trying to fill by doing their study? Please use your own words. Please give at least a 2-4 sentence response (5 points)Step 3. What is/are the major finding(s) of the study? a. Make some notes about the authors’ major conclusions or findings as written in the article. Include quotation marks whenever you use their exact wording and indicate page number(s). Please use your own words and APA citation format Please give at least a 2-4 sentence response (5 points)b. Now write those conclusions (as you understand them) in your own words. Please give at least a 2-4 sentence response (5 points)Step 4. How did the authors test their hypothesis? a. Who were the participants? Were they paid? Try to explain in your own words as much as possible. Please give at least a 2-4 sentence response (5 points)b. What test/s (measures) did they use? How did the authors analyze their data (procedures)? Please use your own words. Please give at least a 2-4 sentence response (5 points)c. Do the authors suggest any problems or limitations with their methodology? Do you see any problems or limitations with their methodology? Please use your own words. Please give at least a 2-4 sentence response (5 points)Step 5. How reliable are the results? a. What are the results? Do authors suggest any problems with the study that could lead to unreliable results? Please use your own words. Please give at least a 2-4 sentence response (5 points)Step 6. Based on your analysis, are the claims made in this journal article accurate? a. What is the conclusion(s)? Do the conclusions made (about the results) by the author make sense to you? Are the conclusions too broad or too narrow based on what was done in the study? Please use your own words. Please give at least a 2-4 sentence response (5 points)b. Based on the accuracy of the methodology and the reliability of the results; do you think the conclusions can be believed? Please give at least a 2-4 sentence response (5 points)Step 7. What is the importance of this scientific work?a. Write (in your own words) the significant contributions of the experimental work in this journal article as reported by the authors. Please give at least a 2-4 sentence response (5 points)b. Re-read your notes and explain why you think this is a strong or weak scientific study Please give at least a 2-4 sentence response (5 points)Step 8. What is the most important bit of information that you learned about yourself as a learner, writer, or researcher? Please explain Please give at least a 2-4 sentence response (5 points)Step 9. After reading your journal article, do you now feel more prepared in having the skills to recognize research bias and to critically think about, analyze and apply the information that you have learned? Why or why not, please explain? Please give at least a 2-4 sentence response (5 points)Step 10. Do you feel better prepared to apply basic scientific principles such as theory, hypothesis, correlational research -naturalistic observation, lab observation, case study, survey – and experimental research to understand the meaning of data that you might hear or read about? Please explain. Please give at least a 2-4 sentence response (5 points)

solved This is DB question:In the previous module, we learned how

This is DB question:In the previous module, we learned how to drive better business decisions and identify pain points by constructing the data culture through business intelligence. We learned that the next vital step to help drive the data culture is understanding the critical position and capacity building throughout the readings, such as Chapter 16 of DAMA-DMBOK 2: “Data Management Organization and Role Expectations.” Learning the different operating models can help organizations establish roles, responsibilities, and decision-making processes. People can use the operating model to assist when collaborating with functions. In a DataVersity article on developing key roles in an analytics team, the critical roles that are essential to drive the data culture were discussed.As you think about your current organization or the organization you are learning more about within this group project, consider which operating model is suitable for the organization and what roles you would add to help drive the data culture successfully.Requirements:The Discussion Board (DB) prompts are meant to stimulate your early thinking about our weekly topics.  Take these seriously and don’t fall behind as these are time limited.  To receive full credit (2 points) you must do the following:Provide a written response (typically, about 100 words) After you have posted, comment (typically, about 100 words) on at least one fellow student’s DB submission 
ReadingsDAMA-DMBOK2 Chap16: DM Organization & Roles Expectations (Sections 1,2,3,4, &7)Michelle Knight’s blog (2020) What is DBA?(Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)Solar Winds (2015) Infographic: Captain DBA to the Rescue (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)Amber Lee Dennis Blog (2020) Scaling the Analytics Team: Developing Key Roles (Links to an external site.)
Post 1
Please choose one of my classmate posts and write a comment:First one:This is a great prompt that made me reflect quite a bit! After some thought I feel that a centralized operating model will work best for the organization I am learning more about. The main reason is that this model will help establish a formal executive position for data management or data governance. I discovered that there is no person in this current role therefore many initiatives around data don’t progress because the lack of accountability and management. I would establish a role such as President of Data Management and Technology. This person would oversee the majority of the work but working in partnership with Vice President of Data and a Vice President of IT. By having a central person and advisors guiding him it will allow for more cohesiveness. In addition I would establish managers under each VP that will help support their goals. Finally, I would establish a committee of multiple stakeholders that will help guide and also support the work that the President will have to do. This committee will be composed of different individuals who have a different stake in the organization. By having data at the center of many conversations, decisions, initiatives, policies, etc. then it will hopefully push for a more organized, centralized, data driven culture in the organization.Second one:The group that I am a part of is working with the Regional Learning Collaborative (RLC) which is a relatively small organization and fairly new. Due to their young age and lack of formal processes, I think a Decentralized Operating Model or the Network Operating Model would fit the company best where they are currently at. While there is technically an existing hierarchy at the RLC with an Executive and Assistant Director, all staff members regardless of title/position have their hands on the data in some capacity. Additionally, many team members work collaboratively on projects so I think it may be difficult at first to pin specific people as “data owners”. The Network Operating Model, using the RACI matrix, may prove beneficial for the RLC so that there is some accountability among staff. Additionally, these two decentralized operating models offer a quick set-up which is currently necessary for the RLC since there are many other data governance-related tasks they need to address while keeping up with their day-to-day business and trying not to overwork their staff.Eventually, as the organization expands, both in terms of team members and data processing, the organization will likely have to move into a more centralized operating model such as the Hybrid Operating Model so there is clear accountability and data ownership. However, a Data Management Center of Excellence would need to be established for that which would require increased staffing and funds which I am not sure will be available to the RLC. Since there is not currently a formalized data warehouse or storage system, the RLC would need to hire people to fill several IT roles such as Data Architect and Database Administrator to ensure smooth functionality of the new data warehouse once it is established. By formalizing a data warehouse and hiring the staff to build and maintain it, I think this would help drive the RLC’s growing data culture.

solved Background: Mrs. C is a 67-year-old woman who was diagnosed

Background: Mrs. C is a 67-year-old woman who was diagnosed as having non-resectable colon cancer six months ago. When that diagnosis was made, it was clear that the patient would eventually die but it was, understandably, not clear exactly when. This is the most recent of several admissions from a nearby nursing home for episodes of sepsis (infection) believed to be secondary to the entrance of bacteria through the friable colon cancer. On admission, the patient’s general health appeared to be poor. Mrs. C looked emaciated with generalized edema (swelling) and skin excoriation (abrasions). She could not move her legs and had only gross motor movement of her upper extremities secondary to severe spinal disease. Mrs. C communicated mainly by head movements such as nodding.The patient was given antibiotics and steroids for treatment of the sepsis and made a “full code” based upon discussions with her. She said that she wished to be resuscitated should the need arise – she wanted “everything done.” Three days after admission the patient developed acute shortness of breath and a chest X-ray led to a differential diagnosis of congestive heart failure vs. pulmonary embolism. Mrs. C also developed acute GI bleeding believed to be secondary to the colon cancer. Over the next few days, diagnostic tests gave no additional insight into the patient’s condition and Mrs. C continued to become lethargic and confused. (This could be accounted for in several ways including possible brain metastases from the cancer.) Her oxygenation was poor. Thus, she was intubated and admitted to the ICU.The patient also developed a pleural effusion and further malignancy was suspected. She became septic and pneumonia was thought to be the likely culprit. The daughter, Jane, was asked what the medical team should do and she, like her mother upon admission, requested that “everything be done.”Over the next few days aggressive vasopressor therapy was begun to try and offset her dropping blood pressure. Nevertheless, pressure continued to drop and ranged between 30-40 systolic on maximum vasopressor therapy. Over the next 24 hours, the patient became anuric and developed massive generalized edema. She was oozing serous fluid from her skin and other puncture sites.Dr. Smith called the ethics consultation service.Dr. Smith: Dr. Smith, believing in the concept of a “good death,” would like to stop all aggressive treatment at this point and is extremely uncomfortable with the fact the Mrs. C’s daughter is asking “for everything” to be done. She would like to stop the vasopressors and when Mrs. C arrests (which Dr. Smith thinks will be within a day or two), she would like to not code her, i.e., make her DNR. Dr. Smith is treating the sepsis and doesn’t strongly feel one way or another about that although she would just as soon stop all antibiotics. Dr. Smith really doesn’t want to extubate the patient. She thinks that the patient would die very quickly thereafter, and she would feel like she had “killed” her even though she knows that isn’t true ethically. She is also conflicted about the patient dying while in her care since it might reflect on her skill as a physician. (She is concerned about her “batting average.”)Jane – Patient’s daughter: Jane wants to give her mother every chance to recover. She says, “She’s a fighter and has pulled through these hospitalizations before.” People keep asking her what her mother would want. When her mother was first admitted, she said she wanted everything done. So, Jane cannot understand why people keep asking her this question. Jane doesn’t want to make her mother suffer any more than is necessary if there is absolutely no hope. But, when this becomes the case she doesn’t want the health care team to do anything that is painful to her mother. She asks, “Shouldn’t my mother get the stuff that doesn’t hurt, e.g., medications, food and water, etc?”Assignment: You are the bioethicist called to respond to the consult request. Your hospital, Northridge General, has no explicit futility policy. The hospital policy manual contains a statement that physicians are not obligated to provide futile treatment. However, the hospital’s preferred approach is clearly consensus decision making with the family. Please write an ethics review of this case. Your review should consist of two parts:(1) An assessment of the ethical issues at stake in this case. What are the issues in this case and how would you analyze them? Whose rights and interests are in tension? You should consider in your deliberations the full range of ethical concerns presented by this case, including those pertinent to Mrs. C, Jane, Dr. Smith and Northridge Central. Insights gleaned from class readings, handouts and discussions should be evident in your assessment.(2) Your recommendation to Dr. Smith and Northridge General as to how to proceed in this particular case. You are free to consider in your recommendations an immediate resolution of the case at hand as well as potential recommendations for how the hospital ought to handle potential, future similar cases from an ethics perspective.